Wyniki Ankiet 2008

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Wyniki Ankiet 2008

W październiku 2008 przeprowadziliśmy wśród naszych uczniów ankietę na temat zużycia energii w ich domach. Opracowaniem

wyników z 120 ankiet zajęli się uczniowie klasy 3C.

Następnie z pomocą nauczyciela informatyki wyniki zostały przedstawione na wykresach. Przygotowano

również prezentację multimedialną w celu porównania wyników ankiety podczas wizyty roboczej w



Are you a sustainable energy consumer?

Poland Katowice

The Questionnaires were completed by 120

students and their families.

All of them live in the city of Katowice.

Most of the families (93% ) live in a flat.

In most of the families (78%) there are 4-5


5. What kind of energy heats your home in winter?

6. What is the main space heating equipment?

8. How much do your parents spend for energy each year?

9. What kind of energy runs your car?

10. What kind of energy powers your lights and your appliances?

11. What percent of your home’s electricity do you purchase from renewable energy sources?

12. Do you make an effort to avoid wasting energy at home?

12. Do you make an effort to avoid wasting energy at home?

If yes, how often?

13. Have you made any chages to make your home more energy efficient?

14. How many litter bags do you throw out each week?

15. What percent of the following products are recycled in your household?

16. How many kilometres do you travel by bus each month?

18. How many kilometres do you travel in your car each month?

19. How often do you travel by car with at least one passenger?

20. How often do you walk or ride a bike instead of driving?

21. How much of your food is locally grown or organic?

22. How many new pieces of clothing (including shoes, etc. ) do you buy each month?

23. How often do you replace your belongings with something new?

Thank you for your attention