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  • EnglishExplorer 2

    An addition toStudents BookHelen Stephenson with Arek Tkacz


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    Tegoroczn wdrwk po krajach, w ktrych na co dzie uywa si jzyka angielskiego, zaczynamy od Malty. Ten may wyspiarski kraj, pooony porodku Morza rdziemnego, w swojej wyjtkowo bogatej historii przez prawie sto pidziesit lat by rwnie brytyjsk koloni.

    CZYTAJ Reading Przybywajc do nowego miejsca, wielu turystw korzysta ze specjalnie przygotowanych dla nich materiaw informacyjnych. Chocia czsto zawieraj one rwnie reklamy, mona z nich dowiedzie si wiele o danym miejscu. Spjrz na ponisz ulotk o Malcie.

    Przeczytaj kady fragment uwanie i wybierz t odpowied, ktra najlepiej oddaje tre tekstu. Zakrel jedn z trzech odpowiedzi: A, B lub C.

    1 Text 1 is about:A driving in Malta.B buses in Malta.C a museum of old Maltese buses.

    2 Text 2 is about:A the attractions of the Mediterraneo Marine Park.B educational programmes about dolphins.C swimming near Malta.

    3 Text 3 is about:A favourite activities of Maltese teenagers.B di erent holiday courses in Malta.C why Malta is a good place to learn English and scuba


    EXAMWybiegamy w przyszo i rozpoczynamy trening przed egzaminem na poziomie rozszerzonym. Oto pierwsze z wicze, ktre sprawdz Twoj znajomo gramatyki i sownictwa.

    Uzupenij zdania (15), wykorzystujc podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie naley zmienia kolejnoci podanych wyrazw. Trzeba natomiast doda wszystkie niezbdne elementy, aby otrzyma zdania poprawne pod wzgldem gramatycznym i logicznym. Wkadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Aby odpowied zostaa uznana, wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna i ortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 My friend (want / be) a musician.

    2 I (not like / play) basketball.

    3 What kind of music (she / listen) in her free time?

    4 My brother (be / student) Hestudies art.

    5 ere (be / a lot) tourists in Malta. Its a popular holiday destination.


    Po uzupenieniu zda zawsze przeczytaj je ponownie. Sprawd, czy nie ma bdw wpisowni i formach gramatycznych.


    A, B lub C.


    We love Malta!All tourists love our Maltese

    buses. We have a collection of

    different models, and people say

    that Malta looks like an open-air bus

    museum. Some buses are about

    40 years old. Almost every bus

    is different, but they look similar

    because the drivers paint them all

    the same colour yellow with an orange band. All the buses

    in Malta are private buses, the drivers buy them, paint them and look

    after them, but they work for the public transport system.

    You can get anywhere in Malta by bus. But be careful when you look

    for your bus stop, and check you are on the right side of the road

    we drive on the left in Malta!

    How about visiting the Mediterraneo Marine Park? It has so

    much to offer. There are two dolphin shows, two sea-lion shows and

    two parrot shows every day. You

    can see other animals too. There

    are snakes, lizards and colourful

    birds. The park also has special

    educational programmes for

    schools. And if you are a good

    swimmer, why dont you swim

    with the dolphins? You can nd

    more information on

    English Plus Scuba Diving is a special course you can only do in

    Malta. If English is one of your favourite subjects and your ambition

    is to learn to scuba dive, this is a good option for your next holiday.

    Malta is the perfect place for learning English because English is one

    of the of cial languages here. You can practise it outside class. Just go

    out and talk to Maltese people

    and make friends. Malta is an

    ideal place to explore the

    underwater world. Its safe and

    the water is crystal clear so

    the colours are great! There

    are lots of spectacular diving

    places: beautiful blue lagoons

    and wrecks of old ships.


    the same colour yellow with an orange band. All the buses

    much to offer. There are two dolphin shows, two sea-lion shows and

    two parrot shows every day. You

    can see other animals too. There

    are snakes, lizards and colourful

    birds. The park also has special

    educational programmes for

    schools. And if you are a good

    English Plus Scuba Diving is a special course you can only do in

    of the of cial languages here. You can practise it outside class. Just go




    U1 Exam Booster

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  • Oto kilka sytuacji, ktre zawsze maj miejsce, kiedy spdza si wakacje w midzynarodowym towarzystwie.

    Do kadej sytuacji (15) dobierz odpowiedni reakcj A, B lub C.

    1 Chciaaby / chciaby pj popywa. Jak zaproponujesz to grupie przyjaci? A Do you like going for a swim?B Why do you go for a swim?C How about going for a swim?

    2 Chciaaby / chciaby pogra w siatkwk na play. Jak zachcisz innych do gry?A Do you like acting? B Lets play. C How about performing in the play?

    3 Kto ma jednak inny pomys. Jak powiesz, e podoba Ci si jego propozycja?A Have you got an idea? B Great idea!C What an idea!

    4 Jak przedstawisz swoim wakacyjnym znajomym koleg z Polski, Pawa?A is is my friend Pawe. B Pawe is my friend.C Why dont you talk to Pawe?

    5 Jak si poegnasz z grup znajomych?A Hello. B Hi. C See you.

    I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishPrzeczytaj pytania, jakie internauci zadali Twojemu koledze, ktry naley do klubu modych petwonurkw.

    Przyporzdkuj do kadego pytania (15) jedn z podanych odpowiedzi (AF). Uwaaj! Jedna odpowied zostaa podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnego pytania.

    SUCHAJ ListeningNa pocztku nauki jzyka rzadko bdziesz w stanie zrozumie absolutnie wszystko, ale na pewno moesz zrozumie te informacje, ktre s dla Ciebie istotne.

    Posuchaj dwukrotnie trzech nagra: dialogu z informacji turystycznej, reklamy radiowej i automatycznej zapowiedzi w telefonie. Uzupenij brakujce informacje w poniszych notatkach (110).

    1 1.EB1

    Bus Travel Cards1 One-day ticket (1) Three-day ticket 9.19Seven-day ticket (2)

    Valid on all routes around Malta from (3) a.m. till 11p.m.

    Available from:ticket offices: YESticket machines: YESbus drivers: (4)

    2 1.EB2

    Mediterraneo Marine ParkOPENING HOURS: open from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. closed on (5) LOCATION: From Valetta bus route (6) RESERVATION: Tel.: (7)

    3 1.EB3

    English Plus Diving School 356 21370089

    (8) 356 (9) @englishplusdiving.

    e (10) www.

    REAGUJ Language ResponseZastanw si, co oznacza ponisze pytanie z lekcji gwnej (U1C / w. 1.), ktre Adam zada Kate:

    Why dont you join our club?1 Adam pyta Kate, dlaczego nie przycza si do

    ich klubu.2 Adam chce si dowiedzie, dlaczego Kate nie

    naley do ich klubu.3 Adam proponuje Kate, aby przyczya si do

    ich klubu.Waciwa jest ostatnia odpowied. Teraz zrb wiczenie podobne jak na egzaminie.

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    1 Ami X How often do you dive?

    2 Rob How many students are

    there in your club?

    3 Arek15 Is scuba diving popular in


    4 Tara What else do you like doing

    in your free time?

    5 Mr G What are your weak points?

    A Damian I love sleeping so I m often late for

    my morning training.B Damian Yes, it does. C Damian There are ten boys and fi ve girls.D Damian Usually every weekend. E Damian I like skateboarding and meeting

    friends. F Damian Yes, it is. A lot of tourists come to

    Malta just for that.

    My Profi le:Name: DamianHome: Malta / GozoAge: 15Young Divers Club: 15 months


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    Odwiedzamy dzi wysp Barbados na Karaibach. To std pochodz grejpfruty. Wyspa, ktra w przeszoci bya wrd brytyjskich kolonii zagbiem trzciny cukrowej, dzisiaj yje z turystki. Od 1966 Barbados jest niepodlegy, ale gow pastwa wci jest krlowa brytyjska. Barbados jest bowiem czonkiem brytyjskiej Wsplnoty Narodw (Commonwealth), zrzeszajcej niepodlege kraje, z ktrych wikszo naleaa w ubiegych wiekach do brytyjskiego imperium kolonialnego.

    CZYTAJ Reading W internecie moesz znale mnstwo dziennikw podry, ktre mog by cennym rdem przed planowaniem na przykad wyjazdu. Przeczytaj wpis z takiego wanie podrniczego blogu.

    Do kadego fragmentu (15) przyporzdkuj odpowiedni nagwek (AF). Jeden nagwek zosta podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnego fragmentu.


    Tuesday, 17 January 1 Im in a beautiful shing village on the west coast of Barbados. Im sitting in a small bar at the beach. Im looking at the horizon where the blue sea meets the sky. Its sunny but windy. There are some clouds too. The wind is blowing them into di erent combinations. This is typical January weather.2 It doesnt rain much at the beginning of the year. But it rains hard in the hurricane season from June to October. There is heavy tropical rain every day but the ground dries fast because its hot. The hurricane season is a dangerous time in the Caribbean but Barbados is relatively safe. Hurricanes dont usually a ect the island too much.3 Im still waiting for my lunch. I can hear Rihannas Umbrella on the radio. You can stand under my umbrella, she sings. She knows what tropical rain is like. She comes from Barbados. The song is not about the weather, but about love and the protection that love can give. Love is the best umbrella in life. How true! People in Barbados are proud of Rihannas success. She often talks about her homeland. 4 Here it is. After twenty minutes I get my lunch. Its ying sh the national dish of Barbados. Flying sh are common in the seas around Barbados. Why are they called ying sh?, I ask the waitress. Because they can y, she says. Actually, they cant. But they can swim at 55 kilometres per hour when they want to escape from other bigger sh then they jump out of the water into the air! They can travel up to 40 metres before they fall back into the sea. But my ying sh is lying on my plate next to the grilled potatoes. Its delicious! 5 It isnt easy to prepare the sh. Theyre small and theyve got lots of little bones. It takes time to remove them. The sh markets are full of women who sit and llet the sh all day. You can see the true masters of this at the Oistins Fish Festival in April. There is a special competition to nd out who can llet ying sh the best. There is an old saying in Barbados that visitors who eat ying sh are sure to return to Barbados one day. Excuse me, can I have another portion of ying sh?, I ask the waitress. I really want to come back here!

    A Hard workB e musical ambassador for BarbadosC Its a lovely day todayD Fly to Barbados in JanuaryE Dont forget an umbrellaF e tasty national symbol

    EXAMKolejne wiczenie, ktre sprawdza Twoj znajomo gramatyki i sownictwa na poziomie rozszerzonym polega nawykazaniu si umiejtnoci przekazania tej samej treci wodmienny sposb.

    W parach zda (15) uzupenij drugie zdanie tak, aby oddawao tre zdania pierwszego. W kadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna iortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 eyve got traditional costumes on. wearing traditional costumes.

    2 Her job isnt safe. Shes job.

    3 In winter, theres a lot of snow in this part of the country. In winter, it often in this part of the country.

    4 Its sunny now. e sun is moment.

    5 My uncle is a geography teacher. My mothers geography.



    U2 Exam Booster

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  • 1 X: Whats the weather like?Y: A I dont like it. B Its like me. C Its foggy.

    2 X: Why dont you call him now?Y: A ats a good idea. B Im sorry, I dont. C Because I dont know his address.

    3 X: Hi, its Tim. Is Kate there?Y: Yes, but shes having a shower.

    X: Yes, please. Were waiting for her outside the cinema. Can you tell her to hurry up? e lm starts in twenty minutes.

    A Do you want to leave a message? B Can you take a message? C Can I leave a message?

    4 X: Are you watching this programme?Y: No, Im not. Why are you asking?X: Im trying to study. A Can you turn it on, please? B Can you turn it o , please? C Can you take it o , please?

    5 X: What does your father do?Y: A Hes ne. B Hes a truck driver. C Hes repairing his car.

    I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishPrzeczytaj poniszy opis zdjcia. Uzupenij poszczeglne zdania, wpisujc w kad luk (15) jeden wyraz z ramki, tak aby otrzyma poprawny i logiczny tekst. Cztery wyrazy zostay podane dodatkowo i nie pasuj do adnej luki.

    like thinks dreaming holdingas wearing cold dry keeping

    In the photo, a woman is 1 an umbrella. Shes 2 warm clothes: a sweater, a hat and a scarf. You can imagine its 3 and rainy. I think the woman doesnt like the weather because shes 4 about holidays in tropical countries such 5 Barbados or Jamaica.

    SUCHAJ ListeningOto zadanie dla bacznego obserwatora. Usyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi. Przyporzdkuj kadej rozmowie (13) miejsce, ktrym si odbywa (AE).

    1 2.EB4 2 2.EB5

    3 2.EB6

    NAPISZ Writing Na portalu spoecznociowym znalaza / znalaze profi l Toma, Twojego rwienika z Wielkiej Brytanii, ktry chce poznanastolatkw z Polski. Prosi on o e-mail oraz Twoje zdjcie zrodzinnej miejscowoci.

    W odpowiedzi: przedstaw siebie, napisz, ile masz lat,

    gdzie mieszkasz i czym si interesujesz; napisz, co robisz na zdjciu, ktre

    zaczasz; zapytaj koleg o jego zainteresowania

    i popro o jego zdjcie z rodzin lub przyjacimi.

    Podpisz si jako XYZ. Rozwi swoj wypowied w kadym z trzech podpunktw, pamitajc, e dugo e-maila powinna wynosi od 50 do 100 sw.

    Pamitaj, aby Twoja wypowied pisemna zawieraa wszystkie elementy wymienione w poleceniu. Za tre odpowiedzi moesz otrzyma a 40% maksymalnej liczby punktw.


    REAGUJ Language ResponseUzupenij dialogi (15), wybierajc spord podanych odpowiedzi brakujc wypowied jednej z osb. Zakrel liter A, B lub C.






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    Jestemy w Indiach, w Bombaju (Mumbai). To trzynastomilionowe miasto jest centrum indyjskiej kinematografi i, popularnie zwanym Bollywood. To tutaj krci si najwicej fi lmw fabularnych na wiecie. Filmy najczciej powstaj w jzyku hindi, chocia produkcje z angielskimi dialogami s coraz czstsze. To oczywicie indyjski angielski (Indian English), ktry jest ju jednym z ofi cjalnych dialektw angielskiego.

    CZYTAJ Reading Przeczytaj artyku o Indiach, ktry ukaza si w magazynie podrniczym. Moe stanie si inspiracj Twoich wakacji w przyszoci?

    Z artykuu usunito cztery zdania. Uzupenij luki w tekcie (14) podanymi poniej zdaniami (AE), tak aby by on spjny i logiczny. Jedno zdanie zostao podane dodatkowo inie pasuje do adnej luki.

    India is huge! India is a different world! 1 Some of them

    want to see the famous Taj Mahal. Some want to ride an elephant

    in the jungle or see a tiger. Others go to the beautiful beaches

    of Goa. Lots of people are also interested in the cultures and

    religions of India. 2 But there are also tourists who want

    to act in an Indian lm. They go straight to Mumbai.

    Every year over a thousand lms come out in India.

    3 Bollywood lms are full of big scenes with crowds of

    people. Can you imagine how many actors Indian lm-makers

    need? Thats why special agencies look for extras (actors

    who appear in lms but dont say anything) in the streets of

    Mumbai. They also ask tourists to act in their lms.

    When Kamila Szandua, a Bollywood fan from Poland, came to

    Mumbai, they offered her a small role too. Kamila thinks it was

    very easy to get a part in a Bollywood lm but the work was

    hard. 4 You dont earn much, but who thinks about

    money? If you enjoy Bollywood lms, youre happy to see the lm

    production and be part of it.

    So if you dream of acting in a lm, forget about Hollywood. Even

    good professional actors cant get a role there. Go to Mumbai

    and be a star!

    A ey come to practise yoga or to learn about Indian philosophy.

    B She went to India to take part in a religious festival. C It was very hot and we waited for hours just to play a

    short part she said.D Tourists come here to do all kinds of things.E Mumbai is the centre of this enormous business, called


    Zwracaj uwag na zaimki (she / they / this / it itp.). To one wskazuj, do ktrego fragmentu tekstu odnosz si usunite zdania. Kiedy uzupenisz tekst, przeczytaj go jeszcze raz, by upewni si, e dokonaa / dokonae waciwego wyboru.



    EXAMPonisze wiczenie, sprawdzajce Twoj znajomo gramatyki i sownictwa na poziomie rozszerzonym, opartejest na tumaczeniu z jzyka polskiego.

    Uzupenij angielskie zdania (15), tak aby odpowiaday polskim tumaczeniom. W kadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna i ortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 Trzydzieci lat temu ludzie nie uywali internetu. irty years use the Internet.

    2 Podr do Bombaju zaja im dziesi godzin.It took travel to Mumbai.

    3 Co sdzisz o tym lmie?What the lm?

    4 Czy zgadzasz si ze mn?Do me?

    5 Na urodziny dostaem od rodzicw ksik o Indiach.My parents about India for my birthday.


    Kamila Szandula

    with the Bollywood

    star, Salman Khan

    Everybody wants to go to




    U3 Exam Booster

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  • I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishZnalaza / Znalaze w internecie wiadomoci o fi lmie Slumdog. Milioner z ulicy.

    Przeczytaj opis fi lmu. W kad luk (15) wstaw odpowiedni wyraz A, B lub C.

    SUCHAJ Listening 3.EB7 Posuchaj wypowiedzi swojego rwienika. Czy

    angielski to jego ojczysty jzyk?

    Jaka jest gwna myl jego wypowiedzi? Z podanych odpowiedzi A, B, C wybierz jedn, zgodn z treci nagrania. Nagranie usyszysz dwukrotnie.

    e boy is talking about:A the lm he watched at the cinema on Sunday. B the website of his favourite Internet shop.C the book he read on Sunday.

    REAGUJ Language Response

    Zastanw si, co oznacza ponisze zdanie z lekcji gwnej (U3C / w. 1.):

    No way!1 Kto mwi, e nie ma sposobu, by co zrobi.2 Kto ostrzega, e nie ma przejcia.3 Kto zdecydowanie na co si nie zgadza.Waciwa jest ostatnia odpowied. Teraz zrb wiczenie podobne jak na egzaminie.

    Wyobra sobie, e masz szans zobaczy z grup znajomych wielk bollywoodzk produkcj w prawdziwym indyjskim kinie. Czujesz, jak upalnie jest w Bombaju?

    Do kadej sytuacji (15) dobierz odpowiedni reakcj A, B lub C.

    1 Jak przed pjciem do kina zapytasz, co graj?A Whats on?B What is it about?C Whats going on?

    2 Koleanka mwi, e polecono jej fi lm, ktry zamierzacie obejrze. Jak zapytasz, kto powiedzia jej o fi lmie?A Who told you about the lm?B Who did you tell about the lm?C Who did you talk to?

    3 Jak powiesz, e fi lm Ci si nie podoba?A It didnt matter to me.B I didnt mind it.C I didnt enjoy it.

    4 Jak powiesz, e wydaje Ci si, e Twj kolega si nudzi?A I think he was boring.B I think he was bored.C I think he wasnt interesting.

    5 Wszyscy narzekaj, e jest gorco. Tobie upa nie przeszkadza. Jak powiesz, e nie masz nic przeciwko upaowi?A I dont agree with it.B I dont like it.C I dont mind it.

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    Hollywood meets BollywoodMumbai is not only the capital of the Indian lm industry. Western lm-makers go there to make lms too. In 2007 Danny Boyle, a popular British director, went to Mumbai to make his lm Slumdog Millionaire. Its an adaptation of Q&A, the rst book by the Indian diplomat and writer Vikas Swarup. The lm tells the 1 story of Jamal Malik, an 18-year-old boy who goes on the show Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? When hes only one question away from the big prize of 16 million rupees, the police arrest him. They think Jamal is cheating because he had no education as he grew up in the slums of Mumbai. The reality of making the lm was also like a lm story Danny Boyle gave some roles to children from Mumbai slums. They 2 stars in India.Where did Boyle 3 inspiration from? Partly from Bollywood, thats for sure. The plot is a bit like a classic Bollywood lm: there are two brothers, there are good and bad characters and theres a love story. The lm stars the famous Bollywood actor, Anil Kapoor, who plays the show presenter. And the nal scene at Mumbai railway station is a playful Bollywood dance that everybody loves.The lm 4 8 Oscars in 2009. It was a great success all over the world and it 5 millions of dollars. Its a pity the child stars of the lm didnt get much from those pro ts.

    1 A amazed B amazing C interested2 A became B changed C turned3 A took B take C takes4 A won B win C had5 A did B got C made


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    Part 1 a Because of this, he

    experienced a lot of racial discrimination in his childhood.

    b After ten years they became famous when their rst international albums came out, with songs like Get Up, Stand Up and I Shot the Sheri . But Bob Marleys rst international hit was No Woman, No Cry from 1975.

    c At 14 Bob began to make music in his free time and four years later he formed a band called e Wailers and started composing music and writing lyrics.

    d Bob Marley was born in 1945 in the Saint Ann Parish of Jamaica, to a black mother and a white father.

    e Bob was ten years old when his father died, and after his death Bobs family moved to Kingston, the capital of Jamaica.

    A e c d a b B d e c b a C d a e c b

    Part 2a In December 1976, while Bob Marley was preparing for a

    concert, a man shot at him.b He died there on the 11 May, 1981 at the age of 36. His

    last words to his son Ziggy were Money cant buy life.c His condition became critical while he was ying home to

    Jamaica after seeing doctors in Germany, so he landed in Miami and went straight to hospital.

    d Because of his Rastafarian religion he did not want any operations and soon his health got really bad.

    e Luckily, Bob wasnt badly hurt, but the really bad news about his health came a year later when he found out he had cancer.

    A a e d c b B e d c a b C a d e b c

    Trzy dobre rady. Po pierwsze, zwr uwag na sowa, ktre nawizuj do poprzednich zda (na przykad: because of this / luckily / there / after ten years), poniewa to one pomagaj uporzdkowa tekst. Po drugie, sprbuj najpierw sam / sama uoy fragmenty tekstu w odpowiedniej kolejnoci, dopiero potem sprawd, czy Twoja propozycja pasuje do jednej z podanych odpowiedzi. Po trzecie, przeczytaj uporzdkowany tekst jeszcze raz, by si upewni, e cao jest poprawna.


    Dzi odwiedzamy Jamajk, ktra 150 lat po jej odkryciu przez Krzysztofa Kolumba staa si brytyjsk koloni. To ojczyzna reggae, piknych pla i fenomenalnych sprinterw. Od prawie p wieku jest w peni niepodlega, cho to brytyjska krlowa pozostaje wci ofi cjaln gow pastwa.

    CZYTAJ Reading 1Przeczytaj ulotk reklamujc wycieczk do miejsca, gdzie urodzi si i zosta pochowany Bob Marley.

    Nine Mile Tour Your round-trip tour takes you from your ship or hotel to the village of Nine Mile, a little place in the beautiful mountains of St Ann. This is where the legendary King of Reggae Bob Marley was born, and here you can also visit his grave. The tour starts at the familys house, where the famous musicians story began. Bobs mother and some of his family still live there. During the tour your local guide can tell you some interesting facts about Bobs childhood and you can nd out about the Rastafarian religion. Finally, walk through the mausoleum, which is the nal resting place of the Reggae King. After the tour you can try traditional Jamaican food at our restaurant.

    RATES: $35 per person (lunch included)

    CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED: American Express, MasterCard, or Visa

    1 e text is about: A the things you see and do when

    you are on the tour to Nine Mile.B Bob Marleys childhood and family.C a nine-mile trip in the mountains of Jamaica.

    Reading 2Przeczytaj skrcon biografi Boba Marleya zoon z dwch czci.

    W kadej czci u zdania (ae) w takiej kolejnoci, aby powsta logiczny i spjny tekst. Masz do wyboru trzy moliwoci: A, B lubC.


    U4 Exam Booster

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  • EXAMUzupenij zdania (15), wykorzystujc podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie naley zmienia kolejnoci podanych wyrazw. Trzeba natomiast doda wszystkie niezbdne elementy, aby otrzyma zdania poprawne pod wzgldem gramatycznym i logicznym. Wkadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna iortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 Mrs. Anderson (start / work) a guide in 2005.

    2 I met a lot of Jamaicans while (I / travel) in the USA.

    3 What (you / do) this time yesterday?

    4 A When he was a teenager, his ambition (be / become) hip-hop artist.

    5 I (wake up / nine) oclock today. I was late for school again.


    SUCHAJ Listening 4.EB8 Posuchaj fragmentu audycji radiowej.

    Z podanych odpowiedzi A, B, C wybierz jedn, zgodn z treci nagrania. Nagranie usyszysz dwukrotnie.

    1 e radio presenter is talking about:A a radio programme about reggae and hip-hop albums

    from Poland.B the Dublin concert of Indios Bravos in March. C the new album by Indios Bravos and their concert last


    REAGUJ Language ResponseUzupenij dialogi (15), wybierajc spord podanych odpowiedzi brakujc wypowied jednej z osb. Zakrel liter A, B lub C.

    1 X: Whats the matter?Y: A Oh, no. I havent got my key. B It didnt matter. C Im really sorry.

    2 X: What does your new German teacher look like?Y: A He likes reggae. B Hes got a beard. C Hes looking for a new job.

    3 X: I cant come to your party tonight.Y: you cant come?

    Youpromised to help me!X: I know. Im sorry, but Ive got an English test

    tomorrow. A What do you mean, B Does it mean C Does it matter

    4 X: I wanted to say sorry. I forgot to send you the pictures you wanted.

    Y: A I dont mind. B Never mind. C Here you are.

    5 X: See you!Y: A Me too. B Hey, you! C Bye.

    I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishPrzeczytaj fragment wywiadu z Gutkiem, wokalist zespou Indios Bravos.

    Przyporzdkuj do kadego pytania (15) jedn z podanych odpowiedzi (AF). Uwaaj! Jedna odpowied zostaa podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnego pytania.

    1 Were you goodat English at school?

    2 Do you like writing lyrics in English?

    3 How did you feel when you were working on your last record?

    4 Do you like travelling?

    5 Would you like to go to Jamaica?

    A I think I felt this kind of motivating stress. I knew I was responsible for its future success.

    B Yes, I was. I was working about ten hours a day.C Not really. I was quite weak at rst. But I started

    working hard because I wanted to understand my favourite songs.

    D Of course, Id like to. I like its culture and music. But my dream destination is Japan.

    E I love it. It makes people sensitive to the world and other people. But I dont like organized holidays.

    F I do. I try to practise writing in English. I really like singing in English.


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    Naszym nastpnym przystankiem jest Nigeria, najludniejsze pastwo w Afryce. Nigeria to wyjtkowy tygiel kultur: yje tu 250 grup etnicznych, ktre mwi 350 jzykami i dialektami. Jzykiem urzdowym jest jednak angielski, pozostao po kolonialnej przeszoci kraju. To angielski czsto spenia rol lingua franca, czyli jzyka komunikacji midzy rnojzycznymi grupami miejscowej ludnoci.

    CZYTAJ Reading Czy wiesz, gdzie ludzie czuj si najszczliwsi? Co kilka lat World Values Survey Association, niezalena naukowa instytucja, przeprowadza ankiety w kilkudziesiciu krajach wiata, by znale odpowied na to pytanie.

    Przeczytaj poniszy artyku i zdecyduj, ktre zdania (15) s zgodne z jego treci (TRUE), a ktre nie (FALSE).


    1 Some scienti c studies show that money doesnt really buy happiness.

    2 The Russians are the happiest nation in Europe.

    3 All children in Nigeria get a good education.

    4 The situation in Nigeria is worse than in many countries in Europe or North America.

    5 In poorer countries individual needs and success are more important than family, friends and religion.

    EXAMPrzeczytaj pary zda (15). Uzupenij drugie zdanie tak, abyodpowiadao treci zdania pierwszego. W kadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna i ortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 How heavy is your suitcase?How much does ?

    2 Its not necessary to wear special clothes when you go on safari.You wear special clothes when you go on safari.

    3 e tent was too small for all of us. e tent enough for all of us.

    4 is is the easiest route to the station. is is di cult route to the station.

    5 Now the tickets cost less than a year ago.Last year the tickets were now.


    SUCHAJ ListeningUsyszysz dwukrotnie trzy rozmowy, ktre przynajmniej teoretycznie mogaby / mgby przeprowadzi jako turysta odwiedzajcy Nigeri.

    Z podanych odpowiedzi A, B, C wybierz jedn, zgodn z treci nagrania.

    1 5.EB9 What is the most popular tourist destination in Nigeria?A LagosB Kano, the oldest African cityC Yankari National Park

    2 5.EB10 What makes the boy happy?A moneyB good foodC playing football

    The happiest people in the worldTheres an old saying in English that money cant buy happiness. But when you ask people in the street about their dreams, they often say they would like to win the lottery.

    So does money really make people happy? Not necessarily. You just have to look at scienti c research to see that money or consumption is not the key to happiness. In 2003 a study of more than 65 countries showed that the happiest people in the world live in Nigeria and the least happy, in Romania. People in Latin America, Western Europe and North America are happier than people in Eastern Europe and Russia.

    Nigeria is huge. Twenty per cent of Africans live there. Its the second largest economy on the continent. It has a lot of oil and gas, but lots of problems too. Half the people are really poor. One million children are orphans because their parents died of AIDS. More than seven million children, mostly girls, do not go to primary school. On top of all this, there are ethnic con icts and corruption. In other words, the situation in countries like Canada

    or Poland is better than in Nigeria. Still, its in Nigeria that you can meet the happiest people in the world.

    It seems you dont have to live in a rich country to be happy. So what makes people happy? Different things in different places. In poorer countries people think that family, friends and religion are the most important things in life. On the other hand, in richer countries, especially in the West, people care more about their individual needs and success.

    Look around then. Dont you live in peace, in a nice country with friendly people? Theres every reason to be happy like the Nigerians.


    U5 Exam Booster

    English_Explorer_SB2_pp106-156_POPRAWIONY.indd 138 6/13/11 10:43 AM

  • I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishCzy syszaa / syszae ju co o projekcie fundacji One Laptop per Child? To genialnie prosty pomys, ktry uatwia nauk dzieciom, urodzonym w biedniejszych miejscach na wiecie. Przeczytaj informacj ze strony internetowej fundacji.Uzupenij tekst, wpisujc w kad luk (13) wyraz z pierwszej ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Luki (46) uzupenij waciwymi formami wyrazw z drugiej ramki.

    good poor use cheap happy be

    3 5.EB11 Which picture shows the pool the people are talking about?

    REAGUJ Language Response

    Zastanw si, co oznacza ponisze pytanie z lekcji gwnej (U5C / w. 2.):

    How much are they? 1 Kto pyta o ilo.

    2 Kto pyta o jako.

    3 Kto pyta o cen.

    Waciwa jest ostatnia odpowied. Teraz zrb wiczenie podobne jak na egzaminie.

    Wyobra sobie, e jeste na typowym nigeryjskim targu. Twj kolega, z ktrym podrujesz, chce kupi sobie koszul uszyt z tradycyjnego wzorzystego materiau: ankary.

    Do kadej sytuacji (15) dobierz odpowiedni reakcj A, B lub C.

    1 Jak zapytasz koleg, jaki nosi rozmiar?A Whats your number? B What size are you?C Whats the size?

    2 Jak zapytasz koleg, ile ma wzrostu?A Are you the same height? B How high is it?C How tall are you?

    3 Tobie te spodobaa si taka tradycyjna koszula. Jak zapytasz sprzedawc, czy moesz j przymierzy?A Can I try it on? B Can I try it?C Can I test it?

    4 Jak powiesz, e koszula, ktr przymierzasz, jest za maa?A Its too small. B Its small enough.C Its small too.

    5 Co powiesz, podajc sprzedawcy pienidze?A Please. B Youre welcome.C Here you are.

    Sowa, ktrymi musisz uzupeni tekst, nale do rnych czci mowy. To wanie decyduje o tym, jak mona podane sowa odrni i poprawnie umieci w zdaniu. Na przykad czasownik moe mie regularn lub nieregularn form czasu past simple lub kocwk -s lub -ing. Przymiotnik moe wystpi w stopniu wyszym lub najwyszym, a rzeczownik moe przyj regularn lub nieregularn liczb mnog.




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    Give a laptop. Change the world.The OrganizationThe One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a non-profit organization with a simple mission: to give the 1 children in the world a low-cost laptop and help them get an education. We believe that it opens the door to a 2 future.

    The LaptopThe XO laptop is a small machinewith a big mission. Its about thesize of a small textbook. It has aspecial screen so the children whogo to school outdoors can read fromthe screen under direct sunlight. Its incredibly functional, its fun, and it 3 very little energy. The XO is 4 than any other laptop in the world. The production of one XO costs about $150.

    The ChildrenThere are XOs in more than 30 countries now, from Peru to Nigeria. When the laptops arrive, kids are always 5 about going to school. At the beginning of 2009, 6000 children in Nigeria 6 learning with the help of our laptops. Our ambition is to give out 150 million XOs. You can help us too. For $199, you can give one laptop to children in the developing world.

    Kano, the oldest city in Africa



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    CZYTAJ Reading 1Przeczytaj artyku o Singapurze.

    Do kadego fragmentu (15) przyporzdkuj jeden nagwek (AF). Jeden nagwek zosta podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnego fragmentu.

    A Buy durian chewing gum in the theatreB Heavy and dangerousC A love-hate relationship with the controversial fruitD e most expensive chewing gum in the worldE Go to the Durian to see a playF Eat your durian before you get on the bus

    Lecimy do Singapuru. To miasto-pastwo na poudniowym kracu Pwyspu Malajskiego. Take tutaj angielski jest jednym z jzykw urzdowych. To pozostao po czasach, kiedy miasto byo brytyjsk koloni. Czasem na Singapur mwi si: miasto lwa, bo tak tumaczy si malajskie pochodzenie jego nazwy. Kto pewnie pomyli tygrysa z lwem, bo lwy nigdy nie yy w tym regionie.

    1 Singapore is one of the cleanest cities in the world. You dont see much litter in the streets and you dont nd chewing gum stuck to your shoes. Of course Singapore is a city of tidy people, but its also famous for its rules and regulations. Did you know that you mustnt bring chewing gum into Singapore with you? Its illegal. You cant buy chewing gum anywhere in Singapore either, its tough luck for those who love it. And remember, if the police catch you chewing gum, it can cost you 1000 Singapore dollars.2 There are lots of special signs in the city which help people to remember the important rules. Some of them look strange to tourists. One of the signs says you mustnt take durians into hotels, of ces or on public transport. But why not?3 Simply because they have an extremely strong smell, like cheese. Some animals can smell them from almost a kilometre away. Theyre sweet and soft inside but taste

    a bit like onion. Some people think they are the worst fruit in the world but a lot of Asian people love durians. They call them the king of fruits. In Singapore you can even get durian ice cream and durian cakes but no chewing gum, of course.

    4 A durian not only smells different, it also looks unusual. Its hard skin has got lots of sharp spikes. A durian can be dangerous when it falls from the tree. It weighs up to three kilograms and can seriously hurt someone. Its a good idea to wear a helmet when you collect durians. 5 The shape of the fruit inspired the architects who built the Esplanade centre in Singapore the roof of this modern building looks like two big durians. Inside there are art galleries, an enormous theatre and a concert hall for 1600 people. People in Singapore must love it because they call it the Durian.

    I adore Singapore


    U6 Exam Booster

    English_Explorer_SB2_pp106-156_POPRAWIONY.indd 140 6/13/11 10:44 AM

  • SUCHAJ Listening 6.EB12 Posuchaj Twojej rwieniczki

    z Singapuru, ktra uprawia triatlon. Zastanw si, jaka jest gwna myl jej wypowiedzi.

    Z podanych odpowiedzi A, B, C wybierz jedn, zgodn z treci nagrania. Nagranie usyszysz dwukrotnie.

    Jenny is talking about: A the best type of clothes for cycling

    in the Singapore weather.B the rules of the Singapore mini

    triathlon. C triathlon races in Singapore sports


    I REAGUJ Language ResponseUzupenij dialogi (15), wybierajc spord podanych odpowiedzi brakujc wypowied jednej z osb. Zakrel liter A, B lub C.

    1 X: Did you eat a lot of fruit on your holidays? Y: ey only had bananas,

    which I dont like. A Not much, actually. B Not many, actually. C Too many, actually.

    2 X: I have to check my mail.Y: Yes, of course. Why dont you use the computer over

    there?X: OK, thank you. A Cant I go on the Internet? B How do I go on the Internet? C Can I go on the Internet?

    3 X: Do I have to have a visa for Singapore?Y: A No, you dont. B Yes, you have. C No, you havent.

    4 X: Can I help you, sir?Y: I cant nd one of the

    suitcases.X: Why dont you contact the lost luggage o ce on the

    rst oor? A Im looking after my luggage. B Im looking at my luggage. C Im looking for my luggage.

    5 X: ank you so much for your help.Y: A Welcome! B Youre welcome. C Please.

    Reading 2Do kadej tabliczki informacyjnej z Singapuru (14) przyporzdkuj odpowiednie miejsce (AE). Jedno miejsce zostao podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnej tabliczki.

    1 Please offer your seat to someone who needs

    it more than you.

    2 Do not touch the artwork.

    3 Please push your bicycle along the


    4 Enjoy our new

    selection of exotic fruit salads.

    A In a museum. D In a park. B In a furniture shop. E In a restaurant.C On a bus.

    Zanim przeczytasz opcje (AE), czyli miejsca, ktre masz do wyboru, sprbuj samodzielnie odgadn, gdzie dana tabliczka informacyjna mogaby si znajdowa. Wska opcj, ktra jest najblisza Twoim przypuszczeniom.


    NAPISZ Writing Kolega ze Wielkiej Brytanii opisa Ci w e-mailu swoje wyjcie z przyjacimi do ulubionej pizzerii. Zapyta rwnie, gdzie Ty ostatnio bya / bye z przyjacimi lub rodzin.

    W odpowiedzi napisz: w jakiej miejscu ostatnio bya / bye z przyjacimi i z jakiej

    okazji; co wybraa / wybrae z menu; co Ci smakowao, a co nie.

    Podpisz si jako XYZ. Rozwi swoj wypowied w kadym z trzech podpunktw, pamitajc, e dugo e-maila powinna wynosi od 50 do 100sw.

    EXAMUzupenij angielskie zdania (15), tak aby odpowiadaypolskim tumaczeniom. W kadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna i ortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 James musi si popieszy. Jestemy ju spnieni.James hurry. Were already late.

    2 W zeszym roku nie byo adnych powanych wypadkw. ere accidents last year.

    3 Czy moesz poyczy mi przewodnik po Azji?Can the guidebook to Asia, please?

    4 Nie wolno robi zdj w tym muzeum.You photos in this museum.

    5 To wane, aby dobrze przygotowa si na wypraw do dungli.Its important for an expedition to the jungle.

    czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna



    z przyjacimi do ulubionej pizzerii. Zapyta rwnie, gdzie Ty Kolega ze Wielkiej Brytanii opisa Ci w e-mailu swoje wyjcie


    Kolega ze Wielkiej Brytanii opisa Ci w e-mailu swoje wyjcie



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    1 People in Hong Kong always have breakfast at home.

    2 The Chinese drink more green tea than black tea.

    3 The Chinese believe that green tea is good for your health.

    4 You should drink chrysanthemum tea when you have a temperature.

    5 The Hong Kong-style milk tea is similar to Chinese green tea.

    Reading 2Przeczytaj poniszy komunikat. Zdecyduj, ktre zdanie A, B czy C jest waciwym podsumowaniem tej informacji.

    Meet me at Luk Yu Tea House at 5.15. Sorry but I forgot to book a table. Dont be late this time ! Jimmy.

    A You mustnt be late because Jimmy has booked a table for 5.15.

    B You should book a table at Luk Yu Tea House because Jimmy hasnt done it.

    C You should wait for Jimmy at Luk Yu Tea House at a quarter past ve.

    SUCHAJ ListeningUsyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi. Przyporzdkuj kadej rozmowie (13) miejsce, w ktrym si odbywa (AE).

    1 7.EB13 2 7.EB14

    3 7.EB15

    Dzisiaj odwiedzimy Hong Kong. Wielka Brytania sprawowaa rzdy nad tym miastem przez prawie 150 lat, a kiedy w 1997 roku wygasa umowa brytyjskiej dzierawy, Hong Kong na nowo sta si czci Chin. lady brytyjskiej obecnoci s widoczne nie tylko w powszechnie uywanym angielskim, ale rwnie w szkolnictwie, kuchni i stylu ycia.

    CZYTAJ Reading 1Przeczytaj poniszy tekst z przewodnika po Hong Kongu i wska, ktre zdania (15) s zgodne z jego treci (TRUE), a ktre nie (FALSE).




    Tea Time in Hong KongHong Kong is a busy city but early in the morning the streets are almost empty. Shops are still closed but a lot of Cantonese restaurants open even before six a.m. This is the place where lots of people have breakfast and read the morning newspaper before they go to work. And for breakfast they always drink tea and eat dim sum (different kinds of Chinese snacks). Some elderly people bring their pet birds in small cages and talk to friends about life. But the most important thing is the tea.

    The Chinese prefer green tea. They have always loved it. For them tea is not only a drink but also a guarantee of a healthy life. Chinese traditional medicine believes that green tea is especially good for your heart.

    There are lots of different types of herbal teas too. The Chinese make teas from hundreds of plants. One of the most popular herbal teas is chrysanthemum tea. The Chinese believe that these little owers cool your body, so the tea is especially good for those with a fever or a cold. Next time you think you are coming down with u, try chrysanthemum tea.

    When youre in Hong Kong, you mustnt miss its famous milk tea. In special tea houses they boil an original blend of black tea in big one-metre-tall containers. The tea comes with sweet condensed milk in tall glasses. Its like a Far East version of British tea tea with milk.

    Hong Kong-style milk tea

    Chrysanthemum tea

    Chinese tea and dim sum


    U7 Exam Booster

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    3 W jaki sposb poradzisz komu, aby nie podrowa metrem w godzinach szczytu?A You shouldnt use the metro in the rush hour.B You mustnt use the metro in the rush hour.C You cant use the metro in the rush hour.

    4 Wydaje Ci si, e Twj wsplokator jest bardzo zmartwiony. W jaki sposb zapytasz go, czy co si stao?A Whats wrong? B Whats happening?C What went wrong?

    5 Kto pyta Ci, dlaczego pijesz chisk herbat zioow. Jak powiesz, e boli Ci gardo?A Nothings wrong with my throat.B Ive had problems with my throat.C I have a sore throat.

    I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishPrzeczytaj fragment strony internetowej o zdrowiu, prowadzonej przez wadze Hong Kongu, a skierowanej do nastolatkw.

    W kad luk (15) wstaw odpowiedni wyraz A, B lub C.

    Uwaaj! W tym rodzaju wicze czsto pojawiaj si sowa, ktre mog wskazywa, e odpowied jest bdna. Zawsze sugeruj si treci, a nie pojedynczymi sowami.


    EXAMUzupenij zdania (15), wykorzystujc podane wnawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie naley zmienia kolejnoci podanych wyrazw. Trzeba natomiast doda wszystkie niezbdne elementy, aby otrzyma zdania poprawne pod wzgldem gramatycznym i logicznym. Wkadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna i ortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 Have you (ever / drink) chrysanthemum tea?

    2 Were going to Hong Kong next month. What (should / see) were there?

    3 He (never / be) China before.

    4 Shes in hospital. Shes (have / accident) .

    5 (remember / buy) some milk. We havent got any left.


    REAGUJ Language Response

    Zastanw si, co oznacza ponisze pytanie z lekcji gwnej (U7C / w. 2.):

    What should I do? 1 Kto prosi o rad, co powinien zrobi.

    2 Kto pyta, co musi zrobi.

    3 Kto chce si dowiedzie, co moe zrobi.

    Waciwa jest pierwsza odpowied. Teraz zrb wiczenie podobne jak na egzaminie.

    Wyobra sobie, e zatrzymaa / zatrzymae si w schronisku modzieowym w Hong Kongu i poznajesz innych podrujcych.

    Do kadej sytuacji (15) dobierz odpowiedni reakcj A, B lub C.

    1 Chcesz si dowiedzie, czy Twj rozmwca kiedykolwiek pi chryzantemow herbat. Jak go o to zapytasz?A Were you drinking chrysanthemum tea? B Did you drink chrysanthemum tea?C Have you ever drunk chrysanthemum tea?

    2 Dowiadujesz si, e muzeum herbaty, ktre chcesz odwiedzi, bdzie nieczynne w trakcie Twojego pobytu. W jaki sposb wyrazisz swoje niezadowolenie? A What a waste! B What a pity! C What a problem!

    1 A Did B Do C Have2 A take B make C get3 A have B had C having 4 A on B for C in5 A talk B tell C say

    1 you ever stopped for a while and tried to understand your emotions? Do you often feel sad, lonely, or excited without knowing why? Do you often 2 angry with yourself? Do you sometimes feel youve 3 enough?

    Different things can create emotional problems 4 example examination stress, dif culties with friends, family problems even traf c. And mental stress can also be dangerous for your general health. The results are headaches, depression or panic attacks. Whats more, stressed people often dont sleep well.

    But dont worry! Everyone has problems sometimes. The key is to know how to reduce mental stress. You should 5 to someone you like. It can be a friend or an older person you trust. So, dont close up when you are having problems. Be brave and accept other peoples help.

    Physical Health

    Keeping Fit

    Mental Health


    Mental Health


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    SUCHAJ ListeningUmiejtno zrozumienia lotniskowych komunikatw jest niezbdna dla kadego, kto chce zwiedza wiat.

    Posuchaj dwukrotnie dwch nagra. Uzupenij brakujce informacje (16) w notatkach obok.

    A 8.EB16

    BOARDING PASS FLIGHT NO: BOARDING TIME: GATE: SEAT:(1) BA (2) 09.20 (3) G25 17HNAME: Jones / Philip MRFROM: London Gatwick / LGWTO: Gibraltar / GIBDATE: 01 / MAR / 09


    B 8.EB17

    LOT Your Gateway to Central Europe

    Visit our Ticket DeskWere on (4) Level between Gates C5 and (5) .Now LOT offers a new daily connection to Krakw at (6) .

    Wracamy do Europy. Nasz ostatni przystanek to Gibraltar brytyjskie terytorium zalene, pooone na samym poudniu Hiszpanii. Brytyjczycy czsto mwi o Gibraltarze e Rock ze wzgldu na ogromn wapienn ska, ktra gruje nad miastem. Skaa kryje w sobie liczne tunele i jaskinie, jej zbocza za stanowi rezerwat przyrody.

    CZYTAJ Reading Przeczytaj artyku o makakach yjcych na Gibraltarze.

    Z artykuu usunito cztery zdania. Uzupenij luki w tekcie (14) podanymi poniej zdaniami (AE), tak aby by on spjny i logiczny. Jedno zdanie zostao podane dodatkowo inie pasuje do adnej luki.

    A Will this be the end of wild monkeys in Europe?B ey are becoming a real problem.C e government says that tourists are safe.D ere are about 200 monkeys in the area, mostly at the

    top of the Rock. E Many people dont agree with this decision and some

    tourists are protesting strongly.

    Przed odsuchaniem nagrania zawsze przeczytaj tekst, ktry masz uzupeni. To pomaga uzmysowi sobie, jaki rodzaj informacji musisz wychwyci z caoci nagrania. Nie musisz rozumie caego komunikatu, by wykona zadanie.


    The Future of the Rock MonkeysGibraltar is the only place in Europe where monkeys live in the wild. They are called Barbary Macaques. 1 They are the greatest tourist attraction in Gibraltar. According to legend, if the monkeys ever leave Gibraltar, the British will leave too.

    Not so long ago a group of twenty ve animals left their home territory and started invading the town. 2 They are vandalizing hotel rooms and stealing food. Hotel workers say that if you leave your room window open, you will de nitely have a visit from a hungry monkey.

    The local government has decided to eliminate the problematic group. Vets have already killed two monkeys. 3 But the government says it has no choice. We have to do it. The monkeys can be dangerous to peoples health, says a government representative. We hope that the other monkeys from the group will go back to their big family on the Rock so the killing can stop.

    But what will happen if more monkeys start visiting the town? 4 Will the British leave Gibraltar then too?



    U8 Exam Booster

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  • REAGUJ Language ResponseUzupenij dialogi (15), wybierajc spord podanych odpowiedzi brakujc wypowied jednej z osb. Zakrel liter A, B lub C.

    1 X: Excuse me, Y: Go past the library and turn left. A how should I go to the station? B how do I get to the station? C how did I get to the station?

    2 X: Do you think well be late?Y: A If we dont miss the bus, we will. B We will if we hurry. C If we catch the bus, we wont.

    3 X: Where are you going to stay in Spain?Y: I dont know yet. A I think Ill stay at a campsite. B Im staying with my friends. C Ive booked the same hotel as last year.

    4 X: Is there anywhere to eat near here?Y: . A eres nothing in the fridge, Im afraid. B Its far away from here. C eres a small bar in the corner of the square.

    5 X: Do you want to go to the swimming pool with us tomorrow?

    Y: Yes, why not? X: ats great. Lets meet at 1 pm then. A I wont do anything special. B I dont do anything special. C Im not doing anything special.

    I DZIAAJ Use of EnglishPrzeczytaj poniszy e-mail. Uzupenij poszczeglne zdania, wpisujc w kad luk (16) jeden wyraz z ramki, tak aby otrzyma poprawny i logiczny tekst. Trzy wyrazy zostay podane dodatkowo i nie pasuj do adnej luki.

    waiting made abroad taken done like took way looking take

    EXAMEXAMEXAMPrzeczytaj pary zda (15). Uzupenij drugie zdanie tak, abyodpowiadao treci zdania pierwszego. W kadym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementw. Wymagana jest pena poprawno gramatyczna i ortografi czna wpisywanych fragmentw.

    1 We wont go to the beach if it rains. If it , well go to the beach.

    2 Im so excited that were going on holiday to Spain.Im looking our holiday in Spain.

    3 eir plan is to visit Tangier in Morocco. eyre visit Tangier in Morocco.

    4 Shes always seasick on a ferry.If she takes the ferry, she seasick.

    5 Are you driving to Spain?Are you car?

    otrzyma poprawny i logiczny tekst. Trzy wyrazy zostay podane

    Hi Patricia!

    Thanks for your email. Yes, Ive 1 a couple of

    interesting things since I last wrote. I went on a great

    trip the day before yesterday. We drove to Tarifa, a small

    port near Gibraltar, and 2 the ferry to Tangier in

    Morocco. It takes only 45 minutes to get to the African

    coast. Now I can say that Ive been to Africa. Morocco was

    fantastic. The only thing I didnt like was the Moroccan

    tea. They serve it with lots of sugar and fresh mint. If my

    dad agrees, Ill go there for my next holiday. Id 3

    to see more of Morocco.

    On the 4 back we went to Gibraltar. We climbed

    the Rock to see the monkeys. But to me, the most

    interesting thing was the airport. This is probably the only

    place in the world where a normal road crosses a runway

    for planes. When a plane lands or takes off, they close the

    road. The cars and people have to wait. I was 5

    for the road to open when a Boeing took off. It was superb

    and scary at the same time because I was very close to

    the plane.

    Were flying back the day after tomorrow. There are so

    many things I want to tell you. Believe it or not, Ive

    6 more than a thousand photos! Dont worry Im

    not going to bore you with all of them ! Only if you want

    to see them .




    English_Explorer_SB2_pp106-156_POPRAWIONY.indd 145 6/13/11 10:44 AM

  • Notes

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  • Notes

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  • Podrcznik dopuszczony do uytku szkolnego przez ministra waciwego do spraw owiaty i wychowania iwpisany do wykazu podrcznikw przeznaczonych do ksztacenia oglnego do nauczania jzyka angielskiego, na podstawie opinii rzeczoznawcw: dr. Andrzeja Diniejko, dr. hab. Mirosawa Pawlaka, dr. Piotra Zbrga. Poziom: A1/A2Zakres ksztacenia: podstawowy i rozszerzonyEtap edukacyjny: IIITyp szkoy: gimnazjumRok dopuszczenia: 2011

    Numer dopuszczenia 334/2/2011/z1

    egzamin rozszerzonyEXAM EXAM EXAM

    12 arkuszy egzaminacyjnych na poziomie podstawowym i rozszerzonym

    Typy zada i polece zgodne z obowizujcym formatem egzaminu gimnazjalnego.

    Nagrania tekstw sprawdzajcychrozumienie ze suchu dostpne na

    Arkusze egzaminacyjne do gimnazjum!


    EE2SB_ExamBooster_Cover_DO_Wydanie3_2013__2pages.indd 2 13-09-05 11:20