Unit 4 Reinforcement worksheet - Aktualności – Szkoła...

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Unit 4 Reinforcement worksheet158 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

1 n

6 h

3 i

8 d

2 r l

7 r

5 r

10 m

4 t

9 r

Unit 4 Reinforcement worksheet

3 Uzupełnij dialog formą przeszłą czasownika be.

Katie 1 Were you at the beach yesterday?

Andy No, I 2 . I 3 at the cinema.

Katie Oh. 4 you with your friends?

Andy No, I 5 with my cousins. My

friends 6 at the cinema yesterday.

They were at the park.

Katie I see. 7 the film good?

Andy Not really. It 8 a comedy film,

but it 9 very funny!

4 Uzupełnij tekst podanymi czasownikami w formie past simple.

Yesterday morning, I 1 (get) up early.

I 2 (have) a shower and I 3 (eat)

breakfast with my family. Then, my brother and I 4 (go) to the park. We 5 (meet)

our friends there. My brother and his friends 6 (climb) trees in the park. My friends and

I 7 (play) basketball. Then, we all 8 (buy) ice creams and we 9 (sit)

in the sun. It 10 (be) a great day.

5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

happy at the zoo cold bored busy

at the park with your cousins at home

Yes, I was. Were you happy yesterday?

1 Uzupełnij podpisy pod obrazkami.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

north south east west

1 Darlington is in the of England.

2 Southampton is to the of Oxford.

3 Bristol is to the of Oxford.

4 Norwich is in the of England.

5 Blackpool is in the of England.

6 Leicester is to the of Darlington.

7 Norwich is to the of Leicester.

8 Southampton is in the of England.

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Unit 4 Extension worksheet

4 Zakreśl w tekście w ćw. 1 spójniki and, but, so, or i because. Następnie uzupełnij poniższe zdania tymi spójnikami.

1 We went back to our hotel room,

we didn’t go to bed.

2 You can go by bus take a taxi.

3 They went in a helicopter they

wanted to see the city from the air.

4 We bought postcards presents in

a little shop.

5 I was hungry, I had a sandwich in

a café.

5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania dotyczące waszych wakacji i odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 When was your last holiday?2 Where did you go?3 How did you get there?4 What places did you visit?5 What did you do?

It was …When was your last holiday?

Extra writing6 Wyobraź sobie, że w zeszłym tygodniu byłeś/

byłaś na wakacyjnym wyjeździe. Opisz go.

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Gdzie Amy wraz z rodziną pojechała na wakacje?

2 Przeczytaj powyższy tekst jeszcze raz. Następnie połącz połówki zdań.

1 On the first day, …

2 On the second day, …

3 On the third day, …

4 On the fourth day, …

5 On the fifth day, …

6 On the sixth day, …

a they did some shopping.b they went on a boat trip.c they left China.d they went in a cable car.e they visited the Forbidden City.f they visited some beautiful gardens.

3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w formie past simple. Następnie ułóż te zdania we właściwej kolejności.

meet fly walk feel arrive buy ride

a They bikes in the countryside.

b Amy sad at the end of the holiday.

c Amy and her family in Beijing.

d They from Beijing to Guilin.

e Amy presents for her friends.

f A tour guide the family at the


g They around Tiananmen Square.

My holiday by Amy Wells

I wasn’t at home last week. My family and I were in China. We had an amazing time. We flew to Beijing in a huge plane. The trip took ten hours, but I wasn’t bored. I was excited. A tour guide met us at Beijing airport and drove us to our hotel in a van. The next day, we walked around Beijing and saw lots of interesting places, like the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. On the second day, we went on a bus to the Great Wall of China. We rode in a cable car because we wanted to see the Great Wall from the air. It was fantastic. On the third day, we visited the Summer Palace and walked around the lake and gardens. It was beautiful. On the fourth day, we got up early and flew to Guilin. We sailed on a big boat down the Li River and then we rode bikes in the countryside. On the fifth day, we didn’t want to walk or ride bikes. We were tired, so we relaxed in a café and bought some presents for our friends. On the sixth day, our guide drove us to the airport and we flew home. I was very sad when we left China. It’s a beautiful country with a very interesting history.

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160 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University PressUnit 5 Reinforcement worksheet

Unit 5 Reinforcement worksheet

1 Sam / watch a DVD / Monday?

Did Sam watch a DVD on Monday ?

No, he didn’t. He had a guitar lesson.

2 Sam / have a music lesson / Wednesday?


3 Sam / go to the library / Thursday?


4 Sam / play basketball / Saturday?


5 Sam / visit his grandma / Sunday?


4 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w formie past continuous lub past simple.

1 I (watch) TV when my

friend (phone) me.

2 You (not ride) your bike

when I (see) you yesterday.

3 Dad (make) a sandwich

when he (cut) his finger.

4 They (not eat) dinner

when their friends (arrive).

5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

8 o’clock last night 6 o’clock this morning

2 o’clock yesterday 4 o’clock last Saturday

What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night?

I was watching TV. What about you?

1 Podpisz elementy obrazka.

2 Znajdź w kwadracie dziesięć przymiotników. Następnie połącz je w pary przymiotników o przeciwnym znaczeniu.

c q z c v e p o l m j u c

o w x a b a w a k e d h v

m s c s g s e s y h f y f

f a v l r y z x d c g j r

o e d e x c i t i n g f g

r d r e e r t v f e d g h

t f h p b n m b f r t n t

a c g o p b o r i n g o y

b v n e r g s y c b n r j

l s t r a n g e u y v m n

e m l j k i r t l q w a z

u n c o m f o r t a b l e

1 ≠ 6

2 ≠ 7

3 ≠ 8

4 ≠ 9

5 ≠ 10

3 Popatrz na ubiegłotygodniową listę rzeczy do zrobienia Sama. Następnie ułóż pytania i napisz odpowiedzi.

Monday – have a guitar lesson

Tuesday – watch a DVD with

my friend

Wednesday – help my mum at

the supermarket

Thursday – go to the library

Friday – play basketball

Saturday – meet my friends in town

Sunday – visit my grandma














56 7





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Unit 5 Extension worksheet

4 Przepisz zdania w mowie niezależnej.

1 Grandma: This is your room.

‘This is your room,’ she said.

2 Tom: I can’t sleep.

3 The children: We’re frightened.

4 Jane: I heard a noise.

5 Dad: I’m coming home.

6 The voice: It’s only me.

5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem ułożone z poniższych wyrazów i wyrażeń pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 what / you / frightened of?2 you / like / scary stories?3 you / often / watch / scary films?4 what / your favourite scary film?5 you / often / have / bad dreams?6 what / you / do / when / you / be / frightened?

What are you frightened of?

I’m frightened of rats and spiders.

Extra writing6 Napisz krótkie opowiadanie, w którym bohater

bał się czegoś w nocy. Zastosuj zdania w mowie niezależnej.

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Dlaczego Ben się przestraszył?

2 Napisz odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania. Użyj czasu past continuous.

1 What was Ben doing when he heard the

strange noise for the first time?

2 Why were the shutters banging against the wall?

3 What was Ben doing when he heard the

strange noise for the second time?

4 Where was the strange noise coming from?

5 Why was the cupboard shaking?

3 Napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. Użyj czasu past simple.

1 Where did Ben stay ?

At his grandma’s house.

2 ?

In the corner of the bedroom.

3 ?

He felt frightened when he heard the noise.

4 ?

Because he wanted to close the shutters.

5 ?

No, they didn’t. Only one photo frame fell

onto the floor.

6 ?

The cat went to sleep on Ben’s bed!

A Scary Night by Ben Lewis

Last weekend, I went to stay at my grandma’s house. My grandma lives in a big old house in the countryside. I stayed in a small bedroom at the top of the house. The furniture in the room was very old. There was a large chest of drawers next to the window and there was a small, wooden cupboard in the corner of the room. There were photo frames with photos of my family on top of the cupboard. That night, I was lying in bed when I heard a strange noise. I quickly pulled the sheet over my head. The bed was warm and the mattress was soft, but I couldn’t sleep because I was frightened. The wind was blowing and the shutters were banging against the wall of the house. I was walking to the window to close the shutters when I heard the noise again. It was coming from the cupboard. The cupboard was shaking and one of the photo frames fell onto the floor. I was very frightened. I slowly opened the cupboard and my grandma’s cat jumped out! I laughed. ‘You silly cat,’ I said. The cat jumped onto the bed and we both went to sleep.


© Copyright Oxford University Press

162 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University PressUnit 6 Reinforcement worksheet

Unit 6 Reinforcement worksheet

4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami You must i You mustn’t.

1 turn off

your phone.

2 use your


3 talk.

4 be


5 keep out

of the water.

6 swim here.

5 Pracujcie w parach. Przeprowadźcie dialogi, jak w przykładzie.

bored hungry tired late ill hot

thirsty cold

You should read a book.I’m bored.

1 Z podanych liter ułóż wyrazy i dopasuj je do odpowiednich obrazków.











2 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

1 My friend sent me an address book /

a text message about her plans.

2 I love this song. It’s the SIM card / ring tone on

my mobile phone.

3 You use your keypad / battery to write a text


4 I forgot my charger / screen when I went on

holiday, so I couldn’t use my mobile phone.

3 Dopasuj zdania 1–6 do zdań a–f. Następnie dopisz brakujące przysłówki.

1 Dad is a very bad dancer.

2 You’re a quick learner.

3 I’m a good cook.

4 Mum is a careful driver.

5 You aren’t a slow reader.

6 Sometimes I can’t hear what she’s saying.

a I cook .

b She speaks .

c You don’t read .

d She drives .

e He dances very .

f You learn very .

1 ocitan ilmf a

2 rorroh imlf h

3 amilscu m

4 netswer w

5 chosritali marad h

6 emanadit mfli a

7 ranimcot amrad r

8 itarsdes lifm d

9 decmoy


10 ciecsen intocfi

mlfi s

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Unit 6 Extension worksheet

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę. Następnie uzupełnij części zdań a–e brakującymi przysłówkami i dopasuj te części do zdań 1–5.

1 ‘You must / mustn’t talk in the cinema. I can’t

hear the film,’

2 ‘We should / shouldn’t make a pizza for dinner,’

3 ‘That film is great. You should / shouldn’t miss it,’

4 ‘I’m tired. We should / shouldn’t go to bed now,’

5 ‘There’s the cinema, we must / mustn’t get off

the bus here,’

a my mum said (quick).

b my sister said (sleepy).

c the man said (angry).

d my friend said (helpful).

e Tom said (hungry).

4 Dopasuj zdania do nagłówków.

1 type of film 2 characters 3 why I like it

a Brendan Fraser plays a man called Dan Sanders.b It’s a foreign language film.c People think Evelyn is a spy.d It was very funny.e It’s a slapstick comedy.f There’s lots of action in it and it’s very


5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem ułożone z podanych wyrazów pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 what / the last film / you / see?

2 what / kind of film / it?

3 what / it / about?

4 who / in / it?

5 you / enjoy / it?

What was the last film you saw?

I saw Harry Potter two weeks ago.

Extra writing6 Napisz do kolegi lub koleżanki e-mail na temat

twojego ulubionego filmu.

1 Przeczytaj tekst i popatrz na fotografię. Który

film ona przedstawia?

Dear Emma,Thanks for your email. I’m glad you had a great weekend. My weekend was fantastic. On Saturday, my friends came to my house for a DVD night. Mum made pizzas and we had lots of popcorn and crisps, too. We watched three films and they were all really good. The first film was Salt. It’s a spy film with Angelina Jolie. It was very exciting. Angelina plays a woman called Evelyn Salt. People think Evelyn is a spy and they want to catch her. She knows they mustn’t catch her, so she must run away. She has lots of exciting adventures. You should watch Salt because it’s a great action film and Angelina performs very well. The second film was Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame. It’s a detective film and it’s an historical film, too. It’s a foreign language film and all the characters speak Chinese, but we enjoyed it because there’s lots of action in it and it’s very interesting. The last film was Furry Vengeance. It’s a slapstick comedy and it’s very funny. Brendan Fraser plays a man called Dan Sanders. There are lots of animated animals in the film. The animals fight Brendan Fraser, but the film ends happily, of course! You must come to my house next time I have a DVD night. It was great fun.Write again soon.Love, Karen

To: Emma


From: Karen

2 Przeczytaj powyższy tekst jeszcze raz. Czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (✔) czy fałszywe (✘)?

1 Angelina Jolie plays Evelyn Salt.

2 Angelina performs badly in the film.

3 Emma should watch Salt because it’s funny.

4 Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame isn’t in English.

5 There was lots of action in the second film.

6 Furry Vengeance has a sad ending.

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164 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University PressUnit 7 Reinforcement worksheet

Unit 7 Reinforcement worksheet

4 Przeczytaj informacje w tabelce i ułóż zdania.

Saturday Sunday


Amy and Kate


1 Susie / listen to music / Sunday

Susie isn’t going to listen to music on

Sunday. She’s going to

2 Amy and Kate / play tennis / Saturday

3 Ben / read magazines / Sunday

5 Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie na tabelkę w ćw. 4 jeszcze raz. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania, jak w poniższym przykładzie, i odpowiadajcie na nie.

Is Susie going to read a magazine

on Saturday?

No, she isn’t. She’s going to listen to music.

1 Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.


3 You go to the for flowers.

5 You go to the for meat.

7 You go to the for bread.

9 You go to the for newspapers

and magazines.

10 You go to the for a hair cut.


1 You go to the to buy a TV or

a CD player.

2 You go to the to book a holiday.

4 You go to the to post a letter.

6 You go to the for medicine.

8 You go to the for shoes.

2 Popraw wyrazy napisane tłustym drukiem.

1 How much money do you afford on sweets

every week?

2 I like your new trainers. How much did they


3 I haven’t got any money. Can you borrow me

ten pounds, please?

4 Did you spend any new clothes in town


5 This MP3 player is expensive. I can’t cost it.

6 I’ve got some money. Do you want to lend


3 Pracujcie w parach. Dopasujcie zdania 1–5 do zdań a–e. Następnie przeprowadźcie dialogi, jak w przykładzie.

1 I need some medicine.

2 I haven’t got any money.

3 It’s hot in here.

4 The baby is sleeping.

5 It’s your mum’s birthday.

a I / open the windowb I / make her a cakec I / go to the chemist’sd I / lend you £10e I / not play my music loudly

I need some medicine. I’ll go to the chemist’s.


2 3


5 6





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Unit 7 Extension worksheet

3 Odpowiedz na pytania pełnymi zdaniami.

1 When are they going to have the party for

Sally’s mum?

2 Is Sally going to use the little art shop again?

Why / not?

3 What is Sally going to do now?

4 What sort of cake are they going to make?

4 Uzupełnij dialog. Odegrajcie go w parach.

Lisa It’s Helen’s birthday tomorrow.

Dan Oh yes! 1

Lisa I’m going to go to the new department

store this afternoon.

Dan Great! 2

Lisa They’ve got lots of great accessories.

Dan Cool. 3

Lisa I’m going to buy a new dress.

Dan Lovely. 4

Lisa Is your dad going to drive you to the party?

Dan Yes, he is. 5

a I’m sure I’ll find something nice for Helen.b You’ll look great!c I’ll buy her a present this afternoon.d We’ll take you, too!e I’ll come with you.

5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem ułożone z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.

1 when / your friend’s birthday?2 what / you / buy / for him/her?3 where / you / buy / it?4 you / have / a party / for him/her?5 you / make / a cake?

It’s next month.When is your

friend’s birthday?

What are you going to buy for her?

Extra writing6 Wyobraź sobie, że jutro są twoje urodziny. Opisz

swoje przygotowania do tego dnia.

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Co Sally kupiła mamie na


Dear Diary,

I’m very tired! I was in

town all day because

I wanted to find the

perfect present and

card for Mum’s birthday.

We’re going to have a

party for her tomorrow,

so I didn’t have much

time. I looked in a small

card shop, but I didn’t like

any of the greetings cards there. I was walking to

the big card shop on the high street when I saw a

little art shop. They had lots of paints and pens

and paper, and they had beautiful greetings cards,

too. I bought a lovely card for Mum and a card for

my friend, too. I’m going to buy all my cards there

in future. Next, I went to a bag shop, because Mum

needs a new bag. The bags were all very expensive

and I didn’t have enough money to buy one. I was

very sad. I was walking home when I saw a really

nice bag in a charity shop window. I bought the bag

and I had enough money to go to a party shop and

buy some balloons for Mum’s birthday party, too.

She’s going to be very happy tomorrow when she

sees her balloons and her present. I was hungry

after all my shopping, so I bought a snack in the

health food shop. Now I’m going to help Dad to

make Mum’s birthday cake! We’re going to make a

chocolate cake. Mum is going to love it! Chocolate

cake is her favourite food.

2 Przeczytaj powyższy tekst jeszcze raz. Następnie przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów.

1 Sally liked the cards in the small card shop.

2 There were paints and pens in the charity shop.

3 The bags in the bag shop were very cheap.

4 Sally saw a bag in the art shop window.

5 Sally bought paper in the party shop.

6 Sally bought a cake in the health food shop.

© Copyright Oxford University Press

166 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University PressUnit 8 Reinforcement worksheet

Unit 8 Reinforcement worksheet

4 Popatrz na poniższą listę i napisz zdania o tym, co Jake już zrobił i czego jeszcze nie zrobił.

tidy my room ✔

do my homework ✘

walk the dog ✘

phone my friend ✔

visit my grandma ✘

help my mum ✘

wash the dishes ✔

water the plants ✔Jake

1 Jake has tidied his room.








5 Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie na listę w ćw. 4 jeszcze raz. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie, jak w poniższym przykładzie.

Has Jake tidied his room? Yes, he has.

1 Podpisz obrazki odpowiednimi nazwami z ramki.

headache toothache earache stomach ache bruise

broken leg backache black eye temperature cough

1 a

6 a

2 a




4 a


5 a

10 a

2 Znajdź w kwadracie sześć nazw sprzętu sportowego i uzupełnij poniższe zdania.

1 You need for skiing.

2 You need a to play basketball.

3 You use a to play baseball.

4 You use a to play hockey.

5 You use a to play tennis.

6 You need a to play football.

3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w formie present perfect.

1 I’m happy because I (hear)

some good news.

2 We’re tired because we

(clean) the house.

3 She’s sad because she (lose)

her mobile phone.

4 You aren’t hungry because you

(eat) all the pizza.

5 He’s got stomach ache because he

(drink) lots of lemonade.

6 They haven’t got any money because they

(spend) it all on CDs.

r s t i c k

a q p t h g

c h o o p o

k w l v b a

e l e m n l

t u s b a t

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Unit 8 Extension worksheet

4 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania z ćw. 3 i odpowiadajcie na nie.

Have James and his family gone on holiday? No, they haven’t.

5 Podkreśl w powyższym e-mailu trzy zwroty, które mają znaczenie podobne do zwrotów wymienionych poniżej. Wpisz je w odpowiednich miejscach.

E-maila można rozpocząć jednym z następujących zwrotów:

How are you? How are things? 1

Zakończyć e-maila można jednym z następujących zwrotów:

Write soon. That’s all for now.Look forward to seeing you soon.2

Jednym z następujących zwrotów możesz poprzedzić swoje imię:

Best wishes. Lots of love,3

Extra writing6 Wyobraź sobie, że twój kolega lub twoja

koleżanka przebywa w szpitalu. Napisz e-mail do innego znajomego, w którym opowiesz, co się stało i umówisz się na wspólne odwiedziny.

1 Przeczytaj e-mail i odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.

1 Where is James now?

2 Where is Mike now?

3 When is James going to visit Mike?

2 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki. Zastosuj formę present perfect.

have put make bring break

1 Mike his arm.

2 Mike lots of visitors.

3 Mike’s visitors lots of presents.

4 The doctors a plaster cast on

Mike’s arm.

5 James a card for Mike.

3 Ułóż pytania na temat tekstu. Zastosuj czas present perfect.

1 James and his family / go / on holiday?

2 Mike’s friends / visit / him in hospital?

3 what / the doctors / put / on Mike’s leg?

4 Mike / break / his leg?

5 Mike / cut / his neck?

6 Sam / buy / any good CDs lately?

Dear Sam,I hope you’re well. I’ve got some bad news. My family and I aren’t on holiday this week because my brother, Mike, has had a bad fall and broken his arm. We were skateboarding in the park on Saturday when he fell over. It was horrible. I had my mobile phone with me, so I called an ambulance. It came really quickly and it took us both to hospital. Now Mike is in a wheelchair because he can’t walk. He’s had lots of visitors and they’ve all brought him lots of presents. The doctors have put his arm in a plaster cast and they’ve put a bandage on his leg, too. His leg isn’t broken, but it hurts. He’s got a bandage on his neck, too, because there’s a cut and a big bruise there. Poor Mike! I’ve made him a get well card and I’m going to take it to him this afternoon. Do you want to come to the hospital with me? Mike will be really happy to see you. Have you bought any good CDs lately? Can you bring some music for Mike to listen to in hospital? I think he’s a bit bored.Call me when you get this. I’ll be at home all morning.See you soon.Love, James

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