I E NuFEIENcFI- ersufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01400/00755.pdfI A BBIBW BA1 I atM aw IMS...

THE GAINESYIL1E SUN FEBRUARY 19 IVffi ffVI 2b ilito I I J < VUIijtmliipi Tiaittati U j- LjHft pierce Day STUAJtrS MAGNETIC SERMONS The AM an e Frwm Akraad f Larg rThw Last Year Awwleneee Well fffaaMd with Ke Meettaga There WW be WiMlt OeesJ Ovtafee- wfnm Friday Dilly moral ef tke Blkle Ceaferaaee brought Miter tkaa oa the MJeaeikf ali Pref aa- iaMtmlBf his sad bin sva Bsaaa r eaaan area at te fef etriet aweatiea te ave 1 twlMBtaMleaeef tke Rook ef Mat Hww wMali ia eae af deep interest to L fr I F Ii nee and ten are ever Is t E NuFEIENcFI- AA tact r t t su- n atteaduee at ale see eats puseLsidaye srrvie was tree ti M estate skew his c Nie ttlsieste > TIM Vakenatle wall atteadrd ia till aHitwM he keiag attract M4 g4gM well me the Bible Ifttstoltoekelr to large at derated- tarriee to aMtt fileasaatly- r ksM a kl well aefea la kriegSag the chess sjptsafwty taadard ef excel l ilitMr Millar wkesa eae then aMMIfMUii tilt atteatiaa ef aaa- yft late itmita tm the rtajy ef eke Mth staf WMT ff il ti Brtat- vmHil Htsiftfa regard to tk prafh- I A BA1 I BBIBW atM aw IMS IMSH- IKMMfff tars of- liWmtefiMsslaU flMwam la kit aawMBtaiisl she aaaat latliCersat aaa toWreHMl after lietea- liJBjtoMil slits IbM Tase AaaiittlBey awiisaae waa araaaat- ia twf lawtMaiato teat sighs After sad tale kf Mr lag V ilwwmW- Hkf I4 4f arisff whieh a- wMMVWPB Vy tlttttUiWef sale twy Jilt- TBtf B3twfBa fttaan then ktgaa kia- JMilel aaswig iar him There to a hat MMM M4 tka etary of tkat- wkwtffaiaae the key ef kit aalasa- Tfca aaaktr g va vt bale iMawi trory father mad W aJPfJBhtatl f Bs sad wa kaaw ita- UB ftalW wa BBeUtBli faaf alaslliltlBlfaT wcwn sl smf U lilt l J the ill Ut isi 1 ill sad v k ant Iv t 1pr OfIf rcceied tiI WI a- lit lIMn lest prayer AfleHteea ltsson- Uf tear c people 1 M Iii i acts lie MeaiiI eoniee Ike tins qN1 pact Nidei1 i lard u 1111 7 s t a ar tattat 1 sppert kis la- Mssrl asH eeatlelag W Mw1xM 1Sim nlrweM t 11gat uagw d Asriptere are seer a old In sad he- i1UlN beatIli elsper the A I i 11r1IIut that skew seek wlly1rt1 IMiea his task mow MI Its Its t a feet iw I tttlls ippreclated y all eaMg akalen aii W Me f kak was klg- hlasld was gl f r Frederick Faa L Ati1sg t1111 eaM1 lsMB was ir awe 3 11bN leas 1 A clog 1is s sd 1 hM bs ww pre e f wist selkas fees rdI- agh r Ma M whisk sksetld bins 4- r armMn wl Me Mys se ever h at Mss ea sad ti l Mr Mle ai IwpmeIea r Ts aesNmg se rat 1 ww > + > + + The YaHaw Germ KM reaeatljr koea diMovored been a clear reteasbkaee to the ma- laria gets Te fre the system trots thins gels the seat effective teat iv Dr Klais New Life Pill QasVaattMl to care all disease due to dada aeiaaa sad eoaatlpatloa 2Sc aft aM drag MOTM i Z It t Fever It- t x 11 ¬ = wNat Weed led BaHegp Mattrraef Chairs lifer Lard Fleer Meal tells sail Ray sad Graia C C D D POWELL JfBBEKH aad COMMISSION SEMHISTH la FvntltHri Qycmswire- Huvy Qrecirits lilY Grails ni Product OBtee sad Warehouse on A 0 L True Wet Maim St S near Baird Hardware Co Ware host Gainesville Fla UlgacM Cask Prkw Paid Chickens Egg sad Fradare- Cerrecpoadeaee Solicited Special atteatloa gives to P O Baxli3 Car lots a Wire or write us for Quotations OwVes reran eT Iahmlty lard F Streets I hit lrss std ate Beater A t Cat Cat I Feed your hair nourish it k somethiif to live on Then k will stop fallinc and will Crow k Bff tad heavy Ayera Hair Vip is the only hair food you can buy For 60 years k has beta doing just whir we claim it will do It will sot disappoint you Xf kttr M t to rtrr tfcott after J Ti or hort tint It WCMI- tn 14 n II K n lixhM lams BtaMwt wnbnaf IDT Lit Xu J U mesa Cvlon4 tpftec Oate- tnttl C 4 t cn Short Hair ers Hair Vigor HaIr I M after I for r II t v e o tot Few f marl s ay 1d4t rat llrt M a J R r t > THE STROBHAR CASE Hearing at the 95000 Bond Was Up in Atlanta The Atlanta Constitution of th llth ha the followiog o say re girding the famous Strobhar ease The Strobhar involving the nwaership of 15000 on deposit at the real Rank was tikes up by Judge Pendletoa afternoon bat is aaflaished and the trial will be re this morning In the original petition ia this case the Atlantic Coa t Line Railroad sad the Anerican Surety Company the latter having bees oa Strobhar a railroad agent claim that the atooey oa deposit U part of the am to have been embezzled by Strob kar Mr Strobhar claims that the Aoaey I here sad that the came Into posseMloB of It through the sale of a end lot and household furniture la OaiaMvllle Fla the entire prop she alleges belonging to her per teaally Yesterday when the ease ease up for a heariag Attorney Robert AUtoa representing the railroad aseadaieet the origins petition whisk allecvs that the property sold by Mr Strobhar was largely pur chased with Bsaoey alleged to have embezzled fey Strobbar aad right rally belaagiBg te the railroad Yea Astor Bateheler and Lowry Ar repre Btlas Mrs Strobhar a vlferea protest to the allow aaeaof aaeadneat and Judge Peadletoa took the matter under eon sideratiea He will pass on the ad aissloa of the atBeadraest morn last I bond red a- te sold this Regards case yesterday al- leged ken arty Men wad this lag The Atlanta CoBstitatioo of Friday the leek last coataino the followlag whisk will be of interest to readers of The Sea The iojOBetioa asked for by the At- tic C3at Line Railroad the Amer lees Sarety Ceatpaay against James Noble Strobhar Mm Daisy Strobhar the Neal Bank and William F Maary restraining defendants from interfer lag with the deposited In the Neal Bank by Mrs Strobhar was grant- ed by Judge Pendleton yesterday af teraooa injunction will be however and Mrs Daisy Strobhar al lowed to withdraw the money and re tan of it provided that she give bond for the amount such as will be available provided the money i at the final trial adjudged the property- of the Atlantic Cost Line Some time BRO Jam Noble Strob har was brought back from Canada to answer to the charge of embez- zlement of the fund of the Atlantic Coast Linn Railroad Hi bond wa at 5C M and sum given hi wife debiting the money with the Neal Bank in to obtain a bondsman It was claimed by the railroad attorneys that the money put up by her wa a part of that taken by her s t COO dissolved possession messed was husband and This this or- der ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ A Healing Gospel The Rev J C Warren pastor of Sharon liaptist Church KeUir Ga of Electric Uitter Its a to mankind It cured me of lame back Joint and complete physical collapse I o weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile Two bottler of Electric titters have made me so strong I have walked three miles in minutes and feel like walking threw more Its made a of me Greatest remedy for weakness and all stomach liver and kidney complaints Sold under by all druggiits Price 50c says stiff just bit L i 1u 1 Ji God- send was new- man guar- antee ¬ < THE AUKNGES STEADILY GROWING Li Number at the National Bible Conference Each Evening PROF BROWNS ALE LECTURES The Rev George Stuart Evangelist- Has No Limit to Hi Able Sermons Much Enthusiasm Manifested Prof Miller Still Speaks Interestingly The attendance at the Bible Confr yesterday showed plainly that the interest is growing with rash ioa and Prof Brown made h morn more interesting than ever i He has a fund of knowledge which he imparts with much clearne Afternoon Session The audience and the setting most interesting Prof Mil- ler in his lectures manifests an interest that keeps the closet attention of testers The music i alto inspiring and adds much to the pleated atten- tion of the audience No one subject been so thoroughly explained a his theme of prophecies and the an- dience are most attentive Evening Session The crowds commenced to arrive early in the evening an 1 to all ap pea ranee the meetings are becoming more and more of an attraction After staging bj the choir and a solo bj Mr Bagby prayer offered y Rev Frederick Pasco Mr BaRb then sang I Know That My Redeemer Ktow very sweetly ad was followed with a prayer by Prof Drown The choir sang during the taking of the offering and the Rev Geo Stuart who seems to improve at each service delivered one of his powerful sermons- as only he can do to the satisfaction of the large audience While he puts much pathos and sound logic ID his effort he has a sufficient amount o wholesome humor to make all listen He has no poor in his sermons or discourses I I lug hour large his I l1u spate race sea was I was ¬ ¬ > > Startling But True People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a theater ia which nearly people lot their live yet more than five times number or over 3100 people died from pneumonia in Chica- go during the tame year with scarcely a passing notice Every one of three cases of pneumonia resulted from cold and eould have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain Cough Remedy A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia nave warded- it off by the prompt use of The following is an instance of Too muck cannot be ID favor of Chamberlains Cough Rem- edy and especially for colds and in- fluenza I know that it cured my daughter Laura of a severe cold and believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia V D IVilcni Logan New York Sold by nil druggists hundred soft said Chica- go sir this this rem- edy this ¬ ¬ In County Judges Court Edward Jones and Joe Tompkins colored were arraigned in Judge court Friday upon a charge of obtaining goods under false pretetue The charge was preferred by J P Lynch the lumber manufacturer of Fairbanks who Hinted to the court that the men while in hi employ ob- tained goods iii atlrniKH of their sal- ary after which they Jumped their In default of 150 bond each for their appearance before the next grand jury the tarn were committed to jail Attorney Itnbt E Val appeared for the pro ecutinn Frightfully Burned Chits V Moore n machinist of Ford City Pa had hi hand frightfully burned in an electrical furnace He applied Hucklen Arnica Salv with tHe usual result quick and per- fect cur treatett healer on earth for burn wound sores enema and piles 25c at all drug stores JIb I Ma- sons a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Real Estate Transfer 5 F Sheppard has purchased the cottage North Gainevillc and will occupy same with hi family This one of the bt properties In that and Mr sheppanlV friend will congratulate him upon new Are You Restless at Night And harraised by a bad cough Use HaltardN Horehound Syrup it will you ound sleep and etlect a and radical care Sold by Vf Johnson pye ill his 1 1 Jj li < CASTO RIA9- OJ 11111 Children l lii I The Kind You Have Io t Always f I toftfOFAT l- I d I I Bears the Signature rv- ne s ltl R stCRains ilhfr I of I nor I rn l t I ZI iIfII- 1ct f I J nun I Sour F o r 0 V e r tEE fat Sirik S Jr Thirty Years J t tJ fJJ CASTO RIA OJ WiUp m r Tor Tnt and p Nought slmit- ahltgMwAxdandreubt ii iii Xalro- m 1c9DislimCtkcTful- i OpuHnMO1QYt11 rat P- t1OT NtRCOTICp- 4xafM4J ftllmtIE s I4Rx ftMe 14 a 11 a UPS lt a Use Re mealy forfernstipi- I ova P- 111urmsCnmvl ant Fctrrl lr l- rtc3 tl nter p 1 1 i YORt- T taut vi erlttauS esa Mew Net en + + = WATCH BARGAINS- I have on hand a few in 15 and 17 jewelled WATCHES If you want- a good Watch at an unusually price write us H C STEVENS Jeweler HIGH SPRINGS FLORIDA SWEAR OFF W claim that our Bottled Soda Water linger Ale Etc are purest o drink tho e made by the GAINESVILLE BOTTLING WORKS On Drinking SOD i i Any lint the BEST 11STEI SNOW Frosted Feet Burns etc PENETRATES the Pores loosens the Fibrous BIT LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC RHEUMATISM have been the baths of than THREE SIZES 2Sc 50c AND OET THE SOLD AND BY CTOHCITSOlsr j A for Rheumatilm Cuts Sprains Wounds Old Corns Oat Brutes Contracted Muscles Bl1c Stiff AN ANTISEPTIC steps rraticn subdues lrPam mstton and drives I Tissue promotes a wcu1Ccn cf the Blood Muscle natural Mrs E A Simpson SOO St Eaoxville Tenn I hot Springs Ark for edatic rheumatism but I let more relief from Ballard Snow liniment any edidne or anything hue ever tried tSad for 100 Send sae large bottle by Southern Express 100 SE tOU OetUlN Ballard Snow Liniment Co i ST LOUIS So A D W GaineSVille 4- t s Su re Cu 1 t Lamer Joints that Pzt free giving the eJasauty i writes b stiea r 1st u 1e 1

Transcript of I E NuFEIENcFI- ersufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01400/00755.pdfI A BBIBW BA1 I atM aw IMS...

Page 1: I E NuFEIENcFI- ersufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01400/00755.pdfI A BBIBW BA1 I atM aw IMS IMSH-IKMMfff tars of-liWmtefiMsslaU flMwam la kit aawMBtaiisl she aaaat latliCersat


ffVI 2b ilito I



VUIijtmliipi Tiaittati U j-

LjHft pierce Day


The AM an e Frwm Akraad f Larg

rThw Last Year Awwleneee Well

fffaaMd with Ke Meettaga ThereWW be WiMlt OeesJ Ovtafee-

wfnm Friday Dillymoral

ef tke Blkle Ceaferaaee broughtMiter tkaa oa the

MJeaeikf ali Pref aa-

iaMtmlBf his sadbin sva Bsaaa r eaaan areaat te fef etriet aweatiea te ave

1 twlMBtaMleaeef tke Rook ef MatHww wMali ia eae af deep interest to




Ii neeand ten

areever Is




tactrt t su-

n atteaduee at ale see

eatspuseLsidaye srrvie was

treeti M estate


c Nie ttlsieste


TIM Vakenatle wall atteadrd iatill aHitwM he keiag attract

M4 g4gM well me the Bible

Ifttstoltoekelr to large atderated-

tarriee to aMtt fileasaatly-r ksM a kl well

aefea la kriegSag the chesssjptsafwty taadard ef excel

l ilitMr Millar wkesa eae thenaMMIfMUii tilt atteatiaa ef aaa-yft late itmita tm the rtajy ef eke

Mth staf WMT ff il ti Brtat-vmHil Htsiftfa regard to tk prafh-I A BA1 IBBIBW atM aw IMS IMSH-



liWmtefiMsslaU flMwam la kitaawMBtaiisl she aaaat latliCersat aaa

toWreHMl after lietea-liJBjtoMil slits IbM Tase

AaaiittlBey awiisaae waa araaaat-ia twf lawtMaiato teat sighs After

sad tale kf Mr lagV ilwwmW-

Hkf I4 4f arisff whieh a-

wMMVWPB Vy tlttttUiWef sale twy Jilt-

TBtf B3twfBa fttaan then ktgaa kia-

JMilel aaswig iar him There to ahat MMM M4 tka etary of tkat-

wkwtffaiaae the keyef kit aalasa-

Tfca aaaktr g va vt

bale iMawi trory father mad


aJPfJBhtatl fBs

sad wa kaaw ita-

UB ftalW wa BBeUtBli

faaf alaslliltlBlfaTwcwnsl smf




J theill Ut

isi1 ill


v k





tiIWI a-


lIMn lest


AfleHteea ltsson-Uf

tearc people

1 M Iii i

actslie MeaiiI eoniee Ike tins

qN1 pact

Nidei1i lard

u 1111

7 st

aar tattat 1 sppert kis la-

Mssrl asH eeatlelagWMw1xM 1Sim nlrweM t11gat

uagw d Asriptere are seera old In sad he-

i1UlN beatIli elsper theA I i 11r1IIut that skew seek

wlly1rt1 IMiea his task

mowMI Its Its

t a feetiw I tttlls ippreclated y all

eaMg akalen

aii W Me f kak was klg-hlasldwas

gl f r Frederick Faa

L Ati1sgt1111 eaM1 lsMB was

ir awe3 11bN

leas1 A clog

1is s sd 1hM bs ww pre e

f wist selkas fees rdI-agh


Ma M whisk sksetldbins4-

r armMn wl Me Mys se everh at Mss ea sad

ti l MrMle ai IwpmeIea

r Ts aesNmg se









The YaHaw GermKM reaeatljr koea diMovored

been a clear reteasbkaee to the ma-

laria gets Te fre the system trotsthins gels the seat effective teativ Dr Klais New Life Pill

QasVaattMl to care all disease due todada aeiaaa sad eoaatlpatloa 2Scaft aM drag MOTM










wNat Weed ledBaHegp Mattrraef Chairs

lifer Lard Fleer Mealtells sail Ray sad Graia


SEMHISTH laFvntltHri Qycmswire-

Huvy Qrecirits

lilY Grails ni Product

OBtee sad Warehouse on A 0 LTrue Wet Maim St S nearBaird Hardware Co Ware

host Gainesville Fla

UlgacM Cask Prkw PaidChickens Egg sad Fradare-

Cerrecpoadeaee Solicited Specialatteatloa gives toP O Baxli3 Car lots a

Wire or write us for Quotations

OwVes reran eT Iahmltylard F Streets



lrss stdate






Feed your hair nourish itk somethiif to live on

Then k will stop fallinc andwill Crow k Bff tad heavyAyera Hair Vip is the only

hair food you can buy For 60years k has beta doing justwhir we claim it will do Itwill sot disappoint you

Xf kttr M t to rtrr tfcott afterJ Ti or hort tint It WCMI-

tn 14 n II K n lixhM lams

BtaMwt wnbnaf IDT LitXu J U mesa Cvlon4 tpftec Oate-

tnttl C 4 t cn

Short Hair


Hair Vigor



I for r II t



Few f marls ay 1d4t rat llrt

M a J Rr t



Hearing at the 95000 BondWas Up in Atlanta

The Atlanta Constitution of th llthha the followiog o say re

girding the famous Strobhar easeThe Strobhar involving the

nwaership of 15000 on deposit at thereal Rank was tikes up by JudgePendletoa afternoon bat isaaflaished and the trial will be re

this morningIn the original petition ia this case

the Atlantic Coa t Line Railroad sadthe Anerican Surety Company thelatter having bees oa Strobhar

a railroad agent claim that theatooey oa deposit U part of the am

to have been embezzled by Strobkar

Mr Strobhar claims that theAoaey I here sad that the came IntoposseMloB of It through the sale of a

end lot and household furniturela OaiaMvllle Fla the entire prop

she alleges belonging to her perteaally

Yesterday when the ease ease upfor a heariag Attorney Robert AUtoarepresenting the railroadaseadaieet the origins petitionwhisk allecvs that the property soldby Mr Strobhar was largely purchased with Bsaoey alleged to have

embezzled fey Strobbar aad rightrally belaagiBg te the railroad

Yea Astor Bateheler and Lowry Arrepre Btlas Mrs Strobhar

a vlferea protest to the allowaaeaof aaeadneat and JudgePeadletoa took the matter under eonsideratiea He will pass on the adaissloa of the atBeadraest morn




red a-














The Atlanta CoBstitatioo of Fridaythe leek last coataino the followlagwhisk will be of interest to readers ofThe Sea

The iojOBetioa asked for by the At-

tic C3at Line Railroad the Amerlees Sarety Ceatpaay against JamesNoble Strobhar Mm Daisy Strobharthe Neal Bank and William F Maaryrestraining defendants from interferlag with the deposited In theNeal Bank by Mrs Strobhar was grant-ed by Judge Pendleton yesterday afteraooa

injunction will behowever and Mrs Daisy Strobhar allowed to withdraw the money and retan of it provided that shegive bond for the amount such as willbe available provided the money i atthe final trial adjudged the property-of the Atlantic Cost Line

Some time BRO Jam Noble Strobhar was brought back from Canada toanswer to the charge of embez-zlement of the fund of theAtlantic Coast Linn Railroad Hibond wa at 5C M and

sum given hi wife debitingthe money with the Neal Bank in

to obtain a bondsman It wasclaimed by the railroad attorneys thatthe money put up by her wa a part ofthat taken by her

















A Healing GospelThe Rev J C Warren pastor of

Sharon liaptist Church KeUir Gaof Electric Uitter Its ato mankind It cured me of

lame back Joint and completephysical collapse I o weak ittook me half an hour to walk a mileTwo bottler of Electric titters havemade me so strong I have walkedthree miles in minutes and feel likewalking threw more Its made a

of me Greatest remedy forweakness and all stomach liver andkidney complaints Sold under

by all druggiits Price 50c




L i 1u 1 Ji









Li Number at the National Bible

Conference Each Evening


The Rev George Stuart Evangelist-

Has No Limit to Hi Able SermonsMuch Enthusiasm Manifested ProfMiller Still Speaks Interestingly

The attendance at the Bible Confryesterday showed plainly that

the interest is growing with rashioa and Prof Brown made h morn

more interesting than everi He has a fund of knowledge which heimparts with much clearne

Afternoon SessionThe audience and the

setting most interesting Prof Mil-

ler in his lectures manifests an interestthat keeps the closet attention oftesters The music i alto inspiringand adds much to the pleated atten-

tion of the audience No one subjectbeen so thoroughly explained a

his theme of prophecies and the an-

dience are most attentiveEvening Session

The crowds commenced to arriveearly in the evening an 1 to all appea ranee the meetings are becomingmore and more of an attraction Afterstaging bj the choir and a solo bj MrBagby prayer offered y RevFrederick Pasco

Mr BaRb then sang I Know ThatMy Redeemer Ktow very sweetlyad was followed with a prayer byProf Drown

The choir sang during the taking ofthe offering and the Rev Geo Stuartwho seems to improve at each servicedelivered one of his powerful sermons-as only he can do to the satisfactionof the large audience While he putsmuch pathos and sound logic ID hiseffort he has a sufficient amount owholesome humor to make all listenHe has no poor in his sermons ordiscourses


I lug hour












> >

Startling But TruePeople the world over were horrified

on learning of the burning of atheater ia which nearly

people lot their live yet more thanfive times number or over 3100people died from pneumonia in Chica-go during the tame year with scarcelya passing notice Every one of threecases of pneumonia resulted from coldand eould have been prevented by thetimely use of Chamberlain CoughRemedy A great many who had everyreason to fear pneumonia nave warded-it off by the prompt use of

The following is an instance ofToo muck cannot be

ID favor of Chamberlains Cough Rem-edy and especially for colds and in-

fluenza I know that it cured mydaughter Laura of a severe cold andbelieve saved her life when she wasthreatened with pneumonia V DIVilcni Logan New York Sold by nildruggists


soft said

Chica-go sir


this rem-edythis



In County Judges CourtEdward Jones and Joe Tompkins

colored were arraigned in Judgecourt Friday upon a charge of

obtaining goods under false pretetueThe charge was preferred by J PLynch the lumber manufacturer ofFairbanks who Hinted to the courtthat the men while in hi employ ob-

tained goods iii atlrniKH of their sal-

ary after which they Jumped their

In default of 150 bond each for theirappearance before the next grand jurythe tarn were committed to jail

Attorney Itnbt E Val appearedfor the pro ecutinn

Frightfully BurnedChits V Moore n machinist of Ford

City Pa had hi hand frightfullyburned in an electrical furnace Heapplied Hucklen Arnica Salv withtHe usual result quick and per-

fect cur treatett healer on earthfor burn wound sores enema andpiles 25c at all drug stores











Real Estate Transfer5 F Sheppard has purchased the

cottage North Gainevillc andwill occupy same with hi family This

one of the bt properties In thatand Mr sheppanlV friend

will congratulate him upon new

Are You Restless at Night

And harraised by a bad cough UseHaltardN Horehound Syrup it will

you ound sleep and etlect aand radical care Sold by Vf






1 Jj li<


OJ 11111 Children

l lii IThe Kind You Have

Io t Alwaysf

I toftfOFAT


Id I I Bears the


ne s ltl R stCRains ilhfr I ofI nor


l t



iIfII-1ct f


nun I Sour

F o r 0 V e rtEE

fat Sirik S Jr

Thirty YearsJ



OJ WiUp m

rTor Tnt and





m 1c9DislimCtkcTful-i

OpuHnMO1QYt11 rat P-t1OT NtRCOTICp-

4xafM4J ftllmtIEs

I4Rx ftMe 14 a11 a UPS

lt a UseRe mealy forfernstipi-

I ova P-

111urmsCnmvl ant Fctrrl lr l-

rtc3 tl

nter p

1 1i


T taut

vi erlttauS esa Mew Net en

+ +



I have on hand a few in 15and 17 jewelled WATCHES If you want-a good Watch at an unusually pricewrite us



SWEAR OFFW claim that our Bottled Soda Water linger Ale Etcare purest o drink tho e made by the


On DrinkingSOD



Anylint the BEST11STEI


Frosted Feet Burns etc

PENETRATES the Pores loosens the Fibrous



have been the baths of




jA for Rheumatilm CutsSprains Wounds Old

CornsOat Brutes Contracted Muscles Bl1c StiffAN ANTISEPTIC steps rraticn subdues lrPammstton and drives

ITissuepromotes a wcu1Ccn cf the Blood Musclenatural

Mrs E A Simpson SOO St EaoxvilleTenn Ihot Springs Ark for edatic rheumatism but Ilet more relief from Ballard Snow linimentany edidne or anything hue ever triedtSad for 100 Send saelarge bottle by Southern Express

100SE tOU OetUlN

Ballard Snow Liniment Co iST LOUIS So A

DW GaineSVille4-



Sure Cu 1t

Lamer Joints


free giving theeJasauty







u 1e 1