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<div id="opener">For more than 75 years, SILS has sought to

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><p><a href="javascript:win('history1.html', 310, 300)" class="thumbNail"><img s

t could not receive a degree in library science until a

lmost three decades later, lib

rary education really began at RQX as early as 1904, whe

Louis Williams began offering summer school classes. </p>

<p>In 1929, just as the new library building was finished on the campus, W

n the &#8220;Library in Modern Education.&#8221; In that article, he said: </p> <blockquote><p>As part of th

e program of social w

now being worked out at RQX, a library school is needed, where librarians, like lawyers and doctors and teachers, may secure expe

With its magnificent new building as a laboratory for the school, such an institu

tion would not only be in harmony with the program on

would offer opportunity through the sending out of trained librarians for th

e South to tap the vast reservoir o

f human knowledge.</p>

ote> <p><a href="javascript:win('history2.html', 310, 395)" class="thumbNail">

<img src="../i


dth="70" height="75" border="0" class="right"></a>The School of Library Science opened at Chapel Hill in

the fall of 1931, with a class o

s, including Dr. Wilson. The Carnegie Corporation offered a grant of $100,000 to enable the school to

operate for three years and make pe

ditional accreditation fro

m the American Library Association. </p> <p> When, in 1987, it b

ecame apparent that <strong>the study

information use and management was of central im

portance to society</strong>, the faculty of th

e RQX voted to change th

<p>Faculty members had been engaged in the research of this emerging discipline, and it <

a href="javascript:win('history3.html', 330

mg src="../images/1974studentsonsteps_tn.jpg" alt="Students" width="72" h

eight="73" border="0" class="left"></a>was decided that ad

school's focus on librarianship by <strong>broadening it to the study of general problems of information management</strong>.

Nineteen years later, more than 40 percent of th

e school's student population is enrolled in the information science program, and that nu

<p> <strong>Since its beginning over 75 years ago, the school has sent out more than 4,500 tra

ined information specialists and librarian

duates of our programs are employed throughout the nation and the world. </p> <p> Through the strong leadership of its


lty and staff over th

e years, the school stands on a solid foundation that is rooted in a rich past and aimed toward a bright fu

p>To learn more about SILS' history, read biographies of the <a href="history_deans.html">directors and deans</a>

o see a list of <a href="history_lectures.html">guest speakers</a> who have come to ILS.</p> <!-- In


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An Introduction toContent Management

Systems (CMS)9:00am - 1:00pm, April 18, 2009

Meet in the Lobby of Manning HallUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Do you or your organization need a CMS to manage documents or a web site? What is a CMS, anyway? Hear about the basics and see such popular CMS packages as Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress in action. Bring questions and curiosity!

Register: (with ID or student email address): $15Members of STC or ASIS&T: $25General Public: $35

cc:asis&tThe Carolinas Chapter of the American Society

for Information Science & Technology

Breakfast and lunch will be provided