Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of QUICK TEST KEY

NAME: DATE:CLASS: SCORE: …………………………… / 15

I. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki. (5 pkt)

1 h2 a3 j4 g5 e

getvocalspina colonya pack

pulldistanta prideeyemilitary

a cordsb of lionsc contactd campaigne of wolves

f sb’s legg of antsh cold feeti galaxiesj a yarn

II. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, używając podanego słowa w niezmienionej formie, tak aby

zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj od dwóch do pięciu wyrazów. (4 pkt)

1. They didn’t realize how serious their situation was until then.

DID Not until then did they realize how serious their situation was.

2. We didn’t know anything about his lies.

NOTHING Nothing did we know about his lies.

3. If she calls, tell her I would get in touch with her tomorrow.

SHOULD Should she call, tell her I would get in touch with her tomorrow.

4. They won’t get to know you better unless you start socialising.

IF Only if you start socializing will they get to know you better.

III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami złożonymi (phrasal verbs) we właściwej formie. (3 pkt)

1. The robbers held up (robbed using guns) a jewellery shop and escaped abroad.

2. Did you try these shoes on (put on to see if they fit) before buying them?

3. It’s better to fill up (put in as much petrol as possible) before a long car journey.

IV. Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od słów podanych w nawiasach. (3 pkt)

1. It gives me a lot of pleasure (PLEASE) to watch dolphins at play.

Matura Prime Time Upper Intermediate Quick Test 6.2B (6e-6i) Key


6 f7 i8 b9 c10 d

2. The minister handed in his resignation (RESIGN) after the scandal.

3. This discovery will be the beginning (BEGIN) of a new era in science.

Matura Prime Time Upper Intermediate Quick Test 6.2B (6e-6i) Key