msr 21/Saratoga Springs... · 2013. 1. 16. · Wul/cbes, «:ioc1tS,JWelry, Silver HMifUteiWiiM,...

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Transcript of msr 21/Saratoga Springs... · 2013. 1. 16. · Wul/cbes, «:ioc1tS,JWelry, Silver HMifUteiWiiM,...

N t f M M l ^

. f t . mm = B B 5 mam

»fnirT««»r-r ~ ^ ^ l v l , * 7 . ,

m ibt • | B i r i ? W w e ! f i p |

I t t l l D C I T D B U V t M r * '.„»„, f Oma*«iid ra*,*aa«.aaav W. W. Arnold'. »'i»r»iiujr»

Blur., Salleton Spa. " T - « »

" • J t T ' l r l B t f n t a f i r ^ . * * * '*«qt l l . a . a t*>»«Mht« F f c y a n e a a * «mC S . r « - * > » J

—"J.i /'i.^Swrs^ywfft <Rit£ M.n,,.., ., , c. w . rmmiMj^,,, „kik

o.worth Plaoe. WaMitagtoa Street, lid door

proorplrfrsJtH.*"'" JftfiT"».ii 'dino }4*V' promp^ly^Had a y i i

A t t o r n e y * CoMnNel lor a t 1 4 i « . Military'^-&ri)th4iment'~6taf)m Agent. ortloe In Spencer", building, oppoeit* Marvin Huiin,

t t i f niiktt attid i l f * e«»i|*ji*e? Ao*nw l**>»*4. aad Jam

l:ru^;.ui,^uu.s^^t::B•1iU,l, u


C H E L I . R K ,

V*BfJg*#•»% we i>^)r*nc ijiilL

, . : , f

Sjmciai Attention #i*en to Qotmyanring "dfttf Foreclosures. '•*• '»!,;, „-

Offlse In Spencer'. Commercial Building, opposite Marvin Home, tarat .gaSpring. , N . V ; ,.: ,.,..,,; ,

tf'i°"f | T c * - f *K^ A N o r n K M. - •* ,•! ..«forSlilppitigKiir». :,.!.<' »:

A L I i l . * . P A T T E R S O N , .*•«».»! s ^ a * * ^ , ^ * ! , ff,w(M, (•?•••.>,.' Shop Ho. SB Putnam 8 1 m l , Saratoga Springe.

' • " • . ' * ' * -> ' I t i '•• • - * ' . / ' .l__f ffjit J L U ' I , . I I , . . . . . . .

"IUI8SE9 E: d- M.-Gl*Wt&r-

it.iut ini.iituKts, , • Corner 'Caroline and Bfiik Street*,'!1> '"''' bus , 91*. S A R V T C K J A SPRfNOS. Mi" :. * m,.,

Ladle.' Braaet Fin*, K«rKing.,King*r R l a g « . B r a e ' • * ( 1 * » ^ | l ^ ^ ^ u ^ » p a L a e n tleinenr.

" Iff A D E T O O H D I S I t . n y The highest priee paid for Hair. «., . • T , . l -y- l l -48

A C A U D . p i T I Z E N S OF S A R A T O G A : -n ,A1-

^^$Mm%m)W&Kut nred

that .•continuation of lh» eeuie .hall reavll In our mutual ben.Bt,anil not mine alone, very re»p«ctfully, your^b't aerv't, _ , C. E . BROWN,

W u l / c b e s , « : i o c 1 t S , J W e l r y , S i l v e r H M i f U t e i W i i M , «Mui l o n e r y,

luJiS in to* n**nni|y<ii<jq*sgiiA tfrii AIM Suceeaaor. to at. WfBK, Optlolaju, , g L

Directly opppaJte CpogrM.Spring, Saratoga Spring.. N. B. Part'lculur aUentlonpald to Kepairing. f 1 Q . 4 » ^ J " S T , - M ^ • tuft.-I ^ . - ^ y

ii A L U . T O N A C A U U f l l

fle% fai^i Gfitqpftr, 4 A Beleot t'ouiuivrolal and Obweloal

i> Bobool for l<ed« and You»i (O.lve.1 luio tb* fao.ll ad.r h i . direct oar* and

S^p^fl?n«bf 1 Oullate.

• l « i Family Board.

d.up*rvl.lon. k«penae,>42


x~ Zpfigffw, situated in North

Tail f6pm of Mategioii* diaaaae i»

hardly second hi point of totality to the

two wliich havo b»vn pMfioualy ek

Boribed. In trutb, it« uuiv«rt*al

lence among adulia and children B N ) W *

it perliiipt more to bo dr«!i.lod UK.II that

of «Wr4«* #eV«r or 8in»ll pox. : I'ho na­

ture 67 tbe diveaso in such, 1 hat nnarly

e vary organ of the ayBteoi is afiboled

SCrt1^ ' $9 lt» m i "totimbiitty irf H»* org** tp ipeiforin their functions is rory ^oneral.

SvUPTOW- tlte' virus which produoe** this form of disease seortig quite differ

' l ieu, $4-tu iud


A/lain* if WiUiamsluwn, Mats., Beliig'lBi«> aaaobiateS'W'utr"obHof iH» UrfMi a n d i « o t f r o m t h a t o f s m a l l p o x o r ROM-lot

llieconillig Spiltlg <>r4«r» may be left will. William s. BaleB. 107

Broadway. ~.ifr!> " « * t T J W"\,, , ^ ? : y . <H|

1>J HI08

&m. mltf iHn<,)« mMf?„"."1 PAUL

^aratoisa^Higb School ljA^lKia1eai6d* ,ti(^^oT a

1*1 m to l l . Patron, aud lite

t i l . aoticoribarwiiulil aOn<H«uoe eTn- •• oblle, IIIBI il.ii

MPKINO TGRIPJ ;nWiil Conjmeo^e; Apri| 20th, 1864

" '"or the labor aor'tl a w h o o l v d M * ,

eliher the labor nor the etponiw neonaaary' to

Will be epar^d>) Yoang Men win be thoroofhl; prepared

lor aduilaaion uiio the higher olaaM. of College, or lor the aetivo pomuiu of lire. i' " •

Korpttnirular. a»ud for Ohuular, «r apply to

ro *ooi mU Jmm ;fliifr**(»1ri ,W.B« 15. I 04.

.0 Rey. ill Ion. ' '

msr1 a U turn

Summer Session (y 22 W e ^ s , Canalati ug «f two term, of elerun week, eaeb, no va^t ldhf t t eneufJaf BAXYA'i u , i / n ,.,••; /,

3 1 Day. lor (Board, Koom-Rent, Washing, and umotf M»f|M*h>l«»en weaka.

The vil lage}, entiruljr free from evil influenoog,




l » den treble Ip4ae« te .end yoai noun

o notice, atodertt. will be oom-vyed rojn Bui Wtte.!'

I o|iarge from Burnt Hill Branch to Jouenvilk, r"J TIE 0

lion, add re.., * A. M., Prl uoi pal. i

•H d « « M » a , tniueral » a t e r » , Ao . Office i

npHE SMfrcrlbtfirs' ¥oxtf&hesfimftoUy Jm awnpunoeto the cit izen, of Saratoga Spring,

alio riSrSfff, tnat'ilieyeSreOwsw preparedtoiflo-OAB A N O B T K A B I P 1 T T I N O W O R K

In all i t . braaolkea. i - . > Jobbing doa» on . t o r t not lee, at. reasonable price.,

and all otorwo*k w a n anted. L . . '; f leaeeloKlve u . a call atTS*. and 186 Broadway,

Sarato ia i lS t t t t . - J > TH.IIT * W ^ f KaBURY. Baratoga Spring . , Bee , «8.1H.18. 6-52


-rrr? « « A 8


ng», Dee, 8*. 1858.

l*aa, or ol [BJBvBitO/.tSaratoga Springe^

'' \SiSMMi'u ' The House and Lot on Marvin Street, Saratoga

•^^^TiffSS^i^-SS^Sr^- Tb" C A | t P E N f ^ R ,


l*k*mm. jh.v I. nnl t t^v» 4t«rt-«vt,

Offlct and Rtiidetut on OPPOSITE- W ASHINGTON-STREPT,

u JOfl" fcjlti SA»AT«GA SPRINGS. v ; . t . ; , . t ; i j

' i i u ) * o ftid n

TE' : rN i'f i rI"8 'T ... Offlee In Center H o n . . ,

''• DireeMy oppotlte the Bank of Saratoga Spring*. 1m> t j t i iv i iBu tn f r t w H w

fl^R D nrraTBB

^THJS undaifliggad koepB ^qatai^iy'ob iJL hand, »Bd inanufaclure. to order, at hi. shop on

*»l.hThfn.« Street, flr.t deor weet of theConlineni.l

.«•»*,(„ ,W..

' iBTALitl fiffit: S j f t l tarniened .o orde Brat c i t e . HKARBB will be provided, ana

Mt, r i ae


* f d-B^P!—fikfgVJJrlW Uonse A - •l.geHtly ftiin i.tiwl iw Ub «II;,mddera improvmnent^, and a large garden attached.

rent lor the Season, or lor sale. About 8ve luilt-nte. walk lroOL Cungrea. Spring. Eiiumre at'New Yort Hotel ol , "

• r O K S A L E , -,. HP HE splendid pioperty on Regent


i and very pleasant.. X -brick on the'piein'laen. of excellent quality. There ure ejeven large b t . en on the pienileea Also two wel l , of soft water, arid

quality. Thew . closod.bnt tlio p'prohaber^aytnlte' the -vhole or pare, al libnipllim.

Inquire on the pren IStT •" P. IMJB

V&- ^-^i i. k± PUTNAM. , . . . . - i t i i . . ) , .

I,00«>, B u s b . , Hop; I t o o i * f o r SuI f . fTpiJUjl subscribers. have £00 bushels 3 - each, of the KoglT.h Cluster and PomWjTHdp

Rbots, for Sale. Tibey iin> .elected from Hie best Yards in Madison, Ol.ego and Montgomery Counties.

We receive ordere for delivering of Roots la time .nd guarantee them for early setting In Spring,

genuine. A. J. A J. R. WAGNfert.

2ni-]4 Fort Plain. Montgomery Co.

~~'1 •To'iise : For S n l e . •; ' T ' H E Two 8tdry D^otling House, with

hen attached, lot 50 bylM, situated on North aide of Van Date .treot, flriit'doot west of the reel denee of Nathaniel Waterbury., The lot is well .up

The WOVe property will be . ' Id at a bargain, enquire of S. P. BKIOGS

Tu>M»lh.lfcwllUM No bab. wimin M I M . N.* H>(t^ ' •" ••"•f'1 alua»b.r leading No m i l . k.i.e 10 prayer toaend. "

fur l ip . i b . s«M« waaa* tonaia, What would the otafeafB *o tor nark.

^ ^ n r ^ a ^ ^ r i a r t l « r * ' ^ , " • ' ' • * Dlu wadi. k* (beir w.t«AWtl fttbuj

Nn r . .r boy., at wlatry BMra, With eateael la m . achaal-WMla. ba.iing

" ' ""J ru.l, , r laallnt

Tall, graW,'

Nu No precioqa mera.1 for I!

Vrvir HOi> *> •opl .at rp'aopl.a'l the door.

„ 'all, grure,grawn ih . table , Tht Btea<e««attaaMalc4Mawt,

Taa daroaa ia|uaci.ja*aa taay're i U . .

The i e i a v 'apiiUj^i^.ali'Jiiw-^.lfra, t'nieelLiia na iuA. uMir.tiibui.jh,

Al"| 'ItlliU' rutje rrMptftt rari. Arid wom.u "uiiWI* \— limn woumu.

For <B iliaAxU gh Time", uiyaterlou., dim uiifbldlug,

II,, l.uiu o „ e , will , ialrab.ti i iU *'


i toward which » • reiih,

Sj>r ing*.

. For further, particulars ',, 168 Broadway. Saratoga W.HVJ1".' , 12.1*.8rnp

r J f t E HOUSE & LOT on the south

-Stark in the O.urral Undertaking line performed wn.» desired. Pricos a< rearonable

F O B S A L E .

rSE& LOT o eaat earner of Pbila and Henry atreeta, Sarat/ign

Spring*, i The greater part of the purohaee money oan remain oil r-nnd and Mortgage it deelred. If It ja not wld by iho Jai of ne*t June it will be let for (be

HUOHT. WHITB. teason.

i 1-4.10.3m. la.aeili* ilaliawax lair ahareolthe public pairouage Is

H.t l .MA^TtNV'r; - 8

a . any ether e . blic pairouage 1. FOR MMEOH TO M*KT.

'CiltS 'FarM 'fb ^rWiumberland. Oue ViiP Firiiinir^^eemleidi "grairtet of leaal JIMU' I lib

/fever. iS«ms roodioil writer* have even doubted whether typhus fever wer« a oontagious disease. Hut thorn nocd be but little doubt of its ooD.iagiouB nature, aud at the present tiiin: it is uluiust uni-verdally.aAJinilted. IJoder cortaiu cir omuatanees we find typhus fovur dovel -oped'without tjio presenoe*bf trie con'ii-" giou.H matter, lint, boing orce devel­oped, wo find it spreading and prevail* ing through ithe. iulliumc-. ol tb« ooato-^ion. This virus operates blowly, and eveu after the Hystem beoo«aes inocu-laje'd, it ni'a^'W'ifirfje tbfee or fonf weeks before the d.seaso is fully mani­fest. The symptoms of I t s commence* inent ure, chills, flashes of fever, great depx<rM>0Rr.<^i>m^JtTtUia in t^e lap l t , bead and loins, fear ol some approach­ingcalamity, leBs'drafpetite, tongue of­ten vvhite and tremiiltmn, bowels irregu­lar, conHned or relaxed, shivering fits suqoceded by fliishing of the faoe and drjJiea^of the skip, often,intense head-acne, senses leirs acflte than in health, giddiness, drbwsineA.r through the day, disturbed, fitful and unrefre.sbing slum­ber at night. More or less of these pro-•SftW^Wy 8JWpt9?B8 «ea»llj bbrald an at-Uok of typlius fever.. But occasionally tbej are':w^1jf!ibseTit, and the disease aud^enlf jpp|s1rsyB,urrouftded} lyr its dis-tinclivo signs, such as chills, thirst, in-ffim&%mn$u&ft *kh .trtfqfjerVTpulse, headache, -•fBroMrfBg at the temples, tongue dry, adhering to the roof of the mouth, sometimes clean and smooth, but mow ^rejjuently furrpdi thet ettoa. often red and a dark Rtre.ik through the cen­tre. Bowels are ttilfniflV flllod^witfiigas. t t W ' ^ e r f / i * ' ' ^ .erjmttr^frly affected, breathing rapid and laborious, often a b*rd oaugh bat .no. expectoration. The br«in: is early affoeted. . The patient seems dull and stupid, not disposed to

end or the firsl week delirium appears, the muscular power is nearly gone, the patient lies quite motionless-, often in a muttering delirium, with little or no sleep, but in, a kind of lethargy, ~TfmT&ea&htn the flVst stage of'the disease, and usually continues about one week. •

With the second week commeoco more seriously tho typhoid symptoms. The pulse is more frequent, weaker and compressible, tbe tongue more dry, a dark brown or black filth accumulates on the tips and teeth, the boadaohe ceases, bat the-muscular debility is in­creased. ,[The voice becomes very.fceble, and the patient scarcely ablo io swallow.

ThS'foir'dfJ Of the disease seems to con­centrate about tbe head and abdomen ; but there is a general inability of all the organs of tho system; every part be­comes diseased-; The eyes are about half closed, the mouth open, and a ghastly 'ap* pmravee'' of'the toiinienSTrce. As the disease progresses there is fre­quently convulsive twitching of the mus oles and -tendons About the, wrist, and other, njirta of t^e body with tremulous movements of tbe tongue! ; tfcisis termed /Vsu4)S4atusn^ndimum;;j^nd .marks an extreme condition of Vie disease.' In tb1rebfid1tibn!AwiehaV&att'eriipTiori dpon tbe g g l r^stettbKWftea' bites. The pa

Ttirottitt. ll. hi tie one. Are -itll our FaiUir'S fata beholding.

Bo aald Hia voice Ha, WBMt era tra.i, When In Jud«a'. realm a prenrhi-! -

tie mid* a child euttSMM raw proud, And be in .imp), got** f ira.ta*i '» »«ng, indeed, woald loaelta charm VY«*»«hare no «kildr*B to begin i i ,

A doleful plate thx world would :*,. Wore rhare no liule paoukvittii

SAltATOli A AffD SARATOGA^ County .:. i±_ l , y

, T J S E T H E 1 j l o l ) UI

to m*4P»|| B»ii)-.giii1iA'iii<imi biu

. • . • * • ' ]

A4'K A l . l - • , LY informs his friends

iblle, IBM h* haa op*n*A a . l ion

' " r a W a W i u r a a W a A a , opaaa SaekiAaaThair* loel

•a l . aad Orabralfaa. . Jjifg -

S^albgAi^rta^aiA^i l f t . lSMj! 2m-16

JL,aub* WotV

JManlifac r ha. l»e#n removed to the Brick Shop, , « * n e i a f Pbtnam8t., lately oeoupM

nay be found 8prlng Befla,

W h e n Hie- Hen <*t*e*> «t> i t s U«*ad. " ' »» iLLia M. ri-ioo

Wbec III* la pa.i and l l . talc all jold, W hen the o id and tbe now ar. on..

When gathered up are lb* droaa aad tbe gold, A nd darkeued the alar* a nd aaa ;

When tbe heaven, are black In the awlul »< roll I In ii up irom Uieu oaeaa bajt ,

The wave, .ball waller and aeelbe and roll Ami the .ca give up i t . dead.

Theie'li be mealiuga there ea naf ei in lite (If heart*long .nnden-d and Vara.

Ol parted hqafeajri with varied wfis, Poor *eolir that ha*p w l o d a m wVlarn,-

l.ovcin long loal with Ihoae gone b.lorr, l . i i e . wove with Pale** Waoke.l la read,

- MMiiug to pan no mare, ao more, ' When'the *ea give, up u . dead.

A deep sea I . around aad abava, ', And croel a . death in ita wave,

A ud trea.ur.a »f youth and af hop* and »| low Lie low in thai ocean grave ; -

1 Tluiic are waited live*, aud wepdeniig aim in Tliat w re married but never were wed,

Upturned to Ibe light when Ml* *tii> lifh- relh< And that aea give , up it a dead.

Til* .bore, ace Time and tb*a*a i« Llle, And the tide Isof-memory:^.^ .

A nd whenever it* strength Wlttl de.pair i B**da in twain the of UM[ .ea.

Ileawii pity ua all. the bast af us bete, Ear the word, can never be said

Thai can tell the woe . e deep and drear When the aea give, op itadaad.

,ifQg','Tkt Saralogum. T O B R O T I I E W J O H N .


Then yea aro to leafa your up-town cifcle,*^iniJe«d^ I expcot you got snug­ged 14pwfl.^j»VwJonei^'ipB,on — ~ - ;8 .'4

Now York, on Saturday. But you will pot, pud it excessively lonesome. Yori^

find—T tell' jbu i f s trafc—better com-'i >•"'. . n>: n:%- a <t>< . . i w e , .'! pany in men than in women,—more rtti-.n .f ; -. yr.^ hnt» / ' O l l ^ i i balanced, more reasonable, more im-

n tt -WOTtsrJes* siewi.t maker. Woman utilixod, Womw i , * ^ « . ^ ' P H ! ' f l l i atmlljr-»ty. 9*i reality. When man marriss be dsas hi* be**. Wkua WQMM I *mtm she gels hor bwlanee With •quiltbriua she starts to l ive—she lives in progress, udjuiUd. to success. Young sociability

the blossoms tumble, the fruits set. 'i<J»'f'>j»aig-


. . x mAtmttF .jti f t marrifd in early

ohosto was a beautiful H


proving, and more useful. Almost all that a young man can learn from young women,is,how*.r himself decorous­ly iu their company. T o "a growing, masculine mind, women afford a recre­ation, an alleviation from mental tensions growing bui of pursuits an8 cares.— (JeneraTly'tuTfj1 is tbo use of women of tho younger sort; there are, thank God, to the credit of the sox, exceptions.— And yet, T would not derogate women. Comparison would not*favor me with tho opportunity. To* matth the" world of " McFlimseys," there is a hordo of Sawnies—a lessef world—for I hr>ld that unto whom much ta givpn, much shall bo required, and that consequently, Sawnies are smaller' than the McFlitnseys,'*— of littler consequence.

Young men must livo, for a'space, among tne lighter, trashier growths; but if (boy will be men they mult come Up "out^or, fr^rn' among, the1; jerlrfng! of pocket-'tiabdkerchiefs. Men" 'rlfied U leave the perfumeries and to be alone 'fbra'wnitif,;ib!ge* among tn^aaefveB.--ttereJVan'age' w%«i men ^ffo¥getfUl of men, they can remember on^woSb^n.' These ipvnafulnesscs are uWa!iW'among

at p«'

lifo." The buj. weak minded girl, n-^—- was, .. whole-souled, pleasure-loving you^h, flje lift) oT every 'circle that ho favored with his company.

The club of which he was • member uikuowledged thai he'wag the wittiest and handsomest man among them; but as 1 havo afruady said H — - t married early^ find, now let me add*, on?y three months had elapsed when wn observed a marked ehange in our favorite.

m i Prighi 'Bmife' changed for a seri­ous and sad erpreaBibb ; he oame to the eluhB-rooasf less : freqnefitly than bad been bis wont, and while there read his paper, seldom joining in any conversa­tion. • "tterna'd1 bv/en in tbw habit of taking ooi. brft 6r»e otgar dnmig the evening, and that sometimes thrown away half consumed. Now he seemed to smoke as some men d ib i t , *",to drrve away dull c4re." WlreTi the door opened ho start­ed and held his cigar half hidden by his pKper, as if Afraid of heing caught in sofce forbido*en enjoyment.

After T had observed my friend,1 eve­ning after evening, and felt convinced that flomn ^xst^t torti^r^iuf destroying Tiis peace, I otfe' night left the room with htm,'6|terj|ig tp7walk home by his side He;;dr«V"my s*m - within his own, and gavti/my hand afriebaiy pressure; as be turned his fsce toward the gas light, I saw that a tear stood in his eye; I said, " H — — , you are in trouble—oan 1 re-lreve y ou f Do you need pecuniary aid, if so let me1 have the pleasure of he-stowing it. Y e a shave a yowng wife, and your expenses mmrt have neceisarily in crca8ed-*-peThaps meTel than you antici­pated, and young lawyers have (o wait yrtg^ttheir feesJ If y©ttiWo»J*d like firtbrrdwrbe^ey, «a»y so ; >( have more than enough for an old ba«helor " • '"OFde bsehetor? WenAd that 1 were—" Here he paas«>d and turning to mo added, " TO veal not what I have uttered. Yoa have always bean like a brother to me, 'and yoa shall knew the cause of my distress ; I «m sore yoa will ie^rTnake an- improper use of what I Ifflrty0#.»«*» "Vim ?*W B ^ . - f F r s w

After assuring h im tlrat he might safe.' ly confide in me, that I would never di­vulge hie secret until 1 bad received per­mission, I l istened to the following

, ftrr aetoal attain***»•.-!' ••••' ft. m a l b c passed off sWlisMM*/ *» ttti eanaot Build alone, not birdj. Man »n«l 1 c c n f e w l VaTskepJleal « te ray

^ J V •om%4e OU •»oiw»<»aka|s hi»r-*i k k ' ' ' ' •Wm»n to<4*Wni**m* m abe jmMW&wfa

compKmentaonmyeaeteei wewareoBce more alone. Ad

-i pMdfkt&m M t k ^ f e * i s i e r « i i r t a tug oonversatioi, I s a M ^ f *•'« > 4«T

- Ky dear, what did j h * think of toy baving the wine and smoking arrange iwnta ^ tha ffaWemefa t*'!'"" ^ •

" O , it was a captul idea It must have pleated yoar bachelor friends to see (hat yon could not forgot their com fort, although no longer one of them I must note it down that it may never be foTjfptten whan we give entertain-ments; married people are loo iudiffer

=«nt about the oomfort of poor old baobe

I Wat again dia*pp*ih|sl4i; •hW^I d#> ternrhieir not tdret ire until 1 had balled forth one frown or pouting look.

My ^rfe had been sitting with one arm around m e ; 1 gently drew myself from her ombrace, (I ebtrld not /do it rudely,) and took a cigar from my oaae. I knew that before our engagement she disliked the habit.,. aTnokiog."

I calmly seated myself upon a lounge and puffed away ' * '"'

" Did yon obseffrc Mrs. M.g bronch," inquired my wife, coming towards roe and seating herself by my side.

"No,** t replied, and smoked away vigoronsly.

.Mary continued to cbat gayly. but sddtjreniy tnmed 'jpale aad dropped h»»r head upon my shoulder Hhe had faint­ed. 1 raug for a servant, opened a win dow/and applied reBtoratives We bore her to the sitting-room and she toon re*» vived.

I asked, *' what made ytm i l l t Was itjb'ei cigar? Why did von not speak when you first felt the effects," and I felt myselt blush, with shame as I hur­riedly asked the question

"\ wish to accustom myself to year smoting," answered Mary ; " f o r i oan-not bear to drive you from my presence every time you wish to enjoy a cigar."

"Angel," I exclaimed," T shall never smoke again."

" O , my husband,* said sbe, "make no vain promises, the habit is not easily overoome, and I do not ask yon to dis­continue i t ; now that I know leannot bear it, f can retir%Jto the library when you wish to irnoke.

Spb has never been obliged to leave me thus ; 1 have'never smoked since, and would not be hired to take a cigar in my mouth.

A night or two aftor the above occur­rence 1 was sitting by my wife, who was amusing me by recounting the events which ban ja** passed, some anecdotes relative to her housekeeping, Ac I was charmed by terrfoetronwd

• " • • • • I u ° J srajrwiae. s*ex MW WW* XO •>*) subdued in all respeots, and in one she had not been tried. Since onr mar-riage'l had1 not visited the club room*

1 than two minutes aba

e*rf^*' orioof abe r' - £ Was it not pleasant with your club!" =

"No, my wffe," I replied. "I shall go Io it no more. It answered very wall • while I bad no borne of my own; bat uow I have a dear, sensible, loving wife, who is more attractive than all thaeiabe io Christondom. "' "^ «,»«» «> *po*t»

Mary l lu**ed at the eompKmeat, and • burying her face in my bosom to hiaV the tears that would oome io spite of the smiles, said, "May I ever deserve micli praise and love from yen, my baa-hand ; when you left me this evening, 1 sat a moment on the kraoge aad shed tears because I felt so lonesome; then I tliought this will not do, Charles mast sometimes leave me; I will improve usefully every hoar of bis absence. So after preparing to yowrreswl*, I ..~*N* -to the kitchen t o instruct ear womea.'

My wife insists on my going to tbe club once a week, lest my bachelor friends become jealous of hor, bat they have witnessed Bo much of oar happiness that I think the club-room will net mueb longer be the resort of any but misera­ble rejected bachelors and unhappy hus­bands.

vtnaaeof s^togaSwUn's*,? House*.acverai Born, ticnt is often raving and. tries to esoap* cotemnofarv Oats run variously to tl.h * n a a ^ " , l " l f *U | 4 ,«U- , ,*J , U ' lmlS " e , u • S ^ S H n W ^ ^ K r ^ 3 f ^ » ^«bKsom?times be talks^B S S l r ^ i a ^ ^ i ™ ^ ^ ^

w ^ a ^ f l l r n ^ o ^ ^ "" ^ 1 I t l f r 4 1 2 6 ^ ^ ^ o W

^ an under tome soma short sentences,

bv Hiram Owen, .where nj»y be found Spring BeUa, Hblr and.Hoak Matfjaaaa* Pillow., Bolstar*. aw., kept on hand or mad* io order. ton hand or mad* Io order. w u u » . . v « ^ ^.» ""'" " ^ g c u« n a u i n r a s u ,

iSti64f"BH'i8,,iAprin4vl864' M.FARRAR. ***«-tfeto-iB nearly gori«, the patent can TTatBinWC lii«t i s v d in jiilii'') Lin- •' - scarcely see or hear. T.'ic disease'usnal-


"Pol l SAiE,rQiR,TOirCJiJT.--The bribk JL two story Dwelling'Hone*and premise* situated) f s d M O M M M M *>»w»*W * r , 5 % J r S I S L f ' ^ n

draw* Street, In tbl . village, are for MM A r * , Ipv

IS t

' i

1 1

Iner ell) SSSaas.TrWijaaa'tr-

^anMlf"*w"'ff(l.<,ai*i.,iaai»t. . •»" - . . - • ' • • • . . S B — — • - • ' r —i.—..,i .1 m i , . • l l » i J

Brat of April next, t'hV,

S^^ttWlibiMNr^SBlSM^ri}fffi? v**' b*K"l>1j to lh*°Sob*er1r<er. or to fudge I. C. Hafbi.rt

» . A. PITKIN. ,


price, and If not sold b, earn* will be rented '

Saratoga Sprlnga^sfnh g Wis, ^ U-12

j i o K S A I i B .

Porter's Corner.. There iaa gocd dwell lag oa Ut* ftrm and eicellem eulbuilcllng*. It la wall, n

' for cultivation, the

8qin*pe£ obj^stpf jnght or loud sound will arouse b*m for-a moment, hot lie w i m p mmmjrm m shme 'eoridition.- At thl*rstage 6f the disease, these tbings run out where thore

l i ecW fciii«»-!•'i(j;'i-', i i ' Sfiftet.1iO«. i L t - ,.., , , - . materjaLenongh in .the cbaraojer to

cely see or hear, i ic diseaselUgnal- 'i-fM~J\yI -«•*£ .it-i- 'i* i^jf 1 -~T ly runs he course to fi«m four to eight iHn toJfef e l r f f e ^ ^ i w f t i

Man is rain's strongest .^^hfBAXMSMT.^Xliia f'tfjT, of .^disease has been I, the ^^tjourge oi raankiod froin

ages, and Rbgftectfb mbafclhes

within tbe past half o*n«nry has proved ^ A - . ' A ? * a « A A i * i / , n * a i M . H K M . J t a ^ I " ' the softly, tho sentimental, the »0ii '/ifliu-,, T.i.»jr,;, . -iaa. i to/i i

at tbe pio-nio. Then there

i s indisoribable mean i , i - ' . ' i•! > , .1 UJO-1

' than the extremes. ' "wo


meats. ilf«w is ram's

Women —in batk—a are t

his ta


it meat.

remote age's, and, Bopipeeigo rnodtblhes' i j . i v

are knOwbwMebt«an be dependednpon ^ e s V f ^ 1 " S^MV&*IJ toeoreit.^Ba*>tl» water treatsTul] W ^ f l M r r t i f e S

b.readr alone,—to bim, women mdivid^

1 looked at my watch aud carelessly re-T l m a r k e d , *Ji shaU go'lo tho club: Miry ,.

" I married too hastily. €lar*'s beau­ty daisied roe, and I saw not her defects. The poor girl declares that sbe loves toe, but preferable would be her hate. 1 cannot leave her presence without being obliged on my return to account for every moment of my absence. Any spwb'ia; better th*B~ffiy~1SeWe; y e l l can­not seek peace elsewhere without a cer­tainty that 11must pay a severe penalty-My wifo forbids mo to smoke in her presence, therefore I must go abroad ta enjoy what-I cannot dispense with at once. Indeed, the desire tor such indul­gence increases with my efforts to leave i t o&"! I I , . „ »• I . ' . , . , ., . i . Suddenly starting, my friend ex­claimed-—" 0 , there sbe is now, with her hoad out of tbe window this oold nighty though I bare besought her not to endanger her life iu this way, but snch is her revenge lor going abroad.— Can yon wonder that I have changed? [ would rather die then livo thus," . Kre I had spoken maoy words of oon-solation wa were at my friend's door ; I

ijf TI pressed his hand when the door opened and a delicate and beautiful iady held a

Whioh disfigured hec fair iaco. , • "Well , s i n borne at: last V and the door was closed ere my friend^ bad finished saying good night. * *' « • was enraged, and dedarad any man

..M aaabaVeaama » £ * • 1 • I • • aM • • air I * i • a aTilWMa Bft t t l i l a u t a 1*

t M r w n M R I s W n t r e a t m e n t . B,™f m TTz~T' n1 ' not ; m u A T resolved^ «rfa*-1 woald m a n y i f less

ippiiy than simoi to H-that a woman can be gov-

about eighty acres *r*-r.|i malnder lieing a ihrifi y Wood lot.

lrA* quire id elagartrirty ( j

, ta§Jj4ta3..S|i i Rsr.loga R

. Por particular., in U B s 8. I.ESTKB.

M l i l i 'h

T gR; mile* from' dreea'Seii

from Siir.iog* Spring*,, aboui half a mile offth* plank road leading io l.ineTae. TfmWm Is pleamntly aitu

• — • • * — - - " " i i i a i B»B»« II i l ' •

t y m ' m "»>f Centre, am) fttnr miles


IX. all width" and «aaIUmS, SMI #1 a* f t par

T^rt***' "tf* J o B ' ' t u J M • oo*>*wr

XJtfltlL 'be tmtitfftifa ef tb W Summer, and cbjaaed and repal***) **S <lt

up .gain in t h a l l a i p ^ w O , 4 « A a i e ^ ^ l , Wiwa»www, a*4#«|«. fc^rtn*.

itself an eftoienji remcd*|^ j About fiftv orvsixty yoar» since, Dr.

Currib.1 ef'Mfibglabd:'WA^n'tjook jifi1

which ho highly extolled water as a rMm i f f ' t y ^ s ^ W R ^ H S ^ ^ o d e of' ttcatafent and application asrc uf thu rudest character, l ie exposed the pn-

htm With two or, tbroo buckets of cold w a t e r , ' I W : t o fmL<l?atcly after

In dry blanket* s e e s tot produce-prespi ration. This was done once er twice a

^mMv^^mmm- • »«»rbie " Daab tb* patiaoi witli cold wft-

wa» the, heat'»( fbs

W3* . . U H ^ .

ItrVl'pf t**a#*--. skin, and tbo patient rapidly i With nH the iweonveafadee <

is {treetine, 'be J^ee^lytasto!


ua •Jta

untbrtnn erued.

' 1 lay awake that night thinking over all my lady, friends and considering whieh shculdX bo w»y victim." Some were too silly, athure too plain looking ; bnt t rcmemboA that, one was beautiful, intelligent, and so high spirited that to subdue her- would be a grand achieve­ment,

"FIGHTING FACTS.—Washington was

in his"44th year when he assumed com mand of the Revolutionary armies, and in his 50th year when he took York town. Gen. Taylor was in his 62d year when the Mexican war bejran, and iu less than a year he won the battles of Palo Alto, Kesaca de ra Palma, Mon­terey, and Buenr Vista. He, top, was badly supported. The secession war has been conducted by elderly or mid­dle aged men. Gen. Lee, whom "tbe world holds to have displayed tbe most ability in it, is about 66. General Ilosecrans is 44, and Gen. Grant 42 .— Stonewall Jackson died at 37. Gen. Banks is 48, Gen. Hooker 45, Gen. Beauregard 46. Geo. Bragg 49, Gen Burnside 40, Geo. Gillmore 46, Gen: Franklin 41, Gen, Magruder 58, Gen. Meade 48, Gen. Schuylef Haurltton 4 2 , Gen. Charles $ . Himiltohr^m, ihm. Fnsret * > , O^B.Lahder--* man Of great promise—died in his *4^A yrear.J Qeni Kearney was killed »t 47 and Get); Stevens at 45. Gen. Biekles was in his 41st year when be Wat wounded at Get­tysburg, and Gen. Reno was 37 When he died to bravely at South Mountain.— Gen. Pemberton lost Vieksbnra, at 46.

r. w. - - - -

if yba grow sleepy, don't i liave'i key.-'*-•- v":

Wait lor toei'li

A shade of sadness flitted across her beautiful race, but ft was succeeded by one 6i^her**weetesl smiles. Springing from ber chair she ran to the hall, brought out my overcoat, 'shoes, -Ac-., placed them before the fire, and said-: <

" Do r.ot forget to warm them before you leave the clttb, my husband, and walk fast that you may not get cold ; in-deed, 1 neve another reason for wishing

^you to hasten home'; ft will be a lonely evening wilhout yon ; but you have de­prived yourself of better society so long (hat I oan bear to 'spend an evening in atittcjfpsAixm, instead ,df the enjoyment of jrbur society. h',u l '""" • • • * " '

1 hesitated—almost decided not to go; but it would not do to yield. I went, and was almost as del 1 as H , whe was tfso'there:''''•' •'"'i"-' ' '-1 ":) •'i; •.

Ho observed my manner and whis­pered, " In trouble already ?" t ' ""• ] "

•* Y b » r T ahsWetfed; " and bhaftbeiih trouble until I acknowledge my self con­quered. Jt marrlbd "to etrjoy the pleas-tire of taming a shrew *, bat -1 nW'ffrj -self wedded to an angel. I must con-

wat in 1

lierman ^ ' - 4 8 , -stod

command at Washington in 1861. Gen. Lyon had not completed the first month of bis 43d year when he fell at Wtrsea's Creek. Gen. McDowell was in his 488

j e a r when he failed at Bull Run. in conseqneiBCe'ot'"We cei |Bi iFWoT <tol. Joe Jfobnston; who was $1™ &&, Keyes is 53, Gen. Kelly 57, Gett. King 40, and Gen. Pope 41. Gen. A^ 8. Johnston was 59 when he was killed at Shiloh.— Gen. Halleck is 49, Gen! Longstreet 40. The best of the southern cavalry readers was Gen. Ashby, who Was killed at SB. Gen. Stuart is 29. On oar 'side, Gen. Stanley i s 30, Gen. Pleasanton 40, aad Geo. Averill is about 90. Gen. Phelps is 51, Gen. Polk 58, Gen. 8. Coops* 6 8 , Gen. J. Cooper 54, and Gen, Blunt 38. The list might be much extended, but very few young men would be found in it—tor very few old men; either, -f lae best of our leaders are men who have either passed beyond middle life, or who may be said to be in the enjoyment of that stage of existence. It is so, too, with the tebels. If the war dees -lot afford many fttots in support of the posi tiorj that old generals are vary useful, neither does it afford many to be footed by those who bold that the history of hJe&rsn. is the history of yotttb.—Af-iaMcMonthfg: !


fess my mistake, slid make myself wor­thy the wife that God baa given me — Some other bachelor must woo a woman ' to show that a female oan be ruled. ' I am vanquished,ind gladly do I yield £

Pool H—^— sigbad, rose and walbed

and other', ,•%,, TOJIK i ^ ' • » • • * * r * * ^ 1 ^ * .

gay is finer

sweeter in

iii^i:fe**MlM f »tba¥uiW0rA!ibp»ms. v I decided to pttt

chains of matrimoey Io prvve thai ^ d b 6 < alwaja anslaop. i^ujj-^ia three week* from tba* eight i bad '

alj l , are seaso xallcd, and ooi

than B o q i u f it is infinitely quaifitanec with Mil i singleness, in purity, in un- 'if:flWortte»OFfti;%t*3 . Simplieity fototj, •

,tiplio)|y. Tbpaeof us wtba** ful in (lowers can ?ee rhw/qnieitry; on the

realise ft tbere. Idfe. like the year, * V . -. J ££tiaPf* MmanatsaW

Thuj season of whioh , . tb^^wrndelMj &is dt

flattythja earliest bird-n s e a ^ i t V j section :

conae^ucnec, they .re r

not ends

I had wealth and position and (•souse

(NtiK&QShl • k , f a a r a "KotVi i" i i i e b d , ( bad been assured by an ac-W«»fTVlf h n « * W * y * l l a W . . ••» a S l A f t JL 11 &.•<'_- I u T . ' t . - W — . - _ * • * ! • » I i

Miss ( ) - that 1 was B«t>i had never

proaclimg the said: " Why this differ . • • i - ' l T o n f w A l l beaaHful—so k mine. Yonr w i n says she loves yon— so does mine."

" Hold," intarrnpted X, "your wife says abe lave* you—mine proves it tjy,, oonsalting my happiness You warns* me against pay wife's pride and spirit, I grant she possesses a large quantity of

oat, these traits? Mary haa exoelttnt


MARE l i i i e smav, ESQ.—Given at the offts of Prof. Josh Billings, prakticol phrsnologts, prise $4. » io norrn» a

J Amiavenesa Big- Sticks ««t like a be^rnet's neat. Yaw ought tew b e able to lav she bob* human familee with,yare

onst. Yew will never be a widder long, notenoy. , hi: ,oi*t»

Polrytiks—Yew have got the natral we. A splendid bamf^ Miaapaiosan haa got to be kanatablu with half your bamp.i--'**- »-"- "i *»#d tAg-M ^^1^04*.

Combatifness-Slightaaliy, very much Yu might fits a wooum, bat taaT aaatch I s b u d like towM esb ^awdtosaa.—


Vittles—Bi thnndev wsmi a bamp !— I abad tbiuk yu ead-aat a heaeemd eart, and ohaae tbe driver three amlts without •ovjy praktis. Thnnder A I - '

Saratoga Spring., April 4. 1 m . lWIl.I.IflKB


I eortealtad h . i . , or her ae * ' j BOBS nwuling hi the vitlaf*.

on, t mistake axf

beaoaj without intellect; ranker Jet bito i(, . q ftrtawnaai Wsli ' isnisilaisaL S A ^ ^ ™ * , P * *""' * * " * h ° * ^ t M * * o e bump. A totin to eamyasan.

r ^ v ^ f f ! ^ a^at i ^ r f - - • • * - ^ i ' *»aamtd*eto bo* die » s f c t f*hse bwmp . J _ 5 h S k h?_**!. . ^ S r S f f l J t o ^ T - - ^ - * ^ iJeergieaakarap1

f\ K •

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