Download - New * /o L i x u r A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W .. J E R S E Y , J U L Y 7 , … · 2014. 4. 2. · T IN W A R E , Ac. Cookman av., near Bond st.,' a s b o b x p a b e . n . j.? TIN

Page 1: New * /o L i x u r A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W .. J E R S E Y , J U L Y 7 , … · 2014. 4. 2. · T IN W A R E , Ac. Cookman av., near Bond st.,' a s b o b x p a b e . n . j.? TIN

* / o L i x u r A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W . . J E R S E Y , J U L Y 7 , 1 8 8 .8 N o . 2 7 .

^wteMionalA . V . ItBTMCK, i t D.

IlciiDOeopatlilo Physician and Snnroon;Cor. Cookman & Bangs a vs., Anbury P ark , N, J

' unui*! until 10 a. tn„ and after 4 p. m. •J J S , KINMONTH, M .D .,

Corner Grand and AsbuVy Avojines, Offlcolfoure—7 to Da. m ., 1 to 3 p. rn., O to 'S tfm .

f )H . BRUCHS. KRATOR,~~ , Bomcnopathto Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of both school*..

• . Cor. Anbury nvonno and Bcnrh street-,Benra—VntU 0 a. ra.,.7 to 0 j>. m . . vTelephone connections.

^ ’M .-I.OIUVA. M .,P . P .,

. v,;... PaMWY\ntnpa^rt*t. or tfcn la l hoalor,400 Howall nvonno, Por. flock streot.

OfIlt;o hours 7 to 10, 12 lo .1 ,0 1> 0-

F* I ’AWLKY, '» D P I T T I S T , •

Ct5 Hanses avo.’, ’ Atfmrj? P ark, N. J .

D U. S. T. KLOC11M, *

OKNTIST, ,Ofllco—20# Main-fit., <fpp<mito Railroad Hfatlon,

Oas adm inister*!. Aabwry rnrfe,!?. .1.

a. a. mmroK, t>, t>. *' * m>burton, u. i>. a.TDURTON BROTHERS,.. Itmtilnnl Dpntlilfl,(300 Ctfokman av<mtio.‘ carrier Kmory s t., Afilmrj . Pa?k, N. .T. rvfBof* Honra : ft a. m. to 5 u. in. •' Clap a^raffrtstorod. Appointments m ade b y fcolo-

. phono o r by nihil . * - M 'fra of “ ZQZOu— the now preparation for

cleansing and preserving tho Teftth.

T ■ N . SEYMOUR. D. T>, S., •■*■■■ . . •^ .. i D r e n s m s T . ;Office 45, Cookman avenuo, near Emory street.

> Mechanical work a specialty:Difficult operations solicited.


Attorn eyfl-at-Law, Solicitors & M asters In Cfhan- oary. Mikado Bnlldintf, Oookman Av.,

* Asbjiiy Park, N. J.


Attomoy-at^Law, Solicitor, M aster Jn Chancery and Notary Publio.

Special atten tion tfven to examination o f Tttlos,■ A o..

Office In Cook’s Building, • . ... .Asbnry Park, New Jornoy. ' 11

ALFRED D. BAILEY,Attomey-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster Ih'

Chancery and Notary Publio.Special a ttention glvon to collection o f claims.

pfDco In Mikado Bttlldlng, .^BburJ Park.

J)A V ID HARVEY, J r . ,

Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster and Examiner . . In Chanoery, N otary Pnbllo. -- '

Asbnry Park, N. J .


Attornoy-lit-Law an d Solicitor in .Chancery, Address P. O. Box lOOJ, Asbury Park, ST. J .


303 Third avonuo, Asbury Park",'TEACIf ER OP MUSIC—Plano, O r^pandT htjftry



P. O. Bo* 855. ASBURY PARK, N . .T,

H. B. JOHNSON, - Practical Watchmaker,

d ealer lu FI/ft) Watches, Jewelry, Spectacle* &c. W atthcs and Jewelry ro paired a t City Prices.

Main street, near Oookman avenue, -AStoURY PARK, N. J .

GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE PAINTINGIn all Its branches. Ilartlwood finishing, Grain-

Idr, CaloIioluinR, &o.Estim ates furnished on application.

L. Rox 213a, Ocean Qrovo, N. J .

, C O O K H O W L A N D ,/ • . ■ t ■

Architect & Builder.- Bnlldloff plans oxoouted a n d ^11 work promptly dona. •

OCQoo.In Cook’8 Daildin?, Main streot and Cookman avoniio. Asbnry Park.

- JO H N W . SU T P H E N ,

Blacksm ith and l o i s e s i i s s r ,Canrlatro work In a ll Ita branches.

CARRiABE PAIHTING ANO TRiMMINBIn the finest stylo o! decorative a rt.

.Main street and First avenue,AHBOTYPABK.

ADON LIPPINCOTTCarpenter & BuilderJobWnff In a ll branches promptly and carefully

attended to.• Roaldcnco-H)02 F lrat nvonno, . » A8BUHY PARK, N. J.


GOWDY & PITCHER,Carriages, and Mainxfalctu-

rors of HarnessiB e p o » t to H e » —A w b u ry P a r k , B « l B n n k

^ A nd T o m * R iv e r .

Modern Architect,—• - t — E x p e r ie n c e d B u ild e r .

i J t s i t w j s s i S a r f l ^


Sto^esj Heaters, Ranges,T I N W A R E , A c.

C ookm an av ., n e a r B o n d st.,' a s b o b x p a b e . n . j . ?

T IN R I G F I lie , I M D E R t , e U T T I R S , A C . D B P P E R , T ill A N 0 S H E E T ISiaN W O R K O F A L L

- K IN D S .fcSJ“ F lrst«lass work a t low ratos.

LIPPINOOTT,i r J L I J L . 0 ^

'i 1 . .727 C o o k m an Avo.

G e n t s ’ - ^ x i r r i i s t i i i i g s .


Ladles'dresses dyed In all tho nowest shades. Feathers dyed to all-colors. Gentlomon’s atoth- Ing cleaned, dyed and pressed e^nal to new,

- Aicent for Asburv P ark .!

H E N R Y ,-BOREN,* (Snoceasor to O. W. Read,) 1


Salts m ade to order*guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing.


Carpenter & Builder:Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly attendod to.»*Ref*t of reforenceglvon. Residence—Ptrat avo., b e t Bond and Emory at*.

Shopand Office—F irst ave; and Main at. P .O .B 0I748; _ A8RUUY _PARK.

Mixed PaintsJfhe Old and Reliable Brand.

Vane, Galvert & Co.M E o s i f j i i i e S t i es o f Color.

N.E. Buchanon & Co.Solo Agonte fop State of Now Jersey.* 3 T prices low to pain tors and Consumers.

Lllwral arrangemenU m ade w ith dealer*.



tNE.Yle , n . j .T

...Contractor for f* '*

M o d e rn , S to n e , B r ic k o r F ra m e B u ild in g sReal E sta te Agent, ivoportlca waa ted

for Kent or S alo ..

Phlladtt. OflDee, 3.W8 M ather St., Tioga, Philada. Grcenlcaf Cottngo. New York avenue and

• pndCajniol Way, Ocean Grovo..

. ^ o s r E l ^ P K / T i a i a r e ,.•« d O H F E C T K J H E B Y ,

N o l i o r A l l K in d s , F l o r i d * O r a n g e * , C » . t a i v l ia n n d f lfn lfm n d r a p e s ,

and luxuries of many'descriptions, can bo tountfI . a t ih o now store of



UanHvood work a sp e c itl ty : ordure promptly, jittom led to and work dono In first olas* manner..

ifiintifactiiror of Htorm Doors, Window and Door screona. Orders loft a t D. II. Wyekoff’s p a lo t storo, or recolvod by mall, will hopromptlyu,r^viUlene0—N. K. Cor. A sbu ry avonuo ami Main Htroot P. 0 . 1U.X »v>,- AmiUKY P M U C .H . .1. ,


j^iason and Builder,urlfk lav lng and Plastering In dll branolios M o f Masonry work.

Jobbing promptly nWanrtcd to. j» O. Uo* ' Offlne, 733 Mattison avenuo


Sucocanor to J . Honry Applegate,

Full Line of Choice Gioceries,F LO U R AND FEE1>.

Mattison Avenne, sear Band Street,A 8B U H Y P A R B .

M. M CROSBIE,Successor to! David Cartw right, .

Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, ,Two and Tliree-ply Roofing Paper.

P . © . l lo x 8 0 3 . A s b n r y P a r k , Iff. J .


Now occupy tho now brick building o f J. Henry * Applegato.ou •

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,where thoy are prepared to estimate on a ll kinds

Q r f i U 5 , e A a s p s 7 E ^ m n i f B ,They do none o ther than" first-class work, aud

all plumbing will be done a lter the most approved gamtarymethods.

R e p a i r i n g p r o m p t l y . a t t e n d e d to .

J .L .S E A M O I T ,Practical S la te and.Felt Roofer.

AU filating done with Chapman and Bangor ‘ quarries roofing slate.

A g o n t f o r S to w a rt'a P a t e n t S oa l Im p p o d R c t l l io a d y R o o Q D g ,

Warranted fire and waW> proof.. R E H ID R N C B 6 1 4 T H I R D A V K ,

P.O . B ox048. ^ ‘ 1 , '

H. C. MARRYOTT,Contractor and Builder,Estimates furnished fo r ovory doflorlptlotf nf.

work. Jobb ln rn tten d ed to promptly. Resldonoo—

C or. S e v a l l M . a n d E m o ry S t . ,Lock Vox IKS AH S C S I P A l t K . M. J .

—JOHN HUBBARD, Practical House Painter,

AND PAPER HANGEK. V.Rosldonco Cor.. Fifth avcuuo and Bond street.,

Lock Box G7C, ASBURY PARK, N .J .

JOS. L DURRAH,^ l s L s t ^ e x e x ,

5 05 t h i r d Av e n u e .’ Jobbing Promptly a ttended to,


A N lr t J R Y I 'A f t l i , N . J .Kslablbliod 1873. Jobbing p rtm ptly attended]

to, Best of teforoneo given.• Orftco and Koflldenee, . t ‘


F C . B R A E U T I G fr W i;Ml Estate and Insurance.Hotota, Boarding llouaos and Collages t o Lot,

for Sale and Exohango. Special a ttention given to draw ing mortgnges; Icaacaand dcoda a t short nfitlee. Ofllco, •


P. O, Box 1?< Noar Wain s t , ^sbtiry Park, N. J .

H. B. BEEGLE,(Lato If, IJ*. Beegle &Son)


Ohm Grots, S. J.L<n\oa N eg o ili\to d 5\r»ljA 'gn\ P a p e rs D raw n

II. B. BEEGLE, N otary r'nbllo and Commissioner of Detdfl for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and tho District o f Columbia. *

Bargains in Real EstateLOTS AND IMPBOVED PBOI>

BBTY AX NORTH SPBINGXAKB..Troproved Property and Lots at TOlnt P leasant

enoapfor caah. - • ,Lots a t M anlia^et for Sale or Exchange. 200

feet of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay fron t in the m arket for sale in th a t vicinity. Will bo sold cheap.

Lot 25tt25.feet on Sixth avenue, noar the ocean, AslmryParlc. , •-

If you w ant to buy or ront any property any* whoro along the coast . , , .

Apply to R H. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Em ory st., Aabury Park.

Or W. Tv Stuekt, po int Pleasant, N. J.W. U/ PoTTjm. Spring Lako, N. J .

p E N N 9 y L V A » l 4 , ;» A l L H O A n .

On and a fte r Ju ly l , 168S;TRJlINB LXjlVB A81CBT FlLRK

For New York, Nowark, EUznbeth. Rahway, Red Bank* Long Branoh and IntorrnMlnie stations, a t 0.50, 0.10 a. m ., 1.10, 0 30, O.W

. p. m. . •• r YExpress lo r Now Y ork, Nowark, Elizabeth nnd

Long Branch, a t 7 45 a. m,, 2.45,4 p. in. Limited Express for Elbcron, Hollywood, Weat

End. I^ong Bnmch aud Now York, H.«0a. jh.»' For Matawnn, South Amboy, RlUabolb, Newark

and New York', 0,50, 8.45, jUOa. m.» 1.10,2.43,- p . m . ’

For 1/org Branch, <3.60, 7.’45, R.20 (Limited), 8.46,.S.10 iv. ra., 1.10, 2.45, 4.«!>, &.a0, 0.40 p. ni.

Fo r T hllad ol pb la, (B r o od S t.,) Tro n to n , Prlncoton, Monmouth Junction , Freehold and Sea d irt, a . m ., 1».S7, 4,00,5.3.1 p. m.

For Philadelphia, Through F.xprcus, a t 7.20 a. tn. kFdt fam den , Burlington, Jhmlentown ami points

, on tho Amboy Ulvlslon, Yla. Hurkeloy and Toma River, wouk daya, a t C.41 a. m., 4.40 p. ro. •

ForOamdou, llurilngton, and Bordentown, (via.Trenton,) 7.20 a. m M 13.37. 4.00 p. m, Via.

' Jamosburg, 0.41 n. p. til.For Toms ltlre r , Jaland Holghts, and4ntermodl-

a te fitatloun, a t 0.41, S>.15,, 11.05 a . r a . , 4.35, .4.65,7.00 p. m. weok daya.

For Point P leasant, and Intermedia testa tions, a t 6.63, 0.41, 0.15, 11J» a. m., i.0I, 4.55, 0.08,7.00, 8.6«d. m.

rnMNs i.bavb nkw YonK'(vla. Desbrosses and C ortiandt Sts. forrlos) ro n ABjiunv'rABK

At 3.80, 7.10, *i).lo a. in., 12.00 noon, 2.30, *3.10,8.40 (Unaltod), 4.81, C.fiO, -7.00 p. in . . H

. trains u u y b rniLADBu-uiA (Broad 8 t ) »oa1 . . As&vJnr TAn&~ : .

A t fl.R0, S.00.,11.30 a . m^2.40 3.«0(.4.00p. m, Pntur- daya only, 5 00 p. m . M arket St., vla.<!ataden and T renton—0.20, 7.'20, 10.80 a, m ., 2.30 p. m<-

. • Saturdays only, 4.80 p. tn. Via. Jam eaburg. 7.20 a m., 4.00 p .m . Via. Toms River and r Berkeley, 8.30 a. m M 4.00p. m. •

.* J . E ; WOOD, ffen’l l 'a t i , Agt. CHAS, B. PUGB.^ Gen'l Manager. A

.Real E s ta te , In s u ra n c e a n d G e n e ra l A gen t, ,

P r o p e r t y S o l d , R e n t e d c r I n ­s u r e d i n O c c n n G r o v e , . - A s b u r y P a r k , L o c h " A r b o u r ; U c e a r P a r k ,

: K e y E a s t , .O e e ^ n B estcli. a n d S p r i n g L a k e . w " , ‘ -

P o l i c i e s w r i t t e n a t lo w e s t r a te s i a s tr o n g e s t c o m p a n i e s .

M o n e y l o a n e d o n M o r t g a g e s e c u r i t y ,. - , - ,

C o n v e y a n c i n g ,C o n t r a c t s m a d e , l ■ E t C i

« . W .M A K TIN , .47 P i l g r i m P a t l i W ; .. O p p . P o s t O f f i c e ,

O c e a n G r o v e , N . J.

J j S K T W I t * MUIO B tttllffill B . H.■ t im « TBbl«»ln eg^et 3 ^ j;* 1 6 8 8 . . • >•

Btatlont tn. Now York—Central It. P . of New Jer- - sey, foot of Liberty S tre e t ; P. R. IL, foot of

Cortiandt And Deabroaaps Streeta; N. «L South- 1 ern Railway, foot o f Rector St.

UU TI HXW TOBK JO B ASBTTJIY P AB S, *0.Central It. R: o f N. J.-4.00;8,lf>,.a30, •H .H a.ra.,' LW. *2 30, *3.3),4.00, • iM , *5.30,0,15 p. m. Pennsylvania—3,80,, *9.lO a. m„ 12.OO m.,

8.80, *3.10, 3.40 l im ited ), *4,20. 5.00,7,00 p. in. N. J. Southern llailw ny—l.OO, 3.45,4.30,5.80 p, m. Leave Newark, Broad 8t. Statlou, for AeOunf

Park, Ao.~«.25. I I .20 a. m ., 105. 4,00, 4.85, 5.30 p. m . M arket St. Htatlon-3.69, 7.38, B.S8 a. TO., 13.20, a,57, 3.a% 4.44, 6.SU, 7.28 p. m.UXAV> ASBtJttT rABK »Ott KBW TOBK. &C. .

Central JL B . of N. J . - ‘0.18, *7.00, 7.25, *8.00,9.40,* 10,50 a ,m .113.15, a 00, 4.10,7.15,8.30 p. in.

Pennsylvanlft-H^50r *?.45, 8.20 (Limited),.8 45, 9.10 a .ro ., 1.10, *2.45,*435, 6.550, p .m .

N. J , Southern—0.10, 7.55,8.65a. in., G.i» p; ra.For Philadelphia and=Trenton, via. Hound Urook

Eoute—0.15a. m.V4.10 p .m . t.For Ocean Eoach, fiprUip Lake aud .Sea f lir t—.

5 65, C.14v 0.41,7.20,^.42, 0.15. 9.41,, 11.20 a. ro., 12.37. 1.00, 2.01, 2.55, 3.80, 4.00,4.1S, 4.35, 4.40, 4.65, 5.02, 5.20, fi;33/>6.65, 0.0(5, 0.11, 0.23, 7,00,7.10,7.25,8.10,8.58,11.10 p. HU (Hat- urdays only,) • ^

For Manaaquan and Point Pleasant—5,55, 0.11, C.41.0.15,10.20,11.05,11.20a m ., 12.37,1 00, 2.01,

^ 2.55, 3.30, 4.15, 4.85, 4.40, 4.5fl, 5.02,5.20,6.65, / 8.00. 0.11, 0.23, 7.00, 7.10, 7.85, -8-10,' 8^8 p. m. For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—*7.20, 7.42, 0.41

a . m „ 12.37,-1.00, *5.33 p. m.T or stations on P. R. It. to Camden and Interme­

diate points, C.41 a .m ., 4,10p.m. F o r Toms- Klver, 0.41,9.10,11.05 a .m ., 4.40,4.r>5, 7.00 p, ra.

'-E x p re s s .* RUFUS BLODOKTT, 8 m .II. P. LALDW7N, O. P. A. V. Jl. Jl. Oj N. J.

J . K. WOOD. Gm 'l r a t . A ot. P . R.B .

p t e at •ASBUHr PARK'OCEAIvWXCHr lPniiaa

LAKE Afi3 NORTH SPRiNQ IftKl.Persons wIrIjItr to E en t, Purchase o r ficll a t

tho above plaoos, or owners bavinc cottn^oa to ten t lo r season of und dcalriotr to place them in rov handa, will rocelvospc(;lul attention. For fuu tfer part iculars o r mnps, addroisfl

•» • .ii. WltlGUT, Box 108,-Anbury Park..3 Cor.Cookman and ftowallAvB.. A. Park .

• \ | O. li: Brown s store, North rtprlnff Lake.N. 11.—I have some cuttaptcs and luta I6r salo

ohenp, easy ten n 8 ;n l 80 .n num ber'of cottages for runt.



P O ' W E E O O -

I p l l K E I ^ L Q A K t f N E W V O H K I I . I f .

- ‘ in e ffe c t/a n . 2, 1888. -

TBAIHS WILt, LEAVE VO It FRKKnOLP AS rOLr/>WS •l<eave • Aabury Fark-^Z^S, 10.55 a. m,, t,16, 4,15,

6.35 p . m . .Efeavo Lonff Branch—7.40,11.10 a . m ., 1,8(0, 4.80;

6.f»p. m- v .IiCave Branchport—7.43,11,14 a. n i., 1.83, 4.33r 5.63 '■*» .p .in . • •" "■Leave Little Hllvor-7,48,11.19a. in., 1,38, L88(-O Tfceavelied B an k -7 63,1130 a. m , 1.43, 4.45, 6 00

p .m ., • -Leav.e MtddletoWn~8.00, 11.37 a. mM 1.50, 4.52,

0.14b ,ra , , - ■ 'Leave Mata wan—0.30, 8,11, 9.81 a .m ., 12.20,2.08.

(5.30,6.40 p. m.. UtAVK ritXXUOU) ro n BKD BMTK, BfOi

9.00,11.15 a. ra.. 1.30,4.30. 5.55 P. m . • *The 1.30 p. in .-tra in from Freehold connects

ilosely.for a ll shore points. . . .• - J . E . RALPH, Sup’t. .


Railroad, near First avenue.

Furnishes Klcelrle Ar«- lights u t miy location.

and ‘Inwvndcswont


I’resIdentTT-MYRON fl. flOULD, • Vie# l'rosV K llM lFN D fl. HAHHI^ON, 'rr»*asijrt)r—.TOIIN ftOCKAFKLLKit, Soe’y and Sup’t-C E O .M . LANK.


MyronJ^. Oonld, (Job. F. Kroehl,EdmntidO. Harrison, John C.MncMutray, J«dm llookafoUer, Wh o . A. Hraook,** Cco. M. Lane.

WHY SUFFERWlioh It lan woll-known fact th at

B O U R N E ’ SEnglish Tonic

D ysp ep sia Pillswill not oiily (rive o’aso, *l>nt permanently euro indltfcsllon. Dyspepsia, o r any pr/ustrtu (rouble.-

-- For Sale by ail Druggists.

WESLEY HUCCINS,Contracior,Carpenter.& Biiilder

. P lans and speclllcatlons furnlshe*!. Jobbing pt-onfiitlyatlendciJ to. Best of reforonco given.

Ko&1»lvff«Jo—100 ML Carmel Way, Ocean Grovo. 1‘. O. Box 70, Asbury Park, N, J . '

-J LADIES!Do Y our Own D ycliiff,a( Homo, w litl

P E E R L E S S D Y E STlu«3ljfwlll dyo o\orjthh ijf. 'Xhuyj a re sold overy- whot^.-TWcw Ifto. a iiao k o w )^ ) colors. Thoy have u o em ja l for UtrenKtl), JiTiRhtnoas, AmountIn Packae& or for F»flti?0H8 of Color,or non-fad-Ints <)uaUtloH. They do n o t trook ..........*■ " "snlo by It. 1'ustlnff, M. P ., Woolley. . _.Chrlelinfi, DniRglsW, Afthury Park, N. J .

, Wcolley. & ilcod.W .B.

Steamer w Elberon. '' NEW YORK, . U1NQ BRANCH.


The Now and Commodious 8teamor Elberon,C a p t . L a u r e n c e P r i c e ,

will commoncerunning between New York, foot of Franklin stroet, l*ior 85, North River, and Hmnohport, Tuesday, May 22, lea\lDKNew York dally a t 9 afro.; leaving Braochport daily a t 2.806. in. (Sundays excepted.) Good accommoda-

on for passengers.FAR®, 80 Centa. EXCURSION, 50 Cents,

C a r t Lawrence Price commission salesman In a llklndB of farm ers' Drodueo. Cood acoOmmo- < 1 at lo n f or horsoH ana wagons. Expressm an on board.

OliY-er H. Brown,H O U SEFU R N iS H iN G



_ T l 0 Flnest Stock of

M sefilrn isM ng Goods to bo found on tho Now Jersey*Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture, A N T I Q U E O A K

In Bedroom Suits, Siis Boards, Chairs, Tables, Etc.

C arpe ts, M a ttiu g s , ? Iteo d a n d B a ttiin Goods,

BEDD IN G , !S ilv erw are , lisuuita, S toves.

All tho Novelllos In

F re n 6 h , BoheiM ian a n d I)o- rae s iic G lass.

F o re ig n a»rt O ottiestto C hina a n d T ab le W a re . —-1

Goods delivered lu Aaburv Park nndQnaan■ ’ - » • . -drove. -

iM ffltl f f l BSm CfS W i l tNow.York City; Wanted, sub-naonts for the' abovo f’ompauy In overy townsM pand vllla^to, Uboral ooiiunlrtHlon to tiiiorKOtte canvassers.

A pply to J 'W . EWANUBL, „-v Lonff.UrnnoJi, N, J , .

General Agpht lor MenibonUVCd., New, Jersey:


728 Mattison Avo.’, opp. P. O. A B 3 U U Y X’A I tK , H E W J E R 8 E Y .

O a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

Authorised hy law to aH as Executor,- Admin­istrator, Guardian. Trustee. AssI^tioo, ltecelv'er. Aeent, pte.: and for tbo faithful performance os all enoll duties Its capital stoolf and surplus are liablet a lso-to Reootva and iXoouto Trnsts o t R^dT’ ' f d i ^roaa tl1® ^ otirte» Corporations

All Trust Funds and InvcstmoDts.are’lhsorlbed In tho named of thu ownurs of the property held lntniBt, and aro kopt separate and Apart from tho asaots o f the Cornjiany. 1 .■»

I n t o r e s t A llo w e d o n p < p n s lta .S a l e l i e p o u l t ‘Vn.ult** i n l i r e ^ n d b u r /

V ln r |» r o o f lm l l ( l f a s r now in courso of erec­tion, corner Mattison avenue-and Bond stroet.

WiUa jrcelpted for and kep t w ithout charge.- . ISAAC C.KKNNEDY,President.

GEO. F, K.ROKHL, Vlcc President.4 JIENRY-C. WINSOR, Secretary.

. A.'G. TWINING, T reasurer. <>I .. DIRECTORS:

O. IK W. YKOOM, Trerttop, N. J .W. J . II AltU1 HON, ljlkowood, N . J .,ii- OLIVER U. BROWN, SprlnR Lake, N. J . , HENRY tl. 'YARD, Ocean Beach, fa. J . JNO. 8, FERGUSON, AHbury Park , N. J . •IIENRY C. WINSOR;'fEO. F. KROEHL, 1 BlltlCE 8. KEATOR, M.D., “ • i “A. V. TWINING, - ■** uN .B. BUCH ANON, “ “




t HomesiC O M P A N Y , ;

(new Bnlltllng Loan Association plan,) will pur- cl>a*o, deliver, well ond cohvoy .to-the OWN&ltS of ilHMMrmFIOATES, ‘ on nooeptlblo- Hothe- stcad,-Farni; Factory or Workshop, and extend the monthly payments through a period o f 15 -Hearn, n t the ra te o f 86 per m onth on each $1,000/ in value. - A - J U T H O M A S , ‘

Assistant Jfaimffer and Special Agont for Mon- . mouth County, 005 Fourth avenuo,-


$ 1 0 , 0 0 0To Loan on Good Mortgages.

8. C. COWART, Freehold, N . J .

D A N IE L C C O V E R T ,No. 27 Pilgrim PathVvoy, Ocean Grove, N. j . ,

G E N E H A L A G E N T F()U T il*------

Purcbase/Saie led Renfiisg of deal Estate.>Also Property insured in first-class companies. Improvements m ade fo r non-residents.. Proper- ty 'eared fo r. Loans negotiated and Collections made. Correspondence solicited. P. O.Box2135.

Tents, Awnings, Flags.- —tfeltnHff fo r boilers nnd stoam pipes.

S . H EM M ENW A Y,SIS CBrtmin in., Astory Pori, N. J,

SaUloftii, 60 South 8fc., Now York City, > _

^A nthony Truax lo Jane W hite—«»mo property.

. . ,*i30Bi.LajrBoija.J , Ifow anl Slocum (o George C orlies^lot a t

Long Branoh. $1,760.Samuol B. Boil to Jam es C>. JnoewnV^r24M00

aores In Shrewsbury township. *L»i,fiw.llenry A. A. Curtis to W. O. u Mojico—1 lots a t

ManajKinan. J1.2U0. •' Lemon Grimes to Jnmes II, Bedlo—lo t In Rari­

tan tovsnalilp. $170. ,MarUn Nolan to Thoraai M.sNolah—17 41-100

acres hi Millstone towmhfcM*l,500.M artin Wood to Steplieunvood—1 82-100 acres

In Raritan township. ?L Stephen Wood to M artin Wood—1 83-100 acres

In Raritan township. 81,• George Comstock to 'NlohDlns g^Ludlam —lot In M ldaletown township. $700. ■ ©

Addison H. Uazeltlue, SpociaT^l^ster, to John Slocum—4 lots a t Long Branch. 82,530.

Annie M cIntyre to J . Howard Slocum—lots a t Long Branch. $1.

Jam es G. Janew ay to Harriet O. Alexander—2 44-100 acres In Shrewsbury township. 81.

Theodore Aumack, Sheriff, to George Hance, Jr.1—lot a t Oceanic 8500. ,.

W m .lL L . Kinmonth toRebccca T. Antonldes —lot a t Manasquan. HI.

Rebecca T. Antonldes to Mclvlna T. Kinmonth ^-Iot a t Manasquan. 91. •

Wm. Haynes, by Heirs, to Edwin Haynea-rlot a t Occanport, $1.■ The Ocean Beach Association to F rancis .J. Walsh—lot 1070a t Ocean Bench. 1475. . 4

N. W. Tiontman to Donald A. Manson—lot at LongBranch. 8100. .

Pfonllsa \VotjftU'r to Blanche Butler Ames—3 lots Middletown township. ?1. • -

Robert Gant to W o . liven—2076-100 acres. How­ell township. 5300. ' ‘

Mary A. Miller to Charles K . Sanford—undivid­ed 1-7ih o f 1 ot a t EnglInhtown.; 8135

Jacob T. V. Sanford to Charles II, SaufotxH-itn- dlvldcd ^‘7th o f same property/?1M 73,

Margaret E. Sanford to Charles H. Siintnrd-re- leiifle c f snm'e protMirty, ?250.

Wm. A. Ranforrl larC.'harlcs It* SAnfbrd—undl-' vlded l-7th of same property. 8 1 7 3 . ' "* ' •

Sarah’K. Wyckotr to Charlea II. Sanford—.undh-vided l-7th o f name property. 8185 73.

Charles A, Cottrell to Charles II. Sanford—un-. divided 1-7Hi of witho property. 8135 73.' Hcseklah Frost to If. 8, Terhuno—lot Matawan tow nship . 8160, ^

Cornelius Hurley, by belra. to Elios P. Hurley— 25 acres, Wall township. 8100.

William J." Ashtbn,. by fiherKT, to Ashley B. Stout —2 lots a t Oceanvlllo, ?100. '

AbIiIov B. Stout to John^CS II. ' Laird—2 lots at OceanvlUo. 8L8uO.

Marlon McAllister to Stephen If. Powell—2 lots, Shrewsbury township. $L

Mortimer Hendricks to Minnie L. Cummings— lot a t Elberon. 82,600. 1 ' ■

Elizabeth I. nod;to A rtemuaM. Lambertson—lot s t Keyport. 8^30.

- ' v B u i U l i t i j j ; C o u t r a c t s .PILED 7 0 AHB INCLUPIKO 4T3He BO. *

233S—Thomas Patten wlth-C. Y. if; Wilson—new sheds, &c., a t Pleasure Bay, 81,791.

23:u>-Danlel D. Ilendrlckapn with John I. I«on~ard—now house a t Middletown.-82,500. u .....

2310 Thp Standard OU Company with Tawla Brown—no iv brick bulldlnir a t ltetl Bank. 81,410.


Great Dyspepsia Cure.:• I T I 8 A S U R E C U R EMa, BiftHKTf, Dear Sir—I was afflicted very

ranch with dyspepsia, bu t since I have used your Oaatrodyno I exporioneo no ill effect from a m ost hearty meal, and I believe I am cured.'

, P. II. W rCKOFF, N ew llrunsw lck, N. J.H A JffiS X . Q Q D EK , A g en t,


S ew er Notice*During tho past year a num ber o f new connec­

tions havo bee n mado with tho sewers. This has tonom e extent lessened the percentage o f cost of m aintaining the works. As the erection of the Sewer Works w as j io t a m atter o f specula­tion, bnt became a necessity because of the suc­cessful and rapid growth of the town,the owner’s desire to k eep tho annual ren t a t the lowost possible point. .» .*

Notice Is hereby given thUt on all sewer ren ts fo r 1888, which wiJU be due January 1st, 1889, fo r prepaym en t a d od not i on of oii e per cent, a month Will bo allowed. After the- noxt January on sewer rents due tho following January a deduo- Uon o! tw o por cent, a month will for prepay­ment be allowed. On tho third (yoai^ fo r pre­payment, three per ce n t a ntfftth- will bo allowed; and on tho fourth J^ear, fo r pre­payment, four por cent, a month w ill ho allowod. • This practically m luoca tho sewer ren t about one third. I t Is of course Impos­sible to tolC a t t i e present time. If a still further discount oat^ bo allowed .on tho fifth or suocecdlng years, on account o f Increased num ­ber of .connections, but .tho owners o f property •which Ib oonneotod w ith the sower m ay rest assured that they will reap every ddvantage pos­sible. Owners of tho works only dostre, afte r working expenses are paid, a m oderate Interest on tho luvostinont. C. T. BAtLEY,

- w Soo’y Sower Works.Asbury Park, May iM ,

N O, V .fe L T I E SF I l i e N t n t i o n o r y , D o t I n , T o y s ,

C t i l l e r j ' , W r i t i n g M n t e r l u l s , « t e , C l r c u I a t U i f f L i b r a r y ,


M a in s t r e e t , o p p o s i te l ) o p o t . ,

Pioneer Oy ster House C. V. FRENCH, 'q • ■ 7

Dofllor In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS.. . OY'NTEKS a spoolalty.. Families supplied. . :

?1(4 G a t e s tvsotio. Asbury Park, H. J .

Butcher’s Store to Let,W ith large loo Room. Inquire of T. P . BERGEN. Cor. Main streot und Munroe- avenue, Asbnry Park, N . J . - * ... ._^_-

R e i t l K a t f t t e V o n v e y a h c o f l , ■L ist o f conToyancos,, Monmontlb C oanty

C lerk ’s oiflooT fo r tho wc*?k cm llnS V nao .10, 1888: . ' • • ' .

' X B D U ftT I ’A IiK . ' ■AnnaC. Bullock with JanoS. Davis—lot Anbury

Park. W.000.Dounlfl Kurfgbt to George F. C. Sinille—p art of

lo t664, 15,000.' ■ . * .^ •John V. Atotiar to Margaret M. Ralston—Iot'407

and part of 40fi. 81,00. ■■ OGBANOI\OVa. ” • c -

Geo. K. Harrison to II. IL Hendrickson—lot7S3. 8750.</Tho Ocean Grove,Camp-mwDtlng Association to

Ju lia II . Provost—Jot i.lttli 8W0. «Laura J. Spaulding, Ex’X, to .Chas, AV; Span Id-

in g -io t 108. ,11,000. < ‘p /B irru ^ H T o w N a n i r .

Theodore B.' Rldhardson to A m anda Slaughter —lot Neptune township. 8125.

Bloomfield White, by Adm’x, to Anthony Truax —laud Noptuno township. 81.223.

A G r e a t e r S Util I R i s e ,Few who knew the Coleman I Ian goof form er

days w ould now recognize It, e ither cx tor Dal­ly o r Internally , J t scarcely en tered in to the th ough ts o f tho people o£ A nbury F ork , o r th e . thousands of gneats w ho annually havo mado It th eir sum m er hom e, If Indeod It w as In the m ind of M r. R alph when hep n rch o sed 'it, th a t sflch a wondrous tm provom ant shou ld be ma<le as the las t six: m onths have w itnessed on tbls h istoric spot In A sbnry Park .

The Colem an Ilo u sc has been alm ost cotem - po ran eons w ith the P a rk In ca te rin g to the w ants o f visitors. . Whorovor the o n e has been spoken of tho o th er nam e w as a lm ost synonym ous. I t was the repreeentatlVQ house o f tho plfteo. . . . ■■■ . t

Soon n fte r Mr. J . E, Ralph bocarno tho p ro ­p rie to r ho p u t In op era tio n l ie p lana for a g rea t change lu tho huilding'' th a t sho u ld eventually m ake It one o t the g ran d est strno- tn re s o n the coast. D uring th e ‘past, w in ter an d spring ono portion has been com pleted on a .8cale th a t com pletely dwa*f« tho old taouite. I t is of n\onater p roportions, gives large a n d high celled room s, all thoroughly ven tilated an d w ith ,an ocean viow. O n e a c b floor a ro arranged groups of room s m suite t h a t have no equal fo r pleasant t*hd oheerful snrronnd lngs. AIL the room s a re supplied w ith handsom e an tique oak sa lts i n d Anely carpeted. • . . . .

Tho din ing room on the m ain floor ia a m arvel of olegance, beau ty and capacity . Tluo oeillng Is a rtistically decorated an d ad d s a rtehneas to the general finish th a t raakcaU donbly a ttractive when contem plated ovor a snm p tu o u sm enu each as tho house w lll'now present to Its p a trons n n d o r th e new <hej and hU Aafilatants.

A nother ohongo, o f th e m any th a t deserve a tten tion , b u t which spaco-forblds, Is the new ■arrangemoot of. tho o(Hce. P artitio n s- h ave been lem ovod and the m ain oflloe is m ore room y a n d o rn ate w lih Its ^wchos an d e labo­ra te decorations. The reception ro o m s a n d p arlo rs rem ain ab o u t the sam o b n t m uch m ore beau tifu l la new. decorations, farnlturO , carpets and hangings.

Mr. Rfilph has sucroujiced hlmaelJLwlth. capable assistan ts. Iq tho ofllco. h is _chlcf c lcrk 1b Mr. P e ter W right, wbo gavp..jamah, genial a tten tio n to the gnesla of tb o houso last season. Tho caflhkr and book-keeper is Mr. J i MoD. Thom pson. S tew ard C a p t Re- nard wlli provide abundan tly T o r 'th o t^ble, and Cfutf J . E. M annere-R yan w ith a feo rp ao t capable asaiatan ts w IlLattcud tb tho tutelntf. ;

The ontire com bination is a b a p p y one and angura well fo r the Catnre of t h e Colemijn. W hatever its buccoss l t w ill bo ^-benefit to. othor houses^ in m aking o u r C oast C ity tho reso rt for. tbo beat popple. WU6 com o to bo' en terta ined . . _ ' '

- . A P a s t o r ’ s V a c a t i o n .Dr.. C handler n n d ’ family s la tted Satu rday

fp r Saratoga, whoro they will spend m ost of tho au minor. Tho Doctor has done muoh hard w ork In h>s school a t Freohold dnrlog IbepasJ- year, besldos proaclilng rcgulurly , a n d th e congregation haa g ranted him a twQ m o n tW vacation th a t ho m ay h a v e n through recuper­a tio n . ■ — .

T J i o O l d B o a r i l I t e - o l e e t e i l .

A tlh b 'a n u u a l stockholdors election of thoF. & N. Y. Railway, held Friday a t Froo- hojd, tiie old board wjw rciflectcd. T ho offi­ce rs a n d directors a r c : P resident, (tyn. J . B / 8 QbuU2&; Secretary, Troasurcf- ai)d Superin*. ten d an t, Ju s tu s E. R alph ; \Ym. IL JJobaftM^ Goorgo l in n to r Brown, (o f Brown B roa.’& C o., N. Y.,) Robert L. llu rrtson , W.m 'H . Vredcu* bnrgh. Theo. W. M prrls, 8taoy P. Conover, Daniel 1*. V anD orn , Banrnol I. W righ t, 11, R. W lllcta, II,* R. Lalne, Joa. D. UqIT. ■ - - :

Tbo m an. wh(f .wrote ” O, so litude, whore a ro tb y o h o rm af” Tvfofl ,a business u in a w bo d id n ’t fl(\vcrtl8o.

I S o r o i i s h C o m m i s s i o n e r s .-* - • .Ju ly 2 . / ' j .

toiiA.-xGi(a in rd i.icB appointm en’Ts—Ex f l uFiur. IMITT FOIt TUB FOtmTIl—ANOTIIKK


. I t was nearly half-post e ight Monday n igh t whon cnouglt m em bers fo r a gnornm m e t in P a rk IIa ll. T he faithful ones wore Mesfers. Bradloy, Bailey, ’AtfeIns and Smith viator>on thoy wore reinforced by Com. Kroehl. J fr . Bradley w as selected chairm an pro ton.

Tho Pollco C om m ittee rep o rted th a t Messrs. Ormcrod anti Dougherty, appointed a s police­men, declined to servo. On m otion o f Com. Smith Messrs. BenJ.£B tltto n ’8n d Samnol Y on- B runt were appo in ted in th eir places, tho l a t ­ter to bo s ta t io n e d .a t CooUmnn avonuo a n d M ainslrgc t. . ’

I tw a so rd e rc d th a t tlion tim beraand badges o f policem en bo .rognlated according to tlm o of'BcrVlco, tho scnioroOlcor to bo nnm borono.

Cliief Ikowor m ndo application for a team of horses fo r cach euglno house for the Fourth of Ju ly . Referred to F ire ' nnd W ater, Com­m ittee. 'i ' ■ ■; ■

A l e t t e r from Mrs. A . B„ M arcbant c o m ­p la in e d th a t 8 i x t h a v e n u e was g reatly Id need of an o th er d e c t r l o ligh t. Com . Sm ith said th e r e was b u t o n e l i g h t o n t h o B tre e t, and i t was e n t i t l e d t o a n o t h e r light, On b i s m o t io n 4po l i g h t .was o r d e r e d . , .

A cclored delegation , w ith M r. Grigsby as spokesm an, s ta ted th flt’ they w anted to give an en te rta in m en t In C entral Hal! o n the even ing of the F o u rth . T hey bad heard tho ill reports abou t the colored hops a t th a t place and they w anted to assure the Board th a t noth ing o u t o f o rd er would occur. .Com* Sm ith said th n t Dr.- Itln m o n th , th e ow ner of the Hall, told him th at he w ould n o t alfow tbo place to bo kopt open la te r than 13.80 o r I a . M.,t ftiid th a t h e w for a special po- licom anon d n ty to proservo order. M r. Brad­ley said the BonTd would olfor tho colored poH)pl8'oyery~protcctloaandvnionnfrforen3o'y- m cu t provld&d they d.ld n p t Impose upon the rights a n d poace o f p th ers .

A repreaeotativo o f a Brooklyn concrete’ c o m p l y b ro u g b l the. m erits of hla waikvbo- fore the BoanL As h a askod 1 8 'cen ts per 'square foot hfs reception waa n o t entbuaiafltl<£

Tho F lnanco Com m ittee recom m ended th a t .a ^iow nolo fo r $3,000 to renew one due, on July 5, bo mailo. R eport ad opted. . *

Mr. M. S agurton com pjained o t the sm’oko (com the ta r w a lk sheds o n th e ra llro fid lf l the rear of his hoiwo. Tbo B oard b f Health says It Is not within tb e lr province. I t wito de­cided th a t M r. Sagnrton’s rem edy Wouldvbo an 10 junction . **.-_■

601U. Bailoy tb o n g h tih n t m eelings onco in two weeks w ould be s d E c le n t for thoaa£um er m onths. He m oved th a t tho Board ad journ to meet on J u ly 10. C arried . .

T h e T i t l e o f T r a v e l . ‘M on.m ay civmo a n d m en may g o ^ to other

jrtaooA, b a t the t ld e 'o f t rav e l acts tow ards As- b u ry ^ a rk a n d Ocean G ro re . T h is 'fa c t has been proven in form er years, b u t never more fully has It been demoiiBtrat od th an o n Satur- day. , .. F riday was a fall day^of a rrivals, b u t on S atu rday th e ;tra in s wero IRerally nnloaded a t our doors. Tbo early tru ing of tho day gave evidence th a t the people were coming, and aa carload a f te r carload of tru n k s w aa landed at the n orth a n d sou th baggage r ooms, i t to ld plainly th at these had come for a long stay.

As indicated by the forenoon traffic, tho tra ins betw een tVgo a n d three p . m . camo lu loaded and departed em p ty . Tho ratio kopt ©n Increasing la te r In th e (lay. Tw o sections cam e In a t 4.55 on the Pennsylvania schedule w ith 13 cars, followed by a veetlbuVe U&ltedj tho samo th at d id tho F lo rida ,ran daring thow inter. . ■ -"Tp.....

T he 8.80 p . m. t ra in from Phlladolphla was ru a In two sections. These tra in s by a closo estim ate unjoadod 800 passengers with corrcs-, ponding baggage. T he la te r tra in s wero also- filled to thoir u tm ost. T he C entral tra ins brought in tho ir q u o ta , am i tbo Sandy Hook, train had 0 cartf'crowdod, m ost of thom stop­p ing a t the sta tio n heio. w ,

The arrivals of passengers and baggage ex ­ceeded any o th er Ju n o d ay In the history of Aabury P a r t . T h e num ber o f pieces received A&u^iinted to 930, o f which 543 c^vmo from the uorth .and 377 from the sou th . 1 . .

Tireti WorUe^S..N ot u business m an In-Asbnry P a rk but was

g lad th a t a day of rest foliowdcI Satu rday Ittst.' I n 'th e ordortDf thltigs It could n o t havo been othorwiso, yot i t was indeed a bliifslng to limuy a tired tradesm an.

A few had provided ox tra heip ag a in st tho emergency, b u t oh tho orders began to multl-

-fdy for groceries, moat" and vegetables, and th eir delivery ro u te s beoamo -extended to roach lha now com ers, the.fact was th ru s t upon thom th a t a hard d ay ’s work was 1n progrtinv

Tbe bakers began work ea tly Frlday^ulgutf an d VUh every facility a t thoir com m and they could not snpply '-thev dem and for broad. B utclicraoxhanatod their e tcck and ordered' more. Grocers p u t on all iho nvallablo help they could work and thoir m orn ing orders w trq n o t yot Qllod a ti V i o ’clock. The dry goods houses wero th ro n g ed .ea rly an d lutej Bboer stores^ iiatl .a r u n ' fo r foctw oar. lo fact. Hroro was not a’ shopkeeper o f any kind but Cult thelm pctU 8, and woro really glad wllVm tlio d ay’s.w ork wus dono. < f. ' *'

A S iitto re r a t ltcn t. —

• Gcorgo V. Pcnnoyor dcpnrlod tb ls life lost W ednesday at. h is father’s rceidonco, on Scctmd avenue, aged 80 years. Ho had been a great sufforor fu r six m onth*; a n d though a t tim es he :ra llied a nd ' hla family, au d m any warm frlomls hoped fo r hja locovery, th o dis­ease—consum ption of th o -b o W s—hud-made too gregt inroads, and d ea th was a welcome release. *•«. "

George w as o n o b f tho m ogtcarncot workers o f tbo Y. M. C. A .,, and u p to tho tlm o o f bis illness, fllled iho p o st -of goneVal secretary/' l ie was large-lieartcd and charitab le , alw ays seeking to^do good whenover im d wherever opportun ity cc^urred . I lls zealous 'w orkand loving counsel will bo g rea tly m issed, indeed fow carried th? m eekness.oftyC hristian sp irit wlih ao m uch of earnca ln t^a. Uit d id tbls w orthy bro ther. , ' <

Ho icavss o Vvlfe aod ono ohlfd, besldoa o th er near relatlvoa to mOurn hla loss,„bat u nder tbo olrcum stancos thoy should Bo g lad th p t ho has no moro .to suffer. -H e has gone to an ovor lasting a n d fglorious rew ard .

A bout tho flrst th in g losl^at soa is tho sight o f l a n d . ; . . .

A. Dakota o d ito rg o t m ad p tth V p o stm aste r for calttng h is p a p e r “ seoond olass m alter.”

rt would lie a ll r ig h t for every * do g to havo hla day, were It n o t for tbe fact tb a t ho w ants co m any n l^ llts .. ^ • . .V

, « H c i i o r

I ? o ts in c c < tho telephones wero flrst in tro ­duced in to 'A sbury P a rk has thoro boon as m uch troublo over indifferent connections as d u rlb g the Jast two.weobs. I t ha!s o^aspcr-' ntodjdozons of otherw ise im portrirbable c iti­zens and bnslness m en, and causod a n In tense ■ ond deeply au lphnrous atm ospboro lo porvado* tho v ic in i ty .o f lelcpboncs nsed by tbo bo- ... called ungodly b u t get-thero ' m erchants t o - ^ybom a m inute wasted in those busy timoa is f equ iva len t to Throwing aw ay a flvo-dollar b ill.

Tho cduao of the tr^nblo la la id a t tho d o o r 1 o f tho o lec trla ra llw ay lllao , whoso, poles a n d w ires were erected -w ithout so m u o b ‘<£a, a ‘ th o u g h t of prio r right® of rqgufarly au thorized * com pauies. In m any localities th e c u r r o n t , wlros of tho railvyay and tho te le p h o n e - com pany jire i n daogorouS proxim ity . A strong w ind w ould vibrato tho wires sufll- oiqflt to tonch oach other, an d th u resu lt was several d isabled telephones. O tc r tw o dozen tran sm itte rs have been ru in ed by tho carelesancss o f tho railw ay m en ; T o p ro te c t- th o ir proporty nnd rem o te tall cause for dissatisfaction w ith the subscribers, tho tolephono com pany bas rep laced a ll sh o rt polos a long the lino^oM tho railw ay w lth .tall ch estn u t poles th a t preach high above tb e houses, ainJ; when aTl tiio wires a re e leva ted 'ft Ib to bo hoped th a t the g rea te r p a r t o f th e tro u b le th a t Is m oklng men gray-headed and p ro fan e w ill bo a th in g o t the p a s t. '

A R e v o lu tio n a ry R e lic .T here arrived b y Pennsylvania R ailroad

f re igh t M onday;' from Cra’nbury , NI J . , B valuable rolic connected with th e early his­tory o f tho co un try and moro Intim ately with the com ity of M onmouth.

I t is no lees a rolle than a eaan o n cap tu red ■from Gen. Clinton on hla re trea t from the ba t- t lo .o f M onm outh, by M ajor l ’owcll, grdot grand ratheco£ Mr. W. W. McCbcsnoy, of tbo Hotel A sbury, I t has d b sco ad ed 'a s a n h e lrr”~ loom, and by tho rocent death of the e ld e r . McChcsnoy It cam o to A sbury P a rk , tho hotel p roprie to r being tho oldest in lino, though a u o th c r b ranch o f the fam ily ,cla im ed I t;.. ..

At^the close of tho battle on th a t m em or­ably w arm day of Ju n o 28, C lin ton’s foraes rotrcatod tow ard Sandy H ook, -andH&aJor Pow ell pressed thom so closo th a t In D ntcb . Lane, two m iles east of Freehold, „a sk irm ish took placo In tho roar, and tho pleCo waa c a p ­tu red . I t la a b o tit th ree fee t long, tw o Inches bore, and m ounted on two whcols U k ea com ­mon handcart. 16 was nam od “ M olly P itcher.”

A b o u t o u r b u s in e s s M en,No d ep o rtm en t of trado In any com m unity

m arks o p in im portance with th a t o t the g ro ­cers. Tho sh a rp com petition, with tbo exac­tions of w a tch ln g th o m arket and keeping n p stock , req u ires a m a n o r no little puhb and good Judgm ent. O u r mon in this l in eco m - paro favorab ly w ith those ot-any- p lace ifr’o know.

Mr. M. L. Bam inan, a t Main s tre e t and Cookm an avenuo, conducts tho largest o pera tlons In th is lino, l ie carries a full s tock o f heavy groceries, s tap le an d fancy. M r. Bam- m an gives a personal supervision a n d Is on tho ground early a n d laUj. Hu omploys a bookkeeper, a dozen salesmen, an d has five o r six delivery w agons. Tho an n u a l sales will ru n closo In to the hundred thousands.

Mr. Jam es II. Shepherd, a t Sewall avenne and E m ory s tree t, Is one o,C o u r tjoet buaineag men. Ills trftdc is cbnducted In a qulot~way, b u t bo p u ts o u t a large q n a n tljy o f g oods an d they go in to sMe hands. Mr. S h e p i^ r d ^ a s form orly In business near F reehold; Ho s tands high In com m ercial circles a s a suc­cessful p ie rch an t. •

M r.-H lram JelllDf, tho surv iv ing ac tiv e part- nof of tho f lr ^ of G. D. JolHfl & Sod, Is o n e ^ of o u r m ost energetic grocers. By h is honor­ab le d ea ling ha has established a la rg e tra d e . from a po in t, A sbury avenue and M ain street, tb a t w as considered a n unfavorable location. Tbo Arm baa a fine local trad e aa /woirainf;!} large ortlfir business. ^

Mr. W m. Beames, the M attison avenuo gro­cer, bas dono a very larg e tra d e d u rin g tbo three yeara he has been established; H la loca­tion Is excolTont, an d ha enjoys a good tra n ­s ien t trad o as well aa reg u lar orders.. T he o th er grocers a re M essrs. A. H . T re a t* , a t tho head of WeslOy Lake 5 Chas. Aj Clev­enger, n ea r Oooan Orovo gates j^fV aipright & Errlckfcon and I sa a c S u tto n ,In th e G ro v e; W m. R . O’Brien, J . II. Davis, N, Stone & Co.,IL I I. C ow perthw ait, E. O. V ail, Ja m e s Wool* loy, R. E .^ b o m p s o n , O. L. M inton a n d B.L , Ja ck so n , lu ABbury Park .

J^pxt to tb ^ lu m b er trado thoro has boen no 'other businoi)8 m ore Important*, than th a t *0f *'

^b^iso 'fu rn ish lng . M r. G lthene was ihtTflrst^ to build u p a rep u ta tio n and m a k e a success Others followed, who, from various reasons, (Jld n o t secure fo rtunes. .t Tho bu lk of thiB baeineas’d a rin g the^lastj fo u r y ea rs h as fallen into tho hands of Messrs. W alnright ifc Errlokson, who continue th e o ld estab lishm ent c f Mr. G ithens, ^Prora th o fa c t th a t theso gentlem en had b u ilt u p iarjje stores a t M anasquan and In Occan Grove, I t w as ex- poctod .that thoy w onld parauo-thesam o motli- o d s o f f a i r dealing whioh alw ays m eets •v?lib success.--M r. J i A ..-W alnrigh t, the "actlvo p artner,' w jtb h is r igh t.h a n d ,m a n ,-Jo sep h !L — Cllvcr,"afo' mon of p u sh . Thoy w a tch thoir S tock closely, carry a largo asaortm outf and any th ing n o t o n hand they will procure^on sho rt n otice . I t l a t h i s desire to accom m o- d a te that-has given tb la Arm a com m an d in g ; positron am ong o n r business men.

Concocted With a bnslness of s im ila r char* actor, th o u g h especially m an u fac tu rers of m attresses andS bedding, I/s the Arm of Jo h n A , G ithoaa & Co. M essrs. W, W . D orsett an d Donlel M chogan represent the com pany and • arc tho active m en of the c o n c e r t . They h ave ^ o f o n l r b u i l t u p a l in e t r a d e , b n t have a t- tainwrKTepmothing m orc^-an honorable n am e and rep u ta tio n for honest ytork.■ A little fa r th e r nortti*- On Maih^ s tro e t, a largo estab l lab m oat has beon b n llt t l 'p b y Mr. John L. Bdfinoldo:, W ith a suprem e courage in s ta r tin g o n a liao of bopeciqr'goods he Lub a lready achieved a w onderful bucocm. . I t has beon dono by.ii s tr ic t personal a tten tio n - to . business* a n d g lv lng vulao fo r valuo in w hat- ovcrtho sold. N ot a little o r.bla guocoas ia due to tho courtoQUs a tten tio n and business qua l­ities of h is w lie, who Is alw ays ready t o show goods ^nd to tre a t peoplo ‘ w ith tho greateat- civillty w hotbor.purchasing or llot.

M u s i c o n t h o 1 R e a c h *(Tho Italic^ string band arrived in the Park

Moudoy, and will play oa-tho Asbury avo-^ nuo pavilion during tho summor,'unless the money to hiro a largos baud Js raised by thu hotel proprietors. Mr. Bradley fordleho«;t|hW j^and, aud will coutilbuto tn hisvusual llbofaV wayifbr a regnlnr band Jf- a 8iibs rl|itl<m ib ■< qtartod. . ... ,

Page 2: New * /o L i x u r A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W .. J E R S E Y , J U L Y 7 , … · 2014. 4. 2. · T IN W A R E , Ac. Cookman av., near Bond st.,' a s b o b x p a b e . n . j.? TIN



' i. K. w*UMt. , * . ■ j. l. corn*.718 MATTISON AVENUE,


Entered ax second-class mailer at the Asbury Park PoslOjffice, February 7, 18SS.

c TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.1 year. In Advance,. .„ .. .. . . . .V;6 tnontliH, la a d y a n e o , , . . . :v .f : . . v .'7.. 3 m onths, In advance,.Single copies,..,.. . . . W . . . . ........\ . .

. . . f i no "W

V-1 . :: TO COBRESPONDENTS. ...t /-Vo s ta l l bo t fa d to rebelve Item s of nova and. com m unications .on Bubjoota of Interest to this

. com m unity. *'■ v.In writing articles Intended fo r publication,

o n r friends will please boar In m ind that, a shoot *■ w ritten on both sideifhas to bo oopled beforeeP- , lag to tho p rin te r—a labor we oannot undertake.

All com m unications ah ould bo ao 0 om panic d by th e full nam e and addreBs o f the w riter, no t naoessarlly for publication but- aa a emarautoo of good faith, Anonymous le tte rs will n o t be' noticed. ’ ’

We can n o t re tu rn rejected , communications,, b u t will hold them for a lim ited tlmo If rpquested

All le tters Intended fo r tho editorial or noyra d ep artm en t should bo addressed^to tho •«..

E ditor o f T o t JouimAXJiRB ItBruiucAH, •v . Asbury P a rk . N ew Jersey.

Republican Nominatiocs“ ForPrtisident of the United States,

G E N ,: B E N J . H A R f e lS O Xof Indiana,

. „ForVice-President, \. «« - •»

H O N , L E V I P. M O R T O N ,' ' of New Y o r k , '

BATU^DAX JXTLY 7,. i m .

S P K C I A ^ N O T I C E .

O n t h e l a b e l o f ep ich p a p e r w i l l be ; f o u n d t h e d a t e o f e x p i r a t i o n o f t h e f l u b s e r l p t l o n . I f |1>I> d a t e i s w ro n g :

; p l e a s e n o t i f y ; a s a t o n c e j l f y o n a r e l n a r r e a r s p l e a s e r e m i t a t o n c e .

R e p u b l i c a n P r o s p e c t s .

Some of, the ovor sanguino Demo­cratic papers, as woll aa.iiidividnals, pro­fess to see an easy way for tlie Cleveland administration to hold another term, Let them follow the fow thonglitsheroinafter

’ suggested aad ■ see tow flimsy a i the ground of tlieirassuranoe. -

, l a spite of the Mugwump opposition, which was very decided and influential

. againstJBlame; in . spite of tho Prohibi­t i o n vote, wHoh was larger in 1884 than

it will be again, BMao and Logan ro- • ccived 182 out of tlio dOl oIeotorftl votes.

New York by the merest fraction, Con­necticut, New Jersey and Indiana h f small pluralities, gave their votes Tor Cleveland and Hendricks. .

Thna it required but 10 votes to have changed the result.- Fifteen of theso-,

v from Indiana, aro as good as oounted the other way, and either Connecticut or New, Jersey, without New York, will givtf Harrison' and Morton tho election. New York alone, whiqh is scarcely a doubtful State with Mr. "Morton’s strong

’ influence, will more than cover tho deft cierioy, without tl^e others.

Almost beyond a. contingency the. prospects, based on former conditions, favor Harrison and Morton. B ut be­yond and above all influences of men or party stands the great principles of platform that goartotees to the laboror good pay for his work, and to the capi­talist protection for his investments ill industrial pursuits. Still further, the most pronounced temperance man can take no eiception'to the delivery ou Mr, Boutclle’s plonk for th e ,protection of Uonjes from intemperance and immoral

■ ... -------* 7 ' ' rI f our Democratio friends can glean

any comfort in the outlook let them make the most o beforo .November,

, for their hopes will bo Very much filiat- -"tered in.that momentous conflict.

Tuesday a fternoon M r. G, It. Z aotiarlas, m anager o f t h e W estern ’ U nloh Telegraph ofllco, rccoiycd 'a despatch f ro r t jBupt. I lu m f stone, of Now Y ork , to hold tho nffbiiry P a rk officchopen U n tlliS o’clock atT n igh t, Btutiti'g liia t Dr. W illiam Popper was cHpooted to v isit the P ark , an d t lja t tho conditloO o f Qehoral Sheridan waa Puch tb a t i t m lghtbecorohneccs-' sa ty for Dr. Popper to 'm a k e a n ig h t run, to Capo May, whoro adatyncb would convoy him. to iho B reakw ater, where tlio Shottfara Is ly ing fo r -a few days. •* .. . . .

Tho telegraph m essenger, a f ter som e hunt- Ing^ found th a t D r. Pepper W asth o guest of ITon. J . f l . Dehm ph, a t 800 fclxth avonue. Hla cioso a tten tio n t'o Gen. Sheridan d u rin g tho long c ritica l period when h is lifo h u n g In an oven balance, tax ed him vory eovcrely and ho h ad taken a b rie f respite, oxfcctiflg to jo in th e s team er a t Now Y ork. ■ : - •••'■:.' ' - ., A Ponhsylvafl^a looomotWb an d c a t was Ordfcrcd from Lonbs^Brunch 'Xo Aabtity P ark a t* n ig h t, l-.~0’ D r. Peppor, who

lliad been sum m oned b y tolo{>bono, w as hur­ried down tho co ast to a tten d ' the t}cnoraj of tlio Aripy. • ‘ ; V > ■■ _.. v .V: -• *. *

W c s l o y X < a k e B r i d j r e s .Tho rinayoidable dolay In com m encing the

conRtrtictlon of th e tw o brlda:os across Wesley Lake, a l86 tho .r g w a t d ifficult^ o iporiencod In so tting the plfijg; wliilo tlio w ater iu thO lake Is high, an d tho im proprie ty of rnnn ingoE fthe w ater a t thDTtTmo of the season ,' i t has beon deem ed wlso By' M r. Bradloy and the Ocoan Grovo Association,• in conference w ith th e contracting parties, to postpone tho com ple­tion o f the bridges u n til Oct. 1. Arrange- m e n ts h a ro thcreforo been m ad e io th is ond ontlrely Batisfaotory to a ll parties] T lia wark o f p tectlon w ill he reeumo!. O ct. 1st.

I l o w I I o l J o e s i t . '

The p ro p rie to r o L tho A tlan tic JJpuae, Ocean Grove, a ttr lb n tea his snecess th is year, In having a fall honae earl lor than o thers, to tlie’rfreo uso o f p rin te r’s i n t in oarly clrcuiars, and r‘ a ll thp yfiar ro u n d ,r ad y e ttis ln g .

Mr. H u n t bas loarned tho Bccrot o f success th a t so m an y have preDtpc] by, whilo o thers who h av o . failed to m ako uso oC the *‘ lcyor th a t m oves the w o rld s’ have done so a t Jtheir own, loss.' IIJs orders are for tho' m ost tas ty oirculars tho J ouunai, office produces, and ho keepa them ^flying from the holidays for­ward till tbo bon^o Ib full. T hen his a d v e r ­tisem ent never runs.out-.

1 Docs i t p ay ?” wo iriquited. .W ell, 8 lr,T am n o t tho m an to d o It w ith­

o u t U seo re tu rn s,*' was th o ro a d y reply, as ho.contem plated w ith sa tisfac tion a long lino of paying g u est^enro llod on his reg ister. -

I t Is a slm plo problem in ,p ro p o rt io n 'a n d a rithm etica l ^progression. I t n o t only b rings d irec t benefits, b u t m any o th ers follow-thosc secured, an d so tho c irc le w idens.

A T e r s e A r g u m e n t .

— The following plain statement, from n Troy manufacturer, is worth a volnmo of sophistic theory :' “ I em ploy soventy-five 'm en. I p a y them f£J a day. .1 havorecelyod a c ircu la r sont o u t by a Orm ia H alifax tbAt m anufac tu res the samo line o f goods. T hey pay thoir m en $1 n

• day. Thoir p lan t and capital are p ractically free from tax a tio n . T ako olT tho tariff a n d I m u st com pete w ith thetn In open m arket, and to do so tbe w ages of my m en m u st come down to tho wages paid in H alifax . Now, ahajl I go to the polls and ask my mon to go with nio and vote for Freo T rado nnd lla lifu x wages, or shall Wo vote fo r P ro tection and our ow n broad an d b u tte r ?’.’ - - ' ■

Ip thoio a wago worker in tho United States who does not gTasp the full mean-

; in g of the abovo at a glance ? There con --lie no other on too mo.- Freo trade m oanB

wages the samo as Epgland ond other countries pay their workmen, or a worse alternative—our homo-made goods driven from-the market, our factories nntf mills closed and tho work pooplo forced to seek employment in, other occupations, i f indeed any worfi may be secured at all, in the already crowded. markot, even at any wages. **•

, D i e d W h i l e U n t i r i n g .

0 •W ednesday a ' little a f te rn o o n , ’.M r^ M a rla Logan, wife of (icorgo A. L o f^n , of Brooklyn, w ent td Rosa’ for , a warm w ater ha th , au d was given a room . Shortly •'afterward scnao of her friends ‘cam a^nnd inqu ired fo r h e r an sho was la dollcato health . M rs. Epim oos, who has' ch a rg e o f tho room s, w en t on d knocked a t hor door b u t rccolved no answ er. Mr. Rosa w f» sent for b u t beforo ho a rrived

'E uginoer B artlne GrceO w as called an d forced tho door open. Mra. Logan was fo u n d In t^O

' tu b w lttm th e cold w ater ru n n in g , fiho w as unconscious aud liad b u t very littlo pulse.

Her fam ily physician, w ho Is sto p p in g in tho Grovo, was sent fo r and resto ratives ap ­plied y b u t she was to o 1 fur gouo for tb flra io

. p roduce an y efTqct, and ip a few »ilniUo#9 she died. I t Is th o u g h t th a t she waa troub led with hoart disease, and w hlto .in the w ater had th e a tta c k which re su lte d in hor death .

D eputy Cgroner J . ’C . D avis w as sum m on­ed and .tho body waa tak en to his ofllco on Cpoknnan avenne; whoro th e coroner, w ho was to le^raphed for, v iew ed -th e ' reinalds. Mr% Poss rccolved a telograra from Brooklyn a s k in g 'th a t th o body *be b ro u g h t .there in charge of* Mr. D avis, which w as done hurt, evon Iur, M rs. Lopan lived lo lc n t ’No. Hi on tho luko slilo of B ethcsda Blook. > .

A T r u n k s b y t l i e I l u ' n t i r e d . -

- Tubatjay b o a f t^ ^ a :-4aJCord f o r . th e ^arrival o f tru n k s except, fo r oofo or tw o S a tu rd ay s in tlu> h e l^ h to n ^ rm c r Beaaoo^ . T l,a tuirth.bng-

, gage rejoin ‘’show ed oheeii* rcco lp ts .fo r ab o u t ‘ 3tM) p ieces ,’ a n d tho n orth room over 500, a

to ta l of m ore th an 1,^00. ■ ,

. ’ “ A K e p l y t o O a r r o l l . ;• •

T othe EdUor q f the Journal W illiam ^JarroH den ies tho tnH h o f th e a rti­

c le th a t apppacod jn your paper M stSaturday , Thb Law a n d O rd er L eague niovea .w ith caje- ful s teps. Tho following legal pnpftrvrtll show som ething a b o u t Carroll i[r 'State o r Now. Jersey, I * "Montnouth couiity, )

■i 'ion this 24th day o f May, A. ,p. 1888, personally appeared before me, Milton Holmes, Justiceof tho Pence In said county of fllonmmith, Harriet Hart- wick, being of foil Ggo and duly sworn, according to law, who, upon her oath, coqutlaiim th at-o n tho 2 ith day or May one William Carrojl did sell toy daughter, FlorenceTIartwIck, hard cider, nnd th at he Is in the Lablt of selling haid cider to th is dejKmcnfs husband, which did Intoxicate him . ns sho -verily behoves, a t his iHor© ju st across tho railroad oil Sprhicwood avenue, West Asbury rark^tow iiHhlp of Neptune, county and Stato aforesaid, apralnst thepeaco or the Htato, plfe'pniyH thatriaid W illiam'C’arroil may bo apprenonded and held to aw ait said complaintas law rand just­ice m ay requirp.. IIAIjUilCT IIA ItT ^ ip K r"

Sworn "and Hiibscrfijed before mo this 2!th day of May, A. D.-JbS8. M11-TON HO I,M EH,

, • * i Justice of tho l'eaec*I n addition to ihe abovo o ther com plain ts

have comp, to tho Law a n d O rder L q ag n o ; besides, it re ite ra te s the assertlon -tha t h o has beeu aeon drunk." '.....The.publication of, this legal d o chm cntm ay lead to violence to tho c o m p la in an t,-b u t- th e League w arns ail p a rties , be he hnsband^or c ider seller, th a t tlio full p ena lty o f the law will be motod o u t to the assaultlDg party. Tho chlld w lu rbough t tho d d o r - wus before tho Law an d O rder League. \

• • L aw .ano 0 « » bk L eaoob.(Ofllpei Park IIall;)

’ Tlier*o a to ' yery m an y o f o u r suram er resi­dents, perhaps Bomo p f o u r p e rm a u o n tre sb dents, who do"^not know onr Borough ofDolals'. W e therefore tako pleasuro j n , , presenting them to our readers thiB m orning,,com m en­cing with the C om missioners.

Mr, J o h n D. Boegle, who occupies th e p resi­den tia l ch a ir of the Board, Ib ono o f tho,pio-

.ncera o f the p lace, a n d has beepalw aya aptlvi) in p u b ilc m atters. A s a .Commlflslonfer l i e ! / ' a n efllclent m em ber and ,haa dono mu<3h hard Work la ih o .v ario iio eommlttcoB on whioh he has been .placet! d u rin g o n Incum bency o f tw o term s, l ie Is th e m anager of the A dam s’ -Exprosa Com pany, w hich position a t preaebt calls fo r conBlderablo oxecuttve.ab llity . Mr, Bcoglo Is tho r ig h t m an in th o r ig h t p la c e . : , ,

•Mr. Jam es A. l i r a d i ^ the founder a n d life,- long 'frfend of A sbury P ark , has p a t In tAoro solid w ork fop tho B oard than any o th er m an, not to disparage the othdfs. j f r . Bradloy has inaliy suggcstlenB to mako arid is usually ior<h ip o atin {hatters t h a t lo o k to public Improvo- raehts, oven though tho cost m ay fa ll u p o n ih o Sewer W orks, FiBklng: P ier o r ,Bome> Other of‘ ' h is in stitu tions, w hich ‘has I ts ‘d raw ­ing on a p riv a te treasu ry . Mr. B. is know n as Vthd h isto rian ,” a&d la n ot en tirely depond- emt fo r his living o n the Incom e from the An flier, . '.V

Mr. Q. F red. Kroohl la. ano ther pf Ihe Board th a t 'has served ^ong and, well, "The excel­lent condition of * the«orotigh flnafl^oa is d ao rtialply to .h la ability . I t w ould have ,been m uch betto r if h is recom m endations had been m ore fully carriod out, H r . K . ia one o f p p r 8olld\cltlzons and Is connected ottJotally with

IWcHjr c u r m opled Institntlona, which speaks woll T0 r hfs in teg rity a n d financial standing . | Mr. A. D . Bailey, attorney-at-law , is ju a t bcglnniug hls second term , I lo has mado a carflful legislator fo r tha Borough, w atchfu l o f vl ts iKiHf InWPOHts, u n d haa g |ven close a t­tention to the business of .the oCQBe.-

Mr. Wm. i l . Bmitli, In his flhst term ,_has m ade qulto an ofliclent m ejnber. I fe ia a t tc n - t 'y o to th* buatness In hand anil perform s Well tho d u ties o f com m ittee wprlc. > , ^ '

Mr. Charles A. A tkins, o f tho Ocean Hotel, has ju s t en tered the Board, nnd from h is thor­ough business *hahits wo know h&wilf bo an active m erah p r,, • * • . ;. y . • ■ •V Mr. F . L. lonB roock,.f.he othor, n q w m en t- ber, is also an ac tive business m an , a b d with a littlo rubbing against the official d ig n ity of the position w ill dovelop in to a good member.

Mrv C, T , Bailey, the clork, has occupied th a t place fo r n flny y e a rs . , The Bcqrd t^ould fool lo st w ith o u t hiB officient a ld . -

POLICE DEPAKTMENT,T .B niloy . Chief, '

M liton Holm es, Pollco Justice.J . fl.«fiurtls, Police Ju stice A sbury avenuo

pavilion. .*_■ '. J o h n A. Borden, Police Ju s tic e "F ifth ave­

nue pavilion.. Pollcem oti—Jan ies M . Hagerm an , Geo, W?

4 ) ’Bricnr W m . B. Eogprs, Obas, E ,K ip p ,C Iflrk Tturloy, G eo;^H endrickson, L . C ad y y J. C .Fotter, Wm. Hendem on, Caleb.H aloy,G eo. C. O nnerod , J . 8 . Dougherty.

BIdney l ia tp p to n , License Collector;

L o o k t o Y o u r H e l p .■ ■ . . / / . '

Every season .there comos to A sbnry Fnrk an d Ocean Grovo hundreds o f people o f all ages'seeking employment* a largo proportion of whom are devoid of prluclple, and fio$ooftbe m eanest and lowest order. -'.. ....

U Is en tirely p robab le th a t n o t a few have loft their fo rm er places for the good o f those places, be ing worthless, if no t crim inals to all In ten ts a n d p u rp o se s . T hey come here to eke ou t a sum m er’s existence, prey upon those o f whom thoy can gain credit, andcom m ltH epre- datlons on tho p roperty and r ig h ts o f o thers, o r tp bccomo veritable crlpio com m itters If occasion o£fera.

F ortuoately wo have ac tive police who aro vigilant, an d thesp evil-doers aro oulckly b rought to j u 8lico. Thcab police reports are augm ented g reatly In sum m er and give a bad rccord apparen tly to tbo place, b n t when the reality is know n it is not su rp rlsln & th a tth cW are n o t m ore th efts , robberies o r nseaulta.

T ^ y l u s a n d W i l s o n .

M h E d m u n d ^ lia o o , for th ree .years o n tlio. Dau .y J odunai, starf, has formed .a law co partnersh ip with lio n . H enry M. Novlus, o f Itcd B an k ,-th o prespnt Statp^ S en a to r from AgMteouth county, under thb title o f Novius*fc m lB o n . Mr. W ilson’s ta len ts a s a speaker a n il thiukec a re rap jd ly ,,i»«« ailn g recognized dud wo p red ic t for him a brillian t futuro, O ur congratu lations aro ex tended to both m em bers o f the now firm.

G r n y l i a c k s . '

The conducto rs and m otorcrs of the electric Cars liaVo christened th elr now un ifo rm s o f g ray. The suit Is neat an d very ap propriate, ‘ •Electric bluo” would havo boon m oro in confo rm ity .w ith 'the business. T ho conduc­to rs’ p o ck o ts 'b tilg ed ^w ith co in yeHtepday, T ravel w as lrarnenso. Tbo m ujority o f th p passongers; w ore co u n try v lslto rs-o r newly a rriv ed c o ttag e rs . . /.

Am ong tho porsons of note who arriv ed nt. tbo Grovo on S a tu rday tbo follow ing engaged room s a t tho A tlan tic H o u se : Capt* J . II. Ilaughey, U . 8 . A ., a n d fam liy, M rs. L. R. B arnard, of N ew ark, wl fo of,Col, B arnard , of tho F ifth Itcglm cnt, \yho Is now engaged tn the Celebration a t G ettysburg , and will join his wife a f te r the cerem onies ; Mr. J o h n Daw­son, o f M ount Vernon, a n o.xtonslvo. co n ­tra c to r ' a n d .Jbutlder, and wi/o ; M r, Thom as Miller, o f Now York, and ’ l i o n , ,J a m e s L. n a y s , o f N ew ark , r ' .

Col. Ja m e s F a irinan , tho ta len ted a r t ls ta n d o ra to r | Ja hero an d will, spend a t leas t a por* tlon of tho eutnm or In tho P a rk . F o u r years agp th is fa ll tho Colonel gavo a ta lk bn the tariff In Contral Hall that will long bo remom- borod fo r i t s , logical’ and com pleto trea tm en t of th a t im porian t question as wcll a s I ts m as­terly ifollvpry. This year ho has been engaged by tho R epublican Stato C om m ittee fo r w ork in Ne,w Jersey, and will apeak In Nowork th is Week, Col. F a irm an haa tfbon fo r4 0 y e a rS a n actlvo w orker in tho tcm p em n o o 'cau so ; ho has awoken In Ocean. Grovo, au d las t year ui>on ono . occasion filled tho p iilp lt of F irs t M. E. Churoh. . T f-h tlier fingngpmefits will perm it ho will sp eak sn - FdncAtlfina^ H all somo evening lu tho near, fu turo . I f h e does wo w an t eve.r£ frook trad er to hear h injT

O b i t u a r y . -— ...........MUB. MAIt|A JENKINS,

W hile tho streets were thronged wMhJpoi plo ou S a tu rday evening,’'a n d th B tru rry an d bufitlo Incident to tho opening o f the.season’s bnslness was moat p ro m in en t abou t the rail-, road Btntion, there was a different scene In the

se c o n d stpry o f the house a t 212 M ain streo t. f a t h e r e d around the bed o f a sufferer „were welTpfnfi^cbHilfen an d g ran d ch ild ren , w atch­ing tho ebb o r llfo V cu rren t In one "who- w as to them m ore tiian any th in g on ea rth —0 faithful, lovtngl m other—whose race w as a l­m ost run, afte* years of p a in fu l suffering. The struggle.for l|fo had been long a n d de te r­mined, b u t tho wasted body could bfo longer con test fo r suprem acy an d tho ond was calm : ly waited. v" Tfety'suprcnw ob jec t In life to h e r was her children. Sho ha<l lived for them . She w an t­ed. to live lo n g crtm thoir account. N ight an d day their welfare wash en, con tinual though t. T helr joya a n d griefs and d isappo in tm en ts were as m uch to her as them . A nd with thorn ‘•m other” w a s e lln n d ln alC Everyth ing cir­cled around m other and hom o—for uhomou was whoro m other was, NQw,.alas 1 both a re gone. T n o m other, exCcptrtn heaven \ and no 'hom o^.except tho m ansion she often Baiif was aw aiting h e r In the b e tto r ' wortll, and to which sho p rayed all h e r loved ones m ight come whqn death Should rem ove them from e a rth , • *'

A ll th a t medical sk ill , and d iligent n u rs in g could do to alluVlate h er palh aud sm ooth heir

-pathw ay to e te rn ity had been done.. K ind Tflends offered assistance In the Roving ofllce of n u rae a n d aa w atchers b y tho bedalda of the dying, b u t none could tak e tlw p laces of those w ho liad m inistered w ith jealous care to - every w ant, and w ho scorned sleep lo t res t while the sm allest a c t o a th e ir p a r t co u ld ren ­der a service to , tbo best frien d o a e a rth , to them. '* •>

M rs. .Jenkio8 had. boon a great sufferer fo r years. Sho hhd o fto a sta tw l th a t siio d id n o t rempmbor w hat I t w as to en joy a porfoctly well day, ant} aald the best -wtoh sho could mako was tlia t none of~h*r ch ildren should over know tho agony an d to rtu re th a t h ad been her dally l o t E arly In tho year she vfhs prostrated by bronchial trouble , n o r system was unequal to tho s tra in , ow ing t o a p ro - A'ious a ttack of pneum onla^’and she g radua l ly declined. H er d ea th was n o t unexpected, yet tlio shock to hor fam ily and in tim ate friends was g rea t w hen realizing w hat the -full Im port o f tho w o r4 j? \can t. L ato o n S a t­urday oveniDgeho becam e unconscious, a n d afte r th a t thoro was no ojjldenco of.pain . She seemed aa ono .In a tired sloep, an d so co n tin ­ued lintil& 'fiPclock on S unday o o rn ln g , w hen her m otherly, generous h ea rt w as s tilled forT ovor. L ife In this world was ended! to. begin and continue in an o th er uutjl Ju d g m en t Day. 8 he gavo nuraorous testim onials as to lie r be­lief In a hereafter. * Even while unconscious sho fa in tly spoke the words, •‘P fo d o u s S p i r i t “ P roolous S av io u r;” a n d In tho early evening , w hen asked as to h e r oondl tioirrabfl,’rep lIcd,"^AB-fa-8 afe .,1> ■ ..... ..

Mra. M arla-Jonklns was born Hn 1623, a t Seaford, l)el.‘, and Wap' In h e r Orfth year. ‘She

"came to A nbury P ark in 181(8*wlth hor h u s­band, tho lato Isaac J . Jen k in s , w hoejjoned tho 11 n jt sta tio n ery store In the placo. A ftor b lstfaa th in .1880, tho etoro was m anhgedby.

\ l a widow with aucoesa. Sho was a good’btls- Inoss wom an, klnd-he^rtod, goaej-ous to . a fault, and t o ‘becom e acquain ted w ith hor was to desire hor con tinued friendship, Sho w as a gonial com panion, in teresting in converaa; tlo n , an d never s p o lb i l l p f anyone. Hor

with t 'and oppressed, and hor good nam e will re main a perpetual rom em branco to Ijec ch il­dren, of whom ahe loaves four m arried dau g h ­ters and one dau g h ter a n d son unm arried .

Itnprcflsivo religious eervlpAa wero h e ltl-o n ' Tuesday afternoon over the rem ains of M rs. M arK Jonklns, a t her lato-rcsidcnco, 812 M ilo strpet. Hov. Geo. C. M addock and Drs. Jo h n Wllsqn and A. W allaoo inado^ affeotlng ad­dresses, a f te r tho read ing of th e churoh funo-. ra i rites. N um erous frlonds took a la s t look a t tho placid and sain tly face of the deceased,

.and worn presont a t tho gravo w hen th o cas­ket was lowered in to tho 'vau lt botildo th a t o f h er h u sb an d ’s. Tho floral enibloras wore o f beautiful construction and appro p ria te design. A crow n of w hite roses and Ivy bo to tln r-fron t ‘J M other.” A largo pillow o f roses Bad the word “ Iteal” . In pu rp le lm m oltello j. A star* anchor, and sprays of. ra re hlpcm reposed on the casket, which bore the inscrip tion , “ A t Best,” followed by the nam e and ago -of th e deceased. Mr. Jam es H .^Sexton had ch arg e of tbo funeral arrangem ents mid perform ed a dellcato task w ithout confusion cr<Jelay.


*ANI> A roW EltPlU^ EVENING SBlmON JlY ]»» . -SPENOEU, • • i . ‘

• T he oritlqok yesterday m orning a t Ocean Grovo w as disappoin ting but, a fte r a cloudy period the d ay becam e, a s ono o f’ th e little g irls sa id a fte r Sunday-school, Uju s t splon- dld.1* Sho m ean t the musical, accom pani­m en t o fcO r u e t s a u d t roiubou ef b u L her exeU- raatlon took in tho day iiu d its varied oxer- olaesl l\ ;• ■ .• j ' r *., S a tu rd a y cvcn lug b ro n g h t t o tho postdfilce tho largest ga thering yet seen In t lm tv ln in lty a t m ail timo, and tho ‘flret m aolirga on Sab­b a th su rprised all by im posing num bers. i On tiioBtroko o f 0, M r. Y^ tm an w as ‘* on

‘deck,,, a jp lano on ono side o f h im atld”an organ onw tho o ther, presided oyer by the MIssos Fob te r a n d Ellis, o f Ocean Grovo, H is feil^w worVpr, Itpv.- Bro,:.Golstwelt, o f C am ­d en , an d ae verai ablo holpers w ere a lso rea d y to m ake the w olk ln-ring , w i th . th e ir 'Jo y fu l m elody, .> .' : v ' '•‘ I lia hew bckifc of:*'Teiiiipl<it Tham es and

Sacrod S o n g s t o - t h p nnm bot'ofEfX ) copies lay o n the scats au d wer.o p u t to excellen t u se 1iamod lately. In the hour aliottod to service the exercises w^re frequently varied, an d th e In te res t susta ined wtthiUnoomnSon energy. A solo o r tw o,by Mr, Gelstvvhlt camo fn. ‘ap*' proprla te ly , fiipd ohlmod w ith the topic o f the day wlilah was M JeSuS, the Saviour, of 8 ln- nors,” ' '; A t tho Tahernaclo ' tho n ttendanco was n o t qulto so large, b u t tho vonerablo and greatly beloved Mrs, Palm er had good reason fo r con­g ra tu la tio n ,= In the spirit which prevailed lit hor bpenT ngm oetlnE of "tliagt!ason;~ rB p v ,J ;I I . T hornley w as p re se n t to assist in th o d evo­tions, before B ta rtin j oh hia enforced tr ip to the m o un ta ins for the restoration of h is health . 8 0 wore Dr, A lday , D r, Levy, C hauncy S l id e r , ' W m, Peck Sm ith an d m any p rom inen t sain ts , of tho feralnlno gender. T h e sing ing w as de­lightful, and tho Borlpturo lesson being Isaiah , chap. 40, full o f cnconragom ent. Thero was ho t m uch tim o fo r oxporiOnoe'yet a nnm bor testiliid , in tho language of one o f the Songs of &ion sta rted , which declares, “ All the way m y Saoiour le^ds mo,” p e o ^ o k e p t pouring In u n til tho hdiir o f 10 a. m., a n d a fte r th a t the tid e tu rn e d tow ards .the A uditorium . I t was an auspicious beginning o f w hat m a y

'p ro v e to be one o f the m ost profitable of all the Rorloa of m eetings to bo heid a t Ocean Grove th is year.

D r. K ynett has moro th an onco boforo con­sented to p reach tho* first A uditorium serm on of tbo season, a n d never in his m inisterial career, which has .been a rd u o u s and b rillian t for,tlio past SO years, has ho delivered a bo lter ono tbaft oh yesterday . * „ ' ‘ '" P ro f. W llllaford D oy m arshaled a Clne:ehalr, . w ith Dr. L andreth J . Thompst^v; o f i ’ldladcl- ph la, a t tho o rgan , M r. J.'1> , W h^esldo and h ls s o ^ coruetlsts , audI. Win.* S. Sulger, of T renton , blow ing a bright now silser artd gold m onh ted bassoon. .

S trangers, somo of whom had never looked o u t on a S abbath m orning, congregation a t this, p laco boforo, a s thoy wero- courteously given seats on tho platform , were im pressed by tho singing, th rilled b y D r, Spencer’s com prehonslve p rayer, and though t they had never listened td so m uch law and gospp) com ­pressed in to an hour’s addrpss before, us ,Dr, K y n e tt nnfo lded from the w onderful passage, Isaiah 1 ?; 13, ‘^ q m e n f i s an d l e t us reason together, Balth tho Lord. T hough your sins bo as scarlet they shall be aa while as sp o w r though they be red like c rim son, they 'shall be as wool.”

Slu an d salvation com prised the com m and­ing them e—sin a universal fact and fac to r in h qm an m isery, an awful perversion an d d eg ra ­da tion , anid sa lva tion full, com plete an d freo aa God’a o vertu re to overy sinner. T his salva­tio n an d its coficom itanta tho p rca c h c r held to bo the m ost ra tional thlnjr, an d tho,godless ratio n alism o i the' day, so term ed, alw ays Irra tional in scou ting , repentance, an d refus­in g d iv ine a id an d m ercy. " r .....

The p c e a n Grove Sunday-school lu Us three g rea t dep artm en ts w n s’ori tho a le r t a tS r , k ; Sup erin ten d en t Thornley onco m oro organized tho mulndlviHon In th o A uditorium , w ith b a n ­ners p lan ted here and there to ' ind ica te posi­tion for tho claasea, . '

The P rim ary m et In thu' T abernacle wltl) M rs, In sk lp , M rs. Summerfl, M rs. Bkirin, of T ronton , a n d o th er holpers a t tho lieadi

' D ri H an lo n ’s B ib le Class!, w ith D r. H anlod him self left off, for he had gone on'U- stx- weoks’, trip to Europe,^assem bled in tho Tem ­ple, a b o u t 500 strong;- with. D r . ;J . I I . Alclay in 'ch arg e, assisted* by^Jrs, K ynett, Muntiall, M eeker a n d W allace, I t was th e reg u la r In ­tern a tio n a l Lossoa for tho day, a n d pretty- thoroughly discussed, a lthough tho num ber o f ^ a p c iS S n ts a m o n y t f i^ t l o a d M ts w is u o t ' as large as It m ight bo.

D uring tho m orning aq d afternoon mootings Dr. Stokos waa hero, thoro aftd yonder, aeo Ing to the working of his evangelisticm achln ery, aud tektlng tho aco u stic qua lities o t tlio Tem ple slnco tho now Boumling-board has bfcen com pleted.

Tho Surf M eeting of S unday, Ju ly 1, will bard jy ever bo forgotton by thoso tyho were preaent. E verything logkeij favorable a s tho crow d gathered a t C »*. m. The responsive servlco^was on *.* O u r N ational S abbath ,” and several m inisters bad already spokon, Drs. Sponoor, W allace and M unhail, when tbee lo - q u o n t C hauncy HhafTcr was called up , and dlsoovoring a rainbow o v erarch ing tho east­e rn sky, launched forth in a p a tr io tic o ration . 8 oon a double, bow was seen, and watching tho phenom enon o r carried away- by tho address tbo people w oroebllv ious to a com ­in g rainsto rm , which caused theffnoat s ingu­la r a n d beau tifu l illusions on th e suddenly, ag ita te d sea, tho sun sllll se in ing brightly,

Suddenly the large d ro p s of rain bpgan to p a tte r on the pavilion, an d a th o u ­san d m en, woiuon and ch ild ren stU lug o r s tan d in g o n tbo sandy beach. Tlio ra in be­cam e a to rren t, and to a c o - th a r bewildered com pany try in g to m ake she lte r u n d o r tlie crowded~~ftw?~beggars ail descriptor!. This

>pRtTd“* fre-rah i-po ttred -fo r-haH a n - honr. Everybody got drenched, b u t kep t In ex cellen t hum or until 4l»t>y roached tliolr hotels, co ttages and to n ts to rum m ago around fo r d ry c lo th ing . - •

Moanwbllo the su n d isappeared^ tho douhlo rainbow faded and tho s ta r s appeared th a c lear sky, wbllo^burfltliiKSong Worn tho Audi­torium choir onco moro a ttrac te d the pooplo in tlm t direction. 'Tlioy wero g lad tliby -veir tu red o u t, fo r Ko.v, D r . ' Hfi^ncor gave thom a m agnificent serm on from Je rem iah 9 :23 ,. w ith whluh thu d a y ’s dovoilonscloscd .

influx o t t^ o lpng-expectod population,All who haid occasion to c resa W esley Lake

whoro tho first tfcw Iron bridge i* being built, had to pause awhile w atch ing th e efforts m ado to scttlo down tho rat pier. MeiT' wore In th o w ater up to the l r ea rs try ln# $ 0 sottlo the foundation . C oncluding th a t tho w ater was too deep, an d tbo aq u a tic exer­cise unprecedented , they , finally qu it, held a sh ivering confab,'', and loft the sconc In u n d is ­guised disgust. W hat n o x t? 7

Mr. C, J ; H unt, of tho A tlan tic House, g en ­erally ahead, p u t o u t fivo dozen A m erican floga on tho mnln build ing an d annexes d u r ­ing the fotojioon, os a i.p a r t o f the p rep a ­ra tio n s fo r a grand celebration o f tho com ing “ d ay we colobrate.:*’, .' .Kpw l e t a ll h o tp l .and: co ttage reatdoata follow, suit, u n til Ocean Grove is.ablaze w ith the rod, w hite a h d blue. Tho A tlan tlo was ftlll bji S unday, and largo p a rties ati) com ing Jn da lly from Baltlm orp an d o ther d istan t po in ts. T he A rlington and Sheldon w ill a lso hove n good show o n tho F o u rth ; b u t; with the. o ieep tlo n o f .'a bripf; flash on Safhrday/night; th e e lectric l igh ts a w s ti ll in the a tti tu d e o f W ilkins Mieawbcr, w aitin g for Bomething to tu rn u p . • .’ V1; '- A jt T aberuacle iind Tem ple, very sp irited m eetings, wero held from 9 u n til 10 a . w., and; It Ib anfiounoetl t b i t ‘the exercises a t th is h o u r will bo kopt u p every d ay un tli Septem bor.

■/'- *- - ’ 'inUESBAT. /.:: 1 • ■Tho officer whose pa trio tic d u ty I t was to

bp owakq a tsu n r ls o yesterday m orning and Whg i a tho F o u rth o f J tily perform ed h l s 't a s t with apparen t zeal, and ' w hoover 'serv ed tlie powdor, the old c ip loa lvo’m actilno heretofore ilsoti for ex trao rd inary solutes, kept u p its salvos loud and longr. , Soon a fte r tho'echoes' d ied awaj^ the people ^ e re astir,* and every< th in g gaY.epromlso, a s predicted In tho J o u n - »AL,‘Pf a splendid cClobratiori.

The Jubilan t sp irit .o f soem cd to su it Churoh m ilitant. In MK Y atm an’a moot­

ing, a n d th o songs and p ray o rs In tho T ab o r- naolo wero quickened by “ th e jo y o f - th e LOnl.” W ell-ronnded Ohrifitlans aro never Ihdiffetent tp, the fa c t th a t we bnve a g rea t coun try , and a ttr ib u te ita preservation and g row th to Diviao ProvidQuco,

B at tho colob rat Ion p roper oecbpiod ovor tw o hours o f scrv |co beginning at^l6i36 A, M. a t the Audltorltini. Tho national b y ^ s ’ ^.M f, C ountry, ’T ls o f T h ee ,” , <fco., wai^uW gflttmL pray er offered by Ilev. Dr. W ardoll, a m em ber o f tho Association:

“ Columbia, the Gem of the O cean,” waa sung aa a boIo by* Mrs. E . O. H ague, o f Balti­m ore, a n d tho chorus was rap turoualy ren ­dered by M r. Doy’s w ell-trained choir.

The D eclaration o f Independence, which h as fallen In form er years to the beat readers obtainable, was declaim ed in n a tu ra l a n d em ­phatic stylo by Hon^ J . ti. H a^s, who also announced tbo im m ortal nam es of the signors from John Hancock to tho las t man o n tbo l i s t / . . . r ‘ ‘ . 1 .- Am ong theso w a s 'th e , nam e o f-B en jam ln

Harrison,: a delegate f fro ni Virginia, which somehow struck^fireTaud elicited ro u n d a fte r round ofbo laterops choers, un til those w ho hod n o t been reading u p on ' tho lato C h icago Convention, wondered w hat In-tho w orld ,w as tho m atter. ' , — .. .. -

As MrS. J . E. B u rt was a w in t to s ln g j,h e S tar'Spangled B anner, the drum corps p f tljp, V redenburgh Illfles, wltlhlho flashing o f a rm s in tho sunlight, su rrounded by a n Im m ense c ro w d ,. wheeled In from Main av ep u e an d headed fo r tbo A uditorium .

Tho com pany tookithe1 seals assigned 'them , tho band wero accom m odated o n tho p lat­form , an d the ” Step Spangled B anner,” w as splendidly sung by Mrs. J . E. B urt, with over­w helm ing-vim In the chorus, an d a hearty round of applause greeted the s inger and tho thrilling authem .

Dr. Stokes, who presided w ith h is usual tact, tbuu announced, “ T he b an d will now give us Hall Colum bia I” T hey d id ao w ith uncom m on energy, nnd gave r ig h t o f w ay to the o rato r o f tkp day, Hou. John Y, F o ster, a inodlum ‘sized ,, w ide-aw ake ea rn e s t an d elo­quent speaker,

l ie touched briefly o n tbo com bination o f forces ontering 'In to tho develop inen to f A m er- can h istory, the brond princip les en u n c ia ted In tho Dticlaraii.on; and enlarged w ith adm ir­a b le . c!oarnose an d tfiorough 8talt«ttc?vi ac ­qua in tance pn tho dangers which th rea ten tho fu tu re o f this country ,

U nder this head he contended fo r in te n se Am ericanism In the su p p o rt o t o u r in stitu ­

tio n s , a freo Biblo, public schools, and the un- obst rue ted m are h o f in toll I gcncc, tom pcranco reform and conserving ehrla tian lty . H e

‘bo ld ly proposed th a t foreignors should bo 14 ‘•years In the country beforo na tu ra liza tio n , and th at in n o case a vote should be received from a dy imah. w h o co old n o t read his ballot.

“ T hero is not a ir enough In this country, said thosi>oakcr, quoyng from an o th e r,-•“ to float b u t ono Araericap flag,” and bo added pn his ‘'own .behalf, t h a t there Is n o t room onough in th is c o un try for the man* who be­lieves thoro Is room for an y flag b u t tho s ta rs and stripes.. I lis arra ignm ent 6 ftvtho aa lo p ^ .an d saloon politics waa terrlflc, and to th e '3 ec la ra tlo n o f Its approaching doom an d d estruc tion , thero wero answ ering shouts o f approbation ,

Tlio Uoy drum corps, all Bons o f arjhyuvet- erans, wero then Invited on the p latfo rm , an d m ado . all tho , noise, r ig h t u n d e r tho g re a t sounding board, their d rum s w ere capablo o f until they exhausted -tbo entire g a m u t o f drum melody^

A fter cheora for tho band, th e soldiers, the o rato r of tho day and c h o ir , 'a n d for Dr. StokcH, president, tbo services* closed with a. doxology, and-tho benediction by Itev. A . E. •Ballard.

Tho afternoon Was devoted to social p leas­ures, an d tho evening to a general Jllutnln atlon.

The chief topic o f tho m orning hours as ’friends and s trangers d rifted Into conversa­tio n yesterday , w as tbo drenching 'everybody m et with, whose curiosity o r in teros^ iu; tho proceodingR ltd the in to a tte n d tho Qrst Beach m eeting 'se rv ice of tb? aoasou ou Sunday a fte rn o o n .* • «

A sum m ary of ■'damages received p rcso n tr aa Its larg est item the-jrreparab tp disllgiira- t lo a of lad ies’ l u e a j j ^ ^ ’ rai3at: I107'

'ie g ou their b est m illin ery ,, S everal alleged brldos wero complotoly caught, and a fte r da- d u rin g ^flint could not bo cured , reached their .tcini>orary-ioJgIngs liko a d lsm antlM brig an tin e a ftor an encoun ter w tth a Buenos £ y re s w ator s p p u G P —” ^ _ . .

JJnt, to have • w itnessed1 th a t double ra in bow,' somo declare was an event they would not havo mlssod fo r any consideration. Tho breezy a ir and .grateful sbnsblno o f y p a te ^ day soon tu rn e d dism al dam pness la to pro- valllng ''cheerfulness," an d tho Secular week

A. V ic to r3 lu t lio F l r a t O u m c.The flrs t regular game o f b a it this season by

tho A sbury Park nine was played W ednesday jif te rn o o n with tbo A m ateurs o f Newark* 'T h e v isitors wont to tho b a t first a n 3 b y erro rs s c o re d threo*ruuB. Tho home team followed with six ru n s to thelr credit a t tbo eud o f the inning. The Newarku tbuu tied th© score, which was followed by two more ru n s by tl& Asbury P ark nine. In the n o x tjb re e in n in g s

I’ ttnrvtBiroM railed tp-BrareT^W ffUC'tTnrparir nlno Increased their l c ^ l b y flve. T be A m a­teu rs th en mado four ru n s off e rro rs by th e catcher of the A sbury, resulting from a obango Of pitchers, ond a w ild th row . T ho homo boys followed w ith three runs. T ho seventh Inning resu lted lu a whitowjish for the N ew ark club ' and tw o ru n s for tho hom e nlno, a fte r which tho A m ateur’s captain con­cluded thoro was no uso in, p lay ing th e o th e r two Jnn lnga, which ended th o game., Tlao Asbury got thelr six ru n s id th e Qrst Innlpgs m ostly from orrors bK tho catcher pi tho visi­tors. In tho sccond lnning/ ho waa' changed for a bettor one who played a Rood gam e. C urtis, tho now pltchor fo r tha P a rk nlno, pltebcd, woll iho last tw q ’tunings, b a t w as.a

l l t t l o to hard fbr tbo catcher. T here was h u t fiwy baso lilts made, moat of tho ru n s being m ade by errors, an d tbo A m atiu rs made tbo m ost of IhonTfiB the following scqro show s:

' . 1 3 ;,3 4 fl <1 7Asbury P a rk ..................0 2 ^ 1 2- 3 S 3 - 1 8N e w a rk .^ .......................8 ^ 0 »0 l) 4 0 - 1 0

W ork la being rushod w ith all poAslblo speed on tho now power p lan t fo r th e Electrio Jtallw oy. T he four engines a re now being cp^ upon their plord and thO dynam os an d s iia ftlog will soon bo In positloh. A solidbrlok woll, 13 luehea thick, ex tending beyond tho building on^hQ sides and roof, divides

jlG ^bollor room froth the. ongine and dynam o tpom , so th a t should tho w est 6nd o f the building tako flro fee in tho bo ile rs there would bo llttlo tro u b le in saving the o th er p a r t . Tho sm oke Btaok lu fo u r feet In d tam eter a u d th e to p w|ll be nearly 75 feat from th e ground.

The .first &o\rie dansante. a e Colem an was a sociable gathering , In which a n u m b er o f h o tel people^par'tlplpatod/ I a answ er t o tho Invita tion o f Mr. J . E . R alph thoy cam e fp r a double purpose—to seo the now Colem an In tho splendor oq rich fn rh lturo , carp e ts, bril­lian t lighting, an d to look a t tho dancers. Tho lh tercst they d isp layed Was som ething like tho neighborly, calls o f friends w hen ivriew b ab y is to*be Inspected. -T he inspec tion w as favorable ahd the y oungste r w as pronounced lu sty and dostlnnd to rap id grow th a n d uoo- fnlneas, . . • . . . ■!

Prof, X It^ Walsh waa m lister o f certimp- nles and gallan tly assisted tho tim id through, tho Intricato tu rn s an d tw lsts .b f lan ce rs a n d mlnuot. ■ tP rof. L ouis G. S c h m l^ led .-tho orcheatra!vo f Hv6 ’T»loces and pleased both dancers and aud ito rs with the fau ltless ron doring of tho music. . ■ : .

Tho pa la tia l .dining room was In a -blaze o f light, shovflng the generous p ro p o rtio n s o f .its architectqro and tb s ' haodaom o decor^- tiona. T ables .wore set In p leasing a rray , WJth white oloths, deftly ■manipulated h apr kins, ornato ch ina an d glassw are. L ig h ts In the bakery an d k itchen showed the p e rfec t discipline m ain tained by t'A^/.MannorsvRyan and 8 to w a rd E en a rd .;(' . ^ .

Ladles and gentlem en ap p o arcd tn full even­ing dress. Somo o r those presout were Mr.' W. n , E vans dnd ladles, o f N ebraska-fthe. ladles In white silk, A lbatross and o th er airy, f ab r ic s ; M rs/ L. Sill, of th e G rand A v e n n e ; Mra. P. h . H am ott, o f the A lbem arle ; C ap t. and Mrs. M inot, o f tho fam ous house th a t bears thoir n a m o ; D rA afld . M rs. C. H , Pem - borton, of tho Albion ; M rs. W. W . CcnoVor and d au g h te r ,‘M ra. J . E . R alph, both In Jus-, tjous black, with laco a h d d iam onds; Miss Conover, b lack slcevolosa d r e ^ , ; elbow gloves and diam ond butterfly b ro o c h ; J f r . a a d Mrs.H. E. W illa rd ; Gen. a n d M rs. A lbright, o f Now ark; Joseph G,-Spurr, o t N e w a rk ; M r. and Mrs. Cooper, D enver Miss Louise QachU8,i W. J . R oberta and E . D.- Wilson^ Now York ; Mrs. Swoet, W applngor,s " F a lIs ; Oj E. Bunyon aud" wlfo. M iss Lizzlo A lbright, N o w ark ; W. J . M athers and wife, S, B. S h o rt and wife, Mr, and Mrs^r Ja sn e r , W .:H - Sm ith and wlfo. n . D. W olfers and wife, Philadel­phia ; W. J , Boyd and wife, a n d E . Sehonok

^q,ud wlfo, B rooklyn; 8 . II. M orrison a a d wife, ^CUirfden Jlesars A. W lggana, F ran k S tu rcan ,H.-C, Schneider, Clias. A . Detlpre, i t . T . Ilo* b a rt, ilobbken.

N ero r la the h isto ry o f\tho W est E n d h a s i t presented a moro faifjT B ie sconfi o f beau ty th an a t’ the opening of the ball room in the new ex tension . A bundarico of ligh t from crystal chandeliers reflected in the polished surface bf the hardw ood floor; th e m assfve pressed brick fireplace— fofr o rn am en t these days, n o t for uso-—rich costum es <at the Indies vyihg w ith tho b rllll^n t’tlntB o f a m idsum m er s u n s e t; bandsomo gpntlomon in prosaicsplke- •tall coats, lofty collars, w ide tro u se rs .an d othoroal patctft loatber a lip p o rs ; a n d look ing a t the sceqo waa a balcony crow ded w ith guests, v lalto ra^rid^traugors,d raw nlh< 5re by the announcem ent th a t the ’ W est E n d w ould h a v e a h o p . This IsaufHelcnt a t a n y tim e to drawijU crow d, fo r tho W est‘E n d loads in tho m atter Of social en te rta inm ents, Tho dancing was to tho muslo of-Ppofi-W ortm an’s orohes

. t ia f^ ta t lo n cd-ln tho n o rth w e s t.c o rn e r oL th o , rooni^; and Prof. L . E . D are sm ilingly led the flgurea anid grcetcd old friends an d new ohcs w ith choefiiljheartlneas. The follow ing n am es tell who were p^oaont: Mr, o n d ( Mra. N . D, M erwln and .Mr. iantLM rs, ^Alfred Crla^O, B rook lynT M rs. Goorge^Blrch a n d M iss U , Birch, O ntario, C an ad a ; M isses Ransohoff, Florence and M innie Sevoru, O livejtf . Brown and Mr. Em il ltansohoiif, P h ilad e lp h ia ; Miss E lla W ilkins, N e w ^ J o r k ; Miss F ield , Bed Bank ; Mra. John L eonard , B o s to n ; iklsa VIlot, New ark, and M r. P e ter F, Daly, Now Brunswick.- ., - - *- • *

A t the Ocean all Urc guests^w ho were4e^- tlv^ly Inclined 1/ad 4fee"1arge .p a r lo r a t-(th e lr sorvioo, an d ono of tho best orchestras^to fur- n lsh |the muaio. ^Messrs. C . L; Ilevorin and E, J . Spangler-w ore a t the head of the honorary com m ltteo a n d let the dancers have .tbe lr own Bweet will In all m atters o f preference. Reg­u la r hops will1 follow th is im prom ptu esoroiso.

A t tho St. Jamfes, C olonnade, S unse t IIa ll and A ta lan ta the guosta and in v ited - friends b ad a good tim e w ithout form ality .

H j< lro <ISxtracto r,

H ydro moana w ater, a-produption o f na tu ro e sse n tla rto H h e existence o f an im a l life, and yet very inconvenient in too groat quan tities, gpd undor certain conditions. E x tra c to r Is a n a p p a ra tu s for rem oving or tak in g from one. body or. subattuica ano ther sub stan ce 'o f which i t m ay bavo a Surplus.

Mr. G eorge W . Treaty as genoral-In-chlef of the Asbury P a rk bnthingf estab lishm ent, has had m uch troub le In ox trac tin g tho, s u p e r ­abundance o f “ hydro’lfro m - th o b a lh 'ln g g a r­m ents, General H u m id lty a n d th ^ e n e r a l - In^chlef have thus been a t lo g g eim atis aa to which should bavo the ascondenoy, In good, dry w eather J . H. w onld g racefu lly re tire and Ivavo the G . 1. C . In moat excellen t hum or. B u t i t n o t.u n frequently ha ppo nod th a t whon a g re a td o m a n d fo r su its was Im inent G, II. would re tu rn and upsot calculatlcyis oven w ith thousands of e x tra , double exf,ra, blue flannels In Bjore; ,J

L ast w in ter tho G. I , C,. began, his scarch fo r an a rm o f w arfare never beforo used, P ronr th e thought came ac tio n , ond bo found th a t In certa in eastern factories thoy used 0 hydro e x tra c to r fp'r rem oving w a te r 'fro m wool and o th er fabrics. “ E u rek a!” ho e x ­claimed, “ I have found J t ,*1 Tho Inform a­tion w a^com m unlcatod to Mr. B radley nn d a tnachlno of ex tra proportiC us, w ith cnglno a ttached was-orderod of tho T o lh u rs t M achiue W orks, T roy, N. V ., an d it la expected to-day aud will be p u t in plaoo a t onco.

W hen iu fall operation It will ex trac t the w ater from a hundred dozon of b a th in g su its In less tlm o than it takes to w rite ab o u t It, and. whon dono there Ih hard ly a suspicion of m olsturo left. W ith this a n d tho othor^appll- auce o f the d ry ing ro& ns, pool bath , o tc , the Aabury P ark bathing departm en t will possess

jd a tu ro s and u dvan tage^now boro olso found.

Q « p t i C i r c u l t v i l o i C

Wo tako I’lloasu'ru In Btallng. In a n sw e r to an Inquiry / th a t wo haVo p rin ted ^ h o 'fo i-

‘lowlng num ber of copies of tho A vyler: F irs t Issue, 3,000,; second issuo, 4,{XH) 5 N ew ark edition, 10,0 0 0 ; las t Issue, C;000.

' T w o C h i l d r e n l > r o w n c t I .

W ednosday m orning whilo Edith an d Itobort, tw oeh lld rouof Mr, D pncau W alker, o t W ash­ington, D. C ., wero In .bath ing a t .^ a h r jg h t^ whoro no llfo linos wore out, they wero ca jr lc d u n d e t b y tho s tro n g ’undortow . 1 .: Thoir uncle and aunt, Bov. a n d M rs, S..B . Dodd, w ith whom thoy wore yisitlng, w ere alm ost p rostrated with grief ovor tho terrib le acciden t. Tho body o f E d ith was .recovered In the afternoon, .tjuV tho o th e r bad n o t beon foudd a t J a a t accounts. Edith was 10 a n d Robert 17 yeara old. ' j

F o r S e e i n g C l e a r s o n S u n d a y .F u p sflro th e rsan d Amelia floodonough wore

com plained 01 by Cblof Bailey fo r selling cigars on Sunday. They appoared before J u s ­tice Borden and p^ld thelr fi nos With costs . Virgil W ard, on the sam o com plahftr?5as n o t paid and will probably_ bo apprehended a u d hold to anBWor. , r_ ’ J "

’l ’w oblcypllats,passed a long tbo beach y es­terday. m o ro ln g tb 1 Spring Lako. They cam o from N ew ark day * before yesterday a^nd stop­ped ovpr n ight a t l o n g B ranoh. Tjiey a re going JO m ake a tou r of tbo whole S tate ' a n d then spend a fgwyveeks a t tho P ark

A rtesian wator ren ts for th e now fiscal year a re now duo. H cn ts^no t paid by A ugust 1 are su b jec t to 'a u added por contago.

T l m t D l B i n i s t c d L o o k .Mondajr forenoon qullo a largo p a rty o f

youngsters, middlo-oged nn d somo o lder, worp enjoying n su S -b a th ou the sa n d s south of A sbury afenuo pavilion w atching the huge w aves b rea k o n the shore, and w^th a 'swIshV r o llu p th o 8b a rp in c lln e . J

They w ^rehpporontly a t a safo d istance and wore wholly unpropared for a n em ergency th a t habttuca 0^ tho beach -1 hen ally keep In m ind , v i z : roadl ness to ju m p a t a m o m en t’s warn-; lug, with"wraps^ bund les,/.hats and ,paraso ls, to a safe d istance. .These parties wore obliv­ious to w hat m ight, havo boon expected o n a n Incom ing tide , a n d ; wore laughing an d .chat­tin g a t a m erry ra to ; ' : f j_

Presoiitly 6 ,l)lg'\Vovo, m ightier th a n e ith e r of its b ro th e rs , bounded u p the Incline, and . m ounting yot higher 'a n d higher, b roke fully on tho bowlldored crow d. A few juniped qulokly_tOf thoir fee t an d 'cscaped w ith w pt ank les. Somo wero n o t so fo rtu n a te ^ , atid ven ted thelr surpriso In 'su n d ry scream s and Oh’ f O ae phlegm atic , elderly gentlem an was com pletely Pnolroled with th e -salt sea wavo; whilo In-a s ittin g p o stu re ;' Thp d isgusted o x-‘ preBalpn th a t took possession of his faco was- U p ic tu re for a h a r t i s t F o r a m om ent h p sa t, too'-mortl/led to mover an d ev idently wished for tho sands to -open and. b u ry h im 'f ro m BlghL The laughter from a h n n d re d o r tw o lookora on, In which a ll the dreh.ched ones 3oIn§d*exeopt the aforesaid individual, in ­c reased tho lud icrous effect. W ith oue last, lin g erin g look a t the Im pression ho left in thosands, ho strodo aw ay yowliic anathem as ag a fast N eptunp and all J h o gods o f sea andsboro.’ k . ' • . -X • • . • ' /

T h e F o u r t l i 011 t h e I S e a c I i .

Beforo su n se t tho prom enade w as thropged ; b y 8 o ’e lo c k - lt w as a lm ost Im possible to move. iB ab y . Carriages m ado c o n fu s io n ; babies mado a n o ise ; like wlso th e torpedoes an d firo-craekcra, roeko ta ,. candles a n d toy^ pistols., Tho small boy had h is-Innings, apd a happier collection of juvenile hiymanjty i t w ould be hard to.A nd anyw here. Somo had Jjeou on .the sam teiir day a n d showed burned flng'ers, sco rch ed , c lo th lag, suuburiicd- and d irty faces, b u t the m erry tw inkling: oyea gave evldeneo th a^ theso- m isfortunes d idn’t chunt, . Tho stcreop tlcan ahow w as loPked a t b y 'an Immense crow d th at packed iovery Inch o f space c lear b ack to the l a ^ n . : Both floors o f tho pavilion show ed a m ass o f heads above tbo railing. From ono end to tho othoV the

•Pier was alive with people. T h a t w as-tbe beat place to sec e v e ry th in g ;" Itoekets and candles w hizzed and sp u tte red , . balloous floated hfgU ~ overhead* leav ing a - trail, of sparksX rotn p in wheels a n d rosettes.

T h ^ ie w o f the. to w n .fro m th e ,P ie r was splendid. E very room In the Colem an showed

-a l ig h t; the O rien tal had i ts d ecora tions apd m usic, and np an d dow n the avenues the e le c tric .ia iu p a lilum lnntcd th o ih o u ses and trees.

_., Y m lA nhurgh-R lfica m arch cd .early -to -th .e - beach In the evening and gave a n exhibition drill on the law Trout o f tbe Coleman. Thp. com pany belongs In Freohold. T h e p roprie to r of the Coleman balls , from there. I t w as a heat com plim ent to th e house, an d th e com ­pany felt th a t they had to d o so m eth ln g ex tra fine and thoy d id it. M ajor P a tte rso n saw tho boys g o through th e ir m otions and said they were ju s t a b o u t perfect,

The man with the Punch and Ju d y show on' the* beach yestPhlay h&d a Margo audlcnce an d tpok In a correspond ing qu an tity o f oop- pera.

A gentlem an w as throw n ag a in st ono o f tho poles holding the life lin es a t Boss’s bathing: grounds y e s te rd ay ,-cu ttin g JU a head qu lto badly. Mr. Joseph Ross took him in to , his ofllco and’bandaged his head w ith tho sk ill o f a surgeon.^ M r. Ross is g e ttin g quito a rep u ­ta tion in th is lino.

V o I ^ I T f f o p ) i f in tg ;

.On MondAy M essrs. Stelnbach Bros, re ­ceived an Ordor. (o r 80190 , of their specialties, fro m W . d f Rohy & C o., o f Holy Cross, Col­orado, w ith cash enclosed/ —T he bill did imt

(am ount to a s .m u c h as the cash sent^aqd tho balanco.w aa ercdltcd ag a in st future.-ordera. M r.; Chas. Schwagor, the wide-awake and ac­com m odating m anager o f Stelnbach 'B ros.’ .•' storo, is a t a loss to a cco u n t for th e prefer* ^ onco,’show n hla1 Q rnf^wfth N e ^ - York amL C hipngo s tan d in g "between a s g rea t m arts of', trade . I lls only so lu tion is th a t a fltjuy copy o f T o e J o u r n a l lias fallen In to the hahda af. tlio Messrs. Roby & C o .^an d to .their perusal o f i t s local cbluriiiis Is*attrlhut€d -tho”eommii- : n ica tlp i^ ; 'I-1. /- ': *■?,>■. ' .

W i n c K l o i ’S S t o r e I 5 u r ^ ^ r l z c < l .

E arly T hursday m orning smno unknown persons raade an .'b ffo rt-lo rob tho safe o f Mt. . T . J . W iutfkter/’Uie M attison avenue coufce- tfpnor, b n t all they .go t waa $1> the contents o f thovmoney d raw er. - :

'W edri^sdoy riight-iho'■storo wns c los«l -aM usual ab o u t 11 o ’clock,; an d securely, locked. Thb m oijey w as plaeed In tho safo extfeptthg | l V1 sm all eliahgo,'w hich is always left to be­g in business with in-the m orning. Thomoiirty seokers m ado thplr entranco With b a rs or. jim - v -mles a t tho r e a r door of, tho-'work room, by , sp rin g in g th o d o o r a t ; tho^ top- and follow!ng d o w n ‘ono bur a f te r th e . othor; un til tlio hasp . was fo rced . 1 T ho lock o i th e nifddlp doofvriis , also fprccd;bofore thoy coulti .reach t ho safe. , • Th’fcro wore' m arks le f t 'a b o u t tho logk as if ., they, had begun work on i t; and frbm HonVc -causey p robab ly tho approach 'of somebody, it- s was abandoned ; T h e p a ten t m oney drawef was broken from Ita c lca ts and lay on iho floor riflod of tho .changoi. -

Thorp Is no c lo w 'to 'th e perpetrators, nor is there evon a susp icion who thoy may ho. 1

T i i e M t n a f c l i r o Y a 6l i t I t a c e .Lost w in ter a t Jacksonville , F la ., a*num ber

of gentlem en, am ong them Mr, J , B, T hom p­son, of O cean Grove, becam e m uch Interested In m in ia tu re yacht rac in g . Theso yachts wore constructed on scientific p rincip les, apd tho littlo unm anned c ra fts would lay their course, com e u p In tho w ind, if to o heavy, a n d again pay off as If «u lded by an unseen hand a t the tiller.' *

Mr, Thom pson lmd one bu ilt whichho'called tho QscecU1, a h ean tifu l l lt tlo cra ft, s taunch and speedy. H e b ro u g h t It-home with h im to OceaiL. Grove, and It created qu ite a furore am ong the lovers o f aquatio sports. Tho M pssra Lado® ns oach bad-, one b u ilt a t Choa- te r . Pa. M r. C h as . H a ll had ono b u ilt a t tho Grove, and Mr. A aron J . Smithy who bad studied tho m odel o f tho Volunteer; and being a mechanlo, concluded to try his hand . I lls boat la ham ed th e Iiinal, and It has a beau ti­ful hull, carry ing a well proportioned m ain eall, a largo jib and balloon jib . Tw o o f tho othcrs.carrlc<Uop8a!ls. ^ f

Somo weehs ago a prize of a silver ico p itcher w as offered for tho w inning y ach t in a contest on Deal Lako. T b e to^t w as mado yestenlay< an d drew togethor qu lto a num ber o f spectators. Thero were flvo en tries, as follows: Nettie, J . II, Ladoraus; Iilval, Aar6 u J . Smith ; • B ister L , W. P. L ad o m u s; Clan, Chas. J . Hall, am i th e (Hewitt, B. T hom p­so n .’' "

Thp tes t was the best In fivo tria ls , s ta rtin g from flag stakes on tbo north sido and ru n ­ning to tho wludwqrd o f corresponding llag s takes on the south side o f the lake. Tositions for tho llcst t r ia l were selected by lot, 'and on the o th e r : trials tho ono fu rth est from tbe wind took ,tho windward place, so .tha tieacn should have a liko ohflnco._ Tim e was taken ns tbo yachts possod eiich its own flag stake, the flrst to pass' to w indward w inning the trlaU Passing to leeward of Jhe s tak e d id not count, oven if com ing in flrst.

Three of th o tn a ls wero won by -the. Baxter L .t owned by W , P . Ladomus, who seourod the pitcher, and the M ltle camo in second and

>«e rn rcd the rctu rn“of t h ff orrtrnp cr fe tr to h e r owner, J . II. Ladom u3.

" ' H o n o r l i i f ? t l i o l > n y .The Colemnn, S unset H all Snd tho A tlantlo

House, Ocean d ro v e , used -elabftratc moniL c a rd s for tb c lr holiday dinners. Tho Coleman had a b eau tifu l • s teel ( plate design, specially prepared, and tho-vian'ds nam ed in p r in t wore cooked and’ served In faultloss stylo, lu . the low er corner- o f tho card a red ilrp-crackor

jsy is '' neatly, '-fasloiied/• with, r lb b o a . 8 uusot ‘n a i l 's card ^ a s oa^_embo8soJ__de8iga o f a c rossed knlfo and. fo rk iu silver, wlih tho words, “ Y ours to com m and .” 1'be A tlantic showed Itsp a lr lo tiam £y hav in g a red shoot- lng-craoker embossed a t the to p o f i t s card? w lth th o N ational colorB. . . . . * ;

At each plato a t the Brunswick d in n er w a a ' plucod a counterfe it of a g ian t shooting c racker w ith "double ^ ao* A round It was' w ound the m cniLplalhly prlnUkLon a sheet of llneu "hole, an d tied w ith douUl& knotted bluo r ib b o n . ’ . ' *

; “ *.w A S u ^ f f c s t i o i i .

P iiitA i)Bu*ntA ,-July 3, 1S88.To the Editor q f th* Journal: • y

The therm om eter Is c reep in g -u p ag a in -so I hope to le a v e \here F riday o r S a tu rd ay w ith my fam ily ‘fo r the~ tw elfth season, I am go­ing tcvtry very hard t o . g e t th a t m edal, oven If I havo to, oatch a whale to do ao. N o w ! ' th ink for thocom foK an d saftoy of theangltfrs, children an d .nurssu w ith baby carriages should bo k ep t elf .the Pier d u r in g fishing hours, Yours tru ly , A N O t^n '..

, A S i n o k i n a r R o o m .E v er thoughtful for; the com fort of,otlujrp

even to-th e carry in g on W o f-tlio ir whlins. Ajr. B radley w ith all tho o th er fixings will biiiid a * sm oking room fo r. thoso w ho Imlhlge In tiie weed, ’ ’ ■ ■ . n ■ ' ■' '* ■

T h e new acqu isition will b e the * now paTt which is being b u ilt for. tho stair-- Way to tho'second a tpryof the A sbury avenue'-' pavilion,- IK re tho sm okers m ay enjoy them ­selves w ithou t in tru d in g on those 'who liave a repugnance to tobacco fum es. ' I' •

S a t i s f a c t o r i l y A r r a i i f j c t l ^

XI10 causo of the tem porary stoppage of the e lectric ca rs was that tho con trac t to r power w ith the E lectric Ulght Co. expired by Utnfla- tlon on Saturday n ight. ^1111 notice had boon , glvon by tho E lectrio X ig h t^O .f^n i 'tth tf rail­road people 'had asreed to aTgq a in rth e r con- 1 t ra c t for ten days—until th tiir’new plant woiild bo ready. Tltoy failed to show ii'pwlth the .iu'c- essary papers, lind the L iglit Co. declined'to ajssumo'tlio responsib ility o f :run n h ig withoiit - 4 con tract, Aloriday m orning th o '.p a p e rs - wero s igned itntl tho c a rs ;reaum ed their IltfiiJ / ca reer. ^ ■ 1

F lH li b y t i l e H u u t l r ^ d w e i K i i t .

Several hundredw eigh t of flsh were caught o n - 't t ie -P le r—Tue6di\yr—Tho-now-aa w ell-aiH - the o ld aiiglers wero n iado happy by catching a s tr in g o f lino kingilsh.

F rom early m orning the Pier Was lined with " pa tien t men w aiting anxiously fo r the nibble pif the hungry flsh.,

Som o of tholm iky W iillons wt*re Mr. W in. M oyiiau wiio was kopt bu sy hauling In .40 klngUsh, a {i.-ponnd bass an d a 4 pound plaice. Mr. Jo h n Y em an carried homo with him 20 handsQino klhgllsfi'.' 'A ngler Babin hooked IH klugflsh a n d tf3-pound baas.,. C*)hi.,CJias. A. I. A tk ins »lld n o t got <t!io cbariiplya. ba«s ho i» looking fo r, .bu t secured JO largjk klugtlHh, Mr. Isaac B arnes caugh t 1-t klngtiaii arid a H- pound boss. Mr, M. M. Crtisblo lauded 11 klngHsli weighing ll». pounds. Ja m e s Edge'; pu lled In IS k in g lR i, a n d M r, W hite caught a 4-pound plaico. ^ ^

P rospoet C ornet Band In ip rovea/at; every practrco n lg h tj- They will bo lieard fronj dur­ing tho eftnipnign.

g o l d s , & c .

WOOOSIDE COTTAGE215 Second avenuo. Fine iomitloa, near , the beach. House open fof guests.

—^ . M, J , DRAKE. .

BEACH COTTAGE,20(5 ' First avenue, Asb'ury Park. A oheorful homo, one btook frpp* the sea. Large airy rooms. Artestau Wator, sewer connection.

m . e . h o b is o n :

THE GLOBE,408 Foiirlh avenuo. N ear Hook street..-

ASIlUItY PARK, N. T. •- Perm anent o r tKmsleut boardei'a wantod. Near the ocean and Bnnrtetlaiko, (iood»lt(m- tion, rooms and tablo. 'Torin* rtiasonablo.

Address Silty. E. A. LkPA ltl>,. ■ —•------ — ... - - — — Asbury Park, N .J.

Richards House.Tlds favorito liouso. located oa First avenue, ,

one block from tlie ocean,

N E W JJJllS K V ,A S U U R Y P A ItK ,

has been enlarged to douhlo Its form er oajKi^ity and otliorvvlHo jjruatly Itnprevod. I t li:w 110 superior for a t tm o I h im and com fort...


Dlrt'ctly «»n tho benoh. loo yards from- hathiuK grounds. Hiiohslructi'ti vtow of the o«:eau from all rj»om«.

HTOCKTON, I*r«iprlc'tor.

THEHAMILTON,' i l l Cooktnan Avenuo,

ASUURY PA UK, r - WRW JEBSKY^'!Tho Hamilton ocenplcs onO of tbe ilnettt loca­

tion!* in tho I'urk. Ouly one mliiuto's walk from tho bvaidi aud tn Immediate tvlcinUy o f tho <’olu* roan aud'W ost lind ItotolH. 1

4,'.T. SMITH, Manager.

B R I G H A M C O T T A G E^wlil«*j»*»-frtp-Vhtv«enHon Mfty-iWh-for-traimlent-—

and perm anent t)oarili’rs.- The rooms aro-hir^o and well furnished. Tablo unsurpassed. House Ims all tho modem san­itary Improvements. -'IVrrm reasonably,*

Address MRU. K.<}. ItltlOHAM, Prop. '

t’ifth Avenue CottageA S B U B Y P A B K , N J J . ,

Opon Juno 30th, ."Near tho ooean and batidng urouuds. i'leasant rooms and excellent tablo. Terms $7 to $UJpor weok. '■ . . .

• S f is J I. a JON RS. I*. O. D M 811........

Grand Ave. Hotel,tho largest hotel open all tho year.

Complete In ail m odem appliances for tho health and com fort o f W inter guOHts.

Artesian water. . i’erfecHoworaco.** fitcn^ heaf ali through. • -V

• LYU11AND SlhL, Prop’r.

flew Motel Lafayette. . American und European pl^n.

Emil snd Ghestnut Sts., Philadelphia,Wllblu- throo m lubtes'w aik of P. It-H. station.

TliRMH:ArAerioan I'lan.M , JiirOaud $4. Bulbs extra. Buropoan Plan, $1.81.50 and ItatliH o ttn i. -,

• ..........., 1 L. U. MAI.T1U.

THE IRVING, 1Third avenue, near ocean,

A 8B O B Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y ., • O riiN TUK RNTIUKfVUAR. •'

For fu rther particulars, address j.•V i M, LtUDJENMAQER,

il. I

Z ' f

Page 3: New * /o L i x u r A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W .. J E R S E Y , J U L Y 7 , … · 2014. 4. 2. · T IN W A R E , Ac. Cookman av., near Bond st.,' a s b o b x p a b e . n . j.? TIN



S IT U K D A 'E , JU IA - 7. 1888.


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Ltk-’ax Noriens.—A lim ited num bor 'o f local notices will bo adm itted n l tlio rnto of fifteen oo tits pop-line. They will Im placed a t tb o bot­tom or.tho local colum ns only, and muHt havo “ n J v " a t tlio oud. Whon continued fo u r weeks o r longer, a discount o f 85 pop cont. Is allowed.

T humb.—Yearly .advortlsonnmw aro payablo quarterly, In adv an co : advertisem ents fo r loss period tjiun throo m onths aro oash. f

1 Bjrariloy Dcncli is proud o f ' Iff* flow a rtes ian well’. A von Io n tnfccM tho cream oC Koy E af t pat­

ronage..- ’ • J’[M r.. R obert L indsey , o f Philadelphia, is a t

the M etropolitan.I t ta k c ^ d f t j- tw o workm en to onulp Rosa’s

pav ilion tn tho su m m er/Prof. T . W. H u n t and wife, o f ‘Princeton,

h a v o T o o m aa t'th o AlbWn. ; .Dr. J . S . Katnaoy, oC Philadelphia, is am ong

th e Uiiy M ansion arrivals. •. i‘ Mr. H erb e rt .W estwood oponcd tho C am era O bsbura M onday fo r th o s e a s o n s — -

Mr. C. T. Schoolm an, a leading g rocor of Philadelphia , la fit the Arlington.-"# Mr. C . Norwood, o f l>c*s Molnca, Iow a, f s a t th e Colem an fo r a season of rest. ■ . }

Dr. M arshall, “o f Philadelphia, will occupy Dr. K lo rnon th ’fl‘residence tbla woek..T ho lfght In tho Sheldon Houso observatory

Is soon frura tho Aabury P a rk sta tion .C apt. J , A. Ilaughoy , U. 3 . A,, wife an d

d augh ter, aro at-tho A tlantic House. ." r C o l . ”W . 1..’ W adsw orth , of Ban Francisco , has room s for tho season a t tho W indsor.

Mr. W r a .D lx o j an d fam ily a re a g a in in* ’ J h o lr sum m er q u arters a t tho M etropojfton.' r '

C apt. C. M. C allahao, of tho U. 8 . A ., is spending "hla fourth season a t tlio A talan ta .

Mr. Louts W llklna, a large im porter o f b ris­tles of New York, haa room s a t the W est E nd . > ■ ’ '

M r. C harles W. F u r bey, o f the New York ' P roduce E xchange, is am ong fclte A rling ton g u e s ts . . / y •’ ^ ’

M r. Jo sep h C. K lngdon, ed ito r o f tlio M t. H olly Jfir ro r , and fam ily bajro room s a t tlio O rien ta l. ' f . '

Rev. T. Snowden Thom as, ed ito r o f the; ftnln& yla MdhjoiUnt^ m akes his* hom e a t the C arro l lto n v .

M r..A * Terhuno, o f New Bruusw jck, I s again a t his.,old placo a t tho head o f the

J . - . ^ - -- - Mr. F rank Bakery ed ito r o f-tb c New Y ork

M arine Journal, Is • so journing a t th e E l Dor- ado fo r th e season.

. Rev. J , I I: Knowles,. D .D ., o f N ew ark, Is. m aking h is hom o a t the Sheldon House during his s ta y a t the Grove.

Mr. Jam es Craw ford, of tlip New York Stock E xchange, la am ong tho coterie o f no ta­b les a t the C olem an.' ^ . . .

Dr. E. Dodgo, p res id en t o f tb o B ap tist Cor-' lego a t H am ilton , N . Y.,‘ la am ong the Shel­don no u ao arrivals.

Mr, Jam es R onan c au g h t a striped-,,bass a t Key E a s t on S a tu rd ay w hich weighed 40 lbs. I t was fo u r feo t long .

Mr, M. F . Berry, general agent o f tbo A m er­ican E x p ress Com pany, an d fam ily a re so­journ ing a t th e O rien ta l... . ■ -—

Mr. A ustin llo rr, a w ealthy (nannfaoturer o f W est W ashington ,'!)! C.,* has ren ted Mra. T ow ner’a .co ttage on T h ird avcntio;.

M rs. J . M. Aaplnw ail, o f New Yock, has xented thQ Fox cottage, o n T h ird avenue, for h e r d augh ter, Mrs. Rev. Franola Stiober.

Mr.'Iy, K . Korbaugh, of the Philadelphia p rin te rs ’ supply w atehoune, is a g a in a t Asbury P ark w ith bis fatnliy for th o custom ary su m ­m er outing.-* ; ‘ . .*

Mr. i t I I . t in n ie r h a s laid a. su b stan tia l concrete w alk on th e frori,e o f the B ap tist C hurch anil parsonage lots, M ain s tre e t a n d B angs avenuo.

C ap t. Charles .A. Y oung, of th e Belvedere, w as p resen ted with a handsom e black wnliiut

^g|Uce c lu t l^ apho le^ ired with, lea th er, by one o f i bis guests-b ir Sa tu rday . _

, M r; W . F. W aroor, a m em ber of the roporto-’ rial staff o t th a K im ln g Journal, o£ W ilm ing­to n , D e l, will havo charge o f the o(Dee work a t the A ta lan ta d u rin g {.bo season-*. Ho il Thuo. F . Held, the cantlldato fo r C on­g ress on the Republican tick e t in Rockland

/co u n ty , N. Y., is ru stica ting a t tho A ta lan ta p rep a ra to ry t o a lively c a m ass 10 th e fall.

^ fr. V. T. F o rt, o f P eaiberton , a s tu d e n t in Peddle In stitu te , com m ehced his d u tie s as

a s sis tan t c le rk a t tho Colonnade, on S unday.~~M r. P h ilip Ilild rjeh , J r . , will occupy hia place

behind the desk .M r. F re d lx in o x , th e lead ing ch a ra c te r In

*‘ The,L1t t le T ycoon ,” while R w aa having its ru n In New York* Is s topp ing w ith bis siste r an d m other at, the Gnemnoy. M iss Jonnito

. I^onox, bla siaterj ia also a n accom plished singer. - \

M r. W . I i. E vans, of. N ebraska, who has pu rch ased tlio'M ilea V illa,T it Secoud avenue, a n d Ileok.’Strpef., drives .tw o haudsom o thor* ^ ji^hW eds. M r, Evans fihowS^a p a rtia lity to A sbury P ark oyer o th er resorts b ^ inveatiog auy^w l thoupand dollara lu real gsslrfto..

M r. J ? E . M anilers-ltyan, tlie ancoinpllHhod rA</of theC olem aif H onse, waa a pupil o f the la te celobrated C. E. F rancatelli. VAtf’ tie n tl-

. sine to Queen Victoria, also chtj' a t th o Houso o f Com m ous, the lato M arquis o f Hastlpgfl, an d las t season with Com modore Gerry, New York Y acht C lu b .. . • • J

—-tfq s t jopepj ng*a t '8 clm ctdprtfl~MahrHtreornp~. bolstery s to re , a larg u aftaortment1' ol fancy W illow war e. — • *

A n o t l t o r D r a s l i ii* W a l l l * a p c r .

10,000 rolls o f paper a n d borders io bo sac ­rificed a t the following prlcca :

Fine papers, 4 and 5 cen ts per roll { g i l t p ap er, 10 to 35 c e n ts ; Qaest cm loesed gilt, 30 to 25 cpnta “per roil. Borders .1 to 3 conts

" sp o r y u rd ; g ilt and embossed, 3. to r* c en ts p o r yard. G ilt ccn tew from lS r^o 40 cenrs'tsjioh ; w orth $1.50, ' * J a o o h I)oi.i.,

* 54S Cookm an avenue,' np s ta \jn .— A<lv.

A bout Ju n e 15th, Mosarfl. Oowdy A P itobor w ill ru n a wagon u p and dow n the co ast fo r co llecting harnoas fo r repairs, an ti r e tu rn th o sam o freo o f ex tra cbargo.—Ai\v.

• ' • ■ F o r S a l e .-“ 1Nine years* lease anfl building, 7311 M attison

avenue. In v estm en t pays o ver 20 p e r co n te A ddress Box 713, Aabury Park U.

F o r co ttagos to r tn t an d barg a in s la*rcal / e s ta te a t Key E ast, apply I?) U. &. L.ovcf Koy 'jE ast Land OfQcb'.— Atlir. , ,

. T h e y a r e N e v e r O u to f bargains In ^ottago pfSperties an d deslr-1 ab le vacan t lots In A s b u r j^ P a r tf a n d W est A abury, a t G onld & P a ^ e y ’-s ag en cy . Call ^ a d seo them a l e ither ofllce an ti g £ t bo ttom prjcoa.—A dv. •

Mr. II. II. Davis, a woll know n law yer of -> iew Y or^r i«^traniitjrinrQ ttU JrC olunB nao.

Tho young R epuhllcana of Shrew sbory a re organizing for the cam paign . They have ati activo clnb, with*Mr. E dm und W ilson aa pres­ident. • "7. *,t * 4

T he crow ds th a t Were waiting to rccelvo frionils a t ^ho sta tio n S a tu rday ^ ftem o o n and Evening wcro a lm ost cqadl to- tbose of m id­sum m er.

Mr. J o h n S,. ltlp ley will h ave ^n asfilstant stew ard this year, g iv in g .h im a ch an ce to m ’nglo moro in society on tbo p a rlp r floor b f Iho AVost End,

Mcsflra. A . Jl. and II, E, Nflothing, coniprla- tbo firm of Nauthlng Bros., p roprie to rs o f buy* oral largo b ak o rits in Now York, nro a t S unset H ull.for the eeasou. -

Tho (irtobo, a Vory desirab le co ttage bpai^- Ing houso oii F o u rth avenuo below G ran d , ia1 pow open w ith M rs. Ix‘P ard a n d ^Irsr.M ^H* ^Vliite as m anagers, *. ,A bell tow er has bcon built a t tho sou theast co tn cr of tlio cn traaco lo th e F ish in g P ter. Every tim e a flvo p o u n d .o r la rg e r flah Is cailgh t the bell will ring . ' j ^ .

Otticor Ilagerm an an d Ida K entucky tlior- o ngbbrcd are on the lookout fo ro rookcdchar- nctore a fto r nightfall. I t will tako a sm art team to Rot away from .thom .

M r. J . M. Moore, o f B ridgeton, h as begun his annual o u tin g a t Ocean Grove, ;IIo la usually on h a n d ‘a t th e f l r a t .m eetings an d s ta y s till the elope o f tho season.

Mr. Geo. S . Hoyt,: nophow of E x G overnor l lo y t, of Pennsylvania, a n d - Mr, I I . B, W hite, a m em ber of tho New York bar, woro am ong the recen t arriv als a t the M etropol­itan .

Tho Uvcry stab les of Mr, Charles T ilton , Sewall avenuo below Grand; a ro .now con­nec ted w ith telephone, aud 7 o rd ers fo r c a r

juror, o f P b llaO o lp h lft^h as^ prcaentcd'iiii-ppli iar-N'e w-Yor k-a nd-lt-w to nr I a w U b-h Is-f am- Itepoblican cam paign ban*J o u h n a ^ with

d a n a , of fth ich nearly a m illion havo been disposed of ln a b o u t th ree weeks. T b e stars a n d s tripes aro prom inen t and 1 ‘P ro tection” tho w ateh-w ord. . ’ .

Tho Com missioners of A sb ary P a rk havo con trac ted to h a re tlio garbage taken aw ay from each house every d ay . I f I t l s n o t tleno properly, tho co n trac to r is to b lam e / and n o t the Commisaionera„;v-They w ould be pleased to hear from any ono who has any com plain t to m ako In }hte direction , bo th a t I t c a n be rem edied.

Georgo B ennett, a stage driver, an d hailing from Jacb8ou?&."S$lll8t Ocoan coun ty , was ar- rcated y este rd a y n i o r ill iT g b y G 01 cor M addox, for a ttem p tin g an a ssau lt o n an estim able young lady o f W cat G rove.- Ju s tic e Borden hold .him An 1^00 -ball to nppear b^fore- the- n o x t Oratid Ju ry . Jo h n Aker' his em ployer, becam o hla Biitety; ‘ " '

jvTr. J , McD, Thom pson, book-keeper au d cashier o f the Coleman, Is a n ex p e rt In his line . A n oxperle”bce o f several years in the ofllco o f th e F reehold & New Y ork Railway, h as m ade him fam iliar w ith the m ost in tr ic a te form a of th e science, and h is p o sitio n a t the Colom an will give am ple p p p o rtu q lty t^ prac- tlco ifc in a now yvay. M r. Thom pson has pa- tienco, persistence and aC abillty com bined.

T he threo m ost Im p o rtan t hooses in N o rth Aabury P ark th is year from all appearances w lll ber the A talan ta , the G uernsey, a n d the V ictoria. These three houses a re hoiw' Qrst-class order, and bavo m any room s engaged, 'A t the A ta la n ta ,, Prof. W alte r will have h is dan c in g class an d will c o n d n c t the hops d u rin g the season, the f lrst one com m encing n e x t S a tu rd ay evening. Mr. A llan , o f the Guernsey, will alao enliven th a t end of the P ark with a n u m b er-o f o n tetlalh - m eiits an d hops; ^ '• * • ■ ;

J u lia n Ralph retu rn ed t b h ia ‘N orth A sbary co ttago on Thursday oveulng, a fte r a m o n th ’s abaencij a t tbo St. Loula ^nd Cl)icago Conven­tions. N early ovory (lay 'du ring th is time, Mr. Ralph d ic ta ted from fo u r to s ix co lum ns of Vpccial disputclies tb the New Y ork '&’»». I lls rep o rts of tbe polltical proceediuga th a t haye p laced tw o P residential caudldatos In, tbe Held were coun ted th e beat published, Mr. R alph now proposes to tako a rest—until o rd ered 1 aw ay again .

T he young shade trees on m any of our. ^ tr e e ts have never !»cen trim m ed since they were first p lan ted . Aa a consequence the Ilmba^ioverhatjgiflg Ihe sidew alks arqj In a nutaber of placos, bo low t h a t thoy s trik e the head o f ;ari average size m an. l u .rainy wea­th e r It'lg v ery d ifficu lt-to c / ir ry a n um brejla . u nder them . Theno lim bs oro ns m uch of an obstruction to pedestrians a s m auy o th er th in g s w bicb tho au th o rities order rem o v ed ., T be C om m issioners should look a fte r tbo trees, ' *

.M>. Alfred C. Atkina, ono of tho proprie to rs of the Ocean H otel, an d who acta aa Steward, had ovory th in g In O rstcloss ru n n in g o rder yesterday, .iiotvVIttislamBngTfieylTad over 160. to lak e d inner. Jn the Wtohop every th ing is run like clock-Work, nnd is a s c lc a ira s i t is- poaslblo to be.^-Tbe jcooking Ih under tho o h a rg o o f B righ t G ranger, wUo l)as had five yeara’ experlenco a t tho Ocean. Ills p a ltry can’t b e excelled -in lown.'. Tbo Qceau Hotel oV/es m uch o f Its p o pu larity to tho thorough oversight o f th is im p o rtan t p a r t o f the liouao.

Ju d g e R. E , A ndrew s, o f H udaon, haa^rooma ‘ a liH 6 Uccari, :v • ■

E ight e loctrlc c a rav an a l f day Belaya and mlahaps.’

Tho E lectric l ig h t an d Pow er C6. p o t la ,a now 50-llght dynam o on Tuesday.

F orem an Barm oro’a now co ttag e opposite P a rk H all is nearing com pletion.* *' Como” 1s the namo of l^ie la s t nejv Wood*

ruff p a rlo r car on tho C entral ro ad .. M r. O. E . R unyan, a roal esta to b ro k o t o f New ark, is reg istered‘a t the Coleman.

r, R. C. n o r r , a largo lum ber m erchan t o f Philadelphia, Is a g aest a t tho A lbion.

A light f ^ o scat phcuion Is offered fo r sale a t a bargain. *' See advertising coium ns.

M r. E, W ..Goodwin, 6no of tho A ldorm onof. Now Brnnawlck, is a t tb e G raud Contral.

, M r. J . I I . Colo, ono o f T ronlbn’s loaillng morolmnta, is ru stica ting a t tbe W est E nd.

■ M r. Alex.«an, o f N ew ark, haa e n ­gaged room s for tho su itim ern t t ljo S t. Jam os.

M r. J . S. M acdonald,1 asalsfim t co rporation couuhol of th e c ity o f New ark, Is a t th o W ind­s o r . •

H on, Andrew A lbright, tho lcalhor m anutno- tu re r of New ark, is again a t th e Colem an ifor tho Bcason. \ .

Dr. W .fA ^.Phrcaner and wife, of Philadel­phia, are sppndlug a abort vacation a t th o M etropolitan. ;

M r.,G . W. Jacoby, a m anufac tu rer of m arblo m antols in Philadelphia, la so journ ing a t tbo Coleman, . .

m £ Sfctnnei Xylo, o f Philadelphia, an d Mr. J . R. Cam eron and family are a t the S t. Jarae8 focUho sum m or. - * .

M anagor Z ad iarias , of the W estern U nion office,'has.the (batiks o f tho J o uiinal fo r spfr- cial courtesies.

. . . . , . . . . Mr. J . H erbert W lnans, o f th o Sprag, isPVOm t o m t h t a l - l J J a o

,'O rnam enting tbe to p o f tho Colem an tneim card Is a steel p la te m ezzo tin t o f tho houso and surroundings. It'w ill bo p rin ted daily In the Inapproachable style of tlie A s b u i^ J ’a rk Printing. House, . ’

A death no ticoof a colored b ro ther a t W ash­ington, In ono qf iholr papers speaks of bltn os being the I{. W. S. G. M. tho R . W. S.G. C., the R . A. O., th e S. D. ,B. a n d S. of Moses. H e m ust h ave been a “ jlner.” , ;.\,;

M rs. E . M. Fielder will sp en d the sum m er a t W lpdham , G reene Co., New. York. W ind­ham l ie s in o n o o f th e finest ru ra l d istric ts in Now Y ork Sttfte, la contiguous to th e C ats­kills a n d la a favorite reso rt for those w ho e n ­joy coun try scenery.

Mr. Geo. W. Clerihew, brothoK of W illiam Clorihew, our form er tow nsm an, -haa pur­chased a residence Oh, S ix th avenuo and bus added m any Im provem ents; M r. Clerihew arrived w ith his fam ily on?W ednesday. H e is tho lead ing clothior of J e rse y C)ty.

A t the A tlap tic House, Ocean G rove, are tho following w ell-known v is i to rs ; R ev .^E —II. T rue,, of College P o in t ; Mr. W m. Bogar- dus, or Now Y o rk ; UeV. Charles T. House, of B altim oro ; Rev. G. W. Coo|>dr and wife, of NYebtminHter, V a * am i M ra. H . B. Dosli, of Philadelphia. ! ■

.M r,-E ..J-S pang ler, the envoiopo-m anu lac—

Now Ydrk Times.Ono of tho W estern ranchcd is owned and

m anaged by a.w om an, Sho Is probab ly the cow bollo of tho W e st

Mr. II..D .-W lnB or, ono of the brokora o f W all strco t, Now York, with a p a rty o f ten , is am opg tbo.Ocoan Hotel guosts.

Mr. H enry J . C leveland,.of tho Boston Trav­eler, Is m aklpg hla annual ylalt to b is sister, M rs. Phebo Cpffln o f Aabury avenue,

A new tn rn o u t h a s beon b u ilt by th e Elec- trlq .R a llw a^ C o /_ o n E m ory Btreet, and a n ­o th er is b e ing placed o n E igh th avenue.

Mr. Ju lia s Chambers,- o f N ow York,^p«?toJ- Paris co rresponden t to the N , Y , Ilerald, haA- roomB fo r h im self and fam ily a t th e Alblom

M essrs. Jo h n W. Bishop and P , W , C raw ­ford, o f .B ishop & C raw ford’s h a t m annfac- tory. Now York, have engaged*ro^m8 a t tho(pcoa^,. . w ■ * “ ~ 's’

M r. I l, Bernstoln and II. A . iathatn ,* com ­posing tho lirm of Bernstein 4 X atham , ex- tonslvo m illiners of E aston, sP a ., a re a t the B r u n s w ig ' _ ~rC'r~ ‘ -

M rs. Seym our, s lopping a t th e AvonjJale, spralne/1 her* ank le badly yesterday as she Stopped f^om a tra in a t tho N ort^ A sbnryP a rk sta tio n . 7“ ....... j,-—-r

.J if r . Goo. W. C astor, un ex ten a ffe c lo th ing m erchant, having largo houses in Phlladel-

lly a t tho Occan.M r. F oster .N . Snilth,* s tep-brother to M r,

Ja m e s A. Bradley, is dow n fo r th e sum m er. He will occnpy h is cottago a t F ifth avenue an d M ain street.

M r. J . C. Pareons, cashier of. tho Chem ical N ational Bank, Ilrooklyn, is stopp ing a t th e Brunswick. M r’ P arso n s has been connected with tbo Chbmlcal Bank fo r 37 yeara.* H on. J o h n Y, Foster, ed ito r o f Frank Let-

lie's Illustrated Newspaper* who delivered th e or&tlon In the A uditorium yesterday , l a ‘Stop­ping a t tho A tlanU g w ith his f a m ily "

‘M ayor Brown, o f Long B ranch, haa issued a proclam ation jtu thbrix lng the destruc tion of all dogs found ru n n in g a t large. E very a d u lt person has the right to destroy them , y . u_ Tho L ibrary build ing is now o p e n o n M on­days, W ednesdays and S a tu rd ay ? ,1 fo r those who dcsiro books an d for v isitors who m ay wish to see the G ran t m em orial window.

The Philadelphia express - tra in s brough t the blggeat loads of passengers and baggage.

.AJ('wero late, b u t th e peoplb were g lad to ge t here, no m a tte r w hat tim o the tta ln s arrived.

Mra. C, M. Trum blej w ho left Aabury P a rk tw o years ago fo r a trip th rough E urope, haa ju s t retu rn ed to-A m erlca and to h e r sum m er hom e a t the Surf House, where &he started trom . • . .....• I t is estim ated that. 30,000 pooplo a ttended tbo opening raooa a t M onm onth P a rk . Tho sboro tra in did not reach A sbury P ark u n til, after 8, a lthough tho last race waa ru n a t 6 o’clock.< M r. J . K .(Jo linson , proprlo to r o f th e Eagle

Ilonse, G rand Rapids, M ich., Is one o f tho guesta a t th e G rand Avenup. M r, Joh n so n averages over'tw o hundred people all the year

:lh hia hotel'. . J : .Mr. C harloaT . Ellla, who Is s ta rrin g In bis

own com edyi “ C asper the Y odlor,” w ltb his wife and d au g h te r Esther, is located a t the Guernsey fo r thp Bcaaon. M r, EU la.ii a fine m usloian as well as ac to r. -

MrB. MaTy F isk ,'‘‘ C laraB ello” a n d “ Giddy G ushor,” as know n to the lite ra ry w orld, and Mra. Eldfidge, “ A u n t L ouisa,” o f New York, are spending a J e w d a y s w l th M iss Sydney A rm strong, of Kingsley s tree t.

Baseball has been prohib ited In th e open ' lots a t G rand an d Lake avenueB, andcroque); has tabon Its place. E v e ry a fte rn o o n 'i |h e -

-boarders In - tb e neighboring houses am use them selves w ith th is In teresting gam e. ■ - ■.;

$ r o f . F rederick menced h la nin th reason a t th e Ocean yesterday as lead er o f tho o rch o s tra o f th a t bouse. T he loud toned ct>rnet haa been superceded by a flute th is year, m aking a chango th a t Is m uch appro- elated by.tho_guosta.

T h e Long Branch T ti-W etk ly N e m began publication on Tuesday. I t waa. a lw ays a good paper, aG d^hla flrRt issue of Ita tw enty- sccom l yoar is fu lly u p ta tho form er a tand- arrt.—/ r v a rlm iB fL»tm i ro’ z m m g g s e ffthatll' hears nolthor dato n or num ber of publication ,

— Mr. L. J . Persons and wife, o f Rochester, Hon. Jam es L. Hays, o f N ew ark, who read tho D eclaration of Independence a t the G rove, ’yesterday, Sir. Geo, C. M iller, o r N ew ark, apd Blchard Hill, of K earney, tho m an u fac tu rer Of the oolebratcd m ilo-ead lb road, a rc all stop- p ln g 'a ttb o 'A tla u tlo IfouBO.

I.ntoet p a tte rn s o f M alting In d fttk shades.. Sclmoldcr’s — A d v.^ .. t > % •

R a n t e d .

A jo t s itu a ted along tho railroad Tn'A sbury t’a rk or vicinity. A ddress o r ap p ly to

Aj.PitBn I). BAtt.ev, A sbury P ark , N , J . • 0(Uce, P . O .J In lld lng, • — Ado.

Frirnlshed house and s tab le to -ren t,C, T . B a ilb v , P a rk HaU,—Advi'

A choice lino of Porch C hairs ju s t received nt Sdm older 's.—'Adv. . '

Npw stylos of FurnlsU lngs a n d B rlc4 brae, a t Scbnoliler’a fu rn itu re au>re.—A a fc '' '* " ”/-*

In ab o u t ono m onth from th is tlqjo It will bo here. P rep are in t |m e to keep I t out^of- your bouses by .o rdering fly-not screens fo r y p u r 'd p o rs ra t id windows.- A fail lino a t W yckotl’s P a in t Storo, TOO Main s tree t. As bn jy Park ; An o rder o a postu l ca rd , will b rin g a m »n to tak e m easnrea a n d orderp.—•

‘ • < " • v

Editors, na a rulo, a re a)wuys k ind-hearted and liberal. An oxchango te llao f aaab sb rlb e r to a cortaln paper who dlod and loft fourteen years unpaid . T he ed ito r ap p eared a t th e gravoso*! tho lid w a s h in g screw ed down tho last tlm o and p u t In a lined duster, a ther­m om eter, a palm leaf fan an d a rec ip e for m aking Ico.'— New York JferaUl.

Prince Pqm pqrnlokol—D arling Meos E lzie, 1 loaf you. P o mine. I am n o t von u f fiber m any 's rich Ijrinccs, p u t ! haf fo u r - tousaud thnlers a year. •

MJe^ E l4o«-W by{ '^a glvos- (5,000 a y ea r to ^ jf lr^ o o k .. ’ - ' -7 . • •* ■ .

Prlnco I’.—Veil,* un d I vill d o • —:— •• ,

M u s o u ’s J a r s

a t W . R , O’Brien’s G rocery, Cookm an avenuo and Bond s tree t.—Adu. '

, P l i l l a d e l p l i i a P r i n t B u t t e r

a t \V. R, O’Brion’fl Grocery, C opkm an avenuo an d B ond a tree t.—Adv . .

O p d n i 'n p r . P i n n e r a t H o t e l O x f o r d .

Iju^t N o tetnbor there waa Incorporated a t Key E a s t a n a ss io la l lo n called ,tho “ A tlan tic L an d .nnd Im provem ent Com pany.” Dr. A lbert G. Tnrnor, o f Npw York, la tHe presI- dont. Goo. C. U alo tt, of Freehold, vice pres: id e n t ; A cton C, Hartshorn©,, of Freehold, seorotary, and Dr. C. i t . B la o k a ll^ f Philadel­phia, .treasu rer. The o thef d irec to rs a re E d­w ard Batcholpr, Bonjam ln A lbertson, Wtn.« W, DeW Itt, F ran k V. Bodlno and Thom as A. Ward. • - ‘

Am ong ttfe o th er work of th e com pany, i t w aadeolded to bu ild a hotol.jj- A 'f lu e , com- ‘um ndlug location was «olebled about tw o blocks from the occan. Mr. F . V . Bodlno, drow tbo plana and-specifications, an d th e yrork was plaoed iu the bubda o i M r. Bon­jam ln A lbertson. J u s t eight woqka from tho lim e th e flrst tlm bor waa laid on th o fouiida- tlona, tbe iiouso was ready fo r guosts. Much o f th e tim e—d u rin g May—the w eather was very unfavorable: •

Tho new Ilotol Oxford Is a room y and com ­m odious building. T h e en tran ce Is Into a large and finely appo in ted .reception room and ofllco. To the left h tho largo parlor^ a n d - tw o 1 sm a ll-ro o m s connected. T o the right is th e ligh t an d a iry din ing room . Tho stalrcaaq to the u p p e r halls la w ide an d ensy. The hallw&ys aro broad and all th e room s on tho second, th ird nnd fo u rth floors a rb of good s ite an d nicely furnlshpd..T h e form al opening w as'roB etved tlU tho

Fourth , w hoa a largo num ber o f noted p6oplp who have b e e n . m ore o r less identified w ith tho place an d its m eetings, y?ero Invltod tb p a rtak e o f a d inner to be given by th o com ­pany In h o n o r o f the occasion. T o say th a t it was sum ptuous, varied and w d ! served would scarcoly expfeas it. .' A fte r a n f o u r ’s discussion o f tho raanj^

courses, P resid en t T u rn er called o n Dr, Way- land, of the National lioptlsl, for an a fte r d in­ne r epoccb. Belng t h i r s t called o n , ho ob­served th a t be should bo like tho first course, “ Bllent llko tbo oyster,” H e however, m ade a vory w itty an d r a c y address.

Rov. 8. M. Vernon,- D. D., of,tho M ethodist church , spoke of bla p lpneer1 v is it to Koy E ast, n e lik e d 'it theu , and had ever since sp e n t his vacation bore.

Rev. Jas. A. W orden,’ D , D ., G enoral Super­in ten d en t o f . Presbyterian Sunday-school: work, referred to tho im portance o f good hotels, ■’ ; ;

M r. E . G, H arrison w as a n early com er to Key E ast, w ith D r. Vernon. A t A sbury Park It w ould be called a “ howling w ilderness,”

tpr. Deems, of the C hurch of tb e S trangers,N&W T o r k ^ i s T U ' h*hb.ppy - b foad /tth o m atiu gw ith w it a n d philosophy.

Rovb. Geo. C .. M addock, W n j.. L aw rence and G, W . C lark , D .D ., Drs. B ishop and W al- tbaip, m ade short and p ltby speeches. •

Dr. B lackall, the treasu rer and su p erin ten ­dent, m ade the c loslng^address, giving points, th a t he considered .essontlal in conducting a good house. ‘ ; ‘ . ~ ‘

All the speakers com pllm onled tho direc­to rs on th eir snecess and wished them a full outcom e a t the end o f tho season.

o . n * p . ■ - , , j ...Eigh ty sheets of heavy book papdr, 4 ^ x 0

Inches, m adeJnto .a_ tablet„v?.ltlil-8 tiff s traw board baett^ is w hat we ca ll V O ar New Pad.”Tf sells fo r hoo centsT

F ifty sheets of good note papor, largo size, ruled and m ad e In to a stiff-backed tab le t,c an be b a d fo r live cents. ' -

E ighty Bhoeta o f e x tra quality unru led writ­ing paper, 5>£x8}£ Inches, in n e a t tablets. Sold for ten cents.

The fam ous “ ave-cenfJouuN AL pad ” Is so hard to keep lu stook th a t advertising only m akes m atters worse. One batch ia scarcely ■dry before the cry o f “ m o re l” is sonnded, and the S uperin tendent of the Pad Depart-, m oot is g e ttin g d iscouraged.

A sbury Park P rin tin g House,718 M attison avenue.--^<f».

—JENKINS.—On Sunday mornlnffrJuly I , 1888, Hus. Mabla J in kins , widow o f the- late Isaac J. Jenkins, In her 66th year.

Ia this picture a rebus 7 Well, yes. It is to some, but not to a live business man. Do you notice that young m an running off w ith a g reat big dol­lar on hla back T He is going to plant i t whero it will grow. Observe tho other who la returning.; gaze at b is satisfied face and note particularly the greenback he carries under hU arm. Do yon grasp the allegory! I t i s lh i s : the persistent and judicious advertiser will reap flvo dollars profit for every dollar he spends -with tho punter. Now Is the time to sow tho seed ; there*'are* 800 crops peiryear. ’ . , - _



Homestead Company,(new Building Loan Association, plan,) will p u r­chase, deliver, Holland convey tb the OWNEK8 of Ua CttuiiFlCA'TEN, au ocoeptlbb Homo- stead, Farm, Factory or Workshop, and extend, the m onthly payments through a period of 10 yeara, a t the rato of &r» per month on each $1,000 Invalue. A . L . T H O M A S , " Special Agent for Monmoutb County. Uoutu oi

T rade Boom, 718 Mattison avonue,- * A8BUKY PAKK, N. J .

•Owners of property ranging botwoen 8I.OO(J and 10,000 should roglatt r i t w ith us.


D R E S S - M A K E R .O C Ttt^O IN I) TlTTrHO k RVE CiALTY.

The a rt o f cu ttlbg and (ltting taught.COR. DOND 8TRKBT AND DANG8 AVKNUE,

Aebury P ark , N .J .

C H E R I ^ T ’S 8 A X /E,— H y v i r tu e o f a k j writ of fl. f«, to rao dirooted, issued out of

4the Circuit Court of tbo county of Monmouth, w*!LbP .° xP080tI to 811,0 a t publio venduo, on ,

F n d a y , t lio 2 0 tli d a y o f J u ly , 3888, • bptwqcn tbo houi-fl o f VZ and 5 o ’clock, (a t 20 olook). in tho afternoon,of-said doy, a t tho Court Iloiiso, a t Froehold, in tho township of Vreeliold, county of Monmowth, New Jemoy,

A l l" t l ia t c e r ta in b u i ld in g a u d Jo t d e ­scribed ds follows: The said building is a flat, tin roof, four story, fruiitu boajjOiug liuuse, th ir ­ty-fivo feot and fuur indies v>’lt|i, ami forty-four foot two inches doop with a flat tin roof-tw o- utory, fram e ox tension In tlio roar, th irty feet threo inches long by fourteen foot throo Inches wldo, oreoted on a lot or curtlluKO of land s itu­ate, Ij Iuk and being in tho borough or Asbury Park, in tho county of Monmouth »md Stato of Now Jcrnoy, known and designated a s lo t No. Oil on a m ap of Asbury I’ark. beginning a t a nolnt lu the northerly lino o f Ttilrd avonuo, d is­tan t ono liuiulrod and flfty feet thrao Inohea westerly from a marble stono a t tlio northw est corner of Third, avenuo and Occan avenuo ; thonco northerly and imrullbl w ltb Oepan avo- mio. ono hutidrud and seven feet and ten inches to the mltlillo lino o f tho blook ; thenco westerly, along tho middle Hoo o f tho block fifty foet; thenco southerly, wnaiii parallel w ltb Ooean avo- nud otio hundred und ien feot and hIx Inches to tlie northerly line of Thin) avenue; thotioo east­erly, n lo n g lliin l aVenuo IIfty feet and. one iuoh to tlionlaco of hoKhming. free and c lea r 'o f tho1 lonnof the mortfrii«ea Of I ho defendants, Anna Porter Wilson nnd Frederick F. Wilson. .

Hulzed as tlio property o f Peter O. Wilson, owner, and FroiloricfcT, VVIlHon, builder, taken In execution a t tho suit of Nel«<in K. Buchanon, f t al., partnors.eto., an N. Ii. ltuchauon & Co.,and to l>o sold by - TtlKODOttK V'lKI.UH, Bhorlff.

IIawrins & Durano, Att'ys- -.Dated Juno 12,1M8& [P r’s fco, $7.20.]

- E s t a t e .

Wanted to Exchangeabout 80 ACRES OF LAND, on whtoh hr a small barn, near Lakewood, N J .. for a GOOD YACHT.

A d d re s s V. M . T H O M P S O N , .• v ; ^ . Ureonfleld, Ifais.

S H E R I F F ’S SA yLE.— 15y v i r t u e o t a w rlto f fl. fa. to 'm o d irected, Issued out of

the flupremo Court of tho S ta te o f Wow Jersey, will be exposed to salo a t publio vendue,on

T a o s d u y , t lio i i l s t d a y o ( J a ly , 1888,between tho bourn of 12 and 5 o’clo'ok, (a t 2 o’olook). In tho afternoon of nahl day, a t tbe Court, llouso a t Freehold, In the township of Freehold, oounty of Jdoumouth, Now Jersey,

A ll th o so c e r ta in lo ts , traotfl o r p a ro e ls of land an*I preinlsos sltuato In tho townHhfp ofMlddlctowh, county o f Monmouth and S tate of................................. lo.................................... . . . . . . . . g l o t ........................ ................. ...............known as tho Iluhbard trac t, boRlunins a t tho

Nuw Jemoy, boinir lots numbers 171) and 1B0 on a map of building -lots a t the Atlantlo UlghlaudK

northwoMt com er of llf^lilund avoi)UQ and avo- uuo “ O ;" thenco westerly along thoiiorth side ot. Highland avenuo ono hundred feot to tho southeast corner o f Lot No. 1st t thence {*41 northerly along tho cost lino o f said lot No. 181 one.hundred mid soventy-flvo foot to tlio south­west corner or lo t No. 117 ; theuce (81 easterly nlonjr tho southerly lino of lots Nos. 147 aud 1-18 ono hundred foot to tho wost sltlo o f avonuo " C ; ” thenco (•!] southerly along tho.weatsldo of said avonuo •‘■C ” ono hundred and so^onty- five feet to the place of beginning, belnff all of lots 179 and 180 on Bald mai>. # . -

A lso , a ll th o so lo ts , s i tu a te in t h e to w n ­ship of Middletown, county of Mbnmouth nnd State o t New Jersey, being lots NosV 4; 181, 182, 181.182 and-105. being bounded and desoribed>as follows: Lot No, 4, beginning in the northeast oomor of lo t No. 8, and on the south side of May avenuo; thenco [1J easterly fifty feot along- Bay avenue; thonco 12] southerly one hundred' and th irty feet alpijg No. 5 ; thenoe [8] westerly fifty feot'alb’itg No. «3? thenco [41 northerly ono hundred and th irty foet along lo t No. a to tho place of beginning. Lota Nos. 181 and 183, begin­ning a t tho souim „ ____jwest c o rn e r o f lo t No,thence [1 j w esterly ono hundred feot along the

*. -* ‘h . ------ jg thonorth side of South avenuo; thonco [2] northerly one hundrod and th irty feot.along lot No,. 133 : theace [8] easterly ope hundred feet along lots Nos. 70 and 71: thcnce [4j southerly ono hun­dred and th irty feet along lot No, IfJO to thoElace of beginning. Also Lots Nos. 181 and 182,

eginnlnjrat Uio southw est corner o f lo t No. 180; thenoe fl] westerly ono hundred foot along the north sldo of Highland avenuo : thbneo [2] north­erly ono hundred and seventy-five foet along lot:No. lKlj'theutio [81 easterly- ono hundred feet along lots Nos. 145 and 110; thence [4] southerly

tjAo hundred and soventy-fiv'e feo t atong<Jot No, 180 to tbo place o f beginning. Also lot No. 165,beginning a t tho northeast corner of lo t No. l o t ; thence [li easterly sixty feet, moro o / loss, along '* ih 11— “ ■ --------------**■—thonco

K 'borthorly is, along-lot No.

tho Houth side of Booth a v e n u e r thonco [21 southerly, sixty feet, moro o r less, to Many Mind Lako to ,lo t No. 101; thonco [4] 'northerly

lC ^L tlio placo of beginning, as sh o w n o n a map-oMiulldlng lotfi for salo a t tho Atlantlo High­lands, N. J ., by John S. Hubbard._ Also all those lots comprising tho tract

Bituatoln Middletown township, Monmouth,coun­ty, Now Jersey, bounded as follows: Beginning in ‘ no north west corner of lot. No. 147,. and on tho . .lu'th sldo ofSoutb avenue : thenco southerly one hundred and seventy-five feet along lot No. 147; thonco westerly ono hundred and fifty feot along lots Noa. 181, 18i and 188: thenco northerly one huudred and seventy-five feet along lot No. 148 to South avenue; thenco easterly one hundred aud fifty feet along South avenuo to tho place o f bo gluuing, being I-ots Nos. 141,1-15 and 1-ui, asaUovrn on a map of building lota for ^alo a t tho Atlantic Highlands, N. J., by John 8; Hubbard.

Also, all that lot situate at Key East, In the township o f Noptuno, county of Monmouth, and State of Now Jersey, known an d designated as lot number two. hundred and thirty-five (235) on a map of lots of Key East, m ado by E. Q. Har­rison A Son, January 15,1883, and described as fol­lows; Beginning a t a point in tho southerly side, of Woodlaud avenue a t tho distance of four hun­dred and flfty feet eastward ly from a stone set'in tho southeasterly corner of said Woodland and' Second--avenue; thenco extending along tho Boutlierly HldeofsahVWoodlund aveiiuo, eastward- ly fllty feet to a point; thenco: extending south- — ....— — en.

ve- ------- -ftyfeet,, Excepting and reserving ten feet from ou

fllty ___________ . _________ „ _irdjy from this point and tho point first men-

_ ,ncu at right angles with said Woodland avo nuo between parallel Hues ono hundred and flftj

of the rear of lot 23Vfor tho purposo of m aking a twenty feet alloy way for the private use of tho lot owners of the bh^’k of lots m which said lo t is

an Instrument of writing for tlmt.purpose, signed and acknowledged by all owners or said block and duly recorded.

A lso , all that certain lot, situate iu the township o f Neptune, Monmouth county, New Jersey, beginning a t tho southeast corner of Seventh avenue and Webb street. In tho Borough of Asbury Park as now located thouco southerly along the easterly lino of Webb street ono hu n ­dred aud fifty (IM) feet;,thenco,easterly a t right angles to Webb street.,soventy-flvo feet; thenco northerly parallel with Webb street ono hnndred and forty-rour and sixty-four hundredths (144 64- 100) feet to tho southerly lino o f Bovcnth av en u e; thonco westerly alone tlio southerly lino o f Sev­enth avenne seveuty-flVe (75) feet and one and onc- half (l>6) inches to tho place o f beginning.

Alao, all those lots, situate lu Wall township, Monmouth county, NO'w Jersey, known and designated on a map of Brighton and,N orth Brighton, made by Herman Lehlbaeb, surveyor, aa lota nuratcre 141,142,143, 141,145, 140, 147, 148, 149.150 and 151, nnd being taken together aro de-. scribejlaa follows: Beginning at tho northwest-' erly corner of Brighton avenuo and Third avenue.: thence 1, westerly along tho northerly line-ol Brighton avenue 11 vo huudred and tifly (W»ft) feet totYio northeasterly cornor q t Brighton avenueand Fourth.avenue; thonco 2, northerly aloni the easterly line of Fourth avenuo ono nu and fifty (150) feet; thenco 8, easterly r»f with Brighton avenuo fivo hundred anu fifty (,550)


feet to th e westerly lino of Third avenue; thence 4, southerly along tho westerly lino of^l’hlrd ave­nue ono hundred and fifty (150) feet "lo tho place of beginning. • >■

Also, tlio following lots,-, sltuato at Ocean Grove, in Ncpttmq .township.- Monmouth couuty. New Jersey, known itud-dlliuufuiHhed on map or lots on camp-ground of The .ocean dmvo Camp Meeting Association of the Methodist Epis­copal Church, an lotx Nos. 1 liX), 1300, 705 aud vo3, conveyed to said Albertson by leases or asMign- meuts of leases, recorded iir tbo clerk's otllce of said county, iir Hooks 362 of Deeds, imges 415 and 412, nnd Honk 310o f Deeds; pages 211 and 2F»... .

Alao, a ll t h a t t ra c t , m t lio ^ o w n s M p s o f Ocenu and Neptune, In Monmouth county, New' Jersoy, on tho south nIdo o ftlrea t Bay BouthofHuy 6wanip, a t Poplar, beginning two chains nud thirty links ou a course mnitli, fourteen degrees east from a white ouk tree about a foot through,marked with a blaze, tind ono"notch al>ovo and one below’ caeh blaze, standing about forty links Bouth of the Great Bay brook betwoen llieswamp anil tho uplnnd; thenco 1, south, fourteen degrees east, nlno chains; thence 2, south, Uv^dy-jtiree degrees west, twenty-one ch a in s; thenco 3, kouIIi eighty-iWo degrees west, nineteen e-Uaiim nnd ilfti links; ihenee 4, north, twenty-throe degrees cant; thirty-five ch a in s; thonco 5, south, seventy-eight degrees cast, eleven chahiHnnd'elghly links to the placbof beginning, containing fifty -two aeres aud ninety-two lm ndrudthsof an aero. Being thosamo premises convoyed to said Albertson hy K.T. Stout

'andDthLTr. br«ccUx^C(mtcitln''.’'f*JTttnouth'iiRttnt3^ clerk's olllcc, in Book 310 o f Deeds, pago 851, &c.

Alao, all th o right, titlo n n d in to ro a t of ‘said Benjamin Albertson In nil that lot or parcel of land on Cookman avenuo. in tho borough of Asbury Park, township o f Noptune, county o f Monmouth, New Jerecy, described ns follows: Beginning nt a point In . tho northerly side of eaid Cookman avenue, dUtnnt fourteen feot west­erly from tho southwest corner of JohnC. Hath­away’s lot a t tho northwest corner o f said Cook- man aveuu6 ahd Beml street; thence northerly a t right angloa to said Cookman avenue olghty- elght fee t; thenco westerly parallel with Cook-

,muu avonuo fourteen- fee^: thonco Bonthcrly at right angles to Cookrotffi ltvenuo olghty-elghl feet to tho norlhorly lino of Cookman nvcnuo ; thoncoeasterly along said northerly lino fourteen feet to tho placo of beginning as.descrlbcd Ih a lease to euId Albertson by II. 8. Kinmonth for four years

j y j l t a ROSALINE V. RIPIiEY;

TfACHEfl OF PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY.Foreign and American fingering. Torms—llO for

20 Wessons, payable a t lo th lesson. . ^

T © x r t f o x S a l e -. Inquire a t Q. J . SCIIANCK & SON’S

Coal Ofllco, Cor. Maiu st. end ABburjjavo.

F O R S A L E O H E A. i ■ r 'SmaUppny, a d og.oartand pouyphietoa.

Address' S. 0. COWART, Freehold, N. JT.

and ton months, to commonce on tho 1st day o f F e b . r e c o r d e d iu Book 132 o f Deeds, pago 170. And also as desoribed in an assignment OflndHy from Wm. It.- Kelsey to said Albertson, o f a lease-made by said Kinmonth to said the said ajialgmftcut Is recorded lu Book 411. page 256, and tho liuorestofsuld Albertson in both said leases. " ■ ■ - ‘ " . ’ .

Bolzed as tho property or popj. Albertson, taken In cxecutionat thosuitofJohu H.stephoiiBon. and to bo sold by TH HOD ORE FIELDS,

IIA.WK1N8 Duiiano, Att’ys. - BborllF.Dated.June 28, 185 , c f IV s fee, 832.40.}

BARGAIN.Fnlly furnished boarding house near tho beaoh,

also cottago and cholco lo t vory cheap.AddrcBg HOX 161, Asburv P a rk J \ O.

F O R S A L E .Cottago at.Ocoan Bonoh, 8ocond nvcnuo. fnclnr south. Socond house from tho ocean. Prlco, furnished, $1,000. -Address, “ OWUBB,"

Alloh llouec, Donl llcaolr, N. J .

O N E C H A N C E L E F T .T o I joI , f o r the* S u m m e r , '

.tho Whlto Cottage, No. 008Third avonue. Excel­len t location, half a blook from tho Rleetrlo s tree t rullway. live m lnutea walki frt>m tho beaoh. Bout $300. w ith piano. inqulro a t tlio brlek faotory, Third avonuo,"w est of rail­road, or addrcss *

‘.‘<1. II. RV’ carQ.of JouiiNAi^oflleo!

For Sale or Exchange.A. Country store and denlrablo dwoUlUK 18

rooms (suitable for summ er boarders) barn, w a­gon houso, <fco. 7 acres fino garden land, 400 poauh trees, 25 apnlo trees, 1 aero strawberries and raspberries. Ncur Long Branch aud Asbury. park, N .J .

Faruj 12 acres, 3kJ miles from Asbury Park> N .J . Apply, to WM.B.BYBAM. -

*r Postofllce'’Bulldlng, Boom 1, Asbury Park, N. J . ^


Valuable House and Lot.Tlie sabsorlbor, a tlm lnlstrotrlr of Edward *T.

Clayton, late of Neptuno township, Monmouth county. New Jorsoy, deceased, will by vlrtuo of an order of the Orphans’ Court of said county, datc<! Juno 7,1888, soil a t publio salo a t

PAHIC HALL, A8B1/UY PABK,O n T u e s d a y , J u l y 3 1 s t , 1 8 8 8 ,

At 2 o 'clock P. M.,All th a t certain house etnd lo t of land sltuato In West Park, near Asbury I'ark, ln said county, and tho southorly two iblrds part of a lo t known and designated as Lot No. 7 on a map o f lands o f J . E. Borden and others, ndJohUng abovo lot of land on tho westerly sldo of Sylvan avetjuo, tho wholo property belnir 88 feet 4 Inohos front, and 150 fcotln doptn. Conditions a t Ralo.

MAUY A. CLAYTON, Administratrix. Dated Juno 18, 18«8.

N O T I C E .Wo have often been asked, “ Do you feed your

cows any awill from boarding,houses t ’’ Tho answor Ip NO! Wo mlik/vj cows of o uraw n .ap4 have unvor fed ono mouthful of swill from- boarding houses, nor onom outhfiilof sourbrew - ora’ or dlatlllory gmin. Wo feed w heat, bran, corn and oat niQal,. with grass or hay In t'uolr season. For good, pure and wholesomo milk drop a postal to If.-TKUAX A 80N,Box 893, ABbury Park, or Box 8D3, Ocean Urovo.


■pepreaontlng properties and collections along tUlB cooat, will falthfnllyjropvesent-th^own

ors of properties in renting o r selling the. same a t the lowest rates o f (ornmingion. -

I t will be tho policy of thia Agency by every effort to ascertain the standing or those desiring to rent, so th a t nono but those who Would bo desirable In every respect as tenants can rent through this Agenoy. . When tenants secured through this Agency are proven unreliable, no commsrion will be charqea. References wlU ba required from all w bp. apply^for renting prop­erty.

It will bo tho aim of this Agenoy to consider. First, tho interest of proporty holuors ln secur­ing desirable ten a n ts : Seoond, the general wel­fare of tho town—the matter o f commission* being last. •_ I t Is onr Intention , free o f cost to the owner, tov take a general care o f proper ty, reporting, any re­pairs needed, for which they aro responsible, and will see th a t thoy aro properly attended to at as low a price, as first-class work would per­mit. I^rompt, fa lth fid and considerate attention \cillbe given. ' . ; ■ -

Conslilorlng this and tho p lansth ls Agonoy has adopted fo r advertising, tho best class o f people will bo attracted to tills locality, and i t will be found to tho inlerfHt of property holders to. place M dr property »oleiv ia the charge o f tM* Agency.

VVe,wlll glvo special atten tion _to_tho aalo of lots along this part of tho coast, aud we sell lots this Summer.

Thb.Agency proposes to assist merchants and business m en In general, to collect their bills a t very tow rates o f percentage.

The best referonoFS in Philadelphia and Now York gi m i on apj/iUdtfon.

In connection with thla Agency thoro will be a llureau q f Information for tho uuo 6f customers and tho regular travollnJr public, wherO will be kept for referonocv/r^ o /charge, all tho Eastern l/’Ity'Directories, railway guides, &o Tbo Bu-- reau of Information will keep a special lis t of boarding houses and hotels, furnishing suoh with selcct boarders, charging a Commission fpr sam e., . . ‘ ' *

W - o . . B U T L E R ,

I t e a l E s f a t o ' B r b k e r ,

Gice—Msin Stmt, Spp, Eitaf Station.

T 3a >


i -0

a ,


©S - s

p,S :«

1 e



Tha Grand Oriental B a za a r,“ M ik a d o ,” o n R a i lro a d S q a a ro .

Strango and Wonderful Roods f«»m Chijm atid _jJapan. _ - C L E . B O B S T — ..

T E A V I S ,

S e a -S S d o Hom e,, B o a r d in g fin d D a y S c h o o l t o t Y o u n g

• C t d i e s iu id O liU tlro n , * ,

A S B t ' B Y P A R K . - K E W m S E T .

-W n th y e a r oppns Wednosday, Sept. 21, ’87,. Address < JULIA HOS8, Principal,

604 ABbury ave., Asbury T ark .N . J think of Bonding your daughter aw ay to school, wrlto to


W a tc h m a k e r ,-*■

a n d J e w e le r ,

MAIN ST.Largo clock In

. front of tho storo.DIAMONDS,

WATCltKft and JtfW EIJiY.

Flno ropafrlng and udjuetlng a specialty.

j^O IESO N E M A R V I t l S A F Ecombination lock. In good ordor,-& in. wide, 30 In. high. a Ibo ono largo ■4-sprlng wagou with to p ; otio Iron wagon, without springs ;>ono ex-e rcss wagon, 8-Hprlng, for ono or tw o horses,

hoap. Inqulro or J JACOB BKECHOl'T, w Deal, near tho Mill.

For Sale at a Bargain.A light 2-eoat platform entonslon top pho;ton, w ith polo and shafts all In good ordor, for €05.

M. J , JEWEL, Irving 8t., Itahway, N. J .

H o rse a n d C a r ria g e l o r S a le ;1 all lag health, will Bell a doslrablo horso, car­riage, harness and saddle a t a bargain. -'Horse 8J eara old, sound and perfectly gentle. Inqulro of Cdwatd Bexton’s feed store, head AYesIey Lako-

Organized February, 1830. ■ nKNHY C. WIN80H, President. ' JAS. A. WAINUIOUT, Vico I*rosidcnt

, - „ . • ALBERT C. TWINING, Cashier. . . . * ” >•-

'FIRST N A T I O I iL ' B A N K ,-, A S B U liv P A R K , N. J . ,

C a i > i ( a l , B 5 0 ,0 0 f l . 0 0 . ' S i i i r | i l i i ^ ( 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0Poa^T O FFIC E BUILDXNO, M A i S STKEBT AND MATTIHQN AVKNUB,

Truneaots a fcn cra i banking liu»lnciw,, Issues lottsra n! orcdli avQllnWe In lliu orincin«l cltl™ nt U ioworld. Fp.rolm antidqm cstlooiohauBe*boughtnn*«>M . praigiiwi fllloa . .o r .

C o lle c tio n sca rem lly m a d e and p ro m p tly ac conn tod fo r .

• BOARD OF DIRECTORS: .O. F. Kroehl. . ' Albort tf. Twining,Jas. A. Wainright, Henry O. Winsor, N. K. Huolianon,'

Oliver II. Brovt^, Isaatrf!. Kennedy, J.Mianloy Fergusoh..


fn and $10 Upwards.E V K U Y I N 8 T I t 01M F ,N T C T J L I j Y W A R

•_ K A N T E D . . ■ ; i , .

Pianos to Rent.' & » C a l l a n i l E v a n m i n o u r S p c c i n l l l a r -

e t t l j m . f r o n t $ S O U p w a r d ; „

Pmnosaml OrgniinTauoilnad Ropnirod.


B R I G G S ’H E A D A C H E T R O C H E S

A B E W A R R A N T E D T O C U l t E .

s i c k : h e a d a c h e .

■ x B S T i ^ c o n s r i ^ . i L . s .1 Ai *■" --------------------------

^ Utica, N. Y., AprlKNt 1HH8.F. A. A R C H E R • r •

8lr—For several years my wlfo suffered from Sick Hoailacho, but about eight years ago sho took two boxei* of Brljrgs’ Headacbo Troches, which entirely cured h er and she bos not boon troubled w ith ltslnco . I believo It a good medicine.

Respectfully yours, •WM. HOW ATI I, Drttgglst, No.CC Houth street,

No. 882 River Street, Thoy, N. Y., September 6,1881.

oars I-Tiavo siiffered frrtni Sick Ilondaeho, having '*— ‘ r~ y-bed three and four; days a t a

meflt. was pntirelycured byuslng

F .A , A RC H ERSir—For the. past tw enty v i . . ____ ______ _ _________ ______ ___ ______

an a ttack every two weeks, wblchconfltied me to 'm y -bed three and four; days a t .a— . — *t * 1— — *-*— — — * bfin .................. ..timo, and after trying tho best physicians w ith o u t ....... „

Briggs’ neadaclio Trochcs, five years ago. and have not had an a ttack since, and my general Health has beon greatly Improved." Yours truly, • >


■'i • WroMiKn, Iowa, August 23, 1880.F .A . A R C H E R . • - - ' * ■ . ■ •

Slr-^KnoIosed find draft for one dollar, fo r which pleaso send,m o five boxes 'q f Briggs’ Iloadacho TtoobeB. I havo uot had an a ttack o f, headache• Ih 'even-fpnr months, and bolJeva*I havo beenperm anently onreil by tho use of your “ T roches” and w ant this lo tfo r friends wholmvo sufTorod tho same as I did fotmany-^rcars—

Gratefully youra; . ’ ' MRH. A. II. PL

Thousands o t letters as strong as thoso above have been received jit tho past ten' years testifying to tho merits of this truly wonderful specific.

3 ? r ie e ‘2 5 C en t^ .F . A . Archer Proprietor, Saratoga Springs, H . ^ .

.............. M B J A I R B *

VVOOLLEV & BEE1>, P liarniiK ilsts,STORES-TOO Cookman avefiuo, corner Bond street, Asbury Park, and Main avenuo;

•. • * ■ „ . • Ooean drove, N. J . _ |

42 s



©» > r . .

r * .



C 3 - e o . T ^ 7 * . T r c m a ^ ,

Licensed Auctioneer,BO A K OEBS5 D IK E O IO B V ,

REftt ESTATE J 1HD INSURANCE AGENT210 Main S t., Asbury P a rk ,-N . J .



Meal Estate and Insurance Agent,725 C oo tffiren AuoetTo, A s b n r y P a r k , N . J .


W i l l i s f o r d D e y & C o . ,e s t a t e .

Wo.have a large num ber of furnished cottagof. and a fow boarding houses Ih Xsbury Park ami Ocoan Grove for rent. Bradloy Beach plots alm ost given away.

Strongest Insurance Agency in America.Phcnmx, Hartford; (Wraun-Amorican, Home, Niagara, Coutinobtjil, Pbenix,

Oleus Falla aud Liberty, Now TforkT Insurance Co. of North America, F ite - Association and Union, riiiladolpjiia; Liyorpool and London and y*

Globo, Royal and-Loudon aud Lancaflhiro, Liverpool; Com- - $» ' ineroial Union, Phtjonix, Imp^tial, Firo Iufltiranco Asso­

ciation and City of London, London; Lancashire, Manchester ;North BritiaU and Morcantilo, Ediuburgh; Eliot, Boston; British

Amorich, '* Toronto; Providonco Washington, Providence Equitable Lifo, Metropolitan Plato Oloaa, an<\_Amorioan Surety Company, Now York,

Our companies insure against daniago by lightning, whether flro ensues o r not.

Tho only ftho calf $? NcaiulONw Shoo in tlie world m ade w i t h o u t tac k N o r n a i l * . - Asstyiifili and.durable as thoso costing$5 o r $U,nnd having no tucks o r nulls to wear tho stocking or hurt tno feet, makes thom as comfortable und woll-llttlng us a hand-sowod shoo. Buy tho bent. None genuine unless stamped on bottom ** W. L. Douglas S-l Shoo. W arranted.”

W. L. Douglas $ 4 Shoe, ’M S 'only hand Rowoa welt $•* shoo, Which equals cub- tom-made shoes, costing froru $0 to $U,

W . L . Douglas $2 50 Shoe %S 'for heavy wear.

W. L, Douglas $ 2 S h o e f e . %and is tho bcBt school flhoo in tho world.

AlVlhe abovo good a" are rnadn In Congress, But­ton, I>aco and' WaUkonphast, and aro for sale at;

o . n ;

"Tw in City” and Shoe Store,Main 8L, Opp. Depot, A N B U R Y P A l t ^

f ^ C a l l and seo our Now Spring Hats. Thoy aro Light lu Weight, Fast In Color and Popular In Price. :• .

WATTRE88B8 ahdUBDDING o f dll kinds can .bo found a t . — - : . ; •

No, 1 M ain 8t, (Onnerod Building^ABBURY PARK, N. J.. * - .....^

RonovatlngMattresses a specialty a t reasonable price*. O eo t M flllla tu iio n , A g l,

(K s f ^ b l ls h e d I n f fe w X o f l s -1881.)


JA S . H.

^ B e s t 2 s ^ C © a , t s

Finesi Poultry.- • Smoked MeatSj,S u p e rio r C orned Beoi

From Seleotod.Stock, A rtesian W ater aud Puro Pickling Materials.

Vegetables and FruitsFresh Dally from Monmonth County 0

v Farms.

C A N N E D Y E G E T A jifc je s ,. •D E S 8 K R T F R U IT S , ‘

P L U M P U p n iN O , A c .

,• A satisfactory placo to doal, where everything sold is guaranteed to bo tho best la tho m arkot.

'i-Telophono connootlons with Park afttl Qrovo.


Page 4: New * /o L i x u r A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W .. J E R S E Y , J U L Y 7 , … · 2014. 4. 2. · T IN W A R E , Ac. Cookman av., near Bond st.,' a s b o b x p a b e . n . j.? TIN

g j C H -T H

[ M c n r i c ld


v , ' . . . i ■ v ,v ;V " '- 1 •> ' ■

* V

" © u s ; S o n t l i e r n M a s t e r s . ”: "S en a to r C handler haa p rep ared a n artlclo fo r th o J n ly Fcm im t o itlduco th o N o rth to undeceive itself, fo r “ the South la in th e sad ­dle and i t m eans to s ta y th o ro . iio . s ta te s tho a itnd tion th n s f 1* Tho South which, dur-f Jn g m ore thauTm lf a century,' dom inated tho n a tion b y m eans o f 8 lar$rjr>and-the-'pow er w h lc h e lf tT o ry g a v o .'h n s .a ffc e ra p o rlo d o frO ' be]]Jon cauaod b y slavery an d a period o t'rc- c o n slractio n prolonged by crim es a g a in st tho freedm cn, again seized the reins o f govern­m ent, and h as rew arded itse lf (or,its'rebellion b y Increased rep resen ta tion in Congress and In tho body o f electors,w hich, chooses a p resi­den t. Tho N orth io Btippoacd to havo con­quered. T he U nion ls say ed .ln form. The F o u rteen th and F ifteen th i/Cmondmobts a re h

. dead Jo tter,'oponly an d flaaran jly disobeyed.' Suflfrago a t the South for th o b lac k m an does

n o t ex is t; „for tho w hite m an oven i t iB'alt&bsl; a farce. A fow loaders in each S tate; com- blriifig w ith sim ila r coterl6s rin o th er ifltates, form an oligarchy which w ields tiio whole po litica l powor o f th e solid South. U nited w ith tho D cm ocratlo p a rty o f tho N ortb , whO expect to cpntrol by cor n ip tion br frau d a

. few n o rth ern Btatos, th e ir ‘p lan o f cam paign’• la exactly w b a t j t was b efo re 1800. O ur mod-• e ra soi^thorn mastorS a re Ho) d ifferent from

those of .fo rm er years. "T ljey a re ab le , alw ays a le rt, a n d whdflever n o t opposed a ro p laus­ible, courteous andl fu lh o f k ln d a n d p atrlo tlo professions; resisted, tho lr gentleness proves llko t h a t o f tigers ; they*, becom o flqrco aijd defiant, som etim es b ru ta l,11 • ' . ^ ' •

' - A t t l i o * \V o ih a n rs M c o t l n p f .

A t a m eeting o f a . dozen ladles th e o th er d ay to organizo a lodge Of tbo K ing’s D augh­ters, the u t te r un’famlllaH ty o f wom en *,with p arliam entary law , o r even w ith tlio griUoral idea o f organization w as som ew hat humor-

" onsly lllnBtrated. - A fte r thoy had s a t looblng- a te i \c h othor a triflo .norvonsly . fo r awhile, o n e o f them Bald:

kt W ell, hero we are. W hat'a ro we going tb d o?” ; *'*’ ■■■ -'■■■■

" Oh, d e a r,1’ sa id anothor. “ I d o n ’tk o o w , b u t let’s do something.*1 .t/'v-., '

A t last a young lad y suggested thoy m ight t ry n o t to say m ean th ings a b o u t othor p e o ­ple until n e x t mooting,' an y way. Everybody

;• thought th a t w ould bo nice. ' J u s t a s they ? w em ad jonrning , tw o hours later, a Indy^ex-

c la im e d ; ." O b , I suppose we ought to have a p resi­

d en t?” * . * . •“ Why, of course wo o u g h t,” sa id anothor. “ I don’t suppose anybody ^ ill object to

M rs. BrOwn for p residen t,” sa id a th l r d ^ I c t ’s •*havoher.” ' '

“ All righ t, lo t’s , ” echood th o res t, And nobody objected to nam es proposcd fo r sec­retory and treasu rer, eithor.

A . fow . days lator tho fa ir eeoretary con­s u l t e d a gentlem an acq u ain tan ce a s . t o how she should w rite rip tho m inutes o f tbo m eet­ing.

" W,ell, you ought to begin by saying who w as chairm an o f the m eeting.”

jby, wo d idn’t h ave a n y ch a irm an ,” said f l . :Vho, then , p u t the m otions beforo the

i ln g ? ” asked tho geqtlem an.Ob, we d id n ’t have atiy m o tio n s Somor

d y w ould Bay she th ough t such a th ing Mid be nice an d all the others w ould say

f iy th ough t so too . T h a t was all.”“ I f th a t w as tho case,” lrfnghed tbo gentle­

man, “ yo u ^ i l l havo to dot i t down in the jninutea th a t such and aairh m easures were n form ally approved. / B n t you m ost sta te d early th a t tho club w a y organized an d wrlto o u i^tbo nam e of y o u y p a rtlcu la r branch o r lodgo’sftu d th o constitu tion ,.apd by-law s you

. adop ted ; ^“ But we haven’t g o t an y nan io ,” Inter­

ru p te d th e giri^uan d w e didn’t adopt any con­s titu tio n and by-laws. W hat was th e use ? W e all knew w ah t we wero there fo r.' Bosidcs, wo d idn’t th in k of th a t.r‘

H i s F e e l i n g s W e r e H i n t ; \K“ Adolphus, d ’yo know th a t P r a , a little

vexed a t Miss Simm ons ?*’ '' “ W hat happened, A rth u r, old boy ?” .

“ W ell, y o ^ k n o w 'I prldo ray self on my singing. Wo wero a t tho piano. ‘ I ’ll s in g o ne m oro song and then^go hom e,’ I said.

“ W as it la te ? ”“ A be0 , m idn igh t.” .“ A nd w hat did sho sa y ? ”“ Sho said , ‘C an’ty o u go hom o firs t?’ ” “ A nd d id y o n ? ”“ Yes, Adolphus.u-4 tell you I ’ra a little^

vpxed a b o u t It.” —-Harper's Bazar.

H © U n d e r s t o o d H e r . ,

He—W hy, it is grow ing quite d a rk I You can hard ly d istingu ish the peoplo a t th e hotel.

She-^A nd ra th e r cool, too*'; I o ugh t to havo som ething a round mo. ; ,,

H e (w ith a fam ilia r m ovem ent o f the a rm ) —T h a t’s s o I

W h a t M r s . G r u n d y S a y s . ,T h a t he w ho is m ost com fortablo In hot

w eather lets whiskey severely alone.Th^t Cleveland supporte rs a re pioro su re o f

his avoirdupois th an they are o f 4 iis re-elec­tion. ’

T h a t “ Jefferson ian sim plicity,” -ln sum m or m eans sh ir t sleeves an d trousers, b u t^n .-eo l-la r . ■ • < - *‘” t J

" T h a t i t is a m istake to th in k -ev ery b o d y who hires a co ttago a t N ew port i s a "m illion­aire .” . . "•

T h a t wom en wbo.-sacrifico religion fo r a husband a re raro ly p u t on tho exem plary ped­estal: , _ __

T h a t the World is overcrow ed, with pcopl0. who w an t t o r in g the bell, b u t can tft find theknob. .‘ T h a t “ Ofl to P a r is ” Ib' tho c ry . o f tho ac­

tresses whoso ta len ts and abilities a re a ll in th e ir gowns. - . : ;

T h a t v ery few of tho thousand. A m ericans now in Europo havo" tim e to speak a s they

very often men who ow n a s tr in g o f horses ^novetii^w ncd a

somo of tho Berlin correspondents as If they woro on term s of in tim acy

royalty.T h a t noxt to rolling ofT a log, tho easlost

th ing to do Is to rid icu le an d -mako fun o f your onomles, „ •

T bat ono o f tho best ways to m ake a feud between neighbors in tho coun try is fo r ono fam ily to keep chickens. . . .'T h a t eight-dollar elorks w ho be t $50 on horse raccs, and havo chfjfaipagno suppers,' aro d riftin g In tbo neighborhood of S ing Sing. — Mixit'ciiul

. I t is Ih e cauao and*not tho deatR th a t m akes ibo in iifty r: • ^ j ;

M any an old .book has to bo bound ovor to ••koep tho ploeb. t . .. .

“ W on by a more scratch ,” a s the hen Said when sho tu rned u p a worm .

- A socloty girl says th a t au tn m p loaves m ay b e> ery beautiful, b u t thoy aro n o t nearly bo n>co as JO o ’clock leaves.: / •

A California w asherw om an who w asJeft a legaoy o f |7p0 .had tw enty-tw o offers’.or m ar­riage wltbiri a m onth . I t ’s tho glorious cli­m ate, you kjjow. 1 !;

W olves aro so plonty 'la B ussia tb a t no m an hOft to go off his land tb bo oaten allvt). Thero

^are a lw ay s'certa in cbnjforts arid pri vlleges to Offset despotism . , A

Some o f iho tadlaBB havo bocom osuchgootl farm ers th a t tb e lr pom pklns cost them ouiy sevonty cent« apleeo, ond they can ralso tu r ­n ips fo r’abofo (3 per bushel.

A lthongh wo havo o ften givon the h isto ry o f A sbury P a rk , th e plape is becom ing W well know n th ro u g h tho ow nors o f co ttages and tho press, th a t wo a re Often ni^e<l to ;ag a lb glvo ltd h isto ry in t>T>o. L lts lsu c c e ss iis j i lm p r t m arv e lo u s; i ts g row th a s a ecocide reso rt has boop groaior thnny any sim ila r entorpriso on tho' A m brlcan continent. I t will bo .tiptlcOd^ th a t a p o nnancn t village h as grow n up . a r i s ­ing from tho necessities of tho* sltfiation .

■Some, w ho a t flrst on ly sp en t V few m onths In sum m qr, now Ilvo hero the y ea r a ro u n d , Oh they havo all tho com forts of tho largo tow ns th a t dro m uch nearo r Now Y ork. v . •

W o tako ploasuro ln re-publish ing Its, h is­tory, as g iven in a prevlouo num b o r, o f T n p Jo u rk a i^ by* Mr. Jam es A. B^ulloy, th o orig­in al p ro p r ie to r : ■ ■;. *■ \

“ O ne a fte rn o o n in M ay, 1870, X was .Walk­ing dow n B roadw ay, -Now. Y ork, and- su d ­denly ran againBt my friend , D avid H . Brow n, Esq., T reasu rer o f thie Ocean G rove A ssocia­tion . ‘ IIow IsO ccauG rovo g e tting alo n g ?’ I askod. ‘ V ery fa ir ly ,’ sa id ho, * why d o n ’t yon buy a lo t ? Those w ho have thoir nam es p u t dow n now h ave flrat cholco.' * W ell, p u t mo dow n for tw o ,’ said I . A fow days a fte r, in com pany w ith eomo friends WO\ .started for Ocean Grovo. Wo took tho, b o a t fo r P o r t M onm outh, thenco b y ra ilro ad to Entontow n. ■The scarshoro ro u te w as opened n_few days afterw ards. A fter dlriing a t M r. B row n’s co u n try bonso a t E a tontow n, -wo d rove to Ocean Grovo ln carriages. Tho tu rn p ik e com pany h ad ju s t com niericcd operation^, an d f ro m G rea t P o n d to U c e a n Grovo w as one

rof tho w o rst ro ad s th a t could woll bo im agin­ed. I w as Completely tak en w ith Ocean G rove and itsB urroubdlnga—so m uch so t h a t I p u r ­chased tb o flrst lo t oVer sold there , tho-prem i­um b e ing $85. ' ! ■■ “ H av ing fo r Bomo tim o prevlons been in b ad health , I conc lude^ to try w hat I had beon rocom m onded—sea ,alr. Too close app lica tio n to bnslboss had mado In roads on. m y co n ­s titu tio n a n d m y nervous system 'w a s seriously a fleeted. S’o , • a fow d a y s a f te r p u rchasing the lots, tak in g , tw o horses, car^ riago an d ten t, and Jo h n Baker, m y colOtfed m an, I lo ft tlio hum of the . busy c ity behind , to becomo an in h ab itan t o f the wild woods, where m y w earied.body,and b ra in m igh t rest, lulled to sleep by thO T nurm urlngfioaatinight. and awakenod in tho m orning by;tho songs 'o i birds in the plnq trees e tirroundlng iny couch.

“ Jo h n anu I arrived a t Ocean Groyo ju s t a t n ightfall, and having gotten our ho rses u n d o r Shelter Jn a barn belonging to Charles Kogors, near the presont Ocean Grovo stniool house, wo entOrod th o woods a n d a b o u t half a m ilo off, erected our to n t. I t'w as too d a rk to 'g o t poles, so w o h u n g tbo te n t on tbo beam s of w hat w as a fte rw ards tho Associ­a tion Ofllce, tho flrst bu ild ing ever e rected in Ocean Grovo. (This build ing stood n e a r tbo A u d ito riu m ' and was afte rw ard to rn dow n o r rem oved). Tbo build ing a t th a t tim o was w ith o u t roof. Wo wore w ith o u t light, an d soon afte r lunch ing on somO craokors w e lay down to sleep, o u r heads resting on tho c a r ­riage cushions, an d o ur covering being ther carriag e b lankets. So wo spont o u r first n ight in Ocoan Grove, and so began aU e n tire ebango in my m ode of lifo a n d which led eventually to a n a lm ost com plete res to ra tio n to health:

“ In th e . m orning Bakor sighed an d said , ‘ M r. B ., this is a w ilderness p laco .’ H e was hom oslck; fo r, lo t tho reader, w ho pbrhaps has beon on the sam o ^spot d u rin g tno busy sum m er season, an d heard tho con tinuous ollck o f tho telegraph in stru m en t a n d seen tbe v a s t th rong o f m en and m aidens call fo r tho lr le tters whon tho m ail arrives, rem em ber i t was far d ifferent on tho m orning o f w hloh we a re w r i tlh g ; a lthongh It was tho 10th of June, n o t a soul was w ithin h earin g dlatanoo of us. I cheered him by say in g : ‘ Oh t don’t bo cast down,v nnd aoon wo wore ca t!ng o ur m orning lunch. T hat finished wo pro jdeded to m y lo ts on the lako, an d p itched o u t sm all ten t-on tho g round now b u ilt upon an d ow ned by Rev. A lfred C ookm an’s widow. My large te n t was e rected a n d 'so wo begun o u r C ru­soe lifo. D uring tho day we occasionally saw F o rem an F ra n k lin 's m en, who w orked a b o u t tho grounds, and a t n ight wo woro le f t to o u r B olltudo. Mr. F ran k lin ’s m en ten te d on tho lots now covered by tho Ifay w ard cottage, b u t on 8nndaya...wont to tholr hom osJt» thp

.In te r io ro f tho tow nship. T“ Bakeiy.was, m y stew ard, housfiKcoper and

cook. j I pftjcured a box an d d n g > hPlo in tho gro u n d and p u t it in, and th a t was o u r icO hduso. Wo w ould som etim es drive to L ong B ranch, Bix ml lea aw ay, and p ro cu re food, prinolpally cannod goods. M r. F ra n k ­lin ’s m & rinuulgod m ore in fresh m eats th an B aker and L so I w ould trade canned goods for tho old-rashloncd savory stow th a t gave, m uscle to tho m on who flrat rem ovod b ria rs and. b rush from Ocean -Grovo a n d m ado itsstree ts . ------- • A

^ ^ ‘O n eev en in g B aker an d I. took a stroll along tho ocean and I proposed a M th . Baker sm ilod an d s a id /N o , iio .’ ‘ l in t rem em ber, Jo h n , cleanliness Ib n ex t to godliness.’ I took an ocean b a th ; bu t, oh, how different from tho w ay ba thers usually en joy tho su rf, tho waves dash ing over tholr beads. I laid down on the so ft sand an d allowed tho w ater to ju s t touch m y body, an d I can tell you,'reader, i t i s som e­w h at lonely to t ru s t yourself in th o g rea t ocean in tho tw ilight and alobo. A fter I had boon ly ing o n tho beach for a llttlo whllo, I looked a ro u n d to b o o w hat h ad becom e o f Bakor. H p had plnckcd u p courage by- m y exam ple an d b ad really d ivested himself of b i t clothes, arid,, cow ard like myself, barely allow ed tho w ater to touch him . Ilia dusky-skin was som ew hat in, con trast w ith tho w hite sand , and tho wholo scono forcibly rem inded mo o f R ob­in so n CrUsoo and his m an Friday.

“ I h av e often m et persona s ince tho tim o I flrst cam ped out a t Occan Grovo whose norves woro sha tte red by too close ap p lica tio n to tho lr profession, studies o r tho lr chase fo r tho ‘ a lm ighty do llar.’ , I w as fam iliar w ith their sufferbagg which, alas, s trong m on look u p o n ' w ith contem pt. Homo were tak ing th is o r th a t ‘ nerv ine c u r ta i l ;1 b u t tho best nerv ino fo r a m an who is faot absolutely p a s t rep a ir is to b reak aw ay entirely from h is calling o r greed an d cam p o u t on tho sea shore, W hite M ountains, Adirondack^ o r in somo o ther h ea lthy locality, o r .tra v e l In Europe, and p a tie n tly w a it fo rth o re tu rn of the g rea te st boo n God has oyer fiivpn to m an—good health .

“ D uring the cam p-m cot|ng th a t took placo in A ugust wo often hoard tno* inquiry, W ho ow ns tho laud on the other ^ Id eo f tb e lak e? Ono day Rev. Wm, B. Osborn and m yself w ent Ovor, a n d a t tho r isk of having o u r clothes to m off, worked o u r way th rough tho b ria rs u n til wo reached Snnset Lake. A nd, llko th e red m an of .whom wo read In trad itions wo could say ‘A labam a—horo wo r e s t f o r wo stood o n tho banks of as beautifu l a shoot of Water as can bo found anywhere. W o retu rn ed to the Grove by w ay of tho beach, and soon se t to w ork to m ake u p a 'com pany to purchase the land . Wo learned tho ow ner w ould n o t soil tho lan d ln parcels, b u t thP p urchaser m u st tak e tho wholo or nono. 'H ero w as a d ifficu lty ; flvo h undred acrtjs I—a w ilderness add b arren sand-w asto,, w ithout house o r in ­hab itan t, arid , n o t a foot of cu ltivated soil In the - whole trac t. ! Never, m ind ,’ sa id somo, ‘ tho moro land wo J iav o tho .m ore profltw o will have.’ O ur com pany w asto co n - s ls t of eight persons, som o o f whom wore very e n th u s ia s tic ; b u t, whon tho cool n ig lita of au tu m n camo along, i t chilled th o lr e n th u ­siasm , and tholr exam ple had Its chilling effect (■ line . B u t 1 ofton th ough t of th o m atter, and as soon as I heard th a t Bishop S im pson, o f tho M. *E. C hurch, urged the O ccan urovo A ssociation to pnrcbaso it, to p rev en t Its fall­ing Into tho hands of somo one-w ho w as not in sym pathy w ith tho .en terprise thoy h a d In tholr hands, I called on David II. Brown, au d proposed lio should -loin mo in tho purohuso b y tokiiu? one-oighth, the prioo asked being ab o u t $90,000. ‘ N o,' said ho, ‘ I am d e te r­m ined to havo no th ing to do w ith any en te r­p rise in th a t neighborhood tlm t w ould scom to place mo injan_lnconMlstent position, a s I am now T reasurer of tho Occan Grovo A ssocia­tion . T his I will d o ; I will w rlto to ovory m em ber of tho Aesocfatfoo, and If th ey sayb uy It. I am inclined to th ink I shall n o t oppose i t, a lthough 1 th in k wo havo enough land now. B ut If thoy do not buy it. you cant A nd as you wiuh mo to ncgotlato tho purchase, f will do so, on condition th a t you advance tho requisite am ount to secure tho property , a n d ’ if tho Association dccldo to ta}*o It. your pionoy J o £to refunded. Wo aro to h ave a wook’e opium to jjpnnlder tho m atte r .’ A m ajo rity of tho Association deoldcd n o t to purchase iho land;, a lthongh somo u rg ed -it very s tro n g ly ; so tho proporty bccam o mmo— I , a t tho same tim o assu ring them / th a t tho p roporty w ould bo resold only to such parttes as w ould ap preciate th o sltu a tlo n o f the placo.

“ As sta ted above It was supposed th a t im - monfio profits won hi resu lt from tho purcbaso of tho land known oi/Asbury P ark , b u t tho m an who has tried to m cot overy oiuorgonoy th a t baa arisen- Is wiser now than whon ho flrot risked a fortuno in un outlvely now au d ■untried sohomo. Thero waa not, so fa r a s bo know, a Bcasldo resort, nn Incorporated tow n.on tho A m urlcan con tinen t o r In Europo, where in tho deods tho sa le o f in tox icating liquor was prohib ited . ‘ W llh y o u r res tric ­tion you can novor m ako a seaside _re- so rt a s u c c e s s ..s o • n ea r N ew Y0i*K,Tr"sdl6( tho tim id and tho croakers, b u t tho founder 'Of A sbury ^ d rk , w ith nn -intonso and llro-long hatred of tho llguor traffic, has glyon hundreds and hundreds o f deeds wblqh aro ou record a t tho C ounty C lerk’s offloo. a n d con ta in a p ro te s t a g a in st tho curse of eoolety which tho Am erican people s trangely

allow to p x ls t ; arid ye t A sbury P a rk , r io tw itlP s tan d in g , d id grow an d Ita success has been so g re a t th a t th e antH lqU or olause Is now a foaturor-In thodoods of m any Seaside Teaorts s ta rte d on the Now Joreoy qoast w ith in the post ton years. 1 ‘ i ~ V

1 “As th o to w n g rcw a eorfdnfldlfncnlty ardse; ‘ H ow w ill you d ra in a n d dow orjtho p lace? ’ I t w as found 41- — ~ -------------to g rapp le w ith th a t qudfitlon, fio, again , An* o ther fo rtu n e was invested in d em onstra ting th a t seaside tow ns on tho .New Jorsoy coast conld bo sowerod a n d ovorj* 'house p u t in a com plete sanltnry 'condltlon . ,

“M onoy has n o t beon lost on tho purchaso of A sbury P ark , b u t tho sligh t p ro fit m ado (a moro sa la ry to its foundor) w ould d isg u s t tho o rd in ary speculator, a n d a lthough th e c a lc u ­lation as to p rofits has boon ad lsap p o in tm o u t,, tho ontorprf8e Is a g ran d su o cess .”

fhoro w ill novor bo an o th er seaside tow n on tho A tlan tic co ast from S andy H ook to B am o - g nt In le t w ith as wido s treo taan d open spacca BS ^Aebury P ark , bocauso rioarly all tbo land north an d south o f A sbury P a rk b a u boon m apped o p t o r is owned ip sm aller p a r ­cels tliau tlVa o riginal tra o t o f A sbury P ark . F a tp ro gonorhtlons will haVo o p p o r tp n l tlo to, ornam oot tho town by e ta tu a ry , vaaos, gar- dona a n d foufltalns. . . -

A sbufy P ark w as tho first soasldo reso rt on tho Am erican C ontinent to a d o p t a p e rfec t systom o r drainage. W o. havo fifteen m iles o f s tree t m ains, o io luslvo of houso eorij noctlon pipes. O ur sowago Is discharged in to th o ocean an d is carrioa aw ay by tho c u r ­ren t. W o havo m iles of w a lk s; a n Ocoan P laza ono m llo long, and from six teen to th irty -tw o feet wide.

A sbury P a rk -h a s the p u res t w a te r In (iho world from o u r A rtesian wolls,,tho analysis of which was m ado by Professor C ookf S tato Geologist. / y

A sliury P a rk has seven church edifices-^ E p isco p a lian ,. Roforniod, B a p tis t Catholic,'' Presbytorlan , M ethodist anu A frican . A P u b lic L ib rary Building w orth, w ith tho grounds, tw en ty thousand dollars. H otels, boarding-houses,.stores o f every v a rie ty neo- ossary to a Inrgo popu lation ore estab lish ed ; weekly papors jvlth c ircu lation o f over 3^000 c o n ic s ; a po st offlco, sa lw y $3,800; tw o public halls—one,' E d uca tiona l H all, b e ing tho sam o nam e i t borp whon It stood on tho Centonuial. g rounds n t Philadelphia— seating o v er 1,500 pooplo. Wo h ave oIbo an oi>ora ho u se seatin g a b o u t 3,500. .

T liere a re eight hundred co ttag es, besides hotels. Tho finest M asonic lodgo-rooin lu Mon­m outh co u n ty w as erected by th e lato Allen R. Cook, w ho w as fo r a long tim o th e esteem ed S uperin tenden t o t A sbury P ark . W® b&vo also ono of tho best p lpnned school-honsoa In tho S tato, With a dally a ttendance of seven h u n d red ; tho school lo t fro n ts o n threo s treets.

A sbury P a rk w as assessed In 1869 o t f 15,000. Tho assossod valuation ln 1880 was over $3,000,000. , . ,

S treets running a t r ig h t angles to tho sea a rc from ono to tw o hundrod fee t wido, a n ad v an ­tage possossod by no o ther soasldo reso rt ou tho Now Jorsoy C oast Tbo depot grounds aro tho finest on tho lino of tho L ong B ranch D ivision of tho Control R ailroad o f Now Jo r- sey, an d w ith ad jo in ing stroeW co y e r fonr. acres, ino lading a splendid grovo. •*

In tho m atter of oloctrio ligh ts A sbnry Park w as th o p ioneer along tho M onm outh co u n ty coast.

Tho F lrat N ational Bank of A sbury P ark -was organized for business in tbo carJy p a r t of 18S0. Ita succoss has boen g r e a t 1 he d e ­posits in tho sum m er of 1887 ran u p t o nearly 1500,000. Tho A sbury P a rk N ational Bank was oponcd to tho p ub lic - on Tuesday, 8ont. ao, 1887.

Tho first s troot c ar lino In M onm outh conn ty had Ite b irth ln Anbury P ark . T he ears aro nropellod by elcctrlolty, power being srippUod

, by tho Asbnry Park Eloctrlo L ight a n d Pow er Com pany.

A t th w p o fn t ln tho history o f A sbury Park It sho u ld bo s ta ted tlm t ono of tho agencies In building up tho tow n w as tho A sntm v J o u h n a l . Tno original p ro p n o to r o f A sbury ' Park was tho foundor o f T ub J o u r n a l T ho m atter for its colum ns w as p rep ared in A s­bury Park and printed n t tho ofllco o f tho Brooklyn Eagle, b u t a fte r a fow years* tho p ap er was p rin tod fn Aebury Park.

Tho paper was sen t in great num bers to all parts of tho country , besides hav ing a largo local d istribu tion . Tho liberal m an n er o f conducting tho popor o f courso requ ired an expend itu re tlm t was frigh tfu l for a co u n try paper, b u t It served Its purposo.

Tho p aper was fearless ln denouncing w rong and npproving tho right. Suits fo r libel d id no t d e te r It aud soon It bocamo a b u lw ark o t dofonco, and although it is now som o.tim o SlhCO It p a s se d entirely o u t oftTio h an d s of Its founder, ItptUI m ain tains Its hlgb cha rac te r , and I am happy to say yields a bandsom o In­come to ita nrosont ownors.


Beforo pimflinfllnjj olsowhoro nonsuit your own interests by inspecting our asso itm ent In ♦

Parlor, Dining-roomand Chamber Suits,

Tables, ttlfioboanlR, Chiffoniers, Rockcrs, Easy Clialrs anil Doskfl. Dealrnblo bargains lu

Brussels and Ingrain Carpets,Matting. Oil Cloth and Linoleum. Window

Shades all grades. Cornice poles, & o...

Stoves, Tinware, Crockery arid Silverware, ~

, i " * *'.■In fac t everything ln the rrousofnmlshlng lino, tluallty and price guaranteed. Contracts solln- ttotl for funilKhlnir Uotels and Cottagos com ­plete. .


Crawford’s Palace o f Music,- tho loading muslo etoro of tho Atiantio coast.

I U - U S I T l n l n S t , . A w h n r y P a r k N *(White’s now briokhuilillnR.) Bohr Bros. & Co.’s, Mathuelmk. Sterling and Mellwen Pianos. W il­cox^* White atid Sterling Organs. Musical in- ptriiments,, touhIo hooks, shoot mnBlo. l’lano, orjran n^nl tab le covorw. Boarfs, Htoels. and sow­ing iimohlno suDplloa. Mauos ond organs for wile o r ren t—ca;«h or on Instalm ents Bomoatlo, American, and other Bowing Mauhluos fo r ren t or sale—cash o r on lnfltalraonts Ho pairs mado to plunos, organs und sowing machines.


Ponies Wanted.,.Any person having small Ponlos o r Donkoys

suitableF O R C H I L D R E N ' S U S E ,

for salo very cheap, will find a u ^ o m o r lnJ • ’ • ‘ P. G. BNBDBKEH, Mattlson avonuo, oppo&lto Post OTfioo.

? W , O ip a i d p i ! ! ,And Sewing Machines,

r o u S A I . E O r , B E N T y o n C A S H o u o n I H S V A L H E J n r a . . .

u o p a l r i r .g a n d T u n in g . C o r. B o u d s t r e e t a n d M a t t l s o n a v o . , A s b n ry P a r k . N . J .

W M . B ; D O U G L A S , A g e n t



Asbury- Park Printing Horn. N o w c it d e s ig n s , o f t y p o ; l a t e s t Im p ro v e d m a -

o b l a o r y ; s k l l lo d w o rk m e n :• o v o ry d e s c r ip t io n o f p r i n t i n g : e s t im a te s g tv o n . 8 p e n la l p ro m In m n f tn m th o C o u n ty 'F a i r fo r f in o p r in t i n g . ✓*. ■

' .

We sell Hats as we sell everything else that men and boys wear. Our pricesfor hats are case prices, because we buy direct from the fac­tory. You may not be able to judge of the difference bet­ween an article when going from one store to another. .^The bet- ter plpajs to select your hats or clothes from our stock and then look elsewhere and compare.

If you find other- goods you like better, bring ours back un­injured and get your money.

That's our plan' It’s so safe for the customer. -

R O G E R S, P E E T & CO.,C L O T H E S , H A T S A N I> S H O E S ,

Broadway and Prince St, Broadway arul 33d St.

, NEW YORK.F A S I / I O N C A T A L O G U E M A IL E D FU Stfc O N A P P L IC A T IO N . '

Ferguson’s FERGUSON’SGoal, Wood & Charcoal

. -t- . . . -

W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l .Nlno yenrs steady oxi>orlonco, Bummor«dnd W inter, a t tho old

stand. -All my Htoisk Is of tho bent quality In Ihom arkot, an<i i«now

kopteonsfatitiy dry undor eomplote cover. . ..I w arran t everything I sell. If not as represented tho money

w.lll be refunded. . '^ O U R PATRONAGE SOLICITED. •

Yard, Office and Residence, 51 S. Mam .St.— r Opposite Ocoan Qrovo Main Entrance.

BRANCH OFFICES—Bamman’s Grocery Btoro In tho Park.W alnright & EBrieKson's BtorO in tlio Grovo.

Orders by m all promptly reoolvod and dellvpred. Comploto ^ ^ U l p j Telephone Connection. _ . t •?

X j . ^Buooossor to G kA vATT & TAYLOR, wholosalo and reta il dealer-lo ;,

C O A L ,

W O Q D ,


lime, Lslb/'Bair Cement, Plasler;

And all kinds of

I K i t c r i d l o

* ’ ■' a t tho old established yard ... *-I N H E A R O F L A K E V I E W H O U S ^ L .

A full Stook of tho above artlolos will bo kep t constantly on hand ond satl&footlQn guaranteed,~ lamofl’ Grocery, Anbury Park ,and Mntthows «fe Ballard 's Groeory, Ooouu flrove.- ^ - a- TELEPUONE. . r.

Bmnoh offloes a t Beames11


251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New York,Have occupied tho same balldlng more than a a tia rte r o f a century. Tfiolr goods aro shipped to all parts o f tho United S tates. -

John A. G i t a s & Go.M anufacturers of, and wholesale and

reta il dealors in .

FEATHERS, Etc. F A C T O R Y NO. 143 M AIN S T .

Up Stairs,

Renovating Mattroesofl a Spooinlty.Telephone Connootlon.


K N A P P ’S

J A M E S H , S E X T O N . -


A S B t T R Y 1ST. JT.

A a s c e n t b o t t le m a k e s I O G a l t o t u i o t d e . Ilc lo o j H o o t S « e r . IV Q C O O K H V G . E asU y m o d e . T h e m o a t h e a l th y B u m n io r C ot e r a Re I n m e fo r |3T ons« a n d n a r r e i t F i e l d . L a rg v r B o ttle s a t S O c . r S t . D S a n d $ 3 . 0 0 . j

F u l ld l r e e t io h a o n oao h b o ttle . A s k fo r

Knapp’s Root Beer Extract:” ;P . B . K & A P P & S O N S , N e w Y o r k .

: E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 3 0 .F O R BALE BY MOST D RUGGISTS.

Highest degrco of (juabty I jjhujA lowest.cost and beat work. . ,

T h o p r lc o p e r g a l lo n h ig h e r , b u t q u a n t i t y n e e d ­e d I s lexa t h a n i f a n y o th e r p a in ia w o re u s e d . <

A n y b u i ld in g t h a t in n o t sa tiR fac io r ily p a in te d w i th i t , o r ujmjh w h ic h U s u?«5 h aa n o t c o s t le s s t h a n I f o th e r p a ln t« h a d b e e n u se d , w i l l b n««l a t o u r e x p o u M O . _____

. FOR BALE BY^ - - W . JU. A T K I N B O N . • Uuaier-m

P a i n t s , O i l s , V a r n i s h e s , G l a s s , „ & c.,Artists’ 'fube Colors. Bnwhcs. Wall Paper.

, NO. 200 BOND STREET,(Established.tMU Asbury Park, N. J,

G r a n i te a n d M a rb lo M o n u m e n ts T o m b .s to n o s , a n d a l l C e iu o to ry W o rk . C u ll n t o u r s h o w - ro o m a n d so e sam p le s ,- o u ts , &o.- -W o e a u - a u lU a q v iu l - ■ a n d p r lc o . G E W U N G A C O . ’

M ^ t t t s o u a v e ., A s b u ry I’a r k , N . J .

PJIOTOGRAPHYIn Its Porfoo tion!



C or. IS th N BW T O R tf^o m L p r jU ^ o u r I ’E f a . p j ip c e o jt o d e u a >t e

Upholfitoring in all its brandies carried on.'aloo a full line of Picture’ Frames and Mouldings kept oohstantly on hand. "Window Cornices of all <J<5aori|>tio»H,

H a v in g h n d s o v o rn l y e n rn ’ o x n o r le n o o in t h e n n d n r ta k ln K h t ts lu e s s in A w bitry I’av k a n d vleltiUw I f e e l o o m p e te n t t o g lv o BfttlMfat t lo i i t o a l l w h o m a y f a * » r m o w i th t h e i r p a tro n a n ro .

T E L E P H O N E OONNHC.TIONH w ith p r ln o lp a i h o te l s a n d s t o r e s In B a rk a n d O ro v e .

1 ■ • *O fflco o p e n d a y a n d n lR b t .


And-1;hey will Ja$t a-lbng timfe. _Ono of tho best p laces to Ond an assortm ent o f FIRST-CLASS BUILDINO MATERIAL, Is af Iho

old established bualnosa plUco of

N. E. BUCHANON & CO.,Southwest ooraor of Main sti^o t and Asbnry avonue, ’

5 A s b u r y P t i r k , ' N e w J e r s e y . . ' „Thousands e f oufitomors who -Jiftvo patronized this houso, can t<wtlfy th a t there Is nt

placo to imrehoHO everythlnit which enters Into the construction of a co ttaco o r a palaco. alonff with your orders for * . _


i f r tH B K R ,F L A N T E K ,O IL ,

L I IK K . I . A T H ,C K M B K T . H A I R .T U R P E N T I N E , P A I N T ,

K A R n W A R f i , V A R N I N I I , K T < ^ , E T ( J , -

A n d o v o ry th ln K t o c o m p le te y o u r h o u s e . S a tiR fa o flo n g u a r a n t e e d t o a l l c u s to m o r s .

iso, A,

G . J . S C H A N C K & S O N . Successors to P K E 3 3 X j . S C M E R J S , .

A v e . a n d M a i n S t . , i » i b i n ^ I S n r k , W . .V.BRANCH OFFICES—Milan 1 toss’s, 120 Cookmnti avenno, Asbury Park, and O. W.” Martin’s, Plia«m l*athway, Ocean (ln>vo, whero all orders received will be promptly filled.

ROGERS, G AR R ISO ff a “ROGERS,M a n n ta< ,iturors a n d D e a le rs In a l l b r a n c h e s o f


W iiid o w k’rn iu c f i, N iuib, l l l ln d w , D o o r s , m m iii l ln k * , B rsck < < ts a n d ( 'a r y f d W o rli .* H a r d n u ll N o lt W o o d N n i i t f i l N . i 'r i i m iu e a n d N r r o ll N n w ln v « Np«* dgr

Cl A ll j r . D e ttl iC D H n u d .r r lr e s r n r a l s b c d o n A p p llC tttto n *




‘ YARD. . ^