Download - SARGENT


""" " "" ' • 1- ' * !f ·· * * 'Λ " « ' « »" Τί ι το?ν; fi! new I H m f : I S : ; 3: l:e i l l : r ι \ r *< ·: ) Ί;ΙΗ s." "'ii also η* 3 c n s h i l i gi s : ι 'Μ η i t ) : ι a : h s (tf t> iSRGi-GC) Ε id : η- ο i ι \w-\ j g ;&etn;,r j , < :1Η* :FîLG). Al three if:? ricnv :i ti ^-joneration designs* So ask your Sargent nan o r write* to us for our 12-page illustrated brochure on the SRG recorder series. You'll find there's quite a generation gap.


Scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, chemicals. E. H. Sargent & Co. 4647 Foster Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60630

Chicago/Anaheim, Calif./Birmingham Cincinnati/Cleveland/Dallas/Denver Detroit/Springfield, N.J./Toronto, Canada

Circle No. 72 on Readers' Service Card