2012 13 Etap I Test z Jezyka Angielskiego

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Transcript of 2012 13 Etap I Test z Jezyka Angielskiego

  • 5/20/2018 2012 13 Etap I Test z Jezyka Angielskiego



    Punkty: 1cousins




    My _______ name is Joanna. She is my sisters youngest child.


    Punkty: 1





    The study of the most basic forms of matter, energy, and motion, including heat, light, sound and electricity is called

    _______ .


    Punkty: 1





    Bill Gates started Microsoft in his parents _______ . Now, youll find a 1999 Porsche 911 convertible and other

    expensive cars there.


    Punkty: 1

    angry, worried

    sad, angry

    worried, angry

    worry, furious

    My mother gets _______ when I come home late, but then as soon as I show up, she is extremely _______ with me and

    starts shouting.


    Punkty: 1

    a, the, a, the

    This is _______ best place on _______ earth for shopping. No, it isnt _______ New York, which is too crowded. Our

    shopping heaven is Shanghai. Last Saturday we shopped till we dropped, and t hen had _______ delicious meal in the



    Etap I: Test z jzyka angielskiego

  • 5/20/2018 2012 13 Etap I Test z Jezyka Angielskiego


    , , ,

    the, a, the,

    , , the, the


    Punkty: 1

    is, was, Were, was

    re, is, Was, will be

    are, is, Were, will be

    were, was, Were, will be

    Kate! You _______ back! Did you have a good t ime?

    Yes, thanks. York _______ so beautiful!

    _______ you able to visit any interesting places?

    Oh, yes. And I hope I _______ a student there next autumn.


    Punkty: 1

    from, in, In, for

    in, in, At, in

    from, from, At, for

    from, in, At, in

    Hello, my name is Maggie, and, as you can probably tell from my ac cent I am _______ Australia. My father was born

    _______ South Africa, so Ive always wanted to go there. _______ the moment Im working in London as an

    accountant, but _______ two weeks' time I am going to move to Johannesburg, South Africa!


    Punkty: 1parents




    We usually celebrate our _______ birthdays by inviting them to a fancy restaurant.


    Punkty: 1the Atlantic Ocean

    the Pacific Ocean

    Lake Michigan

    the Gulf of Mexico

    New York City is on _______ .


    Punkty: 1Great Britain, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

    Great Britain and Ireland

    England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

    England, Scotland and Wales

    The United Kingdom consists of:


    Punkty: 1

    You should also add some fried cheese

    You mustnt put any cheese on your pizza

    You also have to add some grated cheese

    You also have to add some greate cheese

    Wayne, can you tell me how to make pizza?

    Its really easy. All you need to do is prepare the dough and tomato sauce. _______ .

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    Punkty: 1

    These are three A batteries. Theyre the wrong size.

    These are triple A batteries. Theyre the bad size.

    These are triple A batteries. Theyre the wrong number.

    These are triple A batteries. Theyre the wrong size.

    There you go. Thatll be 2.

    Sorry, I asked for double A batteries.




    Punkty: 1

    The f light always closes thirty minutes before arrival.

    The flight always leaves thirty minutes before departure.

    The flight always closes thirty minutes before departure.

    The f light always leaves thirty minutes before arrival.

    Can I check in here for the Boston flight?

    AA2115? Im sorry. You are too late. The flight is closed.

    But the plane is leaving in fifteen minutes!



    Punkty: 1



    ice hockey


    Ill never understand why my brother is so keen on _______ .

    What do you mean?

    The game looks aggressive. I think some of the players want to hurt someone.

    Well, it must be really difficult to hit the puck!


    Punkty: 1


    soap operas

    reality shows

    news programs

    I believe that these shows have more advantages than disadvantages. First of all, ordinary people get a chance to

    show their talent to the world. Second, they always attract a large audience, which means that a lot of people get

    good enjoyment out of them. Third, the episodes are often quite cheap to produce, so TV stations make a lot of


    This person is expressing his/her opinion about _______ .


    Punkty: 1

    Yes, Ive been taking it easy.

    No, Ive already taken care of it but it is no better.

    Just aspirin and some hair spray from the chemists.

    Just aspirin and some throat spray from the chemists.

    What seems to be the problem?

    Ive got a sore throat. Ive had it for two weeks and its not getting any better.

    Have you been taking anything for it?



    Punkty: 1

    Chimp Paradise

    At Chimp Paradise, we have a progressive reinforcement t raining program with the goal of teaching our chimpanzees to

    show specific body parts. We want them to receive the best veterinary care possible, so they must learn to point to,

    for example, a wound on their foot . Trek is a great pupil! He is just a baby, but will show us his head, shoulders, knees

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    At Chimp Haven, teaching chimps is as challenging as teaching human children.

    Most chimpanzees present a specific body part to receive the best veterinary care.

    The program shows that all chimps make great pets, since they are intelligent and learn


    The program proves that although chimps are not as intelligent as people, they have diverse


    and toes! However, just like humans, not all chimps learn at the same rate.

    In other words:


    Punkty: 1

    Though relaxing and easy, knitting is st ill considered an old lady hobby.

    Though easy and unglamorous, knitt ing can help you relax and give you a sense ofachievement.

    Knitting can help you relax because you are in complete control of your hobby.

    Knitting is relatively easy to learn; therefore, it is becoming more and more popular among


    Knitting? Isnt it an old lady hobby? No. As a matter of fact, it has been gaining popularity among crafty young DIY-ers,

    such as Angela, for the past few years. Contrary to what many people think, it is also easy enough to pick up. All you

    need is a pair of needles and a ball of yarn for your first project. Angela says that you should choose a large needle and

    a hefty yarn, so you will be able to get some instant gratification as you watch your scarf grow. The rhythmic click of

    needles will help you unwind after a busy week. And for once, you will feel in control of something, from beginning to


    In other words:


    Punkty: 1

    The average housewife in Britain has to pay a lot of people to have everything done at home.

    The average housewife in Britain should earn 349 a week.

    The average husband in Britain does not appreciate the work his wife does.

    The average housewife in Britain works about 71 hours a week.

    As nanny, cook, cleaner, laundress, shopper, dishwasher, driver, gardener, and seamstress, she has one of the most

    demanding jobs in Britain today. And paying someone else to do t he chores which take the average housewife 71 hours

    a week would cost 349, it was revealed yesterday.

    In other words:


    Punkty: 1

    have turned up yet, they have already set off

    has turned up yet, they have already set off

    has yet turned up, they set off already

    yet turned up, they have set already off

    Braxton Road Service. Can I help you?

    My name is Tom Smith. I called you an hour ago, but no one _______ .

    Im sorry. All I can say is that _______ . Just stay with your vehicle and someone will be with you shortly.


    Punkty: 1

    heard, ran

    have heard, have run

    heard, run

    hear, ran

    It happened while my sister was on holiday. One night I _______ a noise outside the house and I _______ out to see

    what was wrong.


    Punkty: 1

    Your pictures came out well. Unfortunately, _______ are terrible; I simply dont know how to use a camera!

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    Punkty: 1





    They eat dinner very late and then they still go out. They spend too many hours in the sun. They smoke too many

    cigarettes. They also drive very fast! They do everything wrong here, but life is _______ exciting that I dont want to

    go home!


    Punkty: 1

    the most best-looking, the most successful, more caring

    the good-looking, the most successful, the most caring

    the better-looking, the more successful, caring

    the best-looking, more successful, the most caring

    Who is your favourite actor?

    Brad Pitt. He is _______ of all celebrities! He is also _______ than many other stars; do you remember how many

    movies he has appeared in? But what really counts is that having adopted three children from different third world

    countries, he can be described as _______ person in the world!


    Punkty: 1

    the twentieth-seven of July

    the twenty-seventh of July

    the twentieth-seventh of July

    July twentieth-seventh

    Do you know exactly when the London Summer Olympics began?

    Yes. It was on Friday, _______ .


    Punkty: 1





    What are you doing?

    Im looking for a birthday present for Jack. Do you know what he is interested _______ ?


    Punkty: 1what time is the meeting

    which time the meeting starts

    what time the meeting starts

    what time does the meeting start

    Ive forgotten to check the schedule. Could you possibly tell me _______ ?


    Punkty: 1havent to, might

    dont have to, may not

    must, may

    At the zoo: Visitors _______ feed the animals. They _______ , however, take part in supervised animal feedings.

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    must not, may


    Punkty: 1her sons wedding

    her golden jubilee

    her 60th wedding anniversary

    her diamond jubilee

    Queen Elizabeth II has recent ly celebrated _______ .


    Punkty: 1the Senate and the House of Representatives

    the Senate and the House of Commons

    the House of Lords and the House of Commons

    the House of Lords and the House of Representatives

    The British Parliament consists of _______ .


    Punkty: 4Madonna Bad Romance

    Snoop Dogg Material Girl

    Eminem Vato

    Lady Gaga Lose Yourself


    Punkty: 6 Railroad Invention and History

    Railroads date back 4,000 years to the ancient Babylonians, who pushed carts along grooves carved in stone. For

    thousands of years, miners also used grooves to run trucks pulled by people or horses. The so-called Wagonways were

    being used in Germany as early as 1550. These primitive railed roads consisted of wooden rails over which horse-drawn

    wagons or carts moved with greater ease than over dirt roads. Wagonways .

    By 1776 iron had replaced the wood in the rails and wheels on the carts. As a result, Wagonways evolved into Tramways

    and spread throughout Europe. In 1789, Englishman William Jessup designed the first wagons with flanged wheels. The

    flange was a groove that allowed the wheels to better grip the rail. This was an important design that carried over to

    later locomotives. Horses still provided all the pulling power, but that was about to change.

    The invention of the steam engine was critical to the emergence of the modern railroad and trains. In 1803, a man

    named Samuel Homfray decided to fund the development of a steam-powered vehicle

    . He employed Richard Trevitchick (1771-1833), who built the first

    steam engine tramway locomotive. On February 22, 1804 the locomotive hauled a load of 10 tons of iron, 70 men and

    five extra wagons the 9 miles between the ironworks at Penydarren in the town of Merthyr Tydfil, Wales to the bottom of

    the valley called Abercynnon. It took about two hours.

    In 1821, Englishman, Julius Griffiths was the f irst person to patent a passenger road steam carriage. In September, 1825,

    the Stockton & Darlington Railway began as the first railroad to carry both goods and passengers on regular schedulesusing locomotives designed by English inventor, George Stephenson.

    Stephenson was extremely poor growing up and received little formal education. He worked in local collieries and

    . In 1812, he became a colliery engine builder, and in 1814 he built his first

    locomotive for the Stockton and Darlington Railway Line. Stephenson was hired as the company engineer and soon

    convinced the owners to use steam motive power and built the line's first locomotive, the Locomotion. Stephenson's



  • 5/20/2018 2012 13 Etap I Test z Jezyka Angielskiego


    locomotive pulled six loaded coal cars and 21 passenger cars with 450 passengers over 9 miles in about one hour.

    George Stephenson of the first steam locomotive engine for railways.

    Although Richard Trevitchicks invention is considered the first tramway locomotive, it was designed for a road and not

    for a railroad. In 1825, Stephenson moved to the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, where together with his son Robert

    built (1826-29) the Rocket, a locomotive which ran at 12 miles an hour.

    On February 28, 1827, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad became the first U.S. railway chartered for commercial transport of

    passengers and freight. There were skeptics who doubted but

    the Tom Thumb, the first American-built steam locomotive designed by Peter Cooper, put an end to their doubts.

    When the first railroads were built, many people said they were the most wonderful of all inventions. For others, the

    snorting, smoking steam engines were like beasts from hell. Trains and railroads certainly changed our world. Not only did

    embankments and cuts alter the landscape, but also, for the first time, people could be carried long distances in large

    numbers and at undreamed-of speeds. Railroads also allowed cities to grow more than ever before. In addition, the

    locomotive could make the investors a lot of money. If Tom Thumb

    Baltimore to successfully compete with New York for

    western trade.

    Today, large networks of railroads stretch through many countries. If the tracks of the worlds main rail routes were laid

    end to end, they would circle the Earth more than 116 times. Trains are an efficient method of transportation. They use

    less fuel and produce less pollution than cars and trucks because they carry large cargoes in a single journey. Because of

    the damage road vehicles do to our environment, many people believe trains are the best form of transportation for the


    The Pullman Sleeping Car was invented by George Pullman in 1857. Pullman's railroad coach or sleeper was designed for

    overnight passenger travel. In fact, sleeping cars were being used on American railroads since 1827. Early sleepers,

    however, were not as comfortable as the Pullman Sleeper.


    proceeded steam-powered railways

    preceded steam-powered railways

    processed steam-powered railways

    preceded power-steam railways


    to replace the horse-drawn carts on the tramwaysto replace the horse-drawn chairs on the tramways

    to change the horse-drawn carts on the tramways

    to replace the horror-struck wooden carts on the trams


    was self-thought in reading and writing

    self-taught himself in reading and riding

    self-taught how to read and write

    was self-taught in reading and writing


    is thus considered to be the inventor

    thus considered to be the inventor

    had been thus considered to be the inventorthus considered to have never invented


    that a steam engine can work along steep, winding grades

    how could a steam engine work along steep, winding grades

    that a steam engine could work along steep, winding grades

    if would a steam engine work along steep, winding grades


    was to be operated on a common-carrier railroad, it might not allow

    operates on a common-carrier railroad, it allows

    were to operated on a common-carrier railroad, it would allow

    was to be operated on a common-carrier railroad, it would allow