Download - American citizen (The): 1875-11-13 · 2018. 1. 27. · 1 nui,report verv rx-ncetpillv, R M. h'ri i.v . continuance of Itself in {mwer. Thi* lukewarmuc**# Im* ditiit* culminating

  • To nvTp fnpfnwivp*. Tli'it tlif ouftaiwft pAtioftof |» |ii»I

    ti n n t tin iiwvvrni j iiiv hpiii v n

    nlgflre tho enaciment of ouch t» la*

    Ivmiy. 1-mu- \\ illuce, Alexander W.tliKt'o, J nw* Waller. G li Ouksr, Ison Wilson

    II ‘It- John H Hwtijri* Mauis >i--L V. iMtipo, II. R

    C!,rit. .Hl. C n. Miller, K H I’air- ihilii .**

    MoUruckcu—J. il William*.

    nr d then secure whet tbvT. enn £it. It tl.0 Lo^fsIatUro fail to t.ff.ird them tho proper relief, then application should ou made to tho benevolent of all partita, to'tbn ^icttplo WI kHW» Stale MUtd to CotiL'niss. 11 reed ho

    Tho cohvchtioft 'i ffourncJ to hold

    trii'-t. v ill' I Viu'ich Jiui l i .id duirini lx* iuftiiivd to im huh* Kentucky nnunig State, in uhirh they holji to nialnt school #.

    Trusting licit the ibiliberatbiiH of I fonttntion may result iu great go*#!.

    1 nui, verv rx-ncetpillv, R M. h'ri i.v

    th continuance of Itself in {mwer. Thi* lukewarmuc**# Im* it* culminating in the telegram* to parties in Washington that the It publican State of Mh-U-Ippi i- stii- guim-lx oxpcctcd to go democratic. Sie-h a report of New York would fUrpri** uomn, but of Mlfwbwr'pi it bring- «mif illy a

    “pectfully recommend tho adoption, by Ihi* cuuvuutiou, ol iLc lolWtving


    (iuUntu if—Yours »d 27th nit., cnclo-inp print*! copy ».f a eail nttmuroualy iuu*“i. tor iironvention, to tui* t in Lexington r**- m . to cuindder thcK-t iiictL.-in* •-( «>1»-

    inmaseii educational facilities h r j’olond • li i Id ten, came to hand :• few day# since. Ymia*k rnt to attend the eonviMi- liou, «r, In tile « v. lit I eaniiot, to v. rin a letter eyprc'-ivcof my view- upon the fub» ject it is called to c n-tder. I had made 'id my nrrangruitntH to attend, but Homo nnex- yeeted bd.iiuw# require* my prewar. *? her# to-iuonow. j will endeavor i > • xpre.# briefly -om* vie w- which T thought u( pro- hentinir for the e.e«a«diM-u>of th* t-Hu vrntion more fully than I have time to cation, nml the only (pic-tioit witii is, how to•yntcmuti/c the work -on- to m.ike the cdneatlon of the wiiit-- awl black a mutual Id So tar from regretting that t!n colored |Kf)ple an* not merged in the fjuiniou n li el of Kintm-ky, tl y have reason r* } •!'•< ilmi 4hv> m« in¬ to it no fleepcr. After Inng and active c> n- t.m with the colored |sople in srhm 1 work, I am glad to l»c uhle to Mule that, tiny have no desire for utived *•« ho»*l», and that the extent of their d* In is additional help to educate their el a Id re II. H w it •hi • Im |p to be obi tin* d? J In- argument of tho tail any a hy lx*gi«lHti«»n. \Yc have leg- i-bited f»n education in Kentneky for forty years with whut result? To-day the fund to a K'htsd ilhuia ii l>ul n .f.ialrti* to he implemented hy individual • i'w?i*prUf* in ord« r to support a < les.l at all, ami in

    a|ip< i.iim* ntol llenry Ring, of Fay*

    ottr, Fi-Mtl r.l; !* Murtld,ot Frank¬

    lin J M. Willi im», of MoLTuckon

    and J. M. Uarric, of Meroor, Vico

    IVeni IvutD, llenry ^ur^gjna,

    Fayette, n. R Cfitttondcij. Madifion,

    aiui PreriDCi Taf or. Montgomery,

    Secret aritm.

    ire objiK-t ol the myctipg having

    been cxplaiucd :» Fnnnnilto on IJosu

    hitmr.a apjr in ted conai^tlitg of

    E li. Fairchild, J. .VI, liarrie, Gabriel

    Hurdett, 4L,W'‘’ Uenrtcraon, J. II

    !1 dg«>», Jamet Bailey and J T.

    happitM -* nud mateml pr**|s ritv ol tl>. white js.rtlon i*f the ovum infinity—lj m ».»n- at«ft-r it /r#nu no high«*r tind-ftofni * wrv r• tlecling mind IRfisft know.

    An ni-|- d should Iwniade t*jthe iiM.-m- itig h'tvlaliin* and if n«—l U- toils •onv- H»r*. to pnivide sudieu nt iui.uis lor 11 toad- n ation of the oilorhl ehildnn, in no par¬ ticular lr--nr dillc rent fr *m ihiMp f njovcl by whit* children. Lvcry acre of ground and dollntw worth of tirojicrty in the tn on wraith is plnilgvd to die .-.ii.ation it evtry child within iv> limits.

    .* np'Ot. will net allutr 1,1 t** g*.

    theehnrt; *. The s.into tt'l' t/r im r* ]wir[, that a Liberi tttfat*' et'JU*) tree|iM aUauKed Milne native villattar., hut were ropnlsed ami oi • ligctl tu retire h .' inn twcnty-fnnr kTil'd and wounded and nbandnning their t annon. This is .ail new, hat it i- war; and if this l.ihertaii aar is httittnute, and Intscd on right, and therefore must he, why doe-nut th- Annrieun (iovi rnment help it- ward hy seinlinc a gitnlioat or two to J.ilieriuii wa-

    dclriiueut and ditgi: cu tu tho rfute. We believe that tho Stuto should iuruiah tho moans ot a common school education to every child with in it, giving, as far as possible equal to all.

    To a* '■ implisb this we appeal first ti thu colored people to DLerct homso'.vcs more thoroughly in tho

    education ot their children—to hold educational meetings, und slimalatn each other to provide schools for lUtr I'tiilditii, avoir at a ptolp tify

    t, rni — by any nuempt ni pas* tors to which it i.-i.pjius' it would tail)' he lt which uuw camiut Is- dUput'sl—is an re preju¬ dice, call Well aflbrtl to let time deal wtllt

    at length up iu tho present school latv for colored children, maintain¬ ing that it wm wholly inndequalu to the object tor whiclt il waa intended

    l.i.Aii'.io.y, Kv., Siu», tub. ’7 Fitakv ScnoiuiNs, Jym

    V-iii Mr- -Your letU'S in tslinlf ol

    Si aids only O'l cents a year which ho held wasmitterably iu-'iiliciunt. L'btu in a district where Ihuro were 50 ool- ored children, no more than IIS for tho year was appropriated lor their

    tmq lh*L milrj, lyllo*. Wc « ain't |»ruv!t!< I only in iwo uayM—by taxa¬ tion! «*r bv an economy inStnto exp;mlinire, wkiieii will r.ll*»w tin lilt i V . -r... • , ... The operation of the law, therefic. y fhr ot(‘s—Aliitifs in IsiiM*- - had been to hurt the colared ecHool milative* of the (.knimoi-tei-akh c ------ -- -■ -. lamMisvv' w/

    rl«—Tilt* Coin ill issf one rw of the In the Inti icsIh of till1 (uloitd inercst rathor than promote it. One, I'reodmcnN linnk. Hnoo. reason why tho appropriation was un,|erei

    cry county ol the State, erlmiird |S'|mta i-m, in tin ir mi l-t ml ,1 U. ,, 1 LI . n when thiv "imid»rfnrtli''r, that »h.-m. , t v

    ! the t*Mi» and Howt Of Rty.f ,hry ,nyVil» a.. I mg,r U out fo ti, Hftltflttvt* of trie CkniHtwitltcoMn of nn». nc th* m fnrflvly, btif »i> »>i i>n ikf K* ntro kii irbildfca iu t!i*»ir w»* holkw il mill

    POLITICAL XtrTEf* Tho fact that tlovi n States holt 1 electloiuttr day I • Hiiffioiont ri.;iHon for thenerronv nnx- ii-ty which pr viilh ^ ncr.illy in th ofll-

    H cial dcuarinitaiL* ami the gQMiji and coiijt^ct* • . ruiiort^Il tepullin' il * /llowej... Ev¬

    er tlx riepctfclft tip the n, y uedtinn to th U.idatun. in fal, n. ,1 itir. ... .l„ fall person. Interested metre, in the ratio of tbe.r ' 4 ,*,,„l l„ addr. - to tf„- ,, .„te ,.f th- Me am .hem-U.- N„w h..« ran rid-,.. >r education ol tho mil- P‘«5. f *'cPl ,or CIjU',t> •"*iirvrtiinv tin proytrittv nr «h *ir«- t lb** m« ty of ih«* Huratk ii «»f ihr whitr rkil t out fn in (fri n of the < ruttionwi alth tlmt I »ill i.ot icnt on the r« ndliy admit and nwcmt to. In th#> . k Vff it will of thp cmloiwd ^ ptr tli* miiii ^ ?tc for nv re nnd ftci* will ami the aiMiitonnl

    ‘•nt* by rca»on oi tl*< ir |««“t ami pr« !»c Ukvii by ilbadvaiitiifT*, brftrrti «rtat«r |*.x. rty an»i if# object*, ietiornm«.

    ouirfit irom II imi*t be mlniitti I ilnl tbe whitt« nr«*

    tboir i*uni

    welfare ?!*a 11 h* a ichoo! fnrd

    cxn.pi lor ciiuni) anu mum< i jk^r ui childroutequal proportiuiia ot purposes, troci< to the colored lbe.choot fa,J. Aid wo furl bur

    «ltv*lnpmrwt of the rtdnr«*d cHIdfrn hi., the Lfgblatiihp. I ii*i ful, moral cStixrti*. a* tho mlnnil jn.c to ibe pooptc of the pie »r«: lhoB»HeKe*. Now how can thi • «|

    pcopb* ar.'fl um ohhIkii tho wolfare * * ' of the country to oih r hand - than throe 0% t ho fthull*0 fV cUNch srhich liavt maintained th. I’nlon ami I duv. otiendcrl by delegates, whit, pence to the rouptyx and uphold flu J .

    .. purposes, goes m me cotoren lbo ichoo| ,'UIld a, j (urthur

    he'd fund petition lor such addikmoa! Alter oniargHtg upon the nrces- ' qua! taxation as will furnish in

    S»nte. I cannot b« lieve that when the nt ucation In ti nt i< >114*1 Uw fMMApio «*i kv {« fnirly wavs: l*y 1 called to the «»li|f'4UM'aJ nce*!« of any in»r- purp lion of tln ir fidlow-citircn*, nml to the dan- * hool tun tfi tn which w ill conic to the State from «uf* by private

    ucation In* Oidy in one of |w.» wavis; liy plural taunt ion for *dnenti> iitl pnrp -. , and an 1 «iiiitnbh* divUioi >jf tp. » hool luitd 10uHliitt t«> iilumry, m i |.«

    ntalncdthc Fnlon and lajuy attoiiiied bv dt*!ctfutt« white attv nt’ «,t„ *kl .. |nPs,fi s.iv'.i 1^* 4 luxauun a xm iutlibu , - w|,i« h will rom< to the State fr>*m-uf- bv prb t. •« 1 • ipii n SiIIcmim me*, mtex and uphold Hn* Inu^- \\ } *****«>*, white Hlty of cducatihg tho • lored obiI oreMed tfducttttoiiul fudliUiH lor all, Uru«n hut* f r ,du t. ; ill ihv l»i.*l vbil-

    h. d black, from nuu»} fountien in, ix cix* IVciuaOiiL iaiidula AA>d the chftdroL of (be Slate. • x.*i i-** th> ri^hu . d U li.ibU 1. th rniv rv.ry one wt!7 ndmTt rnnn«.t • [nvniaiiiiv 1.1 ..111*1,1, r the iht* 't.u'c Among those present that ho thought. lb« bait eourso to! Wo also appoint a ventral coni- ‘I"” > m rlflirn*. tn'emfe nj* in (gn-raner; »>. | * nrrd Il-v print* ml*Ti|.ii"ii in if,, k and n fur. i :•*! of national '' , bo pureuc.l, »as to petit On the Leg- ! g• tttco to satierinlend the Ctrl (.ia di. V nill r, m iin uKUtlsreet t do na> U Ni«t. \ml i- it i ..i r. .I. sii|.|. rngri.. or r. trngri—i»n «* wciu. i.tauiro tor BoCti a rsodifi, "stion fot'laa ‘„n,that hnilucky will -lift:, ii |M, CUnl p» cUi eiiii nrr#i i v fwivatv mi’m- npti n in ttu« they will nm:iin uMltffcretd (dona* l*e- Stair. And im it not r. :i«nn*Mt to mu pins* lieve tlmt Kentucky will -uncr it t>(^tbfil p» pUt omwlc the fa nit will iw w appear to th** world tliat nnv of her chib t ^ Dtnd iu aid ui a pt.apk m^autuL^ i-

    aMMiMtance tt» celebrate a grand evcnl in the liUtory of the republic, but a i»alp.ibb> luk» • warning ba lvn exhibited in r»gard to

    )rJ ,htnh *InrJets Jfls ( JcHHUTJine—J. \V. liruuaas, (teu. ^ jor

    i. in a ' ' -r.i - , —.— ino r»r*»me or nr nrj.*, 11111 r « it. • prop1flnf» i tir* for ^n.d. .1 they ought to * a popular vote. In joint ballot DO for the election pf a Luifctl State Senator. Mi—i«"*ip]»i, nlway- radically It jiuMlcttii, cannot h ive become * •-nddeidy l^ nioerath’ wiilioitl fr’il iiinirt*. Thi* tncniH ha** been

    Frank1 in —If Martin, Jouno Hen

    sShoib) — Jatncft I#. Dudley. Mon ’gum*.ry—FreHun Tuy!u Tut r.n i'itxo wu* oi ^;.n zed by tbo

    | nrt evening Hcssion, when the M- iWm it expedient i lowing report of tbe committee or' _ resolution!* wan re ul a ml uduptwd: ' bui feyiu.i:, K\

    REPORT OP rOMMITTIK. , i>* E. II. FaIK' HILI _ , . , ANT) tlkjfliV Sjtt Tbocommttteo «n reaolutionw re-1 T#k

    ; Mh. IIlm;y Si utioi iNH,

    r.v- bjvwu the • •ulno.-t a mi.hum* Uiuotflit. Jit.r h It any the b ns. tr’tc that the mean* nt

    tli.* their command, provided l»y lb- Krai* iff-. I thnuurh what I* known *# lhf ndond ih*- w-hnor lax, i^ but Hftlr itmre than »n rdti* diti raiioiifll irnH-krry. Jihbwd I ;irn *lnw s|

    forced to MiiA tliat tht colored h^ouI rw it the 1 now Mtand« tipr^n our at.itatc Inn k> f" take init In tin delilu rntiof • of nn ridit- bultb*-« of the colored < hildnn mu-l U

    » iv-, PoMMir- I’rtti- nal fbuvcntlon in fctingfonnn the I Huh in*!., nr both Ixjforc me. \- von »n

    greatly . nGrt* d,or ctar Igionm * andcrim incri t'ii^ vxith each rvVol\inu \e*r mu«i i... i. tr ... .i.f Vn* si .

    Ii »- ;■'•*!> to t e rcur i d tin. 51.x mu 14, iietuA \?cro read from Gol. K*>l- j Ibu coloied children in any portion ,w. Ilirt. ^.n thut U fumlalu- to i the fund i* -*» cxciudx. u iwlh d up .. that ri'irttl'u'wtlS! .'lll*W“|Cn rT'* tti. Wri ! loy and Dr. Hunipbrevi1, of houia- of tho State. It even oporuten a» a xvhiu children. Tt b «• n 11;«1 to tin 1. -tithe common e c*mce-dial ju-t or wi-x idnec Frankfort. Hitch int ivour ■ i- f ist being recognized n After tin road

    • I";1:1'1 of .•ivil«i.ii»u titan thu (.ol,volllil)ll j,. otln r ad in1' i ii iikuih, noxv and tli< w re-ort* ed t.»; and * V* n Iioiihi the violation he tell- 4 UllHIttCrt t tflt* able, the question at lead in n moral light Ut§» il into a cuua

    irlton. Kwv. il A M. Heodvn n courairir.g the expectation of fm f, V r»|^nt Hettlem4n| oi thi# Muc-thm of infm^y ol dn- wmk 1 n^iM u -> rry m • , , , . I . ® . ,L.lur*M1, „. I the education ul colored youth, und a any the c#»h hil jN..p|c jruHty of tlu sr*>.* I Ovhcr Urkiiig t> bo excused fot fcchooln, and thus F*®* jurcjudicv-i >iand pi the w»y f the only jni* crrr*r of the wldti pc 'pic, wh> m in y i-

    t being present and expressing vato subscriptions. J bo fuu'I fur 1 manct.t settlement —-t!ho V*ttlemcnf on a 1 n»nr expended frm v« ar t«» year with mpullty with tbo object of tho white scbools irt genci ally tick now I | hti«is of equal and exact juirtice—a xxi-*» ill it# racy on the -t«adv increase. With e ting Ur. Ho! doi-Bon «uiJ that uticcJ to bo iluuluauatlo, yet cotifeid-1 poliuy ‘"’ll wi« statammisliip rv>|iiiru ihst’il'u v\ain|tl. . f U.oisvlllr. f r-xinutmi nml .had not ovui. consulted by tbo ering tho tact thut white children *>“• 7 dureganlucl nml orvrridvn. mh-r e.nt.r. thi- Ouvnum. w; with

    - . ® In mattcri of Plate policy a 5 fu otlu r mat* irtcnt fbtw* ark Miulfa* en « uraemu nt for igtnalui s ot t »o movement and arc enumerated from t»x to twenty* i ^ ^ iprejiuTfct dmuld In* nllowcd to hln* cob»rt*d -cIun.i* in rvery mti*iflcrablc ?.wn

    »Ttu«*lrv *y. I1 r i-untty I..|Iow the bud id johnu.ii • n that au■-.- r.10«rwrt twu"1! r* r;^.. 1 1. ' ~ . *. J. . ’ thO CODVeutlOII grOWilig up in saki* of uiannm lit tlniL it U onlv un-iiitlio' oin* and tin -.1',: • individual, u) t* I blit (>m* r. .tb k' m. Lv xvill ....r.l.

    ii- < «>n%'i Mtc*n may w ith l.hiXUK/rttt, Kv'., Nov. 9, 1R7A. dniifrtr cncnurntrctiM nt hr Mm. lltsuv .>* jtxur tliaJmrpo-«> of •-•>n*id> rliiR th I will mil U Linuxi mlijtiu ot thu (-dotation ni lb# r*d«>n* . ;»r*. Durum tlu^ tiim b t j,lv „( thL Stum recti ved, und wliib 1 a ha] I |dy take -tich a tmii in af- »t In* able to In prewnt, cc.nij»?y withyotlr

    and tin’ -imin; and I nielli;,' nt allowed to go “coot free.” Thera «ivj two narlk- it appear#, lo the x iolatiou ol* tlii.-i Libc- rfau enactment and both should nn-wir to!


    Frcs’.Jent Fuirohlid,of Berea Col-

    ^ * hihit mix-d -chw».ltf*r uml »killful bneltirin up in iguurunci) *:ike uf ar^unitnl that it U only prejudice >i;c and tl»* • individual, at *1 but c-nc

    This stale ut things can not con- that cuu *. the prohibition oi mi*Ii •*vIum.N. in r-»m tule oi lbo cf»UUlry Will Ixr alieCtod ill co^ip. rat. in promoting thi- Kr‘ ■’*.!, I

    uppeared t-ntin time ago and crr.»ucmi-'!y Under that law liu) utltounl of und- »>to.»tl a . ib>* tu -t i tu, will, il i . x- iumlcy appropriated fur tbo oluca

    • 1 ' n J 1 .

    cannot ncgluci* the foluiid pupiiu If it (t mere i>r» judlc., it cannot Htr-

    »H}Ctt-l nnk.* il> npjK'nrn titii in-t. K< v. Mr. Willi

    tion of every ccdqrod ihilii iu

    th, r, a

    rm Ot petftion. If trV» otUeiT le (llt.ln (r..m j,,*

    a it* vt iv” it', 1 ■ 'ut’.i iiw » | | * pn^uit the |N*»ii»*>n. drawn up H* ihr-

    |m< aledUi k* is • ftvlioti, tu lit* Ltgiwfc*

    >'h one#, thal {«ay one d *.*• not aid in il# .'UN-ompli J»mem The Udlowing ix#iuitl#t was »p|*#i>t4 ) »l numbir cf cui* While an ii.tjnitc*iu*;d i-^iioi. only

  • I

    s /

    Cittern. emit:

    Corner Upper and Chnrrh itmt*.

    rrm.Tsnrn evkky mtcruaY nv the

    Am or I ran Citizen Printing Co.

    at nro noT.tAM rrn rr vn.

    It !« edited by several citizens of losing, ton, Ky., and members nf the Farnlty of Keren College. It j, dovoteil to universal education, perfect civil equality, pure and iinaeetnrian religion, political nod uncial re¬ form, the overthrow of every public vice, and the promotion of every manlv virtue.

    Communication* upon matter* of general Intercut solicit' d from every quarter, with lull name of the author.

    All coBimunieation* should be aildrented to "American Citizen Printing Co."

    IIevby SrltonotNa. Managing Editor.

    Raws or Airvnrmnto

    One square, first inaertmn.$1 00 Kach additional insertion... 50 l/cal notice*, each inaertion per line.. 25 Special " “ “ “ 10

    Lil»'ral contractu made with extensive advertiser*.

    No advertisement inserted for leu* than fl.

    All bill* due on first ap|iearance of ad- Verti*emcnt.

    honor to any people, yet the great

    times of then) have hern dema¬

    gogues nn«l corruptionists, anti it in

    not nt nil surprising flint the people

    in thorn- unfortunate States are re¬

    pudiating the governments that ig-

    noraneo, rather than intelligence,

    has set up. Tlu> majority of col¬

    ored voters have shown little wis¬

    dom in the selection of rulers, and

    thus universal suffrage 1ms not been

    as |witent to secure them in their

    rights and privileges as their most

    zealous friends looked for. That

    the colored jieople in the cotton

    States have not held their own

    where they have had the majority

    is a fact; that they will be able to

    do so in future is quite another

    question, although it seems now

    dint the fates are directing them to

    the school house rather than to the

    political arena to work out their


    to know why not every other sinner who mm might Is* saved by faith, n pentanee,

    had faith and had repented of his ains.

    But I suppose that if my brother hid

    been present when Christ said tothtthi'f,

    " this day thou ahnit he with me In P»ra-

    di»e," he would have stopped him to be bap-

    tiled before he took h!» flight, notwithstnn !■

    and bnptimi.

    When the sinner was informed that hit

    prayefa had up hefora God, was he

    informed that he find ls?en prrdotu-d.

    I ennnnt see how mv brother reads hi* Hilda. We both read the Very same Bildc

    ing we are told that whoever call* upon the but it seem* he does m t go far enough,

    Lord’a name shall ho saved, hut ho mud ! But I think onr debate may do aorne

    not call in vain. , - good; by them we may find s meeting place.




    I desire to inform the public that

    THE lM it ’*1 r

    Between Rev. 4. F. Thomas anti Elder II. M. Ayers, at the First Baptist (hurch.

    Mr. Thotun*, the fir*t *akcr, Iwinp in

    trodurud by Mr. J. II. Jnrkfton,commenced

    by Haying that he had hern culled ii|>on V defend the doctrine of hi* church, nnd

    Rtood Ik*fore the nndicnee for tliAt purpose;

    thnt he hud n»»t nought the controversy,

    hut feeling it hi* duty to rni*e hi* voice

    in defence of a principle which wn* denr

    to him no h*** than to every true Bapti*t,

    lie had accepted the challenge ami held

    hiniftelf in readme** to repel any and

    every n**nult hy whomnoever matle. He

    •*.iid that lie had adhered to the doctrine of

    hnpti*ni l»v immention with unflinching

    integrity, ami couhl not Ik* diaken in hi*

    confidence in it* correctin'**. Hut while

    till* wa* true, he did not believe that bap-

    tiMin wn* absolutely e**eiitinl to *alva-

    the intellectual nnd moral improve-1“ wn" by hi* church 1 ns an outward evidence id nn Inward


    Satnnlny .Horning, Nov. Ill, 1875. mm—wmmm^—

    The Convention.

    The Educational Convention

    which asKcnthlsil in this city on the

    10th Inst., though not largely at¬

    tended, will no doubt result in much

    good. Its object** were largely cn-

    dorecd hy prominent anti influential

    men from many parts of the State,

    who evidently feel that tin- provis¬

    ion made for the education of the

    colored i li i Id t i n of the State is in¬

    adequate to meet tiie growing de¬

    mands for increased facilities for

    merit of the

    our State.

    colored population of I

    However men mav grace.

    “Sinner* have been waved hy faith and

    differ in regnifl to the best plan to I H^I^ntnnee without bapti*m, through the

    l»e adopted, till agree that the pres-! ,,i,khI ,,f < 11. Will attend all Court* in this and adjoining lountie*.

    * i


  • fprivTiM iit fimm M rn.rvm,] 1 On-eit Hall; Hjr S|> m; leav, linen Hull St..t<

    rviTL’tt uni|T>.o •lilt ^tenfay ilii rn, ^ rri ^ i I rl n t" week I .11 I Kl* S I A I r.N ,’I .V 114, p >ii i • ■!> i r.i »i' »1 ■

    20 0, From stant.ii, bv Mi'KiniwyV Iravt- Si- tv «n o', ti< F>iill Fiuti*' n m, 14 •rr*T;

    tr.iin on thr V O, St, 1 n l l R I: «n»I# . • I hi. I .w,«1* I * arc **un- r**'*l,‘ Wrmd required with ldd. $300. t> n ^ihirdny nt 7 it m. arrive at Ertill 20?

    'i >• 27 milt * ami ha-1 • of laiefha Sb *h«-j *•. ,n I full «nm w«k Uafr \kb»Umt*uTgb M ?*d»y a. n o » ’i in, arrive nt Tti* hnv*nd'« hy ft p hi n»;* n «r,1,T. Crn.u ,. nv-e at Ixwton'„v 3 pm: Lor,-lx,rt •« Fri- 'bv«- t*. •hi* at 9 m. artier „t WhileM-nr**, bv I *»»W with - nr -al ,r! t» ■ pm. Bond miiimi with Wd. $250 '' *,* r'"

    tCr.iX Fr m \ri,iir«l'„mh, I, Pound, ‘TtaK

    n„.v a week Lear,- wkilobnrfh \\..|. ^ , Upr1lr,B, (,% ,h, r.. ,, r mvhv at .."..rriraM fc ( IJ, by fl j thiV,|. eigkvrn h„.l..| v-U. I'"? '• '■ ", Tuiir^tUi .1 . a m. ,r . „

    a, \U.l..,l.,,rgM.r«I, m. Brawl IT- thu , , ,

    'I'"":1 w,'h ***'■ the mail .hall I* m -».p.n..d l., .hr 20384, Fr«»ni t »anln«’f^> illo, l*v l.iU rt> of th«* bii).-pt Sunday, wrr it 12 m, arrive rtf lllamlvilfn hr p m; l r|,,sl>,» la ■ • jtlnndvill* dstilv. * xn lit Sitndav, at »» ’ , *v30 ft in, arrive at hurt J. th r on l.v 11 i • *omlav in. Ik.nd rnjnirid with hid, ?*4Vt. rftl'hi

    20330, Frr :u Wad. .r*.ilsrh, I v Kill- * ’ cy>. to Ilai'kn-htinr. II mil*-* ami h.n k, , - * ’

    otto a week, la avi \Vr« !• -I*• *»*— it- '*1 *• '• unlay at 2 p in. arriv. at Rackil«httru hv •“» pm: h ave lltmku**luir^ Sattmlarv at 0 *n . J" M arrive nt Wntl«-d»omiiKh hv 12 n». Itond ,r "n.“ ",1 mjuirt l with hid, #1®). | renumal

    20rt |0. From I .nil-.’, In ( lifl'..rd. Fall-of *7V ^h* Tug n o . and In. /, t* \V irfi* Id. :W mil. - , ' , ami hack, «uii’»* :• week, f/ave f/ail-a !«,

    rriv. at Clinton F,r* Fah *vilK lVIlville. Kuott-vilh*. and with hid. $2'*‘* VeIvintffon t*. I >«in«lw.r. _h. II mil*-and 2«'3^t. From < »a ninety vlllc, hv l,iU rty

    haek, thr* • tint.1 w..k l/are llnrdim n «» . to Crittenden. 7 milm **nd hnrk. v tim. - a u.. I hu?u Tile-lay Thur«*lay, ml Sininfay nt thn * titu* - a w.-. k l^ ive < ..u In. r»\ ill. • \. . I.t Stindai lr.,n' arr'v'* 11 1 hi* nehorHtfh We.In. winy, Ttlemliy-, Pliur-ulay and Sntiinby at M n m, I, |l% - I’ridiy. and Monday hr 12 m: lrav«- arrive at f ritienden hy 10 a n»: leave t rit- ., *. Sundav H u* ' honuitfh WVdnemh.y. Friday. and t. nd*nTwemlay, Thnmday and Saturday nt thr on hv II i M0,,,by at 1 p m, arriv. t Ifardii’iduinrh 11 a m, arrir. at flardnemvillc hy I p m

    I ^|*|M m\t day* l.v 12 in. 1- ltd rv.puivd with K»n*l re«;iiirm| with hid, fl.Vn

    . U'l. i JttlVi. Fr..m ( ul. Il.t .ir.1, l.v V.I.Un.l


    In.l I i% i i , .ill. IU«I rr.;.,ir«l with bid, fl». ,mll j .Uuid *'" *' • — 1

    | 20:!V>, Kr-.m .'.itlrtt-l-nrgh. I.y V«lihn.) | Sow, .... «.vmn«N i mi -»ii mu

    FALL 0 001)8,

    •* (atfrinu tl lor |l

    I |4k*i i

    20:wft. Fn*m ( itlett-l urgh hy V.hland Now. mi u^l'triuS l t MI Mill- and C.tnl Urovr ().) t*. Ina ton.' I«» mil* * ' 'n-s fa m , it. That if lh* *.»,.|

    draittflt. 2 uttle■- and ha.-k, -i\ time* n and bark, dx tinu-a a hv.Ii Leave Cat- ;hid*le», -»f.*n*til. t'. -k. I np* to U niade nt *ti. h hottra ne . lettylmrgli dailyr except Sunday, at 2 p m. diall within «ur|» liim* after hi* hid l« a*a . p will 4.'« ure . ho, « onne*'tioti with mail arrive at (ronton hr ft p nr. leave !ront*»n i t*d a* the iVaitAnater th'nrral ha* fare- rit-

    Friday at 7 a hi, »r»iv. at Warfield hy H p in; h ave Warth Id Sanmlay nl 7 a in. ar¬ rive nt l.oni-a hy 8 p nt. Rmitl required •vith hid, S |.».

    20,'Ml, From H'-otievllle, hy (r.N-kett-o ville and * »rap»* Vine, to Hazard. Ift mile- and hack, ,m .* a wn-k. b are Boon* • v 111 * Thunulny nt ■* i in. arrive ..t Hazard next day by 12 m; h ive llnzanl Fridav at Jp m, arrive at IkH»n* vilh* next day hy 0 p m. Bond r« a«trr Uem ral ha* prfwvih arrive al cit in aawl advrftWtnml of Uouu .N**.

    Ik m.i rv.juin d to wit, on >r before th. Nt day < I Jaitiiarv. 1*76. enter into a «*.n J

    wi t k. Io*ava Oreenup C. If. daily, etcent acfnv at | Sunday, at 2:30 p m. arrive at » r”Mh. *m.f pr*« d 1.1 h.. .id t id ft ti m. I by :C.K) p m; leave Haverhill daily, exn pt »r'*l further *hall p. ri .rin - ud m n i *<

    -tm.lav,*t 7::«, i, tn, tirriv*. it 0h,-nop . "’"Jj"* «o »»• *"•«’»>. thn. th- ... Iii.n-i.

    i»n*vea oy ir. • I'oarntaatev »teneril, • per¬ form the wrvice po.pwid in hi* -ii*! bid, ami flirtl»« r -hall perform add aervlce a* •!

    I all -mt* $t», $7 frf* t* $'t ,itt«) itpwitnU |Lh.i%

    .It n» |r\ tli*. HlunkM* ittol I • mt*.rt* .

    ■Mil |»n»«nr»

    U. A N MAYER

    ,'„ ... , , i!«:W4 Kn. i IV I”-b.» «-*wl n-ialrrd with 'bid. ■h*11 ’,ubl.1rwi*' *'" •*“ t.'lV l.«r» Ml. f rom Room nil.. In ( meketta- . , i *» , • , , , i.nwrence- - i ami obligation in law. and drape Vine, to Hazard. Ift mile* sirgh . hid. mile* and hark, aif time- tsc wrnrne *iirwn.r We have 1 I... L. ..k. I.- vo ... 5«i;k- n«T. IWr-l.u^l. ,1a. Iv, roorp, S>. t n.m .I.y T..-l» it . • an.l Bllll ,| 1,1 1,1. arriv, Il../..r.| ?» nh nrrlv, n« l..i«r»nrr- Uroiltord, tu 12 mil« nn.l l„rk, ,H7 ,lnv tv ll’n.; I,:.,.. Ilmanl F'ri.lnv nt ''"Hfl*I->n: I. nv, l.:,» r. i,.vl.unr, Uuvetimr- » wrrk. Uott AuKu-U , . I. arriv. -t I'---I,-\ ill. u. xl il.-n l.\ r. ' > |'t *un.|«vt nt S n ui; arriv. nt IVtcr- Tnr-lay, Ihurwlay>atnni»v at H n nt,.

    I: i .l , ,i i.i.i lmr»n I.y !>a nt. Rnad a-.iuinvl with l.f.l, arrivr a. Ki-lvr by 12 lirav. I,»t. i

    e|.o11| | \.,

    v, ,ii II r\ in, arriv at fatwrence- Bradford, tu Fouler, 12 mile* and hack, nv 12 nr. leave Lawmicelnir? daily, three tint* - a week. Leave Atigual.i Sunday, nt M a in: arriv* nt IVtcr-- Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday at 8» n». by Haiti. Bond roqtiiml with bhl, arrive at Fuater by 12 hi; leave Foater

    Tuesday, Thuraday and Satunlay at 1 p n».

    -•> Kn.m Milti.n to MndL-.i, ln,l. arrive »C Anou««‘bv .*> p u. ' Ik,...I r- w,< and hack, *ix time* :* Week. I,« nve 1 T,,r,d hid,$4UU.

    We have hr mint- -* I »i*. .dav of. , J rm: iiiM % %i.i » i.l iht nou i.

    , , S2UU. Turmlav, Thur*dav mid Satunlnv at r nun ^nnei-M-P l*\ t iiiiiIm rland. . .... , , ft *. ' il

    Tuteville, H it IJ , k. ami Film Knot to . t17,Bll#Ml),u?. u' Mtullm* tlnd.t, "J'a with h^l ^ 'Inr»h Cn-i-k. 17 mil- m„l l.i.-k. nn.l baric. l.m.- » *«-(.. Have ,l,"r,,l »"h I'.tl,flOCC H.rk, I. n- I M.>n,lav nn.l Timm- V'ltun ilnilv.. xprt.Hun.lnv, nt ii n rn nr- - duv at ^ a m, arriv* at M »r*h < k next V'o at 'BuIi-m.ii Iv t a m: huv. Ma«li«nn i-hoi'*** il« ti.TK.nri> nv in\»tit- ilava I.y 12... I- IV.- Mar-li r„ .-!< Tu.1 ' ' l'» '-■•"•lav. r.. - , ... nmvr al mtMS,;lrlos> „F p,„ rr. ami Frhhtv nt 2 i* m arrive it S.m.Wt Milton hy ?• a m. Ikmd tv*(mn**l with hid, . .. I I ..i* V • , - . I Sl.ftO ‘•ritVl K. Ttllt YEARLY PAY, oH T next day?* hy t* p tu. B*md mittirod with , hid '3$ihi ftMLo, t roiu \\UliauiBtown, hy Law- wmk. or mr bidder Wii.i

    WO...U Mnyrt. l.l. by ..I.,1.1.1. K"k7,u.7 ;,

    i°‘ :: .- ■ k-. b«.-k.u wini..,,.«..«« —

    Boinl nquired with ' ••r.UVi K,Tti:i YK.AKI Y PAY. *>R Till

    VVMK. or TIIK BIDDER Wil l.



    qtifn-d with bid. ?Ka). ,,uilwl Will •J03II. Krum \m--rn, by II.-n.l. r-.>n*i. j j.-,

    Mill*, Wild. -1 >r.-|uirrd w ith hid, $.'100.

    liOl 107, l-'roni Vini' lOuv. , hy . .rand \ i.-«, to Ili|| Kprinif, IJ mil. - ,.i.d l-nrk, llir.-.-lim— n k. U-nv.- Vino l.ruv.-

    '| k.< .v*—'1 ' Mi.mlny, Wcln—d i v and Iridiv nl I p m pn«e» I*. I'.irrv lh.' mail rd thr ' I Iy, thi- d-.v, U'li... nl . a i.l, nrviv. -o >1-. nrrlv.-nl Biff HpriiiR hy .1 p in;' li-,v> ' Biff t*l»t«-lmn> July I, 1878* In Jun, IbSO, mr*,mllv 7.1,1 ? * I' '!'■ *.Sprii.ff M-ndn.. WSlnV-dnv and Friday ». -» lb-ul.- V-.. U-l«.m July I. 1876' I.. Jun. W, InUO, |K r..„ ,||v .p,. ulilrli lll mIIIm-II nl l-nw.r I'run llinn (III vnntr Ko.hIi

    n,|K"1"' V .SHtr.'f K.mtmkv’imdir •" 'V'' i i »r.t,l, III" l.onulll I'.ir . Is. \« li.r.' Ill I .«\ I ll|| loll. .' • ivnunax tinner m th, •\f,.og.nng '-i.J, i.nm- km>we to U ■ * 99 m

    in .utv* rti**'nii'iit *»i the I o*tma*t4-r (***ii- tli* i* r-.>n» t. nn->*'*l in -.i! t**a1 . war » * . > » •« , r»i..utedik..».iM-r i. i*7a, tift.'un.iwho i.7. 5,, We have tnatio up this Season, and now on

    ■with e

    •*' * into * onlracl, with *uretic« to be approve*! I r*,ni Moiitii'ei 1 In Shearer hy the Po*tuirt«ter < tenoral, within the time

    V ilh y • 11. o.) find I'ower-tjurgli mi.

    >tore, 2l 1 mile* and hack, om*t a week. I.« ave BarlMUimvilh Friday nt 0 u in, nr-

    Bii»*h,*« TrnrUville Tenn and hack. on • a we* k. N .»\i Monti' cllo Tu* -dav nt ' 1 tn, arriv, nl Traviwville hv 4 p m;

    rive at BihIi*'* ston f»y l2m; h a*. Bm-Ii'h leaveTra\ i«ville Momfav ai H n’tn. arrive More I relay al I p m, arriv* nl BarNuir- at M ,mi. ell., hy I p m required villehy7 p m. ik.iel reipiin l w ith Lid. with hid,

    20370, Kr»im Three Forks 111.0.1 Ut Oak- 2u:M7, I ron* Fim vilh . I.y 1 iiuui. Yel- land Station, t» mil* ^ ami h.n k. a

    ' ,w fivek, < uniherlaml i*ap, and Me- week. L ave Three Fork* Hatunluv nt s Henry n I. ri v. to I az* well. 2»i mile* and a m. arrive nt < )aklan*l Smti, n hv 11 ■* in- hack, tlire. tune- - week I . IV. Fin. Irak, i Nikl.iml Station Nntimlu*■■’nl 1 p m. ville Monday. \Vediie«d:iy, and Friday al | nrrive■ at three Fork* l»v 1 p m. ' Bond re- 7 a ui, arriv* it nl Tnzewell I.y ft p in; qiiiredwith hid,$100. leave Tazewell Tue*dnyt Thur-*ln/, anti Saturday at 7 a in, arrive at Pim vill. by ft pm. Rond riqiiired with lddt$4ft0.

    203-18, From ( y nthiaiia, hv Shady Nook

    pn -*'rlhe«l in -aid i««l\«-rti~* rnent

    I hi- l*ro|N.-n| i- made wiili full know|««lg.- of the dUtanoe of tin route, the weight of the mail to )*■ enrried, and all other particular- in reference to the route and •er* vice: and. al-*., after ran ful exaui i iation >ti the law*- ami initnn - don* atla* bed t*. ndverti-cm-nt •>( mail -orvive.

    ing hy him, and nil judgment*, un rigage*, ami execution- rgalaUt him ufn r nth-wing all exemption- . : * very ehar... t* r wli »t*\ er, the total niiim ihn- 1—nod amounting to •$.I.dollar*, Iwing dotthlv th* amonnt ot th* Dux-h .mg »**nd

    Suimcribeti ai»tl -worn tuTor* me ilii- d 11 1 197 3f!

    20371, From Vlbaiiv, hy RrownV t ro— Rond-, l'*oiTe*t Cottage, Albany Finding and Knkertown, to Hurkcavill*', 22 mile* and hark, thru* time** a week. L nvi \1- I OATH Kmjl’Ult.b H) SI'( Hus 24* N’uti lift.-•. (k* I tL.' * " ... ' Sal,inlay a, 1 ,, arrive a. Key.- .lam,-tow,, Sa.tmlav a. - a arriv.- f.".?!','.?*!, .. Wl'*~* ,'"1 *hM K ! i^V" ' dulv T'1

    THE FALL TERM in. tu in ,• at rvty*- .lame-town .’vitiiniay at ■> :i in, arriv** at !„.,vnt»*i

    l.ttrff by ti p in; li-uvi- K.-y-burffh Satunlay C'aiu'it Sion- by 4 p’m; !.-»».• lain - Son-1 at 1 j. iu, arrive ut .VUi-ukvIUu by I! p ni. Friday a! X a n lloml with bid, $100. pm, 'ik.iid r.-1 llir,la v il 1pm, p ill; 1- av.- 1’ Willi„-u hy ftp iu. Bond required i next «lay hy 6 p in. Bond required with at Fort J* HVi-ani hy ftp ut. Bond rvquired , w ith hid, $200.

    203M, From Frinectou, hy siuiiu*.’>iore l

    * next day hv fi p in. > hid, $600.

    20377. From M

    tin ttf tht yenrt or any o#**r/ >' / umtuj •• , principal ami hi- xun ti< * in tin- af-.n going 1 * a j< I'jf & a l amj/j < Vh T, fA. i**>nd, ami «U« It ai 4m 4 a; 4o ♦ a% 4m

    »■•••• ii M 4m : » «• ft a* 4m Alf|»» R»*Aa.a**u « 11 aft 4m ft Ift 4*> 4m 4m


    i I a • | • t*mi R 'kmfaatlU* I III « f Vp ■ IU p ■

    • a 4« I a» 4m T m 4» !«••• i* >.4 f * 4* i a n *» i. Arriv. »«•• 1 n 4m • M «, a aft 4-w tHauaia*oa. IM4* IS 4m ft 19 v

    »•*•* Vlik |« 4, lb J*

    Immtt X ■ hm •» * ni# ft .It a m I ft p « |upa oil** !*• *|H 4 ** 4« I aa 4m t rn 4m («•«• * ■ • 7 m 4a i aa 4« m u

    | Irrl*. Ut# T n 4m IM 4« a M 4« tliauawm* 1B*4m l» Aw ft It K#»It Tf«*4* I M 4« IR h

    4** • r*ta ••• em 4m an 4* 4w a, 4*i »» ••«.** fN4. a aa *U | w »• 4w ‘m*A*t'. II U 4 10 4m im 4m !»*,•» thorn h •• 4 a mom* al Mw|ta »i b, * •

    f I aiM N • I 9-1 mm mi At M 4»„ al I I r • att Tra*a« »*•** 4aMy. * u»4ap« »i*tpM4

    Tntm X * 7 9*4 Itifl **•• p MN*«N* 9mIf ft.* *U>- a* • Ml I mam Im |I*m

    II. I* MABMlM.

    OraVlIrkil *|,al



    | rmhrtvtrl in tht raabati.&r, m y tow'll |.ik- , IJ ItliU-a from Ijvili,' XI. CLAIR 20370, Fr**iu Hazard t*» McRlu r*t*m( 20 and auretie* in full in the body **l uU bond "* Aftnimiijr, to 'w /.«»! ui ,ul um 21. -...I I—..L ... t • il. . -re..! ... * i a J .

    “licH Tt the n .me- 4 the print ii»nl this AiU in jBtmpk’fi Jorm, innltny p ftmal* ( t lb, Imd I’MnJha. m tht ok... • VI eli,, 11 lif Im- xa 11, ,cx... . I .....I ii.. . ...__ lla/aril M-,mlay at il a m, arrive at Me- «*>■ -ul,l wilnrw,), ami tl,, , ,-rtlfi, at,

    t, l*~

    inj a uirt of the Skitin, r trm t, »tel

    l‘t.' !-'." by s p m Imt, 'I. I’ll. - I | ... th* in-i-l, -I,-,,1,| k, | i , a ju.tiie „f 'ipfJitati.j,, ' thr S ,/ .1 v. T t/ t, .lay at 7 a m, arrive at llu/arj by 3 p tbe Bern*, aihiiiiff in# ..fheial title, or if rr

  • I )

    it IN l|| | III . , • , . , .. . , . , .

    i ., I-r.. i.k fort, E. S. Milb-r, of llrark.-n. lt-v. i»K to i ven n tl.gniAi'tl ,mile. , ,, . _

    Invlor .Mti.itguimry, -. ll.oiupwon, Tin- conv. i.llon was roni|K)sitl of wbitv | of Suti, R, v. (». Ili.rili-tt nnil II. S. For. of mimrat,, coloreil Ht mocrats, whilo Kv-! .Ir-,amiiir, nit,I I'r, - Kain hibl, l'rof. iblictin, anti roloretl R-pulilii-an,. So it : Iami lVin. t'rittoiul.-u, of Il. r.n t'ol-

    Fur tho best two for five cent uiul five . ... , •

    cent cigar* ... A Sh. Ifm. ,. l'" ,onV, n 1"n ,w“’ f*lj»‘

    cun buy one ponnd of tea f«»r *eventy-five I *«* non-partiian, utnl wc* may *ay rolorle—. lege.

    1'KAU li.s IN

    HllKlitl A 111 WIK-l.'illlIM, 1,1 \S,

    but not whin. I'fotol.** of overy

    stantlv mi bund. lewription ron- ■

    W ®

    *' E

    Subsi riltt rs will pleatie come forward ai.,1

    •ettlp a, once.

    If WIliTuj You

    To ex.ioiiur E. K I’oiu’ stork of Loot, tun I

    Shoe In fore yon buy. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -

    Iiiiliift-nipiifs to Siilweribers.

    Aminunition anil Iiii|i| fur

    Ilrcwli lion.lrrs til way m in -took.

    Itc-puiringofovury (loMorijition< \-

    ooutoil with noatnre- an.l cII^ik,:--l..

    Follow tli Crowd sutnuy on i.anti. rnrd nnd 1' die mn**ea of the colored (teople of - |

    j thi* city were ns eager to have their chil- And go to Pott*’, No. 7 Ka*t Main street, for Ammunition Ulid Iliijili lucuts for |

    .Iren nehool as they are for .lebate, Innd Shoe". Ilivccli Outlier* olwnvn ill -took,

    and .util things, we would find a decided .| ,

    ehanfe for the bi tter in.. rear or two. ' "/c< 1 "nm 1 11 au"'i Itopairillgufpvon' (leHcriptiun c\- Dot, .uni • ,silitienl news. I , . ,

    A little of the cracked r,K k that i» b, ing •■ r rn ®

    HH 3

    W %

    0 o H a w

    V" a means .if extending, cirenla- the middle of Tliirtl street near the Rail- he the limit .1 what can Ih-said

    tlon and ineieasing our useful.*-*, we offer road. “bo,', AU, ,ll"1 (i«ur' ... mH'ion- . . , . , , are evusie, and nobody knows nnvthing a-

    tlie following .uJ-ermi-nt. to eluhs: To any Aluung V( rv iw,r.wlU,g u-Uero rend ... it, even the old. ii.haldlant liesitating one who will furni*li to u* the name* of hvo l wltWT. (M„ convention, wi re those from *ru’ n" "i”'" M*V l,!ir,Jorf- p*id up *niMcribcr* nnd $10 we will give I t»ilM iy r i n •> , ,, yhe inti ulgeiit nativ. - know nothing about one copy of the Irrmr.x one wear fro,.. To ' ,, T .^ ° f " J. '' ^ ^ 'j! a .. «• »«•

    , , . .. , . , • Mi\mix*I, I,, i. in- -n. jr., K-tp, and Su- rec *r,i .*i it. hveu id -mail towns tin au> lady who will make up a club of ten r|nt, ,,d, nt IFciTdi r .»n, all of ubi, h will nll,|d“ ** «f families nr. unknown, and what paid up KulMcrtber* and forward 11* .$20, we ap|var jn ol|r |lt.x( ever figure* are given, wbctiu r they he in will give two copies of the Citizen nnd one the hundred thousand* or million they muot copy of OodyV Lndlet’ Ikvtk of Fashion M°op» and marble* are taking the pine* ,M- qualified with word*, “more or less.”

    one year free; or to any person who will Hhinny. It is im|N>s*ib|c to exhaust a

    make np a eluh of ten paid up sub*, ihu hoy* eat.ilogin* of gain *, ami if you fori hi XxOllOAV&^y^ cfe C-/0.

    and forward n* $20, we will give one copy otic U*for» the word* have , of pie Cm/KX otic war free nnd a c*< pv of yonr lip* he will have thought oi

    the life of limn.'Sumner, baud- ,mly nnothcr to take it plate. UCiT t« Cllll illtlMltioil to

    bound, and worth $4.50. John Nile* didn’t sci*m to bo dear in hi* .. . - .

    ... wind. In regard to just whut I,,- wanted, LlCgC StOCK of I1CW

    Tht* Largest the other day. in III. ooiiventli.n. He did „-00(ls ,v||lcll tllOV ill*/, nf-

    not *eem to have eatight the full Hound of ’ '* And m„.t attrartire stivk ,,f Uo„t and the genll, wbl.,s r ponrc.l into hi- ear by C,.H„,r V/.. V Inu n-l/M,



    ts P-

    SO p o


    Pictures Cheaper than TCT m ft |T IJl TJI TT ) Bpk to call attention to the Cheapest, ( all ami see • A • V XX J!l JEl JV tlieic large stock of new | me.

    goods, which they are of-1 —— Fifty cent Store, near St. Nicholas Hotel and

    terimr at very low prices TWO LABliE I'll’Tl RES Fill! *2") I TS. buy any thing you want. Thirty thousand clif- for cash or approved credit. ... „ A „

    I.. .Mam -met, Court-itouM*, ierent articles, all now style. Fancy goods and I mvnuMT* would do to well exam- f/i'xiii^tmi, Kv.f

    in,* their extin-i vc lines of nimk autl ■. » .. . Yankee nOtiOUS. COUIC Olie, C01110 all. ,, , . f, . w . Drs. A. s. Allen Colored hilks, lash meres, Mcnnos; -n-t- r-pi ^-rj-r-i ■■ i-ro^

    ('aiuels Hair SuitiuL'-iu all the neu - —l-N - -I— - w XX -L—J..L1 I,

    \nd most aururtire Mnek ..f Boo. and the genll.• wl,is|„ r ,„,nrc.l int„ hi- . ;

    Shoe, in the dty at E. H. I*oll..\ formerly the person behind the Ikhworth \ AVadc, No. 7 East Main *tri*.*t.

    ( all on or send to E. 11. l*ott* No. 7 East

    Main street, Lexington, Ky., f*»r a copy of

    the “Pictorial Advertiaer/’ it will n il you

    nil about Boot* and ahoe*.

    No IMsfincfion.

    The Superintendent oi one of the Sun.lay

    -< hool- of thiscity l:«r»t Sabbath asked all the

    hov* who had been pitching nickel* to hold

    up their hand*, hut not a hand went up.

    When In u.ked .h„.e who did piteh Colored Silks, ('uMinteri's, Merinos; to hold their hand., the first that ,, , .

    No nistiuefion. went up was that t a hoy whom we had in, ‘lni

    ■ longer than the .lay iK tHre driver from our shad

    Rev. (iuhriel ilr.uli lt, the well-known Jnor for .lirtuHd.igu, l.y lmnl shout, wl.e.i-

    tnd highly e.tcen.eil eolotvd pre.n, ‘ Ver he Would east the winning t oin. \V. T)r write, that on, the i3d ..It , It, ;i"k, tl that In.y if he Ini 1 ever rend .In *lorv went tn meet an a|>|Miintun .it ut the Buek- W u.liingtun und hi. hntehet, nnd he .aid

    eye meeting house, ocriipie.l by u white u,,‘[ be intended nlwny. lo own ll|> na And

    ehureli in llarraid county, on Soott*. F. rk, •*1® Kr“"l little George, bnt that in the

    nnd found the colored jwople holding u l'Xl'itement of the moment he fttrgui hi. re«- 1

    l.rotraeted meeting liotli pnrtiea de.iretl "lutlnn. Ill'will It i. tn h, Imped, reniem-

    hiui to remain, and the iichiittl limnut tn.,.-. her next linn-. II..■

    I’urt'hasvrs wouldilo to well exam-

    im* thcircxtensivi* lines of Dlavk and

    Canal- Hair Soititio-in all the tu n


    Beautiful Shawlb

    and found the colored people holding a e*l’itcuicnt «»l tin* moment In* forgot hi* jv

    protraeted meeting Ruth parties de«ired "*ll,'"n' He will it i. In be Imped, renter

    hhu to remain, and the school Iioum prov- l>l'r nc*1 '*m< ■ ing too .mail for the congregation, the 1 * *

    white people kindly invited them to a- D is a FltCt.

    move the meeting to their church. And ., u ,,

    there a large crowd of Ml. white and col- ,t,.„ i , , . ,, • , . ,, lower than anybody. He mean, Hu.lm

    ored |s*ople met at night, aud a smaller

    number ut the sehocl house in the day You will find all X*im...

    tl llirjrf

    h ('Inaks.

    supply o|

    |.Mailt -trvvt, opp. C'ourt-houst*,

    Lexington, Kv.

    Dis. A. s. Allen


    D. N. 11, Kv

    mean, or other the Dispatch passed from | -~ ------

    under bis control last spring, and it has ______ FRANIiUN_

    i been on th.- wane ever since. A g.s.d lo- ^ I ^ ^ g ,

    cal pa(vr i* badly needed in Lexington." f ^ | A

    Read E. B Pott's advertisement. 1' f*1 __ 101 !/»*«• N/i*r< f, l iMfinnait, Ohio*

    You cun gi t a perfect filling Iks.t or Sh.w ALLISON, SMITH 4 JOHNSON,

    ut E. II. Potts' Presses aid Printing tentml nf tverv Descnnnn

    Boot & Shoo Maker, _ I Shop Uvniovt'il i .\. *.M Short -t.

    Attorney on,I Co anoint CLOSI1T CG OTJT Office, Jordon's Row, I'ppcr Stna t, Lex- -ROTH_

    i.igton, Kv.

    " Wholesale and Retail. Slovi'x. Tinwtll't',

    —AXIS— "-

    ^ lujf l t< ii-.Uk. Au tlxe Kxi'cutrix of G. M. Mliim.-, tliaa-.t-ial, I will j... t'r/,t.t ti.i- Tin Itoofint;.