irg fila n d ] T...

T irgfiland] T w in F alfi S .F fem 6 n ; W oodR ivt : ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By P.Y. CHEN I Ut^tedPnssInteTDBtkc After his plane was missiles, o w lhe Sea « pilot of Korean Air Ui ---------shouted la his Bnal-n thatJbe.flJiw»ftJ»adJo cabiQ pressure, a voice ....... .. -Masuml Suxotir a voli ---------Btodieil'tbs flnuhsecood tram c trom the JeUloer. bdd tbe Tokyo ccntroj engfnes. Rapid decompr Tbe message cajDe ab after tbe Soviet pDotfl* Jet told his grauDd c target wg^degtnged,? radio transcrlpST • -—Hw-plape was ---------- -A-U;S.-TrarabIp«idai cniiaer came wtthlo yards of each other—j a log dlstaDce” — as tbe Intensified rival aein plane'a tdack iMxmgliti Protesting tbe SovMt ( --------- p l a M r t b e ^ t e Def>art vlet Foreign Mlnli Gromyko be could not u nlfltw o r land a t a coanni wtienbeiuestoth^Ufllt - v«ek:to address the J Assembly. Grom^ wm bei^ ______‘‘speidal mght" - aJmU ^leclfM mllitaiy flilrba . , , tbePentagon. I , Id Montreal, an emerj . of tbe Intiffnattncial C OrgaalzatloQ passed a tbe Inddent. calUog fo ttflnaHnwaHgatloPofth for ICAO review of Its i prevent similar Incident ___ ___ Hiai^uOgn*a8M _______ Tte. nnalyglB-jJUte radio transmlsdio) to based on a detailed ra -----------------^ S o o P L A tlK a il McCi oppos ------ - ByCTEVECREEN- UnitedPresslatena -------L ------ BOISE ~ Sea_Jj said Friday a surve) ------------- Ws-staff-todlcates-n of tbe state’s popul) want Congress to dj ditlonal Idaho land a: ----------------GonservaUoo-Ieac tlie «nVey’ calling 11 saying McClure ^ questions about wb( the fi.S milUon roac ________ Idaho’s natlooal fon g i \ ^ wilderness des: McClure, a Rqxil] _______ percent of the 13.6671 bis survey supporte 00 more forest land 1 ' while ^1 percent fa designating alxKit 4.5 as wilderness. McQure said tbe: yifl a nu =1=3 =B5ittci-m.Juiypra attract opinJpns from use in his project to _________ neffl^IegWattomJW edged tbat the que: botaocientiflcsurve: ___________“ ClUie Informatk general pubUc has b 00 bow many acre should be deslgnaU —ne^ba8ald.=^ He said tbe survey public is polarized which p ^ e ls tt pmented during tb ____ _ hftHringB h e cODducti State In August ---------------TKprtpBBSrifflSS acreage at its curre most popular of fou - ori the questlooalre gasted by various ag - . mining groups, these j’.i ] • X* J fl T I m F T Valle Is 0 I W in iht 22 Gob t/er Of I Glen . 7811 DS— S a g e I 2a I aWjiner im tioaal’ as hit by Soviet » ofl tbe U n s mght'OOT ~ I --------- IJost-power and )ice analyst said voia expert who ier,lsald tbe pilot t ^ tower. “All , opresslon.” I about 43 seconds n to downed tbe 1 cootrol, •'Tbo d,^^-accotiIllng to ot’dOwnSept 1, ant ------------------- l a Soviet missile— In hundreds of H almost “shout- be two countries sircbes for the !dtrecorders. I «t downing of the ' lartment-toU-So^ — Inister Andrei ^useanAeroOot [nroc!C!^-akportl— roitarstatmiraPT^^^I te U.N...Geoenil mowed'td'uw'a ( military plane- laDdzatrHnrmE^dz::^^! rbosesdected^^^^H tergency meeting I 1 ClvU Aviation I a resolution on [ for an interna- ifihatragwfe.wd I its procedures to T 'lii lents. •* ■** passed 26-2. ________ ibe pitof-B^IfB5l'"{..... to T«*yo was"} radio transcript »pa«BA2,-----------1 ------------ ''Aure: Ido >sing wile ------------------------McCIur TBaUoaal mltted to thefutun - J uiiiea McClur B na^nalH vey roiKliytwl tiy of Idatw i rm onrtoirtalf—eredJ^he pulallon dora not . ..yvj,llo sclenllllc toidera-jUjcked— adcedlhe wrong ci^sal( wliether some of 167respondents to »rtedcl5^ating □daswUderoess, conservai tavo^ a plnn jorsedlt. :<.5mllUonaciKi - ^ 3^ be sunJey, latan imalledlo219,«7 rvey. WUdllK alion_from _.the._were noti IS been available Ford a icres they think notdlstril uted as wilder- “A lot vey indicates tbe be said. * Bd on tbe issue, the issue the tesUmony decision.’ the four public Some I ucted arouod tbe regponde* Tent levd — tbe was wroi tour alternatives between Ire-^ waa aig- wUdemet agricuHininuxr^muiUpJe^ esenatorsaid. areas. leyT d n d ^ .6 bdih^li sniis F e i^ l2 3 i ■8th year, No. 260 'letong ride ~ take a hoi»6badtttp^ travels with two d ^ tw aHoans 'demess lure-sald'be-Temainscom*— , to a balanced approach to ure management of Idaho's ftHorestSr^^AU-of-tbe-oeeds— 5oTmBn)rcaitiuU»"d>b5Id:— lile - it-Is by no moans a ilc questionalre, tbe results i very hdpful in guiding my foftbraimTngTTareg— »ment legialatlon,” Mc- }aid. ' 0 -Conservation. .League--! ir Pat Ford blasted tbe sur^ I on’t know what tbe survey ; I,” Ford said. “The proposal ; the 4.5 million acres. No ' vation organization e n * ' r lit." . -• ' ! survey said 21 percent of the .; idents favored designating ' Ulion acres as wlldenwss. \ lA-satd— ttiat-proposal—was— ^ ■tM-by-the-iaaho- Wildlife ^ jtlon, but Ford said, "In ' no conservation organiza- pport-dit;” ------------ ----- —^ life Federation offldals.: Qt available for commenL - i' 1 also said the survey was , tributedextensivelyenough. ' lot of conservatluilsts I ’ to dld-notgBt-tbe-wrvey^U- i “McClure did not present, }ue (or people to make a •n.” e 82 percent of thoee who^ ded to tbe poll favored lemse planning- for oon-| BEsarareus. -But F o rt « d d i t;-: Tong to make a-distlQCtloal - m multlple^ise, ' non-: ness areas . aod ... aoo<i „ jwiser-^lTO^SBasnjaB;-' Minlco13 Skyline9 J^ronie 40 Marsh VaU n.r ' p t i to-C ht^' SchO^-wbo— two mulea and ooe ‘Lebanese jMosk I ByJACKREDDEN " ^ t/fl/tedPrtgsXoternatto ' I ■ BEIRUT, Leliaiioii - I exchanged fire with M ^ -rHurnttacklng-tfa«d^ . Beirut alrpoH~TWd , i first llme in seven yea , : bombed rebel artiller; r hills cast of tbe capital. ........ were reported in tbe a between tbe U.S. troop: . _ _shilte Moslem mUJtlx Bhoiifng of the Bril _ compound wbere tbe , i malnSIraTempOraiyo I ^ «*g/»niptifiri in tbe _ aniid_rep<yts__. ^ , i Gemayel bad accepted ., i an pr^wsal for a cea: J tbe Chrlstian-jed go' , ! arm y nnd tbe Moslem I : I American military ^ i arriving to shore iqi ; i army in ita battle agal , . rebels. ------ - „ One Xebanese Hi fighter was downed t ___ ^anolber. damaged durii ~T attacks on’_, D i u » _ >: Palestinian units trylnj j_ strategic village of So 1 , tbe moimialns Beirut. Tlw Marines ope ^automatic weapens-n Shiite m iU tlai^ be I their positions with nu rocket-prr^ed grew said. The gunbattle wt L_ thMtwohyi^ ___ tj-- - -Tebels tatlwaBafrooi II - ' mortar barrage that h Defense Ministry, muc •1.. and came jvttUn .lpt 1)“' "temporary -------- V3r I U.S. Embassy otQo J boused in tbe British < ^Npjrt Uey 12” WW TwlnFalls. !w e planes aci ems att the old Uona/ . . stroyed: ------------------------- ^Aprilr- - U.S. Marines - In tbe Moslem guerril- said fie hractloStS—S SS strafed and gressan ery units in the At tt ll. Secretar urine:rcasualUe»rt=rGudlflr= airport flrefi^t t>een le ips and suspected fIghUng. tiamen or from . needed f ritlsb Embassy • ••for Inten e U^Embas^ The al be flghting came_ -nohterB resident - Amin • “S^niPrv ^aSaudiAnibl- iase-flre between forees a joveroment and iheimve arebels. “ . y sumlies were tp tbe Ldwiese artUl^ alnst the iioalem- grou^ --------------------------attaac— Hawter Hunter I by gunflre and ring the air force ^ } M(Sein~a53 Ing to capture'tbe SynanH: Souk al-Ohazh in offensiv naiauQiBast-of— one'oi •r -Huntera pened q> with mountal -wfaeo-sa^>ected-~ UierLeta began firing on Tlie p nachine guns aod was tak •nades. witnesses Iwb 'Ji£ went on for more Marine died lat iblttbeLdb^e aged ai udi Of east Beirut palrsat LOO yards of tbe in m 1«8 bave been Tlie * 1 compound since tloetbi dBsoa§5^^ tlio rth Genri2" ~~ mas Gouri^ 6 3. Idaho' fl Twin F U s oo FrMay ^DiCTwfiSe’ l i r ^ - b e - h. ztivated lack U Id embassy building was < xi: in a tenori^. bombl^ b the late evening, Beirut rs( fierce fighting was underw d-armyi)osltk»s4hreatenod- rutd'and Palestinians oear So arbvlt-Baid-i'Battks-are'ln-pi aod tbe army ts resM l^^' tbe United ~ N a t ^ U. tary-Gdieral Javier Pen^' ir=fleid=lBO.(KlOrJiebane6e.-.b left bomdess by the lati og. He said $10 milliODin aid « d for tbe refugees and appeal leroBtiooal bdo; ............. ........ I air strikes by the Lebanese 'saO^etUMSTdHawkerHantcr irsrwera-dlrected-at-tbe Dn a v emplacements In ttie ^ ^ the Druze and Paiestia 9 advancing oo Souk al-Gfao fvemroentsald. le warplanes knodced out bosi Try ffllHn g ^O*'^ n httrh nnri I id troops launched a coun lc,to purge,, thfl n»glnn,” I jHffannysaW.-.■ ------------- ding Souk al-Ohart) is coos to the governmet se—of—Bdrut-'against ^.i n-badced Druze and Palestin *lve- , rofttie-ar fotce^flve Hawi its wasj'hlt during raids oo i tains’' aod cradied in tbe b itWW'.'W A iw j aAlJ. ' > plane’s pilot parachuted t by bdlcopter. to-.tbe I, Jlma off tbe Beirut -Qoast, le qwkMmao said. ‘Ite pi later in a Beirut boqsital tr iluuical lujucies. ^ ^ vnw df and underwent emergency at tbe British airiMse of Akro »utt>em.--CyptM9.-_a . Brit } alr'irtrikes marked tbe fi tbe I^ebapese air face has • G asdefpn : M urtiugh ~ O a k le y f 5. -^R aftR iv e /•-— r 1 For:peop L ea< b cn < By MARY BETH FR^ UnitedPressInternal . i J'WASHINGTON.-^:) ------ Raymood-Donov«v F rid ^ the administr 18-monlb ejrtensioa unemployment com - —^^dWIHTl fiscal re^WQSibilityai But senators . _ DemocraUc le a ^ 1 -West'-Virglala -and _ quate. _________ Committee Cbairm R-Kan., endorsed tt tbere “are certain U we can go, de^it( expressed by some pe ..... However, Byrd and _ adminlstrathrn plan ____ hecauseJtJrouIdlB .. imtim number of wee present jobless progn ~ b ^ n t s forTesfllhan- Tbe current feden compensatl<m progn Congress last year, ea Donovan said the _ _QfferedJ5y_the.Admla - - In- Uw weA. woult employment progran predictability while sl hitmpn iviatg ** It would continue i ~ ' undor,^tbe i>lan. 'we y e v ’s dectfcms. aj — -number-of-weeks- “ beneflts-7trom tbe“ c 14-week range to six tl --------- "AnlS-montb exta gram would acknow! past recesskms, that is llkdy to decrease J 5^— —this-period of~the-*< •i- ery,” be said. Tbe FSC program V f In -September 1982 r ~ " exieb&a twice:'So fi B— -govornmfflt nUnistratkm’s propos _I anolherJ3.3blUlon. I.S. Ma IS de* jiast rS m SJ? - —f^O BASSr rsd^ «i-by---------- •Souk U.N. lealed ssealr 1/4 mite tojet— ^ Druze--------- moun- mB ainlin----------^------ -- E S ifaarb, Igg IH ndthe--------- -IH 3unter ................. MBm .........B sosld- |H nent’s __________■ i -the- — fttSrM ffrtnra Aiolaa gunfire w/tfiyi awker------ --------------- oothe e sea, __________ H || d an^^^ e USS IW BSt, a ................. I pikit I trom action .since iam at ----------- naUon’s dvU-war.-T I dam- — cy re- of Beirut abport Tb krotiri OperaUng firom a tr 3riUsh on U» coastal highw ftfthnrflpimi__ B Brst ~ ‘The'i*dlIog aM' ateen dded with leoocto i: •'■I^Bed hO Filei r-— ' -^See-< erO—; lortP 5-1-1 ______ Z I .............................. " Satun ole outofwc d e r s < c f i t p i ElANKUN r --------- ' Si -LaborSecretary , — m^d::Congn»B8------- triUon’s prqxned , , .-BOI rbaiaacebetwwu" /' S SS —inasaS" • RoberLByrd qf_ d Arien Spector, -.-3, I tbe plan, aayli5~ ~ limits to bow far idSpectorsaldtbe “™®S m is inadequate TcduceUtbe^max" edts of-compensa- -™™:] ig-to-ins»ove-the— --W }^ jram that provides ii'40percttt-o{-the— — jral siQiplemental ■■®®5|1® pram, enacted by expires S q > t 30. w proposal, first : ^ iinirtrattoeariler_ ■ old ^ve tbe un- rTrSS am conUnuity and latrUdngatialaoce junUl March 1 » ivell .beyMi|l' n ^ . " and' red^ ^ a—avaflal^ifor— - ctto current ej^MO* • uM^yr ctoioweeks. 3 tension of the pro- • -S S k rwledge, tfflWfd on lat uoemploymait a gradually during ^ ecooomlc recov- basic um Ihirtei 1 was first enacted oensattoj 3 and bas been ?<I3«Mvie -wntnn—*nw ml-—WiifVJp Msal would added • 9 irine po iPliPi yiie/rtffas- B l It the height of the -Tbaair Ictfoe’B s u — --Tteri uxa weifl flown out.^tfatbnr niursday and were approvt makeshift airstrip tng for twaiy 20 miles north bostillU d“Wr strikes coin- armya: I progress In d^»lo> factioa ido 46“ e r2 ---------------------------- e c th e r sc ores „Pages;D l7:2~:: 7 25^ turday,Soptember17,1983 , uork ---------- - a r g u e » la n s V - SinMlojoks BOgB (UP1>^-^ Idaho’s " ‘uSsy^oM^^ lonomlsts sidd PMdiyi'' “K-tbere-is liMUp- anagenunt. . . Ibe Department of c!^o(tbe«oitlocAiQl9H -1— - ita, trf T.4 -pigew>lr^aM -«»-^— r : "■— ^ ent wm shift in u e i you a r e . e going to m grov^ and •. In all ladustries," ■ | •.HyersakL i :: ! states now provide 26_wee?a-fll_____ :unenmloyment benefits. Irieen wedks of addlUooal cdm- atk» are available uoOer the aided bepefltB’^_prpgraia but _ aneeluriadktloos ^ liagslapa, 1 TG ^SlO aa P o^TU co — ^ - SeeJOBLESSonPagoA2 ositions ^ _________ ' slm//s./aiK/ near Brtnsnl __ _ ...... ~ __________________________ Wl"*** arUy houses U.S, - --- W Lobenese aircraft -^bomb V ri artiUery wilts \ Jceffortstoacbieveacease-flre. ae rigbtM Voice of Lebancnadta __ _ roved a ^ « a “Arabiah“^ <ill-' •“ for an immediate b u t to a l l . • tUiUesand superviskn of tbe truce..' !;PtMtralJ>b^w»Jto ly imd rqireseoiSivca^ ;; ; • I

Transcript of irg fila n d ] T...

Page 1: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

T i r g f i l a n d ]

T w i n F a l f i

S . F f e m 6 n

; W o o d R i v t


^ h i p

e n g a

a t s e^ S w e k m g M

By P. Y. CHEN I Ut^tedPnssInteTDBtkc

After his plane was missiles, o w lhe Sea « pilot of Korean Air Ui

---------shouted la his Bnal - nthatJbe.flJiw»ftJ»adJo cabiQ pressure, a voice

....... .. -Masuml Suxotir a voli---------Btodieil'tbs flnuhsecood

tram c trom the JeUloer. bdd tbe Tokyo ccntroj engfnes. Rapid decompr

Tbe message cajDe ab after tbe Soviet pDotfl* Jet told his grauDd c ta rget w g^degtng ed ,? radio transcrlpST

• -— H w-plape was

-----------A-U;S.-TrarabIp«idaicniiaer came wtthlo yards of each other—j a log dlstaDce” — as tbe Intensified rival ae in plane'a tdack iMxmgliti

Protesting tbe SovMt (---------p l a M r tb e ^ t e Def>art

v let Foreign Mlnli Gromyko be could not u nlfltw o r land a t a coanni w tienbeiuestoth^U fllt

- v«ek :to address the J Assembly.

G r o m ^ wm b e i ^ ______‘‘speidal mght" - aJmU

^ leclfM mllitaiy flilrba . , , tbePentagon. I ,

Id Montreal, an emerj . of tbe Intiffnattncial C

OrgaalzatloQ passed a tbe Inddent. calUog fo ttflnaHnwaHgatloPofth for ICAO review of Its i prevent similar Incident

___ ___ H ia i^ u O g n * a 8 M_______ T te. nnalyglB-jJUte

radio transmlsdio) to based on a detailed ra

-----------------^S ooPL A tlK a il

McCio p p o s

------ - ■ ByCTEVECREEN-United Press latena

-------L ------ BOISE ~ Sea_Jjsaid Friday a surve)

------------- Ws-staff-todlcates-nof tbe state’s popul) want Congress to dj ditlonal Idaho land a:

----------------GonservaUoo-Ieactlie «nVey’ calling 11 saying McClure ^ questions about wb( the fi.S milUon roac

________ Idaho’s natlooal fong i \ ^ wilderness des:

McClure, a Rqxil]_______ percent of the 13.6671

bis survey supporte 00 more forest land 1

' while ^1 percent fa designating alxKit 4.5 as wilderness.

McQure said t b e :yifl a nu

= 1 = 3 = B 5 ittc i-m .J u iy p ra a ttrac t opinJpns from use in his project to

_________ neffl^IegWattomJWedged tbat the que: botaocientiflcsurve:

___________“ ClUie Informatkgeneral pubUc has b 0 0 bow many acre should be deslgnaU

— n e ^ b a 8 a l d . = ^ He said tbe survey

public is polarized which p ^ e l s tt p m en ted during tb

____ _ hftHringB he cODductiState In August

---------------TKprtpBBSrifflSSacreage a t its cu rre m ost popular of fou

- ori the questlooalre gasted by various ag

- . mining groups, these

j ’ . i ] • X * J f l T I

m F T Valle I s 0 I W i n

iht 22 G ob t/er Of I Glen

• • . 7811

D S — S

a g e I

2 a IaWjiner imtioaal’

as hit by Soviet » ofl tbe U n s mght'OOT ~

I ---------IJost-power and )ice analyst said

v o ia expert who

ier,lsald tbe pilot t ^ tower. “All , opresslon.”I about 43 seconds n to downed tbe

1 cootrol, •'Tbo d,^^-accotiIllng to

ot’dOwnSept 1,a n t -------------------l a Soviet missile—In hundreds of H almost “shout- be two countries sircbes for the !dtrecorders. I « t downing of the ' lartment-toU-So^ —Inister Andrei ^useanAeroOot[nroc!C !^-akportl—r o i t a r s t a tm i r a P T ^ ^ ^ Ite U.N...Geoenil

m ow ed'td 'uw 'a ( military p la n e - laD d z a trH n rm E ^ d z ::^ ^ ! r b o s e s d e c t e d ^ ^ ^ ^ H

tergency meeting I 1 ClvU Aviation I a resolution on [ for an interna- ifihatragwfe.wd I its procedures to T ' l i i lents. •* ■**passed 26-2. ________ibe pitof-B^IfB5l'"{.....

to T«*yo w as"} radio transcript


''Aure: I d o > sin g w i le

------------------------McCIurTBaUoaal mltted to

thefu tun- J uiiiea McClurB na^nalH vey roiKliytwl tiy of Idatw i r m o n r to i r t a l f —eredJ^he pulallon dora not . ..yvj,llo



adcedlhe wrong c i ^ s a l ( wliether some of

167 respondents to » rted c l5 ^atin g □daswUderoess, conservai

t a v o ^ a plnn jorsedlt. :<.5mllUonaciKi - ^ 3^

be sunJey, latan imalledlo219,«7

rvey. WUdllKalion_from _.the._were noti IS been available Ford a icres they think notdlstril u ted as wilder- “A lot

vey indicates tbe be said. *Bd on tbe issue, the issue

the tesUmony decision.’the four public Some I

ucted arouod tbe regponde*

Tent levd — tbe was wroi tour alternatives between I r e - ^ waa a ig- wUdemet agricuHininuxr^muiUpJe^

esenatorsaid. areas.

l e y T d

n d ^ . 6

bdih^li “ s n i i s F e i ^ l 2 —

3 i■8th year, No. 260

'le tong ride~ ™

take a h o i » 6 b a d t t t p ^ travels with two d ^ tw

a H o a n s' d e m e s slure-sald'be-Temainscom*—, to a balanced approach to ure management of Idaho's ftHorestSr^^AU-of-tbe-oeeds— 5oTmBn)rcaitiuU»"d>b5Id:—

lile - it-Is by no moans a ilc questionalre, tbe results i very hdpful in guiding my

foftbraimTngTTareg— »m ent legialatlon,” Mc- }aid. '0 -Conser vation. .League--! ir Pat Ford blasted tbe sur^ I

on’t know what tbe survey ; I,” Ford said. “The proposal ;

the 4.5 million acres. No ' vation organization en* ' r lit." . -• ' ! survey said 21 percent of the .; idents favored designating ' Ulion acres as wlldenwss. \ lA-satd—ttiat-proposal—was— ■tM-by-the-iaaho- Wildlife jtlon, but Ford said, "In ' no conservation organiza-

pport-dit;” ------------ ----- — ^life Federation offldals.: Qt available for commenL - ■ i '1 also said the survey was , tributedextensivelyenough. ' lot of conservatluilsts I ’ to dld-notgBt-tbe-wrvey^U- i “ McClure did not present, }ue (or people to make a •n.”e 82 percent of thoee who ded to tbe poll favored lemse planning- for oon-| BEsarareus.-But F o r t « d d i t ; - : Tong to make a-distlQCtloal - m multlple^ise, ' non-: ness areas . aod ... aoo<i „ jw ise r-^ lT O ^ S B a sn ja B ;- '

M inlco13 S ky lin e9

“ J^ ro n ie 40 M arsh VaU

n.r '

p t i

t o - C h t ^ ' S c h O ^ -w b o — two mulea and ooe

‘LebanesejMoskI ByJACKREDDEN

" ^ t/fl/tedPrtgsXoternatto

' I ■ BEIRUT, Leliaiioii - ‘ I exchanged fire with M ^ -rH urnttacklng -tfa « d ^

. Beirut alrpoH~TWd

, i first llme in seven yea , : bombed rebel artiller; r hills cast of tbe capital.

........ w ere reported in tbe abetween tbe U.S. troop:

. _ _ s h ilte Moslem mUJtlx Bhoiifng of the Bril

_ compound wbere tbe , i malnSIraTempOraiyo I «*g/»niptifiri in tbe

_ aniid_rep<yts__. ^ , i Gemayel bad accepted . , i an pr^w sal for a cea:

J tbe Chrlstian-jed go' , ! arm y nnd tbe Moslem I : I American military i arriving to shore iqi

; i arm y in ita battle agal, . r e b e ls .------

- „ One Xebanese Hi fighter was downed t

___^anolber. damaged durii~T attacks on’_, D iu » _ > : Palestinian units trylnj j _ strategic village of So 1 , tbe moimialns

Beirut.Tlw Marines ope

^au tom atic weapens-n Shiite m iU tla i^ be

I their positions with nu ro c k e t-p rr^ e d grew

)» said. The gunbattle wt L _ t h M t w o h y i ^ ___

tj-- - -Tebels tatlw aB afrooiII - ' m ortar barrage that h

Defense Ministry, muc •1.. and came jv ttU n .lpt1)“' "tem p o rary -------- V3rI U.S. Embassy otQo J boused in tbe British <

^NpjrtUey 12”



e planes aci

ems attthe old

Uona/ . . stroyed:------------------------- ^Aprilr-- U.S. Marines - In tbe Moslem guerril- said fie

h r a c t l o S t S — S S Sstrafed and gressan

ery units in the At tt ll. Secretarurine:rcasualUe»rt=rGudlflr= airport flre fi^ t t>een le

ips and suspected fIghUng. tiamen or from . needed f ritlsb Embassy • ••for Inten e U^ E m b a s ^ The al

be flghting came_ -nohterB resident - Amin • “S^niPrv ^aSaudiAnibl- iase-flre between forees a joveroment and iheimve arebels. “ .y sumlies were tp tbe Ldw iese a r tU l^ alnst the iioalem- g ro u ^--------------------------attaac—Hawter Hunter I by gunflre and ring the a ir force ^ ” } M (Sein~a53 Ing to capture'tbe SynanH: Souk al-Ohazh in offensiv naiauQ iBast-of— one'oi

•r -Huntera pened q> with mountal -wfaeo-sa^>ected -~ UierLeta began firing on Tlie p nachine guns aod was tak •nades. witnesses Iwb 'Ji£ went on for more Marine

died la t

i b l t t b e L d b ^ e aged a i ud i Of east Beirut p a lrsa t LOO yards of tbe in m

1«8 bave been Tlie * 1 compound since t lo e tb i

dBsoa§5^^tliorth G en ri2 " ~~ m as G o u ri^ 6

3. Idaho '

fl Twin F U s oo FrMay

^DiCTwfiSe’ l i r ^ - b e -h.

ztivatedlack UId embassy building was < x i: in a ten o ri^ . bom b l^ b

the late evening, Beirut rs( fierce fighting was underw d-armyi)osltk»s4hreatenod- rutd'and Palestinians oear So arbvlt-Baid-i'Battks-are'ln-pi aod tbe army ts r e s M l^ ^ '

tbe United ~ N a t ^ U. tary-Gdieral Javier P e n ^ ' ir=fleid=lBO.(KlOrJiebane6e.-.b left bomdess by the lati

og. He said $10 milliOD in aid « d for tbe refugees and appeal leroBtiooal bdo;.....................I a ir strikes by the Lebanese 'saO^etUMSTdHawkerHantcr irsrwera-dlrected-at-tbe Dn a v emplacements In ttie ^ ^ the Druze and Paiestia 9 advancing oo Souk al-Gfao fvemroentsald. le warplanes knodced out bosiTry ffllHng^O*' n httrh nnri Iid troops launched a coun lc,to purge,, thfl n»glnn,” IjH ffan n y saW .-.■-------------ding Souk al-Ohart) is coos

to the governmet se—of— B dru t-'aga inst .i n-badced Druze and Palestin *lve- ,ro f t t ie - a r fo tce^flve Hawi its w asj'h lt during raids oo i tains’' aod cradied in tbe bitWW'.'W A iw j aA lJ. '> plane’s pilot parachuted t

by bdlcopter. to-.tbe I, Jlm a off tbe Beirut -Qoast, le qwkMmao said. ‘I t e pi later in a Beirut boqsital t r iluuical lujucies. ^

vnw dfand underwent emergency a t tbe British airiMse of Akro »utt>em.--CyptM9.-_a . Brit

} alr'irtrikes marked tbe fi tbe I^ebapese air fa c e has •

G a s d e f p n

: M u r t i u g h

~ O a k l e y f

5 . - ^ R a f t R i v e/•-— r “

1 For:peop

L e a <

b c n <By MARY BETH FR^ United Press Internal

. i J'WASHINGTON.-^:)------ Raymood-Donov«v

F r id ^ the administr 18-monlb ejrtensioa unemployment com- — ^dW IHTlfiscal re^WQSibilityai

„ But senators .

_ DemocraUc l e a ^ 1 ■ ■ -West'-Virglala -and

_ quate. _________Committee Cbairm

R-Kan., endorsed tt tbere “are certain U we can go, de^ it( expressed by some pe

..... However, Byrd and_ adminlstrathrn plan____ h ecauseJtJrou Id lB.. imtim number of wee— —

present jobless progn ~ b ^ n t s forTesfllhan-

Tbe current feden compensatl<m progn Congress last year, ea

Donovan said the _ _QfferedJ5y_the.Admla- - In- Uw weA. woult

employment progran predictability while sl

hitmpn iviatg **It would continue i

~ ' undor,^tbe i>lan. 'w e y e v ’s dectfcms. aj

— -n u m b e r -o f-w e e k s -“ beneflts-7trom tbe“ c

14-week range to six tl--------- "AnlS-montb exta

gram would acknow! past recesskms, that is llkdy to decrease J

5 — —this-period of~the-*< •i- ery,” be said.

Tbe FSC program V f In -September 1982 r ~ " exieb&a twice:'So f i B— -govornmfflt

nUnistratkm’s propos _I anolherJ3.3blUlon.

I.S. MaIS de*j i a s t r S m S J ?

- — f ^ O B A SSrrsd ^




ssealr 1 / 4 m ite to je t— — ^ Druze---------moun- m Bainlin---------- ------ -- E Sifaarb, I g g

IHndthe--------- — — -IH3unter ................. MBm

.........Bsosld- |Hnent’s __________■ ■i -th e - — f t t S r M f f r tn r a Aiolaa gunfire w /tfiy i

awker------ ---------------oothee sea, __________ H | |

d an^^^e USS I W BSt, a .................I pikitI trom action .since iam at----------- naUon’s dvU-war.-TI dam- —cy re- of Beirut abport Tb krotiri OperaUng firom a tr 3riUsh on U» coastal highw

ftfthnrflpimi__B Brst ~ ‘T he'i*dlIog aM' a te e n dded with leoocto i:

•'■I^Bed hO Fileir - — ' -^See-< erO —; lo r tP

5 - 1 - 1 ______ Z I


S a tu n

ole outofwc

d e r s <

c f i t p iElANKUN r ---------

' Si-LaborSecretary , —m ^d::Congn»B8-------triUon’s prqxned , ,

.-BOIrbaiaaceb e tw w u " /' S S S

— i n a s a S "• RoberLByrd q f _ d Arien Spector, - . - 3 ,

Itbe plan, a a y li5 ~ ~ limits to bow far

idSpectorsaldtbe “™®S m is inadequate TcduceU tbe^m ax" ed ts of-compensa- -™™:] ig-to-ins»ove-the— --W } ^ jram that provides ii'40percttt-o{-the— —

jral siQiplemental ■ ■®®5|1® pram, enacted by ‘ expires S q > t 30. w proposal, first : ^ iin ir tra tto e a r ile r_ ■ ■ old ^v e tbe un- r T r S S am conUnuity and latrUdngatialaoce

junUl March 1 » ivell .beyMi|l' n ^ . " and' r e d ^ ^

a —a v a f la l^ ifo r— - c t t o current ej^MO* • uM^yr

ctoioweeks. 3tension of the pro- • - S S k rwledge, tfflWfd on lat uoemploymait a gradually during ^

ecooomlc recov- basic um I hirtei

1 was first enacted oensattoj 3 and bas been ?<I3«Mvie

-wntnn—* n w ml-—WiifVJp Msal would added

• 9

irine po iP l iP i

y iie /rtffa s- B l

It the height of the -Tbaair Ictfoe’B s u — --T te ri u x a weifl flown o u t.^ tfa tb n r niursday and were approvt makeshift airstrip tng for twaiy 20 miles north bostillU

d“Wr strikes coin- armya: I progress In d »lo> factioa

ido 4 6 “e r 2 ----------------------------

e c t h e r s c o r e s

„ P a g e s ; D l 7 : 2 ~ : : 7

2 5 ^tu rday ,S optem ber17 ,1983 ,

uork---------- -

a r g u e

» l a n sV-

SinMlojoksBOgB (UP1>^-^ Idaho’s

" ‘uSsy^oM^^ —lonomlsts sidd PMdiyi''“K-tbere-is liMUp-

anagenunt. . .Ib e Department of

c !^ o ( tb e « o it lo c A iQ l9 H-1— -

ita, trf T.4 -pig ew > lr^ aM -« » -^ — r

: "■— ent wm shift in u e i you a r e .

e going to m g ro v ^ and •.In all ladustries," ■ |

•.HyersakL i:: !

states now provide 26_wee?a-fll_____: unenmloyment benefits.Irieen wedks of addlUooal cdm- atk» are available uoOer the aided bepefltB’ _prpgraia but _ aneeluriadktloos ^ liagslapa, 1 T G ^ S lO a a P o ^ T U c o — - SeeJOBLESSonPagoA2

ositions^ _________ '

slm//s./aiK/ near Brtnsnl __ _...... ~ __________________________Wl"***arUy houses U.S,

- ---

W Lobenese aircraft -^ b o m b

V r i artiUery w ilts \

Jceffortstoacbieveacease-flre. ‘ ae rigbtM Voice of L ebancnad ta__ _

roved a ^ « a “Arabiah“^ <ill-' •“ for an immediate but to a l l. •

tUiUes and superviskn of tbe truce..' !;P tM tra lJ> b ^ w » Jto •ly imd rqireseoiSivca^


; • I

Page 2: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By


pBriel. S ta te b a c k s Ol

^-------- b 6 iS E (UPU-C om p' have caused stateotnda

pact In wtilch'Tnllllons''______ would bp shipped to Chin

............“n ie chief executive areprcsentalivcs objects for the proposed sales ar

— —typcsoflogsw ujtedbylbnjxport{ngioffl.~ '

Involved in negoUating nation.

State Economic and Administrator David Pi CoUege of Forestry I “overTealous” In negol talking piU>lldy about

_ companies. Evans said..-

E vans fo rm s cBOISE (1^1) - Gov.

force on Idaho’s educ membere to draft a rea

---------- -n o t-m e re ly -ro c y d e jslmilercommlttees.

In launching the first i ■ fdreelie api«lnlod, Evo

pick tbe best parts of pi into a * 'timetable for acti

Tbe governor said be mance from tbe group, V

- be deUvered by October----------eaHyNovemfiieif.

H ie long-range progi lawmakers lo ear

batUe to boost educatImprovements in tbe edi

Task Force Cbelrmaj______ ti»Lew istoo Mom lng-T

give Evans a list of tm< three years, a timetable


A tto rn ey geni. . , BOISE (U P I)-A tto i

NviUasktbelSMLeglsl program for crlnae vlct alcobo) evaluations aod drivers. . .

Jones said Friday Ui _ 1 —highlighitadlvrablDcaD

“ t “ -compenaalkHJ is feaalbli----------H eBiiatM -m eBsarr

giving victims noore inp : : r = — H iereUoroey

■ Uwmakerstoauthoriie costs of court-ordered indigents convicted of

“ Todop----------------- reM PC R A T U il

SHOwetts T

=-==Partly <Twin rail*. Bortoy^upe

--------- OuwllHOKWM! - - -Portly cloudy and wiody a

ODd tail ghL Winds beoMnJoi-----------to-20 Partly ckiody

Sunday. Highs lo t te upper: In t te mlddlo 70s on Suoda 40.Camai PnUre, HaDoy.

* cloudy and cooler Icloudy aod cool,-with-a aii{

-BhowcretonlBhtandSuDday upper eCB to MW 705 today n Sunday; Jews In tte mkkDe

-----------L ooaU y^yA irtndi, lOto n-— r - Wortlan iNcTadaaodlR^; : - - -Partly ctoudy. coolef aoc

“ Nevada l ^ y M K f S S a i ^ today and 70 to ao oa Suida 51 Partly cloudy today and

. . . .c louds and cooler Sunday In ____ mnlnty tVM

National. ................... ...Mm. Win..PAibuQueniu4 » « -All«nl* ei 60 .Boglon ™ U

_____ -0»IU»___ - __ 53 ni ,.WBvar 67 «1- .Oolfolt 70 ,S7 .HOAOIUIU W 5 •

.Houllon M «IndUnipoiil «0 61

Business^ “ 7 -a n flT filffe d______ - -

C om ics..................Idaho . . . . . . . . . . .

! C l r e u l a U o n jm yitoy:rr-------- Clreulatlen phones. arenA

recelv«yourpaperby7aJi- jenune-WcndeU-Goodlng-l

Buriey-Hupert-Piul^Wde: fiuhl-CasUeford . FUcr^logcreai-HoIUaler TwlnFalls and allotberaK

= =If you bave a oewi tip dopartm est,calI70«»tl:

_____ •_«port late.newi.and^iorti:______A lverHiring Rima^

U y n wUb tfrpl«ce au • taken Moaday-Frtday tnu

. *.m. until Doon. Infamalki

Jls. Idaho Saturday, Septefr

o ft tlmtKEr s a le s cirnpUiMUiKdlOflUmlXirtislc idals to back away from a posi ns-of-dc^lars-worth.of Idabo. 3ilna, Gov. J o h n ^ a n s says, re said Tiwrsday tim b w ^ L :ted to the state acting as the a s and d ted a lack of siqipUes ij by the Chinese and l e ^ probl

ing with offldals from the A

ind Community Affairs Divi 1 Porter and University of I( / Dean John Ehreorelcb i igotiatlng with tbo Chinese out it before cmsultlng Ur i i . . ._ . - ........... - .......

s e d u c a tio n p an ek)V. J<dm Evans cfarlstened a ducation system Friday, as realistic agenda for improvei 1ft Btudlea ccDdactedJOLPjjQ

rat meeting of tUe 30-member Svons said be bopes the panel ff prevkMis stiidies and meld I action." .I be expected a r^ id -fire pe p, wilh dnilt reports anUdpal 3er and a final plao to be offen

t>gram (ben will be submitUearly 1964 as Evans continuecation fuDdlog and gala ov educatkw system, be said.— man AX. Alford Jr., publish gjWbune, saM tbe committa op education prlorlUes for tbeible for carrying out tbe goals I'ogrtow U lcbet--

uneral r e le a s e s plttomeyueneral JlfiTJODeffBa; dsiatiore to set iq> a compeos victims and allow state fundi Uld treatment for indigent dm

r his legislative package wou w>ning for compensation of vi< i n r ^ m ^ * 'l n c a ^ 'w f a e r e

‘y . ’-.i.i/ —input io tbe sentencing proces ift^ -aa ld -b e- .a lflO wouldrize tbe use of stalelimas to p£ed evaluathms and treatmei of driving under tbe Influec

l y ' s ^ eU «E-*^PnBCIM TAT«OI^


M -------CLOUDY

National W oaltwr UPI W *ath*r F o io c a tt i

e lo u d y to

jdy a n d o o l- c io -

y. Wood Rhtc IdalttlorUM lertatay.Putiy Uie Btowei; ailebt-cbaneeDf— eectkKBOlUi day. Highs lo tto— of- ttooo • wyi lyao d esto fto o today.Temp kOe to upper 30b. days.w annlo S isp h ----------------SklctsssE

-------------- o n .R « ay ^aad wtot^ w ^ m

Sday; knw aato TheBUta'a> indwlUivartel>le Hagerman y In i;tah. A few -— Sfrdegreo renonrthnmouo:----- kcrttemperi

(Un#MCIIy ^« L»#V«0*9

Pep. _ - tot Angalei-------—) .... M»mph‘» « ,) .... MUmtOox:!! »> .... Mllwiuko« ______ M !

) . . . NowO;lo»n« 88 i- - NOWYertt---- nf - - Om«r», . "t .... Pftoflni* ,. -OS Pllltburflfi o !

.08 Peni*n<J.M«,

UL1. . ; . V G l“3 .....M a g ic Vi

7 . . . . . . A 8 S p o r t s ................A 9 N a tio n

JtoytclmiiUoodlrttlflfntioBWd behnim i t a d 10 a.m.-aajn.. can tto numtKT ror xour areng-KagennaoJdey A

•areaa ___________________~ to-lftowiy'rt

tip or wlati (0 talk (o' Mowoae Ot between 9:90 u n . aod S:90 p j pr^ nyi»« wly. ttii733ffa». BlaK.atfvwUr t^ 'tlraftnr Ul KtverUaedMOt. caU 73MS31.C Inm 8 Msa. uaU 9 p.m~ and m i

le m b e r lM ^ ’ - ...

■■ A ■

So .J a c k s o n o nmlirUii/ BERLIN, .WwW wasible - Jackson,- a poaslK bo logs extended his stay inL ....... tbdaywIlbOmncellodiBtiy 1 Jackson, wbo ba e agent black soldiers tb re; s in the West Beriin be-ww oblems thlsaftem oon^ :-—

‘ Aldes-mldJadao

) Asian day to meet .with : p r o g r ^ In Europe 1

)ivlstonf Idaho S a l v a d o r , b l

5 United Press Interntimber _ , . *The Salvadoran

■'M idlers to the e ^ pressure on three U.

, rebel offensive, offic l e i Military trucks v I a task along the key Pan asking overran Villa E l

vement destroying an eled bost.ot__ percentoftbecounh

. K ennedy J iId them RAPID CITY, S.E

of the late Atton perfo^ possession of beroln jtated to if convicted for ba\ hre d b y ,—drug in h lsb fl^ g B '

jtted to tx^ tm en t for a d n mes his beat,” was charge) overall wilh one count o f p«_________ Assistant U.S. AttIsber of not aware of amr pttae will__ Intenttate.ttaiIbe next offense.Is and a An investigation. ---------- Kennedy becam eill

Rapid City. Kenned ^ _ V_auy o ritl<a «itJlsM

p l a n n i S t a n c M " ^ ’** ■BayffBo------------------------------

P a m e l a s a ijrunken JACKSBORO, Tt

willing to die for bei vu ldbe treatments to battle victims berinaixtoolnenKfe 'such------"She believes tha

d jttia to ’ber rg c o i

:ess. H .BellsaldofPami uld ask A hearing v ,^ . to, t ^ t b e J u d ^ Cluuies He nent for Dq»artment of Hu

of undergo cbemotbei ra re form of cancer

B M n t h e r ^,H FnO W TA t-l

^ 7 0 .

/-----------I ©-LOW

FOf*c*#t to 7pjn.EST 0 -i:t t e _____________

oclay wiflTit a In Uw u;ver eoa today and lS^nday^tow»lattoSO».-------------

was onoUier ideal latosununcr te wodcenimay produce a few lod cooler temperatures for tteUey.woterly Dow of air will cony a weak storm systems across tbe neit few da^. txit moot of era will faU In tte northern

rifliwh fram tbe tirat___nrgtems wlU anas tte state D^)eratura will cool (or several■mlng again alxiut midweek.■er< generally c lw over I d ^

. wlttt, tftmpcnUICT.rcacni^---- -1 tte aouUL By i^d-flftgoooa.

\'B warmest spota were Parma.0 aod Idabo Falls, oU wllh, readiest Clouds in tbe.noOh___leratures aomewhat coolcr. Tbc

51 .... Portltnd.Oie. A9n .... St. loula 63n ■■■•__ SiIIUVbCH/ 89,71 Sin Francisco B774 .71 Saaltia tSa .» Spok*no . 7J

__s*__u _WiJhlnoion______ .7a_

« Idaho^

52 .... DoiSfl 83 54 .» Outloy 2.... H«aorirun 88

V a U c v . . . . . . . . . . . . . /B I .4 i, r t e » ............................. t B 2 — !1 . . . V ; ; . . V . . D l - 4 ’. ............................ . . . . A 3 1

Lonlyrif yo u * not-:area: ddlm y-d

536-3S39 aod Sunday B7»-2Ka «Mnw. f mtlaUloed

|i7 JS .« n w 32&537S 3 w a73MS31 Sunday oni,

--------3oe in Ito editorial pjn.. weekday*. To______ ____________raUaJtm.

patuao [«jLOwlfWI arti.are-----“oa Satnrdaya (rom 8 (tetgnatadi )wectalaya(»]y._____beputiww

* . ■ % ___________

in E u ro p e cam p art-Qermanr (UI?) _ 'n je_RjalWe-contender fw the pn y in West Germany for an a{v Mllor Willy Brandt

lOuriflg'U.S.-bas£ I register to vote, said during w o u id n ^ with Brandt in f

kson, A ^eaiiie rv islted Grei

th Brandt. Uiey said tbe re iperesiainedc^^

b ra c e s a g a in s t aisroatlooal

tu army rushed Frtday 2,5 iastem part of tbe country t 9 U.S.-trained battaltons battli iffidalssaid.3 with tbe men were seen I ’an American bigbway, wbei Ea 1«unfo for 15 hours 1 lectrical sub-station, bladdn mtij^____________________

J r . a ix e s te d fo rdS.D. (UPI) - Robert Kenned; tomey General, was (±ar{ win and faces iq> to two years having less than.fiOO of tbe i

drug pro b ira be was "deter rged Friday under South Da 'possessloa of heroin. Attorney Reed R asm ussa sal y plans to file'federal cbarg DsQspQit^Ion of Jiarcotlca is <

lon was begun Sunday nig»111 nhrmwl n flight frftTTl Mlnwitedy dec line medic^ trra ti

a y s s h e ’s r e a d y !Tenn. (UPI) - Pamela Ha

her religious beliefs rather thi ittle a cancer that a doctor say moatfas, ber attorney says.- . tbat ftpower hlgber (ban med x a e - a n d i f i f a a t- d o ^ ^ t- fa iC T

amela,l2.I to cesume today.beloi&JiKBi Herman on a motton by i Human Services to force P tberapy^or radiation treatnx cer known as Ewing's Sarcom

I ' " " — - - - - - t::::!:

L S Y S T M S > AIH F1.0i30.00


I s o m e o v iim om lng low waa 28al Deadw

_____ J b o agricuHii^ X o recastio

proclpllatton of noar .10 1« nex t five days from acaUer Sunday ood Mooday, wlU chance'of r a la coming o a Sun

F N a i^ U o a r a t a will tw .30 Inch loday and near : Sunday. Winds WlU average 1 tn Uw m orning and 15 to a

— aftc ro o o a today andSunday_ ■nio exteoded forecost 'CAQ

from t t e m iddle 60s to tb w arm ing into Uw 70s i>y Wedn

te t t e s t tem fw rature reporti d e g re es a t GUa Beod and l i C ity . boUi In A ito n a , aod t t e 25 a t YeUowstooe. M oot

t9 &3 .... l<t4hoFalla□ 61 .08 LowlslonB , 57 .... McC*ll57 54 I..; ' Pocatolio Ia a .... Salmon—TwinFali

h_______________________(s> MIrt pep U9lVei>

63 48 .... Noimtl78 40 .... Tod»y's4un««!...... .88 41 .... Tomoiroiiii'ssuBflio..

S tockm arker..........— Scffa»o^ ii - v . r ; : :^

World ..................R e lig io n ............

ne ddlTwy - d)dly. W p«iU yM 75< naay ;n ;opK M ia.'m iiii

dtUy. tLS per veek: Sunday. 80( pep T « * . M t f l W

tnilable only « tm oorkr det aed. - daUy and Saday. t m«Ui K., moBltM OLSO. U moitta imn: daily ItnooU* ta n . « fOBoUa tBJO. U n entr, I nmUiU0S.3mooUaIS.13, S.D hitMtD.»BcUl*udertJrtJ»P^ ^ « . p > n « a tBrdallr«nda»d«y,

, nkt «t TMa n i l .tv n i T M .-OCldal eHy awl ujm*| iw«yniy eo.Hi et t t i Idato O edfcJW i

M M U» dqr el a s ««k ca aMck hvrted.. ..


______ .a n d United;a i s n readied a t

pi»idency, -k eep th ea t^r^ tn trrv^t open,anoffl(

--------- Ford-spokisesurglng----- “ thfragreemig a vlslllo lion by tbe I Prankfurt Details of t

____________ wUl not be £■ealBrllxiln Judysald^

rest of his

a t t a c k

released ei!,500, relievo ; “

1 InivtUiig Jnpon'sbro le ro .reM s ' '"n ie pllol

Thursday ' about the & jng out 40 tbecbange:______________then tbe pi;

mudfbrgbe d r u g s ofradlocon:........................was In a i

Miy Jr., son Sutuki said U '^ witb shouting.”


s s r t : 5 “ 3k H - K i Slaa todero l- -^Tjesselsiren JgW wben “ “ taln^____ __ ____^itmenl'and ~ibtainlnga I ^ C r J LifCStiiiieA-r-______________eligible-for

t o d i e ® p S ^ y , (Tnmtitnn is program 1 than accq>t workers th ayswUlkill otberbenefl

edlclnewlll-I .. jnlnlstratioi

Jobless wori

^n ih eex te iK Pamela to “W eares ment for a the long-ter ma. In a prepar

m i t t ^ bul committee.

—notrbdievei be met thi insurances]

aw ~ ,

m l r = ^ —

Iwood.....................................Ifor the Magic_______ _

locb over tte lend atewers nui tte best jnday.w from JS to ' M liv*ti 00 e 10 tots mph23 tnph lo tho

...............- . 1 - .—aUs forhigta— -------- —tte tow 708, dneaday.Low

BttJWday,Jho________ _____rted was 110 Lake Havasu tecootetwas nt

88 » ....80 47 ....Ti » ■ 41- ;8S • 37 ....Ills___________I —

Uax Uin Pep ' !_ e __4i ________i ____

7» C......... 7:4Sp.m. <.......... . i

............ .

. .: A6-7 “ .......B3

suodqr.mpcr alwatntma— —r _ - pcrMek;daIty ipUn paid ta Mhcry b net B.1S. 1 Bxothi lyodbr.tnsoUi nocUi ISI.OO;

amiUaliUa._ _ _ __

V . ---------------------- _


ito wor]ORN,' Midi. (UPI) — Ford ” d Auto W orfc^ t>argalners I tentative agreement Fri-nn fN^ntmrt to

.Uto Industry's lost steel mill ffldalsald.Mkesman Dldc Judy said emeDt-is subject to ratiflca-. - lie memben of Local 600. . f the tentative agreement e announced at this time,”

ane—ootinaedtrom Pa^A l 1 eaiiler this week by the

I T r a n s i t Ministry. ' -bead of-tbe Japan Sound I Center, was asked to tbe radto trafflc by NHK, iroadcasting n^work.Hot’s tone of voice had been ) same until bo reported on ^ In tbe planes altitude and pitcb of tbe voice became

iferdnringtbe last-segment" ommunlcatlon, bxUcatlng be a state of great tension.” lid. ‘“n » pilot was almost

ose encounter bet^Aecn the JSS Badger and the Soviet B etropavJ< P^^cam e;4 i^^ (yerations to flod the f l l^ t

s tbat could sbed Important the plane veered ;off

nd tbe final moments of its panese offldals said, sn Soviet ships and four U.S. rere aearching a l2-m lle^de- atemattonal waters near the

b t e s s - ^f0L.tbat_fgkral-gtfl^ pn>:

', tbe nieclal supplemental Is available to Jobless

that have exhausted tbelr leflla.m said wblie tbe ad- willing to exterf ^ ; I—it would not—a<xqit—a l ack^-wivislon to reinstate w kersw bo have exhrno ta r

endedbeBefltsprognun.-'— e sy n ^ tb e tic tothe plight of term unemployed,” he said ored statement that be sub- but did not read, to tbe' X. "At the same time, we do ire that all of tbelr needs c a n - through tbe unem ployin^t' Bsystem.”


- S A T U R D A ^7 3 0 A M I The'T

• ___________

___________________ th e K9 Missi

N o o n . Insidt

2 30 PM Deatl (PG)

4 3 0 P M T h e i___ _______________ ( f ^

6 30 PM V ia o____ -(PJ5L

9 0 0 PM TheE W h o Texas

n OQPM Dolly ^ 12 3 0 A M Missi- - - 2 4 0 A M ~ ' T h e '\- ............................ “ 15.82 ...................... - -

4 15 AM V ia o . (PG)

---------- 6 - 3 0 A M - -S u g a___ - ,A1LS1

W atch great movU long and coll tp se odd HBO plus one free of charge. Ch and ^~fHe~WqsH OF CHARGE-

W ........................ —

r k e r s I KiJ" the do9B the mlD, posslbJ s of tbe year, because tt I- d l n e d i o g j ^ around W.0_, . .CQnCfiSSlOM -__ ______ _11 _ ‘T l»eirppe l^l8 lbey^

conipetlUw or they’re i d stay bl the steel busJ 1-. Mlrhflftl.Rinaldl..presldi L . 600 and . chairman of it bargaining team.’ Asked whether tbe r:~iniakothe:steel'miIl;CQn^

\ tiny Soviet Island of Mon 1 Sakhalin Island, wbere, believed to havo gone dovjd ----- ••'Hje two ships came \to meters of ead i otber, a ■C, shouting distance," aald

offldai.^ In tbe United State 1° freighter that " lon^borem en refused t< “ heading toward New Orl< nt-—■— w------------- -------le w v w w w w w

^ S p e c i a

“ DONNAGOOCOne Doy Pointing^

ht l“ »Ffldoy. Sopt. 16 —“J I -Floral SilFl uio".I f • Soturday, Sopl. 17 —

I '•SnowieopoW lthElk" « I .S u n d o / .S o p t, 10 —

"Aulomn la n t^ co p o ”

h - _____ CQll.733-JBJ4JorJ»i


-rrrrr v-:.. — r (N..

I ]-----REGr---------

te 1 ■ $ 1 2 . 9 5 . . . . Si— J ------ ------Wh l l» »h«yl

^JI^LO W ER lfI 5 ' t o 6 ’Tr««s.l

; I CONIUl— 2-— AiTh*Blu*Uml— qI— 6-bl««ktw**i -


SEPT 1 7 --------- ---- ---- --e'Terry Fox S to ry R)

? Kidsissing (PG)________ ^■ide-the NFL----------- .)llyrlPvCQAcert — -

•a th tra p3)_________________ .e Terry'Fox S iory R).n o r /V ia o n a3) _____ _____________.eB est.L ittle h o re h o u s e inxas(R )____________ .)llyln C o n c e r t ’issing (PG)_____________-re 'W h o 'T o u r-----------------’lg ? .,.T h e P in a l........... ^ :iO W .........................................

cto r/V ic to n a3)______________ __igar-Ray’s ------------------- - -L S t ^ — - r r r -------- ----- ■

v ie s o il w e e k e n 'd s e e h o w - y o u c o n

i e o t h e r p r e m iu m s e rv C h o o s e b e t w e e n HBC isHvl t fe “ N e t vtf o r k r M T '


e a r a c c <ibly by tbe end—replied, “ I Ji the unkm de- Jobs.” H-SOanbourin...... thopnjpbe

i not going toisloess,” said Ford b a d : lilent ol Jxm il Uie lalks M Of tbe unton gress. .coulff

cessions (all I union could saw tiie au g q ^ th re with—attempt to fc

ho finrpntnlnptl

oneron, west of sister vessel e tbe plane is loaded, iown. - - . . Itio ship:

lid s Japimese „countries ai

i te s , 'a Soviet manding an California Incident and

to unload was con^tensatlc rleans, wtiere a v ictim s..

nl Fall Work)DFELLOW ROI□ W o rk sh o p s .Sunday Sh*R-------------------------

........... • *Tuo4doyi'Sopt. 27 a :

. "MljtvVloo

J>f*-Rw'ltrollonpnd Mor.Jnlprm

riN A R TS .;0a AddUon Av*nu* Eoit. Twin Fal •*t te-Th* B«fd*f Petrol)

fg B T i T r i i m i i i i a


Som l D w arf a n d S ta n d a rd 4 A pp los. P v ach as, P lum s a n

:r:T r^N O W ^^^ d if7 T 7 H iJi'iy T o rff« rs* t

IHrCRAB=ri.R»g. $ 1 5 .9 5 .................N

INER’SNURS\ n d L o n d s c a p i n i


UNDAy.SEEr.A(7 :0 0 A M I R e d s { ^ ]

1 0 :3 0 AM Poltergei;

12 :3Q PM ^FRAGGLE “D o n 't C

________ _ Spilt Milk1;(X)PM ’ T im y B ^

. -------3 :0 0 P M Reds (PG! 6 :3 0 P M B etw ee n

__________ • (NR)- 8 : 3 0 P M - -FRAGGLE

• • "D o n 't C— --------------- SpifrM itk• • 9 : 0 0 r M K enny Rc

■■ C o n c e r t. 1 0 :0 0 P M Poltergei:

__________ (PG)

N ew s~12!45AM-- " Night SHi

2 :4 0 A M B etw ee n (NR)

_4^25_A M _ T im e Bar

~ 6 T 3 0 A M ’ ” Kenny Rc C o n c e r t

rvice and get 3 additio ,0 , Showtime, The Dis TV-nnd-U&A-Ctible--N


cord■*I Justbope.we.caawiye.Uie_.j_

robsed shutdown would bave —»: a.j»mplgyee3_<st of. work^ _

salariedemptoy^._ ,. tad said it would not reopen ;J unless “eiJMtantl^” pro- j )uld be mBda lu Ibe oju- . p tni>r«. But many observera j automaker's move as an . >

to force tbe union tiaek to th e_ J_ .

ssel was already being lin- |

ihips were rerouted afler \ emen In Houston and Los •

to unload tbe Soviet--,

meanwhile Joined other 3 around the worid In de- r an lovestigatkm of tbe Jet and demanding Moscow pay > lation to the families of tbe I

■kshopsROBERT THOMASI S Monday. Sopl. 3S fi 26 tt- J-rRTTSnronydfi"----— ----------------------iy4V^odr*o»day, ' ■ ■7 8 20 — I t 'Mountain Rolloctlon"

1 Falli

SBALf--------- ■“lEESrd 4 'to 6 ’tro«a: l" *landPaars. | . ■

* 9 * * — H 5 “SslKltonl------------------pzT—

■ N O W ^T * ® !:

ISERY !S40FI1t Av . - « - . -----

V s

«EK EH D = = 5 =5 I I N J 3 L BERS ON1 . ■

A Q ___________ |_PG) ~ - -J;geist

a £ ~ R o c K - " ~ T ~ 't Cry OverAilW' ___Bandits ~ ~ ~

PG) ~>en Friends . ^ -

SLE-ROeK-'-:----------------------t Cry Over

I Rogers Live In X? r t . . : ._geist

stnfr(p) '~"?en Friends

B.andiis_ " ............ •

Rogers Live In ?rt_______ ■

it io n a l c h a n n e l s D isn e y C h a n n e l ~ -N e tw o rk -H R E E — -----

ND HANSEN 733-623d ‘ ~ 'QOQDING &36-656S ‘ ' ~~r.......m mott caM wrv<c« wM* “

- r : J ■■

Page 3: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

G u a r d t - p u l l s o f f

WEST HARTFORD —T -- ( tJ p i) —Ttwwoman enf

” '“ chargedwllhstcaUiigmo '• ■ mUlkm.Ued to throw poi

prosecutors Bay. ^ A a a E l iM b c th,• a td y gara false la : knowing (It) would d d a

^ t o r Gerena,” said th--------Uonfor b e ra rres tw arn--------- waareiauHwlTOmaiiay.

Gerena, 25, of Hartfon Soto were to be m ani Gerena lias been mai divorced twice.■ He was the object tloowide manhunt for pulling off the second la beryInU^.hIfitory.-

Police said Gerena, .high school footjMll star, two co-woricers, bound igunpolnt, then looted a V "Wells Fargo terminal Hartford Monday of $7.0:

He escaped in &rentec I abandoned about a half

Teachei jKalkou

to striRcBy United Press Intematto)

i __ Lo3_Angeles...teachers. I onoKlay walkout Friday

stalled contract negotla ; some of the city’s 550,00 ! were herded Into s I auditoriums for makesbi 1 - Uon..,C^c^.teacfaere and

j fJoprfy trwere either shut out of cla being taught by subsUlu mlnlstrators Friday b( teachers’strikes.

Teachers were on strike Pennsylvania, Micbigai Island. Washington and Oh

A-^ok^aman-for-tbe*L school district said 53 per


-------- Spokesman, Sbei-Erlldistltutes. administrators ai fiUed in for tbe union tei some classes were consi gymnasiums and auditorlu

A union ^ k e s m e n said------tto ts .-y ereibeingishqw^

lack of teachers.Len Feldman. ^>okGsnu

------ed T eaehemof-LofrAngete___ a.num her_oLsecondaryj

schools bave been Uterall>a n d U d s a r e being sen t b een te lling p e t^ le to inve:

. a n d CBS.fUros b ecau se j------will Uu shuwu on eampu

Angeles than ever before."

T a l k s m b f o r H is p c

WASHiNGTON (UPI) -■-R eagan w rapped up a serl

-------bonorMig^HlqiaDicAmcrlf— 'w lth-aides-deoylng-a-c

0De4hlrd of the Educat ment‘8 Hispanic employ®

----Reagan qwke to Hlq);

can members of the ai■ attendlng'a White Hous<

H ling tbem, “ You've li\. values and beliefs that

America’s greatness am• h er strong aad free.”

But just as Reagan____ evenla-jnaridngJiaUpni

Heritage Week. Rep. Edw EKCallf.. diarged Edu partment worters slngl

------ tuyoffs andTcasslfflunent-tbe department's S7

just not CQtT House rookesman Peter F

- - - In a letter "to Reagai------ Roybn] dennitnml tbe

“ eq>ecially distressing" the "loss of Hispanic « programs designediSto

: special educational needs children."

______ Roybal aldeRichardTecongressman obtained t tion from the Education D

P o licem a sa v e s acc

MIAMI _CUP1)_^ Jan-------coU apsed-in-a-O T tt^i

was suing Police "^^Syaaoltfe-forkiU tng- Us-

officer applied mouths• suscltaUon that may_

Dunstei^sllfe.Punster suddenly rose 1

In the courtroom'gailer;-------anto:tbe:flo

during proceedings in I against Aydelotte;

As U.S. District Judff Hoevler. the jury and ' cbed, Aydelotte raced courtroom and ipararoedics arrived.■ "I’ve never seen anyu m y courtroom," Hoevler

■ •-- - ih e -lu d ^ - 'd o c la re d dismissed the six-person.

------- a" new "ti1fil“ date-wiilD ecem ber;..................... -

t i r e s o f w o ^ $ 7 - m i U i oRD, Conn. fromHartfor pnOTgpri to a — Gerena, wi

more than db-wdiiii^SlI poUaj offhis “ sick of-wc f, : guards also,ilU“ddiber-— talked _lUoW

InformaUoD ' Canada if b Clay locating Fargo shipia 1 the applica- Prosecutor im m trw tiidi— abou t-a-ea r

font, and Ms. tbere was airiled today, about U ie r^married a ^ Arrested 1

was rdeasecc t of a na- after mldniifor allegedly ment Septl la reestro b - SuperiorCou. ___ .S h e Is chi

la, a former prosecutlootar. tum edm statement toand them at victed sbe <av a u lta tth e yearsinjaO i

nal in West Wells Fa7,017,153. *250,000 rewjtedcarfound m oneyandialfm ileawoy a r re s ta n d a

jrs jt •e • '


staged a ay to protest >tlations, and ),000 students I ' l

gyms and Va shift instruct ^^ tte school _

a l n s l x ^ tM ......classrooms or (. y tliutes or ad-

because of |

Ike in minols, m gan, Rhode ^Ohio. m ' ^>*Lo6-Ang6les— M ^ percent of the ^ dWJls stayed 1^

Uch said sub— fe - A C• and advisors ^ P35teachers and fe Ful

josoUdated In \( iriums. b i A F laid some stu- F vri-moviea for— ^ r r t .

mian for Unit- f e D

lit home. I’ve. . 1« im ivest in Disney |W Prc »_mqre fUms; p .. Y o

■e." K —

i x e d I . ' ta n ic s I 1I) - President | [ - ' series of events ^

P rir tn y , ^ ________a_ 'c h arg e ..tb a t_ E : 1 .. cation Depart- f e QTses'are* about

lq>anlc A n i^ - R armed forces p?

•use~«remony,— f e .. ..........I lived with tbe m lat account for ^ and that keep N

^ con^)]et^ional Hispanic H _____ _klOTrBTlivbd; S Education De- ^Ingled out for p;'fjsnt-include-iaof— ----------57 Hlspanica—^ ---------

Qtrect,”. While ^sr Roussel said. ^ '

Hiuiaday, - H -the .m o v e .a s ^ ______Ig" because of ^C expertise in ^^ meet the ^eds of minority @

lT e r ie p 8 a ld .U » _ ^ ______d the i n f o n ^ ^ n Department. m

a n ■ I :cuser IJames D unst^ _POom-wft w-De— — ce Sgt. Peter » Ursoo-and-tbe^^«®.ii== =: th-to-mouth re- ^ y have s a v ^ ^

ee from his seat ^ ilery,-8creanied— r a — = - ;f lo o r- 'n iu r8 d ay T "S --r r- n his dvll suit ^

idge William A pid visitors wat- ^£d across the ^

administered S 1jsdtatkm until a _____

’ 1

le r said.ed a . m i s t r i a l .....lonjuryandsaid . . ---------rili-be set for-----------------

o r k in g , o n h e i s t -ford’s Bralnard Airportwbo made sUghtly-less------- j

-bot g , r q w t r i W ^ h l s _*

w6rttng.**-0ne of the < Iso said Gerena once oMnglv** of fledng to ^■ be o v tf 's t^ 'a -W e lls ------- junent ctors said Ms. Soto Ued iar-be-reoted-and-Ibag---------oi€pi>oo»~<anii'^itTBatrt=: = j 1 no evidence sbe knew < robbery in advance. <riate-W ednesday.-sbe--------sed 00 *7,500 bond Just Inight pending arraign- t 26 io West Hartford kHirtcharged _with hindering IQ end making a false to investigators. If con-

e could face up to six iQ and a 98,000 fine.Fargo h u offered a eward for return of the dantfher.«00.000foran 1 convlctkxi In tbe case.

5UPlFrSVe’v e P u rc h a s e d A Tru( D is tre s se d D ealer. ln I

’a s s in g O ur S a v in g s O n ■ull F a c to ry W arra n ty s . ^re R eal! W e U rg e You ; P e p s i, And Of C o u rse jr.edlL__________

J I D Y O U K rilsh i's -U ltra^M o d ern -E I Tie Q uality P ro d g c t An ’roLid To R e p re se n t Mil rouMI.Be P roud To O w n

■1 O f ? i“1 ^” COLO12-positlon soll-touch eh

- 'n g -

— r 2 5 ’ O L O

------- eO N S O tWITH STEREO & R

------ lOS’Ghannel,-Cable f_____ BuilUn-EJiASteifiCbBe


^ 8 7 9 °

= i a a i i ^

FULLY AUTO________

^ 7 3 0 1 < I M B E f l

/ O f N t u i

A m e r i <------WASHlNgfON (UP l) •- c a n s - b d l w "tbe gave:

wlthh<rfdlng important L- a t ^ the Sov^iu tack-o ii

airliner, but tbey atFprovi dent Reagan’s overall bapi Incidest, a poU showed FrK

— -Sfacty-wieperoent of t te 1

CBS News poll salu they f( government is “holdlog


O r t ^ P f i ^ d ^ Reagai for treasurer of the Uni breezed through her l(Mnl coQflrm^loD tieailng Fric a h ltc h ..

Tbat was not difficult Finance Committee Chain Dole. R-Kaa. was tbe on

' on band to welcome and q


5 A V I N G Jru ck L oad Of M itsubis n U tah -T o -M o v eJU fi. Dn To You. This Is Ne' 'S . Q u a n titie s A re Limi DU To Buy N ow . D on’t s e . F inan cin g Is AvaiU

_Rlant_lrLiLvine.._Calii A m erican W orkers-A r \/lltsub ish r (P ronounce ^ n O n e!

electronic tun- l | |

C fr1S35”


1 3 ^ G G12 -posltion ' sof tuning.

t E — - | ^ PREMOTE _

le Ready - B J : fieceiuei___ _D.OO

0 0 .CK-2582


. - WIrellk H M H F ree Video (

$ C 'J = = = ^ 2

r O M A T I G ( ^ ^ =



i o n

i ^ n s b i cr==^^a|gr^ — r y nuttlonlto/enunent ~{s ~.... l it' respoo!

Inlormatloo deputy press on.a Korean... sald„*JWe!ye sroT T S B F — g c tW a s iM lOdUngofthe get the fu lls riday. the Soviets hile p ^ e w b o A sksdUtb ¥Mk-<nme0— avaUabie-fad -felttbeU.S. “ I don’t thli }g bade in* cbangethesi

.S. trcasiI—Kalh^lne Ortega, wbc ;an’s nominee ~ this week for fnited States, Her oomL Tiimito s ^ t e admlnlstrati rldiv without Week, whlc

events mak lit as Senate concern abo lirmanRobert voteinnext: only member Dole and I question Ms. publican sp

i ! i

{ill'll/ S NOW*W ¥ w « 7

ilshi E lec tro n ics F ro m s_Mer_chandise_W .eIre ew M e rc tian d ise W itti n ited But T he S av in g s 't Forget Ttne H o td o g s liable Vi/ith Y our G ood

9-In . Ame r ica.? t^ its i i- lifor'nia D e m o n s tra te s ^\r0 P ro d u c in g , w e 'r e :ed Ivtit-Sue-Bee-She);

3 L 0 R T Vo(l-touch e le c iro n ic

CASSETTEDORDERBless Remote oCiub M embership


l e l i e v e cthatpeopteooghl tofajow.—6 « i" U n b e “ poU Tflndlag. -s s secretary Lairy >eakes > 0 made available as .w poaalW y can In order to ­ll stoi^ out despite the fact 9 bave not done likewise." the p^Allc got 100 percent of -

•{fiform•tk«r^»MkM-sal(I,— hlnk It would substanUally estcay.’’

jurer ‘br<vbo Reagan n a m ^ e ^ I e ^ for tbe 163.80(^a-year post mlnatloa came d u r i^ the a tk n ’s Hl^>anic Heritage ' U di Induded a series of laUng d e a r White House ibout capturing tho hispanic xt year’s dectlon.Qd Ms, Ortega’s two Re- sponsors from ber.native

mI :V ; J II... ............y. 1■. _ \ ^imr e _ . . ..ith ^ ^ ‘ I Kg s .... W : i i | / | j | l

9^ W . M i

es- ■ /'r e " ' '5)V ■ -

M * - 'W _ j

-----Falls-_______ B rand



^ : Sat. Only

R E P 5

Doors y Open

' ^ 8 : 3 0 a .r


^ AW ORI= — /K B O V F S n

—.iiW eM alntJ Complete Sei

“ I f Y o u r P u r c h c --^_i— :Ne©ds^ervi

We Can Handmiu s * ^ ^ 3 - 4 9 1 C

d M a b €--------Flfly-flve-percenl of5. - genoraUy supported R s sponse to tbe tragedy bt. y said ho should have been I o tdepbwiB sinTrey <rt taken Wednesday night a

In The New York. Ti >f - showed half tbo respond I,— halUng^ralfHialflftWtbe- y to retaliate for tbe dov

Boeing 747 with 2G9 po(^<

feezes’ iri r _ N ^ Mexico. Rep. Manu

Sen. Pete Domenid, proc w talented and q;uallfled < ^ ' become the country’s 3S of a post consistently hd< 3e since 1949. lc ShehadlltUotosaydui

sesston. aside from eiq e- thanks for the nominatioi re DO suggestions wben Do


a S ^83 M i- f e ------------- 1— ForThis-'E

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Electronic _ W i . . .. -No.91G«:I j - ^ - ----------------- — AK-/

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6 Hour zrST O gfJJ

i R D P A N /I B V I C E i : ! ; r i o h e l t o J ntain.A ... _ .i*,?.' ServiceF e r i t . --------------- is o W a lth o s e E v e r - -

r v i c e p ------------R em oten d l e l t ! N o .K V .umI O - * - J H O U R S : -

-------------------- S a tu rd a y ; S e i

g i n g w i tI lh088 poUod Blorty poReagan's re. salwbul56pcrccnl opinion.n to ty b er._ By a 2 -1 1

;acdpuhllshed arm s cmtrc nm es Friday laUona. •dentatavored----- H tp o lL s

owning of the military Uu pie,atjoard. rose sUgdtlj

n confirnaud Lujon and bow to Imj odalm edhera salesorifs: 1 candidate to currency d 38th treasurer. B. Anthony Eld by women referredtoi

Ms.Ortefluring the brief bank presit ucpressing ber commlsskw lon. She offered altyTrlbun >)le asked her in Washing

f |i

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Intog'oiod Amplillor ^AM/PM Sloreo Tunor HCassolto Tape Dock---------- ■TutnmblcUnlr ■ .SpoakQr.Sysicms________ zMSystem Cabinoi.. . . ■

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l O D E L C L CrEvenl-We^/eTMso-Oiaooui 3k Of '8 3 's from Sony, f IS ansui.

HerejSrB.S.OTTiffEx [YOT9” REMOTE'CClie Tuning 5 « 5 0 . - . . - . v . . . .......... . . . .tAhSTEREOGAiSSEIe a d s N5 3 1 ............................IVC VHS VIDEO RECL£unciion.wirod____^___ <ionlrol. FR£E ' UB MEMBERSHIP...............S A N Y O 5 H O U R B E !

IDEO CLUB SERSHIP. No, 3900-11 . .

J V C T -1 2 0 V I D E O '

lA S O N icA tM /F M sifE H E

^ f i lo ^ s a v o s s o .o o r : ;ARP CAROUSEL m Fc RO

«d s . -------------------------------- ’ittS ,-NorR4-620 --.-.-.-.-rr"

: SONYAS” CpLQte C on tro l------------------ *V-15 4 5 -------- ---

t f o i i iS A T - t h r u A W E

• •.in •

.e p te m b e r 17, t o e r — -'HmM-Ni

i t h h e W Ipercent opposed stopping - t -

Oes and 0 percent had no ;

M raUo. tbey rejeded such l^yTmeasuras afrhronklng-oftr-. _ ntro] talks or dlplomailc ro-

nTw nhftwpd apprehension

threat to tbe Uoltcid SUtcs '^ tly since last spring.

mationimprove U.S. savings bonds ;if she intended to initiate any ;

y dianges such as tbe Susan ; ony dollar or the $3 bill that hel to a s “ sortotllketheEdsel.” : rtega. 49, was tbe first woman'u ident In Callfonila and la a ;Bkmer on the Copyright Roy- ;bunal. an independent agency ;ilngTnn .... _________« _____

l — l -


y -

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. O S E - O y T . : ^ : -lOunied-Our-Renrxain-— p —i-----------/ . Panasonic. Akai. t • ■'!

camples:' ~ — • - •— C O N T R O L ^ ..............r :

s 3 8 9 “® t s, | K,. n p /N i/ •________ \ :■ ,_______r t l i t I ,

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^ 9 0 0

fED. 8:30-6PM i

» ^ e w s . Tw in Falla. J d » h o M -

Page 4: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

A 4 T lm w « e w »




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\ . kit.'/«-in. drive sockets. L * A i S S f £ « r CraftsmanlS-ln.gas-pow- *52,99 kitchen faucet w»h jwo-level wash. low end.wttrchos,. ered chain saw with case. spray ..................... | imtoiioticn ««t.o ■ j --------------

___ ■ ........- ■ _ _ -. --CAR CARE SAVINGS-CpUPON-BOOK--------- ---- r : ' - AotS* ' ' rx'ir---~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ :'l l s 4 0 3 M a I n S t " 7 3 3 .0 m - 0 - r IsAVE $88 off regularlabor price. I i -' V . "; M o n . - T ln j r s . a S a t . J b 3 ( » a J 0 of .o l.c tld . . r v l c Yours f o r , 0 , 9 .’ f , “■’™ @ J ^ S ;:^c£ S !« ‘. r " ‘"'“':3 0 * 9 :0 0 S u n d a y 1 2 i 0 0 i 5 ; 0 0 ' __________________ _____________ when you u te oii the coupont ^ a inw en«r .i»boi?««ni_______^ Bo »cw;pon><ooii___________________

Page 5: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

jdiplomi^ e x p e l l e e------ U;S.— diplomate— (MpcI

Soviet-backed Alghanlstai------ India Friday nlght aod U

partment considered eject diplomats In retaliation.

Hugh Turner and 1 Blackburn, looking vlflibl:

- - rived-at-Now-Demi’s In Airport aboard an Indli flight from Kabul.

The expelled diplomats speak to r ^ r t e r s at tbe i U.S. Embassy offlclals al to talk about the expulsions

An embassy spokesraa------ two diplomats probably, w

to tbe United States shortly Radio Kabul said tbe tw

were expeUed for spying porting counte^^evolutlo

1 referring lo the Moslem I flu tin g to oust an estlnu

Soviet troops from the cow----------T n ie -rad lo -sa ld -A f^

forces also arrested two < apparently Afghanis, It s v i ^ evidence to back ttl

• charges against toe twodlj United SUtes operates

____staff 0 f.about a_dozen <UpIc------ Afghan,Onlsslon.jn>ero..

am b ^d o rln A fg h an is ta A State Department

Washington said tbe Afgl.......d ’affairs waa being sums

(orroal relortlonof tto ‘‘bt

Doaslblv the expulsion of,------- lomats —was under c a s k____ ::xhieexpulstononheCAa

lomats come three days a!

—A n ti-M ar - tn a rc h hei

MANILA, Philippines :__M O TjhanJ5^0op o f f l ^

banners saying ‘‘We^avel totalitarianism,’.' Jdned oessmen’s protest Frid^iy tbe death of opposition lead Aquino.

■nie march was reported r— anU-^vemroeirf-protest-l “ “ IS tbe swahKMaiaU busin

tn recent memory and I- rtAmnnatraHon fllnce an e

million people turned out fi burial last month.

‘‘This Is not going to businessman said of tbe s antl-govemment protes

“ almost like the last few w------Smm-n if-Ii-an y r lt-trill-bc----- buildiq»." ...... .......•—

Salvador Laurel, head oi (opposition coalition, said '

------^ p osition would-boycott-lmentary elections unless Ferdinand Marcos steps favorof a caretaker goveru

-nie boycott threat coi severe blow to U.S. hopes

------ yearJs-poUa-wouId-mark-jdemocracy in the Phlllppln ' Ih~ downtown Manila, i

-------studOTls b e a rin p o lfin s^------ 8aylng-"Pre6ST^reedora

. paraded before three mal pers to protest aUeged g

------ conlrol of thepress. .........The protests were par

slstance campaign by forces lhat haveaccused enunent of complicity assassination of Aquino Ai return from three year M arr^s denies the charges

Businessmen v.4)0 acted m arshals said between SOOOO’oineBWOTROTTUld’t

-------^ U v M ~ jo In ^ 'th e ~ tliK------- ifiQiistratloirmat-endedlB

rally.- -Opposition leader Laur

cheering crowd at the rail;-------it-is-tho-businctfa people v

last to Join a revolution. Bi almost t l» entire Maka groiQ).”

On b( the banners h< workers said. “We havo I

------- to tam arianJsm *-It-6U nkcallcd for the resignation who has been In power (o

- years,

—Terrorists —confesspl--------- C A iR O rE gyp tcup ir^

-— .pected terrorists accused to blow up the U.S. and htmsies a ^ kill Egyptian

made ful! • confessions- govemment-run newspa

— Friday:---------- ;---------T "Al Ahnim, Cairo's largi

tion newspaper, said lhe had confessed lo police members of a hard-line s Uon of the Palestine Uber nlzatlon led bySabri El-Ba known as Abu Nldal.

The suspccls. Al A I u ^ ------- sent-to-Calro-to-bom b-thc-------and- lsracli ■ e mbassicsr-i

unidentified Egyptian ofi topple the govemment to radical Arab regime.

______ Moderate olfldals-ofJbemalnlaln an office in Cairo t a r ^ l s , authorities said.

A ^ T lm e s ^ o w a .T w in F a lla ,

r i d ^

tats i-d I(tlPIl - Two _ 1pcUed— lro m _ . . • ......flan arrived in .d the-U .S.-de-- ------leellng Afghan

1 Robert Q. libly tired, ar*

TntpmnHnnnt__Milan Alriines '

a ts would not be airport and 1 also declined

man said the ir.wouldTetum. rtly. ,two diplomats .Ing and “s»q>- . ' ;itlooah^s” - _____lem guerrillas Imated 105,000 auntry.^lan-eecurity— ::----- —:ro CIA agents, : r z r r r :5 : it alleged pro- : tbe espionage :■ > >dJplomats.tes a .skeleton ' )Iplomalsatthe ro!.'is.DO U.S.' .■* s ta a

Ugban cbarge . mmoaed for 9 ‘?baaeless”, ^

of Afghan dip- . M HeralBnr-“-Ai-rtoHMn rtljv— safte r Moscow

rcos^eld g |es (UPI) - ■■ wortcetBcwith-; = = ~ ~ ;5 ve bad enough 'ied a busi- .........-- 'rrrflyqjarkedby — eaderBenlgno

rtedly tbe flrst . - : ■ Et-by-wockers— Blnessdlstrtct— d Ibe largest n esUmated ai to A ^ ia n o T ”

to Btofi," one ■'■u' . ■ •le sn o w b a ll in g " ------------ -►tests.' “It’s ------1 weeks of tb e .: — - r r -^wlid' up ' and .

j o f a I2i>arty lid eariier lhe tt-19M-parlla— •" • ess President eps down In • emment. could deal a ipes tbat nextrk a return to________ _ i Liplnes. -i. about 1.000 rwnhpTacaiBS)m-te-deadrii------------najor newspa- d govemmenl

part of a re- i ;•t>y opposlUoa . , i sed tbe gov- •d ty In the ....»Aug.2lonhIs p —»■— Bars of exile, ges. - ^ . rted as parade «en 15,000 andid-bnsines3-Bx=— -------ihre64»ur“ de:-------- tr.-iV "[i1n-aT30lJUcal--------------—

aurel told the rally, “ UsuallyIp. vj^a nnp the _ __.B uthere lseeikaU business V

held by lhe ^vo bad enough iInksri^-Otbers------- ---------^ion of Marcos.r for neariy 18 ^ M

ts : Jjlo t— - ^r^ -E igh t-sus-~ sed of. plotUng.. ' od Israeli em-' . W W * lan officials to f b regime nave i j r t f l TS“ to "police,- -■ spapcrs said l You’ll N

S^M fcircuIa-" iie defendantsice they were - . ^ le splinter fac— - AA A < beraUon Orga*-Banna, Ixtlcr

am said, were , \ ^4ho-Amerlcan--------------f—jr-assaaslnatfl---------------—offlclals and Oto establish a ‘

iJbe.ELQ._wbo_ _______>ilro, also wero II

alia, Id ah o s a tu r d a y 's e p t e i

’ f ■ ^ I I *1 I


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Page 6: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

"displac(poilMI t o l AVIV. Im>el (Ul ^ u t down Friday for Yor

’561lU ^“miQSivering U oessor to outgoing Pri Beim diem B e ^ was pi

; YomKlppuria a period for Jew s — the day they

____decides whawlll live andib tbe coming year.

------r^n»e-Jewlah Day of AttQomes 10 years to the d BtArtortbel973YomKl( exactly a year after tbe Palestlniansin the relug Beirut — events that le> 4Dd fall pi Begin as Israel

■ ' The country's bonteiTfom KlKHir.and Palcstl occtq>ied West Bank aod (

Lebanese refugees li cannot cross into Israel i < ^ e n d s .jT be process of chore

oext premier will wall v vH>en P i^ d e o t Cbalm li

~| 0ni3ultatloia ou sdcctto{ bjelieves most capable o

1 oewgbvenmjentForeign -Minister Yltzl

j ^ bas tbe best dunce 0 Begin, visited the aUln

------mlnlBtcrJriday-U.traditional blessing of tiaroe be Inscribed In IU f e ” ........................

____ _lAjubltcj»>oijQtLPOlLgt|ie newspaper Yedl^

_____(fcfeat tbR oi^wslUon loli

-J----- an overwtielnilng marglrbeld how d ^ l t e bis

said a Likud p ^ lec Vfould win six more pa sea ts than Labor in sucb a

1- ’’ iB ^ta 'ro rriia liy reslgne•-----bis health poor and moodj the death 10 m ratbs ago ol

Begin remained at be

* h memory of fallen Isra< Instead; Defense Minli

i Areoswentontbealrlnstf

R ussia , C ^ W ^ i n g cj : FEKlN G ~ ( U P I )-= ^ I ' Foreign Minister MlMu

I hbme Friday, d e c la i^ t I (Aanne! of contact"!-------eftabllshed between -M

ft^ b lg b e s t-ra n U n g So___tQ iwy a formiU visit to F

ijOe S ln o ^v le t split iii ^ p l t s a . met once wil w nlfdpr Wit XiKolan andt4sCbinmcounten>aiCV uLnlster Qian Qlcben. in p u ttin g It briefly, wo t an ew cbanoel of contact,

___ latematlonal issues,” sawhose visit came one ni f lm a l normalization talk

" 3 S 0 v ,a n o tb ^ ;^ ^ e t"d q

jK ^ i t s a , the Kren

^ ^ lo e s s llk e ” but refuse <tialls. saying tbey were c :*But diplomatic soum

- 'Mtb Ibe talks said tbey i O reo main “obstacles" i f a l ^ must be removed I

-------tfcoi>-can-be-normall*edA nce of Soviet troops ia M «ciipation of Afghanistan


-------3rUntU-now,. the.SnvielaJA discuss these issues, r &ey involved tbe sovc W in Ic o u n tr i» ^ _

~ p b p a r D r—inonkiUii

^UNITED NATIONS (U i- -^ a n -le a d e r Moanunar.K - lused American aod Frc

^ d a y of slaughtering A g^jaoon and Cbad an

■ Moslem countries must so . f ie aid of their “brothera.”

3 In a letter to U.N. Secui ^ d e n t Noel Sinclair ( Khadofy said the United

- '- - P r a n M w e r e ‘‘usi5gTIfe^].........Sjctfirmliialo' ' th e " 'liihal

lebanon and Chad.”------ ^ y l n g - b c waalcrt to

^ t io n of tbe Intemational ^ to this explosive si

j t o the “ lntroduciioaj)(. M rtles under tbo namet o p l ^ f w ^ " ^ f a B g r

X e h a n e se s ltu a t^^ About 1^00 U;3rMarlnea

in tbe multl-natkmal: ^ force in Lebanon. An

Britisb and Ital-

ident Amin Gcuwyel re-est ^ In the country.?■ “ Interventkm ta ^ a

------e a ta e d - tb e -w a r-to - enticrusader-phase such as v. >ii^mHn dvilizatkm bad trar

" iWWotlay H:es H s—— H(UP1):£t: Is rae l.. . . . YomKlppur.tbeBWtebTjW Traad—g to find a sue- Prime Minister s put off for two........

rlod of reflection hey believe God* and who will dio

Atooement-also------te day after the KIppur war and tbe massacre of Jugee camps of I led to the rise rael’s leader. tters close for Icstinlans In the ndGaza.aswell a In tbe north.. - ' iel uDtU the fast

xnslng Israel’s It until Sunday, n Herzog ^axts ' ,ting tbe^m n he------------- /i-ile of forming a jjll

^llzhak Shamir, f f ii iM of succeeding ii.M lllng caretaker yJo_dellver the CS k of “May your In the Book of .

ILqmducted bv -uoth Ahronotfi ^ 7 ^lid pariy.would------------ —5:-labor party by 'rgln Uelectlons---------- r 'V ^Us resignation. led by Shamir (C alparliamentary

::b an election. ' AgnedTT»ursday,“ . ; —>od gloomy over-----------------•oof his wife,

bome for the d d ld n o tm a k e ,..........t hpnnrtrflBf In______________sraell soldiers, linlster Mosbe - nstead.


-Sovlet-Deputy-----------IMiaU Kapitsa ^It and returned Zlg that a '-'new........... J" bad "been fc-Moscow-.and----------------

fliostmty.------------------:—: Soviet official JO PekinR since‘ ifi"tbe idscs;----------- —wilh Foreign and twice wltbt'ViceFflfeign------------------

ve have opened ict, this time on said Kapitsa,

I month'beforo (lalks resume In ^

d ^ y ^ f o r e l^ "

remUn’s top P-th e -ta lk s -as -----------------,used to go Into re confidential. irces familiar9y covered tbe |s” tbat China Bed before rela^ gad — tbe pre- .-r v -Ea Mongolia, the g[tan a ^ Soviet Simese occiipa- —1|

la hnd refused___________Es, maintaining Eoverolgnty of m

ling '(UPI) - U- 1

r.Khadafy_ac:,_............. aFrcnch troops —g Moslems in and warned ^

tsoon conje lo------------ M™.” /■ icurity Council 11 ir of Guyana.. / I id States arri_________| I

ihabltanls' - pf” • “ T

> Hcnll thn nL___________ 1)nal communi- \ \

situation in V ' h a ia y s a id it r ^ ^(.exwanwus me of peace- ■poravated'tbc------ * — *

Inesaretaklng-------------------udpeacekeep- Another 3.600 Italian troops>t sent to help-------------------baneaa.Pnal;____________-establlsb o » -

h a fonu hasenter a neo--------------------s we believed transcended.

►rid ^

■ : S


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« 3 ZA _to 10 AM ONIY_____

T u r n s l a m p s a n d .ap p lian c es on or olf.


/ 2 PRICET r ip le a c t io n •'

launcicy.< B»g, - ............... .........

■9.»9_________ 4 4 9 _8 10 10 AM ONLY

“ CHARe on S e a r s C

/ 2 PRICE> o f t 7 “ f l e e c y -

a c t i v e w e a r

1 v iv id c o lo rs

w*n«<l< top 4 5 c

.«l< tep | 4

-ftVnt'l^Ki " 5 C

id you 're oil — go colorful ii jr a c ry lic a c t iv e w e a r - iigh ls 'an d 'b o ld -b astc-co tcr m isses. M akes g rea t ca lai w ear, too!

a to lO a m O N L Y

PRICEd " r a t e x ~ p a i n t s —lexin Reg. *18.99

8 10 10 AM ONLYemI-gtDss-:-. ■ ■■■■■— 9i96

1 / 2 PRICEI — E xtension cord

100-ft.R«g. M8.99 0 9 9

------------ajo.10 AM ONLY__1 0 0 -M. grounded tri’

pie wire dijldoor ex' tension cord.

_____ 6317

i n / .TR ^BA G :

- - l-^ l/ .2 -P R IC E — P e /m an ex ® 6

- trash container-------H—J34.B#___________

' a le 10 AM ONIY 1 0 9 ^

-T TT7*5:90-3O-,gal-T tfa a t bag s 20 ca c h ..2 .9{

____-_*5.99...4.5-ga].Jrastb a g s To oach ..2 .9^


s C h a r g e


' —— --------

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1 / 4 - H P g a iOpen and c ld se yol from your ca r atthe

^ a button;99--------------------------;-------

--------------R a n t e t - t a b

’ 3 4r |. 8 to 10 AM ONI(x-— — S tu rd y -s te e l- ro

table. U nassembI

g l


F o o t b a l l ' S ■f b n s l c e t b g t

" - A S Sa h - . .......99 8 le 10 AM ONLY1^.— - A p«r.lKi... lh»vrfl

■ T w i f r F a l l s ”4 0 3 ’f------ H O U R S s M o n - T

F r i d a y 9 : 3 0 ; 9 : 0


m u B

'V i7 2 PRI* M i s s e s

i - f / B e n d o v e r ’

p a n t s^ ■ R egular "26.00 - —

' 8 to 10 AM ONLY~ " Kiisses Benciove

pants In an eas ca re polyester ai

• cotton stretch fa —— - rie.......:-----~


m Z S S B I__Q OO p f\jiq|Tir)M\i/tnE__

N O a n n u a l f e e

^ f o r th e WTNSTAU.EO-

OFFa r a g e d o o r o p e i/o u rg arag e - Reg. *i4 the touch ol 9 7 ^ ^

— ............. 0 to 10 AW

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o a . __________..

2 1 ----------------------------------0 - 6 ; 0 0 — ----------" ~ 7■ 5 :0 0

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- Levi's Shrink

I H - M e n 's

r i s 'a lm o s t a ; ' c o p y of IhoL ev i 's : - 9 ^ 3' p o c j^ t s rivoled i: '3 lrenn lh H H !W n r d h l - w u T c h --------- K g Mm a k e s It five fo r n M i|. p o c k o l room - W S S irtp n fty fror^t 6 S( j u n c o 'h o a v y - ;;(^tlon dcn lm

I $ 8 0 1■ T - 3 ' . 5 - R P E

^ | ^ O ^ i n T ~ l a w

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PRICEJ i a m E J ? ! ______

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OFFe n e c a n —

I ;>M ~ONLY ____ •t’f'cl can With" •

ly, Soptom bor17.1583 Timo;

S S Is 5 o r -

k-to-fit s je a n s ------

X5F F ^jiar *20.99 ,

2 9 7

palf.pcr.cuijo'n®,'’------------------- L-:__d lo » lio io n hand

i''U.4 V .^ —

OFFE a g e r - 1 ^

w n - m o w e r - ---------- —

169”lOSEOUT3 I g n i t i o n , q u i c k - .h t a d j u s t , v a c u u m - ________________a c l io n d e c k . A u to -

m o t i v e - ty p e a i r ( lite r.

- 8 lo lO AM------------- - ..............N ORJWHILE^ ___ plJANTITIES___________ •j l l - LASTI.. . .

>2133........................... .......................


^2 PRICEs e l >ooI box

” -------- ----------------3 10 10 AM ONLY2v y - g a u q e . s t e e l ................. ..............• f rn ? I 6 '>' Jo iK i" .iU fm n n - ' , : --------------- ----------------------

; -


1 . 5 0 OFFr r n o c e f U t t i t b ----------------

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i”; 1

lm o3-N ow 8. Twin Falls, Idaho A -7r

Page 7: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

-------- - A -eT lm w -N ew a.T w ln l

F r a n k a n d

B r d b i r i - H i lARE T H O S E



--------^ H a g a r - t h e

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-------------- f T l r b W q h - t - ^_______J th e q i r l h e r ^ \

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I WHAT T^ ^ ARE vol.

T h e B o m

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I ■ ■ ■ - =JA *"

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rooming finda you .i day’s actlvlUes ardme so IMl yoiLcni

--------------- wWch-roean-tho-pi practical ways but tf evening then find > ! . eajjer lo put new II

------ i--------youare-dotDg..------

irin FftJIa. ktaho Saturday. So|

rccd E r n e s t ________

- P © g ¥ - @ P I P ’[

m aitfw ^ T T H E R E I ^

S i

- s

e - H o r r i b l e ---------

• ^ ^

r - _____ •

! A l l e y _________B I ^ T h i r y " Fine? Now ■W in Junie’s h a rb o rim a '

THE h e c k O / r C f

—9:17 I_____n L o s e r _____

ly crosswo]

m“ — —

— ” n H f ^ ””■ ~ T ^B 7r"p» ~ T B f ^

. \ii 57

t r o)aily HoroENDENCIESr~The Ml able to plan your dling 1 and organize your the m

jtnn-do-thoae things— b©^t »-pw d to you_ln„B ym n ut the afternoon and * id you restless and Mcmi f/ life into whatever new lil ______________the pi

Sopieim b q r i7 , i9 e 3 , ._ _ ................


— -------- ------------- ''W E ;

X J . *


~ T ^ e m o l i ^ L B W lT^J T A l IS YOU NEVEP e e r t o ;

Dww^Ve' ^ 'P lease!'O oFTle ' "a'cH'mlnaln'nuthm’-happer V— Miss (p M

^ s nm M


EMMINg, \ / .

' AQU— «


^ r d ■ . ; r• _____________ 10-Emph

14 Mean

I ,-, I,:—TTj—175—I • lo ro r-----------TFTnmre

7?— — ----- ------- nuclo10 Aulht

T5------------------ --------17 Wlngl

19 Cow r----- 1------H H H 20 C ono

23 Roboi------------r ^ ^ 24 Insec30 25 Two c

| K ^ “ ~7i Bloch^ a r , --------------- I ■ ----■=---------Y Jt

(crA-IBffl~ T f U F ----------■ ■ ■

T“ « n 6i ' ff E T


5 Z I Z Z Z _ 1 1 i[ F f H 0 fl

oscop c-----n iE S ‘ (Marr21-to-Apr.-19)-Ha lg pre-sures of a public nature momiing Is wise and later you ci

rfrith-ptttaoDswho cnn assisLyfla riing ptirsonal wishes.:\O T U S - “W p i T T i r t o - M a y - 2 ming t;s the best time to push tho V Ideas: you havo but later be out public for whatever you want

c s . : 3 i :

IlM A N P H P y o F T :H o e s - 4 ^ H & -J ^ N g A k 6

)p HEPe g E F opf Xo t / t p p o r UP w ifE X T W lN P O U V " ^ l<

vA eee b u s i M e ^ t p i p s0 e s e TAB c o u m t p y //

n e r 7 \ f ' ‘‘D oiTFlerany% ip en -^ -\-h ap p e r> to -M isst


3 " S o t

) C I ’M G E T TIN G \ /1 C BA CK TO < { _ Y - f t f l u - n n n T * i

'. ■ 0


I « ■ I M O ^T 'V e WiM&i

CR O SS 30 Doclrino 5alllc 34 Clorgyman S<on 38 Holy p«f- 5 luggard son: abbr. 6mplQvof 3B B Ifdo l________ •e a rseh a u m , peaco 6iron© 3 9 F o f o o n d — 0Sfoonnol atTMotftods-----------jc lo u s 43 Ribbed Guthor fabric Gjdw lg 44 Fronch 7<Irigllxo doslgnorot-9»crol 46 SummoMft------Z.Bromony Rouon T.snco ltod 47 Lying on sborl — Iho bock 7:s e c t 49 Loalhor ■ • v o o lo boltn d__ :____ 51_Xlmo lono____lock or louofsh ito 53 Chotlor

Y jtu rfly 's Puzils Sol«d:

E I F ff cM T n Firnr H • > ^ I i i i I u r

m n ir H r e jiM I '* i i N e i s ' z r u o p E L T i:II E jifr 1. ffE’ffIsE y ;E 5 :_ l:a sm v r F tl K A 2 ■f T M ig 5' r 5 M C ( i f i ^ n —

i/u/i] ~ 2'.accomplish.

GEMINI (May 21 die some busii}<^ a

..... - - 'both the-standardaibest results. Be acti

-Han------done-------------------ire In • MOON CHILDREI lucan 21) Use up-to-date«uJn-----dling any nthcr-pra'

crop up. Avoid sor /■'20)" coiJa lead you Into li those LEO (July 22 to / out In favor for a fellow wt ant to ‘ to tho pleasures thJ

-- ^ W i z i

m o 1 — NEI

■Ep-----------------C . You t^ ..................................THAT JA R

• iG r j . HA5 ______ Vol.

[ v u p , !

? S f !bowli v o u £

pYy*^gfF - TOO f __ .AT TH

- J ___________3 . | J

Sho7 ^ - l P

= W = i=

^ 5 z ; l SAndloFCOL

■-/--------- ^

W ' M■FrsT"^ I " :-------7 ~ i


T O A ^ ) ' ->~rt

^ 0 ' ‘ -^ i ^ O - - fW - J o - - - - -V

^ ■ = = zReair 7 ^ 7


’54 'At no cost S” Thiti’wlfo 56 Uncommon nails 58 Obvious 26 Equip onoi 65 Roberts ol 27 Thosplon '. Tulsa 29 Colorado6C Chooso ------- -potk------G7 Essayist's 31 Watorwho

---- pen name---- af-OccorrenoG8 Coalpit 33 Bravo's C9 Ms. Adoroo homo 70 Old — 35 Brood or

(Ihodovll) whisky _Zl_Romnonl3----32LXyp«------72 Ivan and ' mossuros

Nicholas 41 Church73 Accom- loaluros

pllshos 42 Abovo: Lal45 Lotteries

DOWN 48 Mako1~Hoolih t}b1Ievi>

rosorts 50 Rolatlvo2 Roofing olonlo -

pleco .52 Kind Ol3 RIngstono bullot4 Aono 55Pullorth5 Rongb 57 Poker CSoalorcos stakes7 Arabian 58 Indollnlte

gull omount•6 Supply- - 59 Leprechai

wlthwoler iland0 Admit 00 Como ash

10 Scolded 01 Stborlan'"11 Loovooul river12 Locaiion 02 Modloy

,13 CoflSlat— — G3-Odonlal-21 Table coronl.

---- spfoads------ fUBaofllaciL•2a‘KingTrSTg------ - burden

youan<n to June 21) Han- VIH( ; affairs well, using plan th aodthcmodcmiar— all. tha ctive and get much attentl<....... ............................ for-fucEN(June22toJuly you. e system for han- LIBF ractlcnl affairs ^ t home t ome ^lugtlon that can t ^ jlrouble: neetTa> Aug. 21) Do somo withyc worker. Then be off SCOI that most appeal to Just h

zard of IdB V m 6 'cL c ic ^~ ~ P > T IM E FOB T H E Tmw&T.-.— ■ ....... -


a n d X o is -------J t ’Movv'- N C YeAH A t JOB- - \—R LOIS Nv (S5 FOf? -----7‘

etle BaileyVLlhJS ASAlM ?/ Y OH J SPEWt? PAR \ THAI :>MUCMTIAAE ' j . . NO' THOSE ALLEVg/ A jffU


»dy C appinuRSE LOVE LASTS.^< AT ALL the love / r>ve/;?VkVXRRiAGE-— -----------

3ndieI 'M TAJCINO . L l v

JP KNIGHT 'WITH 'A_ X r : _ S __

a n u t s — ^W, 1 FOK60T... ' l UWE fflU'RE NOT HERE J WEi

7hool W jnoo------------— ■

,r L ^ U I_________ Eew Enelandcg-•os • 1605. so Captain Gl

sailing expedition ® , enticement might b< „ besides 0 load of fur

glrlfl, who spoke rud! ----------- m“whttc-women’s-<0 display In Englond.

decided America i opportunity,

lh • ■ .That women wni watch as much lele\

ho be obvious, bul woi • don't walch as mu

work for paychecks.ishore_____ .

deposits on mealon

>•------------- SA FECRACKER

and have a wonderful time. JIGO (Aug. 22 lo SepL 22) Ei1 that amusement and Iben bar l i/vcn liUla chortalhiit await j ntlon. Tonighl you can take ti fun but take your mate along v

BRA (Sept. 23 lo Oct., 22) ' lO tasks done early and la te r: Ta i ^ Ume l6 ro w rvH:ri}atluu,rSKTIlke. Plan tfieTutiffe 5ci I your family.XJRPIO (Oct. 23 lo Nov. 21) F

bow lo state your views

^ W S T N K H r r . : i m & p U M B i p i

x r T f g

m B

■Q3Sro!” jF T t M « U n W E M HIM1BF0U.C*

— — n v m v m

iw o w .* THAT ' ^ 1 r i s WAS A QEAULV J OL



L M . B o y d

W h a t ^ s -

w h a trs wantod to go to .Vrnericn I G e o r^ waymouth, w lR H ^

3n In Maine, figured^ a lltU t be in order. On his return tri] furs, bo took five captive Indio

rudimentary English and dress*’8-co6lumcs_They_were.put_cmd. That did il. Numerous m( a m i^ l Indeed be a land <

who work for paychecks dor elevision as do other women mi women who work for poychecl much television as do men ,wi :ks, either.

i;-D.C.-butchcr~requircs-caordered for latcrplckup.-.....

ERS— ----------------------------oon ho hy ntpci

partners before you g Early responsibilities. Get

boodle .handled, also. UjouiL:_^AGirrA |uys_(No eU m e An expert In money r igwllh_yougood advlce^ak

lonighL 2) Get CAPRICORN (Dec e r you Gel your health In b

'^tiixr ' nw lm ^rta jit to h a ^ AQUARIUS (Jan.

1) Plan Schedule your timo \ rws to can work In thenwn


/ OHK/C/ HAve yc

SEEN MOW f \ p o w N ycb BOVVLIf'i . _ r h o s .

S *

o a t r f !-'■ f ^ g i i g i

h ,

rRuE.LDVEOP)30SS*DinG,-J----------- - UM




------.—In 20-minutes, So say-sof work.

----- The recall of defectinew. Thomas A. Edisoi his- batteries-was • bad:

______ ^ y e rs . and would tqi pout of his own pocket.''

NolhIng lowbrow i I In cards, young fellow. TIa s -----^ArtinNew-YorkhaaaallUerip The mathematician: ]]q, led architecture In Par ised from 1G70 to 1711 be bi . on Including 52 churches,

— Paul’s CathedralrSomi

Julius (^esar wante< hnvealotofchlldren.S

[on't he decreed thal the iTjny couldn'twearjewelry. ttcicawho The entire Ubrary

wilh today’s best techn four-drawer filing cabli

............ -Here's laCHaSraStyears ago Invented t

— -----ralherrthe-machine-thsaid bag. No friend <

)crts -.Ottay, let's break for lu

1 gel busy on home <,ul linpn ;t correspondence cnls.

PISCEJMov. 22 loDec. 21)__ tba advlcf mattcra can give then pit ake tlmo for study interestir■ ........ ip-YOec. 22 to Jan. 20) better shape and fasclnalli

5316. and she1. 21 lo Feb. 19) Otberwls3 well ao lhat you easUygeijming and then be could Io:

e e r r m e - w n •

— ---------- ttS t-----

lVl o ^ ' ^ hAt V\A CAMe UP j : ------ -:'cr --

WITH y >• . '

; 5 . .

1 ^ 0 B ' S IgAKKEL

U O ? \ to if I ■-■: y o u \DW W o r m U — V - • • - y o u R

'LIH& ( Ty sV “15-? A .

5 u ^ T $ r r £ a s i - ^ 5 H ^rH iM W lT . . . .

\ ■>

7 O H , t K N E W -Y •




ny BflTTi RpivlnlUlg In this lliw-?*

ectlve merchandise is nothlngv*; lison In 1905 learned that one oP> ! &ad.~Hf'offercd-refund3to-aii-jj— iQ) paying more lhan 91 million s;.J . _

w abogt collecting basebalE^/. Tho Metropolitan Museum of:*. 4200,000--------------------------- ^ -----

lan Sir Oirlstopher Wren stud-S Paris for only six months. B u tj^ , le built much of early London,^KS, and In most particular. St. kjme genius!--------------------- ---------

mted the women of old Romo to-:^ m. So to discourage abstinence,!:; the women without childrenji-iiry.

ory of Congress, mlcrofllmedr:^ ichniques, could be stored la six H yiblnets.

3 SUUweU .-r.C]inkL^-.wt».IOO-_)d tho brown paper bag. Or<qle-that-folded bnjwnpHperlnto^-----nd of tho baskelweavers. be.;H ir lunch. _______

„ p ,« ^ o U » r ,w m ..y o u r U . | ,

CES (Feb.-20 to Mar. 20) G ^ ----Ivlco of a very clever friend ,ai^-----

plan for an adventure that lii sting and exciting. ^YOUR~CHIU) -IS BORN T 0 « or ahe wlU be one of thoag laUng young persons who wiffi

ot « gy nnri mnny ideag}----Should be guided property^-

i^lse your progeny could J ts t w get 00 the wrong side of life anC

i lose out where It counts.

Page 8: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

Panels' ' •

BvMARKSHENEFELT VnJted Press lateroaUoaa]

. BOISE — Stale employee receive an average 9 perc

} Increase In fisc^ year 196S _! rywtniTWvfnttwi mflfto! Idaho Personoel Commlssioc

! t y _leglflIator8_who..Iroie salarlesthlsyear.

Richard Hutchison, tbi : mlsaion’8 d ^ u ty director,I the packaf^ to Idaho

Jones reBOISE (UPI) - Attorney

Jim Jones said Friday be talnly oot” going to apologlzi Jobn Evans (or allegLog ^ sta« members called potmt ocrallc witnesses at a re^ ment bearing and advise against testifying.

But tbe R epublics

Student-B O ISE <UPI) - State <

- -ofOclala-say-adleg^bountwho took Scholastic Aptlti lost spring didn't do as wei had in tbe past, but still exo national average in verbal i scores.

State EduMtJon De

F r i^ y that Idaho’s mea

PAYETTEnUPI) ■— n iln jurors aaibcraled aboul'nl bel(«B deciding eariy Frli William L. Culbertson was in charges he bludgeoned and < 70.yoarold man.:tben:6^:Q victim’sbonw.

>nw. 12-mgmber }ury flhoi midnight acquitted Culberts first-degree murder a a charges in the December jla y )n g s(J5 « IG am M e.

Prosecutor Bruce Blrdi Culbertson borrowed $42 fri ble a t the victim's heme Payette, then killed the max argument and set fire to hist_B Irchsald tbe defendant n the home moments later b( had left the money inside, seen by witnesses leaping 1 \Wndowot

W Hie suroect signed a c shortly after tbe incident, Bli

But Culbertson,- taking t earlier In tbe week, tes

ffl Formerly w/itfi Am' III of Idaho D ance Th

I BALLET-r/I S A i ^ S T U D j £

•Jii ForProgrom lrtfarm ot Twtn FbIIi # 734-3

_ y j J« fom «»324-aa

- - . . . ;


o N i Y ^ a . ;B«tw*«n4p.'m . I

____ Sot, a Sun.....................TSunday........... .All Nlghl Sund

M otar.V uaO rei

I IH- bnieI DAVE

_ J ________-amUtilAX.

I ........... boUyi Sot.-Sun. 1:45^

I = | twin1

s e e k s T iEmployees A

I . ■ ddegates,'sayi........................votedfortbep]lyees would Tbo pay bib •ercent pay Gov. John Ev gesundera- -rate It —or hi rldayJsy.the-. — In hls-budg Sion, but tbe tbe 1984 Leglsl»e-«pp«wed-------baBtyearrti»e..worker,...T.percect pay.

for tbe curr tbe com- legislators bat

ir, unveiled deficits froze ho Public year 13&2 level

efuses toley General olsosaldbewt be is “cej^ substantiate t gize to Gov. does not want ;uberatorial with Evans, entlai Dcm- . Jones told ra^portlon- week his offle

them torial workers .were expecte

officw ■ districting bej

tscores <Le education score fell froi und-eenlors—year, compan (tltude Tests 8coroof425. welt as they Ms. WlUlan exceeded the mean math s tal and math year’s 513, co

score of 468. Department ^ said Id llUams said sistently ouli lean verbal counterparts

t e a g g a c c a ifilSTJIslrlcl— B elieveaT i^rn ln eh o u is— m raf= ^ n o la Friday that questioning b s innocent of Floyd Moyer odstabbeda sh e r if rsU .L

. Tliedefeiiat jb o rU y a fte r- J u d g e - R ^ r jrtgon « of money-from-1 a S ^ a r io n the victim's c e r 16. 1981,- ___________

rcH~ a l l e ^; from Gam- \ u p ine south of </) _ ((( ...............dsbouse. )) Dan<itre tu n » d .to _ III___lo jo i:r because he \\ Dan de, and was ' ig through a fIMIHf-------- ' ))1 —*■a confession.Bhxhsaid. ft 7* :g tb e s ta n d / - * testified he

\m erican Festival Ballet Si T heatre.________________

M O D E R N • J A Z ZO O F D A N C E ^ ^ _ ^


mallonCall idwl4-3i00 jgii; [l-aa75 Sun. t;0

ionte r 7 ^I ’WK REI':7 S - t f. T w i n * : * *TTiiSU----------- : --------------undoy Sat.-5iSrond.Vu I , | j ^


iU ^7 :0 M r4 5 “45^:30-5:15-7:00-8:45

raises^^Association cooventl<»

aying tbe comndsskm had - dll B plan a J y hours earlier: ye like will go to tbe office of fl{ Evans, who will Incorpo- ur • his.own recpnuneatalloff haidflot tn .......M ature. hi*vth»oommls«ton cwight n— co ay. ralM for state w o r ^ _ps iQTcnt fi*y» year. But b l battU ^ to prevent budget ar ze tbe pay hikes at fiscal s t veb.

o apologiwould not provide proof to t r

0 tbe claims because hemt to escalate tbe dispute w;

taId reporters earlier this plflee had learned gubema- biers called Democrats v4io ofded to testify a t a re-^ p< bearing in the First Dis-

decline, 1rom 482 In 1982 to 479 this m lared to (he national verbal— la I. thlams said Idabo students’ tl score remained at lost compared to the national P<

InIdaho students have con- ^

)u(ranked their national ts o ^ th e S ^ test, but SI

r s ^ d i t i l f e r -rwaronly^gnlngTTstate-— fa'confesslon — following—} by Payette Police Chief yer and Payette County .Leroy Co rdes.Saanftbld thecourtroom of ~ 5«r-Williams be b o rro w ^ .. m-Gambler then-borrowed— scar.

elp^ ntedIh c e r s N e e d e d i ^lolnA Newly Formed ' _ an c e Perform ance ,

Troupe. I —


7 3 4 ^ 9 9 0 3 _ ^ !

1 School and University '

I Z ^ E R O 'B T C S ” 734-9903 I



Daily 7;00-9:00 ft;OQ.3:00-5:00-7;OC9;00 T:

IIndl W eek! |rm uw A R K ^ I“TGRN OF I HEJEDI j

Ooily7i0«125 Z■.5w,2=1Q.4:a5.7;00-9:25 |

H H I ________/lORA NlS 'ielaicLSmliti_____ ,


s a B B B s a

a r s t a t eT h e IPE A , recognizing I

d ilem m a th e s ta te facod di y e a r ’s leglslaUve sessions, d figh t tb e pay-froeze mover u rg e d la w m a te rs to m ako i

' h ardsh ip In fu ture y e a r s .- _ . H u tch isonsa ld .lbe9pcrce Increase for th e state pmpTnyPff^ would be neceasi p a y levels back In Une with

-b le T B te s 'a m o n g p riv a te -e i a n d public w orkers In othei s ta te s .

W hile Idaho’s s ta te woi

[ize to gotr ic t Courtroom of D ar Cogs

T h e a tto rn ey general s w itnesses then becam e re

' ta lk In fav o r o f a reappo p lan a d ^ t e d by the 1982 Lc b u t s tru ck down b y C o ^w e o f a n a lte rn a te p lan soon pea led lo th e Idaho Siq^remc

E v a n s denied tils office

butstilla dded only 7.2 percen t of 1

-13;500 h l^ B c h o o l eenlors to th is year.

LeUa Lewis, a n Educ. p a r tm e n t tes tin g consultan in c rea se in tb e percen tage c tak in g th e te s t m ight accoi

-d e c re a s e ir r tb e avera ge-ve: S he sa id 6.5 p e n s n t o f the si

------------ t l i


in Lynwoi

— ■—«i


— livT hn WC a b o o s o K o o m ^ ^



— ----- In d u d e a; Cp lu s h

5 4 5 \ ^, S h o ih o n o I

St. S.

m b b b s O B B


r • Daily7:J5-»:0S:: Scrt.-Sun. l.i5-3i3S-5i2S.7

I F inal W ee

I5 Sal.-Sun. 2:00-3:50-5:40.:

y s H— t s b r r u t m g c


Daily 7:15-9:00 un. 12:15-2:00-3:48^5:30^7

Id c

e e i n p l <; tbe fiscal wcatberlngth' during this - for tbelr coun .dedlncdto states are d ii rement, but 4.5 percent, he

W h e » th c . ' Willw w otten

lie’s 8,000 ^ pcrccnt s a rv lo i .u l '

ier Western TTiose thre- . the need for a

wrkers are in lhe next fisc

jvernor’igsweU. improper consaid those he cballcnec<

reluctant to Size for the 2portlomnent wllhevidcnccLi^lslalure, " I’ni certaiveil In favor gize. becauscd t o h eap - goodfoundallne Court. I did." Jonejce had any KTVB-TV’s.'-

\ better aItheolo lo’a school senior look Uw to t—

those taking I the Unlversl

jcation De* plaoen to enn ant, said an slty, 12 percc e of students the Unlversl} SHmt for the cent wanted

! state's higli a t ld a h o ^ tc

M ^ r O f n mI ^ I C E V O Jfood T- In Front of Ponny V

-----It'* ool o tfXMone-or o »Iw(|■'Hawoilon Ofloinol Ta»'

-•Cofonut---- •CK».fT 1 --

IY 2 d n d CET‘iT good through Sotufdoy. Sopti


IDAYNICHTO R C » A S B (E IA L 5l00TO 9t00r€>veT-55-9o}od a ond apeeic E Homo-mado rolls and dos

ATOM lI Ev i Ch

I :J . — 1._.. -N A T IO -f-f; L A M P *

)S r"" '■5.7]l5-9:05 H il

0.7:30-9!20 rl:

HSimny | ^

p j^i-7:yS^9:Q0- \ " 1 ^

a h € s / ^ .

o y e e s -; the wage freeze, pay. rates Kinterparts In neJghborlng climbing at nn average of hesald.

B 1983 pay freeze struck, c r s n ln ia ^ lagged bcfflnd_-_ mt, he said. Anolher 2 .5 '' :e will \x needed lo covcr

£^ .ju ‘sald^. _ utM f.'ictors demonstrate r a 9 p«“rcciit overall boost nscLl year. Hutchison said.

’s staffronlact wllh witnesses. /\nd ged Jones lo ellher apolo- e accusation or back it up ice.■talnly not going to apolo- use I think I have a very allon for saying everything nes s;tl(l during taping of s.“ Vic\vpolnl” program.

jveragetors took Uie axams In 1982. lUauia_aaiO5_peE£enL-0l_ Ig the test plaiui^ to attend rslly of Idaho, 24 percent !nroll a t Boise Stale Unlver- xent planned lo register nt •sly of Washington, 10 per- 5d lo attend Stanford Unl- i lOpenrentplaned to enroll— ate Universily.

^ W is o D ru g

YE BCEl„tu,,.^Jii.ihu____ _ait.;Truoi' ..................

r 1 FR EB•plombor 24. 1983

o \

O R B T I>0 P .M .lo s s o n . ■

; C A B O O S E ^

Every summer C ihase takes his I

on a little trijlO N A I,—™ - —P S « N 'S ~ ^ ' M B


.. O p an a ;1 5 » 5 toH t

I twin lu ltjp ljg j

= =^>oHy 7 : 3 0 ^ 2 0 ^ ^ •Sun. 2;00-3:50-Su0-7:30-

i Saturday. Secm .m exi sa b


; e free PE, § OR PE,® Whon you purchas

I • E >rob at_fho_rogujar^ 'g iv o you your-cho

■ poochos or pears . - a u S 3 .9 S -3 - l .W alrr.

M Coupon Ooo'l Througl ^omjo>4-AVENUE i

Mondoy thru Sol


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f i r v o u L i

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On Hwy. 24


" S A T U R I

Includ ing barb - ; p o ia to . s a la d I

.... ...... and.bey.G rage.

O M I . Y . . .

C o m e o n D ow ;

- 6 ACI J o c k p o t , N q v q d a

Chevy - j’i; C 3 family irip- ft;


fffnw It U U i i~ I

m I TH

i =-rtTT I J

nr}«.8j.3.0________ : r]J ___



:3WLLEy GIRU is pe has a fire

y o l i


eotombor17.1983 TImes-Ne

m OB c o m p o s e <■ ^

Ir n mE A C H E SE A R S ! ' ' W3SO a pooch or o poor irjsrico of S10.95, w o 'li . - lolco' of 1/ 2 ’ bushel of s with this coupon - -

jghTuoidoy. Sept. 20, I<>H3 E AT EASTLAND, TWIN FAUS -•1}olurday9:00lo6:00:Sundayi 12

■ ■■C O U PO N ■!



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Proporod Chineto tivie wlIR . ‘•Ico.f >;o.‘" ‘>'»odotoup; .HOURS“Mondol sTtT*7do7'ri-10 P

Noxt lo Rupert Oowl

lO A Y -^ ^ S W

estErim eiR ili:rb ec u e d ribs, v e g e to b i b a r, d e s se r t, rcjils

........ ..$,•_.* - J - ; i i 4

vn . . . G e t L u c k y a t


O P E N f R i ^ ^The Incre


: : p r i:H E s t r o n g e s t MAr

K R U L L ,Op«n 8 :15 •S ta rts

........i T W I N . | s l 3 3 J ! [. —I Mils ■ B F lutbI

i S B S i S S SI E ! . . . A F U N ^

J L I N G M O V DQ xrl, Chingo Sun limes

DGEMONT HIGH!.;W ji^ j^ .^C nd-W innu ig ly rcoi

Dally 7:45 Sot.-Sgn. 12:25-2:15-4:

>-Now3. Twin Falls. Idaho A-0 I B] B ES a a a

f e - -1 l~

- . 734.6518- • -ri 12:00to5;00

■ ■ n ■ H n iB►


, * a Seafood Dishos |

P R E P A R E IT ! k .

0 wllh iriod W y

:iOPiA. I1 436-9222 f

R i i r

PECIAlr----------- ■

i l t f l i n n e i ^ —toble, baked i

a t

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red ib le E tRIGNO I

IAN ON EARTH 1 ^---------------------

A world Hghr- r. yeors beyond }

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THFwacoHBO— II —':45-9 :35___............... ......|S-4:0S-5t5j»7:45:9;35 •{ ~


Page 9: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By



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SUITSVoittKl .

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QuilJed styles in sever

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w om en ! n i p

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i o v ' • M E N 'S N7^ / A Hooded jacket, si

d ^ / / l R»S.12.00Was PHc»d 6.00.

W B m • G IR L S TCR f B H r a Sovoral stylos S e f c « p y * f g ta . I l .0 0 t1 2 .0 ■ V p - i Wof P r io d 7.99 .

k LA D IES tB f E k 'P * Solids, prints, dig r C T x - j l R*g.3.00& i.00

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T O P SIS colors. ■>»»»«l!.oo. ■ GRP « .............................NOW . .

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lEN'S SUEDE SI l(Qsubls. Flexible Kratonbotlom Sii30.D0 I Prtced 19.90 I N O W ..................... I . . . . I I

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■ ■ •■ ® i • D R A I E R IAtionedso idsai R*ff.lo 34.9 1

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A wide solo lio'n width*.VqU Mto

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14 1 WotPrlcod .99• 5 -P C . SE'

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s c i a l r e d u c t i l j n s I S h o p 91 3 0 ( r n i l l i

u s h V a l u e s — B e s u r e t e i r e o d t l i i s d d & d i g f o r n e w l o w p r i c i a s i I ~si)UNPEsiGN

JUILT I A 9 9 _ ^ : ; : = ^ ^ ^ ' i i T i r U F ^ S H I R T S '

--- nt \\U //( ' Islw T2” :I J W W '• ? « o o / / \ \ f ........'■ * M > a o a c

Iffil i?mi» "'r \N\ l a ftL J/j//\ i i! /illSSES : !,ld.- l l l | \ * 9 .9 9 CORDUROY PANTSI'll Ji!9'9°®

\ |1 \ NCiTHERN NOW...........1 6 ^ - j I ^ ---------------------

----------V ! n / T WOMEN'S B o r s__ 1 lim tod»i( ck.discont nuod '■■/ - _________I 1 u.11 29” J SWEATERS SHIRTSO N D C U T G O L D C H A IN S J 'Uo

'•»".........................n o w : . . . . . 2 g 'S S ' - * - 4 4 9 9 | « ^ ^ . £ 0 iy » / '* ” i L ' l o „ ;

S m s , ......r : ........ ?'■••mod. t I jfido ,|^p I ^ ^ ^ I-*** * " TOW I

) j o w E L r - ' ' t " " ' ’ / ■ j T R o t e ' " " ’ SWEDISH:-r:nj........... ........................i- U li a i i a M l l ^ i„ * ut f ' " « ■ =

......... ......... N O W .. . :8 9 ’ ) l i : . . 0 3

LD W A Y C A S U A L L U G G A G E U j , A ^ | 1 ^ 9 9

GR’’ > i> io o '- —

: ' i l l c O - W P ■ W i i l i i i i i M jBMZEDS

I TbTiiAGS'^ ^ . . U :ioD u t i i o s t y l o ^ .■ ” ' ' ^ M n f i n i ^ i i I T i F f i r i i i l i l n i i n \ f c T ^

oiCroy.No^;, ^ O RPNOW

:IH ^ B W iii l i i l ■ 34’’' F ^

: PANTYHOSE JSui^n leg and loxtured *t)[los. i : Ci Icn Tonor Bluo.

I Support choose from bos< Foil , ! <ip trovoll- '^ V . ' ' colors. Toxlurod in high (ashien / W k ■ o id 36w/whoo s.

1 ^ 1 1 K<4-VAV9<> Wc»Prlco99.oilI \ i c ^ 9 9 g r p n o w ;

m 9 o ° ° | ^

I3 W N T 0 W N - T W I N f A L L S I I _____^ _____| -

■■■ ■ I ■ ~ ] ^ -■-■ . I ■■ ! ' ■ i ;■: ; ■ ' ‘ 1 . I i •• • . • 1

Page 10: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

I L ic e iI ByHALBERNTON [ _ . TYme5-Ne»w_HT«er

• "“"BOISE — The Federal ■J CuiiuiiIm IuQ has liu'tifid • build a 65-mcgawatt poweJ River, neai: Buhl. • The decision, made earl

the end of a five-year effo: gntn federal approval for the Wylie Dam project, Power board Chairman Jl

'* “Our new power forec ! would nol need Iho dam

II . ........

|:v; ;: ■ —

H h I w h [

\ m d /i __\ R e s id e n ts n e a r J <

! B u s i r1 By DAVID MOFFAT J TJmi^Newswiiler

i TW INFALLS-ACIi----------Um owimai of J & K l; access to tbelr proper; . . . Morton Drive, or else tI sprlnkler-instaUaUonp>(• Tho unanlirious decls S _ appeals board — whic t ■ 15)80 city-counly agree ; ; Friday morning. The• ‘ Twin Falls County Conu

r ^ B a n k t i tI ByBOBFREUND ; Times-News writer

• 'F e d e ra l IntermedlaS^^w ‘ Spokane says the bank Js ; : up overalghtoflls30 produ

-• - th e - takeover bf four I----- aulhorilJes:---------------- ^

“ We are monitoring lh t more closely on a more----- baste;*'— says-Ronald-T;;____senlnrvicapiesldent.__ ^V E ariier this year, the i perated with the Federal : ' ministration in assuming r the Southern Idaho Produc ; AssoclaUon In Twin Falls

: 'Hie FCA is lhe parent to !; ^ Intermediate Credit Bai

I Senate■ By DAVE LEWIS :. _ Times-News writer[..........KETCHUM,—.SUite.Skt— Carey.'is mounting a - c ^ ; motorists for any damage c_^./>aueMl -b v ..Io o se ..^ in ^ « surfacing Of Idaho 75.

' P eav ey Is p laciag the b -d b w s an d Bcarred-palnt-Jc

r- r^ T a r ih e -d U iM e f ll resurfi ; th e p r iv a te contractor and ; H ighw ays, a c la im the divi . ------- “ p ^v ey U rsay in g th e -a trt• caused because the loose 1

left on the road too long a posted advisory, ralher th

'----------P o a v ^ .’s-windahield.W£!. lo b .-w h lchw asdooebyC li 1 T w in F a lls p rio r to L abor!

stretched from Bellevue i ; chum.:---------‘Tdon'ttM ntlheyRot th

n s c dBrFE

. • Ira i Energy Regulatory ...chi

3WCT plant on tho Snake po' rai

sariier this wcdc, marks- jnc:ffort by Idabo Power lo pnfor the plant, known as }cl, according lo Idaho forn Jim Bruce. trirecast showed" lhal we whun In tho near future." fro

— ., - r _



J & K N ^ e r i e s d o n t n


V city-county board has given K Nmbtid a year to p lir perty by means other than se move the landscaping and n portions of Ihelr business, eclslon of the special zoning hich was convened under a reemenl — was'announced' he board was composed of onunlssioners Ann Cover and.

Iglitertsswhich pro supervises 1

The sout official a t the marked the S ia ifB ank o r ~ th e federal c is tightening step in, sa: xluctioo c r ^ l a^oc ia le de

r by- federal district run

: the Blluallon bank, also ore Individual associations -Tangvald,—a — Oregon, ant

he bank coo- Hoffmansa: rai Credit Ad- Hoffman. Ing control of operations duction Credit says be e> ills because It peratives U______________ debts if.thflt to the Feder- - depressed.. Banks system, “ i , would

or wanK

Sen. John Peavey, bi lam pai^ to c6 m p e i« la li:w age t^ their automobiles____

------ ^ ------------------dte blame of broken-win* . m it~Job3'onlhe mani« r ln -~p i urfaclng was handled by ol and the slate Division of th llvision denies. : vautomobile damage was cl se layer of chlp-seal was it lg and because the state 'w, : than mandatary, speed pi ingthework. ■ '.wa8-brDkenJurinBihe_7^ ClicleAConstrucUonof tr orDay:Theciilp*sealIrig-^=-^t je to Just north of Ket- or

tthech ipsofftheroadas--of

fMole n ie dBruce said Friday. “That was tl FERCdeniedthepermit.’’

Bruce says ihe stalo's powej changed .dramaU<^y since li

power usage was expected to gi rale. And small hydro proje Ind^wndent groups, were nol provide major amounts of electi

But the recession has caused { forecasts lo dip, and now. Cede triggered a t»om in small hyd which Idaho Power is obligate from the independents.

____________ _____________

t liK e th e v o lu m e o t t r a t t u

etsjDptuMarvin Hempleman and 1Gale iCleinkopf and Paul Ni

The decision came afler en on the issue Wednesday nli iln compromise by both John on ownersof J& K . andsevej nd neighboring subdivision, n

clly for revocaUon of J [jg permit earlier Uiis summa a Hemplenum. who made

ed lionr~ explained” lhat " t l of sprinkier-installatlon part id - have'been added 6ln«the

s t a n d a r d iprovides funds for,- and 2s i o ^ credit assodaUons. ouU>em Idaho cooperaUve the fifth. Ume this year thal i rai govemmenFEasTiad^lo^ says William Hoffman, tiie ! deputy governor of Ih e F C A ^

un by tiie ^xrirane bank. The | eooperaUon-^th-Uie-credlt— 50 has assumed control of oos in Medford and Salem In - - i md in Mount Vemon, Wash;— ]

says.m. who supervises banking ]is for tho federal agcncy, ]expects other credit coo-' i

I to be unable to pay tbelr | thc-farm-ecanomy-remalna— ,i .............................................Jd say lhe farmers In this '

its com]^ n as they possibly could hav “ It certainly wasn’t the fault ol

— "There'areTom e-real'bon brand oew cars having broker

r.anyTvimi^frrtWth6BhftW1fW>m:Howard Johnson, the Dis

- gu^ntPTWfc.nt. ,fl<>lcnnwlPdg<« Chips were twit owept from tba as normal. But, be sayv, cool

T )re v e n te d ^ chips fronrseatii . oil baM, m aldnglt nec^ury tho road longer.

He says- the Job was doo chlp-seal Job, and be finds oo fi it was handled by the contrad

'was handled Just like we hj project.”• The chip-sealing provides nn

~of. resurfacing pav ^ tpads traction for summer aodT:

^o te i^ -say8 ;N orm any .'a ro once every seven years.

Ho says a foad is cleaned be -of oil-is-placed-OQ-lt aod-tbeE

I f o r cas tho reason liial By 19£

. ISO. rn ^iwer forecast lias prodiieeje 1978, when the 65-mega

0 grow at a rapid then we rojects,, built by .have he! not expected lo -8ure,” B

isctriclty. ■» . Howe\ ed power^lemand eventual ederal laws have crs chea lydro producUon, ^ m ind ;ated to purchase ‘‘Wfiw

the 50 ;

g m j g E | |

UIC u s in g M o rto n D rive ,

[bins; toid Twin Falls Councilmen li Newton.t e ’ a bitter public hearing / night. It Wflfl giyptpd n _ )hn and Karen Frilllp^TBe everal of the residents of a n, NviM had petitioned the J &. K's conditional-use

mer.nde the compromise mo-- the~Jandscaping—and— larts of J & K's business the county granted J & K a

is at crec1 country are in generally v

than u i ^ were a year ago.1 Tangvald, whose bank 1( ^ to__-P C A s - in— Idaho. ' ' Washington, Montana a ' agrees. “ U’s reasonable

Uiat unless the (fym ) e

I blems.”------ “nnrsitnatJon-nvcr-th

years te that tin commodil- th e—niajor commodilie

Northwesfare ihe'ones tba__ hit the

Both Uie Southern Orej Medford aod Uie Puget So Mount Vemon loan hea’

■ fishing chlerprises: Ftehli fered from intense corap

— otherdifficulties.-------- ^The Southern Idaho Pl

WUIamelte PCA in Salem

ipensathave," Peavey says, layer Itofthemotorlsts. intotl jorrorBtoriesTibout— Beati )ken windows on tiie ' Dxujtlt/’’......... ..................... c a re 'l5istrict 4 highway IBey^ Iges thal'Uie-lQOse - He4ha highway m vt\n__ nn Jd)o] weather and rain auton lating ppjperlyjnthR —drive try lo leave them on signs------------ - - -------- -Joh

done as any oUier throu 10 fault wiU) the way tu m i ractor. “The project exces J handle any other when

Tbei nn ec4^m ical way d i ^ Ja a i^ klves tfjod Pm xTTmmer dnvlng. . agenc 1 road te ddp^ealed - durin

"WlJ before a Uiin layer |irokc J»en-cover«d-wlth-a— Johns

3 a m I[990, Idaho Power expects to ^ w a t t s of power from in x rs . nibre t ^ twice tiie

« know v ^ t do wilh. and Uu i d p ^ with the pennit appllc Brucesays. ,ever, Bruce says he tliinks V mliy would offer Idaiw Powe eqier dectricity Uian power |ndependents.' _^leri you biilld Wylie, U ra a f> years, il’s d^recialed o


J'_ ' " ■ ■

' 9 1 1 6 ' 1

c , t h e g ra v e l ro o d ica d i

endlJiisretail sales permit in 1978. fall under the scope of U said. ............. ....

Anrt ho <uilrtJhft^eirtfLnt—should'be^ong'CDOtiglrtoi

the business.The only dispute to Uils

brief period of discussion s u i t e d that J & K’s included in tiie motion.

— *niere is no access to-J i Drive, and retail sales (


dit assocpr'worse shape erally arc■0 ." Tangvald sc leods money r a is ^ by th

- Oregon,- polatoesamand Alaska, pricing sit

le to assume ducers alsoeconomy re- hesays.

rowers still thu p ^ l few— responsibly diUes that are bank will k lies in U»e PCAs and bat bave been before Uiey■. ______ tions.egon PCA al . AlUiough Sound PCA a t duclion Cre taviiy to the ered insolvi hlng has suf-” -flclals caiig DpeUtlon and ale Into Ui

S and U»‘ ■ / m, Ore., geii- [• See:

don forer of loose gravel; Rollers he!> the bil, he says, but it lakes t

luring the iniUal stages, flai 8 direct traffic through' the y^lM R w uikului^pJohoso :e also says thete'Js^ high wJdahfl 75. whirh rniwMl n In oiQobiles tO;t}e damaged, i rent-failed:toob8erve'tbFa( IS Uiat were posted. - ohoson—say s- th a t -tbe--w }ugbout much of Uie project ( 3 lanes and turnouts — causc ess chips. These chips be !0 one vehicle passed anoUier be road was swept two ar ing the project, he says. eavev-and BlnlneJi^UDty la u d e s received a higb numbe Ing tbe work.-But t b ^ weren* We bad numerous compla ten windshielcb and c h l i ^

■ ■ t

llei;p r o p cI lo purcnase ciecreases tin independent (independent

he projected anyreUucllon

0 in .lhe min decision, m ^ Umt couldn't date. Bruce j illcaUon. I’m ..q ^ogUy ^n,

you don't kno'

at'tiie end of Uie nout and it this stretch o(


id m g to th e n u rs c rv

ispute78. Therefore, Uiey do nol ; the ori^n^_ permit, h^


lis mollon came during a in that followed. Newton [’s retail sales also be'

J &-K-oUierUian Morton— - 9 generate the greatest 4GooPageB2

ciationsare agricultural lenders,1 says. Some of the crops ' Uielr dients, such as onions, and grains, have had volaUle ■siluaUons~Uvestock~pro-- tso have had a difficult time.

till arc handling their loans'

1 ke<^ a siiarper eye on all nd tiy to catc± problems ley can Impair tho assocla-

gh the SouUiem Idal^P ro- >edit AssoclaUon te consld- ilvent. federal and bank of- iiight Uie p ro b l^ before il the equity owned by Uie


r grave]hdp seat the chips “ I cx » Ume before tbey everybo

................. ........ Uiero'sr□agmen and pilot Johns le work arM . birt iie woulfBlOnsnyn.-------- !____ WlI V0lum«t0(_trafnc__ nrpongpI Inrgfl nnmhpr nf pm m* L and Uiat many complair^BdvlBoiyr30Tnph--ibe:lar, Divtelori-wldfiT.^roadway wiiosea ct area — used fo r ' ' , used a buUdnip of ^ ^ e a l r t o m e

a ^ U ^ U m e s

law-enforcement 1 In _th<ihttr nt rnffipTaTnlfl WlttrCOTen'ttbe only ones, timo, pl pinipia regarding evaluaU ped windshields,” The o ---------------------------B0X488;

■ Obituaries/Hos]■ R e l ig io n B 3

- .■ .J M o r e .u a l l e y n e w :

o s a lnthe rate base. WIUi cogenera

ent power production) (here's n llonintheralebase.” ' '

nay reapply for Uio license at a :e says Uite reapplicatlon wou] and tirae-consumlng proccss. enow wiiat you’d gel in lhe end. ’ -d, tlie director of the Idaho

League, says his organize Uie federal acUon. e moment, at ]e a s f ,'I t 'm e ^ h of Uie river will bo saved.''

D eb i I o n r<r-District- B y JaN l^B U ck w A Y

Times-News com^Kodt

GOODING - m e a I Gooding Recreation Dii I Unulng its organizing efi

a possible dectkin lo I dtetrict.

The dteWct'a board began preparation of it sum mer ;984 programs nesday meeting, attende

-.signatures for a poUtlon <-------thedlstrict:----------------

n io board members i quesUons in aa.attempt what they cail some miso

Points covered indudec .• The board of directo

adi^nteter tbe rccreatioa r . . The dlsHd-wflToo

county property-lax roll 1984. andit will nol recdv until January 1985.

• TTie amount of the property-lax levy |ms not but boatd members agrt tie' more Uian the .02 formerly assessed by theon<illy<vinlHlwlo»ta____

- - • TTiere Is no recreaUc levied Uite year, elUier b; the r^ reatton district.—

• Tho city passed a i _ __April abolishing Its rec

^ y lax levy when Uii ‘ disU^ct wfls’fonned. Cl

cannot be taxed twice for i• The recreation distr

------ I4ku uwiiuiiJtIp uf Uieproperty, such as the swii

. . tennte courts, porks, etc _ manage the operaUon of

• The city wiil retain with the golf course, ao

Taxpai;eBy BONNIE SaIRD JON Timcs-Ncws writer

- .:_G 00D 1M G - A,c oGooding County Is contin to collect 700 signatures

J- Uiat would call fora sped dissolve the county’s ne districl.

rs, The district was approv ps on June 7. but Unse taxp IS, ing Uie district, meeting Ue week, said many p n ^ •0-- 'h av e realized since thal le, trict could be quite cosU:

the authority given lh

n s— “We are basically opp

ill because of the current ns says Dick SUIckland, Uie la- thecommittee. -

“The tax for the recrec •0- woul3~be on all prop« Id- means farmers would )f- two-thirds of Uio cost ai it perty owners about one-th

he His co-chairman, lioy snya tho law thnt PTMtgd alloOTit to set Its own ta lo build .or establish va

>1 damacan sympathize wl(h peo]

/body, would use somo com I’s no reason for 11 lo happen:"" tinson clpM say timl if he were t< Ftiuld corisld^ 24-bciur Q a ^ c

nse— ____a v ^ aays that once-he aeeumi ilainls, 1k3 will evaluate their 5 are any p^winds to a p ^ c h t Sion atiout compensating th< leautomoblles.were damaged. Iinson saya Uie chips are consic rd , and it te iqi to tho motorist ng speed to allow for the haa motorists are covercd under

ensive insurance for Uie damag the meantime. Peavey woult

tm iip lffitsSSopH m frSote i , place-and extent of the dan jaUoiLe notes can be sent to: Sen. Ji W8.-Ketchum,-83340.---------


s p i t a l s B 2

i / s - B 4 ---------------------- ---

l e a r EraUon, Ford says Uie Ii s never tx^ause it would da

: - • ing free-flowing-saci rnHorr.! ' dlmliUshliig its rcco a later harmed an end )uld be ^ P'13 nnd a geological unstable j ^ Since the power w

there was no compe0 dam. According to I ^ U o n provide a cheaper t

- forcustojTiers.ris that.....' “It whs a very exi

colnc to raise rates."

a t e ra e c r e atmovmgzjlY aUon dtetriiidenf thatoperaU

“ We arenewly formed .countyrecn )tetrict te con- Uie recreatl efforts, despite— don’tw ant t D dissolve Uie wUl conslde

Tom Jone d of directors as recreaU its budget for until a pa 33 at Its Wed- - hired, told 11 ded by several Club w i l ^

n rfive_agdhsl ^ m s l o r ^ — - ----------------- dub~cta»“1 responded to sum mer ba: pl lo d e a r up, . The boar sconcqjllons.- - meUKXte for

, , essary.foritors j8;fl;legal“ gram.“ Boar« e ^ ^ r - t o --ujB-Qifly-eon district. ___ pnrt-Umfl.diQot .gQ on lbe schedule an ilte unUl June unleercoad

. A .toitoth . nM-,1 tiiree- or foi

was discuss President V

™ 1 , city com“ .S v e r tS

he dly, nnd It d|yp|^npert.

Uon toTfeing The boSrC by Uie d ty or conUnue us

______________ p ro g a ms, tresoluUonIn fwa iow i«KJ

ecr^U on prth c ^ p a rU d p the re c re a l io 5 ^ ^ , ‘ *ser--fee City resldente'•rrecreaUon. levy as low a rtrict will not JoncM -rq

vimming pool, baseball projf uHlI Ha n1«w t>t

Of those facill- elementary-!______________ BOCCfit_piSgn Its conUuct students. F md the recre- parUcIpated

ers fight oI N ^ ' atlonal fa d

th e tax p a ^ Sue Cavr

prtmTTilHp^ (n ■ thr«wiL.nmm1linuing a drive the district es on peUUons group earll idaldectionto - -tjuesUonsre lew recreaUon Sbe expr

taxpayers i oved by voters trict lias ag (payers oppos- Ues to condi 3g earlier this in Gooding, ^erty owners be done forat such a dis-----Uian $2,000-:Uy because of year.Uie district’s Uerm an

pposed to any could^emba

nt economy,” recreation d lechairmanof dtetrict is 1

- - ........ viding,—macaUon district oublic recr iperty, which Swimming ] d pay about faciliUes, b and d ty pro- tennis courtthird.” ----------- fadilUrarsloyd Llerman. other relate

tax levies andvarious recre- •See TAJ

ige to abut 'if

mmon sense,

itodo llagal^ n ^ aiid pUbl

sm and s e e _ ]f_ _ ^ 3 t2 l_ _ i fi the Highwaythe motorists K k-fc. | |L . .sidered a road Jt to adjust his iziird. He also ier their com-

uld like Uxsce ^ ^ i n g t h e _ - ^ H V t f uruige for his

John Peavey, S E N . J ________________U u n c h e

Jay. Soptomtwr 17.1983 Tlm

BB liss :e ICL opposed Uie projectI dam one of the few remaln- saclions of tho Snake River, -ecrcational value, nnri wniilri______endangered fish, the sculpln.le proposed dam Is locatcd In______able area._______ .___________ _;r was not needed, Ford says mpdiing reason lo build Uie to Ford, conservaUon would e r altemaUve power Murce

r expensive proJect Uiat was • - es."

a g e si t io nzfor-warch:-:strict wiii not be involved in raUon.ire an organizing vehide foi* •ecreatJon,” said Sue Cavness, eaUon boiurd chairman. '‘We uit'to s tart new programs,’wc ■ = jider what tbe p ^ l e want.” fones, who has agreed to act eaUon director wiUuut pay

part-time director can be )Id Uie board that the OpUmtet . -II conUnue ils operaUon of the

'or the coming year. But the <»“ nbi“ wi8h“ lo‘'handle"Uie "

loard a g ^ to InvesUgale s for borrowing the funds ncc< ' tor a suramec. J>asebali p ro -. . toard-members flaldthey fell;— — y expehw would be for' a«» rflriorlnp In onnrrtlnnfp Ihq ......) and assist in acquiring vol- - .......oadiea.tallve salary of «.000 for..a r four^month summer season . nissed. The board asked Vice it Vem Prance to check with Mnceming liability insurance ’ the youths participating on >erty.jaFa aBorlnaicatedirwoiild - --

user fees for recreaUon IS, but it w ^ _ lg to keg>_lhe

icipate. Board m emters said-■fees'would'aastemrninding------ nce it possible to keep Uie tax — •— iw as possible.-reported 'tha t- 250- youUis -• —

program. Each paid a $5 fee.—exp la ined-U i^ were-80 ____ -iry-school children In the______iK gram jiK U SJiiD tstliieti____ _. Fifty girte and 60 boys Ited in basketball, hesaid..

district^faculties, ali a l tiie expense of' la^ re .!avness, Uie chairman o fth e-------lember hoard of dlrectoraJor-_____rict, met wIUi the opposition arlle r in Uie week to answerisregardingdtetrictplans.-- ----------expressed sympaUiy for tbe trs poslUon and said the dls- 3 agreed to hold lalUal activi- onducting a b a s < ^ program ing. She esUmated Ihte could for about |l,000, aod oo more OOO-ln-total-costs-for-lhefirst--------

lan and other residents

mbarlc on an amblUous pro-

on d is tr ic t, the purpose of the ia Usted as “ acquiring, pro- ~maintninlng and opcraUng~ recreaUon centers, such ns hg pools; ploilc and camping 3, tiaU parks, handball'and** j u ^ , marine and snowmobile5, ski areas ,^ Ifco u rse s 'an d .........slated grounds, iKiildlngs and




'J. J O H N PE A V E Y J c h e a r e p a y m e n tp l a n ._______

Tim os-N ew a. Twin Falls, Idaho

Page 11: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

r ^ n th«V o lu n tee rs to '

------- -- ^ T w IN-PALLS—T hep— community volunlera

- -the Twin Palls downli 'Community Services anc

1-1- -A-wlde variety ol-or ;care,~8ervlcer veterans

-'booths along Main Ave _ . mmniunl^ activities.‘ ' n— TOe-Unlled-Wfty-wm■:------ . jo romuoumjommiufitj

. llie re fli«n will be food ~ ^ b e event is being

— —btBinesslmprovemoitd

Je ro m e h o sts.........i i -U E R O M E ^ jn ie J^ g

.. ;.w ill take place today, be; County Fair^'OUDds.

CompetltioQ will includ a.m .i ^g sb o w , 10 a.m.; 4-H bowl, a quotlon-ani p.m. District competit categories was beld durl l u t week.•- Competitors in tbe dlf among tbe top 10 blue-ril: tbe fairs In Cassia, ML

■fiyipATMARCANTONIO ■ -Tm^Newswiiter

’tT ^ FALLS—A man wl — roconl—iof—m ore—than—

dnm lceo^v ing offenses n “djances" this week.

He bas been sentenced to s montbs at tbe North Idab(

. tioiiallQsUtuUanatCottoawt And a t tbe end of lhat Ume

2li'S^^ourthAve. E .inTw inl • • "be .pteced'iMlitobaUoU-or:

. tbe rest of his flve>ye:

iTiutt sentence was Imposi thla week in. Fifth District

^-JtidgeT)attii F ive y e ^ ' I s ^ roudmiim

___fOf- a TTT*?*** f^mV oruriiH trfntlon.'• Houk was sentenced for 1

— AprU in Twiq Falls. At tbe

■ Prosecutor Harry DeHftan a

M ig r a n t cc_ j 3 ^ . , F A U ^ ^ _ N l n e _

Atww4>»»ii fftudwrt* are enn abbreviated auto mecfaanicf

.... the C o U ^ of Soutbero Idat£belng lunded Dy uie idab

------------------------- During - tbe; 3&-week. co

" N e ttie H e s se ’■ • HAGERigAN ' - NetUTH i fta s e rm a n , i e d f^W ay a r A cres C are Center In Goodlos

J J ^ ^ a e ^ a l arrangem ent# m a o d will be nnnounced by G oodlos CbopeL

______ E r < i r * J R o y s te n _

; H E Y B im N - F rank Rav- M faybum . died -F rid ay af

' C assia M emorial H o ^ tla l la I-------- — F to e r f t l - a m « g e m e o l» -a

" a n d will bo annouDced by ! • F to era lH om elnB urioy .

~ [ EdnaX. Smitht w in 'F aE l5 - Edna L. J

-^Twrio Falls , died Friday a t N ; R egtonal Medical Center.

Puoera! a iraogem eota a— . — a o d . wUl .b e aaoouDced

. M ortua ry of Twia Falls.

- iS erv i----------KlHEERtY^'rtiofimSnr

•■Butch” E acker. 72. o l Kim Z jU ed T u o d a y . will be held todi

— —a tW h Jte M ortuary In T«rfn Fa]mj^y c a llf liu io funeral homo i

' B a r la l will be In Twin Falla ID e fam ily suggests that mci

~ Irlb u tk n s b e m ade to Ute ld< •Ftiundfctloa.

TWIN FALLS — A sravea— -fa t-R « y ro o o d -H ,-M cV e y ,-0

4H ospiMAQIC


K irk Baker. Mrs. L.J. Muir an C ari:D ovall. M arvin Lotir anc

..... Soow ard t aod D o ite r -WaUclns,H ope. B ruce HIU a ad PtiUUp

— K ^ a a d B a r a l c o - W o t i s te in . - t S liadaoae; Floyd T n im p of Wlntc

............. — -- -------djo■ CqkrloUe McMostera. CSiarle

dao g b ter. Mrv. F re d Jaynes aod I T u ro e r, a ll o f Twin Falls ; One

.K o b v n of Buriey; Mrs. Cbariee .J a n ie s Gkxtowskl and Mrs. O Je ro m e ; M rs. R oger Cnuxflem M rs. W illard PaU ersoo of M urti

M rs. F rank WUklnsoo andda

: BtA daug h te r to M r. and Mrs. De\

............" : ot. ben, A da

J t90 a H a u eyaadA ltaD av ls .be

— .--> rK K ttuK artlin» so d E lU Alll H i^ o f H a s e n n a n .

' W T Im e * ^Je w 8 .T W ln F aII« .J

l e v a l l clO 'explaln servlc*» people wh& make things ba) :ers — will be on display todi vntown mall during the an and Volunteer Day. Lorganlzatkins. .including be ms and political groupa..wiUJ /Avenue to tell tbe story of I

wiU-1iave*a'booth,- providlnj Mtypartid patingagend ea. • Md and liaked goods for sale, og sponsored by the d < ^ i

ts d is tr ic t 4-H failaglc^alley area district 4*H beginMng al 9 a:m rattheJez

:lude: a borse show, beginning m.; style revue, 10 a.m .; and •and-answer conqwtltlon, at etltlon in tbe beef and d [uring tbe Twin Falls County J

district meet roust have pis hribbon winners in competitlo Minidoka, Twin Falls, Jero

Fender-se) had a c ^ i

' " drtving offa record of an*

1 with a prior “ I’m not vt a—a —dozen . told the.cou 9 ran out of haveanymoi

Houk’aattc toqieodfour forawithbelt labo Correc- with tbe stl{ owood. . would limit I me, 11 will be ^ c o n l in u o=lM ki-S»fttr d t o W f f J In Palls, win "HeknovwiS - S : S i i . ^ l 5 L c h a ^year term

. . . 1 . „ • tom ey said, 1

umsiehleaoe'ItHng ptwnHo- *■

or DUI ind- clear messag uMarch-and— iation— that the bearing, off the road, m aaId Hot± of time."

:ouncilfunin e_ M e x ic an :_ sh ^ ta_ w illmroUedlnan a u to -w o rk - nics course at alignment, s Idabo. which—electrical sysinm^______________ Ai^ r d ln g

com x, the

'w qrigsLaura Cc

FuoeralC hapi

--------------------- H u t f iF if zElavsten. 81. of

a lten ioofi- a t ------- JiAZKLTONllnB uriey . ap s. 64. of Ct - a r o - p ondlng .— form erly o l { jy McCuUocfa’s California.

Bom May ll..............- ...........Ark.-, ahe grev

llazcltOQ area. L .S m lU j.9 0 .o r L .P roap8 .»t M agic Valley M rs. P roap

C hurch o l Jc 9 a re p«tv<ing S ain ts aod a e d b y - White f^ebekohLodg

Surviving ai

n€es—55rforH erffll^onsr\th6ilW lOmberly. who today a t t t a.ra to d a y a l2 p .m . I n T iw F a l l s . iFallfl-Friends M ortuary tnT v meirotU^tg^. tu^.rDunn m em orial coo* U oyd Allen. 7 I Idaho Kidney form eriy o l 1

. D ceday.w lU be R upert Ccmeti

ivealde aervlce H ansen Mortui VC8, o f-T w in— serv ice ----------

l i t a l s —3 IC V A U £ Y,UED1CALCENTCRAdmittedr and Ja so o Frtsby. a ll of Twin F i aod Ada Ek. bU of F iler; Doi

Ins, boUj 0/ K lm boriyi Mra.-DeV ? Ih o m as , all of Je rom e; Mrs. J n.-bo(h of Ouhl;-BoUy Parfcfiun Intertiaven, Calif.: Leroy Borrowr

iJ«mlM L._ ____ .ulea Feckner. M rs. Randy KalJ uxl BOO, Harley S u m m en and Heri Ondrea GIbaoa c l H ansen; Jenn riee Tbom as o l E den; Harold Bai . O avkt Steadm an and soo. all lem lre a o d daughter o l H ogenn urU ugb; Dewey T ub ta o l Klmbei j d aughter of Filer.

BirthDeVere Hope of Jerom e.

m ncnifrr a

I. both o l Jerom e.

Aliaw a. both of Je rom e, ood Fea

Is, Id ab o S a tu rd ay . S e p te m

e y - ---------ceS ' Gooding, Blaind.'oi


■ S i A n apo logyT W IN F A L I^-A

- - detalilng alleged coi QlJiave_LaMarOrton,-tbe-T^ 3f tbeir director, inappn^ri;

. for Orton’s bedding p ling in * ™ *nio policy of l l ie----------- : uuu-ltf uoiifHleutlal a

Tlmea-News regrets wntown —

C o rrec tio n» i r TWIN FALI^ -

Times-News i«en tl: l-Hfalr which Haney SeedCJ e x o m e - a r e U i e ^ f e t o lO

• Seed Co. related to tb 1-0 _* a H ie Times-News it

Seed Co. waa doing Co., and that when t Idaho F irst National

operated as doing b placed Gallatin bave never lUonat F irs t National. Galls erome, lawsuitswithHaoey<

ent to Goonulated 13 pnor drunk- ffmses. U iere also was’ a 1 urests in California, t very proud of tboae,” Houk court.. “Hopefully. I ’U not. 1 noreoftboee." <ittorziey, James May, asked leldsentenceandprobation, , stipulations that his client It his work only , lue taking a medication that

S.IL^i ^ tb g d e w n i .M .' ;Jtoy-aakL A prison.

I result In the suspension of " * )al-«state license, tbe at-d, aod there was “no sense > livellboodaway.” ■led-that.hia-Client continu- 1ftmgtit~tmntmwTt-fnr-h la— 1ifdrinking. *

cause the puWc bad sent a ~ '] sage—through stifferlegls- j (at it-wanta drunken drivers, j id, “even for a short period


ids C SI autAdll receive Instruction in _£ ■k bralres.— f r o n t - ^ — i , suspension, tune-up and systems. .......................... a

. -fag to instructor F r e d _ j ; the cotirse is in le n d ^ lo p tbe students for service- c

BConner i=^,.n - M. .1 j

care cen te r o f Cassia Memorl- *In Buriey. a lte r a long Illness. ‘ a iraagem en ts a rc peoding '

>0 aPTKKtncwl by Uw Bergin .japeloIShosbooe. ^

itzpatrickProaps-----«•ON - Ruth Fltipatrick-Pro-- - c( C itrus Heights. Calll.. andII H ard too .-d led Aug. 3 l- ln -------

y IB, 19t9. In MounUiln w up lo the Greenwood a o d ------1rea. S te lata* married Harold I

jo p s 'w a s 'i 'm e m b e r o l the iJ o u s O ttM o l uu lo M lo y 'a p a st noble graod of tho I

5dge. , <[ a ro : t>er husband o l Citrus '


(dwrwedaeaday,- wiu bc'ticld----- ^i.m .a tS u n setM em o ria lP ark . i s .F r ia x b m a y c a U a tW h lte iTw inFaU suntU 10;30a.m.


1. 7S, o f OuuxOer. Ariz.. and > I Heybum , who died Wed- < lb e t ie ld & Io o d a y a tlla jn .in netery. F tieods moy coU a t r tuary lo Rupert p r t o to the <


M rs. M ark Scbeer, K I Folia; — Gooding. - Donald[)QVere......... J o h n f le t c b e r a o d J a i1. Jack B a llo y o fG lcn n sF e n y .u n t- o ( ----------------------------------------gWjIUlQ A rfangh>i»r MT.

cJc ln y n o G arre U .M cr

V irsio la Denton and J a i D eclo; H arp e r Hunsako

Shlrioy W ard, April ^ J u d y HaU a o d daughte R u p ert; Joaenna A rre H yrum . Utah.

J___________A so n to M d M rfc '....... —

Irm a N avarre tto o l Ps

Penloo^— TT M arceU a-rRyan and Reym undo Leoo o l Buri<

ember17;i983 "

or Camaa.,countie3.-accot bo Extension Scrvice agent Bll

IV- A Story in Wednesday's Tlmi

j-Twin-Falls community deve priately Induded advertisingigplantjwslpess............... ...•be T lm oJ^ew f is that sudi 1 al-aad aet f er pubUe-lnfownat ets tbe error and apologizes to

r i '- In “ Civil court blottei

ntly reported tbe filing of a la d Co. and Idabo First Nation ir^ffllnrfOTencM to IbeGallatl0 tbe filing were in error.fB incorrectly reported that tb Ing business as Gallatin VaU m shares of Haney were acqi nal Bank, shares of Gallatin a: nnv, as ajwbsidiaiy of Haney, never owned by H a ^ am g business as Haney. Um sl iver been owned 1^ Haoey o allatln bas never been Involve ley or Idabo First National.

ottonwo<M edil said Houk had st

trouble in tbe last mont improved attitude was di But, the Judge said, the

. assurance that be would danger to sodety.”

Meehl also gave Houk cr Ume he bad served in J charges. Houk was transfe Cottonvrood faculty on Wed

In another district court =^=-tiiis=A*ieelHUcbar*=Artis:

was p la c ^ on probatloi•• --years.-------------------------

Convicted of marijuana and. orson, Jones to d & months at the Cott(»woi Based on his behavior at

— remaihdw~of-hIs-threery sentence was suqidided by

Jo res—had- pleaded- possesslng miuijuana ih and to setting two cars oe DevU’s Corral area In Aprl

Meehl ordered Jones to ] tlon.

ito coursestation woric or employme

— garages.This- Is one of several

school.has received.Lrom . -Mlgrunt CtnmcU,' wiilch I _helfi&!LJQ_CSI_in_Jraii

Mexican-Amcricans, accor officials. - . .

H eigh ts;-live < M d rea Carpi Bcv eriy HIU^ Calif.. Vlrtfy

—TOmiejr-pnHEps-of-OBUasr-' A ndrea M lcbdle Proaps of A ril.; throe brothers. Roy FiU Longview. Wash.. Robert i KaysvUle. Utah, and FJdred W eston, Idabo: a siatcr. Marjc o l Scottsdale. Ariz.; five g ran

"■ a n d a great-gmndchild.----------T T ie.luneral and burial wci

“ C aiirom ia . '

—W.-Vame-Mosgrou<G LFJW S FFJIBY - W. V

_ _ g rove. M . o f Glenns Fe rry , dl< in a M ountain Home nursing b(

B om Ju ly 28, 1899, a t Rowl s t e m oved h i 190e to Sboshooe, a tten d e d schools. She moved inerTy h) 1916 and woriced fo o llice . In 1B20. abe m arried M osgrove a t Olenna Ferry.

— m a n a g e d Barkalow.BroU)er81 OrGIenmPmyTormjuiyTW _ Mr8. ^ 0sgr0TOjyaa a rocm

---GuUd, t t e OES SlstertMOd a t — Staters---------------------------------

Surv ivh ig is a sister, HelenP o c a t^ . ____________

A graveside scrvice wUl be d a y a t 2 p .m . a t tho Cleon R ^

— ill 0leBn3-PetTy.-with-tbe-Be W alU OfficlaUng. Humphery C hapel o f Mountain Homo is ir

.a rran g e m e n ts .H ie lam ily s u g g e ^ that

c o n trib u tk n s be made t o ' l __ E plscopO lC hw eh In G le n n s ^


r. M rs. Doa Hawks and F jro a tC


^ •____B irth________________c a l M rs. M a rt Scbeer of Gooding.


blcrvln Woodbury. George Walker, lJa m e sO re e of Buriey; Non: a k e r of P a u l; and U nda Rl veeof H

. D bm issed ril N eitn tff aod Dennis Walker, a! {titer of M alta; E sm lralda Reyni jred o o d o o l Paul; and Marvla

Birth!r» Tobin G arreU o l Buriey.

Admitted1 Paul.

and -EU a Reynolds, -b o (h -o l-F wrtey.

ByPATMA -- - 'T /m e s - N e w s

»rdlng to ____ '3 i n a » ^ . . , ■ TWIN P;1

-- - cusedof fat......................... InBuhltblsimes-News' Judge Mlc I Involving District Ma veli^iment— —Fridiw boitt ng figures of the charj

...iWUl. -n o t- - 1 Informa—- - Rosencranta

---------- HoaencrtltoO rtoa .twocountsc

aUegedly sl ........................"Cathy AUce

S s s s :U » H a n e yalley Seed 5 ^ = 9 “ ,;qulred by J, '■ilijow cre hearing. Hey tobeoneof'md never U iatthecha sh ires e l . Is m in in g ,

■or Idaho will run.”v rf in a n y ^

R uti---------------- • . * .oootl

J portionoftbi / * ! --------heaald.-'T li

factor moUv stayed out o f — • inths u ii h<n ~g toal Permli d o c u m e n te d . 5 Src

h e re w a s n o s i n c e 197S.W Id n o t " b e a U o ^ h e r t d .

B u t l a t e r , attorney rep

credit for the denta, said 1 l a l l o n th e w ro n g , sferredtothe notbeensol\ ®<toe9day. — the traffic.

H e re ltera£ »lon for two- retaU volum- . -------—i— ir^signiticatla possession This was o served four by Twin Fal

mod facility, in their 4-2 \ a t NICI, tbe thepermlL >-year-prIsoQ— -Mr.- and -M by Meehl. decision to UI—guilty—to—U oder-tbeJIn D e c e m b e r t o c o u n ty s on fire In the admlnl

disputes wit ODavrestitu- w hereJ& K

Sheryl Me ulio signed tl Friday that I

- ......................been“ veryfinent a t area “We sure------------------^business dowJ grants the wanttoteUR m thg Trtnhn

alnlng area •* ordlng to CSI •Qxit

•This Is th has stirred 0

---------------- - Strickland

j u s t o v e r 60( p lK c p io y o i _ -3 lg p era . :to ^ F vbib of q im i ific a tlo r

Q*” -; t h e c o m i w o u ld l ik e U

i L S ? o f O c t . 1, s o an of fall. T o a d d

xl C arter of fU e, t h e co i rjorie M arsh t io o th on andchUdren; D a y s fesU vl--------------- --- bers wUl coirero held in cjg in thetr

p lan fo ran e lue—____ - ___ If

moeUnglha Vamo Mos- group proba

dledTuesday, ...b U lfo rtb es A lth o u g h

t a l n t y e i p r eSSIT™ <"lor lhe poM *ho mi

d R o b e r tB . la w w o u ld 1y. S t e ta le r a s s e s s e d p n^N ew sstand .. .p e r? l ,p 0 0 ..

an b e ro f the

imd Pythioo ------------ • O

MPcoberof peraUves O'----- 1- wbo m ust .tbe hdd Moo------- stock befoit)

The>' Fede

assoclaUons .inchargeol m^^stors. IIt memorial Pay badt tb I tte Grace vent. -Ftary.___________The Fai

siq>ervise3 I---------------- ' Credit Bau

Banks and peraUves. E

__________ authority.Together,

bUllon In lothnn 1 mllll

tCarrico. aU of agricultural

ig ,ju ^ N o re eM .........................

■i ~~ . ^ Usa Asber. innaGamerol tHeybum.

aU of Buriey; m aaodsoaol. lo Pchrwo ol

-R j^ e i r t r a n d ----------------- - «

_Mu:iARCANTONIOiwawriterPALLS — Bond'has-beeir tt_lhfi_CasUeford_man_ac^. fataUy shooting two persons iflsummcr*______________■T<(«hf>i>l Rwrtmnn, t>f FifthMagistrate Court,.8aid a t a ozHl'bearing'that the-nature- arges is one reason why t e t- - s e t bood -fo r -Keithntz.31. ----------- 'yaHt n g m einamrgeu -wnn- ts of flrst-degroo murder. He shot his former gliiMend,

IceGIlteJ,'30,-alld•her•cam-- VIlchaeI Wayne Lee, 28,-of Is, a t tbe woman's r^ d e n c e 8, before turning tbe shotgunIf.------- — ............ — -

result of his injuries, Lntz lost his left arm. e lawyer Jeff Stoker re- a $20,000 bood at Friday's He said the crime appeared of “passion." StaUstlcs show ihance of a repeated inddent al, he said. “ I don't think be

ling ---------Bl

’ the traffic on Morton Drive, That-trafflC'waa-Uie-maJor- fUvatlng the complaint. !man..bowever, said the ori- mit was for retaU sales. By growth In J & K’s vdume r .was 00 grouods for revoca- ild. '• __ sr Friday, Mark Stiibbs, w represeoUng one of tbe resji- Id be thought Hempleman g. "Tbe major problem has t^ved," he said, referring to

2i a ^ a point tto t be made

mie e ip e rien c^ by J & K Isrjinf**t*hwiigwrtftMW. —IS one “Ondingof fact” s i t^ raUfl City Council members ■2 vole on Aug. 15 to revoke t.I Mra.^PhUip8 appealed tbat0 tbe spedal a p p ^ board. e_1980_agrBemfint_betwBcn_ y and d ty , tbe board is tbe ilnlstraUve judge for zoning within the “ Impact” area, Kislocated.

VIerritt, ooe of tbe residents d Uie peUUon, however, said Qt she UxHight tbe board hadyfa ir.” didn't want to shut tbe town," but tbe orighbors d id - U Mr. and Mrs. PhUlps there

mHnnwri flnmti PflpB Wlthe secUon of tbe'law tto t

d opposition. Llerman says. ioi says tbe committee has LBlgnafiim nnw nnri nm ta 600. However, Uie goal Is 700 to allow for possible dls-- JonsorduDllcaUon. immlttee leaders say _UX!y B to meet Uie goal by a t le a s r an dection can be bd d this dd to Uie signatures now on commitiee plans to man a

Main Street during Spud UvlUes loday. Other mem- continue on' taxpay-~

a r e y r p la in in g - tbeir- n election.

Indicated a t thla week’s [hartbe darfloif^xinsortng" ibably wlU have to pay the}Q)eclaldectlon.__Jl Uiere was some u n ^ pressed as to the iniUal tax district plans, Strickland

maximum levy aUowed by d be sbc cents per $100 of prc^ierty value, or 60 cents

tkRl ___

tMtiinlly lire goo- o w i^ by Uie borrowers,

1 b iv a certain amount of iro t& y can obtain a loan, ^ e ra l Intermediate Credit uvltte' l tiiidhtg tnouey to the- )ns by selling securiUes to. If the assodaUons can’t Uwse loans, Uiey are insd-

^arm Credit AssodaUwi s -U w re a ^ T n le n tte d la te - ianks. Uie Federal Land md Uie Banks for Coo- . Each has specific loidlng

er. tbey have neariy $81 loans outstanding to more

iiiUnn individuals and 3,500 ral cooperaUves.

• P y k e tte j E n f f l e e • J u n lo r T

• M en 's C

w A mKImberl]

irder susBut Kaodance Kem;

. Twin FaUs Couniy. pro ” I Uiink he’s a Unae b«

eo— uecessary~fortbfrpubU<tc- under lock and key."DS Rosojcraidz’s motl

Gontennan of CasUef' Uiat her w h was “awfu

“ Irritable” before Uie ind ^ "Now, he's more Ilta ^ calm and g o o tfn a ® ^ ’tb - >■ If released; ber-soff w

— woric wiUi ber and ber h mr-HxMhrtp-terroT-Cootara [{e said that ber family an< kL wbo Uves in Buhl, we Q}T- place aU their property 1 .of Uie court to cover any bo C8 Kemp asked Gontermi un h er son had been arrest

- - prior to the shootlngB fc 2S, gun and using alee

extreme?"Gontennan repUed U

/'a only about tbe Intoxlca ed learned about Uie gun Ij )w sbe had planned to enr fit alcobol-treatmoit progr be Kemp daim ed Gonte

bave control of ber so

.. . wa8aproblem.8beBal± ■e, "Solving the problem or— of- people by-creating-t

ppnth*^ Ib atri- "EIUierway,Itwasalo9 Jy Mr. PhUlps'said Uie le obviously "poliUcal.” Ai a- he had mixed feeling.


le« IMHHHItsIdtd ■ ( ■ ■ ■ ■


r W H las *da___________ __________________00Is-— :-:: -

Iis f }n a


^ -QUEST!^ Do I have to f

. Insuranc* proe _ . . . . _ flcloryofm yhii

3 A N SW^ Vory probabtg ts exem pt fron

procoods a re i n i i : : ;. .r=:.-fonthe:purpoa

of tho insurod__ _ w as paid to v

som o < ^ o r v< mv! ' •' portion of.the

gross Incomo o i This opplio! .

Qccldont ond h jlt As o gonbrtliQ— -------- oxem pHl-youtto of tho insurocj 't paid In a lumpjj. policy.

ng " J A e Chape!

Slle t00 I _________________

lAAER CLEAR— ..... -■ StartsTs»T'a;m;7l

30% <t e S e p a ra te s • M e n ’s: f l o p s a P an ts •ChilcJn1 Corcfs • F abrics (iars«a>

NOtD S Irly 239 Main

spect rermains innp, Uie deputy shootings t rosecutor.-sald. hew asiroc boinb, and it’s On behal

>Uc to have him - -moUon,--1 sher i l f s d

Peuuv -bclteved Ri eford. testified Uieareaifi ful nervous and -Q aiyStn iddenL faculty, sa Ike his old sd f, "would sta 11--------------------"I-don 't-k

:wouMUveand- -“ S i n■ b u ^ L y l ft - S d l S

in f lh e r m o t b e nverewU Ungto ,orUift»*vu yinUiehandBOf-bond. moUon;’Slmanlfsbeknew g i ^ iB tedafewdays Rosencranifor-“paddng-a_<toctor’B n

ieobol to Uie not ambu] guard ’

Uiat abe knew Rosencran: caUon part and In makLc I later. Sbe said Uiesuqiect nroU hlm ln an problem, i gram. b ^ u s e ofterman did not m atters ar son before the community

l i ..........................B u t . Mram for one grotqi ruled "mor(•a problem-for----- Sbenoteatall,’'ahe8aid. abouttraffi losing baUle.". she said ,8 « decision was conUnuein A8sucb,hesald a lot Uiat

access toG

j h H Hiff i JiwiTM I ll 3

\QH.rr ~• pay Fadarol Incomo Tax oe**ds r«c*Iv«d r«c«n!ly a husband's insurant*?

/ER. . .a b ly tho I n s u r a n c o m o n e y y >m F e d e r a l I n c o m o to x a t io i 9 u s u a l ly p a id t o r o lo to d b o a e .o f - p r o v ld ln a F u n d s a h c o d . H o v iro v o r, if t h o in su r<

v o u In s o t l s f o r t l o n of o i v a lu a b lo c o n s ld o r a t lo n , th h 'o 7 m o n e y ~ w u > r ~ b o : .I n c lu c o f o r h o d o r a l Incomo Ta:

a l s o t o d o o th b o n o f l t s h e a l t h I n s u r o n e o p o llc lo s .

i r a i f u lo , t h o r o f o r o ," th l s m U tO T O -lho -su rv iv lng -spousoH o d a n d t h o i n s u r a n c o p r o i p s u m to y o u a s t h o b o n o f

H T E ='3<

e lb y fh e P s r k " PH


RANGE SALI,rS op tri6 -------------------------

51EEEi: Socidlem en Knit SlocI Iren s C lo th inga ifo rfm sn i)

DRYGOOInSt.N. 423-54t

1 jailgs and could not maintain It If freed ob bond. - - r^nif of Uie defense attomey'a

two -T w In-F aU s - County - s depuUes testified Uiat UieydRoaencrantz would not-leavo--------aifreleased.Stringer, aJaUeratUiecounty _, aaid be Uiought Roseocrantx .; stay around,''-but-b6 '«idod, •t-know“ if be-would-do-any---------

Dcrantz said that he oould Haiw didn't — escape wben be waa

Bhnulder wound. .a S 'e v ld e a c e : a g B & t m e--------,’Sheriff iU»:M (taa-aald ttie____

vita removed from rantz’s room baaed on aB report Uiat toe *ufpecUraa_-------abulatory. A round4b»<lock •

was replaced vAxa rantz's condiUon improved. niring his ruUng, Redman said peel an>earg to bave an alcohol n. And the pressure on blm 0 of toe caae could aggravate 3 and possibly "endanger toe tnity,"heaald.

Mrs. phuips.aald toe board - more in our favor toan o o t”wted,"iborthat-ttie-conq;rfaint---------raffle had oot beeo solved. But Id she and her. husband wUl e in tbelr attempts to purchase hat would give tbem direct toGrandvfewDrive. Since tw '

ax on tho Ilfo ly as tho ben»-

sy you ro'colvod Ition. Insuranco id bonoficioriosa f t o r - t h e - d o a t h ---------- ------- --------------suronco monoya dobt. o r for_________ _______, thon all o r acludo.d:ln-your_ j : .. : ____iax purposes.

Its paid u nder — - - — -

s mdrfoy i r t a xiso-or-o-rolativ©-------------- -----------procoods woro noficlory of tho

136 4th AVE. EASTTWINFALLS________ _______

PHONE 733-6600


Page 12: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

— F o m n iByMCHAELOBEL U dted Press In te ^ tk u

r r ~ d S £ A s ' - The .«........ leader wboee

formation of ttie new P thw United States of fid abouttbedissoluUoaoIl

With tbe campaJgD t_______Southern Presbyteriam

there Ib 00 oostalgia tod Andehon of Dallas reci former Presbyterian <

_______ States.ofwtiicfabewaaiT t je date w as^uly 1

p.m.! tbe'place was Atli In unison with bis I


T W W F A L U -S uo lay AMemtdyof God will begin tooraiofl wonhlp aervice wl lu n . H » evening -wonti beslo fit 8 p.m.

Bible ttudy aod Uw youi...............w illbeglntl7:»i>.m ;w«lr

; TWIN FALLS-Sunday I______ nt fl!*S a m at

Pastor Noel Ravaa will ^ lO:SO a.m. woralilp aervl«

~t>rosdcB8t over ridto stat evening service will begin a■ Family Nlgbt acUvltiea


-T ” - BtfTIOT'KIM BEBLY-Sunday*

a t 9:49 a.m., and Uw ro - aervke win begin a t a a j

aervlce win begin at 7pjn... TtwWedMwlayservices p.m.

____T W IN fM J^-S undayJ

elddala and depaitment iicognhed a tth e U a.m. % Pajrtor Stove 'n»nq)e« "Reoder tbs 1

----------- Caeear’a .a n d to G o d tb e lGod'a." Tbompaoa will spi plM.for Kingdom Living"; w orsb^ aervlce. . .. :-A-wor»hlp BttvJee win i

For txanqioiteUoa, call T TWIN FALLS - Sunday t

ot 9:45 a.m. a t F ln t B a ^ worship aervice wUl beglr ai)<faurcta plc&lc will be b HannooPark.. Youth Day acUvlUea wl p.m. Tuesday.

Bible sUidy will begin at day.

------------ ^TW IN PA U fl-Sundayiat 9:40 am . a t Grace ^

_____ ^ ^ U O G , ^ 73M452. Do

________ TTtffy ? " nt th ft 11 a.m. wonTraining Hour wlU begli BdwanlB will i^eBlc ot

. .WU(ienHS3'.'atlhe7:30pji] ' A vlsltaUoa will be bd

.......... Monday........... ...................Tbe Awana Cfub will m

TuEBdny:----------------------A p r a ^ meeting ood Bll

- - Jjeldat7:»p.m.WedDe«la;-----------• Tlw wnmm'H mlmloDar_______bejdaal7:3QpjnJllday^

liFonner res to p resen t c

---------- ; t w in f a l i^ '^ - dformer Twin Falls

----- [perform a coDcort nlSunday, Sept. 25, i

— ------jtesemblyof God Churc•St.N .ln Twin Falls.. a ^ bis band >

■ 'numertHis other'appei Magic VaUey, Includli 'ance at the Christian B Blue Lakes Mall at ■Saturday. Sept Z4.

AUenKuatt,aplanisl travdlng with Wells. Hi ■oul"on 'the Sonrise lal rilng with the groiq> li

-----------«nd7«}da:— ----------The churdi concert Ie

C h u rcli---------- r-JKROME— —Tlio-i

Catholic Youth Deanei ' youth mass at 2 p.m. I

. „ iha-Ascenalon PrioryJi them e will be “Youth 1: more information, call

---------- 03« M 5orGInaEnsuna

---------- ^KIMBFJILY— Curtithe son of RusseU E

- -Johnson-of-Kimheriy,- for the Church <

of LattcTKiay Saints In S.C., mission, beglnain{

.------------- KIMBERLY— Afro

WlU be held at 7:30 p.n Kimberly. Mormon S north of Klmberiy. P at

---------- B oIse-w iU -pIay-w orYoung. C.M.

selections Indude mii:---------- baroque era-to::Coqto


TWIN FALLS - La son ol Dale and Gay ) Falls, returned reeenU:■ for tbe Mon

. .Geneva, Switzerland. Htho sacrament meeting ^Sunday aX the Twin Fa u tfMgcrlceffircetNarti

TWIN FALLS - lO« d a u ^ te r of Rldiard

--------- Stoslch-of-Twin FaUs.mitsloo for the Mora

l e f ^ e a d. ■ /\thaal “■ ■ ■' L

soutbem P re sh y to r la a c a r campiirgn led to th eV Presby te rian C hurch in o : ^ e r i c a has no r e s e t s oI of his old denominaUooi(n to tm ite N o rtb em 'an d i ians a t a successful end,to d iv w hen tb e R ev. Jo h n frecalls th e d ay ho laid th e *'a O iurch In th e U nited f] ras a m inister, to rest.[y' 10J tb e ' tim e V a s 2 :M "“ ijMlanla. Iis N orthern counterpart, a

c h s e r vOFGOD TWINFaayK*gol«‘n)o David Pa«willbegloatl0:45 ‘HiroughC

youtb both service.

w S S S a

II apeak during the ______vice, which will bo TWINF station KCIR. ‘n » ” Chureb « Jnat«p.nj. P-»n. Pasi

will begin a t 7 “DoYoui a.m.vmn

I te A s sOT ........ 7:30p.m.'ly achool WlU begin Aworoe I rooming worahlp a .m .to 2:. L a jn . Tbo evening. m.ce WlU ta« lnal 7:30 TWINP------ ................. - -a ts t.E d fl^ S c ho^wmb<yln

eat beads wUl bo MaSTw m. worahlp service. 12: 10p.m. na wlU epeak on a.m.onS{be Ttilngs Tbat Are ___D eim nam iatA rB CHRIS I speak 00 "Prlnci- TWIN 1 ig“ at the 7:30 p.m. • will meet

— wlli-speiu dn bo held a t 7;30 -Children’i

All of the:ai73W3ta.' " - ~ - - -~~Ave.-N.-r: lay achool win begin OnWed mtlrt. Tbe rooming m ectatSi egln a t 11 am . An 7:30p.ia le beld at 4 p.m. in A wori

TburJidayI wtU begln a l 3:30'

Por train- . Doo Edwanto will BlUe tf nn-m-Mnra-lliaDSSilljUKCdfiSJOK---------egln a l 6:30 p.m. a lm ra tT

M •■Canaan or Women'a pjn.8crvlcel : . . ~ 2p.n».rfli held at 7:45 p . ^ 7 p ^ t l

I m « t a l ^ r « p . ^ ~C»gMWBt

1 Bible study wlU be " I ’U Pul.' service.;

V ^

isidentt co n ce rt ,"Jj-D m ty ^ W e llsra - f c * Is resident, will

, a t the F irs t T Q ® urcb a t 183 Locust— .’.a r a

)d wUl be m aU ng j f l j H l ipearances In th e — udlng an appear- a Bookstore In tbe a t 1 p .m . n ex t h H H

nlst and singer, is S S H j I. He b as a n album B V ilabel. Also trav*

p Is J e ff Jciinson | .

rt Is free and open_____................... ..... ...... Mub

h n e w s —a-S o u th -C en tn il— TolQro-f uiery wUl hold a ' ra m e n t i n. this Sunday a t a t tb e T yJn .Jerom e._T he EasUaiw Ih in ChrisL” F o r a l l Jo e Nelson a l PAULu n a a t537^6607.______I^Strengl

SwindoUurtls-W r-JotoKio,------- 1^-—1 E . and D orthyrly ,-w D I-serve-a ------■chofJesusC hrlst 'I In tbe Columbia, tiingO ct.6 .

f n e o r j ^ rec ita l— — - p .m . ( o ^ y a t theI Stake....Cenler.......................Patricia Nelson ofivoite—hy Bach,— -------■M. Widor. H er mm usic from the 3teropo rary~oom '

L ao s D avis. Uw -ly Davis o f Twin ' ' 'oUyCrom serv lug[ormon Church inL H o w lU q )eak a lJng a t 1p .m . th is 11 :FaUs 13th W ard, 7 ;

orth.— l,l:___ __

LoroQStostcb.tbe ird and N adineiU8,-.wD 1 ___ynaoa Churcb in L m -m m

i e r d o e iAnderson told tens of tbousan "We now declare the Presby the U n il^ 'S ta te s-o f-A m i existence.”- _

Tbe historic pronouncemcn of Anderson’s c h i ^ and tbs other members. It was for ClvU WaryeaW,-aftM^a Bttw Presbyterian Churdi In NorU

“ I’ve reaUy resented be] ' federate church," Anderson, i ‘•I really think' the old had tc the oew to come.”

During its existence, tbe < ~lbe~churcb'HUed'tbe Soutbei

fa r nortb as Maryland, as fs and north to Kansas. Foi

i b i c e s —< FALLS - Sunday achod a t Tyiei aaptiit win begin at 9:45 a m. Pastot Pavdec win on "WonhliJl Obedience” at U>e: 1 am . worsbli (. Pavelec wUl apeak CQ "Tbe Doga 01 ll the worahlp and baptlaaI.« r win be beld 7 p.msday.

S FALW - Sunday adjool classes a J ot tba Bretbito win begin at 9:4! >astor Ervin HusUn wUl apeak oi JU Deoerve a Break Today" at tbe i: onbJp service.f^ssodaUoo of Churcbes win meet aiI t Tuesday.-7‘ - ........'s fdknvsblp will be beld hom 1( i2:30p.m.Wedneaday.

(^THOUC N F A Ii^ — Mass wUl be celebratn>Jwaitl’aatflp.m .today................I win be cd d sa led at 8,10 and 11:41

> win be celebrated a t 8 a S T a S wm. Monday tfarougb Friday, and al I iSaUirday.

EUffr COVENANT FSLLOWSmP N FALLS — 11)0 blgt>«chool youU 9etat9ajn .R aym oodC noof Bob leek-al tbelO-amrWonblp^aervlce eh’s begin atj0;30 p.m he aervlcea win be bdd at 348 B l ^

Uk i u n k i i^ ^ youth wil it 6 p.m., and Bible atudy win begin a m.ork party will be beld at 7 p.n) lay.

CMRIOTIAN BERLY — Sunday scbool will bogt 5 a.m. “n jo aenooo a l tbe U Ip service-WlU bo “SU ir^_W ote^ u lb groups win meet at 6: X p. m.e study wUl begin at 8 p.m. Mood^^ pn1l’« lvinv»_____________ ____

iCurli4B0W«’riHmertbotairt5tltt o’a Fellowship meeUng wlU begin e ; and a mai'ojaoeungs^ be bdd a a t lbo Bubl Cristlsn -K FAU^ - Bible acbool c linlty OirisUaa wUI begin at 9:4 >n<rtfif Hfrnld Hn«kdl will speak 0 ut Je w F lJ^ " at tbe 11 am. worahJ e. A potluck dinner and Uu quorteri ^gaUooal rooetlng win be bdd t


D U S T T W ^ L S u e lc ia n fro m T w in F a lls^

nt meeting a l 9 a.m. this Sunda 5 Twin FaUs Seventh Ward, ol and Avenue.

UL — The first film in the aerie ngtbingJfour_Grip!!J)y_Ch«c loU wUl be shown at 7 p.m. tbi

~ T w ln F o lfiCHURCH O rT

' INVITES YOU TO J___________ 9:30 q jn .‘ Bib!

10:45'a.m .'-M bi • P asto r Knac “Chronicle!

Series on t--------- ----------6:00p-.m r Evet4 n if ith A v fl N -


(Next to Iht

I :0 0 a .m , ....................r :3 0 p .m ................'*T\?= F5 :3= w = M f8dR 0s< iays

"The Family That Prays Worship V


is^n o P T isands of the faithful, cen tu r sbyterlan Church in cvangi ^m erlca~~to~bg~ln • d o ^ t i

nent m a rto S th e e iid ' tba t o f som e 838,000 f o i ^ d t ^ lhe

orth Am erica.— ...... - - « i i ,being to tb e con- s a y so

on, 63, said recently . - and S< d to d ie In o rd e r for- - w as nc

Caiurdtie congregations of and S ibeastrextending a s dupUc s fa r w est a s T exas ab roa t F o r m uch of this work.

Vler mltment in Wonhlp” as istor win speak oo‘"Coa£mltn ihlp a t the s p.m. service. B ship heldal7p.m. gaof TWIN PA L L S-A poU Utm beld for the Keyitooe Su

of the F ln t OBiitlao C P-ni.. jaodVenonHaU’sbotnei

Sunday acbool wUl b« Wonen Chapman wUl s n Tn-w ip«hlp<wwtwii A I

esal bdd after tbe service.-T 9:43 broadcast over radio sU

p.m.TbeyouthwUlroert M il On Mooday. evangelist

win ipeak At.Uw Oregn et at p.m., a u l Bible study w.............p.m.-Mooday at-Ruaa.jmlO borne.

Ib e Romans Bmte stuc . p.m.Wedoeaday.

TWIN FA U fl-Sund* «tad Oiristlan. Dlsdplei ot (

beglnal9:30am.TbeR< 11:43 win q>eak at tbe 10;

■ o n r^ p im ^ a t& ^ a a a ff iu T Ola l8


P -w in speak a t toe 10 a m foulh Sunday scbool wUl begin I Jolse . . Pdlowsblp groq* winvice.___Wodoesday-al tbese.boip.m.; 1603 Klmes Ave.; F>«d Igbtb Mountain View Drive; E---------- StlnBuhl;andRobW miwiU Klmberiy. ‘{in at


TWIN FALLS-Sunde a t 9:45 p.m. The momlu win begin al t l a.m. Tbe

»gln of Zaire, Africa, win s] o-m. p.m.8erviceal3188Fanflers." __BraunwlUglveasHdei

wbmeo'a' lincbbao a t 'u oday Prime Cut restaurant.

stlan-------TW INTAOa— TbBl!ln ^ be ••Matter." Sundoy s ildal boUi wUl begin a t 11 a n

Science lecture wiUlieli 1 at (be Jerome churcb. Fort -9:40 - 733.1418 m orning and

<eriy p.m. id atCom------------<MURCHOFOOD--------------TWPTFAL L S - SUDdi

at 10 a.m. Pastor Dc

S a t e l l i t e--------------TW IN -FA LLS------

S treng th” wiU be I ■ - -W o rm o n women’s m'

■ u rd a y in S a llL a k e C it^ -------It-wUl-bo-broadcas

m em bers of the chun County.

■ I — •nie local m eetings wom en 10 and older, i th e Tw in F a lls spoi chu rch . ,

H ' ID e U lab m eet ■ I sponsored by tb e woi B B Uons o f the C hurch ol p H -L a tte^d ay Saints. I t g a lh e M agic Valley a n ™ _ t h e . c h » t r r h ’s sntftllltfl

in d u d es K 2 receivln I s - ■ sa> ir- ' ......................

}dayi. off JE R O M E — Wrnii

ro e a k . a t a five C t lec tu re ,-“ Why D id J e

sries 3:30 p .m . Uils Sunday tiuck S d e n lls t Church tn J m is A v e n u e ^ and Buchan

THI NAZARE0 SUNDAY WORSHIP3ible S tudyC lassesvIdrm ngW oTshlD -H our------nacD s o e a k in a — le s o f C o n q u e s t”on the Book of ActsvernrrPraTSirSBrvice------_ . -AaronKi

REFORMED CH~UR(4 th A v* . E astthe Public Library

. . . . . . . “ H and ing th«<The F ru its of th e Spiri

ays Together Stays Togeth p with u t today HUIS. PASTQIt7a3r612e._

e g r e t nury. "Um d iurdi i stressec igelism and ecumenism, nnrf } Ues with Northern Presbyter (dersoo’s woric and travels er of the diurcb further convl Ume to lum out-Uie Ughts

I was a beauUfuI, byt a toctl I of bis travels to Russia. Mex South Africa. During tbe 27 oot in hia pulpit at Um) First F rch of Dallas, bo found tbat tJ Soutbem Presb)1erian cbu

lea ting eadi-Otber’s efforts s lad In evangdism, educaUoo c.

and EHroer Harmoa cooductt] Itmenl of Property” aervlces. Bible study wlU be Ibe yoi

Wednesdtotluck dinner will be Sunday acbool class 1 daad i at Beveriy TWIN 1 «« win q»al begin at 9:40 am. 9:30 a.m

1 speak at tbe 10:50 Lutheran AxoIfeeJiJUtiVin be__qjw radi rlbeaenlcewUlbe ondUible


KtayaohoolalVallw. lO rttQ n n J iw m W .Joto,B.D e ^ ■

BSS^stems: thechiidiICE^PraR at7:30p.i istor Sbddoo Slagd tmmv .m.:Worship service, oi 9.45 alnatlo:45am. soeaicoo''Ul.»e«*«7:M p^ Hnmes: Doug Slagd, evenlnss «d -Wan*«jrt0d,-794~— wCjih, Ediynen.fiMlSth w o S

oiaoaaoaLakaSLln .----- ------------- W IN I

group wll(WAND - from 111 'ALLIANCE InformaUday school wlU begin 200e. Th< oing worship senrice wlU mod be Rsv. Chris Braun Boyd’sba speak during tbe 6 Sunday

ins Ave. E. Pastor jlepresenUUoaalUic “Cronldc nboflTaooduy aru»—servicer

OnMot____ _____ducta w

' scbool and church On Tuc LUL A fn» Oiristlan Chapter ' n>daaf^I3rpSriff^T«enT3rs irtransportaUmcall MIdwee d 73f0542 between - Minlstrie!

p.m.Wed•vice will begin at B----- Uil 'ITIU

begin'at Inn, and

iDEBnPHECY D.m.tdaysdiod win begin——Mo'a-I Donald Bowen wUI Friday at

e w il l b e a i r—i^A-Season-for------F or-r

Ute theme of a West S< mccUng next Sat?,., .shawna ;ity. b e r^ o fasLilve-toJemale— mceUne iQxb In Twin Falls N. Meei

stake ogs wUl be opai to -b e r iy , f( r, says Milo Price, tho FUc x}kesman for the ' andMld

Theai«Ung Is being p.m. romen's organlza*. Prese of Jesus Christ of bow wo It wUl bo seen In - StrengU md elsewhere via Pricesc to network, which Chore dng dishes, Price a t Uw I - ............................-Young.

____ der; E l.................................U>e. yoi

B artanMpii8L«>uren=------- R eliefs

illam CarreU wUl CbrlsUan SdeoceJesus Teach?,” a t " --------sy a t Uje ChrlsUanI Jerome, at East________ -onanStiieL (

— --------- ----------- 6ENE


------------------ ------- Diro'£

................ - -DirO'

' ' ~ SiTrici :----------

• ■■ -----------------yroTi

ICH- - |

he B a ton" rit; Love"5 i i r a « r e l B = = = a


l e w F ^ esed o v e r s ^ Andersor nd maintained Uiesamegc

is M U^ 'lastnvincedhimU w M w dlni ts on regional - admlnlstra

jcUc year.” he— rdlevedi;**^ lexico, Canada He says 27 Sundays he denomlnaU [t Presbyterian ownluggag itUieNorUiem "A sapei lu rches were missedmy s a t bonjeand-...'..■Although ion and sodal some In Ui


A the It am. and 0:30 p.m. worslBS.youth aervlce Win begin at 7:30 p.sday.

LUTHKRAN N FALLS - Pastor AJ. Crosn «ok 00 ‘Tbe Mercy of God" al ( i.m. woiihlp senrice at Immao m Ibe seivlce wUl be broadc ■adlo StaUon KTLC Sunday Kb tile wQ beigla at 10T4S'a.m. N FALU5 - Tbe Rev. John Dewey lUey Chriatlan Cburdi wUl apeak D am . worship aervlce at Oir Sar mSiBidayachaalwlUbeglaat 10 . "Sisters tn C irist" lea and fasbl mibebeldal2pjn. -------- -.

NAZARENE SB — Sunday acbool win begin m. A drama 00 ‘‘Faltb Giving'’ v sented during tbe U am. worst B. Tbo evening service win begin« he teen# win meet at 7 p.m.

lldren’s BIMe quUng aU win bei I p.m. Wednesday:.................

BERLY - Sunday scbool wUl bej S am. Pastor Weldoo Shuman v00 "Is Wbat We Bdieve Importani1 1P:45 a.m. worship aervke. T lg service win begin at 6 p.m.lUy-Nlgbt-Win t begiOT al-7i 30:p.

N FAU2—Tbe Women'aMinl^ Win hold a ptogcmve opeo boi 11 a.m. and 3 p.m^-today. For mi uUoo, cali Maxeen Evans at 1 rhe' Stelgleder Missknaiy Chap wet al 7:30 p.m. loday al LaVi I home.lay school, win begin at 9:30 a.- Aaroo Knapp wUl speak 1 ^ of Cooquest” at the 10:45 a

aonday, “Care^lng" No. 5 wUl 0 s ^ c e attbeWoodstooeReU^ . B.<n p m «tn;< RIM# di»<y v

ruesday, Um Van Beek Missioai it wlU meet ot,7:30 p.nt.'^tnd l arffBIDW studywnrtoeet at 7 pjn. Areek services and Uw Tc ries meeUng boU) wUl begin at 7 /ednesdoy. .nnmmuy. wuiimu's aiuio smiy^ at G:30 am.- at toe Totnmyiax>d nd “Care-ring” No. 8 win meet a

^ilSi)t»sUidy.wUJ begin nt at JB’s restaurant.

tn m e e t i n gr-members-of-tbo-Twin .Fj

Stake. Uie broadcfi^ wUl 600 Harrises- S tSfcr, me

lof Uie Twln”Fall3 Slake, ing-will hP held a t 421 Maurice :eelings also will be bdd In ! center, located north of Kl , for tbe Klmberiy Stake, and i^ler Slake Center, at Ibunr lldway streets.3 area meetings wUl begin atS

mentations wlU Indude a fUm women can-ftod and share 1 gtb -to. meet today's diaUeng ssays.jTCh Jgaders scjiedule d .tp ,^ e Utoh meeUng indude: Oa lg, _ IteTrPrlmary - president, ra sn o r-a ira illd re ir ir 'a n d - Elalne Cannon, the presId^l ^ u n g woman’s p r o g i^ ; i ara SniiUi, tbe p r^ id ra t of ifSodoty.-------------------------

“ F r i i S T(MRISTIAM CHURCH-(N o n -D onom ino tiono l)

601 Shoahon* St. North Tw in Falla

Inlstor:- W arron R. Chapman iroctor o f Ghrlstion-----------

E d u c a tio n : J im T ubbsiroclor-ofYcjoth:...................

Mlchaoi Sioblor mda ^ SA o o l ^ .7J .'T 9 r4 0

Nursery provldod o rth lpntou r . . . . . . 10:50

trtnon;__ _____ . __"W hat It AAboris to Bo

a Disclplo" Scrlpturo: John 15:8

Mith P ro g ra m ............ 7jOC"N o C reed bu t Christ"

—No-Book-but-th« Blble-

"A Church Whoro Loved O nes Love You”

e s b y t e rson also notes tbat ijoth diurcl e general tbedoglcal posiUons. notions at tbe passing of tbe S< erian diurch were ckimlnated e cm enttbal a 122-year-old fam: riing as by ceUe! tbat most traUve chores wero done. MKHrf-edJustJng-to-ltt-you’re

ys Uie only dra\vi)ack to not I laUonal head Is having to can gage.permanent Job, It would be mi tnywifeandmydog.”

he bed long b ^ sold on j I Uie SouUiem P re s l^ i^ a n ' ily evangelicals, o p p o ^ tbe u


lOpjn. a t 10 am . Worship servl a.m. and 6 p.m. at B(

Blblestudywiilbegini 'osroer Prayer meeUng wlU 1 Bl tbe . T h u r ^ . . .“S ? } TWIN FALLS - £

Cahrary United Peoteca — a.m..Wonblp aervlceaj^

and6p.m. weyof . Bible stucty .win be eak a l Tuesday.SiTtar110:35 PaaSBYT!Mhfan BUHL—Church acha

a.m. Tbe Rev. Thomaj sermon topic wlU be '1 P a r t r ’a tU » n a .m .ae :


HamUtoo>;ohnaon .wm Hilngs" a l tbo 11 am .

im -nrf VaUeyPresbyterian a i I b e ^ ^ KOUiSTER-SundJ

............ a t lO ajn. Chuck Uploo. a.m. worship service. T

I begin search committee win m vrfU p.m. -

JEROME - Tbe met *• a.m. Tbe Rev. W. Da

roeakon'IbeseReheUi ):P.m. io ;» -a .m i- woiiilp •»

"Wben Bad Things Ha< 5 5 5 5 ' v^lieaiscussed at

TWIN FALI£ - Tbe Nestw nispeakoo-lsm

I J S U >ella.m .w otsbipeer wUl be bdd after tbe aer

j v e m ^ ••Keen^igers’’ w dlnnerat6:30p.m.Mood

O a.m.Sk 00 W EN D ELL-Pairs’E £ a m . nshlngtripandafUbfry-------------- 6unday-ad»ol-wlU-bin coo- Pastor Richard W.KlOlfl -ement a.m. worship service. A !y - ^ _ hdd'^i^O M B^ce.

ioniuy group boto will meet af od the day.'


Pioneer Glris dtd> wlU 1 IjTrtll— p.m. tuduji. Ollts la ’g nodcer elgbt may Join Uioorgan et at 7 Sunday scbool will m

service. N ie n h u i ;^ '^ oftbo^lril,L ove” alUi scrvlce.

_ Ib e Sunshine CircleJ a.m. Wednesday.

. F a I I s - { ^ = rtU be _mem- O u r Ce. thedceet._________HisJHmesJiIn the to submit Infc : Kim- appears each Sandat- - -T o ensure yo urman • ThedeadUi

• Typewrilt< QtS;4S eliminate erroi

* Provide fii Umon day and date.] re Uie —andapbone enges,- ■ ~ : '~ I f y o u b a v e i

a.m . and 5 p.mspeak I DawniDl;-

lent of 1; and


— I



l |D n |y |H

S a tu rd ay

g c l i j

d a r L c h i■cbesbddl often fell to An IS. pastors and ddeiSouUiem—bers cast the vol ia s m u d i- churdi-and-fomi mlly feud Northern colieagi s t ot Ills had to wor

,t belne a rSocIt In iiirpul still has. a live

^ m ee ting wlUi cm im ler.I Rovemlngtiodyo

. “ I think we has J merger, guard, but I lUce ii churdi“ ’ThO”church-ref 1 union. It formed.’ You nev

XSTAL WENDlIday school win be^jln a t 9:45 i rvlceswinbeglnatll Harbor. V Batbd Temple .Pf»* sence wll

service 01aalSp.m . Tuesday. MyChurc U b e ^ at 7:30 p.m. The you

Mooday.Sunday scbool at ^

cortalwinbeglnatlO ijy lU beglnatlla.m.

b«l» at 7:» p.m.service.

TERIAN FILERhod will begin a l 9:45 on "SUylas Schelllngertioul's worship s"TbeXortfa Prayer.-- o:43 a.m•ervice. services 1I r-Church sdiod win P’J?; Th,.

3>urch. T w ri^nday scbool win begin al9:30a.i no win s { ^ a t tbe 11 ~ held a t 11 The Sesskn and Uw conduct t

;n meet together at 5 fricijdahij

« n win meet a l 7:30Danld KUngler wlU!lllo m R W » tU «TervKC^nie-llooll—iaooca lo Gocxi Peo- vowoo-al7p.m.----------“ ~ ^ b ? h dbe Rev. Robert Vann’t toe Earth Flat" nt--------ervice. A coffee bour FILER ervice. o.m. Ttiowill hold a poliudc "Dlsdple

loday. a.m .woniWSpaie5«lln»l(la t,yH 5p.m .t,^,.[-beglo-al-9:45-ajn--------- 2------DlnwiUconducttbell - kiMBE A coffee bour win be jphn woo

after schod Wednes- worship school wii

-...... ........................... "Worid 1ElMED availableR^lstraUon for_ the _ senior-hls n b i/bdd tn m t to 3 (be

meet a t 10 am . The TWINI I win speaic 00 “Han- ' a t 9:45 a tbe-» t-edn.-worehip— speak-on. ^eiJcoo^TSeFninsUxnTTrn Uio7:Mp.m.wortiilp Tbo me

atlheGolle WlU meet a l 10:15 ^ ^ T ^ w

church news g,iJlsrw8_enoowrage?j>niLchMish iformaUon for our lisUng of iSaUirday.

mne for church news Is '111 u r^ lien or plainly printed infor xirs..fid! Information — complete 1. IndudeUie name of tbe com le number to caU If more lofon e quesUonsatxnit'cfaurcfa'isw m., and ask for Glenda Mayor

ay, Septem ber 17.1Q83 Timo

V is io n -

l l 4 E G h =Anderson to work wIUi such,

dden-in the-weelcs before meni--voles necessary to very hard on thot. There _ ~ who had grave concerns about ' ['■

r ^ p l t m ^ 'S u n d a^ ,'A n d e r3 b n ’ ’ five-year obligation to . attend Ul other church offlclals on a dy of Uio newly formed church.1 have some traditions we have to lUce Uie LaUn phrase we have,. -reformed.~yet-ever-belng-re-_— ; _ never let the cement harden.” ' ;

3<DELL - Sunday schod will begin 1 45 a.m. Pastor Joke Qoo of Oak ! or, Wash., win speak on "God’s Pro- ;I wlUi Hon" ot tbo 11 a.m. wonhlp » und "What Kind of Churdi I W ant_ hurchU)Be"attbo8p.m.service.J youUi meeting wlU begin al7:30 p.m: .l a y . . _________ . . - -■,

SEVENT«.0AYADVENT1OT EN - "Being S ^ t Led" wlU be tbe tumdy-toplc toaay.-SabUto_j>cheel icgln ot 9:15 a.m. Glen BerUosoo of . win speak at lhe U am . worship . ;

LER — Pastor Lee Larsoo will q>eak- >toy on the Mountain" at Uw 9 a.tti. „ tilp service. Bible dasses win begln aV* am .'T be Sunshine -Band w iU -hok t-'- ces at Harrai's Nursing Homo at *«>•

Thursday, Tbe PaUiflnders dub wUl-..* at 3:30 p.m., ond a prayer moeUng-j.

«a!nel7o.m. - ------------------------

a t 10:15 a m Paslor Leo Lorson «iU'"'- . net too 10:45 a m . worship service? A-\-. dahip dinner wlU be hdd after-the-..: ce. Tbe Sunshine Band win perform, at.I. a t tho Woodstooe Retirement Ceoier . il2:30p.m. ot Uie Heritage Retirement "*•r. A -•-•Tbo Family of God" service will* •Id a t 7; I5p j n . ..... ..........W o d n e ^ , Tbe PaUiflnders dub win ; > -ot*fl?30'P;m:7^uid a prayer meeting" 1 «hddat7:30p.m. '

— -ONmaJMETHOOBT.......S R - Sunday school wlU begin a t 10 v Tbe Rev. David Upp wUl q)oak o o -'I ilpleshlp MUk aod Meat” a l Ihe 11

Tuesday.apoUuckdln^wiU b e b d d •30 p.m., and Htuiynne Gelsler of Sap - )winspeakol7:Xp.m. ’ .

aBERLY-MURTAUGH - P aS o rr Wood 00 "Can We Live the^ fHo Tr n ^ ” at'thc am.

nip service In Kimberly. Suoiay '')1 will begin nt 9:30 aim. In Klmberiy.•id Hungor Offering*-’-tablas a t boUi churches. Tbe Junior-aod ^hlgh.ycwUl wUlbold a.barbowo in

Power park at Twla Falls. For | portaUAii.iftfl«flt4p.m.iii mmwrty. — INFALLS-SundayschooIwlUhegia :45 am . Tbe Rov. Tom Tucker wfll-; -- e m * ‘Whnt Good Itave We D one?-al .

0 men wUl meet at 7 a.m. Wodnesd^ •sGoldenGriddlerestaurant-------- • - -I -D women wUl bold a meeting and ;M»n at noon Thursday.

guidelineslt5lLln-llK.M08l.eVnlLoy_aisn___ J _5 of church s ^ c e s , which ■; ;

fllQW giilrtollnpg' ___ _ _ I .irsdaynoon. ■IformaUon Is best; it iielps . ]

lete names, Umes, locaUons, ' ; im munity — we serve many . ; iformation is needed. aewBTcaU TSWWlbetween-g— i r : yorJonKInney. • ’ ’ '


Im os-N ow s. Twin Falla. Idaho B -3 . : , ,

Page 13: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By



RUPERT - Russ I-----------ll!s-lm porlant4o-try-a----------wimnimltyone Uves In:

, ,To that end. he serve of the Rupert Chamber. Olid Is now serving his s

----------vice chairman of the MBoard. An3 be was i

' released as president , - R o t a t v i ^ .

. HoUand, who Is mana,----------Department Otore in RI!' .his empioyeis with ene . to t)ecome Involved In th " Holland graduated fro

------ University in PocatelloIn history educaUon, on “ there was not a grea

. people with that sort of d ' • ' -IftUand s a y n io 'h e

manager-training prog ; was offering and weni

assistant manager in ■, store.' "When the position o I the Rupert store was o ' my wife and I decJde< I living in Burley. I woult

: Boards; By BONNIE BAIRD JOr I Times-News writer

■1 '. '’ -^JEROME — Meml !• Jerom e County plannin

board expressed concei " - tile downgrading of eoi

when they met this pa _.l------ Jerom e County wmmlss

- . 'F iv e members of tbe{ a ^ e d cftnmUsloDers t\ the m ooey^vlng ordeiI __comity, .zoning _ adminj b u U d in g ln ^ to r/A l.H

!____.-'CommlBsJoners haveday’s time from H epw i and reduced his salary b:

"Clair Ricketts, diali zoning board, said

- Hroworth work only Mo: > . i h u r e d a y ^ x a ju n t^

■ only a flnanclal__ft1 ; . Hepworth, but oIm a

r 'con tracto rs.- r-i-----■'WeTjavffaiflCussedthl

we need a full time l i ^ good Job.” Ricketts told sloners. "If- a contracti inspection on Friday so

___ -pouring MfttviI : and t b ^ Is no Inspector.

-1------loses-a-day-or-two ol-;'R icketts added. ~

- He sald-there.have-a

~ - R idT ettr 'M id " t h e ^ ^b e l l ^ availability is oven if Hepworth nxay^noi a heavy woridoad five daj

——:—Commission Oialmian

th^ in an attempt to ' ■ budget,-He said Hepwortli

■ choice of taking a salai

on full Umel or teducli . -week by one day and re

$13,344,orabout$3,000les Rlchtird Critser, a k

membec, asked commissi___ _arB.dft:emphaalilng.U»e ir

zoning In the county. I . countyoIflclalsHepworth

Ifled and docs a good--------county,-havlng-bad-cons

perience In the bulldin structlon fields.

E arlier this year the eliminated the secretary i

- office, but Butler said Uil2 ’ permanent. He ^ d t

i Green Thumb program ' expects to have free u:

dllzen-workers for-34 hoi week and that one of th- could serve as secHppwnHh____________

- - C ritser agreed-24-hoi might-t)e-cM ugh for

swering and message de Hepworth is out of tb

-----infections.” ....... . -- -BuUer said ronmils^oi

building Inspector's salary too high since It exceedo

_ county clerk, treasurer other department heads.

He alk) said two posl assossoF^-offlce-have-

School s( teaching

HAILEY - Volunteer first-hand expertise to sd lums are being sought b;

--------County school d lstrlcf“. -Superintendent Dick Jovolunteer program Is i

Jlraw.,Re(®le.^Ui._e?®(- - skills Into- the-classroon: knQwlfdgft,“ovftr.midiibQi

classroom Instructors cxuij ;____ J ones sold-the progr

intended to attract mor volvement In the school s>

K ^ -' - *'We want peopIe'tO kn a re doing, "h e said.

Jones-Is now compllli resource people to part said he will approach service groups and mako

------- rie^tatod-vohnrtBers: “

' ' . time should contact Jones : Wood River High Sd»o ; Phil Homer at 788-3W1, oi

- -'district’s princlpals.--

T lm es-N pw «, Twin F a

ind bus;R ----------------------oadcnt

s HoUand thinks - v^4U)d-better-the— I t h V -■In."™' --------------r * rrves os presidentber. of Commerce y * 'Is second term as _ E Z M afl > Minidoka school IS only recently r - ^Bnt of the local i .',1

-ii::- • - 3 ) ^ — m agerofRoper's. I. »-Rtipert7<«dKa— H" " fr- encouraging him 1 the community. - f r o m l d a h o s t a te ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ilio with a major . only to discover reat demand for ofdegree.” • ^'heard-about" a--------rogram Roper's ° e H e ,rent to work as in tbelr Burley Rupert e

my emplD of manager a t p larafor a offered to me, “Ourei Ided to continue involv^i ould commute to work.” R

opposesJONES nated In t

sloners m-------------- 1— • -plnrw- mbmbers of thening and zoning....icem over possl- zoning matters past week with

il8sloners,__, h e zoning board ■s to reconsider rder cutting the ninlstrator and 1 to a -

ve trimmed ooe m rth 's schedule y b y 20percent.

laliinan of the Id by having M ond^ throughilla.c^liQg^OOt _ jH C ish } p _ _ f9 X _ H ..^ H a problem for ■

Ithlsand believe— a^)k to r to do a ■ D Hold tbe commis- | | 9 | actor needs an H n | | 9so be can start ■ M n onday morning tor available, he H oi-work-tlme.”— ^ —

B_already_.been _ <^ma—htiHripni . |-------------zoning board I o e w C is im portant.; .

• not to carrying ; ‘d a y s a S ^ . 'lanCari-BuUer— .... .

to balance tbe ‘ tco"' irthwasgivena alary cut from

J C ^ his work

less per. zoning board iIsslonerslftheyelm portaD ce,o f_ ...______f. He told the irth is well qual- od Job for the onsiderab!e-ex— - 1 ^ ’ ding and con-

he commissionry In the zoning i nthis may not be [ffHI th ro u ^ the M|Mun the county Ijir

use of senior i jjhours each per — - jwthe^'w orkers - " m

Becrctary for lj|

hours-a-weck— Ufilephone-an-—: delivery while tbe offlce-on--...........- .......... --* -Q

sloners felt the jn lary was allltTe n< ided that of tbe • z< er and several si Is. 'd, losltions In tbe 'e-been-ellml:— ----------

ie e k s j g id ^^ers to provide . school currtcu- U H l t by tbe Blaine hW

: Jones said (heIs designed to [IR®ixperience and | | |Wjom to 'provide- " m ||H

cxmprOTife^_ -I-ill-P ffa^a l^ 13_ _j Inore public U>- i II s y s t ^ . I kuowwhat we'

illing a list of lartlclpate. He ch conmiunlly •tke olher inqui- ‘=°*

-XioBtmvM = ^-Z « 'nes 41788^2298,- hool prindplal 1, o r any of the

I Falla, k l ^ o S a tu rd ay , S o p;optemberl7,1983

sy with <

RUSS h o l La n d , . _ _l ie v e s in v o lu n te e r in g

t each day. But we soon found iployer, Jim Roper, bad other orus."r employees live In and become xl In the communi ty where they ’Roper told Holland.

s zoning-n the economy move. Commls- i made no move to change their on- Ihe-Issue,-just-asked -the.

1 1 J F K f

i p

-----9A 0 0---------------

3iM)'ti e>t<r<>ll«<j (l*V'on>c '•>»u<>ng I:oo<ouiir Command 3<00 R»nol« CocO'':tHihCh'omaJf>otp1MrKiut»lub*JefOMt«. >io*ndobl< IOO%Modu>a'Z'ICN9Mli>ofh»-i lh*0'nal>c Co'*'ral..l»«lto«>lc >»nifTprol»<>* cSo*«lt tompo:aiU.mOmnnr.l|,!t 1" oorot,. CS..k cabi. .ompo-,

n Q i i dlog. f I 7 m b a s u r o %■

-Q u a rtz •c o n lro llo d E lec tro n in g to r “c o m p u to r-p ro c lso ’ n ^ ld c h o n 'n o l .Z on ith C h ro m aS h o rp 9 0 i s u p o r b p ic tu ro s h a r p n o s

■ 'do to il."’

I Q I I diog. p - I 7 m o a s u r o l \ «

C o m p u to r R om oto C o n tro l coss/A II C h o nno l scon .

Z on itK -rC h ro m < iS h tjfp = 9 0 ^ s u p o rb p ic tu r o s h a r p n o s i d e ta il.

i city w<■ n ------ :So' HoUand-beganB | Involvement with iik S | | Chamber of Commer | H when the school boar ■ rr:cm irP » in e iB s ;:H o n a■ beabletohelp.■ “There were somi■ - between some board■ was hq)lng that-as

member. Lcould. JielpIM - ' hatchet so we cc M together "recalls Holl

■ badly needed new bui!

H K ^ a d d s .H HoUand says be get ■ — offlatlsfacUon w benli

__things fprgnniTqf IH thecityofRtq>ertandl ^ "Bccause wo’ro vol

-w e’re able to accompl--------community- and-provi

benefits such as th( . Commerce Scholarshl

J™* running MaraUwn ead tho Christmas City d< Rupert is so weU-knowi

“AU these things i '*®y made possible through

many volunteers.’’

[-office czoning commission i

^ | . their poslUon In vie county revenue.

I P. I ^

rwiijO iih 0I>M> Ac»i< All •<n<I S<on

C u s t o m S <

— MODEL Z 1920W-----

■onic K oy b o b rd tun- • s o ” ro c o p tlo n chon-

0 P ic tu ro T ubo for lo s s o n d h ig h l ig h t •

d e m o t e G


01 w ith D iroct Ac- • *•ll

-------- — --------------------P Jc tu r» -T « tb a - io r— ........cj s i a n d h ig h l ig h t ,

orku i 'h is ‘Toranipniiy“ --------^nembershipjn. the_ _____lerM in I977..'tiien ard was e x i^ e n - I ^ T f ^ i ho m lg it" -

me real'confllcts . i•d members and I /as. a new-board . /slp-thero bary t h o - -------/-( ^ d all work \pUand. . \• Eh'hWp p>t _*uildings and to get<cn .preeram g» ' ■ ■

lets “a great deal I s e e ^ the great— _ |y j g atlons-achieve for dltsresldoits.foluntoer groups, ' V n pliah a lot for th e HooVyi iv lde-som e-ex tra ,- _»hoaro iK Clumiber ot Jhlp, ou r nnnn»> „,on. ach sum m er, and decoraUons tha t wnfor.

and nrare are gh Uie efforts of

_______ _ -*

:uts 8pito understand

lew of reduced V J

11 c cI I . c c

| | v y o u

e r i e s C o l



M l

•--D o p o n d ab lo 100/> M od long-Hfo ro llob ility .

»"E foctron ic“ P o w o r ^ o n t i co n tro ls o n o rg y u so g o .

• A u to -C on tro l C o lo r Systi • -S lm u lo to d A m o ric a n Wo

i o n t r o l C c



O up u n d ab lo 100% M o d i long-lifo ro lipb llity .

-£ lo c tro n lc -P o w e r—S en try -co n tro ls o n o ry y u a a g a - : A ut.o-C ontrol C o lo r Systoi S lm u iq tod A m e ric a n Woli

H P * ™ "'f- . '■ ;r<i>

I h a m o i s S h i r t s ,ivywoighi cotton wilh tupertoil orod-nop tlnlih. Lorgo patch Rofs'WlIh bUttonod <lopt.-®*iro- 3 loll. In colori tor •Jodldi ond

Rog. $2 7 .9 5

$ 2 2 ’ ’^ThaOutflttep-_.__-

B l u p l i a f t f t s w rting Goods

1 236 Bluo L okos No.


W m oosuro__



► lor T V

/ O N L Y

Lodiiln r 7.1 C h a ssis for

n try p ro to e ts chossts, i>.'S to m . . ■;Valnut f in ish . .

o l o r T V

/ “O N L Y —

id u lo r Z-1 C h ass is for

t ry -p rp to c ts -c h o s s ls ;------

to m .'o ln u t f in ish .

^ 1 1 T iw- :

V - v f l

Flannel!Ich Lorgo poteh pockottIro— — -Ilopt.-AXKO-Iong lc nd ond mon,

Rog. $25

$ 1 8•Tba Out!


i ^ p n ^ E I

1236 Bluo Lo

i H ^y [| ll I

E , . i l

-----------tL ZSNITH 3*" DIoaonell.tlTD

/...Ilh Cr»0m0t»V0>p 101 ^ IOO Mod«

I •Counir, .r»l« .lm«lol«d| ■ *Cobt« very. Ch«<l

K i t c h e n


Z ~ ^ d 7 s h c t o t lh u s b a n d , a w o g o ^ I A ny th in ^worth $ 4 0 o r

K itchenA id a n d• High-Pr€ ______ •_EloJ.hr_u

O ffO p ti• 100% u;• H eavy D• 10, 5an<


-— ■— -l^ess-AnytJiir

_ . . . . ,_yo

Shirtst» With butionod wool floll. For lad lo i.- . ._-.Lorga.i

flapt.23.95| 8 8

tfltior-— — -

; Dootfs SjptLokof N o. 1


>nel Cuf lomScrla* Ramol* Conlroi

100 riclKX >Mbo lor oull'O'vdlng pxlur* >h. <ivl0> r i ChOMK lo> lo«B'lll«f*lcObl<l'T. rKpro!Kt»rt<8ttUcompc<'»nn. tO"i'oli tntj •ds>oln»dNu'm*gOo>lllnl>S.

[ i A i d l ] ] i § |

>th, a s p o n g e , a b ru o rn -o u t d is h w a s h e r n g y o u u s e -to d o j n ~ a rie w “ K ltB i^ 0 6 0 , oT K D P S O rS c id en jo y :re s s u re Muiti-LaveLWo u Dry ing w ith Energ y tion . .u s e a b ie Lgrge Capacity Duty 1/2-H orsepovverJ nd l-y e o rT rlp le P ro tec

1-20 Price

lingGoes'^— — —- ^ 1 Tracle-Ih....... ;.... " • f

$ A a(our.f^nce_.;. . . . | .• |

W ^ Y g .

Twin Falls

i r t-

u -

Buffalo Shirto»»lcooidoor»»hin inmld\Wolghi.>ol ploid* roinforcod wilh nylon.rgo pnichpockois with bul_lor«d _ipt. oxifo long loll. Solids and. .□ Id* In lodlosormoniilxoi.

Rog. $ 3 9 .9 5

$ 2 9 9 s

- T 2 x a O u t t t t t W i ^ _ „ : ___P T f T .a to iM t

I j p o r t i n e O o o i J s

1236 Bluo L o k a i N o.

— -------------- 2 460------------- ^ -^^^^ T E C O N J ^ ^

iIroJColoi'.TV-*SZ25J7NK------ — 1 _

It* .hoipnon oryi •nhonc.d hloh.


I'T '

" "

" n " ........

>rush . . . a t i r e d ie r . . . a n y th in g ^lo th e d is n e s Is ^ ^ A 1 a " K D D - 2 0 7 ^ ’ "So t r a d e u p to

WastLS-ysIem— --------g y Sover Dry H eg t ___ [_

city'Rocks. e r M otor.tec tio n W orron ty . ••

U l g

S a le

Page 14: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

" u @

B m s i n e

L u m b e rsPORTLAND (UP

--------------- autumn shows consbelow nomuil phxli

The Wcstem W« producUon for thev o r 78 percent of no percent; and&hlpm

Figures for tbe s percentof normal, c

Year-to-date llgin p e r c ^ t of normal, c

Inventories in lh« million board feet n flguresayearagoo

—____Mpjiey_siNEW YORK (UPI

asMlrose$S.Sbllli( expectations. Analy; Federal Reserve.

Ml,comprised of<---------------money that ta avail*

adjusted average < compared with $513.

_figurebadori^nally====s =====S!9W fcS5IeCi“

money supply-woul(-----•- -■^-^turmoil iirall thema

the dollar up.Commercial and i

$57 million In the lat previous week.

^ E ^ w c r - c a

WASfflNGTONa________ states during the bol

the same month in HNonetheless, the 1

fattening prior to e August two years 89

Overall, tiie numb 1 totaled 6 .0 mlUic

......- - - percent more than t\During August, mj

: n r : rzT w yearsago;

__ ________ Surveyed states Wl_________ Webraalia and Texas

I n s u r a n c........ -WASHINGTON (I

next year's farm p:----- crop insurance protf


SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) - Ull r»nj« Ml«s »umm»ry (or week ex Trioe II ar«i r6«eiois modenic - inquiry moa*f»le lo •■•Uflfi heilera moally aie«]y, Insiancts giaughHf tieart; eonlimeO saioj------ 2,TOO aiauonmr »te#fa ane i.joo »i»cotnparea 10 2.CM aiiughler ale aiauoniatnAileraiaiiwatk. Slauanier ateera; good to moa

feeaioia }-4P anrink. aome wiih gi (tnldellvsry.Feoder eontitmed MM; tr....... not«nouor)iraoere«eniwe«k»ioricFor cuirant Oallrery; aovaral alrit

daflvoryaa noled.SAeeo: coniirmM 3.S00: eewit

j C J j p s i

S^u rin n SJ wslih

S ' “ i - “S !i'5 sfc. 'r------ 'MtOrHI----- f.»-----

S S ',1- - S — ' i f fii*

■ HoMK?’ " * pnttT~HuoAtni <.» istin ii?H4;ha : ; s r - *M?f2S ^ tOIMJ ’o'**}!* . MrprCo l.» » « X « V)

Uca m tirapiio'}*;'*

* s l : s

§ iS ' 15 . .i- 3 - ! ! ! ^ . _ _ s s s _ J r , 4 1 J M

pkoe i « n a i puik* %

-J! "'it*:!a M i f l l

FnnnB R' t J — ■g 'S '1 5 -5

ES». iS S S ! - ; ; ' .P3,M IM 9 tu in.

" ' E m

r ^ u t p u t s u b nUPI) — TJ)e Western lumber onsiderable improvement ovej oductlon.iVood Products Association Fr ie wcei( coded Sept. 10 was a t : : normal; orders were at 2W pments were at 247 million boa te same wcekia year ago sho ol, orders 61 pecent and shipmc reek is defined ‘as 340 million be Igures th rou^ 36 weeks of 19S3 Jl, orders 59 percent and shipm the region were-2.298 billion

Jt more than the previous wee) ^ o f 2.188 billion board feet.

supply^w ith inUPI) — The nation’s money si UlJon in the latest week - a fij alysts said the news signaled a

of checking accounts an allable for-immediato fipendln ^ of $S1^5 blUlon in the v 513.0 bUlion the previous week. aUy been r ^ r to d a t $513.3 bUi f.thltt,jiwilu>rtt»orilvak»alad_; ould te re v ise upward by se I markets,-jseading bond and s

id industrial loans at the natii ! latest wedc compared to a gn

^ t t l ^ p l a c e d jI (UPI) - CatUe sent to feedl< bot. dry nionth of August droi □ 1982.le 1.57 miUlon cattle and calv( jO slaughtw-was 10 percent I ago, the ricu ltu re Departm mber of cattle on feed in seven lUlon head, 2 peixient less thn two yeara eariler_______, marketings of fed cattle total< I'lastj^eai; but 9-pcrcentTTJon

a were Arizona. CaUfomla. Col xas. ______ ;_________

c e p lan . p ro mi (UPI) - Wheat farmera wh fl program automaticaUy- rotectioiragninsrcropTosa-inn ace program.

Ulan leadioi and and piime 100 ik •nilino Sept. tS. laltor price or dresaad weiphi erne: demahti and and prime srau; lUflniar aiatra «nd Umbs, (0 slau :«# 1,00 nmner on ammii.

moally cnolce 2-3 *®ho6» 600- in

0; tria# modattta: «'*?»»» K 'o*'

SW5SP.l'!ffi J s W I 'K■Ofit 10. dj.cholco MiXKraso:- ;

i i i c i P Im ,—

ill; L istings lo;;t 5 'An inlerrupUon in '♦Jjj— scrvice^'lransmissions ;T % suited In loss of a size

portion of Friday’s -w York Stock Exchi

listings. The editors ol ;Th TIme»T^e^♦JH Inconvenience to reade

- the newspaper’s ma :I5 page.* V)* U PSflG > w 7 977 n75“j OJJkfOlU **♦ '* Rilllon llJg)t 5 n*E"* '.S i?jSJ ffl't ,2 n<<>smi M 7» K

♦-J} • Giiny - 1.« - ' »1»4 p.’J__ ImS I J __ Lll____S i a _ a .

5 r . ' i i i i i

♦S SeCilE 3U 7lla M'

• * s ^;« « si


n o rm a lter Industry heading Into vera year ago but still Is--------

Friday reported lumber at 2(Mmmion board feet,46 mUllon board feet, 72 joard feet, o r 73 percent, showed production ot 62 ments 59 percent.t board feet.---------------------^ show produc tlon at pments 89 percent, lon tioard feet, some 17 eek. This compared wllh

in l im i ts -------=( supply measure known figure near the rango of

d a steady course for the

and NOW accounts — ording— was a seasonally— :-----! week ended Sept. 7, ek. Tbe previous week’sbUilon.-'___ .__nUm t h e . ^ Ih a tih tL l- J -^ several bUilon sparkra'.

d s to j^ p r iC M d ^ a n d -

ation’s niajor banks feU . gain of $225 million the.

1 o n f e e dxUots in seven surveyed ropped 10 percent beiow..__ .

lives sent-to feedlots for---------nt greater than-during tment said.^ c a tU e states on Sept. than a year ago but 6

taled 1.(56 mUilon head, 2 lore than~August oftwo

Colorado. Iowa, Kansas............

n o te d ^who idle acreage under ' ivUl get greater federal rtw eyart'e fiw n^in iie---------

100-1X 9laugni«r Iambi iO'.OlMt.OO: on ne«»ier waloMs; jolO douBI® phi bajia: aa>aral lotaa mliaa chsleo

(UPI)-Ll»Mroek; ;sales inau'iieiani 10 esia&iisn a markei: Iradiro lairlr aciive: barrows and I


1®?:* 'D w oMi.oo,—l; Bulchers fairly aoive, rj-io lower;

p r i c o sstsi!siaoind 2U s:iu

( J b L . S|&l [« J Mj

In wire &jft*co jjo' ' 10 j«

lizeable symoi i.« t ion s Newchange S£r,n. '.VS> of the annco }.n . tllHst lhe iCDjri ta 0 j«iders of ao ij inmarket . ^ • y ""

alum in ' ?rxo' Wiftr :« 17 M

OH* H - j-g------

r;," a " ■! ■;“!"!-5 i "'pdH.S"' W'P**----

uJ - ............ N£W— ■;l:TOmC . (UP

-•w in ----«wtt---IBSfl" on MSlou EicAanaa.p.’J -*1H....................FiWaj. SecitmMr l(,

— - K ? a AOobaOl JO . II II nn. li Amdifli .»APalrtil }a 17 4MH* H Angki Enjr .. ULfflH* H lUnijtr .64 ' 31Mh- H Ibtcan 1.0 II

4 P _ b U s - J ™

PMH . Dcm* Paue .. 1031P1!H« H -•-OOrCNJ---- .IM----- IT IWliV) FftlineMi .19 19 3»pilv»4 W mheSt • • -5- -13 9 ..asik«..u. ----TJX* H ford Cam* . J»I7K Frontar .no .. IBOW* H Gaaij Ofl .. :f«

H OalaaU » X 19

R a U !- By FRANK W.SLUSSEB United Press IntemaUoa.

NEW YORK - T he5- aflenwon raUy tbat.drt

— EridxiyjisJnvestoraaDllcReserve money supply rc

Transportation Issues and t a l ^ v e r situaUons raUy that salvaged some

Tbe Dow Jones industr ■ 14.43 Thureday.icboumh

closely w a tc h ^ average 14.03 overaU In the volatil

The E)ow Jones tran^ airilnes and trucks, Jump

TTie New Yoric Stock E 96.17 and the price of an t cents. S ta n d ^ & Pt»fs

the 1,949 issues traded. Big Board volunte ros<

70.420.000 traded Thun investors left eariy for ti KIppur.

Also, scores of large — Fed’s money supply rep(

tKemaHcerclcaod.'iraboi $5.5bUllonlntbe]atestst

Bond prices, ’which sho of the day. held their gr lhat was Just about in lim of a $31« $6 bUIion Increas

------- The-latest-numbers, Jdines, stUl left money g and that took pressure off

. .“But thoy-were a t theli

begiimlnig ofnext week,’' -Witter Reynolds vice pres

“ It looked almost as if money supply figures expected,” said Dreyfus ( Gordon os the market rail

Ralph Acampora of Kit Investors were anticlpal

—rtiTiHnnprf th^“ mwfkrt jg

U S S R b u m o r e g r a i, WASHINGTON (UPI) ■ Union, ih continued heavj purchased another 375,00(

- of American grain-und — five*year— grain—

' AgricullureTfeparimeat f The new a g r« m e h t^

‘ signed Aug. 25. Since !

privato en ^ rte rs , al prices, nearly every day.. The.latest sales Include of hard red winter whci

125.000 tons of com.Sales have continued

I strained relations over downingof a Korean JeUir

Sales under tbe new . wnich goes into eiiec foct > 3.475 million tons of grai • 1.825 mUllon tons of coi ‘ mUllon tons of wheat. So

total 400,000 tons.

-----e*LT-lAKE-CtT¥-(UPl)---- Utceporl lor w«ek ending Sept. 19 <[ d^mpsrsDtoiou^.'giii^Qi), ..Hay movement moOeralo lo prices romaln mostly steady will dorlono: good inguiiy and good----crornowbeing cut ■wim lOaafwoagrowers roporllng a lalrty good crop No. 1-2 dairy hay U 00 .00 per loin .W C . , , . ’..""" ■"No. M leedsf hay C0.004s.00 damagod <S.00-SS.00cer lon. all road Hay Cuba movement modarala:

h =rsii—a v rv — [jsithjji-------------UQ5 (mu» H Uld Dtmo

i? us 0,0 J406n Ik u stnoi .nU) H us Sl«ela .'USTC6 u

M « - uu Ten : (0— ’-‘I—

ri9DJ «tH*IU vJ'fSS S '! n ii;u* •* —ww-? _

I IH m'* " “ :SItM I73'**j'* WUfliO" -1o --

f JS ;* ' ' '•r?0(a '* WstviC Ir M im- V» WhMling ’■* '

I i«7iU h WMlker Ito 1u S T . . : 1- iI 240 70M woototl t ■4;. . *2. X..C. T * « -I 7U S9H* H Zata l.ffl.2aniM--*— Had-.- 1 l«ffl •Zuffllnd 1J3

(UKt ..... - Giant-— »ltkflt- -Oui'/wi 2 tt>« Atnaricjn HaUarHornat I tS £ » - ' ’S - .

2464 I9_ 7t KUI» ' Eiotr »■ 4h7 it Mitmn .2 tll K’S ; • 8"0 ^

M SS* 5i fla^B I'a I =tS=S>jl.f-Vi~3Sfiwi----- 11031 4 Ml- H SgndantaIW UIS + H .-Ajcrln ' J» ' 1I 29 U4H* H TaTsytn 3i I4\t* \k Taiattai K t» < MH--r -TIE -CWHITT-----^-n-U«k*-u-.Trtc»Dt---- ACj» en . V, Um Ra»e«/IB I2H4 h Vamltffl ,1} 1:|4 2 - It W^I.8 .1? 2

essy a n t iSE______________________wa/

stock market-staged a late Irove prices sharply higher Uclpaled a favorable Federal report.ICS, hlgb-technolog)' stocks ns were pacesetters In the leof the week’s losses, itrial average, which skidded Kted-10.67 to i,225.7l.-But the ge of 30 blue-chip stocks lost tile week.t^ rta tio n average of rails. 0^11 .33 to 572.73.Ebcchaoge iixlex }9 rose 0.94

n average sharo increased 36 -’s SOOrStock Index gained t.86 pied A TItwi I ng‘t..»a4 'nmnng'

)se to 75,530,000 shares from irsday even tiwugb some • the Jewish holiday of Yom

;e Investors w'alted for the port IhaLwas released afler_ wwcdthemonoy supply rose statlsUcal period, bowed litUe movement most ground foUowlng the report inc with experts’ proJecUons ase._foUowlmLiQUE_weekly de- ’ growth within Fed targets )ff Interesl rates.3 high end of projections.^nd en the market’s spU:lts a t th e . ;’‘® ^ ® S E v | i r f e f r■esldent................ —If Investors were betting the s would be better lhan s CoT . vice president Monte aUled In the final 90 minuies. Udder Peabody also thought >aling good figures but he is being very selective and I_;

u y s l ^ j i in) -TheSovlet month ol ivy buying, has percent000 metric tons busiest nder-the new govemmroemcnt,—tbe--------- qT,e.O <itaaldFriday.— “ wltlTlnci y o a f^rmally_ _ Federal 11 Sept.-1. the ■ Fedr^pb

-------- WhemI undisclosed Augustli f: TT»ef»de 250,000 tons ----------icat, of«whlch ted previously .

d in spile of _■r lhe Soviet R n.?

iV agreement, oyiad by

am ;inclu(^g 3 , „ „ Jiom and 1.65Soybean sales - ro________________ s r , ^Cen YId

l%*a'laaK'a*hay Z Z lm ^ imi'o ratnat acti.e;

Coro Bd

0. 3 leedat hay' Hater

jadsioeait'ckea*’"’ . pi'll f°9»J_f4o, 1-J caiiy Vanigr

_______ ____ A£_ Qrw

...■■■"....... ;Bnd FA____________ Fnd Inr

_________________ om «m

............. ~ •p .r

tJ ill «H* 2 Am* Crth

■ | | | p _ £ , “g

v 2 i“ 5 r i : 'JJ W !)U. U

:::: i s y''”1 r i l-- «lt» pUwI H UJJ

i.r r :5s I k : ! T i l s ; ! : 5 T ' S

• M 0». U M " J ,

— S i'r v i j t£gv>tr

Tf ™ |S5t !t ~ -B ii

' K '

■ S I , ■ ■ ■ ■ J n s r - m f„ I S

S 2o5 U §52 MW Ti«>d

-TS-«ri«5t-H---— --------


i c i p a i

- | i 2 5 0 + D O W j o n e = = raOriNOtJaTRtfi lie r 1240• : . - ■ -----------------h Low:_-_.;-.-.1

1230- r ctoso.......... 1S

1220- .ed

h —Is. 1200- ^ 4 :--------------

94 !■ . ll■« „ 3 0 - l l - l - l l86 r l l T f t . Hlg ...... ..... .. . 22 24 26 29':

mle . ...................m

don’t think we’re off to U w last year.”er___ Composlto volume of*e • U ;S r-exchanges-a^-<

88,637,760 shdres compa st TTiursday. r t 1116 American Stock I IS to 232.92 and the p riced

cents. Advances edged < e- 784 issues traded. Cc Is 6.626,855 shares compare

The National Associa' id indM of OTC stocks galaw - ..oCthe-teadLgg goor..C5> lhe most aciveNYSt>lJ

-M errillX yn^, which sli le sessions. after project u) earnings, was second, te Telephone* Telegraphy 3. Among the t r a n ^ r ill Northern rose 1% to 97 »e ..69W,, Rio Grande Indust .I.:ilndustrie31 to33 and.Unl

E a c t o n.................................... ............ ...... «SHINGTON (UPI) - In 'th I of improvement, tbe nation’; nt of their capacity In Aug It auto plants in more th£nment said Friday.........;0.6 percentage point-August I icreases in output by factbrte oI.Reserve System economist ip o r ^ factory production gal

t improvement was 0.9 percen factory operating rato in Aue

V I W I V % l l- ■■ r Opr ■ inc ■ 0.3315.

Hat el wa ar3 co“ V20N

by tfla NASO rn V:

'FlSy ■ " KTeiHEa ’iSU.;Fd n.HNl. Conerd 2SBN'

gn'ii A '

Ml flgi.9d

_p_i«o^u.a_S3i—s— 7x.4i

'iaHL*15 751721 [Jll'* CO lOWN'i laid 100110.7] mS ^ 7HN

f J S L S c . ^Qn. tiOfKL

s jlilli IL^- llii*T ISSUH So

a - - = g - - g S j

"1. VS.S? W (1lOfH-t li .'l

m ¥ m' i s u e Chem F 19713 0»•!'!§ X " liSliS----- —Erug—UtI________21 JO Mi

“ l iS M S " isss i lisstHt aiakr fONMA 1S29NI

IJp S t b "”' SB!!IV

«■ K S W -

a'"® S :

0 . ' i l t i

n i i i r g t j i-----laJrJIS ^!i H k ” «'S !!:!!!!!u il«Hl 8** 'J'" 140014J

S E a

“ 0.11 S i s KSa M ift

^SSS g; ";S1 ^ j J l | r r K l - g : r ; s ; a

T e S f g f s

__________________________ 1

■ M o r e i i n a i k e t q u

_ M _ C l a s s i f i e d a d v e r

i t e s F (


16.1963 __________

1232,721 .-1210,16....1225,71 - ------ 1-----........10,67

5 I ;29' 31~ ~2 ~5' "r " 9"12 U ’ 16

10 the races again lUce we

of NYSE issues listed on all d -over-the-counter totaled npared with 84.474.610 traded

)k Exchange index added 0.86 e of an average share rose six ed declines 304-268 among the Composito volume totaled

aredwilh6;474;65irrhur8dayr ciation of Securities DealersaInem.C8to298.27..............-r,.Comrooaw5fllih_Edisofi,was tMistad issue, off V* to 27VT. I slumped 6 the. previous four leetlng lower third-quarter id, % to 36%. American ih was third, •% to 67>A. portation issues, BurUngton 97%, NorioUc Southem IVa to iustriea 2 4 to 52^4, Santa Fe UntonPaclflc.lii.toaa.:UAL

r y i i s a g ithe ibth consecutive sl'm

on’s factories used 76.7 indAugust, helped by the 'Vthan four years, tbe whi

1st advance was In line-------B)rtea during Iheniohth. tlor lists said .'^ursday the anc

^ ^ crc toUuJul Utit d ^ cent. derAugust was the highest to r

H e s s ® # !®11 .1 W I I U 933I5J0 ' nar Fd • tMSNL ' Cai&SJ9B3 44' Walt 1I9QNL * liu'ONL 44WS Eq 1l.4tt2.U IM71 N.L. F4U Or L7J 7.12 *mFa Ora 5J4 5.14 Bncn I.U Foundan Gmtt MM j.u owii ygilHL io'i't’i.U ilmSSt kS S i ; - S ' , S - i S iS -K.UN.L DNTC :<ce»ni‘, K r " r i . . S ' ' i S ' i i i - SS

SiK - jS M s! - , a i i B - s s i,, =, r - s ? f f l . ! sD.U2----.ln<----01)---- SJtlUt__Ua»3=!! a «, IS K171 .H QT Pae 49H.L 2**

“I I?« faN,L oir’*'~ii/ mI!:l HS

|g I I I 'IS I

imw-----------------nOTKX— ^I f, 'S " fJ X .L S

:'i. f f l “ SS.1: f»M l " ,!SSii SSi-SJl— lni—Jnfla___im hiii 'i] ! ! ! _ utIs S '!■» !8I X , ! i ! « ® Vl£__ I I ___SJ"I'L 1“" liSi ' " iS H - «~s's“ i " a 'iS 'ig £

J'if “sT" sss s• ! ” I.T- ffi M ' j r *, “ » a xsitii gi'St"U ■ nSS /'F f^ ijw isii

SSi £■, H '%Vl ISM(Bpar 7Mn8c ^

i t s - - ? a - . - r ; S 5 ^ - S

2!- S ll W 19 HL nra<Ul- CuM 04 L H.U EgulCult Kl ». H.L Op®K-L. ftjj] S H HL Opt^N [- S ll . a RL p ji

^ g E !"5i ■ is».u» il . . . e , i i a iti7__0TC. ' • III -II»i

' g K 5 , S iiS t S.' ' • UBd,i«.. . llOHi. Q»

S a tu rd a

[ u o t a t i o n s C 2

2 r t i s i n g _ _ C 3 i l Q ___ ___...

e d r e ]Con>. rose 2V4. lo-3lrant

- 4 0 ^ ^ . .

_ cessors for ils mid-rongi- on other products, galnct

TcxBS.lnstrumenls r a- unveiled a new "two-1

provides lettor-quailty pi- anddraftquaUtyfordaU

Among the other tilg r o u ^ gained 1% to 54

. HoneyweU 2V to 120. : 103%. Hewlett-Packard I al2to69--K..

Tymshare skidded 4’A said 'Hiursday It sold Tymeshare it had acquir

Harris Bankcorp. whi ' — rumors, rose3V4 to

~ j z i ^ y four UllQois banks fa AUegheny Corp., subjc

for monUis, g a in ^ 3^ to - HMW Industries tockt Its bid for HMW to $43 <

ire rejected a $42 offer. HM $40-a-share offer trom Ki

aU Co.................... ...............ed KN Energy, wblch fell ed the previous two sessk)

Mesa Petroleum said W< 86 $466 mUllon stock offer fo Ilx MeUon National lost he Lynch lowered its ear ed company. r. nevl-iStrauss-jumpecT rs posted third-quarter ear


ur • 95 cents a year ago-------er On the Amex, SouU; an actives, iqi % to 5\4. W

> foUowed. up 1% to 33%.. m Iroquois Brands galnec re said it wUl buy back S3 n


j e i n c r e iince Nbveinbw 1981 and identi 3dustry, wben utUl ties and mln Yet the improvement was oot

/here it was wtten the last rece-8l.7percent;---------------------Business-managers carefuUy lon 'figui^ in order to ju d ^ llnd modemlzaUon^ __When plants ^ o p ^U n g o

iurlngan^oonomlo-pooove;y4i lemand, factories must be expi 0 meet production needs.

B5^1: I 'E 'IAimai 10.0215.10 pigilm (bov:

K S | I

Oron Fd i4.ni9oo end Fd i

kI “E- 1UK) 14.411 »4 PrK uai ?:uitJ »«’ '3 P«» (toi* .U£Q tS Jti « Cr»'' Inc lim -------- ll:8 -} ii- l! r" rd - - i!% ---------MFH 4t Tu Fr tMFl 10.121 91 Pn SaMcaa:JUM>------- 24.UN.L. • Ud Tk r. - .__ Pro Fa • IIs r r r a k g ■"

r " s ' f I :i


s V a . S

IjSh;!:,- a 'I tn Sacumw. .

; .s a „ ' s u "

a ‘“ i ,1P3«th ta tx Sinon “ • tiUS ^ ' ” u!r“ gSm fiqulty 21.023ia mfl f«j f

M ! i |

19MH . ■&«}{_ 15UarlT-T.7JfljffjJi.—ruuSVrfCT:: 9 . 4.10 N.L SalKMd Fund*

r / 0 iiigr

!j:j5r"*Fa"' nH2574 5«I3ia, ' « uracl aj72«J7 BfT Eqi 11.ggiry , 7J5 9.2S S h ^ F-rttf yK 1S. ISS 1:S ui i l il j is £ i5S V

:la Sw 1J511IB . . . «’•

day. Septem bor17.1983 Tlm

z . : ^ l

s p o r t-and-Northwest A iriines IM. to

ange com puters and cu t p ricesilncdl%tol23'A........-3 ro se2 to l23^4.Jn} paoy: . . .wo-ln-one” "jnlcroprin ter th a t;______ty printing fo r word processing > da la processing. • tilgh-technology Issues, Bur-

0 54%, NCR Corp. 2 to 120V4.;20, D igital Equipm ent 1% to- . . ird 1% to 43% and D a ta <3ener-

14’/i to 22. W ang Laboratories, old all the 530,800 sh a re s lo quired last month, wtilch rose recently takeover>%jn>e com pany basag rood to^--------ts for a total o f $38.6 milUon.— ;---------ubject of takeover q>eculation: iito67V4.Bcked on 2 to 39. G a b ir raised (43 a share a fte r th e c o m p ^ ‘HMW already b as accepteid a

n Kohlberi^ Kravis, Roberta & .

1 feU 4 T hursday a f te r riaing 13 ;■ ssktns, shed another 3 to SO. d Wednesday It would m ak e a ■: sr for the company.ost iVt- to 46% a fte r M errU l: natTitngn for th e ;

[» (n r to ~ 4 9 ^ ir ‘nw ~com pany-; — - eam lngs of $1.53 a sh a re v s . ;

sUogLZ^to.Tajii J l ^ g m p a i i y : r e a m in ff» .o Y ? i.2 e a a b a re ^ ;

outhm ark w arran ts led tb e - I. Wang Laboratories d a s s B i 1%. Amdahl w as th ird , up l . to ; ..

lined 1% to 18V{i. I b e co m p an y 'S3 mUUon of its own sh ares in i u g h tb e e o d o f th e y O T V ^ ......

?oses IJenUcal to tb e r a te to r aU of mines w ere Included. in o te rx K ig h to llfttb era to to - ;i recession began la Ju ly 1981 ■ >

^lUy-watch c ap ad ty -u tm z a « - ^ the ir n e ^ to r expansion T

ig " n w c f ^ c l t y r e ^ ^ a H y “ ■ ' ty likflly^'^ nvu»w ~axpanded a n d new ones built

JB ' - - l l i f f s l i t — -

........- -

H S t , | « t-Tu^ _____

'luN L Sirt Cap IJ9-V'(S'

“ KS- i i S ■ -3 - ,!:S ia -

■ iiiiig a a

S a ' i f f a S t , '

illss . .09 5.01 end Fd 149 6.00

' S i! !S £ i - S S S K -__M Tia» .4____________________

'Sst s ^ ^ s i ' i r - r : r a . - k J I ■

' i k S ..............'!4*7n!l

■ isWHL ST tSJlUl;'JiTOHi Vai tna JJ.77NL20 4 7 H I fO 11WN L.

i ' K ! ■— SSpid g'S i" ti in !« 5 viiouSd Qjwi ~ •

3 $ s z E 8 . . . i -M s :h -_ _ - L _wV--ssst.-

u ^ t ln ys Pril 3J.MH.L .

e : 7i ' i l i t :

I I i l - Msa SMt,

iiViN? " » l •

' S ’i E ' ;iii.«ai9.« SJU****' j


TImes-Wewa, Twfn Falls, Waho ;

Page 15: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

T -W T M a x

M o n th C o m m o d ity— -- -------- M a y rM x i ln c a --------

O c t . l iv e c a t t i c D e c . Ilv o c a t t le

_____ _______N o v , fecde.r.cattJe_O c t . liv e

:____________ D e c j v b e a t ______------------------- S e p . co m ---------------

D e c . s l i v e r ,^ .............. O c t . ^ I d ' ’

D e c . c o p p e r _ O c t . s u g a r s o y b e a n sD e c . T r e a s u r y Bills


Q u o ta tio n s f ro m NA^ p ro x lm a tc ly 2 p .m . A t e r d e a l c r b id s . I n te rd e a te

____ d 0 _ D 0 t_ ln c lu d e _ r ^ nw i_ _ d o ^ __ o r ____com m lsslo

S t a t i o n s a r e pnxW ded J o n e s & 0 > .

B idB a n k O fA m c r. I 's tS e c .C o . 04.75 M o o re F ln . G p . 28.00 I n te r m n . G a s 17.50

“ ■‘- ■- y z :

“ ■JS” bA “ “5 £o e t ~ " -— .o p jjt -K ig ^ u

^ S?;S

'» 3 8 8 : Thurj^y ' ep«n imort

s ;? § :§ S:SNov eojo . e a n boji

iSd S :S g s g :S

s | S 1:1 al- f t f - -M les— J4«J— eof<tr»«

— 2^747:—

- oeV-D«C. . 0.09 ^.40s s a s S :§ s s

------i i l " r - - g : S - |g - | : Sgs! s i l i II

Ed. Mias 7.Bn ecnirac 8 ^ : TTiurwMy op*n in*sf«i

____ FW aamw - 3M

iiua ~------------f tt .---- Ml«(— «.M8_eonU»c

rS89; Thur»(J»if op*n Inlotoi POI. .

0-010; N-WofBlftil.

OES • UOfNES. ciHot (rotn cul meit irtde

flrw)*- ) -tw -no Ib*. M.oa tlt e ;s3

I*lr lr«th pwk loma 1«-I7 1.00 to 1.78 nipn«r: picnic* • wotk; boBton 6utlt_ «4 IM..iSmO.*'' 17^»'' Ibs* 73.00-77.M

. NEW YbRk"'(UBl - Tr ■cilv* „_»}oeii» iKV. N«w

______£jtcMntfSS^co<nooaiis__ tnouio-FH<uy. __________ . . . . .

IffiS-------Am_T.I ---------- »].go<l

W m' C ' K S S H !®

. s s

_____ . , ^ , ” 07 Unll»d. _Pr«i_ Inlw-

Dow-Jonea Ind 17»71S S P SOO Slocka 198.24

DENVEn (UPU- OiBin F»ld* NO. 1. tiaio wmtRt «naal 3.U bu

corns SM OOcwl. NO. 3 birlay 4.m .l OGDEN (UPlI — Grain o'‘ca»FtkJjv

_______Unosc-tl-Miunl-oioiein vUeaL-.00-.00. No. II pioioin ].SS-].ncu.. proialn 3 M-4.0?Bu., oM .04. No. t ip Bo., oil .04. No. 13o(i wniio 3 M o.n I2 yellow corn S S3 cwi.. olt .OS. uo. 71

— cwi...c0-.a).0aiss.m4.i9c«<i..up.i(

NEW YORK (UPl)-Gold lulurca <• w s r - i ' i s w c ;Opga. H»oh Loo ' CgSP t n s S?.S JJ

Apr 4»S0 43J 10 47* M 4: Jun UT'OO-V 44BOO 4MM Avo 44SOO ^ 449 90 Iti.OQ__ 4<

-------O cfT * 5 4 » -^ 4 jt« -----------------*'■

Eallmslod ulos: 3I.0M conii*cU. (____122.1870114M.___________

CHICACO <UPl>-Cold luiuras cM: • poinianionaf Frioiy.Ctilcaoo U«r«az —100 n y ot.; dm

OpSn Hloh LOW C

SolilemnrM p'lcei on close a Eaiimalofi Mies: 7.S18 conlracis. C 3.9Uup23l.

:— .....CHICAGO ■tupi)— Fridiy* I.ucklor grain dcllvoii^ is ChKaoo ineii

— :----- N«jr*TOnwfi9»f:t;pto3eomr3.«^No. 1 yelloartoybejns: up to IS dai - - .-tiM itsiaua«ya,iS7ufi>m .U M ...

Teimlrul elo«alor Otdg: No. 2 yallo IS days, 3.3m-3.47W O'l 9U lo up 4U; J.401< ub2.

Procossor bids: No. 2 yallMr corn, i 3.S2U-3.Jflup 4 loolt m: is loMOays.:

,& 2 T lm es-N aw 8 , Twin Fall

w h ^ i s —

Prevlity aose-------High --------- 6.67------ «.67-.....

58.85 59.575 59.65 - 60.175.

tie 60.45 60.9042.^ ..43.00

11.91 12.10406.60 m so " “70.85 72.25 9.76 9.60 £ ,8.57% fl.78

tills 60.51 90.^ Quotations from Sinclair and

NASD at ap- I^ng.Flbc AU bids In- Trus^Iolst

aJer quotations Consd. Foc marlaiD. roaik- Western Ui ssion: Tljese d iw EdwaxflD.""Utali Powe

Albertson Id Ask Idabo Pwr

21.625 Heinz ?5 24.875 Dart-Kraft » 26.50 I’st Intste a 18.00 Saloway

33J757" TYBgrd-T™

a a ' S f «£fi»l-tMt^aOMPrVT—-. --------------SiS g S . g S

IIII i :I M ; c«m* PH

SS SSII gl “I • Thor,

si gi=E Xntrtets:---- ThuT«»r--------------

t i .4 7 j .-« p _ i _ _ ^ m n r

kf*gf Is mo!1s s £S a s . 'h o yS‘S “ ” S “ S S ------------a;io S:so u sodg:§ SS SStilr»el*; Thuraday B oys•srcsi 3J.112 up88.000 a*; ont i ______ J600

nlnu;u:^:% iui£ty----___ll.!h«llotetl 13,W7 up

JPI) _■ -M>d<resl..................mJo Friday: ind liQhi: prices

•• -MS orsde 2-3 eoO- '-------------------«l«f be«l ehole#J aiaady to -t.OO

I Q lI K £

2'* 8a. ''47.5o!'*12:

Tho IS meal . . . Yor* SlocH na ~ 1 1 . l l __B.m,__ -—

7.000 30U « U 3.fl0Q 87 - - H z i v i * t u ^

I’ra l i " I iS!'sss in i * ^ W H I Lr’aoo a S I iSjIboo ■-»u -.+-.-h — -----------------^2M— H— -----------------3,100 flU ♦ u

98 24 uo 1.88 RoCqUQlh a r id b a

— — o v o lla b i Jo h n M (

Friday: O W nor C^ o o c i t .* . ’'*’''” ' n a t i o n o a . k n o w n j

tJpfot#i?4.i8-4.2? d u r in g cl i . f W 5 ^ ^ § j -Charter10.10. y , M o m b o i

^ d r i v o o r

res eloiffd SM lo.

410.(0. .409»412.I0‘ -406 60

H |_ S S _ _

•_«nd -p<a>lou»___l». Open iniore*!:

e«iJ«d S*0 10 SMf o r

S 'I s : ...0.90............... — ---------------B and prerlous. H H H H J. Open iniareil; .

ruck'»n(J-r»n-blda~ l i l ^ 3IneluOlng dellverv m v h

?«m1SwuPJ:------- —S Sayi *5S4S7up

3>n, up lo 19 days.iy9.).42M,up4. I m M M M

Falls, klat>o S a tu i^ y , Sep(<

. Close ,Low P.M.

..... 6.62 -......6.62........59.10 59.25

.59.80 59.9060.25 __60.30 _____ _42.27 42.45'

_3.77y« 3.82y4__----------------- ------- -----------------

11.93 12.15~4Q7J)0 ......-412.10___

70.60' 71.70 9.35 9.41 Nov.

8.42 8.73 .90.53 90.66

Uld Co.

Iber 24.75 25.25 1st 32.00 32.50rood 45.625I Union, 33.79! y o n -------- ;50------------ ;625—----- -------- -------22:25—m 27.50wr.Com. 32.125

43.875■aft 66.505 te 44.375 f 23.00 ■nislees----------- -38.89


p g p « r «wd a l — ih l M W lo c o t iM B b * L a k M o n d FU«i

o ro a r o n o w 7 n o w sp o p o r c >ns. N ow th o ro a r o n o w sp b e r tso n s , Bu ttro y s, a r c l o K lith s King, e n d W orom ^ M tty n w o o d -M o U rA lb o ffM jn o y f ro m n o w sp a p o rs a n d c > y o u th of Twin F alls. In Au< Ivotion A rm y Y outh Fund.-Tl od to s u p p o r t th o K iw onis a n rlio r th is y o o r th o Kiwonl: ys S to to c a n d id a te s a n d thi 1 0 . n o w sp o p o r a n d a lu m ln u i0 0 ,0 0 for p am A lter*.______>aso-holo K lw on ls-ho lp -you ld a lu m in u m cons.

h a ro a r a .a n y .q u a i t Io n i p ls a i



Ih o ljo s t . ~

^ ^ 5 M c qR A S LITTLE A

IF IfOO A4— (nohldd«r»f»sto»f€iti

■Ei^ Tw J^A +W

O p e n 6 A .M . ---------- P o lo L ino R oa


- G S S I SNEW -Y0HK_(UPI>-'«-UU

grices^aa I S

I- -----Copper,•ei«cbWyi«f-MU«*'«<

- - ■2o!«w{.5o'?Jb?"lj.s“'?.b<v produeei»24.0Oeib..

Maoneatum, W.Boeccenl. Inool

Mvreurjr, 2SO.0»M10O7S>lb. fU: NKkel. .eMctroiyilc cainodes

bom».Onl..3J9lb. •Palladium, N.Y. Am. Mi

Tin, N yTAm Mot W l e»<l«ll Tin, N.Y. Am. Met, Utt. alloyTl'unlum, aircraft-QualltyT-ert"

«Mno«^.3pe^eeSl^^MiS\b^^' Tonoalon powder (M-Bed)

minimum pure 11.14 per 10.ZJnc, ptrme weslgrn, U.S. 40.00-

I Groat nortnems: 3 at 23.00,1 a3 ;,S f C K ,*''sma"lI*®rMBf®2 al 19.00. 18"'ISano'piSin: 2 al 22.00. 3 al 21.(

S 19.00.and2neooiUlino. Uom (Mkldneyt: la l 24.00.. .. Sm»llwtlllO»:Sit22.00.


^ .i(S»B«4nuiaiKisiof»o?cii«B«

25 Kf7^TMVV*V9^V*

Sotl wtillo wt>eal 3.29. barley S.2S tnd oaia S.SO. tnd com 8.29.

Wtieal prices ero oi»on daily h; f oraln prteea a<a an areraoe 1

Valley doaJorguouiionaablilned

N f i ^CLERSi h i w i <■■ bIwiV Tli* rti* Lynwood MaU a t U«r la Twia rails.

>r an ti 3 o lu m ln u m can b ir « p o p o r b in s a t Lynw ood '.K -on .N orth W a s h in g to n ,! o m o rt. T h o ro .o re .o lu m ln u i’t» on»rond-8u ttroy6 ,----------id a lu m in u m c a n s is u so d t( A ugust m o n o y w a s g iv o n 1 .-This Foil, m o n e y r a is e d vi a n d High School foo tb o ll ti

jn is h o lp o d s u p p o rt G irh th o K iw anis b a so b o lt too

n u m can so lo s ra iso d m ore

o u th .-D ong te -y o u r-n e w s pj

o a so .c a ll :_________________

es E. Leuenber( •7260

m m

^A C T ^ W ------------‘ H O W I \

------ ^ g ro c q t^ hondB al

tom piH P p r ^ ^ W c o n tr '

oxh lb itioRll!-------------^ --------- w ith -sp

•P L U S ! / woi<( o x o r c is o t r_______ ao co b ic s ..w h

y 'Iillil 1 o u l d o o r sw lI p o o l , p r o sh e

T — ^ , p a r k i rp r o g r a m ,


»llR T SA S ^ 2 8 PER I l i C T N O W I ---------rocqwalbelt <ewr1 llm*}.

A in Foil! lietic CliM.“ 9 P ;M :M ^ ;8 - 8 S d f . ; i : lo a d E ast, Twin F alls, Id • 7-

NEW YORK oeial mtfkel— pfkMQuoiad

A S S ? " « im w »petceni plus pure - Aliarr>oon Pa/ls (tie«»e<>-U.i .»»-7a.OO----2uilcll - .-0«lmafy producora **•«*)[. •"<> -primary (aecondary) Engelhard,

golljjCMoJO.- S*lllnoprte#.' nl. baaed .reguta/ ounce.- ...........- - — l««k»r» p.knatk. ’. ' -- Iho pferWuac les. U.b.-:l»pn Co^ correspond Wl Mel Mkl.- daalar>■■ p>educw <f9.00: e« Iroy ourtce;10 - Plltsburgh 83.00 NEW Y( ; prtg>:-Am.-<4e<.—

iioyeTSle?-M2.M 'Irt-lrihS-S^dit. 12.90 ib„ domestic 1 p.m. • M). n o perconi 3 pimi 0CM8.rsc-it>. plsy* Oos

I al 22.90 14 al 23 CO• ‘ ' coin prlcea:SatlS.OO. 4al 18.C0,18 at 18.M and 2 f i - p r a ; I 21.00,12 ai 20.00.1 tl---

U.S. Armstror Mexican SOjx


Maple Loal 1- Austrian 1 du . ...S..AIttctn 1-t

90 pere* sy 9.29. miied oraln lace vi I. U. S. coinager by Rangen't. Other .40 perca 9 ol aeveral Magic face niue edwooKly. hall doilara:.

I — These guoti


^ ---------


tin lo ca ­ld M oll,I, S oars,lum c o n .............................. . .

to ho lp1 to-th© - --------w U lb o --------------- •-

i toom s. rts ond aam . In ro th o n

>PPR0f5.i“ i:;= -------- : ..........


E _

q o o tb o ll/ — ..........all c o u r t s - ' ipo ro tu ro tro l. O no ion co u rt

v iew ing .S s a u n a s ,^ ig h to n dtrolt>(ng,

/h irlpool,__ _______________ArlmrTiing hop , fro o tin g , d io t n , a n d so ch m oro .



r ■M O.

S = : : = : r -

ub —1 2 -8 S u n . V - --------7 3 4-7447

Q^.(UP|j> - Foreign tnd domealfe gol - londoo’' * ' ^ '

1 n«M<j . • -«B.25 on i.jt;v |

".......—e ^ Maxman «.iO up 0.2J

ce. labrtcaled goW 429.78up 0.2/per 1/01p«lc»«ttnp eft*r»g»j-bom are WJnJ Or us day a closing price, and mus may no dwilhlhepreviousllilngi. '

YORK (UPI) — StandanI houfly—Mde««9— (0»—F«d»y—<IWt-<400 20 40 40 ec Indu* Tme trau Fnet 8tk

188.4 31.IQ 69:38 I8.8S 89.4I S ? 5 :! ! I S M S !

:k>se IBS 28 »M 69:12 11;T3 NJ

ORK (UW) - SfllOCtOd BOW and sihro Friday TDurtdaQf+J

d, 1 troy ot. W4.00 I4«.2

5nda. l irJy‘’oi, 433” 4wi itrong 1 Iroy 02. 424.00 429.Si«^dML '(foy:a:_.400ixi__40U>U p«so. .48 iroy 0:. 209.60 207.0r .-1-3-iand .uoy-ei.—JIOJO----m o

fiiS vsbfcenl silver baga {1,001 value pre-IMS clicula(e< laga: tS,SOO u,sa»rcent gitrer baos tl.OOl lue 194S-70 John P. Kennedj a- msfl t]ubertTl orr-Qund ' ilJ.2;

dealer and depending on markei condi-

--------------------------------- -



B oconH iorM t --------------------- Q u to to o n ;......

......................NowycFUCon?conwof>ionl nowec

_____ I______ hoavoull orvoyotup >0 <1fl rrxjntM lornonti CIO Ironifori

§ mmm; g0ld. . NEW YOfiK <UPn - «oc

®?Hmof5ie:®i^* ratema'**S- nJ2;'221'215lS2il”

30loS«d«y« V.19

OM t50tomdays«.49

s S w ® ,ls*u«r»30flay»B.3rt on isauersDOOaye 0.29 - ynol lasuars27Ddays9.129 ' CantneataaofMPoM

80loS9dayS S29----- floiolltdey* 019---------12Dlol4goaysQ.40 ' * 1MtomdeysB.40

s S nroi^^^lYiiw^lo: 10,37-

8SeS . ImoniR 01S-1MIS-18'SlH 3S S iVi?b:?o' 18 ■

I' ' " ’ 3monins9.0»«.0l

Ye#l'’'Ba2-fl.77. l ^ rr»d«y

!»:» By tinllM PrMt

i l — tT-TIMT-------------T7t^oojo— N " " ._________ im.12M3 so T p.m. 12JB.2J

!ifl ?»F ■ ■ i l l- " ■ " - f f i U 'c V - , . - w;i,ooo .

m i m H R i.ilrar'»lTli.M

ondi- itbrlcaiod siivef producta ol H2

b p ^

^ ...

A B i

M w ith a U n ite d F irs t ^

snoollooonv>*ii»itt'lt«m«3l . rm wear oulo loon Vouvo ovor tP- V o compoliiwoiy low Inloiost ■OTHyjnfjmtewtjj S<?6.<»»t»------ iw'‘ •OPW , . . .-?■HoecxTrtjruoocovourpav ffciforiodOulomolKollvliom wc

§ k , U n i pSf-Fin/ZEDEflfll _Sm/

_ N i P r Wof>o-»too««M»ln(

2 3 RR ISEt^ B a i ea Frida_y as_ ^^NVER^

uhl osa olhor iiKh I • SWb canon! Norgoids 10

^ = % E <

NEW YORbMk*) artd markeiFriday: Pricos pall- - - ' door “ ateadbrge 78-80: la

--------------------------------cRonu*37-10.90 andeggsasr m taiea-ln secottdtfy--- ■Outrsr;-Ptl<

S s7 il*r e 77.54Ha10 7-19-10 1M8 ndao* majut discount

R l8. LowOrt.CloseSrt.IndoK Friday 9.52 Up - “ ---- ■■■' '

’ 4aiCyiScyllnde

a M ! a : S «i,7r 57.73 1J1.W 488.88 TBAMl:SJ-;V «f8‘ : ;§- •• « «_____ ___ Ofl

HONIITIHandy-*rw)..Harman •.60 pe> line ounce up ||IO H


D-ti'«u<*derWo< • Porlltna • p*n«. •


vouf Unllod NOW chocklr OCCOunl. WitweosoonO tocwfiiy o( fMvor mttsina I mont oovw v iiir g o chock cr ovoo ftc to«o(TK> Inlo on omco.

Como to Urviod f inl ond ool tno n Itoiijlii frf T‘~>">'~~’'ff ir’''-~'-'ii'-’hlnfn« purchoto Of on ouietmoKto-oick uo tn ftortrt trooor Of nwfor ryxi».-«'» Ml ok wCTK unllod flnt iiootj ytxj.Vko o f»o Wh

. e d? v » n 5 s ____IflQs ossodaflon

----------------- 2 StnH^i«Ce«M«

*,5, 5?. 5?

rili- s t'SsyiT’-sSKaa.roSJis^l:

. S M S ’ . I B S a{i paid and dollwiod lo New York olore-*? ^Jid and delivered w rWiwa: Eilra^.80:iaro«75-7«andmedlums62-6S.

Is'asrepo^edbvUS^^^ ,'1 ‘' ““"vr_Ptlc«s paid.In deUyen atet(fy;.{D K o r^ .. .M,«»:(«9C«eAA)1.49.ljO»_________ ____PlICOS P«tfl J0 _delivery yeady^rlces Iq-

I laradD A. In cartons deihrefedk EktNT 44; large 74-7B: medlums8M3.

R H I O f l n f A E v i ^S P I C I A L

• ' M oit C or»» 3b C y I .In iln e .:..........1 . . . $ t 9 9 3U n d er.................................• $M* 3udes labor, Rlnes, fiod Bearings,

Ccskels. Oil ff Filter Chrom# rings $35 eiclrq ;j*

**-~AOTOMATIC 3JU M M IS S IO M M M IB •«Most Or*rt.out*.»2a».M 25 , J

Conerol Repolr-Brokes.Corburelors. Tono-Ups, 2

Eieeiricol. Air Conditioning ^

I O i l W A T 3 0 0 * B A e i ^---------------------------------------- “. i—

• T 3 « .T > t4 ^ ;J

M 1 1T


6 * 1

______________________ L- -------------

---------------------- ---------------------------

ifo c o ro c o jl ;

---------------------------- -----------------------1-

^ 4

ml.'i«uoatsinaoDW-_____________________ i IHon noving. J

'toJflUtfi________ ______________ I S -UC truck. . I IMII oooihw . - I gWhOOL [

_____ —' t


Page 16: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

L ALLS1 ;SAA,I~ A lls ta to In su ra n c e - '. .w Q fk Jh o s rc b fo o r 'o i

ro u n d in g a ro o s . W w o m o n w h o d o s i

____ . ^ m p o n y Pold Ilco------ — { n o f -o -d ro w ) ,- r^ <

c u rro n t o o rn ln g sr V Is SQCond to n o n o ir

___ ^ Y our 2 y o a r s o f_si* " Solos,' 'B u s in ess 6 'v oxoc tly w h a t w o 'ro

You o w e it fo y ou r •; .o p p o rtu n ity . For co

7 3 4 -8 9 5 0 f ro m 9-1 \------- ----- P e n t t c


I FARA360 a c re s a p p ro a c re s til la b le W/

■ O ld e r 1 ,116 sq .— » BLM“ a n d “F oT esf— T r r c ^ 2 7 2 : 5 0 0 : :

g ib le ap p lic a n ts , tra fio n (FmHA).

J Box 656, A rco, I :• subm it b ids. This

___ f to rac e , co lo r, n___ -j_oc_m arital-^ totui

'' righ t to re jec t on>


- 5 5 2^ S ix '

'iCSf J>«a>”ystttnlnpnowedlMobesnc----- VOUH mrXk

tSlon uprtow' Proonim.Fof E<llbl«Pn3toli SOOOporcwi dockieiotMiil Nowmbonc HwSlhaiio.

_ Mr. Goodwrench (Ie n g i n e T

.... wnt.Irn.wtwmTKt'TUnnUOC.liw day witn coniidoncc Ensy s’a nis ITulollOO »r» in« fOWl'OJ Ol oi ----- (wrto-moO tjy GM lorvica locnricr»ol»co •pif't [WBS Cfwc* HJfotwthffwowr «'«3 0«' JOU'M'_____ oooa W0O0>t»Y ua 10' I

*43ff,. *31*33” ,,“

Off *f G ood Ihru S«pl. 30.


= = ^ D I------------------------------- — g m

STATE INSUR LES REP. W A ICO Co., o m o m b o r o f th o S r 'o p p o r tu n lilo s a v a ilo b lo i:

W o 'ro look ing to r h ighly o s lro a co ro o r w h ich f Ico n sln g . fro ln ln g , o n d o ^ o r m a H y ••g u o ran to o s- cc h W o offo r o co m p an y bo0 in th o Industry . _ succo 3 sful w orl^ oxpoH oi

ow ndrsH Ip^ o r findncid 'ro lo o k in g fo r. su rso lf fo f ind o u t m o ro a

co n fidon tio l d iscu ssio n , C• 1 w e e k d a y s .♦ te t th > io p p o f1 u n i tv p o s t \

I s t t i te In a a ra a to■EqunLQopo'ftunily.EmpIoyor----

AAFORS.rox . 13 m l.,N W of Ai w /w h e e llin e s from a

ft. hom e, g a ra g e ai s t~ S e rv lc g ~ G raz ing-P D.'"FmHA financing a> ts . C on tact F a rm ers f0 . . .101 W e st. G ra n d1, Idaho 83213 , to re« his p ro p e r ty is so ld v,

re lig io n , sex , a g e , i tu s.—T h e-G o v ern m en i my a n d a ll o ffe rs .

[ ( M a p s p e p I

ii-d id iver-to~PIT y o o r b e tn s to P lll ib n iy lnow #1 httrwi PI isuufv wtH tako your oc uncrop(oranyo>noM)—MtdMym <

low lor Pillatxtry'tAdvaneod Paymonl Afl . For tufihof dctaJia. contact ywr neamt rototnFacility. :r cwt. no* - tho rom#ln«tor oo tho dato y< > Mil. A Jvsncod Bfoofsm ondsa n s :------------- ----------------------sltof » OUk* cash flow liK?


;h tor dependable performanoT U N E U P ~C_n'0'&0»urBl«n»o»lh f.MtW3O«>f9*n y sinriiig. iejconirt« Dertofmane* and goo ol out EN>cifon< Engin* TuiwUR«>i>a«ly rnricianj uiirnjoemjm* QMpaitl. TtwyH;mt-on «at6«»«Uon -m thar» lo> depondatit* pwlonrunco andf lot Mf Gooawraftth Caw ^ _______

Leu G«1 n Ibgttw . Oucwt

® - p p a30. H»3 MMaMMOm:ATGM FEEUNG WITH GENL -Fri.7:30-5:M _ Sat

IC K lffi

RANCE I ' kNTED> Soor# F inancial N e t- ' a ifT T w ln 'Fdlls fi-suc'- i ly m o tiv a te d m o n S '_ . ..

p ro v id es C om plo to0 g u o ro n to o d »oto |Y _ co m m o n su ro fo . w ith

b e n e f it p a c k o g o th a t .

le n c e In C om m ission : i d r m a n d g o m e n t is

1 a b o u t th is oxco llon t , Call Lynn A tk ins o t

B __ _____________ _____

SALE IArco, Idaho. 350 a well & canal,

and 2 granories. -P riv ifeges7"^le— ■ "available lo~eli- i Home Adminis- id Avenue, P.O.,, ■equest forms to w ithout regards

, nationaLorigin.— _ m t-reservos-th fr— -

. . — ^

• c w t .a H A p --------------------- F

P iD s te y ^ — ’I itronltniieos Hou»e.cxvcwi.fcx ll-------------- --------- glAgroomonl i<«.P.iiaU.-y 5. W '

• ____h

F.......................' - F

S----------- ■ ------------- •— I s


- 5g = ^ j A —

h'4 s*' 1 . p

'%.■ |l______ a

: II--------------- 3,s

Knc8 all season long! *'

* ............ sF


tota cot»«aanoH ‘NUINEGM parts: iSalvda) 7:30-1:00 ^


f f i

- f ' %

- - y

/-------------------------- 1 3 2 - 3 r d S

''y i jY ie s - N '


-N ITY -FO R - PUBUC RE.——VIEW-------------------------------

' Notice l3 hereby glvon that f^eglon IV Oevel-

“ opmentAasociatlonrtnc:—

L I t ^ I r i T- Industry - ' ' Council

(SCPICJ. havo lointly de- , vel<)pod on 'A nnuarJot} ~ Training Plan, pursuant i

— p an rs rsm p ACl o n 9 M, 2for Employment and 0

— Trainlno-Proarams to b e - ;ImplomontocT by Iho :SCPIC In Aroa IV ol tho 5Stat6 of Idaho. Copies of ath e Plan are available for eInspection by tho Public 7

■^rintrR lV D A Office. 1300 8Kimberly Road, bolwoon °8 : 0 0 am and 5:00 pm, Sft^onay through Friday. g

____Any parson w jshing.to_irevlow tho Plan should fcontact Robert M. iLundgren. Region IV De- 1

— velepm ent-AssocIallon. JInc. P.O. Box 1844.1300 1K lm t^ y Road. ^ I n JFalla, ldaho83301. ? PU BLISH :-- - Friday,; Septem ber 16, Saturday, Septem ber 17, andSunday, September ia, c1983, I


rigation District will ac* - li cep t bids for tholr 1984 r. insurance. Bids muat bo s

—offlco—by— 1 2 :0 0 —noon— JMDT.~ October 4.-1983: SB ld sw irb e opened at a ’regular rpeotlng to bo ^

' held a t 8 : 0 0 pm oclobor •4,1983. Bids m ust be In a (is ealed envelope marked__j;

■ ^ ‘Insurance Bid". " gInformation may bo L

obtained by contacting Cthe district ofllco at (208) F366-2243 Between tho S hours of 1 : 0 0 pm and 5:00 pm. The district address

—rrP;OrBox-428KlngHlil,— Idabo 83833-0428.

Tho District reserves [th e right to reject any «a n d a lf tld s . j

DATED: September 7, ^1B83-. ................ — - :s/JoAnneBlackwoll (S o c re ta ry -T re a s u ro r ,. 'King HIM Irrigation Dis- ;trict I,

___ PUBLISH: _,Frid*y._.KSeptem ber 16, through Friday. Septem ber £3,

" 1 9 8 3 .------- --------------------

^A nnouncem ents

D01-ftort3b -rMirJorie'«-Flow*f*-fof-l«99:— i - dotlverlos. All occu lon t. <

S4S-SMrt{a.734^. >

: OOa-Lost&Rxmd \FOUND: M«le, T tn & whito ’ pup. Approx. 3 monlhs, E

fr«m# prescription Qtussa » wlltf bluo lint a lias . Smdl t RewWa.TSWKIB.---------------- 1

o u n c e tm



. 5 p .__________________ 't il n o c

o n d WO’II


St.-Wost----- ~~

>Jev s C l^ s if ie d s ^

0 a 2 -lo r t> F b u n d '

----------C H E C K D A IL Y - •---------FOR CURRENT - ^ - ........—HOONtXPOUND-----

NEWS-B U Y & W E ^ A ^ F E T IM E —


1. Torrlor X, fomalo. black

- Zr S p aiihit -Xr lw nate.' bro w t t ^ ondwhlto.' ---v-a-.

..3_Gorman.Shopt*ord, malo, • black and whllo,4. Lab, malo. Gold.5. WIfohaIr Torrlor X. malo and fomalo brown pups. - ./i6. Ootiy malo. black & brown..7.TorrlorXmalot>lond,,

-flrCttlhOThua-XTtalo. btuial____9. WIro Hair Torrlor. fomalo. \

ySf'feorman Shorthair,.malo |& lomalo. brown. ,

___ Gemuin___ Shophofd,__ Ifomolo, brown. ■12. tJ b , fomalo, black. •13. Wiro rialr Torrlor, fomalo, i brown. '14.Ratrlovor.fomalo,ooId.' ]

-16 i-6h»p< w d Xi b taoh -*—brown, male. ' Ile .U bO obyX .m alo .b lack . |

H oorsSto /pm only iMonday IhmFrkUy '

C all............. 733mSe0oxt2B4 IBocauso Dogs aro broughtIn evory hour, and 801A o r IDESraOYED tf!«f 48 hoora, ,ploaso call or vlall lha pound I

-jiallyaQ.chock wtiQlhoLyouf._, .1pot hoa boon picked up. This. '

' Is not an u|>-t(>dalo Ilsl. - iMlxod dogs aro hard lo do- 'scrlbo, como to iho pound to |

LOST ot Folr. Tgrioiao-Th^ll I ■ moial porscdpllon g lasses.

Also 1 roll oxposod lllord |H im .C a llT w a a . . . ,UflIF r^rny K hinffk llnnr • atflpod cat wllh whllo collar.LosI In vicinity ot Blako & I Crostvlow Or. Child’s pot*Howard. Call 734-3525. ,SM Ofay Schnauzor X doo '*'*lost ^ u l h Hills aroa, E ol |Roflorson. reward. 733-aSOO. j

n w ^ ^ p ^ M o B c e s jDEVELOP YOUR TALENTS <With HYPNOSIS. School isludonts. woloht loss & ilobacco oasy. z9 yoars oxp, 'CallJohn loday32*-72fl1. | OOINQ OUT OF BUSmESS •8AL£i Hurry^asl 2 wooks. ■'A lfm orcnandiso G0% off. i FIxltjros avallablo. Stock up 'lor Jowol .1

OOS-UsmorlaINot)c« |


Call73M300 |

_ > ^ 1L P.ER SpN j*|lh knftw ]-_ ,odgo of iho whoroabouts of •Marjorie Roranco Davis .[

C Hayward <ro: oslato of ' Hayvrtrd) ploaso cotv

. met Harry EwIniL ^ O . Box ,7M. Sonora. CAftHTO. IBOARD & ROOM lor sonlor I

-m o a ls -in 'Je ro m o n a « 4 4 3 ask forD onorHolono. I

•Want -to - corrospood -j w/rotlrod widower. No LOS.No alcoholic. Writs olo . TlmeBNows. Box»(M2.TF.------


F w

U P f liu lH H• <an*«nI»iK* In ploclng youf cl«illl»

W« Of* op«. *»*fT $«t«fday »ron

_____ 8 :0 0 to NQl

p k Y o u c a n p la c os t o r t In t h o

u n t i l 1 1 :4 5 m . m o r n in i

th oI k n o w fl

- f ic u l t f o r p o c V ' w e e k d a y s .

S a tu r d o y g iv tu n i t y t o c a l

-________c o n v o n io n t f o r

O u r D e p a r t m e n t is o p p .m . M o n d a y t h r o u g h Fr

i o o n> s o c o m o b y o u r offl< ? i r h o l p y o u w i th y o u r c lo s ;

r i


^ T H ^ ' d o n ' f C o s t ^ T

OOM >enotulat am no longor roaponslblo

__.lor any dobts olhor man m y _ own. Brian Stoddard.______

-------- -LAW SHOP------- - -Unconlostod divorcos. $73. Bankruptcy and corporation.

— m - W l l 3 . - » 0 , - o u : ; _ m i l — order avallablo. Call 33S- 0732. Bolao._________________

l l o i i L ioreli Olvorco. atraloht bankruptcy. 734-

- 0387 Malt oraors avallablo. - - ^

- MORMONISM-.-What knowatMui tho

. Mormon Church? 734-2613.■ 97^9103, M «242 for a ro­

cordod now mossago wklv.

-PREQNANCY HOTUNE 'PregnanI? Nood holp? Call 734-%72.

■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I I h a v oWi " -

! Aeffon Ai■ - I I B I I S U H D E R ’ I ;

\ ADVOmSEOATl= b S £ £ im (U O A l

S ^ 6 . 0 0_ ForEaehA ddltlana1 ___________ llftaA ddSI.O OI privota indlviduoli

■ (non<omm«reial) to to tono l hem*. tha to ta l vi which do«» no t axceed : Tho prlea of ooch lion

I opp«ar In iho od. No rat p od ll concallod oorly.


jj Noma*, o d d ro it ond tolop■ for which paymont la inclu<

I WRI'B P la e aa p rln t^ lil


a ------------------ - —

I - - - —I ------------------------------ —

- ■ -------------------------------i _____^ ^ -------------3-------------- ------------

. ■ P laoM pub llahm yodfo r J for which $___ _______ l«

I S>ndTo:

I Clo*ilfl*d Doponm . .m ----------------- »33.3«»S».-W#i1

■ Twin FolU, ID B33

--.EU'-av ■ ■


■IIImI o4<.frem

p O N ____________

CO a C la s s i f ie d A d to th o S u n d a y p a p e r ;4 5 o n S o tu rd o y l i n g .

h o T lm o s -N o w s , - w o I t h a t It is o f f o n dif* p e o p l e t o p lo c o a d s o n . .. s. B e in g o p e n e v e r y g iv e s y o u i h o o p p o r* c a l l u s w h o n if Is con* f o r Y O U I_____________________

o p e n from 8 o .m . to ~ F riday a n d S a tu rd ay

ifflco o r g ivo u s o coll lossifiod a3I


733-0931^ T h e y : P a y » . -j

0 06 -P wBOfiila ID CUSTOM TATTOOING, I y ' Cloan. All work guaranleed. ] ~ Colors ronowod, Covor-ups,- - i

[^•'O ld tattoos ramodolod now.- - i

'• homo. Roasonablo prlcos. I I. call toraopl. 733-7207._____ (I--------- HOTUNE---------1

73M122— A-Problom-Jnwl-a-proWam— I. whon shared. Mental Hoallh , 1- Assoctt/ton. Som to 7am. ^r ~ I

I. ' <

” 007-Jot»6fInlere^“ |BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Sot !

I your own hours. Sell & do< |llvarFullorBtush.324-4510 |

w n ’i

CtrASSIFiv o c h o c k o d t h e C la s s i f ie d A'

* 1 0 0 0 - ^

TiiHis ®”“ I!!!!E

—............... worfctj.............“ --------------- TK tfTtioirlsinsr

» eath with ordar ♦ PrlvotoPorly Ac anal oOfforgoodonly

00 «nl« r«Kii ntlali luolt only a lf your Item do*

to ll por. • will ollher runv ]l value of ' oddllionol weal od Sl,000. . chargo or rolun llom m uit •R ofundam m ib'1 rotunda if odaronow adw

a fte r Iho od one

OH TOOAYilophono numbora ahoutd b« counti icludod wilh order, 3 llne i mlnlmuir

ITE YOUIw llh dark poncll or t» tlpo in l p«n (li

' (Figure 4Wcrc

)r ----- dov»- { ) ld o # u b » c ri_ la anclo.ed. ( ) I d o n o t s u l

Soni* ________

irlmont Phono ________------------- ---------------------


Sa tiirrtay , Spo

fers" Oi

C lassifie in o u n c em e n ts

001 Florists002 Loal & lound

- 003Announc«<nanU. 004SpocU1nollc«s OOSMemoflal nollces OOOPeiaonals

^ S e le c te d offers nn? .Inhsotlntarest

----- tMasi le.paopiy --------------ooe Employmeni aganclo*010 PiQlnaatonalaetYlsss_____OtSOabyaliiors - 01«Si!uailoo9 wanted 017 Buamesa opponuniiias OlBlwomoproperty 0» Money 10 loan 021 Monaywanted023lnsirucllon 020 Music lessons

n R eal e s ta te on O^n houses 030Komealoruie031 OuK(-to«n homes032 Quhl-Fliflr homes033 Klmt>e»ly-Hana#n homos 034Jarome homes038 Real asuie wanted

------ OSTFatma* taftehoa---------------- -Oi#Acie<igeiioU --

039 0uainesa Dro rty 040Cemelsrylots - 043Vac*llonpfopeny 044 Condominiums lor uie (MS Mobile homes lor sale

K 3 R en ta ls050 Furnished houses051 Unlumiahedhouaaa052 Furn. apts. A duplexes

- .OWUnJum, l».*aupte«aa-----OSS Rooms (or rent057 Rental motMiehomaa058 Office & Cwalnesa ronur OM^ndomlniuma torrent083 Wanted to ron*OSSTourlat and trailer rental oe« Mobile home apace

. . 087 Misc. lor sale...........068Compuiara .•089 Camera equlp«n*M

_ -OTOWsn’edlobuy.-- ; .,'073 Antique*

_ _074UualcaHftsirumenti--------077 Radtoat VaS slareoi OTS Furniture (carpela

(O7-Jobsoflnt0rBst (-A8SOTA>ff.------ATKLgnC— ^FUND RAtSER- Aid ■ tho *Assistant Athlotic Olroctor *lor Dovoiopment In con- •

'ducting lund raising loraihlatlc scnolarships at tho *University ol Idaho. •Provlous salos or fund ralsIng experlonco preferrod. tiB.OOO. Send application •

• lotter, rosumo, and thruo-----professionally rolatod-rofor---- •—etieee ■ to:—Jim - Anderson. — •

Porsonnol Commllleo Chairman. Vandal Booatora, ,

-l(»c„. Kibblo AclJvlty-Centor,-—I Moscow. Idano, 63843, by >Octobor15.1BS3.________ f

-------ATTENTION LADESr— -----1'•Houso ol Lloyd" now hlr- » ing toy/gllt domonstrators. c Party plan. Work now r through Nov. No Invest- F

Qlfls. Cali Suzanne S37-«920. a' Babysitlor wanted In my -f

homo. FulMlmo," - SwingShllt. 734-21M^lore 2pm. o:BABYSITTER nooded In my Bhomo In Buhl. Call 6 4 3 ^ . S

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

S M YFIEDADAd o p tio n th a t lit* m y n e e d

ID RESULTS! 'cuo ran lo tnon-eom r

ran ^ Q o r oHara ar«

a i H#i»‘a h o V lt Final , q| ,

UkIv T ' fit p*a?m^larA d.O nly ■ LINES 1

n l/on ilom s lo r— . _3_; 5 .2 i-------------- 4-------g_7i

eatifroao l • 6 10 .01fundyourm one^l j .| .|

r j i i9 114.71

intad o s port of your od, Rotoa quc lum. N oncom m ercial ra te s only.

I (Ink may blur) using ono t{MC« fo erd> P er Lino) __________

c rlb e to t h a Tlm «> l i» w s . - ubscrib© to th o T O w K N ew s

;polf'mbo’r 1083 Tlme»-Ne

> 0 1 - 0 0 7 —

l e d i n d e x

OTSABPiUnees tOeOHoatlno&alrconO. ;082 0ul1dlBflmal«la!s - 'O03Qaraaa**lBSOasFltewood ..................... ;087PlantsAlteas OMVajloty foods 000 Pets & pel supplies OM Auctions

Q F arm ora’ m arkol _________

094 Farm aeed 0g7Hav,arain&loed

-------ossnrm jiorrent------------- --------------OMPAaluioslerientlOOUvastockwanted - - -----101 Animal breeding1D;Catile104 HorseslOSHoraeequlpmnntl09Sv.lne106 SheepttOPoullrytj#6t)i|J_________________

------- ilJIfiloaiion113 Farms & iinch supplies IHFarmlmplemoi,:; lUFaim woikwjnrod

n R ecreational 120A«lailorv121 Ooata&marlnellems

_____122SooniftttOOOflS„____ _________.lasklinowulon'flnt_______i_______124Snow yahlclaa ITSTravelliallars IMCampeca&shells '127 Molor homes 128Ulllllylrallara

@ A utom otive iJlAuioaarvlce132 Auto pacia & acceasorlea 133Auloawantad >1 4 Autos fnr * • —5ISSCycles&aupplles ;138 Heavy equipment l«OT/uc*a 141 Vans fl

____ ..|42 Import spons care ________:

148 Antique aulos 14tAulos-AMC

_____ lMAulO«j=.BulcX----------- ----- -------- -1S4 Aulos—CadillacliBAuloa-.Chfyaler1J8Aulos-ChevroialiBOAutos-Oodge182Autos-ForO188Autos —Uncolo44«rcury •....... x...^ -

r. TO anoa--K5i\tW I .......... .. .173Aulos-Ptymouth

---------l74Aotos-Otne>------------ ------------- :ITJAulodealersMOBualneaadiroctory

OOZ-Jobsoflntirwt . . . . rV^VflllW A^TTO.. -

•Bo your own b o s s , .........•S elyourow nhoura..•Work a protected local - -

territory •Earn S100-S150 per day •Soli Unique Sausage pro­

ducts. novor before taslod

•ConlacI Buslnoss . .

-_«PfOTfdMrani^^ftatlon— ------------------

" ■ ■ wim t*on«Vrpayb5S*^first day.

.THEN CALL: Saturday, Sept._________17 botwoen 2pm & 3pm.Pioneers Pride. 2t»-37S<C02.

M S f h a S ^ l c undorstan^ding of. D atfiorocessing & .................retatod o q ^ Must havo

fo ru ly Fortran. Varied'work 8iiIi8uuId. l l ' Inlerasiou. send resum e to: Box P-62 c /o Times News, Box 648,

-T w lnFalls.:......... ........... ..................... ___■ WANTED: Part limo Pressor, experienced preferred.Babbols Cleaners. 223 Shoshone Slreet East.


'■ ...........^ .

o o d s . H

S□ I

t A R C A S H R A T E S a ----------------shown f>ore:;Op*>*y lo :------------ r

inteod Retults and o lhor -om m orclo l ods. T hoso ■

a ro ostlmotod on on | n t ^ w ar^ t p T lino,

ra to It. dotorm lnod from |» w h ich m oy b e ed ited to j

1 2 - 3 4-7 !a . 2 5 I 6 : 7 5 | i 0 . ! ) 0 Sfc -75= |:^ i50 -U 3;S 0= l ^ ------------B.50 12.00 1 5 J 5 I ■D.OO 14.75 16.75 |1 .2 5 1 6 .7 5 2 1 .5 0 g3 .2 5 2 0 .0 0 2 4 .7 5 .4 . 7 5 1 2 2 .0 0 1 2 7 .2 5 | __________


I ^I quolod opply lo Wonl-Ada |

-------------------------------1 -------------

E R E s ^ : —;o for each'w ord. H

------- ^ ^ ------ 1 --------------

--------------------- ------------1----------------------------------- ■ _ — ,

~ ~ I


----------------------------- I---------------------- -- ---------------1 = = ^

............. .....................- ■--------------------- ---------- ..........................

i■ ■ . ■ - ■ d i ' : . .

kN ow s , Twin Falla, k Jaho C-3

■ .1

Page 17: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

■ ReaktonI-M anagor-w antod-- 1 for 40.unlt npla. Couplo pro-

' ffirred. Sond rosumo to; 1322 N W aahlnoionSt. lA-I.TF.

Thorfi'a good mOnoy In cosm otlcs. Soil Avon. 423- .s s a < 0 f 7 3 4 ^ .__________ •EXPERIENCED MILKER ' Wanlod.Cflll53^652<.

work. Muat ruvo o car. Call733-2513._________________ .

-------- rN £60rS O M E -no» lno -h« lp_' wItti gontloman. Call 733*

- m 4 .-- . .............. -NEW CONCEPT In FOOD

---------DISTRIBUTION. MullHovol.Ground lloor. Intorostlno work. Clommlo Thackor, 1103-N Smltti Avo Ext.. ,

______Nampa, ID &3851._____________Our compony aooka quatl- llod poraona to writo bail bonds. U w Infotcomont, In­surance or small business exp. holplul. Send qualKlcft- tlons to Allied FldeHtv Ins. Co, P.O. Box 3S*9. Llttloton,00.50111________________RESUMES. Prolosslonaily

-------- Wr1Hen“ fe a 4 a r t4 I ) I ^ « r P —lldontlaf. Christine t7i-73TT. WANTHD: Babyslltor (or In- lant pah time. Roloroncoreoulfod, 73*-2907.________

. WANTED:........Expariencod...Milkor, Rel'a roqulrod. No houslna. 324-3054.

CARRIER“^ “d A v o . N o rth . 373

• h o n e St. W o rk on--------- ic h o o t - o n d 'k - d f tp - y o i

Jo in o u r c a r r io r 1(J In d o p .o n d o rit. _ .

Coil y o u r app llco tio N e w s 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 o r B r

O.R. Nl-M ag ic V oiioy R egion

____ ;h a a _ s i_ f u l l_ l im o - Pfo r o ro g is to r^ d nuiin g ro o m ....................T h e id o a l c a n d id a te

• te r e d n u rs o w ith a (1) y e a r o f p roviou; e x p e r ie n c e in th o S p o ri-o p e ro tlv e roil

1111 11* I’l * d p p l l c o n t i p«r»onnat il*(

— " M o fl le V o l l e y R e g io n 6 5 0 W e s t A d d U o n >



7 \ o p

cUTlmes-Wowa. Twin Fall!

C 07-Joba of interest

l e c i e d o f j f

007~^b3 of interest r» MP T H antrg)d— Ror>o'»-(aeio6l-g(o«ilng and0- expanding now car 22 doalorshlp has an opening

lor qusllllod lectinlcians. ( This poshlon roqulros a

Iftofouoh knowlodoo.or CM. In products. Wo ollor oxcolloni i pay, prollt sharing and ro-

■ tiromont plan, modlcal and . denial insuranco. paid vaca-

” lions and holidays, paid training program ond a ca­

ll orowlng company. Contact . Sorvico Managor, Horb

Nevada, B9502.jj Ph.(702|7aM111.________1. EXPERIENCED spray palnl- g or lor local manufacturor. r. Good bonollts. Roply to P... , O. Box 1506. Twin Falls, ID

63301._____________________1- FEEDMiaSUPERVtSORil B.S. In Animal Scloncos or 2(- yoara oxporlonco In thos oporation ol (ood mixing ih dolivofv OQulpmont, ClosingI. dato: 9<t0-a3. ContactI, Porsonnol Ollico. Unlvorsiiv

o t Idaho, Moscow. 10 S3A43.^ 20M «5^W .A A /E 0£______

LIGHT- BUILDING Malnto-" nanco noedod on Saturdays.

>. Pfolor retired, llnishod, car- 0 ponlor lor rcpuir woik, pan

timo only. Call Tom 7 3 4 .^ 7 . d LPN. Pan time & lull time.0 Contact DNS. M ountain'

Viow Caro Conter 423-5591.

R NEEDED:)73"Avo. N ortH Tt”Sho- in y o o r a d a y b e fo re y o u r 'o f to rh o o n s 'f ro o .

lo a m o n d b o co m o

j’tio n in to th b Tlm bs- B fo n d o 4 2 3 -4 2 9 6 .

N U R S ^ *io n a l M e d ic o i C o n to r i _ p o s i t i o n O Y Q ilab lft. n u rso in t h o o p o r o t -

loto w ill b o 0 rog is-1 a m in im um o f o n o ious o p e ra t in g room IO scru b , c ircu la tin g oils.

m tiihouTd contort th V “ dvpOflmanl 01-------------tonal M edical C e n te r '>n A v e.. TF ID 83301 727-2 173.._________

Q2M)pen Houses

-alia, k la h o S a tu rd ay . Sopte

J e r s - R e a l007-Job3oflntof8S)

,nd---------- ANNOUNCEMENT--------

“ g POSITION: Stato Supervljor ns. o l Trado. Industry &

a Tochnlcaf Education

jnl O U TlESr'ftosporislblo'ioTT ’ro- planning, supervising,nd assisting In evaluation and:a- providing • technicallid assis tance to Trade, lo-:a- dustry and Technical Educa-

ict loachor oducalion; maln- irb talning rocords and ropons; too c oODoratlng wllh clhor ro. vocaifonal' proorarn aSa )2. aervlce personnel and with •

rolatod stato agoncios; and . - coordinating stato studont 'J ' leadership aclMilos, Tho p Stato Suponisor will bo ,7; a ssigned , assum e additional

du ties end havo ro-------- oponslbillties— rotated— to—I vocational education In '2 Idaho.10& MINIMUM QUAUFICA-

ig TIONS: Shall havo a ■ct m aslo r's dogroo or ;iy oQulvalont, (master’s do- 3- o roo protorrod) wilh al loast

____ ono_dogroe_ln_V ocationaI- .-•----- Education; threo yaara.lull-..

timo auccosstui toactilno in on appprovod vocalional

‘rt program: throo yoars lull- iimo oxpoclonco; shall quail- '

L- ly lor on Idaho teaching 0 . crodonllal In Vocationalin ' Trado....... Industry' and

Technical Education; and oholl hovo strong com­munications (oral ond writ-

__ ton).— organiiatlonal— and—loadorshlpskllls.

SALARY: Based on educa­tion and oxporlence, wllh a

from S22.000 lo

APPUCATtON PfiO-> — CEDURES: Submit tfloItor-oT—

application that speclllcalty add fossos each quallllcft- tlon lor (ho position; a sopa- -

■ rate vita; trariscrlpts:'throo ~ . lo iters ol roloronco; and a __aja^^m o n t^ o j^ rs o n a l p h k ^ ,

— vocational •diication lo:----------

Trudy Andorson. Screening Commlttoo Chair. ' Stato Division o l Vocational Edu-

-catlon, Len B. Jordan Build- Ing. 650 W ost State Siroot, Bolso. ID 637?Q__________

APPUCATION CLOSiNQ " DATE All applicallon mato-

STARTING DATE November 1,1983, o r a l nogoliatod.

TTio Wa/io SlJlo Board h r Vocational Edueatlon l3 an Epual Opporlunlfy.Employor.

— WANTED automatic—— _transm ission -m echan fe -to— __run..hl3.own_ahop.ox-Aolp—

s ta n up e transmission shop In Burloy. 678-7560.87WI977.

— WANTEDi-Truck-dflvers tor— Fall potato harvest. Must

r hovo valid Idaho drivots ------ llcons'e:CalI324«9a.--------------

0 2 » -0 p en Houses

T 1 6 6 5- \ y— o ma , - v a u lt,0.C

c a b i n e t s , p a n t

f ir 1 5 3 1 . s q , f f , . J

f a s t a r e a , g r o a a n d DW, o ir io c t io n i n g , 2 - c d r g

1 2 1 6 s q . f t . . 3 b o d r o o m s , c a b i n o t s , p o n t r y , r a n g e c


iptem ber17.1Q 83 ________ ^

ll e s t a t e0C7-Jobso(lntW88tWAwrH HAND------- and

--------m octunlc-.lor—yoar—roundwor1(. 3 Crook area, call oarly

or morning or lato ovenl-’g, 4 B57.2ia . ____________

R E P R E S E N T A T I V E— HapIdly'OxpanOlftfl'ropional

n, company In o spocial, nlghlyid accosslblo market willa\ se lec t .applicants lor tbo n- Idaho area. Our Idaho basod s- companyollors:.g »MarfcftlflnxlhllltyAaplf- r>. mana(}oment.s; • Company paid training

^ — * ^ ic r v S a iiD n 5 ^ p jo n a — lh ' Incentives, id . ■♦RapidManagomont nt advancem ents, many tlmos 10 In lo ss lhan 1 year.>0 ' • $35,000 Is avorago llrsl- al yoar Incomo.^ ___ ♦ J1.500 por month qualified

In •G round llooropportunlly, •W o guaranloo our word,II you’ro NOT hardworking.

S- ambitious & eager to gel a ahead , don 't 'call. II you 5f ARE, don’t lot this opporlu- y- nlly oscapo you, Por ap- 3t poinlmont. C^ll botwoon at. _flJO & 11 JO .a .m . Monday.. :i-.. SopiomboflQih.n CAYNON SPRINGS INN»l , 73«000. Room 134 f . ■ Equal OpportunilyI- .________ Employor

It'S oasy lo advoRlso In rt -claaslllod. Justca ll 7330831,d ------------- ----- -----------------V OOB-Sales Peopled__RARtTlME_OH_RJLL.TlME

Insuranco agents inlorostod " In owning your own afloncy'

^ with dynamic now company, n 3S*-1Z§2. a 3 7 ^ 9 a » 0 f6 p ./n .0 RetaU Hardware Saloamtn ------£xporlonc«-fcquired__CalI-

>-■ Salea Opportunity In Farm iT ~E quIpm ent“BU#Iness. Must y be aggrosslvo, willing to H work 12-14 hra a day, proven t- • track record not nocossary,8 - wmingnoss to loam & per- a sonalltyaro. 733-5543,

— -BABYSITTING My Homo.- g Close (0 Harrison Schi. hot0 moala. drop-ins. 734-8552. .I- Babysitting in my homo.'• J5/day for la t child. Moals t. . Included. 423-4432 KImborly. _ JA ffifSirnN Q -onylfinoL Day. , or night & weekends loo. All * agoo wolcome. Drop In

anytlmo. Vory roasonabio

encea.Call734-07lB. ___r BO PEEP KIndarBarton.

Ckimplelo preparallon lor Isl grado. .Emphasis on pho-

r nica. malti & Spanish.1 Daycaro avail. 733-5097.K. Brigtil Hortzona. Prokln-

dorgarlon & Proschool of- to rod. Full academic curricu- lum^-Agaa-2V4-7.-Mon-Sat.-

0___6:45onhl2_______ midnighL_? J7.oq/ahin(6W hra> All olhor' ----- 5l015“ t1,00'THir lioui, ’734-'' 6040.73»93S3/-2133,

NEEDED play mate lor 4 yr ■f— old--gir1,— tarpo—spaclous- >t homo on qulol culdosac, s orandmothor In charno. ‘~*Mon..Fri:7;30:5;3a73:M 477.“

Q29-Opan Houses

I . - f r o n t t o r o o r s p l i t . 4 b< t o d llv triQ r o o m , f o m ily □ n t ry . p a r t i a l u n f in i s h e d b(

b o d r o o m s . 2 lo r g o b ^ r o o t r o o m , w o o d c a b in o t s . lo c k o n t r y . p a r t i a l u n f in is i i r g a r o g o r --------- - -

% M w S p 5 ^ H L -

n s , 2 b a t h s , d in in g o r o a , b e a n d OW. f u l ly f o n c o d b

A fter H

_ ' O is-Babyalttersnrt RahyalHlM. my homa-.nnv nd ' tlm« bul F?l niehla. any ago. rly Drop-Ins welcome. 733-4314.

_■ 01 &-SHuatk>ns Wanted E _ ALAN'S PAINTING. Lot mo lal " p u t 'o 'c o a l on your homo ily boloro winter,.* Altordablo <111 . and quality paint jobs. 734- ho 7896&a3k lor Alan. o<l Man looking for lulMlgio

nlhiiraj’ Hn't worker. Morns 734-4783 Bill, MINI JOBSI Wo do Cloanlng.

gnftIng. Excollonl roforoncos. 54S^1l8torosilmatos.

,s -SCHEDULE a rotaxod wook-ond away from ro-

.Bponslbllitlos. Rollof help lady doos children- homo

] caro Including cleaning, /■ft/iLinQ iaufidryr™and—or- rands. Call 733-7410,

g. O 17-B usine3s0ppty8.' fn BEKINS UOVtNQ &

STORAGE Buslnoss. 46,0(M a. oq. II. warohouso. trucks,

oqulpmoni. national Irarv V ch lso . Ownor will finance at

— lO ^i-'ln to rasf witn roason- j-— ablo ■ dowTC“ U ndor^am t:y ' ownership since 1835. Prico

haa boon roducod. a won- dorlul opponunity lo acquire a well ostabllshod prolliablo

n buslnoss wtlh growlh ..potonlIal.Coll734-4a7S.


PIrat Inlerstato Bank BldgE________ Main 8 Shoshono_____

EXC part time lamlly busl- y noss in Wondoil. Oidor '■ couplo rotlrlng-looklng for

som oono fo stop In & tako ovor Ihoir thoairo, Torms.

II__ a24-124fier53fr6132.PROFITABLE BUSINESS lor

n___salo. No compotltlon,.Mako.It olfor. 734-3S30.»S.° PROVEN Invostmonr oppor- " tunltyl SOoklng ptolll- ■ motlvalod Individuals with '* modost Invostmoni capital.

Could be your road to

— - 83707.-Phong:(20fl)3?2-554 9 .-

!' WARNING)I. Tho ■ Timos-Nows ro- s com m ends lhal you lt>-

vosligato ovory phaso ol J Invoatmonl^^ op^rtunltlos,

n . Slato or ollorod by a porson0 do lngbuslnossou to la

Wo sugoost you consult;■ youf Own allornoy.------------\ tho Better Buslnoss Bureau,

Idaho Consumor-Allalrs of_ ^ osk lo'r a (roo pamphlot and

Attorney Gonorol's Con- 1- sumorI- Prolocllon Division, Stalo- f houso. Bolso. Idaho 83720,t— Phono 334-2400. — . ----------I-— E atab llahed-S uppof-dub-*-"_R D atflun in t__ In__dQwntov»n_*■ Buhl, Including liquor

llconso and all oquipmonl. rr Also Includos a commorclai ■s— loaso:— Term s— arailable.-

M25,000.'* Munroe RoWrta s. Real Estate 54W306 or


029-0pen Houses

1 ■

JL M A E L E l, 943 Wood Rivor Drl


bodrooms, 3 b o ths; dinin [y_rQQrn. firoploco. woo. b a so m o n t. 2 -car g a ro g o .

THE BIRCH II...... 2167.Bittorroo

J ^ 7 9 ,8 0 0lo ths. d in ing ro o m iJ jj ie a k ts. p a n try , firo p iaco , range ishod b aso m o n t, a i r cond i

llHEfffllhHQN2165 Fails Avo. E

- - > 5 2 , 2 0 1ib ro o k fo s t b a r , w o o d b a c k y o rd a n d e n try ^

a E W B BHours: 733-9043

W T - B u s l i^ d w j ty s .iny_. OOOKKEEPING----- 1,— Ta:go. Sonrico in Magic Valley 14. Com puter & ollico oquip In “ eluded. Wrtte Box L-52, cli

Times Nows. Box 548. TF.— CUSTOM MEAT processlni ,^X- - plant with mobile bulchetln{

iruck localed soulh o ^ Jerom e. Excellent business

homo Included. Owner anx— Ious lo sell (or healtt igio reasons. Call Stovo Dixon a y | l Rj aj^^^Estalo Unlimited

^ UPHOLSTERY SHOP, build !!S’ log. equipment anc ^ — suppilos.- TO'TO:— DwBtr

Butlor Roally. Q34-S322

'r*ch D18~lncome Property CLOSINQCOSTDOWN

nn Twin Falls Triplox, assuma-JJ:___blo___EHA__w an.— ^Torms

nogollblo. (608) 836-3349.— TWO DUPLEXES In Good­

ing. 2 bodroom oach, newly_ rotufblshod; livo in ono. renl

& tho olhor, ono down pay- 090 mont, mako your own future, ks, Owain Bullor Roally. S34-ar>; 53M_______________ __< at 4-PLEX wilh assumablo

___m onoago. Two lots__for'»V a 'p a n m e n fs^ d medlcaToP Ico (Ico. Near Magic Valloy hos- iro 83^-g3” -

Sm 0 2 0 -H oneyT o toan


ANDMORTGAGES 8 _________ 1-(20e>W6225

lor 021-M oneyW anted(orf,” OZMiiyealmanl


Wo havo threo now homos In r- tho Mid 40’a price range. III. Assumoblo loans. Excollonl llh rontal rocords. Groat tax M invostmoni.To Call TODAY ',1° _ ( o r MORE DETAILS. _f t ’- ^ 'S r tJR O R A C A P rn ttc tW -

____ 73 » g 3 < 7 ^ _____--------- Joan Brawloy

► O - O p e n H o u s e s


M a g ic Vatfi i i r * N e W H o T iu, " t h e r e is

-------------------------- M O D UW e d .. S a t . « ;

, ......... _ A tk a b o u lconventional I

------- : -------------- IlfHi'oVS’

C 3 W '; ^ , ” ; r ,n T A '.a B L

) r l v o AlaJ P . y e p j . J

-------------- ---------p o n t r - y - o f i

a p p l i a n c e

i f n g ------- - w i n d o w s r

^ ------------------- w o H s t R ^ '

iT“ B A S i50^ PLAN

D NAME T h e B irch I T h e B irch II

ak-____^ -------,g o T h e A sp e nid i- T h e L ocust

. 'T h e W illo w■ . • T h e M a p le

T h e P in e| j ^ £ - - T h eP atlo"H c


02S-lnw slm ent-Tax— BUYING or SBX-feal-M jat illey. contracts, 'mortgaDCS, "i P in* - Ooods of Trust a( discouni . c /o - McCoys Brokorage, Box 391

Twin Falls. 734-2068. islng WE BUY PAPER, Real Estal< stlnq --con tracts . — deeds/trust

of mortgagoa. wraps & pay loss, monta. Soasonod or BRANI anx- ' n e w papor. We pay a oalth costs. NO BROKERSFEES )n a t Faat aorvico. Call or write fo lied, FR E E oStl^to .

^ SocurltTos Co, Inc and 708 Shoshono St. E.TF

-----734-C3S2r«v«AJ33-3889— ^

R e a l e s t a t e

N ~ -

— C29-O pen H o tse s ----------

o aM focnes For Sale rent AFFORDABLE HOME in NV pay- Twin Falls. 3 Bodrooms, :ure. baths, (iropiaco, rango am S34- dlshwashor, window seats

drapos. (ull basomont, nici ,K[„ loncod yard. 2-car garago

fo, S2500' down—nncf-iinanci ro i :— t»l«rtCfrOf*S7;000aM0.21% hoi. Call 734-8660 or 7 3 3 ^

ovo'a . __________


- .......On - this lovoly-hom e - Iroxcollont N.E. area cioso lc Sawtooth School. This hom(

______ haa 4.bodroom sr-^-balhs= plus boauillul (amily am

rocroalion room with wo t>ar. Doublo garage, under

= ground aprlnklers, anc much moro. Como tako i

__ look. 579,800. No. 262-83. Coll. Dalo Patterson. Gom Stato

Realty. 7340400.

iiTn BY OWNER, 5 Bdrm. 2W IQO. t» lh . quiet cul-do-sac. Will lloni consldor ..trado down, tax <73,500. For appt 734-6887.

BY -OWNER- N ico, older homo. 2'bdmi, 1 balh, partial

___ ^ s omoDL__ (oncad -_yy tl.

_____ Shown by appointmont only.73W198. -

Q29-^Opefl Houses

ils. Inc.---------i l l e y ' s L a r g e s t

o i i i e ' B U l i a e r ^

i s a r e a s o n "

i l L S O P I Nd . ■ F r l . 4 -6 ft S u n . 1-4

o o Io o r7 y i% ............................. .....not loan* with ai >V5%-|JowB.----------------------------

for mor* Information ^ Coll 734-4411

_____ or 734-3311______


LlrOTHEIMAir H o m e O w n e r W a r r

- o n d - 6 ! o r a g e - a r e a 7-<i«j

i c e s , f l o o r c o v e r i n g , c

* r s ; ^ R * 2 0 .4 9 m s u l o f e d

S 9 9 : 9 6 'm s u l o t e d - c e i l i n !


___________ 4-------------2--------n ' 3 IV ,t 4 2w 3 2e 4 3

4 2H o m e 3 2

____________ A4i(

l l O O B l u e L n k o i B l v d

. - ■ X03 0 -H o m esf= o r^o

iaTo— fi555fH*rtoed.-3 BdrmW ci —a — ttcm o“ nOBT -fttgh—school, jn l. High assum loan. $43,900. S91, Owneraoont. 733-5605.

EaTo BARNESREALTY733-a227ust.............................. .......................ay-. : NEW. luxurious whllo brick kND homo. 4 bodroom, 3 bath,

ell 1.29ocres.ES. PWME 20- Acros. -wator i for rights, hlahwny frontage.

240 A C M atock ranch. Hunt

Inc, carrya tl1% . '

---------- -W airen Briflpa, T W SU.M BY OWNER. Vory nico Older

Z story homo, 3 odrma. don, living room, dining room, kitchon & utility, sun room.

— silting room. 2 full baths.— llroplaco & wood stove.------- wood- dock.—pallo,— 15x20^ shop, nice yard, maluro

Shrubs, now neat pump. 8 3/4 assumablo VA loan. Appraised value S73,000.205

NW 7th Avo N. 734-7850.' ’nd BY OWNER: Quality 4 bdrm.

3 balhs. 2 w i m . 2000 sq . (t.. ,lrn Vaullod woodbeam celling,

i%i___lttnil3caD«l_..w/. ..sprinkler.f to system , hoatpump.

Assumablo loan. 7itSStO.— CHARMER 159 Fllmoro, Top

cond. Assumo largo 10%W loan,AcoRoaltv.733-5217.

'Jo 02IM )pen H ouses

i T | O P E N I

S a tw ijvsVlll . W - I - - - IIvn.


iiyi__ ________ ______

8 8 4 R i m '(V .M lI*W *tto tC rond

3 bedroom s. 3 bo ih i. Ic lovol, ook cob ineti. iha

” undnlihedlMiomont." II Wo» S79.500:Rodoeod J

____________ . . . - J f e

; — l a a b e a « ^1336 tquo ro fee t with botom eni, ook cobineti,

— — Ingond mo<KmofO.-Woi

lODEtSWCIr r o n t y , TV a n d p h o n t

: u s t o m - s e l e c t l o r v - o f - } i

c a b i n e t s , d o u b l e g i a z

d - c r a w l - s p a c e , R - 2 0 . :

n g s r R - S S - i n s u l o t e d - v a t i

[R A IN T1»E H

GARAGE SQ . FT. B/M 2 1443 2 1531 5

------- 2 - 1 5801 , 104 02 , 1 3 4 4 2 126 42 1 B 8 5 ----------i2 1 2 5 0 :2 1216

A b o v o -M o d o ls .av a ilo ^ lo -v i io n s . A sk y o u r R ain Trot so n ta tiv o o r y o u r R oo |la i in c lu d o lo t. '_________

---------- " T w i i lr i N i S T i

^d . N o . (Sierra Life Bldg.)

~ ■ C30-HomMF=6fSaia 7. " '

basom'int, Immaculalo.,;----- throughout, Has Ju s t b oon -

poinlmont, *35,000.

wtor' 'yo>itU*orMQyioaHor -

F A L L S - “ = --------P R O F E S S I O N A L r - -

REALTORS S S : 7 3 M 03om. l a r g e 1 Bodroom,on largo

lol Newly romodoled. Nico\ iScallon. ^ t18,500 wlltr- ' ^

“ 20— ajgyijiaoto-loan.— Contact,T ’Ilure 733^nB for appointments. - o in . FABULOUS Vlow In year-.205 around log homo, docking,--

• sludlo & boaullful yard on 1, acre. Roducod to tt8,000,

“Tr- Will consldor trodo. Call,462-3861. Gordon Valloy (W m llaaN .ol Boise).

Woll FOR SALE by ownor- Tudor'. . . . . ; ikler 4400 aquaro fool homo on 1 , mo acre lot. N .E .-Io ca llo n .-4 ;, — :

D bodrooma, 3 batha, l i b r a r y , ;■^n fomlly P‘“yioV much moro. Call lo a o o : ; -

733-7809. *175,000. • - • ;


IHOUSES Pd a i r 1 - 6

i r d a y 1 - 7

at V i e w L a n ersndvlew Dr. on FoIIt Ave, W.)11. lorgo (omIly room on moln . ih ak a rool. on .85 ocro. Full It.-italnod w ood trim S moro. ; . ' ;o d J 3 0 0 0 . ........................................

i w l l A v e . W . J ^wilh 3 bedroom*, 3 both*, full net*, hloh teeh forced oir heol- WotSM^SOOrReducedSaOOOr-- --------- —

ffll-ani-------------7 3 4 ^ 2 i.i _ :______3WlO|aaBflt . 7 3 4 - 9 2 1 3 , ; .

CtUDEr ^one p re«w lrina. ; ....... ;f-4 ig h t-f jx tu i^ s i------ --- -------—lazed In su la ted20.51 In su ld te d ^ ^ ^ ------—/au lted -ce tlm gs;--------- ----------


3/M. SQ. FT. PRICE I 0 967.950.00 ^

937 $73,875.00- - 0 - -------$58,800.00

0 ^ , $48,640jp0 ■0 $55,700.00 :0 $54,990.00

-560 - $75,100.00 ■------372 $56,000.00 ^

0 $52,000.00

io-w ith -m ony-op._____ ~Free Solos-Ropre- i|lar..B.aso p ric o s____ I___ ...

f i i i F J W L U i ' - ^ ^ : " _ I T B U l U D t R "

Page 18: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

. OJO-HofflesFofSalo':-------- — CO O BQ S— M S A O O W ^

flwJroofrt condo.” N fr carpollno. 'good assumabl tdAho Housing loan. Ca734-Mn.________________Ouplox payment S120 wit

' - J ^ . d o w n . 1-s ld 6 ronlfn tor SI 70 & Iho olhor $350. Ca 73+W7or734<l805.

n e e d

• t o

- w l n t e r l i e

t K e h o m e ?

' L o o k ln o u r ' - ' c l a s s i f i e d - -

p a g e s fo r tt ie h e lp a n d m a te r ia ls y o u w ill n e e d !

. . . . _____roR..SAUE...8.^^{J;,oorn.J

aoillhwos°" Twin Fal?a ' $90,503. MOO montl osaumablo loan^ Will earn

-no lo or loaao option. Cal 734-6751 orT B M ia .

■ F0R '-SA LE, -2- Bflflroom $1500 down. Ownar-«gont

------------ -Wmc«fry.-436 H h A w East• T&ln Falla. Call 784-2504.F^f Salo By Ownor. Smal

:acroaqo 2 bdrm hfluao. Cal7y-78l0._____________Fer Salo by ownor, bulldor Now 3 bdrm home lr> Werv

.(All. Will, .consldor partia l^ o .ttt.O C O . Mfr-2258. -

l i • • • :' LfiVELY BRICK HOME- only

-fSi'llyf'oom. Oartfgo and lilo r(Jof. Boaullful yard with

~ icoos ond sprinkling aystom. BpstNEIocallon. -

DhlVE B y 244 TTH Ave EAST. MAKE AN OFFER on iSIs altroctlvA homo oi diiolox. 3 Bedrooms and 2

- - ta Jh s.-o r-ca rj-havo -noal-l• Bedroom apartmonl. Priced a i m s o o . MUST BE SOLO

------------ liyM EW TELY so make____yfiufsell* -(an lastlcbuy ."--

H A M L E T T R E A L T Y - e W o r to s J S M ^

Joyce Co'f 0*’'! ! ! ! ” ! 7SM7B7..............m gH >ini«tt..;-.-.-.7SM ta<:

U)W INTEREST, lop loca­tion. 5 bdrm, 3 bath, 123fl Pnimont. 7U%, reduced

■T■----------aa i.-3 - la rg o -b o d to o m # -2

balhs, rongo and dishwaslv

------------& .200 . Qoallllod buyor can own wllh S1350 down and

------------^a>no«'baianoe-«t-l0 .2t% ,• Call_ 734^660 or 73M045

AEDUCEO (14,000.00 for quick SALEI Country homo on 1 Acrol ClosoJnl Best

------------ Pl^y^ wllla blB In Twin Tellscounty. 124S sq . ft. 3

----------- B «lroom s,-2-bathson-m aln............. floor-plus a full-basomont

with firoplaco and room for 2

------------ rw ay — ^shTefrocC^. Alloloclrlc, AND BEST OF ALL. tlio prico $50,000.00 No lossi - Call - Lynn HBsmusson a l Gem Stale

. - r.^^l^^^73WW 0,Oi_al_h^^^^

________R sducad (0 S40.B00 by.ownorrM ltor. 3 bdrm, 1 balh, dbl

' c irp o n , carden, (oncod • yard. 1509 Collonwood. . n3-103« or 7344452 or

Clearwater Roally 73»6ie2.----------' REPO ■ Hicsr—u p M r r- r r j i

house, swim pooi: $17,500. $2500 dn. Aco FfE. 733-6217.

- REP0 4 Bdrm brick. $80,000. lAnwood area. $3,000 down. S a Realty. 7iU 217.

' ^ A R P 3 bodroom. 2 balh Rome, AIR CONOltlONEO. Israe fenced yard, R.V. c an in g , dog konnol with 4 runs. 8x10 sloraso unit,

. . . popular floor .p la n ,. nice 7^:— .— l4Mtlon.-:Tr.doublo—oarago.

M sumablo 10% loan.

“ G64 ALTURAS Or ! 3 bdrm, tqtal brick, firoplaco, al*

: ■ - .tafhwrt o«f«gn, fanead-ynid. family room, dishwasher, stovo. Assumablo loan.

-------- -- 03.000-By-ownor,-734-3KK,

03(M {oine8 For S l i p

1 1 2 A v e n;. Enloy Ihli luporbly me

O pon doo r plon. Extras ploco, bulll-ln » lproo ' ■ much moro. 3 b«droon

- - - : - 6 f tfvlng drotj;-O nly-*3'• 30 yoor loon.


2 9 0 A v o nThi* hom o l» r*ody »od< "o lm oit now" hom o h In iaO O iq .fo o lo f llv In g

_______ I .,.co d yord. $52,900.

ggf estate] _ ■ ^ H o n w a ^ ' "

:— SPACIOUS-3-bdrmr1V4-tJ8 •Now— on-acTB-lot;-01nlng-roof nablo family room w /llropV e I

Call . sort, hugo kllchon wllh Joi___ air & microwavo. (rull tross

wfiti ' lots' o( oxtraa. Roall nlfno ow ned.- $68,600. Assun I. Call with low down or rotlnanc

Kathy 733-1063cr 734-8191.— THIS all oloc homo locatc

NE ol Twin olfors counl living on a 1 AC lot m in

_______ aq. ll ol JlYino aroa w/roolor oxpansion In unllnishc bsmnt. A few of tho mai (oaiures Includo: undo

------ground-sprlnklore.-JeniMrange & wol bar In faml

_ -room.-7344a22Bll3Dm.> r VERY NICE 2 bdrm hom

full basomont. oarag $38,000. Call Wilt 7 3 ^ Main Wost Roallv 734«S6.

1500SFON MAIN FLOOR 1200 SF basomonl.

pood NE aroa, 3 bodrooms. Dsths. FP In malft-lloor fair

, ly room, assumablo lotS wllh $10,000 down and owm

will carry. $57,900._2_ ---------- QHyyRpTi._3___2bodroam.2bathho{TU}-wilcres ' 2 moro bodrooms In basi alls, monl, 1280 SF-f lull rinlsho onlh bosoment, sprinkler sysler

nicoly decoralpd.$83.6M.

- - ■ - . . - ^ A M E R I C A N ' . P : REAL ESTATE [ast:-------------&APPRAISAL—___ A cross Imm Court Houso,: g | : 734«50

___ Doug VoUmer, B nkorIdor. Joan f ra n k .............. 7Z448iVen- MaryAkkorman ...734-3SCirtlal. A ldaS lrong^ ............733-09C_ OonnlsVolTmor7,-;.-733^t

4 BEDROOM HOME on sVr rlso Blvd' North. FInlshe basem ent wllh lots c

- --built-in -atoraoo,- air com onl^ flroplacg. famDy room 1

rniQ privalo BacKyaroT JJH with down ond assume. Ca lom. ■ ■734-066Oor733-flO43ovos. '

AvE (ai-O u to tT ow n' '.For Salo by ownor. bulldoi

°L Now 3 bdrm homo In Wor ^ i doll. Will consldoo^rtf*

t rade. $3T.900:53S^2g6!^ □LD HAGERMAN Custom Homi lflw -pdim lejo to l extras. Assumable loan

im -B i ih tf llM H m iia — 4070 OUAUFIED Farm Homi B7B7 Buyors with 5 or mor W -T -cn ild ran /F llo r-A roa;-E x tr 5ca- -nlco 3 bdrm, full basomonl 1238 ' Call Erorgroen Roally iced ' 734-3200.

^ o Z : :033^K lm berty4to»on—*•^2 FmHA'3 Bodroom, 2 boll

Iwrno. Brick front, garago

tt %!• .-:-034-?JeroinoHQfnw .BY OWNER: 4 bdrm, 2V

:__ bath, all oloc homo wMtfo ' garago. firopl. & wood slovo

3«»o - nlco yd, corrals & pasluro ?oal. All on 5 acres. SW o

3 loan.F0V0P0l87i3674. JflTU JERO M E. 2 bdrm7comp!oto I f r i ly romodolod, now carpota

V4 basomonl. com er lot. Ex.

036-flea l E at Wanied

037-FMni8& Ranches '---A P PR O X "l40-A croB -neo

; ^ r Bliss, eo shares water, gooi dbl— corTBlB— 2— bdrm— homo cod Dandy, small stock soiup\ah $120,000.

S; 8 CABINS-Shop with Apl. 01 19 2 city blocks. Ideal dovoi

---- ftpmonl opporlunlty-foMrall

S i l l . ? ' ' ■ ;^ 034-4224 or Mullloy Realty J000. - - Insuranco. 834-4484.— -----

FARM WANTED. Havo gooi •>- buyor wllh substantial dowr »)•’ Wants opproximaloly 20 EO. Acre row crop farm. Call Bo

Jonoa, Robort Jonos RoallvIf',.'* 7 3 3 ^ . _____________

40 ACRE DAIRY. DOUDIO • Herringbone, boaullful

2?* --- Bedroom h o u a o -$400,00( $100,000 down. 10% Intoroi

“^0 on a 10 year payment. Ca_____ - 324.7435.^____

40 ACRES' bara land I *j* Melon Volloy. dlvWo*;1nlo

ard _ a o r g - p a r c o l e ,—fullrrtfstoi $88,000 assumablo contrac $109,000, Willing to_ trafl

— equity for a homo In Magi


molnlalnod homo ond ycrd. r a t Include wood burning llro~. »o' ly itom i, hoal pump and oom t. 2 bolh», 1400 tq . (ool $9t;900-wHh-4-24^%-4n<oro»t—

D B i d a D o l R l olodoy (or you ond yourml Thli o ho* 3 bodreNsm*. 2 boih* .Ing *paco. Ooublo cor gorogo. , OO. I2V.% ifllorotl, 30 yoor

e ~ i n ^ c h a \___ ( B T ^ a rm s iR a n d ie a

•oom;------- DAIRIES:o In- 40 ACRES Dairy comploli I Jonn wllh cows. Will handio 10i oss & . hoad. $30,000 down, sailor eo ACRES, Buhl, slnglo Iaumo - - t ja iry .-----------------------------nnco. Grado A 40 ocros al Wondoll 91. - Includes 125 cows, Ooublo I uttod w lth i60lock-ups. unlry 40 ACRES Dairy, closo Ir 7 ^ Twin Falls, Ooublo 8 HB. 161

nder. 200 ACRES North of Joromo, ,n .« l,.-.240 ACRES noar Wondoli.—

Call Jim Paulson 543-4930


& ____

DAIRIES “ FARMSOR 60 ACRES- Bools, barleyI in hay, nlco home, S o l Ruport. ms 2 80 Ac r e s - Oalry, doubio 8 tami- oxcollonl Improvomonls loan oasy a cc ess for milk trucks

.wnor nico 5 Bdrm homo. Joromo. .80 ACRES- pasluro, w/: Bdrm mobllo on top of mtn. 80 ACRES- Calllo, u w crop nlco homo. Castleford. B47.

-ACRES-Boomiful (arm .h/Sl new hom oand ahop. B58.._

78 ACRES- Nico (arm anc homo, crops and pasture.

?.■ 78 ACRES- Pasluro, roy crops, good term s. Buhl.

_ 78 AC^ies-Choico row crop

r turo. Castlolord. T84. ACRES^Oalry. Now (

sido, corrals (or 200 hoad JSO) iovoly home, Castlolord.


^ ■ 7 3 3 ^ ) ^ 5 W■0905 __________________________-0199 SOUTHERN IDAHO DA1R>

on 20 Acros, doubio six hon rlngbono. All automatic, in-

Sufw eluding tako-o((s, (oodors. ghsH washing, eloclrlc crowc

o( Oato, “roe heolor. 2.00C ond gallon-tank... 2?Qx40'..opor SfJjo 'B h jd , ,

Call VERY tilCE 3 Bedrooir i:......... “ home— en— 25 ■■'Acre!— Southwosl of Jorome. Shop,

corrals, many oxiraa. Torm! to qualified buyer. Cail Jerr)

• Jackson-8t Roal Esialo Un- llmllod. 324-7516 or324-5922.

iriial 200 AC.-rock frM row crop-— -------fannroxc.-locallonrconcrolor r ; ,- dllchos, $280,000, low down.

Rock^^ M ^ Rlty. 733-1406,

— 038-A ef«>oe& lot8---------- APPROX-1-«cro-of-lsndwllhomo *2' trallor homo for salo or noro trado In Oakley. 733-4840. ixtni ■ - BY OWNER Now Baautthit 3 lonl. bdrm homo, 2Vi baths, on ally, IK acro. Foncod. land-

— S X ^ - r s . $ ^ . « « ! : z := r - - “ -:ciTY.LOTS f o r s a l e —rrrK vailous sizos--iS o Call 423-4441julot CITY LOTS. Excollont loca-^ ----- tlonsr-ftoasonaljly -prtcod:= = Cail734-2169.

DON'TMtSSTHISONE — 1:700-SF.-3-tx!rm, 2 bathr-2

2V car garago, well Insulatod/ ifdbl All on 1 acro 5 mlnulos from ovo. lown. $a3.000.734.1874.

EXCELLENT building lols In.

a i A g . ? .y .— monls.^Call Slovo Dixon al iolo^:' Roal Estato. Unlimited, )Ols. 324-7518.Exc -----

E FAIRFIELO.IDAHOPrincess Mlno Ranch, 1 or 2 acre parcois. Walor. oloc-

= - • trlclty. county road.................

___. A ndorson-Ranch-Reservoirn e a r " 'b y Pino, Idaho. - < 0 'Acro lOod parcois. wator, oloclriclly jmn:— 8nd-eounly-road.-$32.000, ilup torms or $U,000 cash. Cail

Bud. ASPEN REALTY, 377-l .on 2310or 378-8810.________ __gvol-l£« lb= f0ftaA l£A y-0w n9t.0n23L 4 :own acres-2 bdrm. 2 balh, 1981 Kloy mobllo homo. Garago & i l y i small room attachod. Air— - cond; $39.SOO. 636-6407. - •

3w°n. MOBILE HOME LOTS lor 200 sale "Magic Valloy Mobilo

Bob E sialos". Now adult sub- ally, division, Washinglon St. So.

& 1 block wost on Pheasant Rd. Eaay lonns. 734-8943. ..

II 4 - MUST SELL 21Mi Acros 1000 ' aoulh of Jarom o. Boat olfor. jrost Cail 324-5621.

^ — P U R E .A R T E S I A N - !i„'S ......... H O T W A T E R I ...stOfi— Homo/ieisoro------------ altosrract, BeaulKul'Vlow- Just thinkr a w __ whaUou_cofi_flJL-Heatlna.iaglc pool or spo. year-round— :------nroonory 'Snd-grass.-Fruil

/ frees, oroonhouso. privac|f.

hundred' acres (canyon and roiling) upon which lo ride,

w m hiko.lish and onjoy. Llmlloa

i numbor avallabio. Roady sooni Only 17 country mllos from Twin. Lol's visil. Call 734.829eor543-80fi2.

Wanted to purcnaM; lOO'xIOO’ baro lol. Cloao-in. Intormounlain Oas Co.,

■ W/dava. 733-7184. Exl. Rex. IU ACRE BUILOtNO LOTS 7 miles soulh of T.F. $8,500. Terms or discounl (or

_ eaah.54»877S____________1 ACRE Twin, nowor 3 bdrm,2 bath homo, lireplace, 2

I shares w sler. vacant, Im-

West Realty, 73*0555.2.85 A C nes S.W. o( Jeromo.

.............Well walor 8. N sid a canalwaler. Can bo divided for 2

'building siieiT. Exe vlow, r r — m>ko-oTfor-32*-240aanafJ.--

^ -a.tW p.lMtJICWl0t9..fiMUtlful■ eettlno, qood ground. Lei B lalklM4-1248. By ownor.

7 3 4 ^ o v e s 8 .w k e n d s ____8 ACRES south of Wondoll.

' Poienilai for homoslto, small > farm slsad, mobile homo

site. Owner Mnanclngt 10% down, 25 yeara on balance.

— _ ^.;Ma3.q>renlfig»--

3 |- = - C » = S u 8 l n O T P r t p « ! y “ - 9 — enott--W A RE»tousEr^«5oo

squara (to t ^ plua olfico 9 space , (ruck & rail loading

docks, Immodiato poasasa*■ Ion. Terms. I8 0 ,m . Market- I H Ino A ssociates, 734-4875.


a f i r f i s e

o M u s in e a a Property

loaso or salo' bohind it ploto . Bon. rou ll or o»ice, all i 1100 part. 3,000 sq. It. .Goc

io m s .ffo r doulis writo P.« llo 6 Box 927, Port Townsond, W........... - 98368. - - .......................idollr FIXER UPPER on 4 acro bio 6 -zoned commorciai or indu

trial. Frooway (roniag0 In Soulhwosl odgo o( Jorom i, 166 $45,000. Marketir

_ ■ A33QClnlQa.734-«S75. SHOP for loaso or salo. bay, wilh oir, 3 phase olo

’fio. triclly. largo lol. o llor' .1.---------734-9119.-— -------------------

“ “ ; IW-Cemelerylola

' M3-VscatloiiProperty'" ----------HOT - ARTESIAN - WATEI. lolsuro/rocroatlon sit S Closo. -R o a tfy -B o o n tta t irlo^, visit. 734.8296,543-8082


mo‘ ' U5-M0bii9 HomesALL 1983 HOMES MUST G( Tho B4’s aro herol Closo-o

»’ K 'S S - S n l 'r e K t f f l iH om os;73»& B6.-----------

anT~CLO S& O U T SALEI 1 loi B Boaullful 1083 Concpi

row • double wido. Pricod lo -sc ■Immodlatoiyl 1084 modo

- ^M or Mo^^Momos, “S s — mlloa Woal of HospltaLHw

30 73 3 -g l^__________■ EXTRA CLEAN- i a i

Floolwood 2 bodroor

B $849S. . Free dollve^ eoi-up. Brockman's Mobi - Homos. Burlov. 438^707.

2 GOOD NEIGHBORS Adu___ Court-Charming 12x5MRY 73W408 or 4 2 ^ ? f lV e 8 r -

LAS VEGAS HOME•. In- 12 X 60,2 bdrm. 2 baths. Mil

cond., adult park, 24h

1 r a V ^ l r ^ » i r r l

lalo. A W C D C T r t P k P n


cres— •FIV E 14W I0E S-- .......hop. •TEN12WIDES >rms •THREE10WIDES lorry •THREESWIOES •Un- . 5 TRAVEL TRAILERS


BRO^MAN^1406- MOBILEHOMES---------- n ;n io s ~ h o f ih ~ 6 r T o m n= -B rldao , Twin Faila. Phon

73^16> or 43^5707.

^ h -------U 5 E P mOBILEHOME

24x601970 SKYUNE In lamll

28x67 leaf'^GOVERNOF ^ NOW.[H rr.T i4 iT O ~ m i--G 6V E R N O F

NOW. all oloctrlc.

0 ^ 14x56 1977*tAmARACK. A

1“ 14x70 1 978WT‘?A!ioloctrlc.5 -.* - -------- n y j o o . ______trid r. 12x84 1972 FlI eTV^OD. rom ......... $5,500.7T„ CONTEMPORARYHOMES

S“!!; 14x70- KIT Goldon Slato;- Bodroom,- 2 bath,- fireplaei

‘®''-— bulll-ln • fllahwashor, • stovi— rolrlg, movablo dock. Mu:

“ 5:30'Dm. 42^-4567.1974 1 4x70 Brightor Elocliic, IV4 balh, 3 bdrn

— oppllsncos, -lireplace. coo or. Exc Cond. 487-2996.

i ^ ^ ; “ l9a2 KAUFMAN i BROAC 1600sg C k l?4 3 8 ^ 4 '

Cali 1083 NASHUA 14x70,3 Bdm 377. $3300 down & lako ove

oymtaor$17,900.32M544. 1063 NASHUA CLOSEOUT

■ 3M— -l4x70-2-bodroom.. 2 .balTJ961— ■dlahWa'snar.-oarflornuuniAir hutch, snack bar, (uil carpo'

...........bay. -WlndQW.._19W_ pric. $19,900. 1983 closeout pric

~7Z, $18,700. 1 onlyl Brockman' .hiVn Mobilo Homos. BurlS) ° Z 43W707. Counlfy Doalo\So. Ccuntry Prices.__________

sant 2 BDRM 14x70. Now woo stovo, many oxtras. Cail k

, ln ( o 4 t e l ^ or 532-4530. ilo,! 24>5!.- c oncpnp ,„M oW !

Homo. 3 bdrm. 2 ball— Owners aro anxious lo ael ^ Moko

; E l ' 5 J -und ~|r. OSO—Furnished Houses

ft'Jf 051-Unfum. HousesHod s BEDROOM HOME I'Bdy Joromo. 200 East Avo F, $2!iiios month -i- $100 doposiColl 487-2282 or 487-2281.---------- 1— BEDROOM,----- showoii m : Wotor, sanllalionj>ald. NMn. pels. $20dopOBll. 733-3511.

3 BEDROOM, Oil (urnac(UL. $210 -»-$80 doposll. Garagere 7 W ashington SI No. 733-13S.5?0- ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm oldo'0 ' homo, now carpet & poin

___ bsm l, atorm windows, .irm, (oncod yard. Avoilablo OcI, 2 1. $325 *■ $150 8bp. 733-6340,Im- eoEN , 1 Bdrm, 1 bath, 0

— HAZELTON aroa. 2 Bdrtr "’0- W/D hook-up, oil hoal, n »nai - - pots, r e o + mo. 82» 6ta2. i ' J MOBILE HOME (of ront.

bdrm, 2 balh.-Call-734.218 a n o r ipm....,

;NEW 2 bdrm, 1 bath luxur I : pallo homo, (ifoplaeo, w/'

hook-ups, B/c rango-& d« Single car garage & carpon Fonood yard. Closo lo co;

.lego . $350 month + dop »y«. ^ 2 4 7 1 or734-7421.— NICE SMALL 2 Bdrm. Slov

; & rofrig lurn. Idoal (or cot^■'1 ’ plo. 2 » Nonn Washlnglor 'JO . ' to O - f$ 1 0 0 d O P .7 3 3 ^ . rM -4BORMHOUSE.$380-f $15

Call 324-8213. c

r * . igoo , P.ea.-^3-BadroomZ- balh,- counlry home wll

♦500 freamiful-— ^ w i — Carp«i [fico. .drap«9.-r8fr1g.:#lovo. <flsh jing w ash e r ,, wood bumln ss»> olovo, double garago. on ket- Acro. Twin. Evana Pm>«rt

' M «rua«fflent 7W-1401.

_ 05 t-U n h im . Houses

ino sha re ren t in nice 4 bdrII or houso . No pels. $173. 73iood . 7896 or 734-49S4 ask (or Lisa'■ J / : SMALL 3 M m , relrl' ■ Slovo, no pots. Idoal t

• couplo .ysrd work fumlsho:ros, . 358 Buchanan. 73MM85. $2“lu*- ; -tiTOOdOEOSlL_______aoo- Small 3 bdrm house, 428 V‘["o- 4lh SI. Jerom o. $256 d>"‘’0 posit. Cail 324-6589, 734-181

0 ; 2 Supor Nlco Cloan 2 bdr homo In TF. Fonc(

f “• backyard, closo td school ^ " 'F u l l 'b B r n t ; $250 por mo.

.$125 deposit. Call 423-W4-’___ WENDELL. Lg 4 bdim hou!

. noar parks & school. $250— $100 cleaning dop. No pol— Roger Brown Real Esta ^ • — day^ 536-2248; 538-2670.

?;___1-BORM tiouso (or roni. (ul.Q> 9 carpotod A panelod. / . a . oloctrlc hoal. 340 EUn, Tw

Falls. $200 month * do733-4130 attor 6._________2 BDRM HOUSE, lart (oncod-ln back yard, $285

— , $100 dopoall. 7^2973.° ° 2 BDRM HOUSE, garao

1120 Wilmoro. Walking dl " u n c o to 2 Mails. $250 -t- $11

»*!°r._dOP. 7 3 M a n or 734^880. •;t;: 3 BDRM, 2 balh, modoi J® ^ homo in now noighborhooi <=9' available Ocl. 1 or soono

C . I I . I I . .5 ,m W 3 .Mic 3 b d rm haltway bolwot Svi -Jerom o and Twin-Falla. 2

Hwy Acro^ pasture. $425 -f $2i n n j — daposir.Ro(rM.324-82g7. a e o 3 BDRM In Jerome. App >om. a ncos. largo yard. carpol»

4 1265, 6iII<23-W 8 evos. ibiio c i a . p-65. Counlry hoff:__ wllh view o( pino troodull N ortheast of Joromo on ' :x55. acro . 3 Bodroom. 1 balir .........earpot, drapes, rofrig, stovi:— • washor. dryer, basemen ;.i . garage. Evans Propen Mlf’t ttu ^ Q em an t. 734-1401.;i "I- 4 BORM, 1 bath, oldor wo

kept home, wo prolor r-rr'.. .m o lu ro . (amllv. q uii

nolghborhood. 401 7th Avi J N .T O ^ 1 2 .

..........(B2T:Fum.ApLiDiip^___LOOKING FOR A HOUSE 0 APARTMENH Call Ouilici'733-2940.________________

, NICELY Furnished Slud S Apanmonf. Ail utilillos, $19

Cail 733-8261.--------- PARTIALLY'furn- apl.' E)tti

nlco. to working maiui porson, no smokora. $275

Tlno— d0[rtneludintrutilr7»894l SMALL 1 BDRM (umtsho

__ 55^20^*® ‘doposi

IE SUITABLE (or aduits.2bdri bosomonl. $180&atl utllltio:

m lly .--733-5923.734-5933.________TWO 1 Bodroom apar monlo. downtown. $95 an

OR, $180. Cali 734-1333._______1 BDRM APT. Waahor

All umitlospdflxcopi powo• I, - 7 3 4 ^ . . _ _ _________

n APTS comploto with cabl TV. Wookiy $45460. 12(

5 Kimberly Rd, 733-8284.

---------- 554iUnfum7Apl8‘:(D uplexes

CO All Eleo Duplex. W/D hool .'rr . .- u p .2 baths.g srago .no poll

$325-f d o p . m ^ l .^ All oloctrlc 2 bJrm

__ CLEAN carpoiod I b ^ T iton In TF. Slovo, rofrig & waK Irm' furnlahod. $135 * dop. Caool-- 324-2782 after 5om---------- -___ CLEAN' 2 bdrm .dupioiAD. - .c a rp o ts . d ropoB ^jarag i

bo stovo, frig, $230. 7334492.___ _ F A L tS A P A R T M ^

irm. Closo to schools & sKbj )vor ping. Children woicomi 1. Warm, (riondly & quiol a Tir. mosphoro. 1 & 2 bodrooi

aplB. » 9 5 8$240 month. 8{ ^ „ _ 0 U l n c y ^ - ^ 7 ^ ^ .......

not LARGE 2 BDRM Apt. lots <rlco slorago, W/D hookup. Nierice courtyard,o((-8lreoi parklni in 's • _ $210-»$100dop. 733-W73loy. LEASE 2 bdrm trMovol. VIlor, bath, garago. (amlly rooi__ ___noar CSI, $300. - Avaiiabiood 1l>-5.733-9250.____________I (or TIrod o( renting? Buy a__ . bdrm townhouso In Jorombilo,, with no monoy down. Falh. nanarig ihrouQh Farmoilell. Homo Admin. Paymonts aiom low a s $84 por monlh. Fc

^ - . l " ! 2, .or • 3 bdrm a^ i ______furnlshod or unfurhlshoi

1 BORM kitchonotlo. rangi — — ^rofrlgrVariilation inci. $12— 220 N. WoshlnQlon. 734-M9.

Inquire 210N. Washinglon.= -----2—APARTMENTS- ong—

bdrm. $225 * $50 cioanin__ - dop. 1 bachelor $190 + $i

in dop. All utilities paid. RoloS250 oncos. 5 4 3 ^ . ______ I>sil. 2 BDRM. Opon boam ceiilni __ llroplaco, dlahwaahor, dli

L _ 2 BDRM APT. Parliall ICO, (urnlshod. Cali (or detaili g o . - .733..S374._________ -^ 2 BDRM BASEMENT AP idor Range & rolrlg -Includoi lint; $185 •» d e p -734-8511. - ■' & 2 BORM Duplex, oarpelei

stove, dishwasher, disposa 40^ oarago. roal nlco. no poll

oil . {280 monlh • doposi gro- 625-5378. __________

irin, utlllly room, (ully equippo no kllchon, garago & slorag

room, A/C, water &'san!u t 3 tion furnlahod. $279. NliM p o w .c a i ir a j f f lz i_____---------2-BDRM-IN-TFrBatB-ac-«

O r y “ n - i o ? . ' > t t "- flep7N opots:32<M W .- -

o n . 3 BDRM APT In TF. Carpor col- app is. W/D hookup. $ ^ • lop. dop. No po ts-32^4048.

ovo 05B-Roofns For Rent BOARD and ROOM, for s<

' nior cltlzon who wanta

f l * cookec( food, la u n d i^ n d a

Bllh we o Y jj[ rc earoelod 2 bdn SSfv quiol locaiion ffn io riW B .Inn— mon.NoDets.32»8a87. • IV? 2 bdrm mobile home I

^ Jerom e S160 per month. C« 324-0070 after Spm.

« 7 - ^ i q H « w ^

bdrm mobito tromo In country. E, 733- cond. $300. 543U(Llsa- ovonlnosor213-44«339.oirlg. .......... ..................................

•_ 05H >fn(5eReritiia:!$210 COMBINATION SHOP A <

' lico space (or r e n l , '18 23VV Main St.,Buhl. cail643<01' h do^ FQR RENT body shop. •1812, bays + paint booth, (eno_______ In..warri,,.fln<v1 Innalinn

Burfoy. ail u t l i lt io i^ ld t f’oa '. air compresa

m l , furnished, odvortlsemt0 4,'. sign furnished. $825 mom

• 67^7560. or 87^0977.OFFICE SPACE. ExcolU

wn +' locaiion. nower buiidir n e ts ' ample parking, all utiilli SSilo paid. $325 monlh. Doshioi

hplloYRealtors734-2922. TJily OFFICE SPACE for rent, 4

All oq. ft. Biuo Lakos Blvd Noi Twin locaiion.Cflil788-2468. dop. OFFTCE SPACE FOR LEAS

1055 end 1059 Bluq Lak laroo Blvcl. 800 and 840 sq. »5 + 734-9488. 4238242 ovos,_

•PRIVATE OFnCE wilh 1 raao. copllonlsl A answerl1 d)>. sorvico. $350 monlh. C JIOO Bruco a t Globo Roaity 7:

]. _ 26M.


:----- - -(Como livo with US.)wooj _ A d u i t _ a p m i i .W ^ ._'$200" tm rn tam m m am im m m m

57. f S 9vppii- I S M e r c h a n d i s eolod,

roos*! Oe7-Misce][anMU8 i i , ? AIR COMPRESSOR, mav ll

trailer w /duals 8x14 b« Usod motal roofing, tel

— phono poles, lumber new ■woil used A mise.ka-4370. “f ,.“ ATTENTWN HUNTERS V'®’ WOOD CUTTERS: Jeror

Ronlals has (or rent: Cam - - - - - . I n a Blovfla.Janlgcn»r--fiei

. ors, M rs o ^ rs T c a m jra i cam per sholla. log spilltei

= = ----- chain— saw s— ft— walloiEOR Joromo Ponltla. 114 Wc ilel’s. Avo, B. Joromo Id. 324-114^

tUdTo— BUNK BED S.-oxo -con

E )ttra" DIAMOND-Sapphlr^-tadli Bluro - ring,--.»300: Matchlno-oo :75 * wedding bands. $176. ^ ^ ----- 733.723iy.shod EngbefO'a Handcrafti Mail. Fumliur*. has unbeatab

quality Oak (urnlluro. Con C w - - In-A -8 0 0 -(or yoursol(.-(

Spoclal; 6 drawor Oak choi 2t>00 E. 161h, Burioy. 8)

■— 2838:8-5:30pm. Sat. 1-Spm. FIREPLACE screen do< $85- 7.flun cabinet. $75. C

— . 324-72/4._______________diato FOR SALE: Bobcat 7 (<oi),-r.T.Loadomfla3;-54?J:Juekim or. Call 8234379._______ _______ HEAVY DUTY vertical wo<»blo spiillor. gaa or electric, hi 120(— tlitCh:$1000.~B34-»380ovos:

LEAVING TWIN FALLSI Musi soli Mlraclo SA 12

---------- w a te f80liflnor,-good'comlion, Firo King .wood siov

___ bool A blggoBl modol, 0;mok- cond. While Parsons Ub p o ls .. with. .8 matching , awtv

chairs, 734-0298 aller 8pm.

LliTo Now Approx. 300'of 4; 127? Choln Link Mnco^tncludoi


MAGIC-AIRE Food DrycI X $159.50; Electronic slice

^ . '" " M I N K s t o l e , autumn ha; rano ‘ color, Ilko now. $300 or bo rajo— o „ o r , 4 2 3 ^ . j=“ . Norwegian Siivor Fox F ■Kon:— coat.-Llko now,-8lzo-7.AsX ino $1500oroffor. 734.7388. ll at- PARTNER chain saw, mod room R-517; G.E. rofrig; Oni 1 883 oonorator, KW-4. 120-2 ^ ^ = M ,p = M o if f ib 4 0 0 to d 3 t i?

allor 6pm.______________its ol PINBALL MACHINE for salNice Noods a couple of Ilgking,- - bulb»,-$250.-733.2807.------!_____POWER TROWEL. $900. iv i Irado of equal value. Ciroom 438-5884 allemoonB.lablo SET OF Bible Story books___ __good cond. Gave ovor $10

a 2 will sell for$2S-5 4 3 ^ ,rofjiP SWAMP COOLER for sal

__ N fa m onths. $450 or mako otic18 as 733-8872 a(ler6om.: THE LA T E S T soiocilon

- ora..rockers . slools..chai ihod. and roll too daaka. Tho Ma___ Carter Contor, 733J483,21inqo. Fourlh Ave. E.. Twin Falls.

VIDEO caaaatta owner WM- Havocamara.willvldoo-tai ilL_ anything you dosiro. fl 0—1— copiionsrotcrV M STirBnt ming Roasonablo. 324-7281.• WANTED: Easy LKt Hlle o'of- FOR SALE: Two 12 gaug^ 3006.Call.326:4174,_______

W antad: H andcrifiad Iton

« , S « g ? “VSSS;Oiogor Counter, portabi $ m ; Franklin etove. $C

APT. Lincoln 225 amp welder, $t idod. ExofciBO oqulpmont: Soa- _• • hoavy du ty tread-mlK, $1C Bled, SIko, $30: Free alanding bi osall vibrator, $45.734-2831. pols. 16 HORSE POWER ih »slt. Cadoito riding lai mower-lrector. Call 733^52

ppod 8x16 trailer, tandem axl 'r am heavy duly: and am. mita-— Fernuson fractor.-73*g087.

No 2 OOOD Relrig, choico $1C ___ Old Maytag Wringer washli

— m acn m e rw o rta ,o i» a r- .nicos. Apt sizo gas cook stove. K 3 -I- Smith air Compress---------- w /JaO r-hm rm m — S— roiDori b reaker hammer, 180’ hos lo + rtina good. $3000.88»-2150

-2 HONDA 90 motorcyclfl " T very good condition, $1

oach; Now Echo (irepiai----- insort. $800 or best o((ir so- Used W elenco flreplai >a a insert, $350; 2 baby stroiloi lomo 120 each. 733-2402.

-28" COLUMBIA 10 spee ___Good _cont)lllO(>._»0,_C.

r z — T T X >OH~ r6^6ad 72 boll

___ or(i7>-ee72.............. ............> In V A " POWER SAW. RO; Call Oal puhip oun, SluO; Je<

' tow t»r, $a..734-2e84.

0 C 8 - ( ^ p u te n

7 .Exc bulfer A-manuai, t200,-C13-4623 432-6565.J9. ■------------Oflg-Camera Equip.

T 7 f - OTIHW tnW ToBuyjuiV® BUYING: Evorylhing in g(

A silver. Idaho Coin OaTl lOp, 5 le s.302N .M ain.733^93.

C /^ H PjMD f y no'> work!

seivico av iilabiy M ^23« Amont NIQHTCRAWLERS S ^ th TF-430 2nd Avo E. Joroo

324-115l:nior32M5S8-~~ X x W a n te d TO BUY: Trum iiding bod. Call 734-7523. tiilliea Ono call - wo'll do It 1 hiorA aasalliod,73M 931.^ ' ---- -------------- --------- ■■=

M ____ __AMERICAN Safe A Lock 1

e a s e Anitlquo sa(o. 24x24x; L 0 8 $750.^1i786-4387ovos. . »q. ft. ANTIQUE oak ollico chair I____ 8010. Cali 733^529,lh ro* BARBER CHAIR, porcoil wering loalhor, wood butlona,. Call hoad plocos, Cail 623437^,

BEAUTIFUL large 0____ ___ droBSOf. oak Qu8«n. A

parlor lablo, oak lo p ’wlcli IC. table, small maple rocki r = e 1052 Koogan Lano, oH 11 , Ave E.

Matching oak Borpontl_______drossor and high boy. Seo

■ ■ ■ i 490 Park Terrace aftor 5p734-8512. •____________

s e QUEEN ANN walnut Ub fioo: Walnut buffet, $1i Coli m S io s -

• 1902 Contury View Camo All hardwood wilh braas

‘iiS S ;~ ‘ 1173-SwrliiaWWB— Taking Orders Now 1

« « « * ChlWrana T-Shlrta 1 ^ Christmas. Cail 024-3185.

UTHBUT. t m m a 17, itcsromo

S _ ^ . S l i B 8 r J e a i i t y L

ilRorsiallo rs.-^--------- -West « 9 l r


cond,--------------------I- *35.

lad les ............

. g

r a M 7 ~atable 'Coma ^ A j fir.-On i ^ b v * ® J O -chest. I a n • 678- ,pm. , . /A V T N .door, 1_

5. Cai)


/O S.------LSII 1240 ^:ondM-------slovo.I, oxc ub ie •

swlvol. im

ofW'amps. K i M t t C

DO'or. o r tu your ihwidari lijSj!~ allcor, Tha pwfect tDoch of comn

Cail fw day 0( malni: Id ^ far nc____ Cion paclunj too. Croc(«t i. haze ' Mpular pinapp)* d « ^ i r boat * 3^j(f fiitftnni ymi.™ Pattsi

7201: Sim S.U.LiAcludtd. rT ^Jr S2J0 Iw t*cH ptaem. Ac *Ask— 50«...eadi.Mttem,.for.pcrtai

and handllRr Saa4 t

1MnFMs7)0M»4MM .

r ^ o . roU R ^E n^ R A nrtif lw ^N0ht _ 1984 NEEDLECHAFT CATXlOi

___ _ Ok( 170 varied desiin, 3 fnOO or pattirm. Sesd $1.50. Cail UL aun BOOKS. 4U 0«ad

M taato m t Catalai t i4 5t

l z '

.r ° i . s - j g a a s - , , - , . .ot'o '- Z tta i la H ratckMrii Qrtb____ 27-M |taa V Oallaaion ^ I j L j^ iL u i? " * * * chSrs Oraawirt

n ^ t 074-W usIctICLASSIC solid mahoga

^ - f t o o n » i o . - J w r . C i n ^


r | i 8 ? ;» ,« > s s^ a r s UPRIGHT PIANO, go$165- condition, $800. Coll 733-3i

ig boll aller 4:30p.m._______________ ___UPRIGHT piano (or sa

IHC $800. Call 685;2714- .lawn YAMAHA TRUMPt

^<528. . ' excellent condition. C

axlo! 1908 upright PIANO, go amall (one, ornato. Seoo/bosl i

087. - • f «ir.tialt32»4043or32frA34

[ s B D77-R«llo. TV & StereoS ' S : COLOR Televisions. Use o g rg ^ >tolnS. Twtn,_ ;_______150 :RCA STEREO Video dl

iplace ;R£NTANEWTVIOwnBniOden : color TV by renting. No cr<

iplaco ' Ilors chocked. 204Maln A\a W N.CAlNS-733-7111.____ __SATELLITE ANTENNA

____ -USED COLORED TV'boiiio iQUtnitneaUAieujiidiiiuiK

M e ^ ' ; B u ^ e r ” pl(a*ncB ^TTO 4 - ' -SYLVANIA color -

30; 12 ;con»oIo. oraat pictui Jo a p :«S20.«8. ^ n ; a a a a ra n


Sa tu rday

___; fl78-Fum ^ C jf p e t s .......

— ALL-W OOO-BUFFETT^-Call - - Bannor« 733-1421 r ----------

ALL WOOD TABLE- $71733-1421.________________

___ BAG FURNITURE COUCl_ and matching Ioungo. I

'dark w ood '(ram o . Goo — - condlllon. $199.324-2166- ,9,7, BEIGE plaid lovo seal, noi 5”® ' only $49.95. Cain’o tioai ^ anceConlor.733-7111.^1^0 Inr noQfl' iT^r i (urnlluro oiid appiianco! 2 5 ^ - Bannor. 733-1421.' ^ COCKTAIL TABLES $13.90 SS®:— $10.00. Bannor.733.142t.

COUCH A CHAIR, $201 W ato rb o i $125; Tablo

___ chairs, $75; Waahor A Dryot alll $300. Wiil. nogotlalo.

888-2547.________________= FOR SALE brown plai

quoon-sizo hido-«-bo<

J .S ? FOUR drawor chosi ot drav oro. now only $24.95. Cain'

—111— Clearance Conlor.-733-7111.Ilr (or ----------------------- ------------- V - HEX GAME table and loi

chairs, wickor backi i ' 'earth lono Horcuion soal)

: As now, only $499.05. Cain' oak : Clearance Conlor, 733-7111.

,* '1'J,.;KINQ watorbod.-bookcasi i w headboard, 8 drawers, lino ?«,h ■ m attress, heater, otc $25^1"’ 733-1583.________________

; 7ir« KROEHLER SOFA, like nov t l 70. Banner.733-1421.

'eom U r g e ’ dark wood OInnir • Room sot. 4 Rog. A 2 Capu

^ Chairs. $500.73^19537._____Xiso' NAUGHAHYDE SOFA. $14

Banner. 733-1421.________^ ' OAK dining sol lablo with r.®!: leaves, e^chalra, $899.9 . Cain 's Clearance Conto— 733-T111.________________---------- QUEEN-SU:e-mittr«ss-an— b o ir s p r i^ s . like new cond

for tlon. $17105. Cain's Clea (or ance Center. 733-7111.

QUEEN WATERBED wl drawers, end podoalali

'■ » padded sldoboards, hoalo , • llnor.$250.32*-8237. . .!_________ ^ ROCKER $39.

SOFA BED, Green, G^c -----------F ^ r a l jW j^ M M 6 ^ _ ^ y «

07U -A ppn«(»9 .......... FOR 8AL£..Whlls waahorV dryer. $400 or. Call 734-8402. 3 FREEZERS $149 A $249; R« K - frlgoralor.-$299;-M/W-Ove

$159; ...D ishw asher.. .$191 Range. $00.734.7190.

-----------QE-ftANGEr^xeellent-oor. d lllon ,. self-cleaning. Cor

, ta d Tammie 734-7960. $350. MUST S E a i GE Washor dfyor,- $200 -a pleco.-Q oocondition. 733-4275._______Spood Quoon Dryor, Sear

V Kenmora washer. Sot fc A $300. Call 8862547.________

WASHER and DRYER (c sa le. Call 733^1587.

f f i 1 YEAR OLO Soars ro(rlgeri ♦dr.-'voliow/ baB(~o((ari 'G

jM washor A dryor. $260;, 30 ^ range, yellow, $175. Ail I ^ worKlng cond. Somo olht

------noUBonold“ ltomB-toi-»ali324-2372.7-8pm Mon-Frl.

______ 302.^WHIBLPOQI— ranmk excelTent condition, $19

73*«0B,............. -

^ O O M ieatlng tnd....... - AlrCondltionlng - •

-----------F[RB PC A W "“ “ Ho'alllato_ Chlmnoy Ilia, clndorbiock

-glaBB-aoreon, 1960-Shou Avo: East. CalI733-294T

WOOD STOVE'tntt m Call 4234243._________r i S '3 8 " PREWAY Zero Cioat in anco firoplaco wllh whitI of Z-brIck hearth mantle A tar

- a » . c i i a 3 7 .« M .......... ■: Call 733-0031 to place yoi - claaoKlod ad. W e're hore t


oez-BulldlnflHateflalsR n ' Docoralive Barn wood. 1" ---S T Woodon buildings I0'x14;

2S-»50-.Makeo(rer.64388K IOC. • RED CEDAR SHAKES diroi fit« ' from Oregon Mill b

' truckload. $39. Sq., Day tacft 343-1243. Eve’s 888-4532. .?®» RON’SWhclasalaWlftdowt > ia t, 117 Pine Slreel, Kimberly, a * . 423-4884. Window TaktHiul t l : (4-0"x4-0" SQ $39.51

; .. 3 '0"x3'0" SG OB $31.51 4'0"x2‘0" SQ $34.) (Plctur

« * — window 4’0"*7'3" i th i Man ® ‘ . . . .m o r e o n .s p j j^ .L 4 » ^ . . . .

~ in j^F u rnT S C B peS

HMMPIPMP.Call ■ U i U i i S L B i U B ;Frl.good H f f lH if f l f f lB fR wU3581. ■ g j l l m M M n


^ l i i i i i M M

)9-<5. ■ S l f f l f f l B B i H f c

rii» H f l B g y g j n y E m

-iS2\ ■ j n n u Q i y n s i s



a y , S o p tem b o r 17.1983 Time

~ < ..................................

0 3 0 - 0 8 3 ~

...... - ' OK-Bulldlng Materials— ------------

^ m b o r ? '^ m ^ ^ ^ t - ^ “ ..- ■ - - - J = POSIS. Call 326-4069. ;

CEDAR inland rod 1x8-10-12. •TTifTTj Inconco Codar. Rodwood •• In fough lumbor. 324-2127,Good— 334^120 ----------- ------------------------6 . ROUGH LUMBER. Troalod - r - , POST A POLES. FEED- ^ l"°* BUNKS. 326-3131.326-5622.

8' 2x4's Economy $1.29 . incos. . g p plywood ■

$8.49 a shoot. ;3.90 A Hud 5own siding.L:..............J5.95oshool.---------------------- ----------

$200; H T-1-11 Fir sidiog. $13.95 ]lo A aahool. . -Dry^or, y;"Cladwoodoldlng$7.95 ■. .Call ashooi.____ 4x4 8' Fir poals. $3.49 ;

ptaid oach.#-bod. ?0" wlffo Doiia rib galv*- ,____ nlzodlin.63eaiinonl(l.

t e NORTHWEST7111-----------P L Y W 00D S A L E 8-----------------____ (Behind United Oil)J four 733-5909jacks, ---------------------« » '? - ■ ceM S afage Sales7111. APT COMPLEX Yard Salo.

Sopl 17lh-1Blh. Chiidrona .“ clolhos, household Itoms, ■ -

' t m ' loio more. 2028 Elizabeth.Twin.9am-Som,__________BABY ITEMS A miac. Today

> ''«*• Irom 6.10 6.2276 Filor Avo. E.TTTir- -BIQ3-Fomi!yQorago'Salo. 9 - - - - .'"'’,'",2 ploco dining room, sot, baby

Things, now quills, and------- handmado iloms. Homo in-. $149. loriors and lots ol misc. .____ , Como on out. 3 milos Boulh, - •with 3 T oasl. .a n d ^ soulh o( I 309 95 Eastland and Kimberly- :ontor Road- Slarts Bam. Frl. W h , ■____ Sat. 17m.________________ :#-ana— OL-OTHINQ.-carparts, pollor ; • condl- gun, misc. 10to75al.A Sun. .Clear- 447RoaoSl.N.___________ •____ DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS, T

wfB clolhos A misc. Frl12-7 A Sat ' jBialB, W .316SA polo,Shoahono. ; oalor. E state Salel Sat 9am. An- •___ _ llquo furn. good la d le s ,

clolhos sz 12-1S, oid dishes. •

■q ^ K oooanL ano,olfllihA vo'^ ' I- 1 « ; -FABaiQ-AH0LIC....QUIT81-;----------

Fabric galore. Sofa, decora­tor drapos. loathor coals,

____ old irunk and moro. OnlvIhor A Sal. Sopt 17lh. 9am-8pm. 68^ ,8402. MounlaTnvlow Dilve. ;9: Ro- FIRST-TIME EVER-AII (ami- ' ...!-Oven- •• i(os on-9lh'Ave Eaal.-1-mllo-j--------- -.$199;. - East -o( K.Mart- lo. 0 A .B ; ..........r____ Supply, then W mllo S. You *

''Coft^ S a lu ^ a y * lo ^ jL _______“I ~ 7350. FRI. A Sal. 23rd & 24(h, ' *, her A 10am-5pm,2Vi mllos wBslot . , Good - Aco Hanson Chov. on P o lo .._____ J

s H r s FRIDAY A Salurday, SopM8. • ; ,t for A 17, I0ifm-5pm; 2»-M ilosr: - ^

Woat of Aco Hanson Chev, . jR -?;:. on Pololino Rd.___________ •” GARAGE SALE :

j5 s a ia i5 g ;i£ !^ .; :|V ^ . . -. g a r a g e s a l e Sal A Sun -All in M - Crib bod, mini b ik o ,: ' 'Tolhor bicyclo. snow llros A lola ot -

-miw — - nloo mlBO.-304 Knottingham------------ ^i ___ Garage Sale, lots of iloir ,tanoo,___frDm_too!a-lo_-houeoho!_________ i .

S1M Someihing for everyonb.. s u r la . Fri. Oam^jooa.. 11(1 -. . ...

oono. 354 Shouo Ave West.GARAGE SALE. Saturday

- Sopl 17, M , 1120 7lh AvoFflai.LotsotgoodioB. ^

TlaK^ OARAGE SALE, all day L , , Tock A - S0PI.-17,9:30-•lit 6pm„llamB.-!-------- r#->'’®“P'.-.-:inciudB‘; 'a ir :,-tfonfl.-:-unii.: : - r

----- £hli^Sn'o” lS u r 5 ® E l r ^ ------------aowing machine, molorcy- • d o . clothing plua m u c h ;

^ S f / ; moro.Locatod on Plalnviow , ... Dr.doft. o(( Folia Avo. •

E.l.foliow Iho signs. ;_ _ - GARAGE- SALE Sat o n l y ........... -I your 9am-5pm. Toys, drapos. •. ere to -lO-sp, lawn mowor, clothing,----------- mlso. 12S0 North Locust, — ----------------

INDOOR Yord Sale, 1034 ll* Chovy pickup, $800 mako U ! _ of(or. 403 Wosl So Rail St.. I " X Shoshono.866-289t.

tho Woslorn Idaho Fair-^^682. grounds Octobor 8 and 0,diroci Boiso's own lioa •markot.

by ■ ■ garago salo and swap mPM.......Doys If you havo somolhing you'd

L Ilko to soil, soil It at Boiso'sdow* Bazaarl Booth apace avaiio-2 ^ ’ ble. Conlacl Eslol37M247.iHJUls LARGE FAMILY GARAGE139.50) SALE Friday A Saturday 0-6.t31.50j Typowrltor.-queonBlzo bod .Icturo spread, sloroo, garbago -Many ~ dlopo»al-A-numorous olhor---------—

IM,_ liom s.2582NavaloCircle.. . .

0 7 5 - P u m .& U f ^

i S l ^

- l i

nm 95-N ow a. Twin Falla, klaho 0 6 . '


Page 19: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

^ - 08S-QafBflflSaiw---- - - - - - -

—CinAvoN,_______________ IOTORAQE 8AL£. 551 Madl»on W. In Kimboriy, 9-6 <FfI.ttinj Sun._____________

'*— TWIN FALLS Chapior s w e o t " '; Adelines Annual Pallo SaIo- i 8«t.. Sepi. 17. W . 13^7 1

. Ffomont Dr. I' YARO SALE. Uttlo bll ot ;

ovo^ thln|;.^ IM?^ 6lh Avo j

! YARD SALE. 315 Sunrlaa :Blvd. Friday & Salurday fl-5. ILota of miac._____________ t

" "YARD SALE. 1203 UwnOalo. {• - 8cpt1flih-17th. Kltcfionwara, f

Clolhoa.aomonntlquoa. 1GARAGE SALE Ffl. & Sal. eM . 1409 Evorgroon 'Dr. SR o l r i g e r a i o r * l r o o z o r . c

• -lurnlluro, froo atandlno 'it lfoolaco.lotaotm lac.l OARAGE SALE; color tv. coHoo lablo, ond Ubio.

____claM top dlnino-roctn-aol.— ,chlidron & adull cloihoa. - many olhor Iloms, SAT. ONLY flam. 1722 Tarofioo Dr. QARAQE SALEI Wodnosday thru Saturday. 9am-7pm. 715 .Aah In KImborly._________ |OARAGE SALE. Frl 4 Sat. \

- BanMpm, -6 5 3 -C indy-D r,— J Many Itoms, lumiture. loya. . clolhoa/kllchon Itoms. QIC. j GARAGE SALE, lols ol goodlos. Sal only. 1168 Park ,

... Me«dow»Dr„Twln.9-<pm,.----- [LARGE 4-FAMILY SalO. an- t tlque dishos. old ollvor. >' canvas lonls, uniforms, f good misc.. 1939 Chovy

-Pickup. 414 W«at, *Klmberfy, Frl & &iL 16th & C171h.10am-darl(.________ 2MISC. SALE: 257 Hoyburn * Avo. Cornor o l Madlaon.. . f 1M . Sopt. 18 i 17. NO flchildren IhlnoB.__________ CMOVING. SALEI Tuosday F thru Friday evenings. All <tay o Saturday and, Sunday. All' - d

' kinds oi lumber, 6 ' thormal r slldor, shop siovo, bods,_ q 'ao la rd ro sse ra .lo ls o f misc. ',y 221 Jolleraon Street. GREAT '•

s s " 1 T i l l I M i-MOVINQ SALE: lurnlluro. :,i

— motofcyclea, misc. 771 „ Eaailand.SaiurdayOnlv. j-P£O N Y BU L6S.S2apkg.34 m bulbs depending on sizo. j. Plant nowl 236 7th Avo. East. S TF. Thura. Frl & Sat 8.6. f

■ BAT. Sept. 17. M , 571 ,g — Q ulncyrFroBh-oaraon-pro-—- «

• 'ducB. children's- -twoks,- - S c lothes, lumber, lois morel ^

----- 8AT-ONtVI'*■^^64^6p«fk9•----- 'bILadios clothos 9-20Vt, TV. Q,

- aoofllno oooda&mlac. o SATURDAY ONLY! Beauty |S

e o m ero tS h o u p & B la k o ^ SATURDAY ONLYI 9<. In- lo lant, kids & much more. 715 MAdell. Filer.______________ -jiSEPT. 17 & 18. 9-4, 1560 la Maple. Sudwolsor canoe, fa t t r e a - 4 —w hoelsr-clotheai— jj

" diahaa. linens.'miBc; ......... piYARD SALE-Yoara ol ac- -

___cumulallofu_Eurn.-c!othoa.------ famall washing machine, ,

. lom e cralls & beautilulr-TvV -flw »fer-l02W re9Oft-St.,^— (

G ocg lnn .F rl4Sat^o . r~ YARD SALE.- Salurday 9-4. tI

Ampllllor. skis, cloihos. toys, high chair, twin bod 4 r,

- - -misc.-387 Hovburn W osl - - ......-q,

llquoa, campor sholl. misc. pi- aafcHevbum:SAT.4SUN,-------- f

•- YARD SALE. Saturday W 4 pi-----Sun"1l«rTeninifosrcl6trtB8— «

&mlsc.136CllnlonDr. ^1ST ONE In 20 yoars of in

- iccum alallon. 567 Paric Tor. j . race Friday & Salurday gi

...... 3 Family Yard Salol Som-' c‘- th ing for everyone.-FR I-4..... ni

s a t ; 10-6. 265 Jackson TF. 734.2580._________________ ei

— 3-FAMILY GBraoe Safer SAT.— - r B/17. e to 4 . 16M Filer Avo. aEaal. Twin Falla.__________ O

. 4 Family Yard Sale! SAT s, W :30. g UN. 12-7 MQlorcv- _ S '

----- cTerwaTerBM ^IoSm ofo a l— u451 2nd Ave, W.___________ g4 Family YARD SALEI Ffll 4 p|

... SAT.._Mi'.. Eastland. TF.. . £ PorUK"'*). Rofrig. lurnlluro. 7r c»- ■ . .Use. No checks, s 4 FAMILY Yard Sale. Sqpl fr 16lh*17lh. Homobaso CB radio, alalned glass lamp, m otorcycle fahrlno, cloihos. m lse.li071hA vo.5 .fluh l._ 5>FAMILY. 135 Walnul. Lota • I

. o f eyerythlng. books.,d ls- C — h e s r ' - i W R S : — f r i . - - 4 — fr — ew Y ttifno % Drtce on SAT.------


- - P R O r iT S

;— -flHrwADE— ~BY L IStlN O

t'O U P 'iJRV ICt irj

- l _ - ■ • IHIS



'■■■ ■ p tic o d undor Iho hcnaing or- yourcholcol

Your ad will roach. 22.000 lamllloa ovoryday and Iho resu lts will am020 you. Call loday and one ot our friendly Ad*Vlsof3 will hoip you word

- _^ .your-ad ao-that-IU w lll-b«-m osl olloctlvo ond bring you tho resu lts you aro looking

. ler. . . . '

73M931 • . . . . . .APPLIANCES- ~

' - Uaod appllanco salo 4 aorvico, oO day warranty on oach appl sold. 734-7354,

Repair 4 roilnlshlng lor porcelain 4 llborglass balh fixluros, ■ appliances.

• - - Porcelain Sorvico 3 * ^ . -

— « T lm < »-N ew 9 , Twin Falla, i

rchan distO e^-O aragesalea -----------1618 BolAlf Clrclo, SAT.

— b-uBk&. c no. kiac ciPitios.—bikes, misc.______________2 FAMILY SALE. Boy's Clothing 4 household iloms. i 050TrotlerDr..Saia-4.

-" 7 FAMILY. Tri-Chem pro­ducts. k id 's clothos, TV an­tenna. lurnlluro 4 mlsc.'739 Hflfflaon. 6-5 Saturday,2 FAMILY yard saio. 350 Kawasaki. Ralph Smith Tri ,

— Cr t l46. FUaf S a t4 .Siin-------—3 FAM. Backyard Salo; lurn­lluro. misc. iloms, baby crib. eaSAItuniBO r.Sat.48un. ^FAMILY YARO SALE, 1206 Fremont Drhro. SAT.. Sepi. 17.&-4pm.___________•5 FAMILY Yard Salo. Sat. SanMpm. 2005 Sunrise Clr­clo bohind Sm ith's. Baby lurnltufo. newt)orn-6 yeafi^

066-FlfBwood ,A BX3 BUCK SAVINGSI Dry.

— plrni.-C ufW longtnrB y''irK load or cord. Eve's. 32*^355. A bundance A-1 Quality Ory lodge polo, cuatom cut, or- dor now 4 aavo. 3244740.AL’S RREVKX)0Dry pine, deilv 4 stacked. 14.l6"splll.8moil.*60.

— 16-18**8p1lt.‘m odium rt55;------16-24:'split, largo $50.Por heaping K ton pickup.733-7804. __________BEAVER WOOD Culling Co.

— Q ooa'Cloan'(JrypTfto: C u i , ' split 4 dolivorod by somi — load, cord or block. Also avaiiablo posl 4 polos Irom Island Park. Also aspon

, available. 73M2S6. - . .Diy Pine & Aapen, $45/cord; 2-1o cord' loads. lenath 4 seo cut up. OaHvof. 3 2 6 - ^ -

. . F m E W 0 0 D - .- l4 S /C 0 n D r . random lonpth. S55/cord- Cul. Call 6 ^ 1 9 .FIREWOOD random longlhs o r cut and apiiL Caii 7 3 4 ^ 1 davs. 423-6261 evo 's.QOOD quality (Irowood. US

.-..on up_Road^. lo f.doN vo^a i__

jg ^ E n to r^ r^ e s^ iia s j v ^

-longlhs. corral polos, doiiv-. ered . 543-6476._______________

LET US warm your hearth wilh our c l e a n ^ plno. spill4 delivered. fTD/cord. Call 3S2-«2(l3.352-<429.LUCKY PENNY CHIMNEY

NOW TAKINQ FIrowood ordersi Long ionglha. doliv-

n )To<rW 'porC0fd.'-733?K 52— ' or733-6171ieveninQa. : SALMON RIVER WOOD CO. | is now taking firewood or­d e rs lor clean, groon pine. ; 5 -0 'cord loads, 8' ionlhs, ; J50/COOJ! 7-9 cord loada 18'

lS S ? r a s /E v e a .« ^ i § ° ^ ^ ‘ iTOP QUAUTY LOGS by tho ’ large truck load. For In- ' formation, call 733-4299. I

~ 7 /4.T0N PICKUP U a d .6ood •••’ Dino. t65. Call 733-8261. '

- - 067-Plairt8 & Treea- ------- - •

- <l8&-VftrietyFoo(l6------- :— |ASK OUR CUSTOMERSII | Thoy ropoatodiy toil us thojr — find the aweotesi com i ' cantaloup Ihey have ovor I

■ "eaten"al ■ H orc's -Organic-' •

Ph! 7 3 3 0 ^ 7 I - tfAHTLETT-PEARSralroady -j

pickod. J7 J0 bushel. Bring ■contclnera. Call <^3-aw>5: i BARTLETT PEARS 4 cook- jIno aoDioa for aaie. 543-4147. 'BEEFforsam .H alforwhoIo. - 'Call326-»974._____________CANNING PEACHES 4 ,

•‘poars." •• Kolloy' Qardon-Contor. 2223 Addison Ave 1

East. TF. Brino coniainors.■'CANNlNQ'PEACHESrOftfly: i

Baggett's Rivorvlow , Ofchard. S4«004/54»69a7.KENYON GREEN ,

“ McI«l08h“ a p p lasrT 2 -t)u :;— i Bartlott peara. S2.50 bu.. u- , □ick, bring containers. M-F.

.5 ^ 7 :3 0 p m . Sat.llll....7om. 733-3669____________ !SWEET CORN, lust rlghl for ; free ilng. Call 73^3874. |

WE STILL HAVE FRESH Ra8pborrles-t13.75/llal.

Huckioberrios-tl 6.50 gal.Laat chance forfrosh.

- Blackborrles 4 Bluoborrlos. Othor berries froion. Com- i

^ i s e t A

a n d“ — i i i i ni im

— ■ BLDQ M A IN T E W ^•Bulid>Ropalr*Rorr

Small joba a apocial do moat evervihinq 73 CARPENTERS Romodollng. ronova small ropalra. Ovor H

or ■ ■ ■ oxporlonco. Call Ja Free esiim ale. 423-45;

JOO cARPemm______New conslrucuon. modeling. cablnoi

J ' - fumiture, Charles. 73‘ >rd . CHIMNEY CLEANINGb*------— Lucky— Penf»r— Cou Swoop. Quality se rng roasonabio ralos. F

, apoctlonaQladiv.734-....................CHIMNEY SWEEP-BU

Faat 4 olllclonl. Fr<— priso w /evory visit. E

ruah-call now. 536-64:4 CONCRETE FINISHIH

on A4A Concrolo. Flatdrlvow »a, pallos, walks. Free oat. 733-1 DIETCOUNSEUNQ_

:-----------------^Atl—natural— tioftaiLose 10-29lbs In-ono Build self osloon

lla, ktaho Saturday. Septerr

se-R ecrea._„D88Tr.VartalyFKxii.-.:_______ .!V Eiborla PEACHES. Daillotl I-

PCAWS.-'Coinom Orape s ft— 2opplos-; 423J<74T~~....... ...... 3

> FOR SALE Bartloit poars f ■ ond Woallhy applos. Call y,

324-4184 . . - I- Halo S ' A iBcna-Poachos-— "- Roady Iho 15lit. Concord f 9 grapes- ready Iho 20tt). Call ;

9 H S ______________ I3 JONES U-PlCK FARM. Can- < I .nlng cukos. dill, lomaloes. - ^

. chlllletf: jalapoanos. S cab- P , bago. Call 324-3490. . F

MCINTOSHAPPUS _ EI R oadyl'N oabelir*'O rchard 'V, 733-7595. P

NOW AVAILABLE-^cannlng ♦Poachos 4 Poors. Nociar- R

. fjos. Plums, early Apploa. .S' Kolloy Canyon Orchard, 2 K

miios Wost 4 7 North ol bFiler. 543-5330. Bring con- Cta lno rs .________________ o

• SOUTHWICK VEGETABLES ^;__ Canninp carrola. SIQ bu..............‘ Cukes{flbu.Ui)k.543-4803, T• 2 ml SoBuhlonCsillrdHwy S

ogo-Pets& Supplles y

ADORABLE Black-4 whilo ^ Springor Spanloi pupplos.

___W oll-markod...l-.maio. 4 -4 _.f,.lomalo. 10 wooks old. 150 jp each.Call 733-5132 ovos.AKC olghan hound, malo, j 'nouterod, croam w/black g

- -ma8k;-5yrs oid.-lafgoi-oood --'n:i__i00kJng,-.Q00d_watch..fl0g-, WIIigivoFHEEloooodhomo ‘I a s rm boing iransforrod and PI cannot lako him. 726-3066- g

A KC.BUCK.LA0 pupa. 2 --females loll, 6 wooks old. 40 t,field champions in the HS!S& n

■'AKC— Gorman--ShorthDir i Pglntors, Supor hunters. , . snio/oHor. 326-4116 Fllor. ' AKC 'Qoidon ' Rolriovors,OFA. champion linos, , boaullos. S22^’Call Sally, h1-786-4162;______________ _

-"■AKC'LAB'pupai-Havo-had - 2 sho ts and dow claws ro- K

-^.mn«ad.'il75. 67S-4432bnlorn El

AKC REG -R od- Dobio ‘ - 'pupp io sfo r-sa le rP o tqua lily l- - {

SlW>>125. Wormod 4 '8 nol3 . -Cail324.6551. ____ CAKC Reg Samoyod piips, iVi mon, 3 fomalos. do- ‘t\ ciawod .& shots.. «50, 734- S'

— 2073.— ----------------- ------°-AKC REGISTERED Goldon-- V Rolrlovor Pups. Call 934- . ^

AKC ~f^EGi'sTERED Malo ?Poodlo puppy,. {100. Call *436-9768. ___________ AlAKC rogisterm^bal^Cocker— $5Spaniel puppies. $40. Call 0 y543-4066.________________ m.AKC Roglsterod Black Scoi- ccllsh Torriors. 7wks old. vac- dJ cinalod 4 wormed. Ready-for now homes. 423-5055. be BLACK~tIAB~P0Wyr'Cto!i5

m a P o X a i r ^ ^ 3 r ° ---------- “BEAUTIFUL OOG HOUSES. u

BEAUTIFUL ROQiatorod nilremain scnnauzor. i, yoar 02old. Ears cropped 4 shots, q i

- $ 100: A lso.taking deposilaon AKC Gorman Spophord .qpups, champion bloodHnos, r j^ g & » 0 0 .-4 5 ^ 5 2 2 .- Q-j

malo. 2 vear.old W Siborian ^- •H ueky -4 -W -TImbor-WolI.-.- -

1175. h3-6630ask lor Larry.^ tiOCkAHtCsi; hand lOd babies. Zobra lincnes. Call


Surobrod, no papots. blondbufi colors.i50.676-2934------ si

CUTE pupplos. FREE part Gjrod Dingo. 6 -.wooks old. M733-7348- Si

-EDA K -H O W KENNELS. Now CtTaking hunting dogs lor Gun asOog Traininp. Rolrosh your s igun dog bolero Iho hunting pC80as0n.17.yr3 0»D. 324-5279.------54

_ ffl t:S a la i.3 jiia ta Jb o ! |jg i,,0 ___awooks. J35 each. Call 73J- ji;6391._________________ __ • 32FREE CATS TO' GOQD wHOMES.-Will OGllvor.- Call- bo734-2735 . i C<FREE Goldon Lah Shophord oj;X puppies, 6 wooks old. Call ^s'

: ha

FREEKIHENS lot: . -Call 733-44E5, .___ . 54:

Froo KUtons. llllor box 30 — tralnodr-l-famalo-A-2-malo.— ihi

Call 734-4480. Ca

:ylcje_gjutLci d d i r e c to i

551--------- tfR A V E L rtdP S

- j ? c n o ! oxp. Gon repaltj

m. ro- PAINTINQ‘is l® ,. . .* I Paint HOU503,734-3144. ,f ,Q o osllmalos[NG • ■ ablo. 734-5963or;-Chim ney— ------ ------sorvico ai PAINTING-INT. j

Cloan. Noal. R( oflco. Call 734-71

e L H a l P A I N f l ^ -------Froo sur- _-jr5 rr--------------

t Boat Iho Comm/Farm/Ho ----- 0X0. 734-5732.


inlerlor 4 oitot or |ob. Call 734-

iJ_______ asiimalos.r ta l—d ie t--------------PAINTING-------

;;r°KSifo iirR oS s,'! ';


a tio n a l—0 9 0 -Pet3& Supp l l 8 9 ____


T7Jrg7»-1373 orfl76-6045:-----— ;PROFESSIONAL QROOMINGI Vacationing? ■ i'll board your dog. Cherl

.._ Mlllor Kennels. 423-5104. . . PUREBRED Old English Shoop Dog Pupplos. Malos J50, Fomalos *40. Call 366- 2126 oarly cnorns/ialo eve's . .


PUREBRED Black Lab pup- ; plea. 6 wooks old, $50 oach. -— £111734-2787.----------------- -------

REG Springer Spanloi p u p s .. J35. Roo Cockor Spaniel

. ouoa. 0 5 . B25-5013._______ ;SNAKE RIVER Canyon

'Konnol Club la holding - boglnning 4 Inlermodlalo Obodionco C lasses Mon­day. Soplombor 19 at T.F. City Park. 7:00pm. 733-1697 or 324-4560 altor 5om,

■'TW O Fom bioA USSirPups:—

lM/wilhOuL'’°£a l? ’ 8344086 evo 'flor 934-5359 anyllmo.YOU SAW US at the Fair-We nood Qomoono lo love 4 hunt with us. Wo’ro from a long lino, of oxcollont

—hunlora-AKC- English -S pr-- • ingor Spanloi pups. 8 weeksold. $125.734^149._______ _2 FREE Fomalo REG.Boaglos. Ono 4 yra 4 olhor 6 __

• 'monlhsrC ali 324-3413;---------• '' 2 MAtE"AKC*POOdlO-1»Up-—

pios. Cali 734-67S6 or soo us In action, on Sunday at tho DonShow .TFCitvPark. ■5 FEMALE Mix Brood'pup. •;

C' s . Freo lo good homo. I rmod 4 vacinaled. Animal '

H ouso. 733-9634 boforo Spm, j

092-AucUon8 ’ |. AUCTION I

ANTIQ U ES. ILast S undayol every monlh. j Phono 733-/T54. .

I T Bf H l F a r m e r s * m a r k e t ?

-- 0 9 6 - F a n n S e f l d jCUSTOM GRAIN CLEANING I

. "Portab lo". Savo your own <sood Slock lor on tho farm |sood cloaning & Iroailng. >

_ Bulk only. 67M7B4.-- • -.i. 'TOP .QUALnT'AlldlIa.'800<rr~J

Dolivorod. Cali Bob | Hamijion 7^-3587. ,

097-Hay,_G*SFead____ ;ALFALFA-OAT HAY. 60 ions, 5

- $55alon.Cali324-84S7. — j BALED HAY'Boom Loador ' mounlod on 1973 Ford, oxc condillon. $3465. 324-1134

BARLEY WANTED. SOlbs or ' ; bollor.324-3438or3244688. i

~BA BLEY>WA ^ D ; '501b'r5f— I

CORNCHOPPiNG ~ ' / . Loo’a CuB^m Ftrmino. Filer v

FO R“ SA L E ~^^lon oood t nitflUft hav. Call altor fe.m.

QOOO QuallVy Allalla Hay. C •1sl42ndC ulim g.A ppiox.50 - nlon. $65/lon or ey lhe bale. |Call 423-5055. _________GRAIN STORAGE Jo r rent. ;

544^2771/___________' F. - ■-----"■ ;.- r— --------— — - .-4

----------------— - =STEAM ROLLING ["Custom rolled grain

onyourlarm . - _ 5 CallS4>&g7or54^«)62 \

-SIL-AGE;-22"A cres. Green -5 Glani CORN lor salo. Call E

•543-5861:.................... -............ "cSILEAGE CORN lor saio. . C Cali 5434015 Of 5434916 8 , ,uaskforG lonn.____________ . |iSTRAW, malt barloy. balod. G FOR SALE in tho flold. Call p

-STRAiflLEQB SALE J g f lu i? r gsizo t5ai03 55« oacn. Call 63264667._________________ "RWANTED: Whoal. foed_ 7 barloy & corn; Polo Lanling; I'Conox Food Plant. 7334543 Cor 7334921.______________ F1st cutting hay. Dairy quality Ghay & loodor hay. Rainbow KCommodily; Hay fiauiing, 2load lots. Rainbow Trucking, o 543-6023 or 543-6090.- . 6j30 ACRES 3rd Culling hay on 3

. thb stum p cioso lo Joromo... CCoil 324-3269. W

d e z r ^ „


3PS0IL ~ ~ ~ wIUMBlf/ays. parking stulzm arI hau ler wo can Healingrthwosl Crano •• romodoi733-1234, Quality S'____________ QUALITYI man. 15 yrs Reasona)a tr r plumbing. - oxt. Froo

------- ROOFINI

1503 4 loncos F «


^ T .4 E X T ~ ~. Rollablo. Low ^ w n s. 'I4-7130.- ------------- - - iravot.Ci

•_______ TAW4DPainting. por yoi

i/Homo, 30 yrs oul-of-toCabCorr

TBEEMiitorlor by hour Wood c734-8116 lor froo Call lo

./I__ ____ S pravlna

4 Son’s, int 4 Troe 4:omm., fences 4 mlng.Frijsl.734-9711. Jim 'eTri

097 -H a y , Grain s Feed _ w i L r H A « « ^ ^ o r ^ ^

- -r B a le d - iS v th r ^ d .- w I w ^Joromo. 324-5028._________

'1.000 GOOD CLEAN Whoat SIraw for sale. $1 o bale.

. . South of Hansen..Now buy-__Ing: .Harolord calvos 3 0 0 - .. 400lbS.Cail 423-6308.

093-Faim 9 For Ront. WANT TO RENT: A dairy for

Wrilo: Rt. *2. Box66-A. Buhl! 63316 or Cell 54»6992.

...:WANTEO;.FftfmLar«l lOTOnt-.' in TF. Kimberly or Hanoon

- aroa. Havo equip & linanco. . Also sugar beel allolmoni. Roply to Bo* 0-52, c /o

. Times Nowa. Bax 548-------■.------

099-Pastur88ForR ent - . HORSE PASTURE for rent. Summer 4 wlntor. Call 423- 4213,

102-Catt)8_____________BULLS for ront or sale. Dairy cows 4 hoifers for salo. BillHarris. 666-7516._________ _COLOSTRUM FED day old calvoB for sale. Contact

COLOSTRUM Started Bull Caiyos for u lo . Day old or older. Callfijg^iie. ,

—COLOSTRUM alanod holfdr"' -an d -b u U a-ca lv ee -for- aale:—

' Caii 3244438 or 324-6668. DAIRYMEN CULL your weak cows 4 replace w/Sprlnging •

•Heifefs -for 1984-1W3-top -- production. Artesian Leas­ing Inc haa funds to purchase & lease cows t o 'you ori this basis J fo u jiic li___

~ lh o c o i ; 4364040 or write Box J . Rupert. ID63350. ' IDAHO DAIRYMEN: II you are looking for moro milk for your dollar, Ordor your load of Wisconsin Cholco Springing Cows 4 ' Hoilors

i soioctod from top herd8.F o r— ' moro Info. Call or wrilo; * John Luock. RIJI Bloomer i

^ w '* ^ * H a r ^ n Bomngor. ; Rl.»2. Box 2433, Jorome IdS 3 3 3 8 ;tg 4 ^ 0 :----------------------LEASE COWS AVAILABLE. Cali 733-2323. iLIMOUSIN BULLS ^100% . |

*o2% ^ rl***"' ~24 WISCONSIN HoU QfarCair^j

last part of Sopt. for winlor mirn^^rodueiion-. 645-2314 or ;

35 MEAD ol holsloin milking cows for Balo. 5434094.

-.35 . HOLSTEIN. HEIFERS.. ( 500-600ibs..dehornod 4 vac- ( cinalod. 531-5291._________ _ I

104-Horee3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' ABC's Of Horsemanship ' ,

laughl 4 pleasure riding. ' -H anm srra— Stables:— Rtso— * —famlly-Ftift Farm. 733-1939.— — -•

APPALOOSA MARE. Good wilh kids 4 packing. $700, ]

- 7 3 4 ^ U 4 g < 5 0 3 a H et5 — ----- iAPPOLOSSA Weanling coll.

_POrf«>l with MnntiW A ?ipQla____Excollonl pedigree. $600. , Olhor .woanllngs; 786-2813 . ^

Horsos bouoht-soid-lradod. f Home of Doc'a Doctor. i

~~ 93- Livodlock. PH. 733-6055.

FjKrior^^2 yoar^oxp 'F^^^^ c ‘- 42342l?.Klmberlvati6f6pm.~-' t______HQRSFSHOEINO------------ £

Exporloncod farrlor. Call ( Larry Evorsolo 7334074, fMoon Creek Ranches Seven ^

- BMinnual Alt Breed Hoibq < Sale Sunday Oct 9. 1963, 1 r

■ pm at oiir now loc-Joromo CFairgrounds, Joromo 10. :CallTo log doadllno Oci 1st; '(

. Consignments accepted funtil aale timo..Total foes S50__ •lor Rog horses 4 $25 for rGrado. Call 2084S7-2628. |PUREBRED rogislorod Ara- ;

gelding, oroon broko. 324- ' - BO ^ilorSD fT rY w renar-^— <'REG. Quarter Horse Gelding ,7 yrs. Noods workod. $900 or . trade for 1 4 'Aluminum boal. -Call 3244034 aftpr3pm. <REGISTERED Arabian maro. ‘Granddaughter ol Aramon. JPriced to soil. 324-5576. (2 HORSES FOR SALE.-$1000 ' oach. Call 543-5223 altor ;

__________________ ;3 YEAR OLD Rog. AQHA I ChOStnut maro in foal to ' i Masior Pino. 825-5157. T -------- 1

?A d v o r t l t e F

( o r o * l l t l lo a s 7

C a li t

733-0931 ;

b~NQANOWELDlNO. “ Ilan 's Plumbing. 50 4 Welding. Now, C01 4 repair. Froo ost. -|< ; aervlce,733-7124 cTY PAINTINQ_______ Jnable rates. Ini 4 '00 estimates. 733-7848-------------- «lpmor733-3194ALT. c

iN° ~ ;Roofing 4 Remodel- !^reo Est. build new. . ^loi, add on. 473-5419. |

IS the llme for-new "t. Troy-biit llllor, will [CallM6 . ...................... - • -t

LDEUVERYSEHMCe . Bvour doilverles and - V-town, runs- Yollow Eompany. 733-1536. c_ ' V4 SHRUB TRIMMINGS J

cutting 4 spilling.lor, eslimato Gem . c

Ing A Service 7334206. f8EHV»Ct -----------------------4 Shrubbery trim- f

Free e s t. insured. , Tree Care. 734-1484. J

r , * 1 ! ^ r

j 4 YEAR OLD black mulo,hrnlrft fHr» * p.irir

5 YR OLD MARE. Exc.Tri . t m ountains, packa woil, good

disposition, good conllrma- .___lion, roady lor your hunting• - IrlP. $700.324-6610.

8 Yr. old 'A. Clabber Bar brooding, in foal to AAA

• 8 lud-3yr. Illly. 4234760.

! GOOO USED Circle Y Junior - Roping Saddio for salo. $250.

t_.-.Ca?l4a4451.________________t LARGE Supply of now 4 . uaod Horso 4 Siock Trallora

on display. . Farmora > Exchango. Hagerman 837-- -C284 days. 837-6282 ovoa.

POWDER RIVER heavy duty . panels.'45-14 '; 16-12 . 3-8'

ga tes. Value $7500. asking■ fe500fofall.733-04ri. ____

WE BUY 4 soil usod saddles— 4 -lack9:-Vickor’9-W e8lo r n -

Slores 733-7096.

- 106-Sw ineW EANEtl^GS for salo. Joe

t ' WEANOR PIGS for saio. Cali

I 106 -S heep_____________For Saio: Lambing Sheds

■1. . ^ o u ^ ^ - 5 6 - 4 a - x U2'.—

— REGTSUFFOLTOamiam'ff;— weighed 1001/ 90 days.734-3049.________________

. . SIX.POLYPAY EWE LAMBS. , for sale, $65 oach. Call 733- 5859.

t lt f- f a u H iy tR a te H a '

' 112-)ir)aatk>nGATED PIPE

4 underground PVC Amolh I rr jj^ o n 4 Supply

We tr e . .a . new dealer .for__Corrugaled Metal Culvert Pipe. All alzos In stock in-

.' rliidAil W -rlla 5S<Htur^farall

......... 733-«n3divoTnloht •160 ACRE wheol lino syslom . 6 Wade whool linos

'6 0 ' spacing, hose :and al ievolors. Vi milo of 8-6 ant 5" mainllno. n HP pump and

_panoL_EjtcollooL.cotiditiQn.___- - $30.000. Cali 78M539______ _ -

300' 15" 'G asked p ip e - lo r- - _ _ afllo..Caii.726:35io.

- -1 13 -F arm S upp ife5 ...................CRUSHED G RA V E i.._rop-^ Quality Roadway material. O a n S k e o m .5 4 3 ^ . EXTRACTING boo supers, noucs and framos. Best ol-.

• for, Call 536-2727.QRAVEL FOR SALE

— Delivorod bylho-toad ,-CALL-— 536-2511.

■USED BURLAP-or-colion—■ ^ s ^ o ^ r sale. $150 por 1000, • -

11*-Fafm Implemenis _■ .AUTOMATIC Powdor River . ' hoad calch. now, hoavy

- d u ly , $400;. Wosigaurd portable loading scnullo, usod jw ico , $750; 300 4 100 ' oal fuel tanks. 536-6448.' ~

condllion. 6600 John Dooro ' ■'hydftf-sfaliC’ drlvorTJiosol:—

CASE 580 BACKHOE with front loader, good cond. Yanmar 24 HP diosoi 4x4 Iracior wilh front loador. llko - now cond. 324-5576.

■ CASE 660 Bean Comblno lor salo. Fiold toady. Exc; cond. Bv-cool coolor. 3 ^ 0 7 6 . ' • FIELD READY 2-row Tank-

— lypo GemcoOoot Harvoslor.—Call 3264254, __________FOX CHOPPER with corn


—GAIL-COOCHOPP^^uihay— hoad 4 2 row corn hoacl, oulomalic knilo sharpener,$2000. Call 543-5871._____ _GEHL solf-propollod 2-row ■ ' corn chopper 4 hay hoad,good. 825-_i5&3^_________GEHL single row corn chopper w/nay hoad. Good cond. *2400. Coil 666-T568.666-7569 ____________I.H.C. 1466 4 wheel drive, 2664 total hours, oxc cond.

— $12,600.—Throo .40;_bollod- • polalo trailera. $5500 lo

Ono potalo Uuck

t’ru ck b o d s '’Yalo?343-3621.or ^- 3 7 5 4 m ____________ ________

INTERNATIONAL 1440 A xial. Flow Comblno for sale. Cali 726-3510. • _JQ 2-iuw L.UIII dioppet.'w ilh' h a ^ ^ ^ d corn hoad. Caii

JO 4630. 4520 4 4030. Ali wllh duals 4 cabs. Excellent , cond.678-2057or676-3674. / JOHN DEERE 6600. Boan nttachm onls. dip 4 pour ele- vator. Call 825-5635. *

_M E _1J55 with c a b ^ / C , ___powor naiust ^a lsT T S ood cond. $16.i00.3244066.NEW HOLLAND 288 Baler, now. knolter. .good condi­tion. $4200 or olfer. 733-£917.423^242_____________ , /OLIVER 68 DIESEL Tractor 4 ' loader. - 2 row AC corn • chopper, Pricod for Im- m a jia leeaio . Call 93*^70.. SELL Oliver model 1« spring

- to o th - boan comWno. Good, condition. $750. 733-1092 or6554223.______________THIOKOL Harvoslorw /stoorlng axlo and rock box and rock guards undor

■ prlmarios. novor boon usod for custom work. 16500. •t?4-4088.TWO Lockwood potalo pliers - with - stingers .. 40'..- - boom s, 1 haa Menoc

' ■' ■■■Schutto. -


or S h S i c conditioner. S u te age. condillon, and prico. Write Box N-42 c /o Timee-Newa,

_ p Q .Bo k548.TF.IDP301.8 N TRACTOR. Ex condillon.

^Also 48 Inlernationai truck. noQd condillon. 3244149.

- 8N- FORO.-TRACTOR, with mower A blade. Exceilenl 8h*c>e.Call73M528.

e,4:________ ^

F y ' —

ig . . . . ------- / . ----------------------

ir /

;— I 0 $5. - I


r - .......

" I w ish S a m



» I960 BEHLEfTGrain Dryor.— 500 bushoil -C8M cltyr»xc—

I- 3-POINT Hilch Ditcher, iiko new. completo, Everson

, M odeW -7" spread $12M,3- -Danuaor-12^' Pot Hoto-Oig.— I- ger. like now, ail attach­

ments Includod $1200. 324*. 3S95mornBorovea. .

Diane. 4^-5235.443 4-ROW John Deere Com head. Vory qood condillon, $4000. Call 32fr5107.

r _ 11S~FafmWori<____________' ALFALFA, GRASS. STRAW,-


• CHOPPING, (soil propelled).; Manure hauling, ground

work. Rock pickor. W iirirav-' ' el. 543^666.543-^11.

' - BEAN.-CUniNG.- Plowing ••' wilh 01 * witnout—Ammonia. —' ' Call3264631................... ' '


falos7Cair4ZV5700. '■ 'CUSTOM BALING. 3-wido ' i.^8 lacklng...H ayo-.m an._w itfi...

swalhor. Arnold Pruoll.5434048._________________CUSTOM boan Ihroshlng

; and hauling. Cali 543-5214.' CUSTOM GRAIN 4 boan ' combining. Will haul. Call.— c o l l e a 4 2 3 ^ alijc6pm— ------.-_.CustO0i, having. sw otfiing,._ — baling,-stacking.-. Quality 4 . .. ' -dopondablo work. Will trav-

ni.63fr6310or538-2443.— C"UST0M HAY3lacklng;‘C a l l~

Gail Paulson 543-5669._________CUSTOM Haying, swathing,

- baling 4 - alacking. Refer- - - “ cos. 733<839. “ 73M798.

-734-6632.................................. -I CUSTOM Manure Hauling.

-Also-groen-chop- hay-end • - com s l ja ^ .^ o o d ln g Oroon

— CUSTOMTmanuro hauling.. . hay baling 4 s lacking. Clyde

CUSTOM SWATHING, bal­ing 4 alacking. Cali 543-5756

. il n o a n 5 w e rc a i l5 4 ^ 9 . EXPERT Custom Plowing with orvyilhout Aqua Ammo- " nia. Contact Brian Alien or

- .'M ike Miller. Full Clrclo Ino.TwlnFalla.733-5671. ______GARY'G cuslom throaliinQ.__

— grain 4~b'oTn‘3 rW li rh ‘5 i l l ! ^3264167. ■_________GRAIN THRESHING 4 haul-

^ ^8405 “ ^ 7 M 5 alio?— H;M :r-Cu3i5m-eirfrr5-nay—

chopping 4 manure hauling. 324-55i 1. Alter 5 324-5771 or

.. -3244483_________ ___- .........HAVE TWO 10 WHEELERS, will haul PEAS or WHEAT. Will go anywhoro. 734-3676 or 73^ 7395 /' ......................


-r. ftPeterson 's

' T l. - T w i n F a ri!

m y K ellsy & Invite you

' v iew jh « .n___ F j i iL a


I >


I L o ca ttI' A c r o s s f r o

- i


m w a s a c a r to o n d o g — - c o u ld ta lk !" .

^ R ecrea lip n a t

— la^-A v ta tlO fl-----^- -AIRCRAFT Hangar for r ^ . Ruhl Airport, ca ITS4^«ni.

— COME— JO IN -fh e ; Roiec' ' Advonlurol Finest ultra light

' aircraft available. No llconso roflulfod;733-1306. • - _ ■

733^233 days. 733-7028 eyes,

la-Boatg&AcceM.:- .BOATS, MOTORS 4 TRAIL-

.._SK-HAUL M A R U N jkL b« il_ wllh 85 HP Johnson.. Eazy • la»d trailer. 543-6800.

. ..SKI.ANO FISH1NQ_B0AT. _ Soasw irL ie^ 'l/O w lth sk is . . Loss lhan 20 hours. Uko. . new,$72a5.324<761^____ -

Mtjrc Cruiser, alerh’ drive.4 oulbbard;-E a8y-

load trailer. 637-6 3 0 ^ 1 6 .......

Classified roadera aro looking for itoms they want lo buy. P lato your ^ Ig W y for quick resDOnse. 733-0931.


« c o iia .C li;S 5 5 2 a .

^au^QO ^om lnolon Shotgun.

. _i27-MotorHomea_:----------,_1

. i 1983HEKWK25Wml v'ato'aAdmuch.ffHKhnma. I f UTAHnKl

I lW 10rT A 6E »4R W IW Ov»r to rwt

^7.............aoM <


. )25-Tr«wlTraII«ra , i

' --------


ills M oto r H bm e H e ad q u i

A N N I V E R S A Fr J o y P e te rso n w ou ld II IU to lo in th e c e le b ra tio n ew 4 9 C 4 m otor-hom esc- -a e n fl» ^ .f^ p Q ijjs« ic h .P ro dI f c o a c ^ G o b s Country. Petl w « g ^ r x , l« A lr r F .r , t» ? l .r - -


A T . , S E P T , 1 7I O n A tl'R em aln lng '8 3 ’t In S Ick

i te d o t 6 4 3 2 n d A v e n u t o m t h e L iv e s to c k C om i

0 8 3 ^ 5 ”— ■ ' . . ...\

f e w ■ :L-<2^. ^ ' - 3 . r

a : \— — ■'* ___1 .\.v

y - 7 : 3TT—

3 — . t h e n h e ^ 8 •

: 'l?2-SportinflG ood3

. Spalding Golf Clubs. P w o r R

• T E N T-tm ~Bale-6x10r-L lke-sS— now. $75. Call 423-5307. MWE WILL aoll your guns. S

; ■ ■Q unsmlthlnflr-ftwn;--Gun t Shop. 5434260 Buhl. M - -) 1907 HAMILTON Boy's rlllo. S

$150. Pre-War British Wobloy 5 3 . .455,CaL'jflvdfv*»r..«26..BoliiCH :— oxcr7344BaSewnfnflB.— .

2 COLT HAND GUNS for Q ■saio. Exc condition. M ako»

• -oflor. 734-9094 or 7344)580. ? S .270 • WINCHESTER g y

r Featherwolghlf now in box, » .I - ---------------- .-------" ‘“ 3 GOOD G U A U Trtieorniloa-j^: •.aleoplng;^ff9.;.3_,lor I 1 0 0 .S

, lO rT ravelT faitara . .

1 FOR SALE, 1976 R o a d tS Runnor, 16’. oxcelleni c o n -M

. dlllon. dail733:62M^______ «• ■ READY TO GO South for Iho 3 J. . winter? This is-your I d e a l j j

- homo away from home. Big « - J -ono u o h ' to llv B -ln -ln d o fk S - ' r :_ n ] lo ly .:b u a iii8 iro n o u g h Jo :2 3 .:: .

pull easily. H

" W ith Sox'Bprlngs ^ - s p r in g e ! i — lillod-mattres8oS.-AC,--Ther-H—

. m ostalica liy .; controlled g " lurnanco,' big 'rerflg;' oven Q » wilh g lass door 4 liQhl I n - H I aide. Sloreo radio 4 fi track E j r tape player. Excoliont cond. u

May bo seen at Baker'a RV, H - 412WAddl80n.73M358. H

RV SECURITY PARKING. B y H ------the-m onlh-or-by-lh# -yoax-ZH—I a —' - — SILVER STREAKS- n o w -4 5 1 -

usod. -Farmors 'E xchange.M

1(W? TFHHV rnnnn ____Showor. tub. f bdrm .W

;carpetod, $1000. ^ 7 3 4 ^ M . ovooor734-2071^ayB. . g

_ J 2 7 ^ o t o r H o i w « _ '_____ 3 . .

~ —

g^ F O d T ia t l-H D K .-; V - :

rOSTCUSSAHQTOSHOK : ! l P .carv>ov*oy*n. iwl oir. s*nwct. ^ '

12^TravelTrailefB -4

J N * 1

q u a r t e r s — '

VRY id l i k e t o i s :I t l o n e n d

^foduc te - L ’P e th f ln a o r j -------

■AST \ —

n u e s .> m m I* slo n i j

' ' 1

Page 20: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

f./MRetI S - T r a Y B l T r ^

_ j ___!.t9Za-4a-FT--aoU-»ntaIm)d-. :• Travol Trailor. sloops 6,

;; C flOO. Call 733-7623.—ti : i a n ARISTOCRAT 2V.

I Ooubio axlo, soil conialnod. i 'oxcollont condition.' Many ! Moms roplacod, 13000. Callj 73*^83 wooKdaya._______! .1972 22’ KENSKILL Uavol j Irallor. Tandom axlo. roar I .ba th , solf conialnod, oxc

I -1973 STARCRAFT Toni Tri.! -SIpa 8. sink. Ico bx. slovo.

734-6041.4234303 atlorS.

1 :i75-AutoD6tlOT


W «ve to ld ovor 600 ' C u tto m o n . . . loi •mp<

FREELI• C o t moro lo r your

vohlclo:• Wo odvortlioyour

...................... voh lcb : .« •W o lo k o tro d o -ln to n _ ___ __yourvehlcio; ___

• Wo qualify buyort • nobody coll your homi

_ ___ ^ tho - _ _ . . . i . .

| i ^Ym Ort*Mi A r»r4...


Motors iVW il l b lWo Invito you fi

- - — - - - - - - - C h e v r o ]



: pri 1977 BOBCAT n i i972RANCHE

iZIj 1974 MAZDA I----------M

t l ^ 78 Pi sC^1^ 1978 DOOGEL " ! 3 4o<x.4CTll'><f«'.4ip<

rrl 1976 JEEP4X4,4 4<>o<,Ouo<f>o<'« poMMiisMlngtbraki- 1

LJ 1979SUBARIi.whMldi»y«.4<*oa<.M

LJ 1979CHEVRG' lUV<X4.MIXoda.4cyl

W T979 CEUCAOTCoup«.4cy">>diM

- B 1980TR1UMPIl y - •


• — H —1S8UEEPCJ. . ___ '« r2?L i

" M “1982EAClEi _____j W 'l

y j ' OPEN I M o n .-F rl.

J 8 a m - 9 pmZ "anil's- 2 3 5

tcrea tiom_ 125-TfavelTraUera lOd— >-18e7.1S’.ROAORUNNER' -

6, Fumsnco, pona potty. r»-_ IrlQorator. oloclflc wator

• pump, - now -carpol. larooo(j cuBtom slorago oroa In roar, ,riy -dusl -porpano -tanks:-Nice, ^ f l t1695. Call 734.7963._ 1968 NOMAD Camp Trailer ivol eloM, Stovo, oar lurnanco, Ico box, sink, Q,(- Domond pump, novr tiros,

slooDsS. $1650. 4?3.4348.Tri 1070 RANCHO L-RAY. Solfivo contalnod. sloops fl, vory

“ • aoodcond. 11800,829-5413,


riO N A L>FINDERSSELL Y O U R C A R600 cor* (or Mogic Valloy rm p e r iw * le ll yoursi

L I S T I N G Sacluol le lling;

• Wd handloall notory paport:

• W odlsplay your on veh lrlo w lth o u rt;_____ •W o hovo multlpio

fltllng'sorvlco.---------lomo; •W o hovo bank

OINDj i— t 243 Blu* la k * t 8 ly « n j:


R S H i P T O D E A L EtMCEjMffiI T h e N e w 1 9 8 4

M o d e l s U n d e r <

I b o o n d i s p la y S o p fo m IlU fi your fomily to discovor

modols of:r o l e t • : P o n t i d c > - O l d s

B u i c k s .


L ^ J N C Q W D m j

O N A L L L A B E l


1*2495►A PICKUP

........ *2495-SLl„....;-,:*2T95JNKJN G C A B


S 'S E ;:~ *329S*3693


is.„_..;..,.::.:.»5a95WPH TR-7

ESt;;:::::~3:*7493cJ-7 *T992


WIL"O ur Bigc12£SH2§H2tt| ^

tah A u iom125-TravelTfallflre

V - - I97e-PR0W LEH-1B’ -OOlt- f*- conialnod alnolo « l« . »*$,

jtor cond., & oxiras. 734-3210.-roo AllorB, 734-3016.____________

___1977 FIREBALL 24W’ Irallor,Solf conialnod, puH oajp sj-

— lhan 2.000 mllos. J5500, Ilor Good condinan. 543-4614.

1979 t e r r y 32' Siri v vheelTRAILER. *9000. Call 324- 2421;___________ ________

’Oi! conialnod. Good condlilon, ory ja^oo. 678-4762 Irom 10am-

. 6timOf6^7929ollor8pm, .*"-------25' KOMFORT doluxo applf-'

nncoo. nlco bath, Icrcod atr furnaeo. sloops 6, llko now cond, Bouoht now In 1978.

734-3?OQ.733-4019- ■~79'5TARCf^AFT Tont Tratler-



CAMPER. Ills 8' bod pickup. Sink. Slovo. rolJlg. bods, UOO- noaollablo, 728-7238, Can bo aoon In Jofomo, Komp-Away Campor, sell conialnod, oood condition, MOO. Can 7568.666-7569. LIKE NEW Ooluxo 8' Campor. Full ovorshol, 1961. Usod 3 tImoa, gas/oloc ro- trio. Olovo, ovon. proasuro walor, Ihormoatal lurnaco.

__ lluahlollol. lacks. 837-4905.lOVti' CAMPER. Jacks, porl-a-poMI. Soo to appiocl-

-— a t o r t ^ . Call 629-4104, ------1B75 6 PACK Shortbod Ovorahol Campor, Slovo, o v o n .lc o b o x ,tfe - 324-3006. 6‘ CAMPER w/ovof8t\ot,

- s iM ps i-6. -Slovo.. roltlo.- coal closol. sink, lablo, walor. oloc. Ilohts & jacks. )800. WIII consfdor trado w /caah. 423-8321.'

1?5-AuMDmImi '

) G O F R O A A

L E R S H I P . . .ITORSZZZ1 4 G e n e r a l -

■ O n e R o o f !

m b e r 2 1 s tortho-oxcitlng now

d s m o b i l e . & - - - - - - - -

G D A Y o r 2 , 0 0 0 J


. 1974 DATSUN 710>o<tf.l<r«.twm,l.,...........

5 1976 TOYOTA CORO* * J doof. 4 «»••<).


4 i p ^ . toov.nibl. lop. AM/TM tc ----..Ww«niJ«Lfran1 vrhttl dItTff lu-i-i-.

--------1 9 8 0 FO R D FIESTA —_ 4 cyll'^ar. 4ie**d. AM/TM <0»>rt,

.loihlo,.,.................................1980CHEVETTE4dooi. 4.t»Md. o<> icKxJillonI"®. lo

' S 1 9 7 6 C H E V Y S U B U R a

1 5 1 9 7 9 M O N Z A W A G O^ 4<,ll«d«'. 4.p.«J. AM/TM (a<»tl

‘'’• " “I 'l" ” ’-1981 TOYOTA TERCE4 lp**d. Iioni whMld»» ; .......

jK 1976 CMC VANVo>'dwto V.«, oulomgik, pQW« .!» pOw«t b<0kM. ir.IM. lilt to u lx .

® 1 9 8 0 D O D G E M A X n

V s'iiunn sn w su lU iuCo< O' alxIMC lildg*. IIOX. tKlllr.


-- BANK REP. Ol "® MON.-S

I Q WS'-LO-GAI'g g es t D ea l Is Y o u " R E E T S O U T H 7 3 3jxim m

m otive

rrpTHEM* "N othing s_ reforming as oth

habits." ~ Mark 7


. If E a s t follow:pii. - .........h a s tio ch o n ce -t<air gam e. I f he lc

a s tra y . South i fav o rite to c a n

tier V-------- •scoce^------------------O D S W est le ad s the

and E a s t Is a t roads. Should h e]

“ o r queen?_ If he p lays hup, then his queen,

duck and E a s t rr ano th e r su it. '

_ South tfie tim e h( on, th e d iam onds a niL; bcfo re h is 'k ln g I

®' gone. T h ree no-rol and m ade, w itluro - tr ick .CO. W hat happen---------------p lay s- th e -q u een

j/il th e ace? S ince S__------------- lo o k -th ro u g h th>od ca rd s , he w ill sutUJ- h e a r t king. His (— to lead d iam ond,(a; . rou tine ly ducks>‘0, round. W hen So

ues w ith th e suit, h is acc and Ea

_ chance to shina ia m 'b n d . 'h '^ isc of h e a r ts 'a n d W in g ly h a s a S u it t i

............ Cuijftl "t hu'"' p lh e a r t__q u e e n "loser? I t m ight led from th e K-J e r , given South's m o st su re ly hai

1g7-HolorHoma3CLASS A MOTOR HOME lor ronl. 21 fl.. aloops 6.733-1027 or allor Spm 733-8244 CLASS A Motor Homo for

_ ront. Sloops 7. J450 por wk ■4- mlloago. 678-3938 afi 5.

“ MDTaH;HOME:rOfT-RENT:- Call 734-2302,______ ____

^Aro_you.D!Bnnina_iLJnoyo7- CfQSsmoO oda wiH polm vou

tfio ttomo you nood,MOTOR HOME lor ronl. Ca' 733-6354.

__175-Auto Dealera______

tWY*« P

^ ^M 95 I

? 5 ? i,-^ 9 9 S -E “ ,,»3495 g

....»3695 'B...,„.,.,.»3T95 Q

. *3995 m “°”„,.»3995 fc '“ V .*3995 - r

XI VAN P■:".“':.::..*a995.- R ",i':....-..:.*6.995_ |d-■¥-¥-¥-¥-¥ taFINANCING tv]ILABIE (OAC)-----MON DUTY HJ-SAT. I J

>ED K IR S ^ l

ACES* H»:so needs NOR!

ther people's : Twain.

♦ K 9--- ---------------------- svEST-----------

♦ B43WS h a b i t , h e v j 109 6 2 - t o b e a t t h i s — • A 3 2 - - - . l e a d s S o u lh ♦ Q 7

is a h u g e s o u iim a m in u s j A C

he h e a r t - j a c k t® ®It th e c ro s s * - e p la y h is a c e v u ln e ra b l

S o u th .T h e b h is - a c e a n d ^

1, S o u th W ill m u s t s h i f t to ,4

T h is g iv e s 3 n t Pass h o n e e d s a n d -

i r e dc .v clo p c d o p e n in g l< J o f h e a r t s is ' ~lo - t r u m p b id j^jng a n d E i th a n o v e r- q u e e n is a s

e n s i f E o s t B Id ws n - in s t e a d - o f -----------------------S o u th c a n n o t South holds:

t h e b a c k s -o f -----------------------u r e ly ta k e h is ♦ J i3 o n ly h o p e is - ^ ( n d s a n d W est T j , k s _ th e i i r s t _ _ S o u th c o n tln -:lt. W e s t t a k e s Norib SouiiS a s t g e ts h isInc . O n th is ?s c a r d s h iS ’a c eWral surpris-: to ru n .=pjay<% f=»ffte55=biH tyfh0W J- p r o d u c c " a h e a r t honoi t i f W es t h a d b e p n c b le - J -1 0 . H o w ev - h e a r ts .Vs b id d in g , h e lad th s h ta r l....................................wllh Kll-»ddrt

--------- — fbrrtply.-------

127-H otof Homes

|5 ' ONE 1063 24’ El'Dot'ad'o mini m otouhom o. doalof domo, 3000 mlloa. Ford 460 wltti air,

for crulso, IIII, MIcholln liros, «k oonoralor, rool air, sloroflo _ box, color tv. microwavo[T------ ovon -A -m ooh-m o to^ ^ya

■ :S8000;- Banh llnanc^j avallablo, G & G

g~., " MOTOR HOiSeS "-^g780lplomat27‘.oxcbuyi

1978 Sport Kino 24H \ supot- floorpian.

1975 TloQa 17'. qtoal cond. --------197S Opon R080 22Vl0v»rl0v«

■ I 1973 WInnobaoo 20’, only H | —n r o s r — -------------- --------^ 1972 UIO Llnor 25’ o«c cond.r i TRAILEftS_____I I 1983 Royal Travol3r.35‘ Po»l-

I Modol. - 'J- 1976 EkcoI 25’ wllh conloi• . balh..........................................■ 19/5 Prowlor 25’ lwln_ boo I modol,*■ — CAM PERS & TRUCKS .

1969Idoal CamporaVt'.''1979 010301 Piekupw/shcll. 1970 Chovy^lcKup 4«4 will Sport Kino Campor.1978 Chovy Pickup will) So- curlty campor.

JLadibodD oitiaaaliW oun}^ i “ Ainti«ia«? &'mucn moro ai T TRAVELTOWN- 6432ndAvoSouth,TF■ 734-2991.________1 " 1049 CHEV 22’ motor homo■ 69 robulil, 6 cyl "Olor goot• ' condllion. $1595.868-2150,Z 1979 24' Swinoor, 20,00( ^ mllos, 440 OodQO w/cruiso

(ool oir, oonoralor, sloroo ^ CB, awninn, ExcollonI con■ dl11on;CallM7-689a.

► laS-U tllltytrallara^ ENCLOSED Shoribod Ulllll:

” f!ACTORY MAOS approx 4x1 uliltly Irallor. ExcollonI con

—0ttlorr~fl2fr5778ttflof 4pw. -- “ UTILITY. TRAILEfl-_4*fl, will• 2’ stdos. novr olocwi■ brakos. « 2 5 .733-8433.

"■ A u t o m o t i v e

— - 132-Aulo,Part5&

. A ccessories4 ~FO R'S A CnicT6nHy“ iobull• 18R ong or will buy eatly 70’

■ - i x S i . S dU WE REBUILD Kydrauil 7 .-Jack3-0l.-A BB0n:S-A U T(- SUPPLY. 305 Shostion- Siroot Soutti, Twin._______

1961 VW BUG, body rough^ good onglno, liros &batton

feoo, 3 2 4 ^ 7 .___________;1972 MAZDA RX2. Runa,

' - mag.w hools.-Coll 4 3 ^ ^ ovonlngs, . ____________

^ 133-AutosW ante(l...........rr — WE-WILL PAV'ciSH'lor-19JJ. . .4 n o w o rP .U .a i4 » 4 ’s. Ainu 1977 & nowor Aulomobllo!“ FronliorMolora, 734^40.

J 135-CyclesiSupplle3KAWASKI KD 175. *300 c

f. ..h03to»or,W llilrado.forrl|l(• Call 733-5787 oftorS.

\ YAMAHA 650, oxcoilorM condllion, wllh holmo■ tiooo. 324-3232. ____E 1969 HONDA 350 Twin. 7.00 V actual mllos. Bosi olfo F I 324-2372,7-<pm Mon-Frl,A _19 7 1 ,^niUMP-H AM Rn:• ' novllloi'" fow '■flillooooT^-lo ^ 8hapo.Cafl32fr5217.■ 1974 1 ^ YAMAHA Endur

I * for Mio: $275. Coll 733-2491-allor 6pm._______________

1980 HONDA OL 1100. 43,OC 'm llM . J2300 Itrm. 423-47J

boforo 4pm..


)RTH 9-17-A — —K7B53J iQ J 1 0 9 7K 9

♦ J 1 0 9 5 ! . J A Q .

♦ J 108 3»UTHA Q 6 2K 7 4

---------------------------------------A 62

ible; Bolh. Dealer:e bidding: • .............—-M t North East as.1 ! ♦ PuM • « a u ' 2* Pass ass' Pus.1 pQ-w

g lcad|^ H eart j a c k __________

1 E a s t’s p lay of the a s tan d o u t play.

Iw U hThcA ccs

ds: 9-17-B ■ ~

J 1095AQ5J 1 0 8 5 4 3 .


R: - T h re fr- h e a rts , - - o-trum p is a possi-^ •

nors m ig h t p ro v e to ............bless fo r p lay in

t qucaUona lo The Aco.S3#3. Dallas. Tcxm 7iJH , ldr«»«d, «tam p^ envelope

_Copjn|bi u»a ,. ,___1U4 t'ulur* .SjrsOlcits

175-Auto Dealersnlnl I



" 73 FOR LTD 2 DO111, ____________H o rd lop . G o

t r o n s p o r t a f i i

- - ^ 1 :


H 1 ^elrlc


G o o d m ilo r a R u n sg ro

1 ^ 9 7ugh,tory.

bIEmmiWz ISEBSffi.1974—-BiiHlHMNMII


W WE'RE Tlilfor.

__ —____L—duro H


175-Auto E)6a!or8

____________ ■ _ 1

1 019K

. ■ J A

A a Lovi


.'1 f«.;*911983ClievyS-

............S to C h o o ae

, Aslow As. m ^

K»*i>Tk«itOr«<il .............. .........^ a M ^ a tl s s W H k

------------- 3-c7 t


;2z E

’760L CUTLA!

.........lo wI N

N T i A r n R ISIRO WJii l l o a g c j r o a t ^




m .7 9 3 - i m ‘ I

Saturday .:y. &4jptember 17,1383 Tlmo;

'. 175-Auto Dealers

'I' ourff III Pel

7 or>s9%A9 Chevrolet Cl31 to C h o o se r

»vvf iAs..... • ■ ~

1»8- MKi Ciievy S-li3 fo X h o o se Fl

i-1i[I PickuD.

S 7 4 ^

rSMCIiSUBARO—Bytlrudor. cfoan---- Supor Buy ,

SU H ^i g .

ILDSMOBILE ■ USS 4 DOOR 1?ANi-Clooncar,....—nllon. now tiros.

f/fjifS ~CHEVROLET ■ OiPICKUP m)mtTQMcylindor-|—A StoolAt

n f e lL K S .W H O M A K E DE^ C A D I L L A C n > F O M T I J


lm03-N0W3, tw in Folia. Idaho C-7 •

' I175-AutoDoalor3 '

l i c e

^bote—f-/ A . P . R .

1 I n t e r e s t

Chevettes! From

104x4 iFrom

NO. 3-356 , ’


NO. 3-119


' ’B1H0HDA n2 DOOR ACCORDFront whool drlvo ^ —Low-mtlo9r— - - --- -

“’TBHHEVROLET-—CAMARO_________f)un \ tiii-.-.__________. :

o .t.-

D E A L l N G F U N 'D A Y S W HriJtc •w c ----- ^

Page 21: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

__ _ 135-Cydes& Supplle8'1S61 Honda QoldWlna. 3.000 mlloo, imtnoculalo cond. For u l e or trodo lor pickup-or <»4. K4-2344.32*-5/iw. ' 10ei KAWASAKI • 250 Dirt

.,:B lko . 3000-mli03...,aha/plt79Q. 734.2618.____________1382 HARLEY SPORTSTER, 780 mllo#. LIko now. «900.Call 543-^348._____________79 Hoixta K«wk 400 w/rack.

13 fr^eav y Equipment



— J.D.-fiOOCBacKhOo7l10,500..J.0 .544 LoadOf,«4.600. Wabco777Qrador.J17.500.

— -ELUOTT’SINO;,--1110v8fl«ndAv».

Burtay, ID67M 787

Bob Houston. Salos Rop . Homo P h o n o .......... 733-1490

1 » - T n jc to ___________ _

K I K K S . "1964 QMC 2 too truck wllhJD sllaao box. soil toflotnor or soM rato. B37'44M.

---------V ~

. r w «

198aC M C S I5________ V.6, 4 » p * « d ............ ......

J«82FO R D ’/ . 3 0 2 'Automotic tran tm ltilon .a ir co n d itio n in g ..............

--------- '19BrCM CV .-350

_ ~ _ olrcondltlonlng ■ ■

______ ___ A utomotic tron»mU»!on,...........- o lr .pow oritooflnQ . . . .

1980CHEVROLETLUV Longbed w ith topper. . .

F in a n c in g A

7 1 4 8 6 B lu * L. , D o n W * b » t* r 73



USED_______ 1368 TOYOTA

______ 4 c y l l n d o f ,____ _____4»poo3 trdn»ml»ilon .

1982BIHJBAJ u it l lk o n o w l ..............

1980PlYH0in4 cyllndor.

19IETDV0TA4 cylinder.4 ip e o d tran im lttlo n .

_________ 1981 DAT• H atchback. 4 cyllndor.' 4 tp e ed tr 'an tm lis lo n .

1971 PLYMOUTHoulom olle tron im tw lon

1975 CHEVY" Automallc,

pow er flo o rin g . . . . . . .

i s r a

4«yllnder,_______ 4 »[>eed tron^m lnlon .

1974MEIICUI)YI• ............... V -8.cutom olle - -

t r o n im is i lo n ..................

---- ------ l977 BUICK tV-O. oirc o n d itio n in g ...................

1978TOYBI 4 cylinder.

o ireo n d illo n in g ..............

1973 BUICK C'v 58 .ono ioD .Q u iom atie.-

pow er s ie o r in g ..............

'..1972 OOD...... “ Comper.

— - f oo l n i to ----------------

1S71IHra»IATIV-8, ou to m o llc .................

1980 GMV-8 die to l, oulomolle. pow er ttooring , clean . .

~ b i d..........I

0 8 Tim«84<8wa, Twin Fa

.HO-Truclca M O"' CLEAN 3 /4 'ton 1574 CMC For pickup. PS. PB, 4 spood

,-o r lono box. 58.000 ociua • mlloa, <2750. Call 733-2581. Dirt For Salo 19n Mazda Dlck-up a /p l._ Of .boat oltor. Call 324

I r , MUST s elli 19H Polorboiij 900. Conv.. 440 ooaro. 13 spood

350 cummins, hoadactu ^ rack, ctiafns, alraps, larpsnoi:,

''l94BCHEVY1V4lonTiK,lovmllos. now palnl. t 2S00/bos

— oltor. 324.4&sa.___________1950 KENWORTH. 22i Cummins. 4 S'4 Irans. SLHt

• foer ondfl. 6;2fl ratio. Gooi ^ condlllon.Call543-6974. _

.1953 ARMY GMC 0 whoo X) drlvo w/IB' potato bod--------- noeda-ttmlflfl-chaln—S25000. . 324»<QB3. ______________ _

1955CHEVY twin sctow sput------ - b o d lw a a lo . Call53M66So' 63W204.________________

1955 CHEVY 1 lon wlih atoo bod. low mllos. novr noalt2250. Call 3244088. ■ ___

p . 1008 CHEVY M op wllh 12 490 Knapholdo atocK rock, horse

ramp & loading Chuto. 321 ongrno, dual.oxhausl.. run: ao o d .M ! ''° d o . 733-8433-

—^ 1073 QMC 2 ton. wllh 3fll “ •o onfllno. 5 . spood. 2 apoot L . roar axlo, 16' combinatioi JD grain & atock rack wllti hoist

’ or Good condition throughout Call 4 3 8 ^ 0 .

i | » - T r u ^ .


: : w » w■ r.;...........

*4895g A v allab io O .A .C.

I* L ak a i'B lvd .N :7 3 3 -0 0 0 6 J im C orla

17&-Auto Dealers .






)ATSOH2000R _ - _ _'3B95


EVY NOVA 2 DOOR- : n095






*395GMC'/2 TON



t Falls. Idaho Saturday. Sop

e - ^

140-Taiclca_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5MC •' 1073 Groon Chovy V lor ood I pickup. Must Solll Bod] -tuai QOOd condition. Now llros Ir \ From, now ahocka. Engln<

noods work. $600 or Dos ‘I'i?' ottor. Soo at 600 6. FlllmoM

. . 124 Joromo or Call oflor Spn— 324.3709. ___________

1074 FRUEHAUF aomltrallo“ k ' w llticontorboll.38'lQ nn,lal


4 9 '™ ‘^ m l ^ ‘'aood^M na^

1 « -T ru c k 3~2^ ' .....LKD

i ^ H I SI IS

iool;oal. -j - . • .


10^ ‘‘ S B u B s S tlllon

il 191J N ow 3 6 6 Enqino—n o w t iro s , com bi)

H I M Wtwtel Drives

1983Sil 4 sp d ., 4 c y l.; loc

------ a _A M /FM V -StoQ l._p o s s c n g o r . Av<

_ _ i l - h o r4 to p .o r - to fU o _ _ -

I : ■

I 17j-A ulolj5liS

1979 HAzl4 jpood . molallic pair llros.

1974 DODGE 1/216 cyllndor. 4 speec

~ W a » $ U


Air conditioning, outo slon, fodlo. volour low. low miles.


............. ..........*9S1976 CHEVR

_____ _____ ;— — s u b 'Or b aV'O, oulom olic. gooc

' ' N A O A S O O K I— — CAREEtLTEFl'S


1«-Tn»ckai^ilon 1957 FORD Ull Cab CCfl3ody wM4‘ polalo bod. 5 spood ■03 In 2spood.t1750.324-4Qaa.igino 10G0 GMC 2 loh. V-8 wim 4.Dost 2 spood, bool & grain bocToro Cair324.3269.— ■5P'" 1962 DODGE D-400; cab *f>

— ■ chaasla. ovoihaulod 3fl1•allor 4 apood. tt175.'""- 19G2 FORD 250 Hoavy V.,or2:— oood llroa. runa good. 4spcUP bucliot soala. I<1us1 aoo (iandl. ooproelolo- S795. Ca

140 -T ruc ta

5-W E E K j

I7 9 C -7 0 C Hin o , 5 s p o o d t r o r is m is s io r n b in o t i o n s t o c k a n d g r a i n t


e; 324-3456 or

1 4 M Wheel Drtves

k " ~ ' i n'TO

^SUZUKI SJT o c k o u t h u b s ,{ ^ S v K }>1 r o d i o l s . 4 _ ^ . ^ ' l.n .- A v a t l o b l o i n ' ---------—L lo p ---------------^ ^ JT -.■SPECIAL-■■- jg g X

-T-HE-Str S f r o o t - BURIEY 6 7 8 -3

------- ^T75=Rflt<n)eaJflr8----------

^ Wml \ [BiCTBUMin-i I llpaint, b rand now 2 door. 4 j

lunod up.7 6 9 9 -------------------------------------

9 S - - ^

= •oiKjlnoli

> 5 0 ^ — ^

ZOA RX-4 . 19801automallc Iransmis. Molallic j r _ Iniorior, ilr ipe , p o „

rool ^har>O K $ 2 3 3 3

VROLET:IB A N — ..................... ... • -------|0od liros. Ono

>K $aaao . ____■R’5 iR JC E _ _____ .- r —-L

135-140_ 140-Trucks:COO 1970 CHEVY pickup.,-'^» I d i cond. Ju st ovoihauloi

$1200. Aflor3pm.733-8719. 4 4 . 1970 FREIGHTL1NER. 41

lOd.'j cummins. 13 spood. Also 4boltod Irallor * 20" Schc

J _ spud Dod. Call 432-5336. V-8.' 1B72 "Frofohlllnur. Dioopo

Twin acrow. 38.000 Ibs. S ton • roor onds. Jako brake, ro: Ipd : rangor. 350HP cuiTimln , (0 olumlnum Iramo, a/Can

1«-T_njcka___ ____

O N L ^

____ l i i v

HEVROLETo n , 2 SD O od r o a r a x lo ,1 b o d y - w i th - h o is t ._____ ____

Ilv995,r 324-8686


1410 4X4

MOmE--3 7 9 6 • 6 7 8 - 8 0 4 2

— =— f75=Aot(rOeateT8---------

1978 FORD PIMTO-r rr:4 Jpood. good llros- now clutch.

— W o r $ t 9 5 0 --------- ---------

1981 MAZDA.DM—OWNER I’ICKUP. 5 spood. spoWt ». wido radiols. buckol soots lo. earpollng. long bod .'20 .00 ( ol mllos. . . . .


^ a » 9 5 ") PEUGEOT SOS SEDAHIc palnl. rodiol llros. sloroo, jw or sunrool, diosol ongltiw.A lorp car wllh 29.000 mllos.

J 9 9 9 S

r pulod.


i o S O P A L C A D E-----------J doo,.

good ironspoooilon

■,oaS T 9 7 7 P L Y M C■nlna, Aii.^,.o;n.<,io,,.iiihiAi.

, l» <or>(Jillonln(). Dulomallt IrOiW o i$ l2 9 5

" r t A V H J O T .............

“ 1977 FORDf « o';.™ d”.'

S A V I $ 4 0 7 . . . . . . .

1 9 7 6 S U B A fCqi,lp(.^ with (roni-KmI I luu/qioil* in luD90Q«

— - W o * $ a i9 6 -------------• A V I t * a o .............

J978_FORpwr»*S24?5 ■ A V I $ 1 0 7 ............

1977 MERCI» DO*. liobT clu». moKh«t

-W o » * 2 4 9 6 ---------S A v a t y s o . ^ . . ^

J ^ 7 SUBAiW aV$2695‘" '* '‘° ' ’'* S A V I $5 0 7 ...........

— -1-975-BATSLRod. oeonomllcol 4 si and drivo lo oppreeic S A V I $ 4 0 ...............

1 9 7 7 c h r y :Cop(>*< moollK. mantling-

— - W 0 » S 3 2 9 'S ~ -- ^ ^S A V i l s e e ...........

I “l iT s io ^.noln.,<ip«.cll

^ M v V « W ............

g THIF o r O v e

- J 7 0 1 M o l t t A v o


I " F ^L . 1 ■

- 1978------------ ^ B -T lO O -V 'a r-4 -s p e e

pow or brokos. A

460 auiam o . pow or brokot,

50.000 octual mil

J 1972 T0Yff'^ '"cyllndor or^gli radio, lock-out H 4666.

— I 1979 C^^^H~6~xytindor.'4 9po<

------ pow or broke*. /

h .‘

“ I 197S___ __^ H - S h o t tb o x _ 3 i i - k ;

ttooring. AM/FM____ __h a m t. whool* on

^ B ---- 1969

“ 1 1^V-O. oulomolic tl gos lonk. Iwo lo

I I No. 46S0.-

- B 1979AM/FM ile roo . |

■ tra qos tank, ou ^ and'h llch. No. 4<

— I 1981Shorl boK. auto

*1 Ing, V-8 . oir. A ^ ---------^ ■ - ? 5 l |- b o r 7 N tf- 4 5 3

I - - I ----- 138:■ Shorl bOK, 6 cy

' XL poekogo, n omile*. No. 4648.

175-Auto Dealers .

n i s iD E T T E S P O R T C O U P I

t ....*25* A O U T H F U R Y 4 D O O

: : : : : ........ . . .^ b!D M A V E R l t i ? S P O R ’


:D P I N T O W A G O N

iC U R Y M O N A R C H

A R U W A G O Nw, rvof ........... - -


S U N - P I G K - U P _______

... „J228Y S L E R C O R D O B A

D i A l R M O N T . 4 D O O


lEISENv e r 3 0 Y e a r s T h e E a s k v o . E.


178 FORD FM 4x4tran im isslon now or stoor

I. AM rodio, oir, Iwo lono painl.

:i976i0RDF250jmotlc ironsm ltjlon . pow or stooi ■», oir. llll w hoel, Rangor pock, milos. SHARP. No. 4600.

rOTA LAND CRUISER 4xnglno.—4 - *p«ed tron»ml*»lon^^ Jt hubs, looks ond run* good.

ICHp 01ITy^JP.l.,*. A M -rodio_m lrtQ,,

l7fF0HrF150Tlx41 V-a, outomollc tronsm lssloq po

I ond tiros. No. 4635.

69JEEPWAG0ffiER—tic pow or stooring & brokos- 73.

982 FORD F2504X4lie transm ission, pow or (toering , < o lono palnl, lock-out hubs, low n

79 GMC’/2 TON 4x430. pow er sieoring. pow or broken . outom ollc lran»mi»»ion. V-O. ml >. 4633.

980 FORD F1» 4x4lotomolle tfansm ljslori, pow er s - AM/FM stereo , w heel* and 4632:--------------;----------------------

i-cyllnder. 4 -* p « ed ,.p o w er »loe*leroo. chrom e »poke w hoois. 11 i48.

io n i> D -

IT^Auto Dealers

iio T OP E 1 9 7 8 V W R A— _ ligl.i bobr bW. W».

50" S A V i$ » o e ...............

1 9 7 8 C H E V Y_ _ e»outrMiil*«f

I q O W c ^ 3 6 9 r ° '^ ' .

R T 1 9 7 8 C O U G y '--------- _ . W ^iJ-l oold m«iall;c.nlih d'

188 SiS'is'”""’”""S A v i * i o o r . . . . . .

' W S A V I * l« 5 T 7 7 7 7 r

J ^ 9 7 9 T O Y O T -lA M miirio". ""'O ' H K W 0.S459S -

lU U S A V I $ M T ...............

_____ _ . l 9 7 8 . C A D 1 L L_____ 0«Vllll Koyalhlu*. whit* ton

' # 3 W of$4495 - S A V I$ » 0 0

1 9 8 1 A A E R C U lIQ Q s : ; 2 M r . r ; : rlU U W osS4995

■ A V I $ 9 0 0 ...............

---------- - l - 9 8 . 1 J d O N D ^A M BMMilMillxr.ionlro.llnB’xC f t t auiomoilc lior<«mluli>n. I'ftnl .0 0 W a«S5995

S A V I $ 4 0 0 ..............

1 9 7 9 C H R Y S L4 OOC^ T u • sn > fl r m . AM/T «

.......... .

88° 1 1 ^ ...........

IMOJy i e s t P l a c e I n T h e W o r i

T w I n F a l l ^ ^ ^ ^

□ " O o t a g r « o » ’dy o t ROY RAYMI

— — 1982Pw heels. Iwo lono pain

_______ 4630R.

1981 FOIlorlng. 6 eyllndpr.'4 ip e e d trc ckogo. powor b rakes. AM r<

llros. No- N6S4.

1x4 1981JEEI•.—AM— v -8 ro u to m o tlc Irom i . No. pow er b rakes. AM rodI

" 1982 FOIo r l n g ^ Shori bo», V-O. 4 *poo< 1, No- M r iW T F M - if b ro o -

' ■ - N6:4SB5R.----------------

^°t g o s lo n k .lw o lo n o p a l

“ --1980 FORDJ. . . Two tone point, oir, A

pow er Sloering . 4634,

“ ' " O T C H E V W3, ox tra Four sp e ed Ironsmlssi < milos. tro gos tank , 30,000 rr

hubs, ehrom o »poko vs

~ 19ffl1<o», ex- 5 cylinder eng ine, 4 mirror* steering , pow er broki


' S• s te e r . v-8, 4 speed , pow*1 llrc i. AM/FM atoroo. lock-<

“ 19801loorlnfl.,,, V4J. oulomatle..powoi 16,000 tie reo . tilt w heel, eri.

No. 4660.

■HAVE YOU DRIVEHAF= 7 3 3 . 5 1 = 1 0 - = l < 2 4 3

Blvd. No., Tv

175-Auto Deilara ■

ORS IB A B B IT ; ' ::

p -

/ Y N O V A 4 D O O R • ?

G A R X R 7 ■ ■ -,|lh()*lu...ln,l^l«l‘0 ;______________ _ I___

ZZl-^jTm \: U R Y Z E P H Y R . ' ; i

f r : f L 3ooo:: u3 T A C E L I C A G T

: : ; : ' ! ! ^ ! t » 3 9 8 8 : '■

L L A C C O U P E : ________r« tondow vv^l (op. wHll* " j

: : : : : : r : : i . ? a 8 9 5 : ^

:U R Y Z E P H Y R Z 7 - : : -j

. . , * 4 4 9 5 ^ 1 1

D ^ W A G O N - :

S L E R N E W Y O R K E R ! S (VM/TMii»rM.lull, k i

:U R Y C O U G A R :ll.*c actanl Iwlr. - .....................J ------

TORS i' o r l d T o B u y A C a r [

: 7 3 3 - 7 7 0 0 - j

■■■■■IB t'd a a lo n m y tru e k !YMOND PORD" j

2 F0R0 F150- ! Ijoed tronsmlsilon. pow er »teor. j j , ex iro g a t tank, w hite ipo k e i I ^ Inl. I U.IJOO ocn jo l-m ller-H o7 j------

FORD F150 4X4 |d tron»m Ui1on,-powor»toerIng,- j-----M rodki. ex tra gos tonk . new t

EEPWAGONEERron»m l»»lan ...pow or_»leerlng , ___radio, bir. No. 4667.

FORD F150 4x4pood, pow or Btoorlng, XIT Poek. » o ro x tra -g a i- to n k r to w -m lle » r

^ower stcerlno S broke*, oxtrq D polni. lock-out hub*. rJo. 4o / 9.

!D.F-150-SUEER_CAB_IIr, AM/FM tte re o . V-O. 4 tpeed . g. o x tro go* to n k . No.

VROLET 3/4 T0IT4x4~Tilttlon, pow or *toerlng, V-O, ex- 00 mile*. Iwo lone point, lock-out k e wheels. No. 46SS.

MFORDFZSOI, 4 tp e e d lron*mi*tlon, pow er >rakes, oir, oK tra.go* lonk. No.

FORD F150 4x4,ow er .leerin g , pow or broko*. sck-dut hob*, mirror* ond hlteh.

BOFORDFJM -a w orifee rlhg . TOwOT.brakoiTBlr:I, c ruise control, go* or propone.

AFORD...LAmY?4 3 ^ B l u e J . n k a s --------—

Twin FaltiT

m ^ m m

' 175-Auto Dealers

Page 22: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

iifc^TnicHalOT F ono PICKUP Supor l a F250, 390 onolno. Aulo ^ 8 . A/C. PS. 64,000 mllos.

^ CHEVY LUV P iC K U Pr' - i& abotJ *rirti camper sheH.—

^ bo eoon In Twin FolU.. i ^ M 5 ^ 7 4 o r 8 2 5 ^ . _ , t ib T g M C Slorra. PS. PB.

T if e now polr»t. 51.000 mllos. CEudos campor aholl. Can X tMJon ol 1605 Addison

-^^B T O -T 3M 33ft-of-733

^ S fi, I NOW 1B‘ combination M )n & slock bod w/holsl..

I ^ condllion througtioul.

'i iB 9 DATSUN PICKUP wl.m ' » dm por sholl & studdod '

X _^;lltltfla.324-5367.__________ :1 ^ U C K TIRES. 900*M.J100 '

(«oalr.S37-fi383nvnnlnriF« '

f «5-A«ltiOMlara

! ^

? 1983CHE i WINDO'I '

"Coniom po S p i r l f . pew ^ crulso. tilt, pow or sicorirI'v Honing, sto«oo casso tto ,

couch , c ap ta ln ch a lis , ta £ ~aimc>si now :~ ~ ^

- - R g d u c o d -------------k T o C lo o r . . . . ♦ . .

ffW oi236 S h o t rw n a SL Nort^

S (A c ro ss frorriW


p ;

I l v ' '

2 V<3lks< agen■5 "We Aim

1 5 3 4 B lw * L o t ‘ - T w in F o l l i ,

( 2 0 8 ) 7

; - - - . . . ------

o m o t i v e -

1*1-Van8: van, teoo- Call

1976 Dodflo Ttadcjman- — N ew lyrpalnloa and runs

oood. Could bo converted,

•1978 MAXI VAN. MaflS. 400.4 caplain chairs, oood condi-

; t ion. t34 TO. 324-5103.I 197B CHEVY BEAUVILLE■ .^V A M ..ti .ton , lonn chMalg,

t eooo. 7aa-4ooo or 788-4431., - I Call Classlllod. 73M331. f— V/o*nmjaovwiiijirvotrarot------I .•• 142-lmpoftSport$Car8

IB8I SUBARU DL Waopn., 49,000 miles, groal car-Too J many hida. t40Q0.324-3553.

1983 HONDA ACCOPO,_Low ] milos, llko now. undor war- ‘ ranly. Call 734-0477 aslt ler

BIN or 734-4643 allorSom.



pcwor windows & locks.!Oring & brakos, air condi- itle, lop racR. TV. Iridgo.3, tablo. bod . 2 .600 mltos,


^15 ,500

T ^ U S E D ' , | y ^ C A R Sorth 733-7365n W ill* Show room }

O i r i s —

J o r d a n ' s

1983S u p e r

C l o s e > O u l


I D i c k A n d o r s o n ' s I -------- D o m o --------

| - 6 . T J . - S c i r o c c f ll T u ir p 'SWflf.' ' ‘"cm dmI roo fr-ca»»o tie—ttorao,.■ O.T.I.. pfcg. moQi, 5 »peod.I a lr.s llvorm ola lllcpaln l. .I 'S3Clo>*-OutPrlca

\ *11,962----------H oiw ya*->7<2---------

6uiln«f> 733-2954

_ __ R l c h o f d R i c e

R a b b i t s A re

— P r i c e d f l t —

»88“____O v « rd « a lo r _ c o s J ;___

G a t o r d i s s e i

B uflnv lt 733-2954

i D e n n i s M q U g h q n s i S p e c i a l o f t h e - g W o o k . . .

r lo w lo r, lun «w>t. el>. cigtMH <ai>»i* •••'•«. and n<v<h mv<h

B -----------s iirtflsrw iT #------ .—I Horn* 733-3639I Builn«s* 733-2954

^ C h r T r D a y h o H ' s "y S p o c i o l o t f h o>1 W o o k . . .4 - J E m ’SAHDI QUAKTUM’S;3.oro_»la»hod in p rko , Somo

g o i ond »omo turbo dieiol. ild G ood lo loetion lo choo*o g fro m " o n d '’ Jo ita p r iea i

I *8888I --------H om »734-96ia■ B u tlnati 733-2954

I ' R o n B u s t o r ' s B —, S p o c i o l o f t h o _■ " W o o k . ■ .

I V W P IC K U P S ■ O o io fd lo io l--------■ r r -tl '« 9 C lo f* -O v t

I »88«>^ CvarOMlarOiM ~ • Horn* 733-590B g Bu«ln*it 733-2954

^ 0 1 ® ^n P o rsch e /A u d iTt To Please"L a k e s B lvd . N o r th 111, I d a h o 83301 ..........

142-lmportSpoit3Csr3 - 11 1980 FIAT. X10. Can Allot ll

Spm,734-4211. ___0;1- -laao HONDA Agcord-4door; - ♦.J 5 spood. Sloreo. radlals, V,.._rocK...rQO-..-S5550.._NOW.. c• t5295>oll0f. 678-3372. *:

10S1 DODGE OMNI 024. 1'» Standard. AM/FM. aood J- condllion. t4500.7 3 4 ^ 7 . i

= 175-Amo Dealera________ 1

d [’83ALL DRA

PHOENIXSleek No. 3P 15 (dom o).5 Sodan. Front whool drlvo. ioe iodengine, oulo. front,

------------crui»«-conlrol_Jlll-whool.j—• i taoTing & b ro k o trc te tK *

:=PHOEMI)t. ._ .S to«kJ^p ._3P 9 ..5„poo r H.

From wnool driyo, 2.5 11: onglno. ou lo , Iron*., po broko*. oir condlilonlng. ea*iotio. nil Scrui*oconli

6000...............Stock No. 3P25. A Door

= Till” '*loroo. Iron! whool drlvo

— S b ro k o l. Ilnlodglot*& m

^GWPRISloek No. 3P26. 3 Door 305 V.8. complololy pow< oir. crulso & llli. AM/F wiro whool covor*. split luxury 01 ll* <lno*t............

ZRAMDZPBISlock No. 3P7 (domo). 7

powor oquippod. oir, tl AM/FM w/eo**otla. and n

: FARMNI_ ___ tloc’t iorgo*! cor ond o

woy you w ould oxpoci 1

JFIREBIRDTRANS-AM. STock No. 'J Europeon bucket loois, !

■ cro»*liro E.F.l. onglno. *( ptoto pow or oqolp

crulio, A M /FM w/cotsollc

GMC----------- Stock-Noi7-3G27-a-3G29r

- - - u p - 8 '- Floolildo. 6 .2 . dl Clo**lc. 4 *peodovordrlvc pow er *loerlng. window*

— oir-2tonc», AM/fMco**o1

GMCstock No. 3 0 3 , ».i Ton 4> 6.2 dieiol. High Siorro 4 mi**lon. duol lank*, big ct

-----------c v v v T ’o a o B d r^o ttio t-iii• sliding roor window, a n d i

Slock No. 3G25.-"Jlmmy___ ___«;inffQ Claitie. 4 spoei

ao lo . iron*., doop lint gio or, ca«*ello, llli & crul*o. 31 goi. lonk. quod shock*.

GMC-^Stock No. S-15. Exiondo V-6 go* onglno, 5 spoi Hl-Slorro docoro, 3 toU' radio. 1500 Ib. payloo<

----------- sUdlngroor-wlndow-ondt

CADILLACSlock No. 3C3. Ei Dori Hi loch fuel inioetodgo*

--w h o o l.d rlv o , ho* oil Iho (inem onu, Ivory color v.

___ • lul velour in te rio r............

CADILLAC■......... "Stbck'N6'.V3C3. Clmorroi

don (domo). Cadillac* *pon*ivo (ronl whool dri Ho* oil tho Cadillac opli a lealhor In le r lo r ............

-CADILLAC-Slock N o-3C 7-Sodan Do Mr. Kolloy'* por»onol ca

~ •— flno‘XrodltloCTOI»tk»n»-orInlorlor. Hi loch <uo1 e n g in e ..............................


600BIOCXMAMAVI.I. .....................P a 7 > 9 -il3 3 . , .

142-Import Sports Co t1978‘ TRIUMPH'TR7. Nowly 1overhauled. Low bookJieOO. ( «2S0o3i9.Call543-a480. I1070 VW DASHER 2 dr Hat- ' chback. 4 spd, 50.000 m iles.. t3fl00.32(>-4B73attorflom; _1980 AUDI 4000. Air. Sloroo, alloys, oicollont condllion. f J5000 or oHor. 734-6549. ‘

IT S -A u to D ^ e ts . .........

DSE-0m m


). 5 Ooor Hoichbock

r . S ”; r ' o ‘i": y n u i

- Wir Hotchbock S o ^ n .-


WJ>oor Sodon.*_--------- --THt whVoI-AMTTM - y i l l t J

WX WAoor Hordlop U . 0lowor.oqolppod. JM/FM cosio lte . U f l U l ,plit front *001. f i y i l

M « = —

tilt & crulso. H f l V V n d m o ro ............ i l W l *


d oqulpp ^ i h o


n P ^ ( d o m o ) : ---------------- ------ 1

:.-.po° i i h i u ^Io lppod ;-iH i a — n i j n - - ,o iio & m o ro .. .

,29rJ^-TOf>-Pick------- ^ ^:. dioiol. Siorro - J


1 4X4 Fleeiiido. A

----------- IM:my". 6.2 diosel,. . ^ peed overdrive_____________ H

£H= NOW___________Wiinded Cob 4X4. 2.8 speed ironim lssion.

; __ WADorado' (domo). rf

u n i i f '>r w ]lh o booutl- M I I W '

) WAjr r o n '4 'O oorSo--................ ........rf

y n m ^options including ■ I J ^ M

I DoYlllo.(dcmo);— - - d

J0l Iniocted g o t M l l j M


[ 4 4 9 - 1 4 2 -

io-impoiisp«acin ..1983 HONDA Civic 1500 DX Hatchback. 5-spd. llko now Insido & out. 3600 actual mllos. M195- 7S5-2658. .•08VWSTAT1ONWAOON

- -noar1y~now engine,- nood tiros, rod. A-l-cono.Jl200.Soo 68S Bluo U k es Blvd. N. 734-9830.733^70

175-Aulopealers ______


(A Sm aiL :^ 687wsni,687

AS *13,201


AS M4,W .”“l I ,“u a J r IAS *15,938


n2;49918*15,973$ 1 3 1 9 9

(1 314-------------------



*19,999AS *15,572



^ i s i k s ^ s s ^

* O i \


1 7 5 -Auto Dealflfa_____

GO<Tho original couril or von choopor the

-------------“- ^ L n r g

• Low

300 CIS '£ cyllni j B duol iqnke, ft<ep■ ' ' ; ^ q o u 7

B - M d t d R f L

- B S J S K R s l M m A


H / Lorga

■ \ 1 = 4 ^

J e e iR u p e r t _


Ih a r e d u


ODEMl l n R u i

u n t r y bciy t h a t h a l o s ,h ig h 1 t h a n b n y p lo c u in I d a h o , I'll

n r g o s t " s 0 t e c t t o n " o t " p f iw country overhead

^ r - B R A M I

■ lln 'd o r ,''4 s ’p® od.' po W o P B lw l e p b u m p o r d n d tn u c h m o r e

m i r nA .* .•

5 $5000 Off a n y o u b e l

S h o p a n d c o m p a re , h o n o s i ty nev«


1983 DOD(A S t o w A S . . .


--------- I K I C A O I L t A e —


D o e i D . . ^ 3 1 9 0

1 9 8 2 OOOGE


^ . * 3 0 0

S iu rd ay , Sep


— A .

aptomborU. 19S3 TImes-Neii 1^-Auto Dealera . 17

AOTOIi p e r l _

■> clfy pricos. If wo con't so II pay for yourgor hero ond

id - low prlcos for yoi

ID M i W - ^ > T O N PIC K U Pt«or -powar.br6l<4t«i "00] r c l

ff all Lands Desig l i e v e t h a t '

t. N e w o r u s o d y o u w i l l v e r b u y f o r l e t s .

M i mM tR C U R T ^



— ------ — 1981-CiELDORADI______ No..

i i n r ---------------------B E D U U D .. 1

1981BRONo. •

1 0W % 9 R M U C E D .. ^

■Newa, tw in F a in , k W K jM

175-Auto DwlBfs

I R S Is o i l y o u o 'p i c k - u p

j n d b o e k i --------------------------------------

jav floT rJn ircefsi

lignVans I




2 7 9 O T “

ft * 6 t o c h o o s o ^ f r o m ^ • F r o n t W h o o l

d r i v e

i-C A D ILtA C -------------------------------

ADO BIARRITZJo ._ 1 3 S 5 _ _ ; ________


RONCOlo . 1 5 5 5



Page 23: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

■ j E n m

- j ^ p : m - ^


----------------142-^rnpo'rtSportsCare '; ■ .JOIN IN BOISE'S BAZAAR

- t t io WQStoff laaf’o □rouncSs Oclobor 6. and Bolso's own uaod car, tioc

..............-trallor.-m olor cyclo; flV otcampor aalo. II ypu havo or you'd llko lo 8011. soil It Bolao'a Bazaarl Sm i

. ovollablo. Conlact Eal....... :..376-32^7. Nodoalora ploaat

_______ l-M U S t-S E tX -lQ fll-H onaiLoCor. 27,000 mlloa. si

' root, 40 mpo. good llro , taKo ovor pavmonia 67$-20S

i9e7M QM iorr. ., Good condition. <2500. Q■ 73<-31MflvQnlnQa._______: 19US VW* rod Knocking. U

o r boat oltor. Call sm * 3 0 ., 1972 PORSCHE 911T Bla<

- > Coupo. Excoliont condltic - ’ - Inaldo & out, Many-«xlra


c loanV flood^or,‘ 7 3 « W 1 ______________' 1970 CELICA Lllltjaek. No ' Ilroa, runa good, 4 eyilndo : 5 apood. Call 423-4868.

i ■17B^AiiloD«il8t»

i r WA-'ll

I hI p P

____________ 1 9 7 6 .1 9 7 7 F o r d LlD o tr o i t s . R T 9509>

j--------------- 3g70t?0ib. roar u:I p o w o r s to o r in g ,

r u b b o r , 2 0 ' s to o l o n d m o to r .



P o w o r s to o r in c------------- ----------s t o r o o r o l o c t r i c -




---------------- n 2 4 3 B I U O l a k

C-10Timo».N',w)« TwIi

i to m o tiv t



IB-------146-4 WlwelWvM— -TB74 JEEP 0 « ; V . 8 r ^ t

Pak. caao roll bar. chror nd B wtioola. larpo tiroa. liMdtt Ifoai »?aMli;ml32*-a5B9oltepn- V and - 1975 - OODQE W- ton J 'oono pickup. Aulomallc. S20I It at b a l lT S U ^ .___________Spaco 1975 f o r d 3M 4*4 XLT. ‘ Eatol onalno. loadod. Roal sha

2830j . .Ma>0.734-4<4a._________anaulL_i879-OODQ£_flam_Chaf|

8un ..«»4,PS .PB .4.»p.oxc.coi llfoa. 3244324or32*^239.

1978 LAND CRUISER, n - 3»-12.eradlalll(oi&wtie<

'■ Call many cxtros, like n«____ 9 3 4 ^ 1 Goodlno.

1978 IHC Seoul Travolai122:___^wtioBLdrtva-JjutxLJll® ;Black PS. PB. air, (ronl dloc. wl- dltlon apoko whools.* low nillxlroa-----oxtraa. Uko now. 326r5081_ .1980 BRONCO. L w mil

T____ .Aro you piannlna a meNow ' ClaaalflftcTu)s win point

ndor. In tho right diroctlon to, ___ tho home you nood.

' IT ^ A u to D w rtre


i ^ r o u o t s ^ ^j LN9000 tru ck a . 6V 92TA 09 A tra n sm lss to n a . SQ hp,

ig , B u d d w h o o t 9 , . g o o d o l p o to to b o d s , w i th b o j t

C hevro ie tr^EASIMOe 733-3033


in g , p o w o r b r o k o s , w h it r i c - r o o r - w ln d o w - d o f r o s to r ED. N o. 1 1 2 3 .

* W 5 0OR

*175“ ..1.00. 4» Ma-gt llTrW.-rroOOOP-

l U l L T A M E R i C A N M ,

JDRIVEHAROYRAYMtd k o s B o u lo v o rd , T w in

rwin Falls, idatio Saturday,:

>c^ H 8-4 W iee lD ilves

PRICES CUTI 1977 CJ7- Hardtop 8 cylind

------ opokofl'wtTtiola. i3400.1979 CJ7- Hardtop. 6 c

*• I ____ yidor, low " '“Mil**-

i !■ nico black top. fi cyllnd \ i . w hiloapokow noola.14700 ■ 19d1 CJS- Llko now con B tlon. O n ly .1 7 ^ mllos. Ma

'o x l r a a . j i ^ . "____ Call73S-16SB

I. Irana. lock-out huba. m_ Ilroa & whoela. 7334393. •

p - ■ ■.•»564 4x4Chovytruck.poif< r . for hunlora. .call oftor

324^t4aS._____________; ' 1968 CJS Joop. V-6. tull mo

' I cab, warn huba, winch, 0 rack, oloc wlpora, oxtra t whoola & Ilroa. 92.500 acti mlloa. oxc cond. 623-4379.

■^1 ::T1873JoopW agonoor;6cyI sp. roady for hunllr J1700/boal olfor. 324-4430.

175-Auto Dealers


$2000. ^ j / I I

(lafQor__| 4 ^

hoe la!. r . . . . . Z ~ . now.

— ' 1 9 8 1 C lOlar 4 With cuilom iholl. 6U®«L__ _ P S .- p a ^ .

th o rp ond only 24.C ihould »o« Ihl* on« . .

miiM, " l 9 7 9 ’C h 6 v r <

fo ^1 9 8 2 C

to find v-8. autom atic. PS.• to n k i, AM/FM, iu»t

only . ........................1 9 8 0 D o t

King. cob. 4 cyl, 5 ........ eoi*, lock out*, llh one

- 7 ~ r 9 W c K o v i^ _ - V ,a _ j t- jp c L ,p .s J ;B ^

m og wh««li • tu p e r e<t e i _ _ : . . J . 9 8 0 C h a v r o■Sf* D lotol, V-e. outom at

AM/FM, only 38.00

= ; --------- 1 9 B 2 :B u ln l-v -8 ;— ou lom otle-- o

^ to ta lly lo a d ed wH

p , lu ll llko now w ith or

Id ~ “ 1 9 8 1 BuicJlit 4cyl. 4 ip d „ 4 d a o r, A

d e a n and nice cor. gr«___ 1 9 8 1 D a t s u n 3

w[ndow*jo^oaa«""onh_ ................._ 1 9 8 0 C h e y r

Midnight blue. V-8. ou PB AM/FM ito reo , iu»i


m o c c n A Ui U i r o t u H nh i to s i d o w a l l s . A M /F M tor.-FA M lL Y .ST Y L E D A N D

r m o n th

W A O r C A R S A N D T R I

MOND FDRD... LATELYin F o i l s , I d a h o . P h o n o ( 2


_____ 14fr-4WhwlDilYa8......

1980 CHEVY PU 4w t»r( Under, Choyonno W ton. Now I

rool cloan. $5795.543-680 VW ISaO CHEVY W ton 1 ^ l[h Slfyflraifc. T'

Coll 324-4086.__________4700. I960 SUBARU Halchb condl- AM/PM cass . 4 whool d . Many Call734.7S75allorflpm,

1983 CHEV 4x4 4-dr 1____ 4-op<J.--6,2-diesol, !Chow mllos. radial Ilroa. alorocr n m i — wnftfli. HI) noainr, enoic . now goara. Tako ovor p a i^ ( 3. • il4.900.-678.7560, or m J . >oifoct— iB srC H E V R o c trre iw ftor 5 4x4; oxcolloni condl____ _ Low mlloaDO. will cont

— trad o -in on oldor me h, gas 734^4648,_____________

octuai 148-An(lque Autos|? T - ^ - 1 9 ® - CADILLAC. 4 d J cyl. 4 rap-orouod back wim

flood cond, JflSO. 733-260;

175-Airto Dealers

Chevrolet C-10I. 6 cyl. outomatlc. Aj'F.M-ja»»._»Uii<iC___________

v r o lo t S llv o ra 'd b 4 X 4S^PP,. A /c . jij j jU e. ft " g Q ^ B

rC h o v ro V o t C -2 0PS. PB, A/C. dualiu it like now for $ f Y S i

>a*sun 4 X 4 P ic k u p5 tpd .. AM/FM •

9 v ro le t C ' l p C u s to m'B AM! '(fuol lonktT ♦ i» rcond illon ............ ../ ro lo t;C -1 0 S c o t t s d a le .matlc, PS. PB. A/C 1.000 mllot. ex ira

lo k E le c ir a U m llo d ~

w llh pow erlle-gtO)t_coIoc_________________ _

l i c k S k y l a r k F .W .D .r.'A /C. PS. PO. $ i l A groot go t mlloogo.- " I w W

, 3 1 0 H a tc h b a c k F . W . Donly 28.000 milotryro lo t_C arrio .ro .Z 28 .. auiom oile. PS. S j L A C i i l iu ti 39,000 m llo t. . O W s

m a n iiaIN CARS NOW'83 CLOS

-----------------B n o h t r o d , 5 s p a. f o r m o n c o h a n d l iJ N o . 1 1 2 4 .


•13 JO*.

Frucks "LY?

( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 3 - 5 1 1 0

....... ; . . .158-AulM-Cli«vniimJd ri7o POR SALE, ropossoi « llros, 1975 Chovy Msllbu.JflOO 734-6671.______________;T174 1994 CHEVY NOVA. • ^7nnn

1977 MgNTE CARLO[ I drivo cond. a track sioroo. 5i I . mllos. $2.800.324-1172.

l i ^ " - i g 7 B CHEVEHE. 4dr. 9 000 -lugaogo -rack , ilii wl

roo! nil am /tm . $2600. 733.5763.

monls. Camlno. Llko novf. u •64)977. 10,000 rnilos. $7995.655^ w ra so — 78CHEVY-Mallbu wago idlllon. MPG, looks poor, inaldor oroat. $1395, Randy 538-( modol.

160-Aut08-D odoe

1983 MINI RAM Waoc Indow -pass, ouio, Wanta-.Ji

• 634-4795. loavo mossafl(

175-A uto Dealers

~ T 9 7 7 ^ r d BV-8. au to m o ile , AM/Fj o rea l hun to ri tpoclal I

- - p — cond itlonT V ^*? t'f^~T ^* 5 1 9 7 8 C h o \

..........v -8 ,-4 spd.; Iockaot,-P5,c a tie llo „ A /C ...................

C onv o rtlo n von. V-8. PS, PB, e rg lio . AM/FM; vah ic le for o u td o o r

• J h Plut lo tt of outllna oowoi> w 1 9 7 8 C h o v ro li

Surburbon, V-8, oulom al I cru lte, Illl. A M /FM catt.► O ________ ___ ____1 9 7 7 F

• , 6.cyl., oulo, PS, PB.. .- -..-duol t o n k t . . . . ......... .......

l O ------------------- l ^ 7 6 * t3 M <J ■- S lorraG rondo. V-8. Auta

---------p s: PB riockouuT T T rrrrI A 1 9 7 6 G M C H i g hW V .8,oulomoHc.^PS,PSA

9 8 0 . D a l— 4<yl.;-5»pd.TPS.-PB,-AM.

cuttom polnl, rea l ihorp

^ ---------------------r 9 7 9 - F o r dI P - v-fl nutom otlc. A/C,-

c fo lte . pow or windows locks. AM/FM tle reo . |ui

0 . 1 9 7 9 F o r d M u sn 4 cyl.. turbo. 4 tpd ., PS. F

mi. AM/FM. Horeo, lllpi

W 1 9 7 8 0 l d s m o l9 p o tt. wagon; V-8. oi

' i l ....... PB.'A '/Crtfruito: till, pov' 5 - S to o M ..


NEW 19831 3D00I

P o w o r s t o o r in g , p o w------- 9 te r© O T -t* n to d -g lo s& r


— I MO F

M r a•lico*, An«uol <-«rc«"'Dg» "0'»,


-----a.tyrlmdof-ongino_5-ipeod_;ond moro. FOR THE WOMAN

-------- ^ 5 9O l

M s aC».h Dn'wn 50 OOT« h 'tl P o y '^ ’-

'1983 EXP SPORII l in g p o c k o g o , SPO RTY

« T 8 S a— -------------- O R ----------

^ O O Y ^_ I C ayivigi

; : n r r ;

tiet __.__16»-Auloa-Dodoeisossed MOTHEH'8 SPECIALV u. Call Alroa Station Wagon.

Whool drive'.-Powor — STTTn locko. A/C.- f»/S. P/B,[ I s ^ o r $0295.73^754._______•H:------- — reso— DODGE— COIT-Q. ~e .chback: AM/FM . kn 000 sioroo. AC. vory good <

<li, air; ■^«hooi. l6 2 -A l] to a - fo rt

, undor door: AT, AC. PS. 55^73. .cond. $795. Call 733-8626 agoni:22 1073-Plnto-4-3pd,-nodD ', runs mag whools, radial ' 38-6146. vinyl top. Sharpl 733-879

1975 GRAN TOF-------- mochanlcally good, lott

hit. $600.3244297.---------- 1978 PINTO. Now pala a o n j8 inlorlor. 46,000 orf ...U.OOO... mlloa. Sharp llttlo car. p lago. $1700.543^40X1.

175-A uto Dealers

H S i

I Bronco Rangerl/FM lo c k o u ti,

" 4680lo v ro lo t B idzoi' 'PS, PB.-AM/FM

v rQ U » t.C -m 4 X 4 . . ,'•8, o u lo m o tle ...........................'M; lh e porfoct^ ^ fo m lly fun , $ ^ Q 0 0

D iot S ilv o ra d o 4 X 4r s ^ a ' i n ^L F 6 rd F 2 5 0 _ : ______:

: *M0 0W CV4-Ton-4X7t-------------utomotlc.----------^ 3 3 ^ S

]h S lo r r a J im m y 4 X 4

la ts u n ^ O O ^ X - ------

rd 'T h u n d o r b lr d ------------: , PS.- PB. t i l t , .......................

. lost l o o d ^ . . . . * 4 6 S 0 ~u s ta n g .C o b r a T u r b o . .

....*0495lo b ilo C u s to m C lu b. outom ollc. PS, p o w o r w i o d o w , - $ ^ l ^ ^ 0 -

Y DURINGSA LE^I MUSTANG ORGLj w e r b r a k e s , A M /F Ms & ^ - ^ d - m u c h - m o c o -------A T H EART. N o . 1 1 6 .



14.M210« L J1B J J 1.6 B_____

83 ESCORT HATCHBACKjd_tcQn5ml»»fori^rQ_diol llre s ■ °.N O N tH E G O I No. 1223. .

> 6 9O R

2 t ip er m o n lh

I., 48 Mi. ol I llM J . II400.M •ol: rc tIM O S: 0*1. S7S4I.T6


^ ■ — -

r m o n thCoih Oo~n: 30 Oo|,t ri»l Por'f'tnl; rC

3 IC -X u tM -F o rd sAUV 19Sl' 1971 -FORD-Mavoriek in . Front conditioned molor. «or door. Call 324-4695.

I BS-MercuryAUiKoln 311— H at-~ ig7B ~B G B C A T r'4 ' Coi I cass sunroof, good shapo,'i lod cond. Call734.7re6.

„ 1982 MERCURY MAR r. : .• Colony Parx Stailon Wj

. Top of tho line. Loadoc mllos, prlvalo ownor,

n -aao -a— o » o ro nivl 734.770Ca» 5 S oood 78 MERCURY COUGAR B826 AM/FM caaaoMo. PS., -rt rtnf,— - soll-$2100. T<

— condition .--- Call - - ^783 mornlnga 734-6058... .

lottaidd 175-A uto Dealers

paint 4

>r. prolor-

S 1977 C/D h SPORT COUPE. No ^ 9 - -A M /FM lope, roily «

Qlr. pow er steering.

M O W . . . .

, 197BD0DI-No. SB i;'A utom ollt radio.

* ^ J H O W . . . J


cyllndor. AM/FM loi ^ ond brakes,

„ _ _ i i p , w

--------- ISaiGHEVEl- N o . - ^ 5 . '4 speed. ;4

"rodio, delu'no Iwo'forII N O W ---------


____ _ _ moilc,-qlt.crul»e.Ji|l

I* ^ ~ i i 6 w _____

l> T®THE»E1......................-No. 5 6 8 .4 ipeod._AA

» I I iMTOYiI No. 537. S ipoed , , I rodio. and o olol mo

1978 H0V1"No. 505: Automatli pow or b ro k et. AM ri

_______ WO W ____

- 1983CfTATII- .-Aviomotlc. powor

oir, cutlom Iwo tom w hole lot m orel

1983 CHI....................V, TON PICKUP. N

B cylinder engine,------- — _ t,foo tlhg ,_b roke»_ i

bum per, dual tank

i i o w ; .

1980 CHI__ _ V. TON-PICKUP, h

drive. 4 sp e ed mo pow er steering, p> fuel tank , and more

J * O W _ j ^


I ro n sm lttlo n , V-8 Iteorlng,

w o w ----------



______ " iV -M Bm ify& U rtcoli-----197CT” n.lNC0t:N— 2—

• hardlop. Now tiros. ____ good. $550.366-7480.

lln .. =2 / ^ ^ ' •SiSr-l±*!!?!z™5!!25i.-$1200. ■ 1974 Oldsmobllo Toron______ auto, AM-PM atoroo. (ftROUIS condillon. $1295.734.402Wagon; ” 1978 OldaToronado-Loa lod, l o w m a n y oxltaa, Mual aor. 1 wk drivo. 734.3868 wkdavs 6-

172-Airf03-P0ntlacTorrlllc- 'l979-P0N TfA C -T nm j- -'oarly b lack -w lih -T -topr-$J

..5 4 3 -4 8 8 3 ..___________

175-Aulo Dealers

5AHAR0 j in-<o. 576. A viom otie.- .........y w heels, ill l,-« ru lio ,~ .NO...S7: g. brokot. itoerlni

. ^ 3 7 9 5 N O I

DEE DART illlc, A cylinder. AM No. 55^

Ing. bra

, ^ 1 6 9 5 N O I

LIERTYPE10 19£I. 565. 4 tp e ed . 4 lope, pow or tleerlng

. 1 5 9 9 5 2 ^

EHt4 DOOR—, -4-cylInder.- A M /FM '' No- '5«> lone. -eylmder

. ^ 3 2 9 5 ^

DSMOBILE m>N. No. 568. Aulo. No. 54' (Ilf, AM/FM rodio. AM/FM

: » 5 i 9 5

EnE:4TiooR ~mAM radio. 4 cylinder. No. 53

: . j 2 9 9 i r : Z

Y0TASR5 197I, 4 cylinder, AM/FM No. 56C nore! ond mo

^ ^ 2 9 9 5 - 4 1 0 1

ltt2D0"0R ^15itlc. povver steering . N o.' 46 U odlo . ■ oir. AM

. ^ 2 4 9 5 ^

n0H4D00R SUB*ir ileerlrig , brakes. •>no. lilt, crulso ond o Sllvoroi

s2 l 2 i = —

HEVROLFT INo. T534. 4 spoed. '/< TON

e, AM radio, pow er S llvero^ o lr.^ ch rom oa_» |flfl_ windowik t ond 0 w holo lol s ie p b u

■ ^ 8 6 9 5

HEVROLET igicNo. 1495. 4 whool Iw lO

nonuQl, Vi-O engine. pow er b ro k et, oux w hoeli

re l

. ^ 6 9 9 5

1972.8 e n g in e , p o w er NO^^^

. M 7 9 5 | n o ^


r=rrt42-17S------fK»in • 172^AtrtM -Pontiac

os. runo <00 cu. In, onglno. noods B tranamlsslon. good cond.

$300 or bost ollor. 1971 ----------- Chovollo 2H)r noods motor & ]

--------—■*; ollor. Botwoon 9am & 6pm I 'oronado, 4?rwi‘yfl '30. good --------------- ---------------------M S ? i - 1?3-AuW3-PlRi<nitll ;i 800 4 1973 DUSTER- 2 door. In IVS6-6 good condition wtlh now1------- tlrr.f' nnd brakM. $600. Call ____

733-9255._________;______ . 1977 PLYMOUTH. Standard.'1113 Am. 6- cy llndor-oconom y- car:------:------- ^- -$5700— Good condlllon.-funo good.- - - :__________ $1200.733-4835. ____________..

17&Auto Dealers

1976MALIBIJ2m_57J-A u tom otJc ,.a .'2y llndo r,.pow er---------------erIng, radio.

o w . . . . ^ 2 4 9 5

1975DDDEEDART____559. A ulomotic, oJr. pow or steer-

. brakes,

e w . . . . ^ 1 4 9 5

1981 CHEVETTE 4 DOOR417. 4 speed , till w heel. AM


o w . . ^ 3 9 9 5I981-CHEVEITL2-000R_ —-569 .--4 tp e e d - tro n sm lt ilo n . 4


w : : . . * 3 4 9 5

1980 CITATION 4 DOOR549. Aulomotic, oir, till, cruise,

i/FM.__________________________ ____ _ _

e w ^ » 3 9 9 5

380T0Y0TArCELICA-‘Br- ~—. 330. S ip e e d tron t.. 4 cyllndor. . J\/FM radio ond m oro!----------- *-------- —

1979 CHEVETTE 4 DOOR. 560. 4 tpoed , AM rodio. 4 cylinder im ore !

e w _ ^ 4 9 5 ^ — ^

1978HAL®04M0R.............' 460. Aulomotic. pow er iloerlng ,, AM radio.

e w . . . . ^ 2 8 9 5 ^

1983 CHEVROLET-DURBAN 4X4. No. T541. Automatic.' fron t ond roo r, roo r h o o te r.'orodo. 4 whool drive, |oQ5j„d_ . -

l e w . » i y , 9 9 5 '


1982 CHEVROLET ;TON PICKUP. No. T544. Automoile,/e rodo ', A M /FM " to p e , p o w eridow t end doo r locks, oir. reo r _p bum por and m orel

l e w . ^ 1 0 , 4 9 5

375 DODGE RAMCHARGERiT—T534— 4—w h o o l—drlvoT—r p o k w --------------loelt. rodio. ond m orel ,

e w . . . . ^ 2 9 9 5

J72 FORD 3/4 TON PICKUP). T551. Aoiomollc, V-8 onglno, w or tteoring , pow or broket.

l e w . : . . ^ 1 9 9 5


: '

Page 24: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

Vall............ B y a iR IS H A P T -----------

Times-News writer . ..

W E N D E IX ^_T he_VZ--------- can-boaBt tha t

th e 'Wendell T ro jans ci they becam e c r l f ^ e d .

_j_______Bo th Btateipepto a re

I - qu ite a football g am e, tttrium ph F riday n ig h t

....._._Tlje Canyon C onfercan av o red w ith delicti m a rre d by a n injury

----------- quurm rtwiJr M a tfP c r tacterized by powerful

- — d o d d ed -b y V aU ey s 's t■ “ halfperform anco:---------

- T railing 6-0 a t -lntei V ikings received (he klckoff, m ard ied 65 y


-- 1 .H ighland, tack le .

i S t e r n l openc

I ByMIKEPRATimes-Newswriter

5 RU PERT - n » e MI ■I ended & 14-year losing

Skyline F rid ay nlghl b; — the-ral8taJcei»n)neQ rta

- - T he victory m arked tII ■ Mlnlco football team

Skyline since 1968, th

8c h w l lM 2 .

II I* cam e m idway througlperiod w feh senior, qui P e te rm an hooked tq>

strike .:• Halverson, the son of:* ■ H a l v ^ r i , c a u ^ tC throw n p ass n e a r ml■: outrunning two Grizzly

_ > reach p^y d ir t and esta;• m argin.;• U i a t touchdown w as I0 in g p la y o f th e n lg h ta s t*: settled, down In th e seb■: .defensive struggle tha t:< b arrag eo ftu m o v ers . ■

' Minlco also o p e n ^5 ' on ^•: q u a rte r when sen io r tal •; C hapa scored his second > th e seaso n ^a .2- y u t l ef

p»mnlnlng Ttinf gr-nrin•^__ wfl9 up mflmentfl

T ren t Bell pounced on a •; football.

Skyline’s point prodnhrint O inpfl fllipi

' :r end zone, giving up the i T C n T H e a ^ s 5 ^ y ^ i

— tiw second p eriod."Sky»! •: point 9-7 aod It appe^ I' enough s team to rcniain :• A lth o u ^ th e Grizzlie

opportunities to score I •: M f , they turned Uw b

.S " W e w e r e r e ^ y q ? f o:• sa id R ed H alverson. “Tl:: w iiat It had to do, but v *: tho Ramo because of ou

ley wi............................. p lay san d............................... ... M ussm an

and convi8_VaIlcy_Vikings__ ance .— ) -wcrc-resurgoot^— erin g the. s can moon, lha t and Just i. halftlm e.ire trup, but the FoUowi

*, this IW VaUey J a c k La I . abo rted ^x n ceo p en e rw as . i t s Uisun licious tension, a f te r Jay ury to Wendell a tlh e T roI j te gnou i r iaia r -------- n u r r a :rful h itting and Coach F rs tro n g " se c o n d -" team lm p------------------------------- 'T m TKQtermlssion, the they rcall lhe second^ialf I th ink tb 5 yards In nine n i e y look


le .B re t.H a n s _ e n _ (7 ^ 1 a k >

er overi

Minlco Spartans ling sk id ogiUml I by knocking off uiocuooiiarizzlies 134.------------DonneYlUe<Xl the f irs t Ume a ' im h as defeated

the season the pocaieUoio-

HlshJandH.I , ____ , .-.Iittnn Mlnlmu.aiUa y o u r a uuuii{( Bladi/oot 38,)ugh the second MaWiwifl.quarte rija i* Von DoonevuioJi im w ith Kevin"

-S -y a rf-sco rln HBplMatPoei

J of Mlnico Coach Borah«UiW gh t the perfecU y -midfleld before — ; ------

o ly defenders to w ere greslab lish the final s tricUv a i

Minlco’as the final scor* occasslonos the two squads appearedserand half for a s ta r te d loha t resu lted In a Sjorllne

....... ............ It w as delled th e scoring, s tre a k ajlriy in the ' first opening ttailback Eugene fense, wli

ond touchdown of T ag g a rt 'leirort--w im .6:43. s tra ig b tlliring npprrttinlty hnUtnM liIla e a rn e r wIkh____ H f lu min a loose Skyline H ersely c

p lay to ei iroduction cam o m ost o f Hi Upped, ta his. own . , ..‘JT h a U he safely, and on fe lt a fle r

run a t 7:15 of Igolng to kyllne led aM hat— Halversot >peared to have- iand (Stei a in on top. trenches.Ules h ad several stopping t re In th e second Mlnlco, le boll.o v er foyr and lu r

p for th is g am e," O nce ag “Tho offense did ' Skyline ai lit we reaUy won lost the our defense. Wo convert a

ins Ctm d took a n load on M ^ l n lann’s 2*yard toudidown run nverslon p ass to David S e v ^ - a definite reversal, cw sld- he.Vlkinga b a d zero.flrst .downs, is t 25 yards total offense a l ne.jwtng a surprising fourth- r decision oy W endell'Coach' L ancaster whlcfa led to an d V U d ^ drive, VaUoy notched urance touchdown, three, plays ay Holstine recovered a fumble rrojan7*yardllne. ra lly oPviouHiy -a u tw l- van e y F o rrest Fonnesbeck, whose

m'provod itsbverall marie l63-or rho rg o in g to slightW endell-— jally p o p p ^ u s ," h e said. "B u t the k ids took a ‘r ^ l t y check.r

» k e d a l the scoreboard and got

w t !

>kc8 b lo c k i n g a im a l B r u l

5 G S C rG riz—

G e m S t a t eW L Pet PT PA

j(3-u.............V... I 0 u a1-1)............. I 0 1.000 4t 9AXi-V ........ 1 0 1.000 «l S2

....... 0 -0—.000- « - «0...............0 0 .000 5J as

IU(3-I) ................0 I .000 47 «M) .................... 0 I .000 9 87

................ 0 a .000 g 9e


NotoMraBUM* ia itPamBvtUc ____________ ^

PoetteUoI ^ F a U ilitS k jrll* ........................ - -

p « a t in th e trenches. I l w asiTadefenslveeffo rt.’*______co 's defense did rise to tfie lon In the sccond half when 11 ■ed the young Grizzly offense l lo m ove tho baU. ine opened th e sccond ha lf a s if dcTcrmined to keep Its winning

against Mlnlco alive. In its g drive, the young Grizzly of- w lth backs Hersley and MUce rt 'doing m ost of the work iL th ro u ^ tbe middle, drove theMlnlcQ’sS._________________ L-e a r ,_ i t ! e _ s p !y tM 3 jj to p p « i y cold on a cnK lal fourth-and-l ) end tho drive th a t consum ed fth e period.>l Beri w of downs w as c rtid a l. I c r slopping them tha t wo svere

to wlli th e ball game,'*son-sald.-“ W lth-(G reg)Schow ‘ Iteve) G ariaod playing in the es. we fell untouchable a fte r lg them deep In our te rrito ry ." CO, though, cam e righ t back turned the ball over a s

-tvaLpassealo.tbaOTPnglM rnV agata the I^Mirtans denied 3 an y yardage aod t t e Grizzlies te bail w hen t ^ faUed to t a fourth-down pass play.

anyoiiln .o lf u ie .ball a j o t t e l t o . •un hungry .^ "W o b ad b een u n testi lid- ( re fe rr in g . to _VaUe3 m s M urtaugh and M alad 1 a t g am es). But a fte r we

c am e back. I ’m roaUy ■th- th em .”

on to bo p n ^ d a t tbe outse led opening klckoff, 3XS J?rl?plyble* ' assum ing a W) ed

T hackerey ’s &-yard n n Igy~ " ln t l>e f lra t’quarte r .' Dl ose p la y s Included E ric M ;— 2 3 -y a rd - ru n r w h ich -p

- V lW n g -te rrito ry ,-an d {Kyard pass to Rx

* ' Ih lrd -an d ^ from Valley got T lio defenses domlm

l i f a

ruin C ra ig Leonard (35)

OakU stays c

_ inM\MALTA - Ti

H ornets stayed al PA M agic Valley Conf< « F r id a y night, dri> g touchdown oo t

. JD - —possession and afler os w ith R a ft RlVer in’ • s ta lem a te for a 7 S O akley kicked off

------------- a - p « n t - to - b e ^ n - <drive , going 61 yardi

------------- Q o rrin g e -sh o v ed -t. ah ead w ith a one-:

W ayne L lc^'bootee a fte r.

^-------- ^R aJt^R lV B T -^challenges before h deep est carry ing t

............. before ' being luraet” th e second to tbe 15. vas O akley’s best stn

______ p o ln la _ c a m o _ ln _“ 0 q u a r te r a f te r re< 1 it fum ble a l the R af fise U n d tried a Oeld gc

blocked.s if' f t - S S S ;;;- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

. 0-Coctln8Blrwj(lJndof-Uce“fit T he sam o scenario v, “ “ . ..-Jo h n s o n _ th iw his se______ H o n . M fnl#si’«i

___thp tpnmfl tratlfid fuiM taico territory.

^ed Skyline had one mo . , once a ^ n couldn’t f J. I dow n.ere -W o ju s td o n ^ tta v e l e,” p o ten t d f f e n ^ " . . ^ «w— Skyllne-CoachM ahlon the w e h a d good players, t e r w on th is thing. I think •" go< x lasbaU dubasM li ick h a v ^ a down season.

iro. -1 .'I J " ‘M ~aiap«lna(k>ek0 )od)

» M-tUlvtnon M PM t e railed)

n Coi^ W e ^ l really rem alndc

......................... ...... deepest psted to th is point whUo the ley’s rou ts of Viking 2 1 in Ite fir s t two lim e, flrsi re dovmTwe o ^ o n p ly proud of all o f Welnmels

Douglas r

;s e t A fter tak ing q u arte rb t :f, t t e T rojans h a d suffei d s in n ine plays. In I te fli edge on B r e t t ' c u rred on ■un w ith 7:38 le ft Severano

: W elnmelster’s , th e T roji pu t-W endell-ln—g am e and

nd-B crtagnoU l's___ Since-£Ray Suffa on -soptem or ey’s39. four quarnated action th e Jun lo rva i

l i u r i


5) a s K eith H o n as (7) he

ley.... S I

By CHRI•nie Oakley Times-N aUve lo theIference race KIMBlriving for a can t e

tbelr f irs t . BuUdogsCT.thatJocked........_ tem oonAn’a defensive Displa;

7-0 decision. Bulldogs )ff and forced various i -th e -flco rin g — — eonferen•dsbeforeG us...........F aU a_ B-tte -H o m o ts --------- m arg in <e-yard plung. w orst fo e d t t e ^ i n t - ' ' th ey fell

1979.^ t o d — t r o - T l » Bl hnintmo, t t e hadto t t e four w e re a

led back and ' ' com m ltti 5. In te tw eiio t for m ore H ogan n , t t e fourth answ er lecovering a asKeCTto a f t R iver 20. ness. opnl th a t was TumoN

B eavers’ m igh t hi

ndklek) WhlCn Irtslren g thown.

> was repealed a s Ameri* second inlercep- w as emb se hcld and then - domlnaU

lu i .s p e nnore chance, but tteB u U d

pick up a first Meanw d c m o n ^

e t t e t e ^ f o r a ce lv e r f a o u s a p p o ln te d —seven-pa BJ Rasimisoo.-"!!-—first*half B, we could have Henesh’s ik we a r e Just a s highUghl i ln ic o .b u tw e a re sliding,3, varie ty .

••We k

d) wQIJ”N eltho

'SL t i^ y .D iin tercep t

........... k

nfereid e r . o f t t e balf. VaUey' it penetration was WcndeU’s « Lte T rojans twice pierced th

35 b u t lost possesslon^eac Irst on downs and the n o n a w ll'

lelster 'th a t VaUey's Dann; IS recovered.Jcoroy— was— manning— tb rback spot because BertagnoL ffered a broken coU artone la t first quarter. T te Injury « on-a nrst-and-io o t VaUey's 44 jK e and Oavld Moncur thn» p om 'fo r a &yard ioss, forcln o jan slgnal-caUer out of thl md a t least several m a r t—» R ffrtn^ O I I '.q iwitnl hnt^lnij'nore Jay . B urke,_had p l ^ ja r te r s ea riie r th is week in varsity g am e and thus w as Jus

s t i


Nii.1 ptolo/WYUSAVLSON

h e a d s th e o th er way

h e l l ^ oig to A"IRIS HAFT ■fNews writer

IBERLY - n j e best thing th t>e said about t t e K lm ter }gs’ perform ance F riday i m w as tha t itw a s unique. _ ilay ing r a r e Ineffectiveness. 11 )gs doomed them selves wi IS m lscues and dropped a oo ’e n e e -g am e-to -U ie -A m erio . B eavers .: ,3W . - .T te . , .2&ixi!

for t t e regu la r season sin ell to Gooding, 42-12; on Octi .1

BuUdotis,-3>l,-lo8t:flve-fumbI id two ihteit:qpted. Th<

consistent In the ir errin ilttlng m istakes eariy , la te oj ween, which left Coach (lOrdi 1 noiq)lU3sed. " I wish I cou T th a t," t e said a fte r beli K T cx p la ln iam b erJy 's -s lo p i

oovers se t iq>.aU but two of ti •is ' five touchdowns, but th« have won even witlx>ut Klc

B philanthropy.~Thc*A'^=2'schO( im proved lo 3^), owned enoui

[th an d sklU to surv ive on 1

irican F a lls ’ superior streng mbodled in Us line play, whli lated-both sides. Defensive ei ■•crrtngerw as^q)edallypow t

tUdogs’ backfield. inwhlle. t t e Beavers’ skUl w; ts lra ted p rim arily by w ide r • M ike' Heneah, who caug -pas9es-for-l72 yard s and tv a lf - touchdomi8;-Neariy^< ell- h ’s receptions w ere worthy jh l fUms, te ln g o f l t e leapin


1 knew they would to tough

p e r-^ iK M fa ty -^ e e tr te d ^ ^ i

b e r well iiO rst tradUffiamues-Eiiiii-tiK

eptlons. B ut K hn te riy broke tl

>nce sI ^ 's one under l t e s ta te ’s S 4C,— L ancaste r w as -fo i I tho l l ia c k c re y a l quart e a c h . . emascuIaled.WendeU's wUd th re a t“ 15 IS ncasleF T ein i did r mny " I tm a d o lte d lf fe re r

gam e ," t e s ta ted . " II ( tho Of n n r n m n ln g -g a r

nolli B ertagnoU lgo thu rtltJ la te w ind out of ou r sa

' oc* dom inating the gam e s44r and I felt like w e woulc mjw 90."d n g WcndclUfl dcfcn30 ct this to dom inate t t e VUdn

___ com oout hitting In tte«k u p ._ w e should h a v e .^ L a a i y ^ _ .fo r- t te -V U c ln ^ -tte y - in a m ore on m isdirection Just and counters — to try .

. Saturc

_ _ - ' . B a s e b a U

m M • C r o s s c c

* . M o r e p re

A lers t u n

_ B y , L A R R .Y . H O Y E y _ —— Times-Newswriter-------

----------TW IN 'TA LLS“ - - Intwinkling of nn eye -7 £

Bruins went from possib: cinch 14^ losers 16 tl R am s F rid ay night.

On only Its second seri tlon of l t e nlghl. Twin Fa

____ a l a fourth-and-5 on the^ the scoreboard she

• elected to t jy fo r t t e fleic practlcaU y pohit-blank

-------Federico and~after^Til{nnH >nHng hr«»>ilrn, t t e .

- c l o s e t o t a i ^ t t e l e a d .--------- B ut-at-U w -snap .-H lg l

T roy Quick h o p p ^ over sm othered Uie baU lo t t e fell on It; As h is momen him* p ast, tiie baU I w on everyone seem ed to relt

i t w as a live baU .H eplc» s ta r te d for the end zone s<

-------aw ayreacortedhy-ahosttlaiocked down t t e only l

— -ttfnm coofoverhauU nghir___TTiat sco re cam e with 9

gam e. 'T h ree p l ^ la te option pitch gave HIghli

Keith McAdams s c o r ^___ y a rd d iv e to s^ a ljh e High- - -Tw in F alls Coach BllK

second-guesses on t t e plv excep t lh a t he probably h is B ruins tha t a blocked

>ckel3 E -2-Ame

C a n y

I th a t —te r iy deadlock la te in t t e fir yr af- -.quarterback-T lm Fei

snap , A m ericanFaU s 1 s . Ute ' A h e r e n o w d im

with ■ a n Incomplete pass, I oon- sco red on q uarterbac iricao— 17-yard p ass to Hphp ■point onds rem aining In the

since conversion.:t; ,12. F e rre ll an d tho Bt

m ore adversity mom« nblos—an-A m erican -F a lla^] They h is punt, w hich ulUi [ring, Ju s t five yard s froi s a n d scrim m age, givhig 9rdon possession on Klmberi could H enesh brought fi being inches from t t e go loppl* rem aricB b leS dyardo

o f teu n d s. K littler s a )fU te p lay wlUi 10: IB to go

U x^ and grabbed t t e conv( Kim* W ard fo ra l6 -0B eave i :hool— '-M id w a y through th lough FerrcU intercepted m Its a round’ t t e ” Am erica

husUed up l t e left engU] rounded by tack lers a vhlch . tr ied to la te ra l t t e bai c end' - b u t- in s te a d -pitched ower-— B eaver player~fell'C jcm n— Aiimricmi F a lls l e fu;

lUcgal forw ard later I was galnhigpossesslonon le re- F ro m th ere t t e B aught p lay s to collect t i i d r t 1 two - A f t a l n ^ o * ^ accoui sll-of— galnsr-catch lng-a-35 by of Udrd-and-10 trom t t e iping, a 2S-yard toucbdc u tlp s Uiird-and-12 In l t e rig

end - zooe- 57 .secoi Jgh," term isskm ..good— K im bedy. su rg ed hi titkty— y a i^ In '- lO plays-to:«-----------4 t= y n n l* p n s-to -T n jjI inl- 5:17 le ft in t t e th ird t t m i fUuiiU J&cKiiuui over t » t t e 30, and t t e BuUdog 1

__ ______ 1______

jhowc)’s weekly Umll, veTW endi [orr»d - to p u t - llnebockei arterback. This r u n to th e ’ I’s p rim e n ish ln g ._ P o u g la s t

18-yard keJmidreT^--------------- T ro jo n swence in t t e whole "T h e lln 11 look aw ay a lol (d o se to II

tJu stto o k a lo tQ f have grea sails. We w ere nesbecke* 10 a t th a t point. A fte r an Ild continue to do~Tegalnerf-]

faced il f c e r ta inly ceased vrh en t h e t I n ^ . “We d idn 't the fourth e second haU Iik e_ sh o ck cd UKaster.said. As aUowingU ly-began-relylng dow n.-T te in plays — trap s tlngstopp« y and outmaneu- • See

irday, O ptom bor 17. l l w TIi

ill r o u n d u p D 3

: o u n t r y , v o l l e y b a l l O '?

r ^ f o o t b a U D S ^ ^

— - — ■ - - fr - '— I--------

T R d n

n p B n________________ aJly.&J>al]._-----------------------------“ T hatdec

down' t t e f [n 'a lm osl“ Uie“ askcd If te 'i - about 10 sec- touchdown.

Ible w inners to BIU) Ingror t t e Highland Ing In a dov

incomplete) 2rious penetra- tha t w as dc ?*aUs— looking position for h e Highland 7 t e r t popped te w in g 0-0 — tte b a llw o u ild goal. I t was • " I fe lt at ik for Corky kicked t t e rilghbof-glving— :gam e,-i-tea e B ruins w ere - Flrst-yeai

- - - - te r ,a sk e d if, cK ort th a l i 2r t t e l h i e a n d s a id " l tc e r l lep o in tU ia tte to divide ( entum carried running fror m t t e l u r f a n d ll."W hIchia s l a x _except "G ive fuU

icked It u p and said ; “ They isom e87yards defense (al it o f R am s who— B orah )_ b u t / Bruin w llh a nigh t.’’

i9 :2 f ile f tin tte seem ed to I ite f ’M 'en T u il ’a f l e r ' two bland t t e b a U _ H ig h la ^ po

d on an eight- a v e r ted onzhlandwin. fum bled t t e I J o iiM h a d n o - U w asth a ljlvotal p lay —‘ A fte r t t ely wUl rem ind the R a m s Ied field goal Is • See

Blulldog >rican E


v o nI I 1022-8.

first q u a rte r when Though 'erreU fumbled a c a n F a l Is recovering. possesslo: iment penally a o d “ s o o n -a fu ss, t t e B eavers th ird -and ack W ade W ard’s w as InsU

t e quarte r. W ard N elson, t TByhiirst _for. t t e m te rp r ia

b a U a t thBuUdogs endured e n d zo n e 'ments la te r, when ____ . _

nlflVRF deflected g S * " tlm ately traveled af- - h««c> rom t t e lioe of tnanWardJ g t t e - Beavers jr iy ’s 31-yard line.A m erican F a lls p«MtrooiPi

joal Une wlUi a at- f w c a tc h headlngout— T ^ ? ^ " K xredonU ieD ext ^ before halftlm e

G o ot t e secOTid period—i a W ard pass *Mn F a lls 35 and !ft sideUoe. Sur- I around t t e 10, t e laU l o a team m ate

B eavers used 11 «r th ird touchdown. k m te d : f o r :^ b I g - 3&.yard b o m b -m le 9 and divina for

on “ ven-yai right c o m er of the ^ beIo,« to-

b riiilly -iM vlngS? I ^ l i ^flw w nn F<»TTPjrB-/iAyn»» oy~ Jw km an"w ilh‘“ ® isw ft«t;d qua rte r. FerreUr t t e m iddle a t t t e • o_;Y<itTi back scanq>erod o -ostcy

downendell’r i ju n a ia 'a l lg n n ie n t of" cker?.;- David Tilley’s 19-yard - i theW endeU28—ald ed b y ak ey ’ is block — and Mussmann’s d keeper around left end to the19 w ere two suclfpiaya:--------- --------------5 linebackers were rcflUy’l l ^ t ’ to l t e Ihie of scrinimagc). andl.bocaiKfl o f thnt thoy-wuldtft^-----------^ t la te ra l movement,’’ Fon- Jt explained.r an exchange of punts, Wendell ' e d ' possession ~and eventually a fourth-and-2 a t its own 30 :

irth q u a rte r began, Lancaster id t t e overflow crowd .by,lg the T rojans to go for t t e fi is t - . ___T te y failed. Dave Adams get—........)pped a fte r picking up 1 yard.See WE3W ELL 0 0 Page D2

TImoa-Nowa, Twin Falls, Idaho

D 4 - U

m s

x i i n slU________________________---------------d edslon was soUd aU t t e way-------------le field,’’ Jones sold, wbente 'd considered a s to t n t the* , -------

wn. “ When l l cam o up second'

p i n f t b 'p f ^ i t s a i e . - ( R i^ t '- - ----------down-and-out pass that went e te). T te Uiird down was a 13 3 designed to put t t e baU in for t t e kick. If (Jeff) Lam-

) p ^ it. fine, but If t e didn’t;would t e se t u p ." -------- ------- ■ -------t a t I t e l point In time. If we Uie field goal we’d win t t e .t e added.--------------------------- ;------------- :year R am Coach Dirk Koel-id if l tw a sa p la y o r ln d lv ld u a l brought the block a tou t, certainly was'a 'plfiy ."We tried le ( t t e line) and come tqi from Uie secondary and block ch is w hat happened. fuU cred it to R andy R d u ^ ; •

snsive coordina to r," Koetlef*,Tiey s S d we dldn' I have a i ^ '

losi-of-the-flam o-tha-B ntlna---------- ---to t e fighting on.theh-backs tw o 'e a r iy T u m b le d " gave ■ d possession t t e 25 and

one th rust and Highland ■llte o U ie rb a c k .__________ : ____Ih an d n d o fn lg h ir .■..... -------------------Uie firs t fumble, which gave ns t t e baU 0 0 Uie Bruin 25,See BRUINS 0 0 Page D3 ___

: p m > _

gs lose Fallsched t t e re s t o f Uie way. F erre ll---------cted wlUi Andy Nauman on t t e rslon. narrow ing Uie d if fe re n t

liigh t t e BuUdogs forced A m e r i- ..........F a lls lo punt on Its nextsslon, t t e l r hopes w ere c ru sh e d ........afterw ard.--B ack to p a s s -o n ------ --

and-11 from h is own 20, FerreU nsian tly surrounded by Beaver- m H p itr ip d to n ip t te b a U to P ^ li, b u t t t e t e s ' ^ l awry. T5e p risiifgF crrtnger scooped up th e— — it Uie 11 an d p ro ceed ^ mtoTfierae wlUi 1:51 left in U « period.- -----------

so P aU i...........................•,** •j l l .................. .. I ........ «__0 fl fr- fl , , , . -ritoM i) 17 P**I tmeo Wanl iJUytnint paai

1 n n (kuU krpss rrwnWtrd)__________llc a ^ B p M i tran Ward (n a ttlM i«ckman-4l p tf i rraoi PerreU iNsutnan goiPem illFtorfngBrlirumbtoroeovcryininfaJtei) ., .-nwm foaai pa«i trom Ward iDn»wnpaa»rard>


ENNS F E R R Y - T te kicking [ M ark Jones provided the dif- ce a s t t e Gooding Senators id p a s t Um Glenns F erry PilotsE rtdpy.trishk ----------->aa a gam e of halves as Uie P Uo tsf ia l^ the flrs i wlUi a JUili' ul lung---------downs passes sandwiched id 'anoU ier scoring U m at UiatL _ Itt.tte^ seco n d .h a lf,_ G o ^ n B ._____ed knoddng" on l t e door con-i O m i d n : t j a U J L * w ! L y s l l l ___i- :-

Sim ls h it B rian Darcy on a (-yard scoring pass wiUi 2 : ^ to

nns F e rry held Gooding five I Uislde Uie 15-yard line, m ost of In Uie second halt.____________ .

I mn rtltotll ' iUi±eUnptM rnniDunker<pBBW M ) - ;<ifn£H iIlH S nT J5»D aJ----------- --------«tcy 7 paM rrara Slmt* Uo m Uck)

_; ■ i

Page 25: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

-iNoilF a i r f i e l d — scaii

K aric TV nnlq R ppd BPQred Im n 'Io -tb e fourtb q u a rte r i G em to a 124 Sawtooth u p se t v ictory ■ ov er tl C a in as County b e re Frida]

. . R eed , a converted q

Uwghdowii 0 0 a two-yard ^ soc^Dd quarter.

_ Senior running b a d t Ml s c o r ^ lhe M oshers’; onl; slx>yard ru n in tho second <

“ W e had ..the ball InaJc c o t^ le of tim es, a od ooce 1

____ .la te_ ln _ lh fr_ to ir th _ q u o iC om as Coach E d Blanket w e Just blew ova chances lose th e gntpn on turnover bccause or poor p lay .”

R eed ram bled (or 131 ; o u T le s , w hile F au lkner h: in 2 4 t r ie s . ............................

- C a m a 8 .-n o w -.l- l .overSawtooth play, w ill travel

l ^ e p s c o r e s

_____ BMlUMa.So^S<Xl>4»U-------- --

— — -

' ' ’Kim^n.MeCuKXwuultTt .. HW>&n)l4.T«lnfUiO: .S S S S I i .M J W i/. Kun*14.V(ahv«7■ t e ' i ' s s j r *’ . Mct<lUn4rkUM>Finit]

— — - - . .. :."Mc(inQMit2,C<mut

..........- .TWUifr.EmmwB ...------— w*«iJ*(t«r*eniaj*toni< ------- —

(k UtUd WUU> S8. fUniM CftflitlM ;

- t e r . n i l u~ 'Uviing a . CiM>o« lophi 1}

“ '"SvirM ’e i'sa

'• ’< a p-m. - criannd I. NCAA Imiui

jeeM SuttuUen^


>- -UiAo <1 UORUni SUK, lUna H. Silti- - ^BUw‘wr«"tMWTi'iS&5W'.AW GtKlKmi, SpoUM, Wun.. 9 p.m. MOT.


, ' Clcfijt Pfti-i S „ . jKtpOt Otfl .:,Cour»«.*ii«».

s t a n d i n g sCmI W I Pet 08

—s. J jil l! N««Y»rk41 Orr»ttn4. fpd.. i»">

■ -- . cnKa0e7.Sunl«a

B r u l m• Coctipupd trom P a g

Tw in F a lls twice bUtzed qw M ar ty Hoge for 14 y ards I V ^ e th a t stem m ed tha t thr F a lls ’ defense had to restru

' re s t o f th e night os Highland ith ru nn ing gam e.

“ We planned on Highland ' (he b a ll a lot and w ent t o a 9 b rin g everyone,” Jooes sail

. H ighlaod s ta r te d running, v

Wendel• Coottnued Crom P ag

“ J jitn^ folt llho ^vo h ad to rf“ ba ll,’’ L an caste r said . “ Loo*

. on it, I p robably w ouldn't do —::b u t4 tw as Just one o ttbose thi _ V aU ex alm ost bound

- ^ ^ y o rfleep leB s n i ^ t s i d r iv l^ to th e l .b u to n f o u r th

; T ro jan defense stopped M■ toches sh o rt o f the goal line.■. W endell responded by mov

: 14'(o r a f h ^ down. But then ; deH ected a pitcbout intci■ A dam s and pounced on 11

- : i r f l i e y ^ in e d V I V ic y B la d f;iXvlthln inches o f tb e goal line

-:^Q th e n ex t play , across it ■ ; ;Ieft In th e gam e. Again M • p a ssed to Severance on

7 -v isrs ioa

: [M'niTtoft'Nowa, Twin Foi

th-Gcc o lo r . running fo rano the :

e r to lift N orth )th Confereoce

thitd-rankedIdayr— -------- N0 -B « 6dJ; quartertMck. nq- b««»

ard run in tbe O / I O S J

: Miko FaulkBT L e a d ionly;TD OD'a SHOSHOI ind quarte r. lum bledthc nside tbe 10 a th e first h ce insldo the 20 ' vengeanceIuortcr.’l_ 8 a ld „ ..L cad o ro 2S-ikenship. “ But cnco footbal ices. We d idn 't j b e Indli v ers , we lost it jgad jq □,£

tw ice in th 31 yard s in 26 „ „ ,r e in tbe r h a d I 2 8 yards second vict

. — ‘ ...... season^LeaveroU. and in Shoebooo- ivel to Leadore b jg pjay,

Salilfig■ Kinsu Cih I, OUUnd J


N n Vort Ifliwtn 1*-in w Ulh>tutM (GiO>«n M) tl


N L s j ^ n d i n g s

Esr I sSI, twu n nS 5 T « “ S J

a r ” "“ lli — sra.------ss-jPilU&iaglit.UontrMlO

■:--------- :—OKM£ii.n«iiwn~:—

; ;■ ■.^feSKSf*T uSrtaMlSTl

I 3* CriiCMO iftuUnn tMII il Ni

— A l r b o x - s c o r e s ”^ -------rTPflOWTO— , . ■Mroffi50Ti<

(U.CU a im V iu i .1 ft

sss'gsirjri2SSj 1

■ wnm c . Q Q a Bnmnitr tl - W*MIM cf 110 JWtnU M

n.«. “'"•'"’ps*..- ■ S M V iS

i s ' i . i - i i s r a . i i K 'f c ? !O'' Otimn «l. tttttMr IB), eninint

aim. oen a*»Sij ii 'j s --i!sr 1 ! ^ ! ’ ’-» g .

CeraOfT ^^^^BOSTON wmu»tf a s 1 J 0 n«m, a

“ ’» = ? , r .- — 6s a i 2 r l 'V . « ! l i i ' «

CtMII It) < 1 0 NKMl rf 1 „ - umon el J I O Sae>ew IB

i» S■5 gegSiT!B3Sr li scgSKs-jsasais""Z, '" s;S"’ ,J ! !.!

IS*ageDl ■ go back to 0

s ta r t reading quartcrbnd ! " i f d t It wtj s in losses.___le ss -a t b alftliU uK H Tw in to m ak e bette itructure the Tlirouglioul md turned to F a lls ’ rforongi

_ its fourth pos md throwing from i ts 16 to aSO-stacJcto fum bling. Hij said. "When ness stym ied 5. we had to efforts

m — i =■agoDl T ne T ro jan

« )k ln g b ack D avid Hansc; do It again, over-the-ahouI things.” - - V lklng defen..ancaster to B ry an Tubbsts a h ^ by f lr r t-a h a ^ o a lrth dow nthe secuUvo pasi

M ussmann ending the d re . rem ained, noving to itshen HoWlne T he T rojareQtendcd for nex t F riday,It a t tbe 7. G lenns F erry .

id r a f fg e a to '^ 'v . i^ f .ineandtben , with-2:56 W --naet«y«;

I Mussmann ^in the con- v—Bi«ck i p

Foils, kJ&ho Saturday. Sept>

2 m - s h (ber league gam e nex t tY iday.

................................. .. • 0 « - un t ; .............................. 0 fl e f l - eJki»r«nii(RBt«aed). . .«dSnn(niiItUed>edV m C nnbO ed)

shone 2H, iorel2[ONE ■-^ S h o sh o n e , which the ball on the goalUno la te In

half, cam e back with a :e Id tbo secood to defeat 2S-U In a Sawtooth Confer* - ball m e bere F riday, dlans, wtw had ta k m a 6-0 the second quarter, scorcd the th ird period and onco

tbe fourth to sa lt aw ay tbelrIc tory In Ui” * o u tin g this,cad o r8 ls l-L --------------------------ood id m ost of tb e dam age o n . ' t. Sophomore quarterback

- Vetlr hi I

___________ Wur - - --------------1-


I u OfTtUnd S£Am£ CHCMXtl Biflimof* o«n n 3 01 0 RU* e;

■I Kinii* Oty SH»n«rM II 3 0 0 0 LualSlifcAir-id.— gSSS*it,"i I ? MSSTnFtornokli »r 0 0 0 0 Qtints i .......................Cuuia ift- .o aaa vu« .a5 -F T .? F)«UWr i r = ~ ^ s Ik ss.'» :S S

B :S p

1 ^ ,18 ^ ' ...........

l N „ r «1 n n iof» K»K)«ion IM J I 0 WUjoi c .> iti.nt. Haiin« SOU Hufiinei

£ v *

sr'i i i l iS1 .piaieuto»i_- ^ ^ ni i

s S ““' isss

^ *“T*S £-Ptimipi \ HMtn J.

s ; W : ; S ! T A i 0 «f.«___WumnjlonOA-Sf-aDrt*—---- 1 lu u u '

i i i “ S i c g ’ ‘ 'M 4 0 0# pgrry 6 1 :Owi (W ii-in J 0 I

, ^ n n ,WO -------------------------^S 'l LOB- ^^BAITWO-Bniflintty. tlAlliar 3D 4 0 } B Bumbn i

“ » 4 Q ? o W c J IW- Teufli H 4 111 Pwr*' rt nERBSaO ^^ni^ohr r n .....w llltrsnnvl’ ' Jtmti tl 3 0 0 0 RiMnict*I I ; I “ ’ “ W o * ;

1 . Q . i . 4---------------------------9 0 4 ( Cl&-Erifll«. T tbUIi n 'l 7 I TeliJi _

UMukM n

s » i s h it". LOB-Uilnukii 9. Ottiunori 10.;

' ‘ IJ K n f j s r i f - C a ’- “I . 41.1--------- u M m -------- --MJ I O onaw i IL *J) J 7 4

V ! ! i ? £ ' • H ! i

M - i - r - S s U — ^

I Si 10 4 wttft In tm.

__ N L . b o x . s c o r e i------ EtHTHOEin— T w n w

I 1 1 1 Ruliatl u 4 0 0 0 Eiil/U 30 i J J J toflMU rt 3 0 0 0 CUfX rt

) our norm al defense and ngm ore .” bwe could bold .them score- P

(time, .w e 'd have a chance— fi tte rad ju stm en ts .” hout tha t first half Twin nse w as sorely pressed. On a wssessioo. HigMand rolled to the Tw ia F alls 24 before H ighland 's edge tn quick* ' ^ led the B ruins' offensive a

T U ei

-------------------------------------- F........................................................ Uans didn’t quit. Now in tb e si j» -bom bed a iJP yan lc f to w Dsen, w ho~m ade a~Dcat . G loulder catch between fenders R yad G a rk and g » b s^ 'rh io a y » U ^ ^ ’“ le lL a_ JH >a] a t 'lb e 9. tHit four coo- si losses (ailed, essentially sl d ram a though 59 scconds p]


ans, 2-1. travel to Gooding w ay. w tille Valley hosts t iry^________________________ “..............................0 0 I *-U M*............................• 0 R 0 - 1 re

iy « n u (p * « U n « U ......................iua 2 n n <Sncnaes p«M (ratn

run cSsvtram p t a frwn icti

: c ''


i G e f c sy- W ade Cooper connectet____Cbeney ona-75-yard p a a

f ir s t touchdown and too .g into tho iockerrom a t th

th e M ustangs countered} ru n by G reg Sykes to U Shoshooe broke it opea ih ii‘U~^]Ululct UH d 27-i M iles Asiett. A few mJ

___ Pywjw»r fiMinrt ABT7?F7/>y ts tr ik e to talm a 2(M lead.

1 ' L iradore scorcd once I 1 q u a r te r bn a tw o-yard r I Tom cbok, b ut tbe Indians t th e g am e on a flve-yu• —Junior C harles Sandy.'

“ I t w as a good team i ) Ind ian Coach L arry B I tuillclub gained 208 ya 3 ground. " I really can’t c r who w as outstanding, t3 people contributed._____C ooper p aced ShoshoneI . 'c o m p le t ln f ju s f th r e e o( I tem p ts b u t covering 161 yi


I I 0 0 0 1 Gu«riotD ID 3 0 I 0 l» u . j . - a - « - « - i— uttj0(ai»-it3 0B0 a

. . nwr* ffl : 0 I D Y»

-».7y. Lindttu cl 7 0 0 0 W(Flmpl« e 2 0 0 0 Br<

«oo„ « ■Si*,'! 5 s r s , ’ i i i !

f f l ” i i ! ! « S ’Ji!!__SSaE..04 n 4 0 0 0 £—ntmi. Cr-%t Ml rl 3 J n fnoeneo t lOO-Lci n i .» 1 00 0 f(incuceS.$&-GuwiMC

3H » n i 7 U. DM (W M 0 BSCDDOOe-B T-h3.A -a20.

-» m o LI I. LOa-s«mc ibrhU

n jy y , j . j . j jf H REflEBSO O ^ n^cl

! T § i ? ' r ^ « ”ri

{Omni. HP- U l p 2 0 10.. ..SSiu-S^rpJSSS

SlentiouM ^ I 0 0 0 H3AS e n t RunMn p 0 0 0 0

tfirhU ToWi noiO T el >M cl 3 2 10 UontTMi >nincinu2a0 1 PRtitwgn

4 2 4 0 EiJlnUo"''^-R[Ut ml Ib 3 112 UonUMJ 12, FitlUn'gr

g j!!! gaaM s;S p w S iJT ia Tm il imi i

SMU^er I

^ ------S • «4— --------»

r M ! a s ; . ! ! ! ! SV »iK)n 2 (Jll. McG»*cl 9 0 0 0 a:>^nEflllBlb----* 9 9 Le

, , , , , Giwn tl 1 0 0 0 Ll. ' ' ’ ‘ 9 otSrti'f»ll ffl 4 0 I 0 c5 a i t t i “ *’• ® 0 a 0 D Ul

1 0 0 0 0 oiffr B®' o o o o S l

ar,'*ibrrcl J}“ '•T0"»» 1 0 0 0 SK

S S 1 !!■Jrvn rf o n TMOulnfiMwtnMieinji

f Mm CSE :? S D«inm (ffl. s-mtuu * g ™ J J 9 QitcitSf-LeleW*. ^» * ]-■------ BCWBI------- —

ss£l. » _ ! “S r .; “5#^ ”I. » - S"«l8r. HoiliSS 2H BCTBa»_

5 o' i \ i ^ “ " ’• f l lW * ''I ? J ! S tUo-n II 4 0 0 Bgn I i n n 1 w>90im lb 4 0 OHor

•*1__________g l i i a £?!!r e s _______ S !

iar'"' !!!!"UUU2 0 0 0. T O W ^ » 0 4 0 T(*|rt a 0 B 0 - AtVItt...............

T w in F a l l s 'o f f ^ - c l i c } b e tte r In the secood half, i possession, the Bruins m firs t down a t the Ram 16 I in tercep tion a t the goal i fo rcing th e punt, tbe B n a g a in , from tbe lr own 40 to I

- t b e field goal block.----------B ut a fte r Hill coll(

- touchdow n; Twin F e lls h so m e fast offense. Nothin T b e b ad option pltcb cost i toudidow n and tbe first pla ensu ing kickoff. Rob EUL F a lls ’ Junior qim rterback v

• th e seco n d -h a lf------threwsc re e n p ass ov e r tbe biockl

- w lKuultwaspicJUM lOilby l . G a ry Johnson.

“ I 'v e said ali along tb i g am es aga inst good.. le

sa id , w hen discussing the sh ifted quarteitMicks. D0U{ p lay ed tbe firs t half, givii E llis , wbo b as been nursi season injury. “ Rob movo w ell on h is f irs t possessia th ird one. You can ’t p lan to t a n en t ^ season _ with

"TjOflStEirBackr'We have to1ready_/|__________________i u « t ^ ..................................«T w toraO i....................................e

l l - tu u a? blodod M d rw ktdc)


- - thted

ted-w ith G reg Indijpiny frtf IHa tion. M'ill V

ook a lead day . Leado the.balf. After C am asC oti d w lth a l-y a rd . .

tie tbe score, i f f ? " .......n ea r ty in tbe ;-yum m u uy . L - s y S i r m inutes la te r. - s-AiieU27i r;a47-yard-TD ___

j'In ’ th e 'fou rth ^ sujtfyar ru n by D avid

ns salted aw ay ;ard ro.mp_by_

3 effort,’’ sa id DUBOIS Bond, wbose Conference

yards on tbe eigh th coi t d t e anybody h e re F rida:

b u t a lot o f 26-6drubbij Tbe four

ne offensively,— iq>-332 -y «o (:i3 pass.M -__ p ro c e ss ,.. Iyards. q u a rte r tu c

3 R i jleoftira ll J 0 I 1 ____ _

D S i b o o o o feasted on S i f e i ? “ F r i a a y a g l

U»e firs t c .. Burley Bobi

BurlQ* pi ToUi • a i » i - seven Umes

S 2 ? ^ D o u g S to d ( recoveires

\\ JS tui 5’ IS ’b a rn e y anc iMoi^Lioiuni^ each .

PHfl£BB8» T r o y ^ i

g ! . . 1 I . e x tra point th e o ther. L

prnssuAOH B erry hookc » „ . , a 1 ntliree-yard

i^A irri ! JO M> I I I -g O a l-lO -tb lS S f ." ” ! ! Burley got

S U I L ^ ^ 'narro w the term isslon.

-------------------Buriey-fiuTewt s f i o j a f t e r r e ^ v l

£md B e ^ c -Tho<n[B«>fii). five-yard n il

jB-pirt^ M ike J a ra m MR-Hrtvw (7). from B erry t

jp H RCTBB80_ _____________

f I P o 0 I " S ' . ............1 2 4 4 -2 2 , R-SMppen2nt D 0 0 1 u R-SWkw>Ui

« W P - . M 2 . —

PHlAfiGJW B-A<l«m»aSitomn 2b" 5 1 00 R ^ D «ry3t«IU iu u tk ib s o io R-JonmlUoSsaifflwi ffl 2 10 0 'LfllBlw|-r1'*3 O O I'- « ■,LMwotfTiooo 0 « s r c Htrntndn p 0 0 0 0

S ? iiii ""“WoodSTmmVoooo ST. ATJT] -igjiX l—J-JfJ—tu rn ed u p th f Hudsone 2 0 0 0 go tbum t,28- suStpl 0 100 Scoreless

4J J I ? m ont’s B u r t mciiBMtiwnw .85 y a rd s am

"wS§Sf~» '_...S ii Caituuok. DiU. Dorl*.

PJ} BEBeeso-----gASTLEFX3 * 0 0 } J gain s by tlw ] I 0 0 0. 0 . dumbfoundec

” ® ‘ ’ F r id a y night * j j § cn ish ed th eB

bnm -nV “ CasUeford]*tuhta f irs t se ries \!)giM> II s 12 0 from G ary R E S S ^ J .S I ! ! - fo r .,» l .y a r t3Ujtw Ib 4 0 0 0 ReynoliifiJffiftMn IbOOOO PA T Kommn>Jt rt 2 ! 1 1JSSrtXTTTo Senior ru aucuunry 9 4 0 0 0 n ex t found p

y a rd s o u f ^rcott a i u i t r o n t l 4 - 0 a t

eDEao3»-onM D u-i Reynolds

— -------- ---------y a rd s x o u t i i____________ w as followed

H ow ard’s 2& rck«I a I l t a e ” S lev e -Z an » :

On Ita firs t w ithSam plel

o t te p o ln to f cake ^ u , j

ling clicked. With a ll oft]It the second CasUeford taay a f te r tbe forao tten forills — TwincwtM playedjw a -c e n te r'‘Iring cordon | 'M

b a t winning DEXXO - team s , like sco rcd thehi Dce,"^ Jones - F r id a y nightle reason b e __prising ly .l< 9u g P e te rsen Fil«r'R Wilde v l ^ w ay toraing a pre- FU er score ved the ball Declo, in pu lion the ■ r**n **r o g o th rough head and tim 1 one Just . .s a f^ - .B u l .w B 'have-bolh— H o m e t ^ t IB

T V A 'lO -y an l^.0 0 0 e - o toR ichH uttSJ rawvcry and th e MITW

_____ 'p o in t-a fte r. ' J

J . ^

f c r a n i»HinTKi 2-1 in conference ac- 1 -v isit-N ortb .G em .aex t-F rl- idore, M in league, will bost lounty.

;..i.7r..;r..‘..T..".'.7o~o«~ « - t r ...................0 < u i-ailnn(nnuued).l27nn(na(«U«d),.I <7 psM treo O o w <Su^ nnljioKinnfnnttUal). ifannfSaalynnJ._____________

e y 2 6 ,

rkCo.6IIS - D elendlag' Sawtooth ace champkin C arey won Its consecutive league contest day, <q>enlng its season with a )b ln g o fG ark C o u n ty .' lurth-ranlced Pan thers rolledypfHq or; tho gmimrf jn tha..146 o f them l y sen io r w ckB radTingey.

fgb^n iif — The“ R lg ^ T t o J a n s on five fum ble recoveries J ^ t ; exploded fo r 22 points In’ I q u a rte r and downed tbe obcats 38-14.p u t tbe ball on tbe grouod

nes and lost five of tbem as oddard cam e up with two 2S and T c ^ J P ^ e r s o ^ E ric and J im 'T o i^ c k " had one

hlppen scored Rigby’s first idown on rim s of two and i2 ’Rtsy^XQiiSason^&ea on' nt (md r a n for twoi>olnts on . L a te in th e period, Preston iked q ) w ith G reg P ickett on ird scoring pass, son tacked on a 38-yard field fhp -period—before—ot its offense rolling. Brian ipped boUi drives wiUi scor- of.:sevcn.and-elght'yarda^ to - b e d ^ d t to .25-14 a t in-n.__ _________________fum filea 'tbe boll ow ay’Just Jvlng the secood half kickoff / capitalized on th a t wiUi a run. I l ie n in Um final period unillo took a two-yard p ass y to conqilete scoring.

— :— :..jzziro~ ttT o~i>^u“~.............................a 3 « 7~a12 n n (MotteoMa kkk)lUrunfMorttiaoon B i___ ____3 [MM from Deny (Moriesoa ic£kl KDSSflddBMl7na»<p— f«Uad>--------------------------SnnlnnCsUed).RBUkJdcnuedj - ---------------------Uo S pan m ra Derry (kldc UU«d)

Hi River 0 ------'TTHONY-SouUi Frem ont th e b u m e re a n d Wood R iv e r - 28-0 here F rid ay night. iS a t Ute h a lf ,‘South Fre- i r t Hennaiey scram bled for and a touchdown a fte r cat-

istleforIFORD—Long-------yardage—Uie Wolves of CasUeford

ded M u rtau g b 's . defense.. ght, a s th e league leader eBlueDevils41-0.

rd got Uiings rolling in Uielr 3 wiUi a BcramblJng pass '' R eynolds to Alien Sample rd3._.Darren, H ow ard_tben. Dolds In th e zone on Uie

tm ning back R ichie Owen 1 p ay d irs t — th is tim e 56 — whicft p u t c a s u ^ o rd in QtUiebalf.

!s nex t scored Crom- ten t-in-UwUUrd p e riod ,-w h icb - rad In the sam e period by 28-yard throw to re c d v e r nora.- H O w ard-conoectod— lie fo r Uie PAT.

q uarte r acUon saw ^^unpie

32-yard p " ” in te rc^ tlo n . son then put icing on the

a ..l4 -yard nm ..-w iUi.Roa ing tbe Wolves’ final pohit 'ck./ ______ .)f the scoring, however, the ,

defense shouldn’t be for not allowing a single

clo Horn— The D edo Horoets

d rJoucbdow ns in bunches . g h t to -ru n off wiUi a-su r-— lopsided 46-2 decision over idcats.

jred first, however, wben p unt formaUon, saw Ute ip soil over the punter's lirough U»e end zone for a — t w ithin a few m inutes the ; l B ^ n i « ’r D n u n y r : r z

I p a ss Crom D w f ^ j ^ k i m n sak e r got Uie touchdown [ne combinaUon added the

J u s t ov er a m inute later.

ac- *‘We got off to a g o « ’ri— C < ^-H e b e r-K lrk la n d .- w t U»e first tw o Umes we h a

then once again In the 8e> • - -A fterU w as p re tty

I 5 w e only allowed Uien____ g o ^ a n m n e tw k e ,’’, —


...... --Carey------ViaHaofc-61-pi. (VaailaokpaaalramTlasey)

----------C u ty -C a a n d ln n ( i» ( i.......... Clort - Itoopw g p w t

tailed).Carey - Vanllook 33 n n <nai Ctrey—Ooond S n a (na UI

“te Rockland 21 ^ Richfield 12

. ROCKLAND - Wa ed passed fo r two touchdc

f o r ano ther F rid ay i — Rockland P n Udog? to a

' o v e r the R ich fldd T igen

imblesi'S — — C r o s s ^ t c^ CROBSSTATKCONFl

Tmdi W Lad BurieylW) 7......TO

.nj8by<j.n....................... I" Jerome IH) .................... 0w MadtooqfM) ...................I•ic BuhJ(M) . ......................0 Ioc MouniiaalIome(l-3)'.........1

CaktwdlfH) ...................0. SoiibFrooMbHt-3) ......V.O

^ - m i ^ B mi2—an 3erm5BWTHi™VaII^TI

Mj»dlJoq5S.-BiilO - ' DEatiop Kelly 14. MowUlniioma

' CAldwdir. Nampa U >n SouU)FrenMotB.WoodR)TtrO


U Burloy a( BuhlJeretaoalMMntsblloino

---- MerWUartCaWweU------------m MKUaxiBtSbeUey r- DoonevlUeJVtalRlsby ^ - 6aln«B at South FremanlQ- ......................

Thing n hall hurled by J( « Running back G reg A “ n ex t from five yard s awa; ° In th e fourth quarte

caugh t ano ther of Bunne: ® th is one for 11 y a rd s —to

team ahead by three t — A shby-then connected,c

B p lay from the 14 ya rd lli F rem on t’s defense did U

____ UngoutUift.vlaItQrs,_____“ O ur defense d id an oul

♦nnlptif '» tinffl__SoUULVaughn JenU ns. “They

■■ standing team w ork; and ] M ason played a s good i e v e r seen h im .a t tha t di

-------wooflHiwr. SouumcDoal........................

It SF-ileomhiy as p«M (rom !T— UcfcJ- ' ”■

SF-Athby 9 nm < Uck UUed). SF-lteiniioy U trom

^ UA)>r SP-Aihby 14 ran flleodenaa t- oeU) '

. . '.P

rd justl*I M a g i c V a )r '

M u ^ u g h score. l a d i n g '■ , Uie ganie w ere liheBaf ® SchJund and Shawn Cowic brought down about 13 run

r ■‘T u w u tfS tb ed e fen sep l weU,’’ sa id Wolves C iTfln i ln^ i “ M**‘tti)igTi’o p p

a bunch out th ere and tb o ' p!

1M urtaugh w ent to tbe i

running gam e fizzled, bir n going rough In tbe ab b—CasU eford-lntercepted-oc y caslons — one of w hidi r sorre .d— CasUeford is M and l-O ii

Valley Conference, while g d ropstoO -S andM in leagu

g-M uK«<h ......................f. CMtuord.............................. I

„ c-s«mpto.^.p«clnjnLBexna, pantromiiONntrd)It C-IUchO«o»nn(n»UUed)

C-Reynoidi lOnn (kkkUUed) C—Zamora 3S pea rrom llowtnl

’ tRMnllowtRlII C-Sample a pM* btero^Aloa 9 C-OawMol4raolRoaOwcakldc

nets rom:3

C a n y o nr .

b ec lo ’s B rad MaUbews pu n t a t h is own 30 aod

; y a rd s to score. T hen Just I_ ._ ln tQ _the_B econd_perio i

, booked iqi wlUi D an B

_Thq_Hornets added ^ i I m in i p e r lo d ,lb e flrs t on 1 Jaun t by Jen U n s an d th a I s c a n n e r by B a rt Kelse

seconds le ft to Uie period.

^ u s h €>od start," said R ich fldd d.-^W e-scored— Saw tooU i-i la d the ball and q u a rte rb ad secood quarter, off tacklo a ty«veo.-H hInk- conversioni em across the Rockland_________________A ndersen Ih......14 I a o -» on a 28-yar.........* a 0 0 - 0 in term issloi.paa^-xwm-iuw------ In-U»e-Ulll

---------------- on_top_wbe1 Cram KoMm (wo bom b to T er — ----Bnt-Rodduqfalled). tOUChdOWnS

Anderson-R) _ _ y a rd s and? 2 , tacked on tl

2 :::::: Rld>-DeUB3]ITade Anderson Rock-waJpta idowns and ran

to point Uie a 22-12 decision loVSey)»rs. Ro<*-A»Jort

pastBu-------- Madb

0 0 .ow 101 o touchdowns1 0 1.00 us 39 in C ross s ta

‘n i m ^ ‘2 Fridaynigli:I I S m u W alker’s ;0 0 'm a s period on ru aaa B ruceK cck

______ ru n by Dciaa7 weredown2i

Dubl...............■0 UkOm o .........m e i M-Bhktowy H

M-Walker 3 n M~WaUcer38i

..................M -6ditaaS liM-WaUer37l

_________ ~ - - -M-Cart«r4p«, - M—6<*Je*«i

..M -0 ’RullUn3John.Bunuell,_______________^ ^ y s c o m i JeromSaJS'i! Marshlo pu t the home ARIMO —

touchdowns. Uiree touchd1 -on an.opUon— m inutes of t i UneandSouUi 40-12 dedsloi Uie rest, shut- E ag les Frida

_________________ Jero m e halutstandingjob VaileV drive h Fremopt»8 before_cran)i 3y played out- K linger got I d IU ilnkB lade second quart i a gnmA as I th ree-yard d delofflvB cna - g am e."G ary

Jc n cn e ...............r.vo-0 0 o-o-M«ibViDw-J77. . ..0 0 U lS -» J-Kllnger3njn a BmaeU IMtaeo

1 MV—Kdlerltun BuDDcU <HUm J-JindSnnlH

J-WtlMaSSloU DO paM tram Duo- MV-KeUcr3na


keeps 1*' ~Mackc

lUey HagerHAGERM/J

lg t a k e r s for halfUme iM da c k e rs 'Roy m th e secoti-iey who each d ip p e d Its tJimoers. 18-0 to a M>- — - openerforbol playedpretty Tlie wlaleaCoach Hal sco re a touch

■iwetty^otigh— am i r a day-i ’ played a f in e - .. y a rd s offense----------------------- ladtedl5^153;J a i r after Its tu rned to its ju t found tho T royO lney to a ir also, as a ttem pts.OQ-three-oe---------VI koow-itJdi was for a . y o 'm up fi

Coach Q a rk 5 to Uie Magic couple guys He Murtaugh a round some.

p u n i - w tu n r i .1 6 14 t»-4i half. Tbeseci

makniRonoidi i S y ^ i m d c1) Uack«y ) lUjBrmaa ml (Saapla pam

M-flOMoamntiloa (Uck (tiled) M-SolenlerMe) M -Soknderlr

ip m /p r Fiq u a rte r, Dev intercepUon

H t ■' 8coreandD e< . le ft lo p lay i

H an zd toterc s p u u e o m a > ""« * i!-y a rtId romped 80 70* toeseconds Dedo................•ted,,._Jenktos„„Bristol 00 a

o m o re in tb e r>-n Matihmni 0 a flve^yard i>^Bi«oi«piii »ena78-yanlto y wllh 35d .In tb eH n a l • t>-Brt«toispM

ers =id d drew first blood to Uie h -T nn terence matchup as back JusUn Bell broke loose le and rom ped 85 yards. Tbe io n n m fa U c d .------ - --------------. ..aod pulled Into a Ue .whenin hW>ced up wlUi Lee R ^ p h s_____yard strike to leave it M a t islon.“UUrd,-Richfidd agato b roke--------when BeU Uirew a 45 -yard_____Terry Hampton.nckhind-*cored-4he-4aat-two---------OTIS to Icc it. Tbe o-Ralpb combo clicked for 30 nd a pass to Cody Lasley jn Uie (pKihead OMversions.

................fl e • o - u...........................0 e ■ * - a

i'aayanli(nin(aIlod)al;M 9 PB** AodenoD (run

uimton 4S pMa (ram DeU < pM tailed) alpb 30 poM trom Aodenon (Aackam

Ktonoa U run (Aadenoo lo'nxnpkSai)

ur/eyiison55,ilOS O N -M adison running back .W alker .. . U irw y ,

wns to b ury w inless Buhl & 0 '; s ta te Confereoce acUon bere light. r ’s scored twice In tfie first n runs of th ree and 38 yards, eck fired a n 18-yard w inner to;irtrifiwv. flr¥l._wi»h. ------- •iS w ik Jeroen , Uie I n d l ^ vn28<l.................................. e e 0 0 - 0........................ M » V 7 - «wy ISpMatnnKecklSdikaikick)Br3nn (kick tailed)H-38 nn (Wadnottb pMi f r ^ Keck)

■ 51F0 - n’37nnlS(±leaklck)r4p»wtrao>KecktSdilewktriil ------- •'HtfCreaUcE ^iUnanniSdiieMklekl

»me 40, sh Valley 12) — Jerom e exploded for chdowns to tbe dosing seven3f tbe f irs t half and rolled, t < ^ _____M m over th e M a i^ Valley riday n lg b tJ h ad to ta rn back a Ma^ riv e inside its lO-yard lineranktog-up the offense.-Jeff...........^ t the offense rolling to Uie u a r te r u t e n be scored <m a ?d dive wlUi 7:35 left to the ary Hulsey then booted the

.............................. e n 7 u - « J........ ■ . .7 7 . . . . ; . . . . f l - 0 - f l - f l - a -------------------3nja<l(u)«eykkk)lenB lH ubw U a)___________________

rlnnlpaaU U ed)unlHul»yUdi>SlotancpUoanttnlklckftikd) - r3 n & (n n ta ll '') n(kkdi(il)ed' .

I Oilingkas>18,---- -----ermanOIM A N -A single touchdown lead by Mack^ w as doubled econd b ^ f , aT H ag e rm an ts Uilrd gam e of tbe season

Magic Valley Conference rboU iteam s.t— — - - - :- nless P ira te s have yet to lucbdown to Uie 1963 season,ay~nignt~g6PEratea n ust~?i-----------»nnA on the ground. Mackay-153.-F^nistrated.-Hflgerman----------Its passing gam e, to wtilcb y (ouodwUling hands 10 of 33 .

V it’s ry> Htrt wn'rw_______> front,” s ^ d H agennao ork M uscat. "Tbey b ad a uys u lw Ju st-pusbed us me.”' scored its first touchdown 2ldon R osencrantz S5-yard in“ to tb e dn ly -sco rin^aH secood half saw tbe visitors a wsweep_by quarterback _ _ inder from 22 y ard s out....................................« 0 fl » - t t

0 0 0 0-0

n n U GS pu]( r e b n (n a (ailed) or a n n (n n UUed) e r ln n f n n tailed)

EilerDevan Pow ers returned an o n _ 3 0 _ y a rd s . fo r anoUier D ed o wound It up U i 3:07 a y .wben,.foUowtog-a M att tercepUon, B ristol gathered a rd pass (rom MatUiews.

.....................................t 0 0 o -»................................14 f l l 4 t> - «

upt»nihnM^CDdaBai,'aUe(y.------------------i r i o p«« {ram (Jecktaa (o


p a s tram B. U a tU m (n n tailed)

Page 26: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

n r i T j C f ^Pa

C S I c a g «

T T ^ F A L i ^ - scbeduled four mo moQtb.

— ------ —T te E aglesrCoacMonday n l ^ t a t Ux ShosbooeHig}i;W e

--------- S e p r a a lV a n e y UE acb session beg

------- --------AcUvlUegwUU acluAll youths atteodi

Y o u n g , C

------------------- COt ORADO SP IKent Cooper Of Dec In tb e lr p articu la r Cowboys Assoclatlc

Young Is ranked earn ings of $48,434. Cooper bas won $38 »67,425forlhet<^ii M arshaU,N.D.

F ive otber Idabo. ■ B u t c t i ^ K e v i n S

- a rc a lso ranked by-: rider, 13 No. 3 on tbe

B r u i n b o

____________TW 1N.FALLS.=weekly b reakfast n

Guests wlU lndu( country team , tbeir

AU Interested p e r

S t u a r t g i

T W IN F A L I^ - : to lead R obert Stua

------- school football gazaW ageman scored

— - r»)itp.ui?rri rrtnip\ b lo c te d iJ tu a r tp S

T u r n e r r

ATLANTA (UPI)------------- tepeoofteam xnasc

of im proving tbe B NaUonal League Wj

------^Turn e r,-wfaoordeway fo r m ore ^ t s

_____left fleld s tan d s offan s 'fd t its remoVa

" I t ’s ju s t wmietli morning.” T urner anything, b u t i t cert

W orkers began re When Uie-chlef i

additional s e a t^ Ui over tb e Loo A n ^ home gam es aod :

__________ gam es behind tbe

•• -- •••___ Man y AUanta fanUw tepee, noting a was tak en dow a-F sw am ped wllh telei

...............- f o r t l i e te p e e to b e n

---------------- A u s t r a l i :

-------------------NEW PORTtB .^iq ^ d L /te r t> ^ sa e « Aussie Syndicate C b iased ,"

"W e’re going to 81- . , ; i lo la k e ." Bond,sale ' ' - f Uonal CommfulsS^c

wasDOtdangerousl;Tbe unanim ous «

best-of-seven se r ie Dennis Conner, celc

------ --------- G Zw rtyneeds onlin Uie bost New Yor

. .. . Uje-132-year-Amer winning s treak . .

T te A ustralians Thursday w ben Lit im m inent d anger o p revented t t e clash

T te com m ittee dl aw ay to p a ss Z J ie r d i l u t e d fourth leg.

C o q n o r s

DALLAS (U P I) - Connors w ith tt 6- aemiftoalsofa$200,

____________ CQnnors.,<»mingconsistent p lay of W

In Uie oUier la second-seeded (Sen

With h la v ictory < against A n d r^ <3oi F riday to defeat Ne

-------------------Teacber^-wUl-pliF itzgerald F rid ay . 1

(k m e z h ad to n: ----------U fitreak e r against

F riday’s m atch aga

B a n d i t s j

NEW YORK (UP Football L eague (U< Uie NaUonal FooU) running back G ar

---------------- ^ T am pa t t a y s nusuit w as m ad e neo Eugene Klein and U

-------------- ‘•M rrK le lira iidconlract w itb tb e Bj any actions to lure wlUi a contractual r

Anderson, a first signed a four-yeai Anderson ru shed fc

------ --------- fo r3 47yardsln tbo iAnderson signed

:^ = ^ C Iu ifp n a j? lU ig iE deUvered h im to 1

- ............... franchlse .-Foderaltem porary restrain later.

l e c l i n i c s s l a t

— College of Southern Idaho’: mofe clinics for g rade schoc

ioach F red T renU e and his s ti : Uie Kim berly High School gyn Wednesday, Sept. 28 a t Jerom y-HTgb: -• ■ • " - begins a t 7 p .m . an d ends a t icIud^iastructiooakM U saodf iodlng must w ear tennis shoes.

C o o p e r s t i l l ;

5PRII'fGSrO»Jfl7'=TVncKByn [)eclo a re s till ranked secood { lar ^ )eclaities this week by U aUon th is week, ked sec tnd in Uie barcback 134. behind B ruce F o rd of Kers ^ ,1 9 7 In saddle bronc riding I p money-wliuier o f t t e season,

rihftflfw — D ee P ickett and Dli h Sm all of Dubbisi an d J d in 'i by.tboP-RCA in tbeir-evenls U UiePRCA U st

l o o s t e r s m e e t

5 .=.The-B rulQ Booster Orgs tt m eeting Tuesday a t 7 a . m . at d u ^ m em tiers of t t e Twin F (eJrpapenlfl and coaches.— - persons a re invited to attend.

g r i d d e r s d u n i— Don W a ^ m a n scored two

ituart to a 12-2. victory over O’«img ................ . __ _ o n a 43-yard n m in t t e s<

r e i n s t a t e s h i

P I ) — AUanta Braves ow ner T ascotCbieUjoc-ArHom a reins e B raves' sagging perform an s West pennant, rdered U»e<±Ier9 bom e la k e i iats, sa id t e d edded to p ut U> I of A tlanta-Fulton SUidium < jvai w as req?dnsIbIetortlietffi iethlng I ded d ed to do while ie r sa id F riday . "I,.don’t Ui x r ta ln ly c a n ’th u r t^ y U iin g .’' a rebuild ing lhe tepee around t e f w as evicted la s t month t , Uie B raves w ^ 70-15 and 1

D o d g ^ . SliVOT U « ^ D id 20 of 30 gam es overall, ai b e Dodg&rs wlUi ju s t 17 gai

ftiTM have b lam ed t t e Braves* 3 a s im ila r losing s t re a K liif i l F o t t t e p a s t montfa, t t e Bi slepbone ca lls and maU from f lerehjstalled. .................... -

l i a l l i J T o t e s t i

t, W U P I)— An InternaUonal; i second A m erica’s Ciq> victor] e rhflinriBn Alan Bond charg

to s tudy Uie decision and see w w id a f te r Uie flve-m em ber A ^disaJlovfeti Australia ll's p usly d o se lo U>e A ustralians. LIS decision confirm ing Uber Tied w as particu la rly cbeerfi oleb raU ng b is 4Ist birthday, on ly twamoTBTvins^takisep t t york Y acht Club’s M anhattan aerlcan.dom lnaUon of t t e ev

jis m ain tained Uieir boat wa: U b e rty lacked so d oae ly acr >r o f a collision. T te A ustrali ash b u t cost Uiem Uie race, e disagreed , am leodlngi4ustr terljyi.^Jbout barm by con^Uml e ^ ' ....................... .....................

s u p ^ e t b y M i

I) — Sandy M ayer upset U.S. ( I 6-4, 7-5 victory F rid ay nig 200,000 G rand P rix ta m is toun In s off h is flfUi U.S. Open Ut )f M ayer, t t e f lfU jse^ :

la te quarterfinal m atch, 1 ^ M ayer 6-4,6^. ry ov e r CJonnors, M ayer adva (Jomez of E cuador, w te capi New Zealand’s C hris Lewis 7-<

-p lay -S co tt-D av is ,-a -7 -6 ,-6 jy , in Uie oUier sem ifinal m ale } ra lly trom Uiree points do' Inst Elric KorlUi to m ake it int aga inst Lewis t e woo botb Ue-I

s s u e C l i a r g e i

U P I ) I t e T am pa Bay Band i filed suit F rid ay aga inst U ie: loUiall League over Uie C^an ja ry A n d e a n from t t e Bi

necessary by actions of San I id Uie C hargers, md S an -D lego lU »W -G ary e Bandits,” B assett aaid. .“ T te i re G ary aw ay would t e cons lal relaUonshlp. Mr. Klein Is nc Irst-rpund p ick by San Diego pfear con trac t wiUi t t e B an d for 516 y a rd s on 97 a ttem pti tesocoadbalfo£U ie.U 5E L sef oed a s e r i ^ o t four oocyye: igm tpp ln lm iin r th a t-h la-ager Lo Uie new league in excbai x al-D istrict.JO dge Norman-: raining o rder oa A ug. 4, bu t <

I t e dbo’s team h»^hool boys and glriii this

stairwUlcoDduct'cUnlcs----------jymnaslum; Thursday a t ome High and Thursday. _

a t approxlm atdy 9 p.m.


I r a n k e d

nraang-Df~Jcn3Tn0-imd----------id and flftti, respectively, f Uie Professional Rodeo

* riding s ta n d in g wiUi ersey, Colo., wlUi $61,949. ig Ihis year, c o m p a r t to on. B rad Gjermundson of

DIdJ Taylor of Caldwell, in 'D avis of Homedale — s Uils w oet.D avla . a bull______

2 t T u e s d a y

rganization wUl boId Its . a t J B ’s restaurant.I F alls High School cross


t n p O ’ L e a r yivo touchdowns Thursday O’Leary In a J u a lo r h l^ ------,

! s e c ^ period a ^ on a~ ry ’s only score cam e on af i g a i r i g i r i m a c-ty:---------- ■ =*

l i s t e p e eir Ted T urner ordered Uie ilnstalled F riday in b ( ^ mn«» In 't te race for. U ie. . .

r a d o w n A u g .- llto ro a k e ---------Uie tepee back iqi in Uie

tn O iunty because some team ^& osedlve: ille driving to work this

<htnv t t e tepee means f r ”idnoon.J to m ake room for 250 td h d d a 6 Vi-game lead I, Uiey have 10 of 13 - , and have droi^ied 4 'h games rem aining in lhe______

■es’ decline on removal o f ......- -s t season a i ie F l te tepee Braves’ offlce has been -

n fans, who bave pleaded

t r e j e c t e d

EBl pand-ofluroiB'Friclfly o ry overAusiraUa II, but a r ^ "Uie evidence was

3 w hat a i^ r t^ r ia te acUon• A m erica’s Ciq) Intem a- s protest, ruling Liberty s.Krty'B 2-0 record in Uie jrful for Liberty skipper y.............> t t e c u p bolted lo a table---------an mansion and m aintain event — q io rts’ longest

,vas forced to veer away across its paUi Uiere was alians said tbelr taddng

stra iiaX /w as fa r enough ' MniTtng her c o u m on t t e - _

l a y e r

S. Open champion Jim m y o l^ t - lo advance to the Himament.UUe, w as undone by t t e

t, B rian Teacher upset

Ivanced to t t e semifinals ap lured two Ue-breakers } 7-6,7-6.,-6 -i-w in n e r-o v e r-Jo h n ---------Qlch Saturday. ‘ down in a second-round into t t e quarterflnaK In Je4 ireakers7^.

e r s , K l e i n

mdils of t t e United Stales t e San Diego C hargers of targets’ a lten^)ts lo lure Bandits, Uw USFL an-

P pjoha-B asscU r^aidJhc----------in Diego p r in d oal owner _

y “A n 3 a w a -w a s -imder---------r te N F L w arned Uiat in s id e s^ ah Interference I not above Uie law.” go In Uie 1983 N FL draft, and ils on M ay 9, 1983. ipts and caught 29 passes '

y ea r contracts with Uie geot-D r.-Je rry -A rgtivlta— - hange-fo r a n e x p m sk in -" in -Black Uien g n u te d a It dissdved It d g b t d a y s ' -


PhillB y U n i te d P ^ I n te n ia U

M ito “ S cb m ld tlcO T ^ b a se wlUi two'out in t t e 1

.B a k e r 's .s e c o o d wUd p inn ing to give Uie I PbilU es a 3-2 victory E

— w a m e SL lo u u c a n u iuT te trium ph enaU ed tt

_ r e ta in .a sh ire_o f first i N aU onal L eague E ast, wl d ln a ls fell 3K gam es befall

SrhinM t led off Uie 1 S teve BaXw._0-l._wlUi consecuUve w alk and | K lko G arc ia sacrificed h i A fte r G arry Maddox gr B a k e r uncorked his first send ing Schmidt to Uilrd.

P in d i biUer G ary M£ w alked intentionally a n d ' a t Uie p late. B aker Uirev in t t e d irt, allowing Schl a n d m aking a -w in n e i

- - H en ia n d e ti-U ie - th ird - ;^ t d i e r .. H em andfg Improved i 7-4 wlUi Uiree innings of w

T lie PhUUes h ad Ued I. .w l tb a p a lro fn m s in t te c

b i t te r Pet© Rose slngli M organ w alked to knod

- J d i n Stuper.. Matusz a n a i ^ i a r ^ 's t ^ in b e w i ] tbe-um pires ruled — afle

_ p ro test — tha t tt e ball

Chiso:B y United P r ^ Internal

^ k i«g jjjC T goW i}te^So«ani------24 . y ea rs , so anoUier .

s te u ld n ’t m atter.T t e W hite Sox. lookl

f irs t pennant since 1959, v ic to ry over Uie Seatl beh ind Uie two^ilt pitdi

, B a n n is te r F riday night le a s t a Ue fo r Uie Amei

K ansas City stayed all v ic to iy o ver Oakland, bt ju s t one W hile Sox’ vi< R oyals’ loss to. p u t C3i playoffs.

“ Sure, It would have d ln c h it tonight,” Baj “ I ’m Jusl glad we won. W

- ~ ■

T w in ’ tops C

- —B yiA R R Y JIO V E Y .------Times-Nowswrlter

JACKPOT, Nev. - cham pion P e rry Hancb F a l ls will take a Ihree-str an a l.,cp iin d of U »-|2C P e te -^ -iiW ateur Golf toi d ay .

H ancbey becam e Uie tb e 220-golfer f ld d to teti c a rv ed o ut a one-und e r 7 h im th ree shots on UfaH'i and 11 w as anoUier coup: T w in F a lls’ Doyle-Dugj P u rves.

Ao afternoon wind hel som ew iiat but m ost of t t p l a i ^ o f putUng troubli o b s ta d e on Uils course c re fe ren ce fram es. One

- p u tts oh thft »ifiA ntiM“ I t w as m y putting,” «


Uiree p u tt. 1 rem em berei


- LAS VEGAS, Nev. (i Caldw ell d io t b is secom a nd J.C . Snead b ad a 6911 F r id a y T o U eT ’lnzy 'Z o third-round lead in t te V egas Pro-Am, t t e toum am en t'o f a ll Ume.

C a ld w ^ , wbo never hi in n ine y e a rs on t t e PGA h is th ird round a t Shoi S n ead played a t e asie r L U ie re w as some Uiundi n»ng In t t e a rea and pla; up 30 m inutes a t Sbowboc

Z oeller, n i e a m ^ e , pb round e a r iy in t t e d ^ a

Ketchum_ _ T \^ _ F A L L S - C

s c b ^ l w o goals b e ie F___ K f ^ u m tn B *.1 Viffa- --T w la^FaU s-Q irlB tlan^A

big b sdxx il soccer game.Siiider’s g o ^ cam e wl

In t t e f irs t h alf a n d agai m in u te s rem aining In p eriod . I t e o t te r two Ki

l i e ^ IlOonal

!d from " th ird P5 l3 th o n S tev e —. _ . pItcb o f ..U io . . ..P hiladelphia fou]^ i^m to

F riday night S u t te r th ienals:-------------------sco re 'pinet t e P tiillies to send Morg

t p lace in Uie_ ued itw iU i while t t e Car* w m , t t e hind- PbilUes go

a g a in s t . n ff Uift h nth_ h la_ fou rth__ha n d e r alioI pinch h itte r inntngg o Mm lo second, parfaycd tl grounded out, groimd-niii r taw U d p Itch , n n h in w i ea rned .laatUiews w as t in n in g id w itb Bo Diaz S lyke was e w a l-O c u rv e um plreT ta bm ldt to sco re ference st l e r - o f w m ie P o rte r’s hi 1 -P h liaddph la— P o r te r w a

and sconx I his record to R am sey , [work. - tMttabw ^ 1 Uie sco re 2-2 in p iu s t eelgbU LPlndx p itched az glcd and Jo e W ynne hit ick out s ta r te r ^ a m to le£ B z e k ,w te h a d . a s h u to u t < v l p ^ o u t a n e r a g a m e d e ! Iter a C ardinal T be trim ill sta rted out • mal">"^>» >

xclin^llatlonal mmtmyhm

r . day o r two -

tn^ig (or tb e lr to go out ( i9. scored a 7-0 atUe M ariners H aro ld E<4iing of Floyd te m e rsn a ]hi U) cliucli a t W W tcSox lericM i<«iEt>t» t t e d g l

M i l w ill takeVictory o r one h rM k Ttwa i c a g o l n t M

b a tte r and^ b e o i nice to. p a s t firstiannlster said.* B ann iste r’]We’llju s tb a v e h lsfifU icoi

s H anc Dacius

W b en U iep th ey w ere t

— Tw o^im e to m a k e a n : cbey of Twin getting t t e stroke lead into m a t I w a n t B0,000 . Cactus fro m . I m a oum am en t to- too .”

H ancbeye only m an In 40-foot putti

p a r a s t e b y m issing

a 'sG a ry lto tc h P u r v ^ “ \ jple strokes to A m ateu r t igger an d J im considered

an d n o te d ' ) d d scores up quote? I cai Uie f ld d com- U ireeiw tts,

hies — a D ugger c) of befuddling tte lO U iboI B m an bad 31 te sU y in U i tftfw - T t e toursaid H andiey , wlUi Uie ti

lack. " I w ent cham pions!

red back Ul Uie p le ted p lay

ell, Zoell ^egas prc( U P I ) - - R ex . c a lledan*

n d stra ig h t 66 So, wiUi M ate lnU ieday Uils 9 0 ^ ZoeH er'for'U ie— wlnner“ Wi le 1750,000 L as sco res of

richest golf w hile Cal 12-uoder.

h a sw o n aU U e l-asV ega* IA Tour, p layed t t e four us lowboat, w hile pa^71.^1^ Las Vegas <X. M acO ’G

ider and light- to stan d t l a y e d w a s b d d c am e o u t ( o a t V egas WiUplayed h is Uiird w te h a d a r and benefited tw o sb o tsc a t sootbed h is D an For Ie shot wfaat t e — Vogoc to-

n d u m p s CCordy Snider w e re scon

■Friday t o p a ^ p i e n a l t y - k d o ry , over-U ie— second bal "Academy ln "a“ ‘ m in u te s eJ le. R o g e r Iw iU ilSm inutes on ly goal, ;a ln wlUi seven f b ^ b a l f . In t t e second T w ln F i Ketchum gim'* n ig b t a g a l

R i r a ® E

- N a t i o n a l --------------

ited again, but r ^ e v e r Bnice irew t t e ball into left f ld d to K a r T iinner' Je ff sm nu a nd- irgan to third. Joe.L efebvre Ith a sacrifice fly. tbelr dgblb-lnning rally , t t e got s ta r te r Charies Hudson

hnok a fte r tbe n io W fljM iklUowed ju s t one h it in h is d g h t

of work. I t e Cardinals J tha t h ll — D arrell P o rte r’s rule double — into a two-nm which boUi runs w ere un-

Qg off t t e Inning, Andy Van ras aw arded first by p late Terry T a ta oo catcber’s inter-

s td e secood and scored on t h it down Uie righ t f ld d line, ivent to th ird oo a groundout red on a groundout by Mike

•^9 ,M oatxealOtsbu rgh . rookie Jo se DeLeon a n n ln eb itte r and-M arvell h it a n d g h t^ ln n ln g grand lead Uie Plltsburgb P ira tes to It over t t e M ontreal Expos in d d a y e d C m ln u le sb y ra ln .— H u n ^ enabled t t e P ira te s to h a Ue for first p lace in t t e


A tomorrow night and get 11

d B aines' sevenUi-lnnlng solo napped a sco rdess Ue a ^ t t e ox te t te d around for Mx runs •IghUi inning to scored theh*

le ir la s t 11 games. . Bter,.15<10, has won 12 of his docisioos_slnce t t e All-Star rte left-bander strode out a llgh 12, walked two, h it a Uld d id not allow a M ariner s t b ase .' T te shutout w as sr’s secood of t t e season and com plete game.

eheyP e i e ’s

e p ins a r e in tough spots like e today, I forgot a te u t trying anything and c o n c e n tra te on t e ball d o se and to Uie side mted to m ake t t e secm d p u tt m ade one of Uiem Uiat way,

ey sa id t e rolled in a p a ir of iitts but gave p a rt o f t h ^ back ng a two-fooler, resulting hib re e i iu t to f t te d a y ;--------------C ^ ' l o d c U ieM ag rc -V an ^ ' two weeks ago and w as ed on a high, setUed for a 77 d wlUi a smile "Y ou w ant a can give i t to you quick. F ive Its. Ove over.”r c h i i ^ in for an eag le on tiole and m ade two g rea t p a rs I t t e thick of things, w m am en t today: UUes being d ^ d ^ i n ~ t t e ~ nsbip, first and second

ay Thursday.

Her tied o-amn "uninteresting” 70. lUi two m ore rounds to p lay ir bole event Uiat rew ards Um ■w iU ifissioooT U inbreeiuw ; of 203. ZoeUer w as 13Hmde] in d w e ll aod Snead w ere a X. Zoeller has ye t to p lay Um gas course, I t e only course o ‘ used in t t e tournam ent tb a t li I l ie o tb e r Uiree a re 72 layouts. )'G rad y s t e t a CTat ;O e s ^ In i d a t VA while Mike Holland lit o f Uie pack wlUi a 66 a t Las dUi a 66 to Ue wiUi GU Morgan, 1 a 70 a t L as V ^ a s , a t 20S, only ts off Uie rsm an also sbot a 66 a t La^ to - t te - rB rad -B ryaa t-----------

i;hristianxired b y N ed K aU ngdofootb i ■ M c ir a n o - in m u te s - o r tb i haU an d b y JacU V ed aw lQ i2 i i e lapsed in t t e second period, r MaUiis scored Twin F a lls alt-w iUi 20 m bnites go in Um If.F a lls n ex t seeis action Friday {alnstB llss.

e s d e *M NaUonal League E ast.

DeLeon. 7-2, oolcbc------ com plete-gam e-deaplte__ b lem s. T t e rigbt-hande:

. a n d s tru c k o u td g h t. _ .. Ke W ynne’s first ca reer to w ith two out in t t e dgl

— Tntt Wnni-rtcmIIBIm in f id d single w as sandv

w alks to Miko E^asler ai [be before Wynne h it a H xjn rig h t-fld d sca ts to givetit. »O lcad .______________5bt------ in-Uie-8lxUi,-Rlchlefta ls In J a so n T tenyison , wb< ST’S byC harlle Lea’s pitch n u p ^ . w te read ied on UO* sccond hfntnmnn Ml

H ebner scored on Uie ^an p i td i o f Uie gam e b y Lcj a te Uie P ira te s a &0 lead.

^ T te P ira te s took a i __ fourUi w ben D ave P a

_ took thlr(^OT a wUd p it iir- ’ o n T te m p w n 's ' single. ’

2-<l in Uie OfUi when singled and scored on

gjm* tw o -ou ttrip le to tte rig fc rell— C hicago?, N ew -Y otk4- and In N ew York, R ick : s to h is f irs t m a jo rleag u e g 5 In two y e a rs w ith relief I:--------C Jam p b eU to h d p tteC ls to a victory over Uie Nev Uie R cu sc te l, 1-0, .aU ow rf

ast tief« - B aines’ te m e r . h is-l

■ Uie firs t p itch off Biyi ^^=====%id=!Hwfc*H»^b^=rfgW _ e rs .. T t e W hite Sox sen t 11 p la te In t t e dghU i. Cai , p inch b itte r G reg Wal

tw o-run singles in Uie ^ nI«Mv thi» tnning™ a ^ s c o r ^ th e firs t rm . ,nrt K ansa s C ity 6, Oakland;

^ “KSnsas*CIl?rH5T h i.:: bases-loaded sacrifice t a r e igh th ining enabled U> i J — to-sU ive off dim inaUoi

a opened t t e d g h th off K ner 2-3, wiUi bIs fourth hit, ^03 a f te r back-to-back Inte m d to WUlle Alkens aod

D avis deUvered his_____ fly o u t « ________

BalUm ore8,M Uwaukee _. ! A t BalUm ore, rooU -H — d lc k e f -sc a tte re d -s ix - l

O P E N 7 I

Ide J o in U l T h u W .

: C « * ^ick 1 886 A D D ISO N /


j . ® ]

— t l l ■ n n

______ ________________

Hlr’t£ Ie o f m

^ M F a ,


FREEIM W h o c o r r

i ' 3 J free-coi717n -------------- ---------

^ . Saturdday

Saturday, S

aclloco v e r t t e fl

bed his Uiird teU ig knod Ite-conlrol-pro*—ru n - dghUi ie r w alked five S taub ’s tw

, enab led Ne er gnind slam . L eague re< IghUi, cam e off runs.

and Dalo B erra-I pitch into Uw M ilner andv e P l t t ^ u r s h a “ J

Borenyl, 8 d l , and Tony tjr o a n d l i i ™ SclUng thManny TrIUo Josebo second wUd s tc h l t j , J !a . IM , tn give

A U anta 6, S, HI lead to tbe . .J^ A U an l >ai*er doubled,)ltcb and scored


S R eu sd id won ^Isig am e i n n e i^ y a n d w as n f h d p from Bill h ls l3U itriiChicago Cubs to - ----------------ew York Mels. In a late ed only one iiit S a n F ra n c

for Wesi-17th,-cam e on backed by ryan Q a rk . 7-8. 14-7, p ltc^

Yount’s _ 1l l b a t t ^ t o U i e d o u b le tlariton F lak and lead secc'a lker each had gam esin l] t e Imiing. F iskig w ith a single A t Bostca • ru n s to t^ 5 ........................ inning a a

ce n y In tb e S S r i i i . tbe K ansas City

Keith A thertoa ^i T a & H

ilenUonal w alks . two-run1 F ran k WWte.lis r u n « » r in g w inner.__________ New Yoe e l out.lUe Mike Bod- In a It i -h ita -a n d -w a s — Cj J ifom la


a T E R N O O N S - i - M O i. . .Y O U R FAVORITE DRINK

VED RIGHT O N THE 5 0 YAR & C h sck O u r W a sk ly F


iiller'ho------H a n s e n , ID

irinnairsii U P E R W E

a c t o r y R o p . w i l l b o \


PRIZES FOREm e s o v e r & try s

^HAINtOOl3 tor the price o IFFEEDJNIT day, Sept J7th 1

, Soptember17,19S3 Tlmos-t

: k e d t re first seven Innings te fo re nocked o u t In Uie Mets’ four:jhUi, highlighted by Rualy.____

two-run pinch hom er t h a l - 1 New York to Ue Uie NaUonal .•

record for plhch-hll te m e '

i& U ^HOlStona----------------------- —inclnnaU, Nick Esasky, E ddfe- and G ary Redus h it home ruris_' _ :e-run fourth inning and Bruce rt allowed six hlls over e igh t' i tn pniv» fho rinclnnntl Rcda loovertteH ouston-A stros night;--------,i, 8-14, struck out six, walked d tu rned slugger a t Uie p late 5 Uuee h lls and scoring tw o 'Jose Cruz had four of Houston's’,


i6 ,SanD tego0Janto. B ruce Bendlct drove in ' iitns to back t t e four4iil p i t - 'Df C raig McM urtry and send ». to a victory over t t e S an — P a d rw , U p p in g I te B raves’;ame l o ^ streak. McMurtry. ruck out five and w alked one in.; up h is th lr d ^ u to u t a nd fifth -! le -g am e.—T t e - r i^ t-h a n d e r-------: his f irs t victory since Ju ly 21 IS m aking his lOth attem pt fqcitrium ph . ______________ - - —

late gam e, Los A ngdes w as a t

*st title1 by a 17-hlt aUack.-Boddlcker ,-— l t < ^ 1 ^ ninUi co m p le t^ l o ^ __

s l5Ui te m e r . Cal R lpkdi a 'tw ic ^ fd r - 'U ie D r iO le s r^ b o — “ secondiJlace D etroit by abc InU ieA L E ast.

i6 ,D e tio ltloston, E d Ju ra k singled In two 10 hlghUght a four-run sixth - and Bob Ojeda, 10-7. p lld w d '

IX.9 0 (a ll,T a raa to 4flnneapolis,.rookie T im T e u fd . pfor-5 w llh two solo hom ers,-a an d two singles and Mickey ^ and Tom B runansky each h it ru n h o m » for t t e Twins. Re- R lck Lysander, 5-12, w as U i^

York a t Cleveland w as r a l n ^

1 la te gam e, T exas w as ; a t

■ E K - -

I O N 0 A V - N * G h W ^ —tINKSAFOODrA RDLINEIl:Iy F r«« Food S p « c la ll

OHDA-JD 4 2 3 - 5 1 7 9

^ w s = | f :

'“ " " “ I ”I , - 0 3 2 - - - -

I-I)hain-Saw-| '* 4 1 9 - |* P lu f B o n u i Bocke h e r e I .

) U P A Y F O R ! I #

EVERYONE f/ s o u t a s a w ! ! a

o p F = |rL 5 1 1 L J |llJ[SALI.OA¥l

I I - 4 p . m F = # ^

IOS-N0W8, Twin Falla, Idaho D-3.

Page 27: irg fila n d ] T w in F a lfi S .F fe m 6 n ; W o o d R iv t: ^ h i p e n g a a t s e ^SwekmgM By

J^Flan: BURLEY - HIgUl

,. • boUi tmUvidua] and o n ^ p s hero F riday

; Inv ita tional cross cour fi ' T he ‘ R am a"outd lsl 1‘ p lace Twin Fallfl by a

th e g irls’ competltloi fummf-np Idaho Falfa th e boys'division.

. . j_ _ -l.Twto-Falla.flnl8he<] : ; • boys’ te a m competiUo

w as firth. The Mini. ■ ,■ .' seventh_____________

T h o -T ia m s -a ls a - i Ju n lo rv a rs ity event, w

■; m a i^ n ov er Idabo F F a lls , which nnlsho th ird . Wood R iver too honors w ith 24 points, o f second-place Twin F

Two R am runners, N icole Lowther, took v ars ity honors. Rem

, course a t the Buriey — — Gourse- i n - 15 minute

finishing ahead of Mt H enderson and two 1 m ates, C hris Strosdi B grre tt ; The top Twii

^ - G o o d i n cG O O D IN G -Jenny]

and Ang ‘Hohnhorst’s Gooding to a 15^. t

— jjchborvo lley lja ll'v lo ti---------- *Rlvor h e re F riday In a

jnK L.yictQ ry wag t)w


. . . ho


21301 M arsh a ll TIII______ 213 0 3 M lch«IUTIII

213 0 4 M IchalU Till 21306 I l i a F o rth u n

L aiaO T -C o rd o iiJV ai 21308 P h o o b * Till*

— i— - W 0 9 J o i« d Shaf»i 2 1 3 1 0 G r« g C o m b i

— 2 >3 >2 Ma t t Hi g Vr " - - 2 1 3 1 3 M o rg an K«l(

■ 4230V T «ddyN iiU ii — r4 2 3 0 2 :6 ry an 'M cC iu

|> . -4 2 3 0 3 B r«ntH ockle 4 2 3 0 5 M ark M cd u i

-"42i304M ik»V «»lal— fi-._____ 42309-K cyla C h lld -

4 2 3 1 0 ScoH H ockla .4 4 3 0 1 R k h a rd Schr

-----------4 4 3 0 2 lo r lM ill« r443 0 3 Scott B«ach4 4 3 0 4 L ymon Hall

I 4 4 3 0 5 L am en t Hall I 443 0 6 D avid H o n te

4 4 3 0 7 R alph D anl« l 54301 S h aw n S ch u y 54303 B «n |om ln Fln

__________5 43 0 5 Jock ro Karavs_ „ -5 4 3 0 6 L arry M a y a n '■ f ‘ “l i W s ’H an iiV N aarl

; | b - -5 4 3 1 0 R o b b ln D o P o ;^ 6 4 3 1 1 M lk a K a r tw «

8 b * 5 4 3 1 3 Lon E g b art , 5 4 3 1 4 C h a r lla S k a u

______ 5 4 3 15 Richo rd Egbp_______ 54’3 J6 B ovorlyD avli

---------------5 4 ^ ^ r B n ^ € g b w r r543 2 0 W ayno D sckc



ns su^ a n d streaked to w as Rl< nd team chanipi- front of la y 'liT th e 'M ln lc o — 't o w t »un trym eet. 10;34,f:dlstaxiced second- M aurec y a full 30 points in Lbwthe Itlon and defeated Southei alls by CO pcint»-ln— Htghlai

N yew eJ ied Jo u rth . In lthe;^ iUon, WhUe Minlco flnlshec linlco girls w ere April____________________ g lrU Uj- d o m ln a te d - th e — ah ead < t, w inning by a bfg Hlghlar 0 F a lls and Twin boys’ jj shed second and fou rten took the g irls’ JV T en / ts, 13 points ahead in th e i n F alls. tak e p are, R ick Rene and n ex t F r 30k th e individual lene covered the ey Municipal Golf ’tutes.-41 s e c o n d s ^ ,Madison’s G erald je«mo u

*0 Highland team - skyiiMM ■scheln and Steve i«iirkiu^ri,l M l n t e h i r ■■'

3 1 1 1 1 1i g d u m p s l

ny Hoyle’s serv ing season I ’s ne t p lay lifted a a s s A i, 13-15, 15-9 high iotory^jvcr-W ood^-^^^olvorl n a d u a lm a tc h . A-2tou! JhejK cpnd^pt. the Is now 4


i i i

l o n o r s t h e s e y o a r e i n b u s i n

■ N O , M OS. I Rl

T lllay 11 63Tlllay ~ 20 63Tlllay 11 63lun 3 63Vasl___ L _ ______t ____63llla y ' 19 63rfvi------------------------ 1--------Mn b t ' 2 7 2ir------------------— ----- 1--------72

:a » K • 1 • 7 21159-------------------- 1 0 7 2C lu ra . - 2 3 — 7 2 ik la n d a r 2 3 7 2: iu re 4 7 2lo l 2 7 2Id - ------------------------6 _ _ _ a ik lo n d e r . 9 61c h ra ft 2 3 81r 11 Blch 23 81ill 7 81all 5 81f t a n 9 83:ila ls 4 83:^ u y la r ............... 2 83:F in lay 2 6 7

mVYflir " ................7 ~ " 9 7a r * _ _ _ ______1 P _ ._ 87.o r ln g 2 87(Pow '• 3 ------87w all 11 8 7t 10 8 7 'a u g 3 87|b 9 j i _ _ __ 4 ^ 8 ^ '3vii T " ' " s riri----------------------- -9------- 8 ^

c k o rd - ................. 1........871


Vlll roiia, loono . oaiuruay, s

v e ^ tR ick Valdez, wbo finished sbcth t o f Minico’s Jose Vega, w th e r coverrid tho glris* co u rse :1, finishing ahead of Wood River reen McGinnis, u1»o edgt th e r la s t week a t the College < h em Idaho Invitational mec Jftfld<e^(ehell»«chant»«m l4.o w ere th ird a n J fourth, rcspectivi * i le Twin F alls’ Teesle Szubeiled flfth r^ -------------- -------- —T il M oran of tw in F alls w as 11 ' JV w l n ^ i n 21:51. finlshir d of th ree W o o S ^ w r runners la n d ’s G r ^ P roctor won U ’ jayvee honors in 16:67, l ^ d l r team m ates in asw eep.n A -l and A-2 school participate le m e e t Most o f them will ah p a r t In th e Boise City Inv itation F riday .

vrttrbojwD aeodn« - 1. MtgtU«nd U .IiU h o 7 t lm Bl. 4. Twla Fall* as. S. Mlnlco 117.B m . 7. DlMkfoot m 8. Wood RJver 238. i»«2gi.■kka] rewUi - I. FUck IUm . KtjhUn2. OcraU li«dcl(twi. MamnA.- 3. Os/i

W R a g a i n -

)n for th e defending D istrict s A-3 champion Senatora over th

■qrinMj ru n n O T S -o p ^ n ^ h e ^ ) oum am ent a y e a r ago.- Goodin y4-2


' o u n g m e n a n d v i n e s s f o r t h e m s e


6 33 0 1 C urtis Sandy6 3 3 0 2 K allyD uH ln6 3 3 0 3 Kim DuHIn6 3 3 0 4 C h o rla sS o n d y A M O S P o ra n P uHln 6 3 3 0 7 R ichord S h lm ar723 0 1 Co ria ^ W a l k f ----------7 2 3 0 2 f^ a b a c c a W alk a rT 2 3 0 T O b w m i l ----------------7 2 3 0 4 J a ra m y B raad ln g -7 2 3 0 5 'J a ra m y B ro a d In g ------

7 2 3 0 6 :A H « n :5 ,o n im * rt= r3 ^7 2 3 0 7 Dlno G alin d o , Jr .7 2 3 0 8 R obert M ort 72309~ Ju1 laH anschalda i3 0 J J r a v I « J r a w a r ------------6 1 3 0 3 M lchoal H opw ood8 1 3 0 4 C h o rla n a O k a lb a rry 6 1 3 0 5 J a r r l la h a M oxton 8 1 3 0 7 J o m a sS c h m ld t 8 1 3 1 0 B o y d O k a lb a r ry ' 31311 Tim O k a lb o rry B3301 Ju lia A nn S u th e r la n d 33 3 0 2 J a s s a L ea S u th e rlan d93 3 0 3 J u n e W ilson ................37101 V a lliW h lte ley i 7 103 T o sh a ro B unnell J7.10.6 Doy},fo_Bunn.ell_____37107 T onya ft S p e n c e r Browi37108 L aah M o tch ek - J7 1 0 9 D oug W right)71 lO T om G ro v e r 37111 ScoH Q uinn )7 1 1 3 D o u g W ilson 37^119 Tony~Rogoa

J 7 1 2 3 M lk a L a o x a r ------- — -



tcrMiiTwin Fallf. 7. JcM.-Ven

rse in— iHfrfiiihd,' v e r ’S Jerome. * ' .

8® of 1H «nK oriog -l!H lS lJneet. s. Idaho PftU*84.4. WoodI

s t h e • ...............shlng^ ----------AA O N P >iding N IG H ^

F O O T B /

alsoional i V v M ■

■»U*7S.117. e. ■“

let 4 * r t h e

)ding....................... .......

I w o m e n w h o i e l v e s

NO. M OS. RT. N O . N>

23 6 7 1 2 4 V a lll * 2 3 , 6 7 1 2 7 V a lil

2 3 8 7 1 2 8 Ryan 2 3 8 7 1 2 9 M ark

_______ 2 3 8 7 1 3 0 S cott22 87131 P aul

-------------23 6 7 1 3 ? C hris2 3 8 7 1 3 4 Bryai

7 6 7 1 4 2 Cory-------------- 8 ------ 8 7 1 4 5 M o n------- ------- 1------ 67-147-Rona

1 87 l5 0 S p an < •. 7 87154B IIIY

--------- IS -8 7 1 5 5 Linda_________ 3 ____aZ .15a.Chris

14 8 7 1 6 0 L o rra ry 3 8 7 1 6 2 Bryor

.16 . 6 7 1 6 4 Tony 1 8 7 1 6 6 Ronoi

14 67171 Todd 22 8 7 1 7 3 M lk a

nd 4 8 7 I7 7 1 a n C i n d . 4 8 7 1 7 8 M aH ;-- ....... 12 8 7 1 8 2 J a re d

1 8 7 1 8 3 Kyle i 1 8 7 1 6 S C a n a

• 1 8 7 1 8 6 Robei rdw n 3 ' 8 7 l8 8 S h 'e ld .............- 2 - 8 7 1 8 9 M ika

1 8 8 1 0 2 A la n i 13 8 6 1 0 5 B rant

2 8 8 1 0 6 Clovh 21 8 6 1 0 7 T odd " 1 '8 6 1 0 9 RomJ]


n f e o l■SUn.fiemU, IllxhUnd. RJvcr. 3.

VtkJo. lIlBWant ^ Ulnice. %, 0. Dldd. Jetaen. I? a a i a - V ^ T ; ~ j » c w


*ysw*9iI«od3t,tTwloF*lIi01. TBwai <llUverSS.S.Jentndll4. . S.Twlnl

- I. Nkollo IxArther. •iwvtUo4( aureea UcOlonU. Wood loiBrk



• B A R O P I N—D ining 5 :3 0 -1 1 :3 0 p ;m r-

5 :0 0 -1 0 :0 0 P

-------BANQUE"2 0 0 A

I X • Tw

t e


Ill W hita lay 1III W h lta ley 3in P le l c e ’ ................... 17rk M artin 1ittC rcvtfford - 20-jiD eB o o rd 3rls-Raddlg_______________ L

a n H yde 23tWrlsM-------------------e-7 Sh ip ley 8rs h o llC o n n o n -----------— 1-la ld -R asm ussen_________3 .m c e rM a sc h e k 7Young 2

d a A h lb o rn - 2 3 -•ls.S tangar_______ ___ - _ 1 _ra ln a A h lb o rn '21on S ta llin g s . 1 5ly T ro v e le r ' 21la a f tS h a w n Dulln 10 Id V onPooI ' 8^:e B arnes 3C raw fo rd 2M B urne tt 23e d C « r g a n ...........-......... 6--e M o sc h e k _____________^n e A h lb o rn __________ 1_lert A d a m s ___ . _ 7IdonH eiis ............. ''2 3 ":aLeoxer~ ............... ' 6 :n M a s c h e k . . 1 .n tS to n d ln g 14vis Jo h n so n 1d V a n P o o l 16^ y P fin a ' “ 7 ';


'r » 'b

In vitar. 3. MIcteUe Schsu. KIsMand. 4. Iat land. S. Teesle Szubett, Tsrin Fallt. 8, K M. Idaho Palls. 7. L Uwles. Kljtftland uc<Wood River. vrMTmiumoi. TWU ristloBleftert.Slo'llae.

JuBhrranAjrbsjn kffl •oetlas • ' 1. > U Bblaad U, 3. Idabo Fl rin Fall* 88.4. Jerome Its. S. DladcXoot

1O400.Drldual rewtU - i. GR« Proctor. Ilfd

- - - i i


f l . O Od f i r r . * 1 7 5 0IN S 4 : 3 0 P .M .i r - M 6 n d d y th r u S o t u r d o y ■0 P.M. S unday

JET FACILITIES-AVAILABLE1 A d d i s o n A v o . W o s t T w in F a l l s , I d a h o —

l 4 - 4 « 4 ^

Mr _ / I w



1 THEI, --------------------------------------I J ., 3 W " ---------------------------------ST tI 9N

1 3 - , 2 ;1--------------- ---------------------- 2 4 .

II _ _ _

■' I N E W S P A P E R° ! T IO N S , S E R \“ • i N E S S P E O P LI I A B O Y O R G

I M O N T H , H AI M U S T BE C(

^ j S E N S E O F RE

1 1 U t h i s I s t h e7 ___ | _ w o u l d o n j o y

3 I I ty”. F i i l l < r« ta

6 ■ G O P T A N l1 .. I C Ircu lo llon D « | i I 1 3 2 3 rd S I .W «

I I NAME ___y i r [ a d d r e s s

{ = s c R O o r r


) ! I l ^ - — -

ation<I ^ N « . '«:«• *. T. Uumpbrtc*. 8,M«rM l))r;hlai«l. 4. s. Drowning,

land, a M IlleUud. 0.. Jciin SuoBi. rw iannt— t«nd.-l(tshorailfc-a,-Dari


jBdorir*nFatlsSt. TBamKortns-I.Woc 100(238.8.


■ P O I

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i i E - ------- — —ABI^ ^ ~ s = ! ^ s s a a a a a

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^ _____ _ _ l i _ 5 h o w s _ o u--------------- o b i l i t i e s .

W 2, P ays h ls /l V u f R e c e i v e s

f e s

s H F E C r S l il o z m o n t h s ___________(M O N T H S . .T IM E S -N E r W O N T H S ^ E R F E C r S• M O N T H S .. ................. ......

R E D EEM A B LE A l2 m o n t h s ; CUSI

24^M ONTHS . . . — — -

ER B O Y S A N D G IR L S A •RVICE A N D . CU STO M S PLE A R E A C TU A LLY \ t :G IR L T O Q U A L IF Y FOF •IA S T O BE PU N C T U A L , C O U R T E O U S . H A V E <R E S P b N S IB lU tV T .............

fu T s o r t-o f f 's p a r t f 'l l iM O 'S o y , ' a d v i s e fh b 'm t o a p F f t a i r r w l l l l i o ^ v b i r b y i y i

N D M A I L T H IS T iD ep o rtm en t, T heT(mys*Nev /Vast, T w in F alls, Id ah o 633(

g ------ ------------------


.............. • ................" " " T

al vleies. Kitfilaad. 3. IL AUey. J7.3.HI1 ag.lIlghtand.S.L.SIe(ADlc. la firl BI. Twla PWU. 7. U ca m - 2, S. M> »nd Been. Twtn P«U».». T;— IUVWT4 3n)en.l<lgtiland. Amerlci

GardocTim R y d ri i Slpcy SVoodtUver34.2.Tw1nFalt«' TwInPa


l E S I T A I— •• ----------------------

„ W B9 0 1 .

S p r a yR e g . $ 1 . 9 7 . . . . .

B o n r sK E N S A T U I" C o r n e r S h o s h o n e .

C R I T E R i i• u t s t a n d l n g r o u t e m i

/ h e r b i l l o n t i m e , s n o c o m p l a i n t s .

k w m s & w. . . . P E R F _ E C T _ S E R V IC E I E W S P E R F E C T S E R V I C E ^ E R V r c C T I N E D - W I N D B_____ S 2 5 . 0 0 G I F T C E R I\ r N E W T O N S S P O R T S < S T O M D E S I G N E D D IA L

............... $ 5 0 ; 0 0 S A V I N C


A E R R E L A T I O N S . T H E S


> R T H E C A R R IE R S P E R F I

,1 . M U S T H A V E A N E A

G O O D M A N N E R S , A

" 5 u c c o 5 S ~ t r o ln in g - y o o rp p t y f o r T h o n e x t o p u n l l y o r C I R C U t A T I O N - D E P

A P P L I C A T I O N !e w s ..............................................301


________ ^ P H O

C l

V .... ........ ... .................

i E s m _

a o r y r3. Highland 1514. Idabo Fall* 177.Bflrldusl n * iU - 1. April Monm. Twin F a tei. McOlnnl*, Wood R lw . J. J. TBrrtt. WoMTrr<.-CWiteBeo.-WoodRly«r,->i-J.-SmUli.-.......«rlcan-Falla. 8, PaUy ProeU. Twin Falli.'T. txlDcr. Wood River. 8. OTJcU; Wood R Iw .A cy Slaod*. TVrtn Falli. 10. Shtwna Meyer*,- InFalla.

k G A I N ! !

D 9 '‘"I""**'.- V^ n u r o u A t tn » » ^ y - -

$ | 4 9

B A U T O S U P P L Y 9 7 3 3 - 2 0 4 9

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f m a t o s i — —

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N G S -B O N D ------------------------ :-------

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O R S A L E S, C O LLEC- J :. lE SE Y O U N G B U SI- j H E M SE L V E S, T H U S , I ' R F E C T R O L L O F T H E J . lEAT A P P E A R A N C E , [ : .

A N D D E V E L O P A ...... . .I •—

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