µ ¶ Ò Ò [ H B ¡ z à ± à C E...3 3 µ Ò Ò [ H B ¡ z à ± à 9 |  % c H d M D 1 E Í Õ...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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Transcript of µ ¶ Ò Ò [ H B ¡ z à ± à C E...3 3 µ Ò Ò [ H B ¡ z à ± à 9 |  % c H d M D 1 E Í Õ...
















The Loyal Ronins


Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War,

The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, 8 vols.

Романов, Б.А., Очерки Дипломатической Истории Русско-Японской Войны


The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, The diplomacy of two island empires


The Treaty of Portsmouth, An Adventure in American


Russia Correspondence 1781-1945, F.O.65, 1905,

Double Eagle and Rising Sun, The Russians and Japanese

at Portsmouth in 1905