Sci fi

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Sci fi

Science Fiction

The audience in Science Fiction:The target audience for Sci-Fi is mainly for men and women, however men tend to prefer this genre to women. On the other hand women can be attracted to Sci-Fi if the leading character is a female, this would attract more females as they could relate to them more than men. Also having a female lead could bring more feminine characteristics to the film without loosing the Sci-Fi elements which means both genders can then enjoy the film.

Representation in Science Fiction:In a Sci-Fi film the women are normally represented as being the weak character through out. The men tend to be the ones who are heroic and masculine, this changes the audience as men are the ones who would mostly watch it as the men are the main characters. Sci-Fi films mainly consist of imaginative settings, advanced technology gadgets and the creatures. Advanced technology makes the audience recognise that it is a Sci-Fi film because of the spaceships, weapons and robots which are easily identified. Also science fiction films tend to use dystopian futures which is a nightmare world for characters for example Mad Max.

Codes + ConventionsElements in Sci-Fi films consist of many things such as the setting. The setting normally happens out of space, futuristic worlds or different alternative version of earth. Also time normally the films are in the future or in the past. The Sci-Fi films always have conflict between good and evil, but the good normally win and everything is a happy ending. The props and the costumes helps us identify that it’s a Sci-Fi because of the aliens or monsters which appear. In addition there is normally a spaceship or futuristic weapons which is used in the films. These things are quite masculine therefore you wont find many females watching Sci-Fi as they can’t relate to it.