Brenda Herrera Bianei Rodrigues Stephanie Hayes.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Brenda Herrera Bianei Rodrigues Stephanie Hayes.

Facts about


Brenda HerreraBianei RodriguesStephanie Hayes

IntroductionToday you will learn about the greatest planet in the universe

MarsTo help you get started here are a few facts that you probably didn’t


Fact numbero Uno: Mars was formed about 4.5 billon years ago

Fact 2:it is 228 km away from the sun (50% farther than the earth from the sun

Fact 3: it is the fourth planet from the sun and the last terrestrial planet.

Fact 4: It is about four thousand miles wide (half the diameter of earth)

Fact 5: its much lighter than earth with only 1/10 of it mass or 6.4169 x 10^23 kg

Fact 6:Mars has 37.5% of the gravity that Earth has. This means that a 100 lb. object on earth would only weigh 38 lb.

Fact 7: mars’ seasons are twice as long as those on earth because it takes mars 687 days to orbit the sun twice as long as earth.

Fact 8: it rotates on it axis every 24 hr. and 37 min about the same as earth

Fact 9: Mars lacks an ozone layer therefore the surface of mars is bathe in lethal dose of radiation every time the sun rises

Fact 10: Mars red color is due to iron oxide also know as rust it has a consistency of talcum powder. Literally, the metallic rocks on mars are rusting

Fact 11: With no larger moon like earth to stabilize it mars periodically tilts much more towards the sun creating warmer summers


Fact 12: if you were to drive 60mph in a car it would take 271 years 221 days to get to mars from earth

Fact 13: Mars’ crust is thicker than earths and it is made of one piece unlike earths crust with consist of several moving plates

Fact 14:During a Mars winter, almost 20% of the air freezes

Fact 15:There in no fact 15Fact 16: Galileo Galilee was the first person to observe Mars through a telescope in 1609

Fact 17:Mars has Two moon Phobos and Deimos

Fact 18: Phobos rises in the west and set in the east twice a day. Deimos on the other hand, takes 2.7 days to rise I the east and set in the west.

Fact 19:Phobos orbits remarkably close to Mars and is gradually sinking into the red planet. In about 50 million years it will either crash into mars or break up and form a small ring around the planet

Fact 20:There is no fact 20 either

Fact 21: Mars has the highest peak in our solar system : Olympus mons. It is 15 miles high( three times higher than Mt. Everest) and has a diameter of 375 miles ( the size of Arizona)

Fact 22: Mars contains the largest labyrinth of intersecting canyons in the solar system called the Noctis Labyrinths

Fact 23:Mars is home to Hellas, a vast featureless plain that covers 1300 miles. It was created be asteroids crashing into the planet’s surface of Mars nearly 4 billion years ago

Fact 24: Mars has an enormous canyon named Valles Marineris which is 2500 miles wide and four miles deep

Fact 25:Viking 1 was the first of two spacecraft sent to Mars as part of NASA's Viking program. It was the first spacecraft to successfully land on Mars and perform its mission.

Fact 26: There is the Viking orbiter and Viking lander

Fact 27: There is the Viking orbiter and Viking lander

Fact 28: in 1976, Viking 1 photographed a mesa on Mars that had the appearance of a face

Fact 29: no human could survive the low pressure of Mars. If you went to mars without an appropriate space suit, the oxygen in your blood would literally turn into bubbles, causing immediate death.

Fact 30:The month of march in named after Mars

Fact 31: NASA and ESA ( Europe Space Agency) hope to collaborate on future missions to Mars, including sample-return missions as well as eventually landing humans on Mas by 2035