Egzamin pisemny- język angielski poziom B2 ESOKJ A Egzamin pisemny- język angielski, poziom B2...

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Egzamin pisemny- język angielski, poziom B2 ESOKJ

Studium Języków Obcych

Politechniki Warszawskiej

(Wypełnia egzaminator)


(Listening) Czytanie

(Reading) Gramatyka i słownictwo

(Grammar and Vocabulary) Pisanie

(Writing) RAZEM

(TOTAL) Kody

1.1 (10) 1.2 (10) 2.1 (10) 2.2 (10) 3.1 (8) 3.2 (8) 3.3 (4) 4. (20) (80)

Lektor 1

Lektor 2

Nazwisko i imię (drukowanymi) ....................................................................................................................... (Full name in capital letters)

Nr albumu ................................ Wydział ............................................. Semestr ................ Data 08.06.2018 (WUT ID Number) (Faculty) (Semester) (Date)

Deklaruję chęć otrzymania certyfikatu ACERT: TAK / NIE (zakreślić właściwą odpowiedź)

I would like to obtain the ACERT certificate: YES / NO (circle your answer)

podpis studenta ................................................................... (signature)



1.1 Listening You will hear a radio programme about technological innovations in medicine. For questions 1-10,

complete the notes which summarise what the speakers say. You will need to write a word or a short phrase

in each box. Write only the words you hear. (10 marks)

The reporter talks to experts about (1) ___________________________________ in different spheres of


Daniel Brooks and his team are well known for cutting edge (2) ___________________________________

and saving many lives.

The listeners want to ask Daniel about (3) ___________________________________ and new technologies

in medicine.

Doctors call him to find out about the cost of the medical (4) ____________________________________ .

Now under clinical (5) ___________________________________ there is a technology that will help

people with severe migraines.

A patient will only have to press a special (6) ___________________________________ to stop the pain-

causing transmitters.

Having to take insulin shots is quite a (7) ___________________________________ for people suffering

from diabetes.

The cost seems a sensitive issue, as (8) ___________________________________ want to get as much as

possible from their ideas.

So-called (9) ___________________________________ uses robot-like machines to monitor people’s


Robots can’t replace surgeons because human judgement and compassion are still needed to

(10) ___________________________________ properly.

Kod sprawdzającego: ______



1.2 Listening

You will hear a talk about the man who invented the cash machine, John Shepherd-Barron. For questions

11-20, choose the best answer A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice. (10 marks)

11. The cash mashine was invented

A. in Barcley's Bank.

B. by a security expert.

C. over 40 years ago.


12. It was first used

A. by an actor.

B. in a TV series.

C. as a chocolate bar dispenser.


13.The inventor first thought of a cash machine when he was

A. travelling.

B. relaxing.

C. looking at a snack dispenser.


14. The inventor's idea got immediate attention from

A. his wife.

B. a bank manager.

C. a TV producer.


15. The first cash machine took

A. plastic cards containing carbon 14.

B. plastic cheques with no carbon 14.

C. cheques containing carbon 14.


16. The inventor proved that

A. Carbon 14 was not a health risk to bank customers.

B. Carbon 14 is not a radioactive substance.

C. Carbon 14 was dangerous to bank customers.


17. The first cash machine in Zurich

A. had teething problems.

B. was too far from a tram line.

C. was too close to a tram line.


18. The use of a six digit PIN was suggested by

A. the inventor.

B. the inventor's wife.

C. the army.


19. How many cash machines are there in the world today?

A. More than a million and a half.

B. 16 million.

C. Over 2 million.


20. The speaker thinks that in the near future

A. the number of cash machines will increase.

B. the number of cash machines will decrease.

C. the use of cash machines will change.


Kod sprawdzającego:_______



2.1 Reading You are going to read an article about ozone. Five sentences have been removed from

the article. Choose from the sentences (A-F) the one which fits each gap (21-25). There is one extra

sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes provided under the text.

(10 marks)

A. We can, however, be sure that things from now on are going to change very quickly indeed.

B. They proved to be a valuable compound, stable, non-poisonous, non-corrosive and non-flammable.

C. Moreover, the levels of chlorine, the ozone-eating chemical, were 70 times higher than normal.

D. It was impossible for the scientists to solve the problem.

E. In southern Chile, blindness began to strike humans, sheep, rabbits and horses.

F. Their combined reaction on the ozone layer is devastating, allowing ultraviolet rays from the sun,

known as UV-Bs, to bombard the earth.




In 1928, Thomas Migdley, a scientist and engineer in America, found a way to use chlorofluorocarbons

(CFCs) as a refrigerant. (21)xxxx

Their low thermal conductivity made them ideal for coolants in refrigerators and air-conditioners.

In the Second World War, CFCs were widely used as cleaning solvents and in plastic foam for food

and drink containers, and the insulation of buildings. These are the products which, doubling in output

every ten years, have contributed to the destruction of the ozone layer, the thin veil in the stratosphere

which protects animals and plants from disease and, possibly, extinction.

Other man-made chemicals, apart from CFCs, are eating ozone molecules. Among them are halon gases

used in fire extinguishers, aerosols and refrigerators, and two compounds widely used as solvents: methyl

chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. (22)xxxx UV-Bs cause skin cancer. Medical journals in Australia say

two-thirds of the population alive today will develop some form of skin cancer. More than 250,000 of the

continent’s 16 million inhabitants will develop the deadliest of all, malignant melanoma.

UV-Bs can damage the immune system and leave you open to infectious diseases. They damage your eyes,

burning the cornea, injuring the retina and generating cataracts. (23) xxxx The radiation kills off

the plankton on which larger sea creatures depend, and in southern Chile a 12% reduction in plankton has

been measured.

The scientists who know about the ozone layer are worried. They give three reasons for their pessimism:

Ozone depletion is now a global phenomenon, and occurring twice as fast as had been predicted: according

to reports, in the first two months of this year, parts of the ozone layer shrank by 20%. (24)xxxx

Depletion is now being caused by the CFCs released in the mid-1970s, and so the chemicals being released

now will endanger our children.

No one knows what the cumulative effects of the depletion of the ozone layer will be. (25)xxxx

Kod sprawdzającego:_______

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.



2.2 Reading

You are going to real a magazine article about Nobel Prize winners. For questions 26-35, choose from the

sections of the articie (A-D). The section may be chosen more than once. Write your answers in the boxes

provided. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 marks)

Which section(s) of the articie mention(s):

0 being able to help many people in the world? 0 B

26 being able to understand the reason for a medical condition? 26

27 an idea for a treatment for a medical condition? 27

28 an exceptionally strong material? 28

29 an exceptionally simple technique? 29

30 teamwork that improved an existing technology 30

31, 32 discoveries confirmed by other scientists? 31 32

33, 34 disbelief of other scientists? 33 34

35 potential use of the discovery in the automotive industry? 35

Kod sprawdzającego:_______





Konstantin Novoselov, 36, first worked with

Andre Geim, 51, as a PhD student in the

Netherlands. He subsequently followed Geim to

the United Kingdom and they have been working

together ever since. They have shown that

graphene, which is carbon in a one-atom-thick

flat form, has exceptional properties that

originate from the remarkable world of quantum

physics. As a material it is completely new - not

only the thinnest but also the strongest. As a

conductor of electricity it performs as well as

copper. As a conductor of heat it outperforms all

other known materials. It is almost completely

transparent, yet so dense that not even helium,

the smallest gas atom, can pass through it. At a

time when many believed it was impossible for

such thin crystalline materials to be stable, they

extracted the graphene from a piece of graphite

such as is found in ordinary pencils, using regular

adhesive tape.


His achievements have made it possible to treat

infertility, a medical condition affecting a large

proportion of humanity worldwide. He first came

up with the idea for a treatment as early as the

1950s. He then worked systematically to realise

his goal, discovered important principles for

human fertilization, and succeeded in

accomplishing fertilization of human egg cells in

test tubes. His efforts were finally crowned by

success on 25 July, 1978, when the world's first

"test tube baby" was born. During the following

years, Edwards and his co-workers refined the

fertilisation technology and shared it with

colleagues around the world. A new field of

medicine has emerged, with Robert Edwards

leading the process all the way from the

fundamental discoveries to the current, successful



His Nobel Prize for the work on quasicrystals has

fundamentally altered the way chemists perceive

solid matter. In all solid matter, atoms were believed

to be packed inside crystals in symmetrical patterns

that were repeated periodically over and over again.

Shechtman's work (started in 1984), however,

showed that the atoms in what he called

quasicrystals were packed in a pattern that could not

be repeated. Such a pattern was considered

impossible so he had to fight a fierce battle against

the scientific establishment. With time though, other

scientists produced other kinds of quasicrystals in

their labs and discovered naturally occurring

quasicrystals in mineral samples. Quasicrystals have

also been found in a certain form of steel, where they

reinforce the material like armour. Scientists are

currently experimenting with using quasicrystals in

different products such as frying pans and diesel



They were studying rats moving in a room when

they discovered an astonishing pattern of activity in

a part of the brain called the entorhinal cortex. As it

turned out, they discovered a key component of the

brain's positioning system. They identified a type of

nerve cell, which they called "grid cells", that

generates a coordinate system and allows for precise

positioning and pathfinding. Recent investigations

with brain imaging techniques made by other

scientists have provided evidence that grid cells exist

also in humans. In patients with Alzheimer's disease,

these cells are frequently affected at an early stage,

and these individuals often lose their way and cannot

recognize the environment. Knowledge about the

brain's positioning system may, therefore, help us

understand the reason for spatial memory loss that

affects people with this disease.





3.1 Grammar and Vocabulary

For questions 36-43, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word

in each space. Write your answers in the answer boxes provided. There is an example at the beginning (0).

(8 marks)


The problem (0)..... green innovation is that each time you think you might (36)..... found the answer, you

also find a catch. Wind turbines only work (37)..... the wind blows. Hydrogen is a clean alternative to petrol,

but it (38)….. highly explosive and when the first accident happens, there is likely to be a strong public

reaction against it.

(39)….. real innovation in energy probably will not come from a new means of power generation, but in

how the energy network is organized. Advances in IT mean that rather (40)….. connecting big power

stations to a network that delivers electricity to homes, factories and public buildings, in the future all these

places should (41)….. able to generate small amounts of energy, which they could either use themselves

(42)….. put back into the network for others to use. The question is: can we make that change? Some say

that because it is (43)..... in the interest of big business, it is unlikely to happen any time soon.

Kod sprawdzającego:_______


41 37

42 38

43 39

0 with



3.2 Grammar and Vocabulary

For questions 44-51, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Write

your answers in the answer boxes provided. There is an example at the beginning (0). (8 marks)

Watch your (body) language

Most research now shows that as much as 70-80

percent of human (0)… may be non-verbal.

This kind of communication has been (44)…

studied since ancient times in an (45)… to

understand people's characters, and experts have

endlessly discussed the significance of the way we

move and position our bodies. (46)… many feel

that the study of body language can be over-

simplistic, there is some evidence to show that

some postures and movements indicate our

emotional states of mind.

The (47)… people shake hands, for example, can

be a good indicator of the power balance between

them. Pulling the person towards you or grabbing

hold of someone's elbow can show you want to

(48)… control.

Personal space is another interesting area. The

vast (49)… of westerners feel uncomfortable if a

friend stands closer than 45 centimeters, although

this will (50)… from country to country.

And finally, it is likely that, if someone is (51)…

to you, they will copy the way you stand or move.

If you're trying to make somebody relax, it can

also help to 'mirror' their movements in this way.

0 A interaction B talk 0 A

C speech D conversation

44 A highly B extremely 44

C widely D strongly

45 A act B action 45

C approach D attempt

46 A But B Although 46

C However D Nevertheless

47 A way B style 47

C custom D manner

48 A be B take 48

C bring D stay

49 A number B quantity 49

C majority D amount

50 A contrast B alter 50

C compare D vary

51 A attracted B appealed 51

C approved D fascinated

Kod sprawdzającego:_______


3.3 Grammar and Vocabulary

For questions 52-55, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence

using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,

including the word given. Write only the missing words in the answer boxes provided. There is an example

at the beginning (0). (4 marks)

0 A friendly taxi driver drove us into town.


We ......................... a friendly taxi driver.

52 We started to do research on energy saving 25 years ago.

been We ............................. on energy saving for 25 years.

53 It was irresponsible of you to leave the baby alone for so long.


You ............................. the baby alone for so long.

54 It was a mistake that I went on the trip without a map.


I ............................. on the trip without a map.

55 “Can you start work immediately?”, they asked the candidate.

if The candidate was asked ............................. start work immediately.

Kod sprawdzającego:_______

were driven into town by


4 Writing

Choose one of the tasks and write between 150-200 words. (20 marks)

1. You have seen the advert for volunteers to work at a summer camp in the USA:

Write your letter of application.

2. A friend of yours has asked for your help in choosing a mobile phone. Write an email to him/her

describing what you think the mobile should be like. Write about:

apps and functions


price range

other features you consider important

Write your email.


We are looking for young enthusiastic people to spend the summer working as volunteers

at one of our many summer camps for children (aged between 8 and 16). You should be

able to help organise games and activities such as painting and photography.

The camps are in over ten different states. You receive free accommodation and a salary.

At the end of your six-week placement, you will also have time to travel around the USA.

Write for an information pack and tell us about yourself and why you are applying.


Task No ……

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 120

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 130

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 140

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 150

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 160

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 170

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 190

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 200



How many words have you written? _________ words

T ..../5

C ..../5

V ..../5

G ..../5

S2 ..../20

T ..../5

C ..../5

V ..../5

G ..../5

S2 ..../20



REPORTER: Welcome back after the break. Just to remind those of you who have just joined us, this week

we’ve been talking to a number of experts about technological advancement in different spheres of life.

Today with us in the studio is Daniel Brooks, a physician who has spent his whole career searching for

technological solutions in medicine. Daniel’s team is renowned all over the country for cutting edge surgeries

and saving many lives. Apart from working in the operating theatre, Daniel also collects and shares

information about new treatments with his patients and their families. He’s probably the most popular doctor

in this country!

DANIEL: Oh, come on. I’m just doing my job the best I can.

REPORTER: And the most modest one, too! Daniel, you’ve just been taking calls from the listeners and from

what I know there have been some pretty serious questions to answer. Is that right?

DANIEL: Yes, that’s true. It’s hardly surprising that people are keen to ask questions about new treatments

and new technologies in medicine. I took a lot of calls from patients who are desperate for some innovative

treatments for their problems because no other medicines have been able to help them. Some of the callers

were actually doctors themselves asking about the costs of the medical equipment, but they were a minority.

Most were people genuinely suffering from all kinds of diseases.

REPORTER: So what technological inventions did you tell the callers about?

DANIEL: For example a technology which is now under clinical investigation and which will help people

with severe migraines. To put it simply, a small implant will be placed in the upper gum and when the patient

feels the onset of a headache, he or she will just have to press a special remote control to stop the pain-

causing transmitters.

REPORTER: Sounds wonderful! Anything else?

DANIEL: Yes. This invention will delight patients suffering from diabetes. These people have to take insulin

shots by themselves and it’s quite a painful process. A device is being invented to replace the needle used to

do it with a patch which does not prick your skin. Generally speaking, the trends are to come up with devices

to alleviate as much pain as possible.

REPORTER: I understand that these new inventions don’t come cheap. Who will be able to afford them?

DANIEL: Well, this is always a sensitive issue. I think medical companies always want to make as much as

possible from their ideas, but eventually the devices become standard practice and their price decreases, so

there’s hope they, I mean the devices, will, one day, be mass-produced and therefore will not only help the


REPORTER: Sounds promising. I’ve also heard of robotic check-ups. Could you tell us more about them?

DANIEL: It’s connected with so-called telemedicine which uses robot-like machines to monitor people’s

health. Robotic check-ups are to be run by devices which look like mobile carts with two-way video screens

and medical monitoring equipment. They are programmed so that they can move around hospital wards and

halls. They will help doctors and nurses by saving them a lot of walking about!

REPORTER: Might they, one day, replace doctors or surgeons completely? Should all hospitals rely more on

technology than people?

DANIEL: I doubt it. You still need human judgment and compassion to treat people properly!

REPORTER: Thank you Daniel for sharing all this with us.

DANIEL: Thank you for inviting me.

ACERT Level B2 – Listening Script – June 2018



REPORTER: Welcome back to lnventors and their Inventions. Have you ever wondered, while queuing up at

the cash dispenser, who invented these wonderful machines? Well, to tell us today, is security expert, Tom


TOM: Hi. Well, the man to invent the very first cash machine was a Mr John Shepherd-Barron.

REPORTER: Is that so? This invention dates back to 1967, doesn't it?

TOM: That's right. It was installed in a branch of Barclays, in Enfield, north London, 40 years ago this week,


REPORTER: Really? Do you know who the first person to withdraw cash was?

TOM: As a matter of fact I do! It was an actor from a television series that was being broadcast around that

time. But I can't for the life of me remember his name!

REPORTER: That's alright. How did Mr Shepherd-Barron come up with this idea?

TOM: Well, you'll never believe me, but actually he was lying in the bath at the time. It struck him that there

had to be a way he could get hold of his own money, anywhere in the world or anywhere in the UK, at any time

of the day or night. That's when he hit upon the idea of a chocolate bar dispenser and he thought... rather than

dispensing chocolate... it could dispense cash!

REPORTER: How extraordinary! So, once he'd come up with the idea, what did he do?

TOM: He went to talk to the chief executive at Barclays bank who thought it was a fantastic idea. He was so

convinced that he signed the contract, that had been drawn up, there and then.

REPORTER: And how did the machine first work? I mean plastic cards didn't exist then, did they?

TOM: No, they still hadn't been invented. The machine used cheques that were soaked in carbon 14.

REPORTER: Carbon 14? Isn't that a radioactive substance? I mean, wasn't it a bit dangerous?

TOM: No, not as it might seem. There were no health risks for the users whatsoever. I know for a fact, that Mr

Shepherd-Barron actually sat down and worked out that you would have to eat 136,000 cheques for it to have

any effect on you.

REPORTER: Goodness me!

TOM: Yes. The machine detected the carbon 14 and then matched the cheque against a PIN number.

REPORTER: How much could you withdraw from the dispenser, then?

TOM: When it first came out, the machine would only pay out a maximum of 10 pounds at a time.

REPORTER: 10 pounds! Is that all?

TOM: That was regarded as more than enough for a wild weekend in those days!

REPORTER: Yeah, I suppose so. There were a few hiccups along the way, weren't there?

TOM: Yes, there were a few teething problems. The first machines were vandalised, and one that was installed

in Zurich, in Switzerland, began to malfunction mysteriously. It was later discovered that the wires from two

intersecting tramlines nearby, were sparking and interfering with the mechanism.

REPORTER: One by-product of inventing the first cash machine was the concept of the PIN number. Mr

Shepherd- Barron came up with that idea, as well, didn't he?

TOM: Yes, that came about when he realised he could remember his six-figure army number!

REPORTER: Six figures? But the PIN number is only made up of four.

TOM: I know, well, that was thanks to his wife. When he asked her what she thought of using a six-figure

number, she said she could only remember four figures, and that's how four figures became the world standard.


REPORTER: I see! It's a shame but customers using the cash machine at Barclays in Enfield High Street don't

seem to be aware of its historical significance, do they?

TOM: I know. A small plaque was placed there on its 25th anniversary, but few people ever notice it.

REPORTER: According to statistics, there are more than 1.6 million cash machines worldwide. Do you think

this number will increase?

TOM: I'm not sure. I think its use will certainly be very different in the future. We'll probably stop using cash

altogether within the next few years.

REPORTER: Really? Do you think so?

TOM: Well, money costs money to transport. I wouldn't be surprised if we soon start swiping our mobile

phones at the till!

REPORTER: You never know! Well it's been fascinating having...


No half marks!

1.1 Listening (10 marks) INNOVATIONS IN MEDICINE Repetytorium maturalne poziom rozszerzony, Longman, 2008

Minor spelling mistakes accepted

1. technological advancement

2. surgeries

3. (new) treatments (OR: innovative treatments)

4. equipment

5. investigation

6. remote control

7. painful process

8. medical companies (always)

9. telemedicine

10. treat people

1.2 Listening (10 marks) THE CASH MACHINE First Buster, ELI

11. C

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. C

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. A

20. C

2.1 Reading (10 marks) OZONE Oxford English for Information Technology OUP, 2002


21. B

22. F

23. E

24. C

25. A

2.2 Reading (10 marks) NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS Target FCE- Ćwiczenia, testy, wskazówki, Edgard, 2015

26. D

27. B

28. A

29. A

30. B

31. C/D

32. D/C

33. A/C

34. C/A

35. C

3.1 Grammar and Vocabulary (8 marks) INNOVATION IN ENERGY Life, P.Dummentt, J. Hughes, H.Stephenson National Geographic Learning

36. have

37. when / if / provided / while

38. is / proves

39. The / A

40. than

41. be

42. or

43. not

3.2 Grammar and Vocabulary (8 marks) WATCH YOUR (BODY) LANGUAGE Gold First Coursebook, Pearson, 2015

44. C

45. D

46. B

47. A

48. B

49. C

50. D

51. A

3.3 Grammar and Vocabulary (4 marks)

ONE MARK PER ANSWER In key word transformations NO marks are awarded for an

answer if:

the key word is omitted or changed, more than five or fewer than two words are used.

52. have been or ’ve been doing research

53. should not have or shouldn’t have left

54. wish I hadn’t or wish I had not gone

55. if he or she or if he/she or if they could

4. Writing - 150-200 words (20 marks)


RECORDING MARKS The following symbols are used: T for Task, C for Coherence and Cohesion,

V for Vocabulary, G for Grammar, and S for Score.

Each piece of writing is read by two examiners. Neither of the examiners

underlines or corrects the mistakes.

The first examiner writes down his/her marks in a box provided in the

bottom left-hand corner of the examination paper and folds up the corner so

as not to influence the other examiner. The second examiner completes the

box in the right-hand corner, unfolds the left-hand corner, and calculates the

final score.

Half marks are rounded up (e.g. 10.5 to 11.0). In the case of a significant

divergence (3 marks or more) the two examiners negotiate the final score. If

the two examiners cannot reach agreement, the decision is taken by a

member of the Examination Board.

ACERT B2 Exam - Key Group A – June 2018