Unilever Ltd

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    Marketing Strategy


    Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.

    (According to the Company

    Marketing Mix & STP)

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    Letter of Transmit

    10 July !01"

    #ani$ %atema

    Senior proe''or

    epartment o u'ine'' admini'tration

    haka City College*

    Su+, Su+mi''ion o a report on -Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.

    ear Madam

    /ith great re'pect on +ehal o the 'tudent' o Marketing Department Sec-C ant to

    'u+mit the report* /e ha2e orked on -Marketing strategy (segmentation Targeting

    differentiation& Positioning) and Marketing mix (Product price place ! promotion)

    o Unilever Bangladesh Ltd* /hile making the report e ha2e gathered 'ome ne

    experience' and aced 'ome pro+lem +ut e ha2e done inally ith great 'ucce''*

    %inally ould like to thank you or the opportunity thi' report ga2e u' to learn 'omething

    +etter than +eore and to de2elop our re'earch 'kill' hich ill +e in2alua+le or uture


    4our 'incerely

    5umayra #a+ir

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    Ta"le of #ontents

    6xecuti2e 'ummary 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777i272

    Chapter 1, ntroduction o report "

    1*1* 8rigin 91*!* 8+3ecti2e' :

    1*!*1 ;eneral o+3ecti2e' :

    1*!*! Speciic o+3ecti2e' :

    1*< Methodology =

    1*> ?imitation' 10

    Chapter !, Company Proile 11

    !*1 Company proile 1!

    !*1*1* @nile2er 1!

    !*1*!* @nile2er anglade'h ?td 1

    !*< i'ion 1B


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    6xecuti2e 'ummary

    @nile2er anglade'h ltd i' one o the orld' mo't 'ucce''ul a't mo2ing con'umer good'

    manuacturing companie' ith local manuacturing acilitie' reporting to regional +u'ine''

    group' or inno2ation and +u'ine'' re'ult'* The hole marketing 'trategy (>P' and STP

    model) o @nile2er anglade'h ltd* i' re2ieed in thi' report*

    >P' are the part o marketing mix hich i' a +u'ine'' tool u'ed in marketing +y marketing

    proe''ional'* n ca'e o determining a product or +rand E' oering thi' marketing mix i'

    2ery crucial or the company. Product i' the ir't one in >P' hich i' 2ery 'igniicant*

    Per'onal care 5ome care %ood +rand product' are +eing marketed +y @nile2er throughout

    orld* Clo'e up o2e ?ie+uoy rom Per'onal careF Sur excel im rom 5ome care and

    #norr rom ood +rand' are ulilling the need' o target market*

    Pricing i' 2ery tactical act that e2ery company mu't handle it 2ery careully* @? (@nile2er

    anglade'h ltd) adopted 'ome 'trategie' knon a' Product7line pricing Competiti2e pricing

    and i'tri+ution pricing* e'ide' @? al'o maintain ?o pricing or o+taining maximumproit ierent price li't' or dierent market' along ith Deducing product price to

    maximi$e 'ale' hich allo to increa'e production and reduce unit production co't*

    Another P i' knon a' Place* @nile2er 'et it' placing 'trategy in 'uch ay that in e2ery 'mall

    or +ig 'hop cu'tomer' could +e a+le to ind out their product that they are looking or*

    e'ide' that rural penetration Strategic location o arehou'e increa'e o arehou'e or

    product and 'et up national 'er2ice netork etc* are +eing olloed +y @? a' 'trategic

    placing policy*

    n Promotion acti2itie' Acti2e perormance i' Guite promi'ing to their con'umer'* Media

    ne'paper radio 5oarding 'ale' promotion7 there are the media that @nile2er u'e' in

    promotion acti2itie'* Apart rom that 'trengthen 'ale' orce organi$ation reorgani$e 'ale

    orce in particular area increa'e ad2erti'ing or the product in 'peciic market con'idered a'

    promotional acti2itie'*

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    Segmentation Targeting and po'itioning are knon a' STP model in marketing 'trategy* Thi'

    i' the proce'' through hich a company di2ide it' large market into 'mall part' Target their

    market here they ocu' to 'ell their product e2aluating market 'egment ith Porter' B

    orce' that can 'hape indu'try competition Select the 2ery +e't target market portionH'egment

    hich i' knon a' ierentiating and at the end placing the product +a'ed on that


    Through Market 'egmentation @nile2er anglade'h i2ide large heterogeneou' market into

    'mall 'egment' that can +e reached more eiciently and eecti2ely ith their product and

    'er2ice that match their uniGue need'* ierent 'egmentation 2aria+le' alone and in

    com+ination ha' +een tried to ind the +e't ay to 2ie the market 'tructure* The'e 2aria+le'

    are ;eographic emographic P'ychographic and eha2ioral* a'ed on country Degion and

    den'ity o city criteria geographic 2aria+le' are +eing 'elected* ncome occupation gender

    and Age criteria ulill the demographic 2aria+le* Social cla'' and lie'tyle can determine the

    p'ychographic need' and +eha2ioral criteria are +a'ed on occa'ion' u'er rate and u'er 'tatu'*

    Market 'hopper' are trading don to loer7priced good'7idening the pool' o ha2ing and

    not ha2ing con'umer' at the expen'e o middle 'tated +y @nile2er executi2e'* a'ed on that

    @nile2er e'timated that i' ha' one product in =:I o amily' hou'ehold' to undamentally

    change the ay it de2elop' and 'ell it' good'* Popular product' o @? 'uch a' ?@ hich

    target market i' rom orking cla'' to middle cla'' amily %AD & ?86?4 or young

    omen A6 or young and 'tyli'h men o 1:7!" age'*

    62aluation o 'egmented market i' mainly ocu' to +eat the competition +y o2ercoming the

    challenge' oered +y ri2al companie'* %i2e orce' that can 'hape indu'try competition are

    Threat' o ne entrant' 'u+'titute product' along ith +argaining poer o 'upplier' +uyer'

    in the middle o Di2alry among the exi'ting competition*

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    Selecting the targeted market 'egment i' +a'ically de'ign the product +a'ed on con'umer'

    demand* @nile2er ocu'ed on impro2ing the li2e' o the orld' con'umer' and that i' hy

    they ollo' dierentiated target market 'egment* %or that rea'on each oer' are 'eparate

    rom other' in target 'e2eral market 'egment'*

    ierentiating po'itioning po''e''ed the main actor' that can inluence mo't o 'ale'* ?ux

    po''e'' the 'pecial attri+ute' to make +eautiul Clo'e up po''e'' the attri+ute' that rere'h

    your teeth ith re'hening your +reath and Sur excel i' ready to remo2e any kind o 'tain'*

    n po'itioning @? ollo' more 'er2ice in le'' or 'ame price* So thi' i' hy they can

    'ati'y their con'umer' ith their 'er2ice'*

    So thi' i' the ma3or act' that thi' report contain'* Marketing tool' are regarded a' the

    eapon o a company* At the end e can 'ay that @? i' olloing that 'uita+le 'trategy in

    their marketing* And it i' ready to change it' ormula' according to the change' in the market*

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    $eport Body

    Chapter 1, ntroduction o report

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    %.% Origin

    Thi' report i' prepared or &ani' (atema 'enior proe''or and cour'e in'tructor o

    -Markating Mix. epartment o u'ine'' admini'tration haka City College* A' part o

    cour'e thi' report i' to +e 'u+mitted +y 'tudent' o Marketing epartment* Such report i'

    helpul or the 'tudent' to gain practical knoledge experience and adaption ith 'ituation*

    Thi' ill help not only to learn a+out making a term paper +ut al'o to under'tand it' idea

    purpo'e and in u'e o an 8rgani$ation*

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    %.) O"*ectives

    %.).% +eneral o"*ectives

    The main o+3ecti2e o thi' term paper i' to kno a+out the Marketing Strategy o @nile2er

    anglade'h ?td* 5o they de2elop their > P' ho they 'egment their market ho they

    e2aluate 'egmented market and 'election proce'' o it and ho they dierentiate and

    po'itioned their product' on market*

    %.).) Specific O"*ectives

    To kno a+out @nile2er and @nile2er anglade'h*

    To kno a+out @nile2er' 'trategy regarding Product Price Placeand


    To identiy the 'egmentation targeting and po'itioning 'trategy u'ed +y @nile2er


    To de2elop 'ome recommendation or urther impro2ement in marketing 'trategy

    o @nile2er anglade'h*

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    %., Methodology

    @nile2er anglade'h ?td knon a' multi7national company hich i' hy they po''e''ed a

    much enriched e+'ite* a'ically e collect almo't >0I data rom their e+'ite* Apart rom

    their e+ other e+'ite' inormation help' u' to gather the re't o the data like marketing

    mix (Product Price Place Promotion) and marketing 'trategy (Segmentation Targeting and

    Po'itioning)* All the e+'ite' are mentioned in the reerence part o appendix* Thi' i' ho e

    collect data a+out @? regarding thi' report*

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    %.- Limitations

    /e are plea'ed enough to get an opportunity to prepare a report on -Marketing Strategy o

    @nile2er anglade'h ?td*.* /e tried heart and 'oul to prepare a ell7inormed report +ut a' a

    matter o act that e aced 'ome diicultie' hile e ere preparing it* Though e tried our

    le2el +e't 'ome diicultie' didnt get o out tail* Another act i' ithin a 'hort time e had

    to prepare other cour'e' report' in other 'ection* %or thi' rea'on e could not get a luent

    time 'chedule or the report* The employer' o @? (@nile2er anglade'h ?td*) ere 'o +u'y

    that they did not help u' that much* /hich i' hy e could not ulill our Guerie' and 'ome

    o the'e are neglected u' to 'upport* /hate2er e managed to complete our report on time*

    /e hope that you ould con'ider our report except our lacking' and limitation'*

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    #hapter ) #ompany Profile

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    ).% #ompany Profile

    ).%.% Unilever

    @nile2er i'British-Dutch Multinational Fast Moving Consumer Goods/(M#+0company*

    Their product' include ood' +e2erage cleaning agent' and per'onal care product'* t' the

    orld' Third7large't con'umer good' company mea'ured +y re2enue' (ater Proctor &

    ;am+le and Ke'tle) and orld' large't maker o ice cream* A' o 8cto+er !01> theirRevenuei' 1 22.%illion andProfit1 2.-+illion* t i' the 2thlarge't company in %MC; ith

    market 2alue L %)-.3+illion*

    @nile2er a' ounded on 1'tJanuary 1=

  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    @nile2er on' more than >00 +rand'F although it' !B large't +rand' account or o2er 90I o

    total 'ale'* @nile2er ocu'e' re'ource' on 1

  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    n the uture it' +rand' ill do e2en more to add 2itality to lie* t' 2itality mi''ion ill ocu'

    it' +rand' on meeting con'umer need' ari'ing rom the +igge't i''ue' around the orld today

    N ageing population' ur+ani$ation' changing diet' and lie'tyle'*

    @nile2er anglade'h 'ee groing con'umer need or,

    A healthy lie'tyle*

    More 2ariety Guality ta'te and en3oyment*

    Time a' an increa'ingly preciou' commodity*

    5elping people to eel good look good and get more out o lie ill ena+le u' to meet the'e

    need' and expand it' +u'ine''*

    The long7term 'ucce'' o it' +u'ine'' i' intimately interconnected ith the 2itality o theen2ironment and the communitie' in hich they operate* The en2ironment pro2ide' u' ith

    it' ra material' and the ingredient' @? need to make it' product'* 5ealthy pro'perou'

    communitie' pro2ide u' ith a healthy groing con'umer +a'e*

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    )., 9ision

    @? 2i'ion 'et out the long term direction or the company N here it' ant to go and ho it

    i' going to get there,

    t ork' to create a +etter uture e2ery day*

    t help people eel good look good and get more out o lie ith +rand' and 'er2ice'

    that are good or them and good or other'*

    t ill in'pire people to take 'mall e2eryday action' that can add up to a +ig dierence

    or the orld*

    t ill de2elop ne ay' o doing +u'ine'' ith the aim o dou+ling the 'i$e o it'

    company hile reducing it' en2ironmental impact*

    @? ha' alay' +elie2ed in the poer o it' +rand' to impro2e the Guality o people' li2e'

    and in doing the right thing* A' it' +u'ine'' gro' 'o do it' re'pon'i+ilitie'*

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    #hapter , Marketing Mix

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    ,.% Tools for Business Professionals

    The marketing mix i' a +u'ine'' tool u'ed in marketingand +y marketing proe''ional'* The

    marketing mix i' oten crucial hen determining a product or +randO' oering and i' oten

    'ynonymou' ith the our P', Product PricePlace and PromotionF in 'er2ice marketing

    hoe2er the our P' ha2e +een expanded to the Se2en P' or eight P' to addre'' the dierent

    nature o 'er2ice'*

    ,.%.% Products

    Per'onal Care rand'

    Clo'eup i' the num+er 1 toothpa'te o anglade'h and

    the ir't gel toothpa'te o the orld* t gi2e' you the re'he't +reath and da$$ling 'mile hich

    ignite' a mouth to mind conidence*

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    Pep'odent i' the only toothpa'te to +e endor'ed +y

    % N /orld ental %ederation and recommended +y anglade'h ental Society* your

    'mile i' not healthy you are not healthy* Pep'odent i' committed to +ringing the +e't oral

    care to amilie'*

    The /orld' Ko* 1 airne'' cream +rand %air &

    ?o2ely i' u'ed +y nearly :0I o the hou'ehold' o anglade'h making it the 'econd +igge't

    %air & ?o2ely market in the orld*

    The /orld' Ko* 1 airne'' cream +rand %air & ?o2ely i'

    u'ed +y nearly :0I o the hou'ehold' o anglade'h making it the 'econd +igge't %air &

    ?o2ely market in the orld*

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    The a'eline 'kin care team ant' e2ery+ody to +e

    a+le to en3oy great healthy 'kin e2ery day and eel ready all the time*

    o2e i' committed to helping omen reali$e their

    per'onal potential or +eauty +y engaging them ith product' that deli2er real care*

    ?ux +egan it' 'tory in 1=!> a' the ir't ma'' marketed

    +eauty 'oap* Ko 'old in o2er 100 countrie' it i' the mo't recogni$a+le 'oap +rand in theorld N +ringing a com+ination o un plea'ure and comort' to omen' +eauty routine' the

    orld o2er*

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    %or !07'omething girl' hair i' oten an emotional

    rollercoa'ter* Sun'ilk under'tand' and it' range addre''e' the mo't common hair drama' in

    :0 countrie' around the glo+e helping girl' e2eryhere to gain the conidence to expre''


    ?ie+uoy i' the large't health 'oap +rand in

    anglade'h* t' 2i'ion i' to meet the health and hygiene need' o 1B0 million anglade'hi'*

    ?ie+uoy i' a hou'ehold name and thi' health 'oap i' remem+ered in e2ery 'ector o the


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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    Scalp care i' e''ential or 'trong 'upple healthy hair N and

    C?6AD 'hampoo i' de2eloped ith uniGue ingredient' to en'ure e2ery 'calp can ind it'

    perect +alance nouri'hing hair rom root to tip*

    Axe oer' guy' a range o +ody 'pray' deodorant'

    antiper'pirant' 'hoer gel' and hair product' N all de'igned to help them look 'mell and

    eel their +e't*

    Dexona oer' maximum protection you can rely on

    all day long* 8ur antiper'pirant' and deodorant' are de2eloped to meet dierent demand' or

    22 | P a g e

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    men and omen re'ponding to your +ody to keep you eeling conident and cool or up to >:


    5ome Care rand'

    Sur 6xcel +elie2e' that dirt i' goodF it i' an e''ential part

    o a child' de2elopment* t' ho children learn expre'' their creati2ity and e2en +ol'ter

    their immune 'y'tem*

    /heel the large't detergent +rand in anglade'h pro2ide' a

    delightul a'hing experience in million' o hou'ehold' e2ery day*

    im ha' +rought a re2olution in kitchen management

    in anglade'hi hou'ehold'* Since it' launch in 1=:9 im ha' +een 'ynonymou' ith

    'parkling clean di'he'*

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  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd


    8ur clothe' 'peak or u'* Din Poer /hite play'

    an integral part in helping u' to look good +y pro2iding 'uperior hitene'' gi2ing u' the

    conidence to reali$e our am+ition'*

    %ood rand'

    #norr help' amilie' make meal time' 'pecial nutritiou'

    ta'ty and healthy* t i' a ta'ty and healthy 'nack option or the hole amily ith the

    goodne'' o real ingredient' 7 containing Deal Chicken and egeta+le'* #norr 'oup' en'ure

    lo le2el' o chole'terol and at and gi2e you a +ol o 'oup that i' a healthy 'nack ith an

    ama$ing ta'te*

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    To tho'e 'eeking in'piration to take that +ig 'tep

    rooke ond Taa$a aaken' you to take the one 'tep to change your orld* Taa$a 'tand' or

    premium Guality +ringing in the orld amou' tea +lending experti'e and heritage o the

    rooke ond 5ou'e*

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    ,.%.) 4fforda"ility of #onsumer

    Product >uantity PriceLux 1B0 gm >0 tk 9im

    They al'o maintain the'e or pricing,

    Product price lo and o+tain maximum proit on 'pare part'*

    @'e dierent price' and dierent price li't' or dierent market'*

    Set price at 10I +elo market leader*

    Deduce price o product to maximi$e 'ale' (to allo increa'ed production and reduce

    unit production co't)*

    ierent pricing 'trategie' adopted +y @nile2er,

    8ptional7eature' 'trategy

    Product7line pricing

    Co't7plu' pricing

    Competiti2e pricing

    i'tri+ution pricing*

    26 | P a g e

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    Consumers and organizational end users

    ,.%., Place

    @nile2er ollo common 'y'tem o di'tri+ution* t ha' made hi' 'trategy like that in e2ery

    'mall or +ig 'hop cu'tomer n the other hand in order to di'tri+ute product' among cu'tomer'

    ill +e a+le to ind out the product* e'ide' they do olloing thing'*

    Set on di'tri+ution direct to 'tore'*

    Change di'tri+ution or area*

    ncrea'e o arehou'e' or product*

    n 'tore placement 'trategy*

    Already exi'ting 'trong link' in ur+an area*

    Dural penetration*

    e2elop marketing channel' a' 'trong and penetrated 'o that it ould gain acce''

    to remote area'* Strategic location o arehou'e*

    ncrea'e hole'ale dealer' in 'mall ton' 'o that they can go to the near+y


    Kational co2erage ould +e dealt ith +y increa'ing the company' arehou'e'

    and creating C&% agent' in the 'maller citie'*

    Set up national 'er2ice netork*

    =istri"ution #hannel of Unilever

    ,.%.- 4ttracting the target market

    @nile2er i' Guite acti2e in promoting it' +rand to their cu'tomer'* P&; ha' de2eloped a logo

    that i' dierentia+le and can ea'ily +e recogni$ed* Mo't important actor to attract

    cu'tomer' it con'ider'

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    Strengthen 'ale' orce organi$ation*

    Deorgani$e 'ale orce or particular area*

    ntroduce perormance related +onu' 'cheme or 'ale orce*

    Decruit additional 'ale' per'onnel*

    ncrea'e 'ale' eort to increa'e 'ale to ma3or cu'tomer'*

    ncrea'e 'ale' eort' or mo't proita+le product'

    Start ne ad2erti'ing campaign

    ncrea'e company image ad2erti'ement*

    ncrea'e ad2erti'ing or the product in 'peciic market

    @nile2er u'e' Media ne'paper Dadio 5oarding Con'umer promotion to promote it'

    product'* t al'o teleca't' 'ome daily 'oap to attract omen and young people* Another

    orld the edge o #night The righter day The Catlin' The %ir't hundred year' rom the'e

    root' are ell rated and amou'*

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    ,.) Marketing Strategy

    ,.).% =ivide large market into small segments

    uyer' in any market dier in their ant' re'ource' location +uying attitude' and +uying

    practice'* Through market 'egmentation Unilever Bangladeshdi2ide large heterogeneou'

    market into 'maller 'egment' that can +e reached more eiciently and eecti2ely ith

    product and 'er2ice that match their uniGue need'* They ha' to try dierent 'egmentation

    2aria+le' alone and in com+ination to ind the +e't ay to 2ie the market 'tructure* %or

    their con'umer UBL ha2e u'ed 'ome o the 2aria+le' o Geographic Demographic

    Psychographic andBehavioral*


    #ountry region

  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd



    Social class ?oer loer' upper loer' orking cla'' middle cla'' upper middle'

    loer upper' upper upper'

    Lifestyle Achie2er' 'tri2er' 'ur2i2or'Personality Compul'i2e gregariou' authoritarian am+itiou'


    8cca'ion' Degular occa'ion 'pecial occa'ion holiday 'ea'onal

    eneit' Quality 'er2ice economy con2ince 'peedUser status Kon u'er ex7u'er potential u'er ir't time u'er regular u'er*User rate ?ight u'er medium u'er hea2y u'er

    ,.).) Targeting Market

    @nile2er executi2e' 'ay many it' ormer middle market 'hopper' are trading don to loer7

    priced good'7idening the pool' o ha2e and ha2e7not con'umer' at the expen'e o the

    middle* That' orced @nile2er hich e'timate' it ha' at lea't one product in =:I o amilie'

    hou'ehold' to undamentally change the ay it de2elop' and 'ell' it' good'*

    /e can 'ay @nile2er Company i' ocu'ed to the middle cla'' people a' their target market or

    increa'ing their 'ale' and a' ell a' market 'hare*

    Some popular products and their target market

    Target Market %rom orking cla'' to middle cla''


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    Target Market The range o 1:7!" age' o

    4oung and Styli'h Men*

    Target Market %or 4oung omen and +eauty

    con'ciou' ladie'*

    Target Market %or all kind o kitchen ork'

    doing +y 62ery 5ou'eie*


  • 7/26/2019 Unilever Ltd




    !"reatso# $e%


    &argaining Po%er o#'(liers





    &argainingo%er o#&(yers

    The o+3ecti2e o Porter Five Forces Model i' to +eat the competition o market +y

    o2ercoming the challenge' oered +y ri2al companie'* The i2e orce' model a' analy'i'

    de2eloped +yMichael E. Porter in 1=9=* According to thi' model the i2e orce' that can

    aect the proit' o company and can help to determine the pre2ailing competition in market


    Fig : Five forces that Shape ndustr! competition

    Threat o Ke 6ntrant'

    ue to the 2a't range o @nile2er product' it i' 2ery hard or a ne company to come and

    participate* 5oe2er the company hold' con'idera+le 'hare' o market and al'o ha'

    e'ta+li'hed reputation' thereore no ne entrant can compete ith the company ithout

    hea2y amount o capital and complete marketing 'trategy +a'ed on comprehen'i2e re'earch*

    Though 'mall companie' ith 'peciali$ation in particular product' can oer competition to

    @nile2er in 'peciic area'*

    argain Poer o Supplier

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    The +argain poer o 'upplier i' coped ith mutually dependent relation'hip o company

    ith it' 'upplier'* @nile2er reGue't 'ome good material' in order to produce product' o good

    Guality and 'ell them at 'en'i+le price* ?ikei'e 'upplier' in market are alay' in 'earch o

    reputed client' that can help them to generate good amount o re2enue* The 'tandard

    reputation maintained +y @nile2er oer' ad2antage to the company in thi' regard* Thereore

    the pre2ailing cri'i' o credit and luctuation in intere't rate' do not aect the term' o

    company ith 'upplier'*

    argain poer o Con'umer'

    A' ith the +argaining poer that i' alarmed +y the co'tumer' @nile2er can deal ith it

    ea'ily* The ide range o hou'ehold product' produced +y company maintain' the re2enue o

    company e2en in time o rece''ion* t i' due to the type o 2ariou' product' and the demand'

    o product' in e2eryday lie o con'umer' that thi' company play' an eecti2e role in

    reducing rate o rece''ion in economy o @#*

    Threat o Su+'titute Product'

    Although Procter & ;am+le ha' to deal ith the pre'ence o 2ariou' 'u+'titute' in market

    noaday' hoe2er Guality oered +y P&; in it' all product' en'ure the 'u'taina+ility o

    company in market all o2er the orld* n thi' regard company ha' adopted 2ariety o

    colla+oration 'trategie' ith their cu'tomer' in order to de2elop +etter under'tanding o

    con'umer demand' and their re'pon'e*

    The'e actor' allo the indu'try to kno a+out their +uyer' that are they happy ith @nile2er

    product' or ill choo'e 'ome other +rand o2er @nile2er* The Guality in @nile2er product' i'

    alay' maintained and it en'ure' co'tumer tru'torthine'' and and 2alue or their money

    @nile2er i' one o mo't 'ucce''ul company oering Guality product' in pre'ent time'* %or

    more than hal o a century thi' company i' dominating the orld o hou'ehold product' in

    dierent part' o orld* Thi' 'ucce'' o company i' +ecau'e o lexi+le attitude o company

    toard' modiying u'er reGuirement' and 'hiting market condition'* The 'ucce''ul

    marketing and +u'ine'' 'trategie' o company en'ure' groth in re2enue and con'tant

    reputation in orld o +u'ine''*

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    t i' a +uyer oriented indu'try hich i' ready to kno a+out the reGuirement o their

    co'tumer' 'ooner than any other* @nile2er i' no amiliar ith the +u'ine'' ar going in the

    market +ut it ha' al'o ormed a +u'ine'' map to compete* /ith Porter' i2e orce' model

    @nile2er can 'ucce''ully eradicate it' ri2al companie' and +eat the competition anyhere in


    ,.).- =esigning the Product "ased on #onsumer;s =emand

    @nile2er ollo' dierentiated target market 'egment' a' they are ocu'ed on impro2ing the

    li2e' o the orld' con'umer'* That i' hy they target 'e2eral market 'egment' and de'ign

    'eparate oer' or each*

    =ifferentiate and Positioning /Product ! its Statement0

    Lux Beauty Soap-e'' 6ktu khani ?ux.* Po'itioned +y the 'pecial attri+ute' that it po''e'

    the poer that make you +eautiul than any other*

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    #lose up -The Clo'e up The etter.* So it po''e' 'pecial attri+ute' in thi' product that thi'

    ill not only rere'h your teeth +ut al'o re'hen up your +reath*


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    TodayO' market i' characteri$ed +y highly competiti2e organi$ation' hich are all or

    con'umerO' loyalty* %irm' are aced ith the challenge to maintain their on competiti2e

    edge to +e a+le to 'ur2i2e and +e 'ucce''ul* Unilevera' +uilt on the theory o touching

    con'umer li2e' ith +rand' that make lie a little +etter e2ery day* They continue to connect

    ith con'umer' +y oering aorda+le product' and packaging 'pecially de'igned to meet

    con'umer need'* UBLmu't maintain an inno2ati2e approach +y introducing ne product'

    and re7acing exi'ting product line' to compete and 'ati'y con'umer demand' to allo them

    to remain proita+le or the next one hundred7'e2enty three year'*

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