Download - KOD UCZNIA Strona · Strona 1 z 5 2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00 Click On 4 Wojewódzki

Page 1: KOD UCZNIA Strona · Strona 1 z 5 2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00 Click On 4 Wojewódzki

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2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska

Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego

dla szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych oraz ponadgimnazjalnych etap II powiatowy / okręgowy

IX edycja 2012_2013 Termin: 01.03.2013r. Godzina: 14.00

Czas: 60min ***Wypełnia członek Komisji Konkursowej

READING Zadanie 1 odp-1p max-8p Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (T), czy fałszywe (F). Jacques Cousteau was an ecologist, conservationist, explorer, filmmaker and inventor. He was a man,

who spent practically his whole life underwater investigating the hidden depths of the ocean and who did

more to educate the world about the mysteries of the deep than any other person before or since.

He was born in June, 1910 in a small town in France. He was a sickly child and spent much of his time

in bed, reading and dreaming about a life at sea. In 1920, Jacques’ family moved to America and he

was encouraged to start swimming to build up his strength. This was the start of his fascination with

water and the more he learned through his own experiences, the more passionate he became about

‘looking through nature’s keyhole’. However, his career in underwater exploration came about by


After joining the French Navy and travelling around the world, he was involved in a serious car accident

that left him badly injured with two broken arms. He started swimming in the Mediterranean sea to

strengthen his weak arms as part of his recovery process and rediscovered his love of the ocean. He

developed a pair of underwater goggles and experimented with underwater breathing equipment to

allow him to stay underwater for longer periods. His experiments led to the development of the Aqua-

Lung which was a commercial success.

During the Second World War, he worked for the French Resistance and experimented with underwater

photography. He helped to dispose of German mines and was awarded the Croix de Guerre and the

Legion D’Honneur medals for his bravery. In 1942, he made his first underwater film Sixty Feet Down. It

was eighteen minutes long and was entered in the Cannes Film Festival. After the war, he bought a ship

which he named the Calypso and continued to make films. He wrote a book called The Silent World


Ilość punktów możliwych do zdobycia: 60p

Minimum do zdobycia tytułu laureata:48 p

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Page 2: KOD UCZNIA Strona · Strona 1 z 5 2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00 Click On 4 Wojewódzki

Strona 2 z 5

2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska

which became a best seller and was the subject of his next film. It received the Palme d’Or at Cannes

and won an Academy Award.

His film successes led to his own television series produced by ABC called The Undersea World of

Jacques Cousteau. This series of weekly shows ran for eight years and was immensely popular around

the globe. Jacques Cousteau became a household name. He promoted the conservation of the oceans

and highlighted the problems of overfishing, pollution and the destruction of the coral reefs. He

established the Cousteau Society in 1974 to protect ocean life and discovered new species, raised

sunken ships and even led an expedition to Antarctica.

Jacques Cousteau will be remembered as one of the great men of the twentieth century. His

documentaries, discoveries and inventions won him many awards including the National Geographic

Society’s Gold Medal and Centennial Award and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom. He was truly

an extraordinary man whose love of the sea, determination and passion are an example to us all.

1. Jacque Cousteau led his life mostly underwater.

2. As a child, Cousteau took up swimming in order to improve his health.

3. After the accident he discovered his lure of the ocean for the first time.

4. Cousteau, the inventor of underwater goggles, achieved a great commercial success.

5. His heroic actions during the Second World War led to his being awarded medals for bravery.

6. After the war, he became a prominent book writer and a filmmaker.

7. His own TV series, so popular around the globe, was on every day.

8. Cousteau dealt with environmental issues and set up the organization protecting ocean life.

Prepared by Barbara Rybczyńska (Tekst taken from Click on 4 Test Booklet).

VOCABULARY Zadanie 2 odp-1p max-10p Uzupełnij podane zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami, tak by zdania były poprawne logicznie i gramatycznie. Dla ułatwienia podane zostały pierwsze litery wyrazów, a każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.

1. I’m allergic to grass. I’ve got hay f __ __ __ __

2. Was it Abraham Lincoln, who a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ slavery?

3. I couldn`t help l __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . The film was so funny.

4. I`m afraid this bread is too s __ __ __ __ . I can`t eat it.

5. This story has been passed by w __ __ __ of mouth, generation by generation.

6. Coffee maker is my favourite household a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

7. The k __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of a computer is similar to the one on a typewriter.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Page 3: KOD UCZNIA Strona · Strona 1 z 5 2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00 Click On 4 Wojewódzki

Strona 3 z 5

2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska

8. In the past we used to use f __ __ __ __ __ d __ __ cs. Now we burn CDs or keep data

on memory sticks.

9. The use of fossil f__ __ __ __ creates greenhouse gases.

10. My grandma lives in a small country cottage with a t__ __ __ __ __ __ __ roof.

Prepared by Barbara Rybczyńska

Zadanie 3 odp-1p max-6p

Zakreśl w kółko poprawny element, tak by powstały logiczne idiomatyczne wyrażenia.

1. If you become angry, you can hit the roof / ceiling / cloud

2. When you cause problems, you throw hammer / spanner / screwdriver in the works.

3. When you change your attitude halfway through something, you change

horses / clothes / mind in the midstream.

4. When you are confused, you are all in cog / mug / fog.

5. When you feel you are unimportant, you feel like a cog / mug / fog in the machine.

6. If you want to stop a plan from going forward, you need to push / pull / put the plug on.

Prepared by Barbara Rybczyńska

Zadanie 4 odp-1p max-10p

Od podanych wyrazów utwórz poprawny wyraz, który logicznie uzupełni lukę w zdaniach.

1 You shouldn’t have bought such an .......................... dress! EXPENSE

2 My new shoes are very ……………………….. Now my feet hurt. COMFORT

3 You can protect yourself from many …………………… vaccinations. ILL

4 Kate wants to be a .......................... ballerina after she graduates. FAME

5 Is it possible to ………………….this skirt. It`s too tight. WIDE

6 The company currently has 200 male and 130 female ……………………….. EMPLOY

7 I don`t understand why you ignore the ............................... of protecting the environment. IMPORTANT

8 Mr Brown is a .......................... teacher. After she graduates, she`s going to become a professional one. TRAIN

9 My .......................... was to apologise not to offend you, sorry. INTEND

10 I decided to organise a school painting .......................... . COMPETE

Prepared by Barbara Rybczyńska

Ilość punktów

Ilość punktów

Ilość punktów

Page 4: KOD UCZNIA Strona · Strona 1 z 5 2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00 Click On 4 Wojewódzki

Strona 4 z 5

2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska

GRAMMAR Zadanie 5 odp-1p max-14p Przetłumacz elementy zdań na język angielski, tak by były poprawne logicznie i gramatycznie. Kasia na pewno nie skończyła tego wypracowanie dzisiaj, nawet jeśli pracowała cały dzień.

Kate 1. ______________________________this essay today, even 2. ______________________ all


Ta opowieść jest niewiarygodna, nikt w nią nie uwierzy.

This story 3. _______________________________, 4. ______________________________it.

Kasia i Tomek zapomnieli kupić masło, a może nie wiedzili.

Kate and Tom 5. _____________________________butter or they 6. _______________________

about it.

System komputerowy w naszej firmie jest uaktualniany co miesiąc.

Our company`s computer system 7. _______________________ every month.

Nowy program komputerowy był wciąż wgrywany, kiedy wychodziłem wczoraj z biura.

The new program 8. _____________________________ when 9. __________________________


Kate zaprzeczyła, że spotkała się wczoraj z Piotrkiem.

Kate 10. ____________________________ Peter the day before.

Jestem naj najlepszym sportowcem, czyż nie?

I`m 11. ______________________________sportsman, 12. _______________?

Tomek odziedziczył dużo pieniędzy po niespodziewanej śmierci swojego wuja.

Tom 13. _________________________a lot of money after his 14. _______________________ death.

Prepared by Barbara Rybczyńska

Ilość punktów

Page 5: KOD UCZNIA Strona · Strona 1 z 5 2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska Tajemnica konkursu do dnia 01.03.2013r. do godziny 14.00 Click On 4 Wojewódzki

Strona 5 z 5

2012_2013 - Click on 4 - II etap – zestaw opracowała Barbara Rybczyńska

COMMUNICATION Zadanie 6 odp-1p max-12p Poukładaj rozsypane zdania w odpowiedniej kolejności.

A.) 911. How can I help you?

B.) A car accident? Where exactly was it?

C.) Bye.

D.) Have you any idea how many people are hurt?

E.) I`d like to report a car accident.

F.) It`s Tom Brown, Park Lane 2.

G.) Make it quick, please.

H.) Of course, we`ll do our best. Bye.

I.) OK. I`m sending somebody round straight away.

J.) Right outside my house.

K.) So what`s your name and address?

L.) Yes, a driver definitely, because he can`t move.

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