Download - Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

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S EA L S a n d S TAM P S




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Twenty=six Lodges and Chapters





B ETW EEN 1756 AN D 1814.



B y JO H N T . T H O R P,

R M. 523 and 2429 ; of Leicestershire and Rutland ;Honf Mem . of Lodges No. 50, 139 ! and 2433.

Authoe' of“ F ifty Y ears


R ecords of the ‘

7ohn of G aun t‘

Lodge , N o. 523“Anna ls of the C hapter of

‘F or titude


N o . 2 79"

M emor ia ls of L odge

N o. 9 1 An tien ts " ; “ The E a r ly H istory of the ‘Knigh ts of M a lta '

L odge, N o. G a ,(fr o.


I 9 o o .

All R ights R eserved. ]$ .


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Page 5: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

G o

Ibis D ear jrrienb an'

b JErot ber

il liam gam e'

s Ib a gba -n

n sxa m. of tbe G ua no l ooge or IE-flg lafno

Sn (Bratetul R ecognition

of lDaluabl-e a ssistance all b D irection

12n flbasonic S tub? a im mascarcb,

f ree ly manu re-b upon many ®cca-


(these [pages


most materna lly) E eo‘



(the author .

l eiceater ,

1900 .

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gf’r e fa c e .

TH E ex istence o f Freemasons’ Lodges amongst French

Prisoners of War ha s lo ng been known to the reading

Members of the Fratern ity . Ranging over a period

of about s ixty years , they were establ i shed from time

to t ime in many parts o f Great B ri tain,for wherever

a large number of priso ners were col lected together,there wou ld probably be suffi cien t Freemasons amongst

them to open and wo rk a Lodge .

A con siderable number o f these Prisoners ’ Lodges

were establ ished by the French so ld iers and sai lors

captured during the Napoleo n ic wars, and confined in

Great Britain,in Brit ish Co lo n ies o r i n towns tempo

ra rily occupied by the Brit ish fo rces.

At that t ime Freemaso n ry was ex ceedingly popu lar

i n the French army, many Regiments having Lodges

attached to them , i t wa s therefo re on ly natural , that

during the ir en forced id len ess, th e Freemasons amongst

the prisoners shou ld seek to rel ieve th e mono tony of

their existence,by devo t ing some port ion of thei r

t ime to the work ing o f the Mason ic ceremon ies in

Lodges establ i shed by themse lves.

Many Mason i c wri ters have reco rded the existence

of these French Prisoners ’ Lodges, and have given

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some few part icu lars o f one and another of them , but

n o attempt has hi therto been made to gather up al l

th e scat tered detai ls,and p lace them toge ther on

permanen t reco rd .

A d i l igent search co nducted by me fo r some years

past , has resu lted i n th e d isco very of many o f these

Lodges hitherto unknown,and although the in fo rma

tion obtained,a nd reco rded i n the fo l lowing pages i s

o f an ex t remely fragmentary character,i t may p ro ve

o f in terest to some,and serve as a bas is fo r furth er

invest igat io n and enqu iry.

There were doubt less many mo re Lodges and Chap ~

ters establ ished than the twenty - six here reco rded , it

may therefore be confident ly ex pected that i n course

of t ime the l ist wi l l be co nsiderably i ncreased .

Wi th o n e ex cept io n , th e Cert ificates represented in

th e various P lates are en t i re ly d rawn by hand wi th

i nk and sep ia , and the ex ce l len ce o f thei r design and

ex ecu t ion,espe cial ly tho se issued by the Lodges at

Abergaven ny,Leek and Va lleyfie ld ,

bears wi tness to

th e sk i l l a s wel l as to th e patience o f some o f th e

French Maso ns.

Amo ngst the Members o f th e Maso n ic Bro therhood

to whom thanks fo r valuable assistance are espec ial ly

due , and h ereby g rateful ly t endered,are Bro thers

Wi l l iam James H ugh a n o f To rquay,Hen ry Sad ler

o f Lo ndo n , Frederick Gardner o f Abergavenny,James C . Hogg o f Kelso , Wi l l iam Hart of Mel ro se


Frederick J . W . Crowe o f Torquay,B . Weddel l of

Se lk irk,John Sha r la n d o f Tiverton and Reginald R


H utchings o f Wincanto n .

Many interest ing detai l s have also been taken from

Bro ther R . F . Gou ld ’

s i nvaluable “ H istory of Free

maso n ry,from the pages o f “ The Freemaso n

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Qa n t e-

n t s .



I ntroduéti on .


P e tersfield .

Ber l in .

“D e la F id-e lite

M agdeburg. Parfa ite Union .

Abe-rgaven ny.

“ En fants de M ars e t de N eptun e.

Ashbu r t-on .

“ D e s Am is R én n is.”

Ashby- de - la Zo uoh .

“Vrais Am is de l

Ordre .


e—laaZouch . D e la Justine. 61: de l’I

Un iOn .

C htepstow.

Kelso .

Leek. D e l’

Am itié.


“ Reun ion D esiree .

M a l ta .

“ L es Am is en C aptiviAE.

M elros-

e ,“ L a B ienfaisan ce .

N ortham pton .

“ La B on ne Union .

P lym outh .

“ Am is R éunis.


Sanquha‘r. “ La Paix D ésirée.

Tiverto'n . E n fants d e M ars.

Va lleyfield .

Vittoria. D es I ntort-unes

W antage. C oeurs Unis ”

Win canton .

“ L a P a ix D ésir ée.

Brit ish P risoner-s“ o f War in “

F r ance.

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g f f u s t r a t i o n s .

Sea ls an d Stam ps used in th e Lodges. F rontispiece.

Abergavenny.— I nterior of L odge- R o om .

Abergavenny.— L audy



— R ichards’ Lodge C ert ifica te.

Aberga venny.— R ichards’ C hapter

Abergavenny.— C o l lar and

Ashburton .— C arcen ac


Ashby- de - la—Zouch .

— Jean’

s L odge C ert ificate .

Ashby- de - la- Zouch .

— Jean’

s C h apter C e rt ificate.

Ashby- de - la -Zouch .

— Endorsem ent on G r ivaut’


C ert ificate.

Kelso .— D ec laration with Signatures.

Leek .

— P in gue t’s Certificate.

Leek — Endorsem ent on P ingue t’s Cert ificate.

P lym outh .— E ndorsem ent o n L escam e la

’s C er

tifica te .

Va lleyfie ld .—M er ic

s C ert ifica te.

Vittoria .

— P a.lis’

s C ert ificate.

Wincanton .

— P lum m er ’s

Winca n ton .

— Apron .

p . 2 7

P : 3 7

p. 4 1

p. 44

p . 48

p. 50

p 56

p. 60

9 7I

p . 76

p. 80

P 84

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I 3

cfi tt t r o ou ct i o n .

FROM the year 1740 to 1815 Great Brita in and France

were a lmost constan t ly at war with one another.The

co nfli c t raged in Europe, Asia, Africa and America,the victory i n most cases remain ing with the Bri tish .

I n consequence of these successes a vast number o f

p risoners fe l l i n to the hands of the Bri t ish com

manders, who sh ipped them over i n detachments toEngland , where they were treated more or less harshly

as p risoners of war.

Large n umbers of these un fortunate men were

im prisoned in England in 1746, 1756, 1759 and 1779 .

I n 1759 no less than were located at Knowle,

near B ris to l , where they suffered much from want o f

food and c loth ing.

* But by far the greater number

were brought over during the Revolut ionary wars of

1797 to 1814, for i t i s computed that between 180 3

and the sign ing of the Treaty of Paris in May,1814,

upwards of French so ld iers and sai lors were

sen t over to England , many o f whom had been taken

prisoners during the Pen insu lar War. Of th is vast

number,about were either exchanged for Engl ish

men o f correspond ing ran k who were prisoners i n

France,1' or were i nva l id ed home, over d ied in

Vide “ No tes and Queries,"8th S .

, XL , p . 453.

M o n s. Ott was th e residen t French Agen t in L ondon for th e ex ch a nge

o f prison ers in the year 180 0 . Vz’

de Alison ’s H istory o f Europe ,

1854 Ed i t . , Vol . V. , p.

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I 4

prison , severa l hund reds o f the commiss io ned o fficers

bro ke their paro l e and escaped from the co untry, but

the vast majo ri ty remained in capt i vi ty unti l Napo leo n’


ex i le to E lba gave tempo rary peace to Eu rope .

* I t i s

stated , that between Apri l 1 1 th , 1814, and August 27th

of the same year,no less than o f th e Fren ch

prisoners were sen t back to thei r nat ive land by the

Engl ish autho r it ies tThe common so l d iers and sai lors were most ly con

fined in huge barracks or priso ns, si tuated in d i fferen t

parts of the co un t ry, i n some cases,a s at Dartmo or and

Perth , espec ial ly erected fo r the purpo se . Thus

were impriso ned at Fo rton near Po rtsmouth , at

Portchester, a t Perth

,i n Dartmo o r pr iso n , i

in the Norman Cro ss Barracks near Peterbo ro ugh§on bo ard prison h u lks i n Po rtsmo uth harbour,

and severa l thousands a t Weedo n Barracks in No rth

am pto n sh ire , whi lst the remainder were d ist ributed o ver

the co un try,almost every town , po ssessi ng a ccom

m oda t io n fo r the purpo se, h aving its comp lement . “The Officers

,and tho se civi l ians who were enti t led to

rank as gent lemen,were al lowed to reside “

o n parole

W i th in assigned l imits and o n certain cond it ions. Th ey

were lo cated mostly i n the smal ler pro vincia l towns, and

being in many cases men o f rank and education,

“ were

Par t ly taken from a n a r tic le o n“ P r ison e rs of W ar , in C ham be rs

Jour n a l , 1854, Vo l . I . , p. 330 .

“I“ From Toon e ’

s“ C hron o logica l Reco rd , quo ted in No tes an d

Quer ies,”August, 1897.

1 Accord ing to Al ison H isto ry of Europe , 1854 Ed it ion , Vo l . IX . ,

p . we re a t D artm oor in th e yea r 181 2 .

Th e Fre nch Bishop o f M ou l ins vo lun ta r i ly took up h is abode n ea r th ispr iso n , in o rder to m in ister to th e sp iritua l n eeds o f th e pr ison ers.


de No tes and Queries,”

8th S ., IX . , p . 289 , an d X . , p.

Pa r tly take n from a n a r tic le on“ Prison e r s o f W a r

,in C h am b e rs


Journ a l , 1854, Vo l . I . , p. 330 . Also wide Howe l l 's H isto ry o f th ePh oen ix L odge ,


p . 66.

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esteemed fo r thei r po l ite and agreeable man ners, and

were received i n al l publ ic assembl ies with h igh con

s iderat ion and a courteous As al ready

stated , several hund reds broke thei r parole and escaped .

The genera l co ndit ions of thei r deten t ion were

probably made as l i tt le i rksome as possible,and a

great deal of conside rat ion was shewn them in many

ways, but in spite of th is, th e s imple fact of thei r being

under restrain t must have been exceed ingly gal l i ng

to so proud a race . That many remained in England

after peace was dec lared is wel l known , and proves that

in some cases at least thei r capt ivity had been neither

severe nor unpleasant.

The fol lowing are some of the towns in which the

French priso ners were located z— Abergavenny,Ash

burto n,Ashby - de - la - Zo uch, Bandon , Basingstoke,



,Bristo l , Carl is le,





Dover,Ed inburgh


,Fa reham , Hawick, Kelso,

Knaresboro ugh,Launceston





Mel rose,Mo n trose, N orthampton , Okehampton, Peebles ,

Pembroke,Penri th

,Pen ryn

,Pe r th ,

~P e te rbo ro ugh , Peters

fie ld ,P lymouth

,Pontefract , Portchester, Portsmouth ,

Red ru th,Richmond

,Sanquhar, Selk irk, Siss inghurst,

Tavistock, Tiverton , Tynemouth , Wakefie ld , Wantage,Wincanton

,Winchester, Wisbech and York . There

is no doubt that many other towns bes ides the fo re

going had thei r complemen t, ei ther temporari ly or


Accord ing to S i r Arch ibald Al ison , the h istorian , the

French authori ties never rem itted one farthing for

the main tenance of this host of prisoners, but left

Vzde Thom pson’s H istory o f L e icester, 1876 Ed it . , p. 169 .

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I 7

Fren ch priso ners from the lo ca l j ai l to h is own house ,because they were Masons this Brother was the father

of S i r Alex ander Burnes,the famous Asiat ic t rave l le r


and o f Dr. James Burnes,Pro vincia l Grand Master of

Bombay (Sco tch Const itut io n ) i n

I n September, 1842 , Bro . T . H . H al l,Grand Registrar

of the Grand Lodge o f England,was presen t at a

Meet ing o f the Grand Orien t o f France in Paris,on

which occasio n , a Mason named Bessin ex pressed to

him th e reco l lect io n o f benefi ts received from Engl ish

members o f the C raft,when a priso ner o f war in

E n gla ndfiThat the Freemaso ns amo ngst the priso ners were

received a s visi tors at Maso n ic meeti ngs in England,

Sco t land and I reland,th e minutes o f Lo dges at L e ices



,Selk i rk


,Melro se


Redruth and o ther towns amp ly test i fy, and in many

cases th ere is n o doub t they became Jo in ing Members

o f these lo cal Lo dges .

I n those towns,however

,where n o Lodge ex isted


o r where there were sufficien t Freemaso ns amo ngst the

pri soners to open and wo rk a Lodge by th emse lves,they seem frequen tly to have establ ished o n e of their

own,co nducti ng th e busi ness and ceremo n ia l in their

own language and acco rd ing to the French system ,

and in to which from time to t ime they admitted thei r

fe l low -

priso ners by in i t iat io n . Mo st , probably th e great


o f these Lodges were held w ithout any

warran t o r autho ri ty whatever, and although they are

be l ieved to h ave general ly confined themselves to the

admissio n o f thei r own co un trymen , there is n o do ubt ,



“ Freem asons’

M aga zin e , 1862 , Vol . I I . , p . 3 29 .

‘I‘ Vide “ Freem asons'

Qua r te r ly Review, 1843, p . 324.

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that in some cases they in it iated,or accepted as Join ing

Members,natives of the towns i n which they had

establ ished their Lodges.

The perusa l of the minute - bo oks,— for they doubt

less kept such— and o ther reco rds of these Prisoners’

Lodges,wou ld prove ex ceed ingly in terest ing, cou ld

they be obtained,for B ro . R . F . Go u ld , i n his

“ H i story

of Freemason ry ”

(Chap . XXX ., p . refers to the

ex istence,i n the arch ives o f th e Grand Orien t of

France,of a number o f documen ts formerly belong

ing to these Lodges,which co n tain very valuable

in format ion . After repeated app l i cat ion s made in re

cen t years to inspect these records, the French Mason ic

authorit ies at length declared , th at they had no know

ledge whatever o f any such do cumen ts, but prom ised

to communicate any in fo rmat io n o n the subject , which

a classificat ion of the archives, th en in progress , might

bring to l ight . This p rom ise st i l l remains unfu lfi l led ,so that it must be taken fo r gran ted that nothing has

been d iscovered .

But although the au tho rit ies o f the Grand Orien t of

Fran ce withho ld any in fo rm at io n they may possess,

it wi l l nevertheless be usefu l to p lace o n record al l the

detai l s that have been co l lected , together w i th photo

graphs and descript io ns of some of thei r re l i cs , before

they are lost or dest royed . I t is w i th th is object i n

view, that the fo l lowing pages have been prepared ,and in the hope that they wi l l prove in terest ing and

acceptable to Engl ish Freemaso ns.

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gfia s tn gs tofi e . gt’eter s fi eté

1 7 5 6 . 1 7 5 8 .

cfleeés .

PROBABL Y th e earl iest reference to Freemaso ns amo ng

the French prisoners in Great Britain , i s co nta i ned in the

reco rds o f the “Antien t Boyne ” Lodge,N o . 84 Bando n

i n to which Lodge n ine French o fficers,l ocated there a s

p riso ners of war, were admit ted a s Jo in ing Members

i n 1746 and

B u t the earl iest acco unt of th e format io n o f Lodges

amo ng th e priso ners themse lves, is co ntained in a

Repo rt made to th e Grand Lodge o f Eng land , early in

the year 176 1 , by the Master o f a Lodge which had

j ust been co nst i tuted at Leeds. The acco un t is a s

fo l lows z— j'

Some t ime si n ce be ing in fo rmed o f some French

brethren (that are here in th is town amo ngst the

p riso ners o f war) having fo rmed a Lodge , some o f us

we nt to visi t them in o rder to ex amine their manner

o f wo rk ing ; and upo n o ur inqu iring o f them what

authority they had to work,o r a t l east to make


de B ro . W . J. C h e twode C r awley ’s “ No tes on Ir ish Fre em ason ry ,in Ars Qua tuor C o ron a to rum ,

"Vo l . IX . , p . 7.

“I“ Vz'


e“ Freem ason ,

”1886, p. 556. (An Ar tic le by B ro . W . J. H ugha n . )

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Masons, we observed they were n o t Const ituted , a s i t

appears by the fo l lowing acco unt , which they related

to us, viz .

— That some time befo re the War wa s

declared there were some of our Brethren command

ing French ships that were taken and carried to

Hal i fax , i n No va Sco t ia ; being arrived there , they

made themselves known to some o f o u r Brethren that

reside there, who in t roduced them to thei r Lodge, o f

which B ro . Charles L awre n s,Go vernor o f that P lace ,

wa s then Master. Somet ime after, they were brought

here in England,and Quartered a t Basi ngsto ke , where ,

find ing themse lves a competen t Number, they fo rmed

a Lodge ; making yo u at th e same t ime thei r due

submissio ns,which wa s about th e lat ter end o f th e

year 1756, and to wh i ch you answered , they said , th at

i f they cho sed to have thei r Lo dge co nst itu ted , it

wo u ld co st them such a sum ; but their n o t being

fixed in England in any p lace , and even no t knowing

how lo ng th ei r stay wou ’d be in England,d id n o t

permit th em to be a t the e x pe n ce o f having their

Lodge properly co nst ituted ; h owever, they con t i nued

working and to make Maso ns — Abo ut Eigh teen

mo nths after, Part o f th em were remo ved from B a s

in gstoke and ordered to P e te rsfie ld : These find ing

themse lves a suffic ien t N umber, fo rmed a Lodge there ,and presen ted you ,

they said , thei r due subm iss ions

fo r the same , which wa s abo u t th e beginn i ng o f th e

year 1758 ; but they never had an answer to them .

“ No twithstand ing that , th in king, they said , that by

yo ur si lence yo u appro ved thei r wo rk , they co n t in ued

wo rk ing and mak ing Masons unti l l th e midd le o f th e

year 1759 , that they were again changed o f Quarters ,as were also tho se remain ing a t Basingstoke


ordered to d ifferen t P laces , viz .

, some were sen t to

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2 1

Darby, others to Pon tefract, others here in this town

(Leeds) , and o thers were exchanged and sen t to

France , those that are i n this P lace , being part of

tho se that remained at Basingstoke and part of those

that were made at Pete r sfie ld,formed a Lodge about

the lat ter end o f the year I 759 , and have worked and

made Masons u nti l l the present t ime : This is.


they have to ld us upo n ou r asking them if they were

Const ituted , and whi ch we have thought proper and

ou r duty to acquain t yo u with , that you may n o t be

igno ran t of what passes i n this P lace ; the mo re so ,because we find that they don ’ t work with good

harmo ny amo ngst themse lves, for we hear that i t i s

fou r months si n ce that th e Master of that fren ch

Lo dge and h is two Warden s fel l out , upon which they

parted — The two Wardens with thei r Secretary fo rmed

a Lo dge by th emse lves, which they held at the Turks

head ; and the Master with the rest of the Members

formed another a t the Talbot . Our B ro .

I Bastide and

other Brethren being acquain ted with thei r Quarrel,used thei r utmo st endeavours to reco nc i le them ; but

to n o purpose for nei ther o f them wo u’d come to any

reasso c iation,bu t exclude o n e another from each of

their Lodges ; so that no th ing but an imosi ty has

reigned amongst them sin ce ; making Masons in spite

of o n e another i n such a Manner, that Mason ry suffers

much by thei r p roceed ings. And we have proofs as

tho se a t the Turks H ead have made people Masons

whom we wou ’d not have fo r many good reaso ns .”

The d ifferences between the French Brethren a t Leeds

were subsequent ly sett led , and a comp lete reconci l iat ion

effected . Previo us to thei r qu i tting th e coun try a t th e

peace i n 1763, (the Seven Years’

War was term inated

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2 2

by the Trea ty o f P aris,signed F ebruary l o th ,


they returned thei r thanks to the Br ethren of the“ Talbot ” Lodge in a ve ry elega n t writ i ng o ut name

of al l the French Bro th er Visitors, this wa s an swe red

in n o less e lega n t manner by B -ro . Thos. W o lr ich ,out

name of al l the Brethren o f th is Lodge . French

v isito rs

B rother

These Lodges at Basi ngstoke , P e te rsfie ld and Leeds,see m to ha ve been establ ished and worked without any

proper au tho ri ty, and are be l ieved to be the ea rl iest of

th e Fre nch Prisone rs’ Lodges in England,o f which

any reco rd rem ains. It is pro bable tha t th e v d id n o t

co nfine themsel ves to admit t ing thei r Own coun t rymen ,bu t in it iated En gl ishm en also ,

which led. to th e com

p la i n t of th e Leeds Brethren in the fo regoing Report .

Frederick Pain ,Od on .la Po rte,Franco is du P rée

Fran co is F o urne t t ,

E tienne la Porte ,Dom i n ique Mazet .

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2 3

I N th e year 1762 a Warran t was granted by the Grand

Lodge of A l l Englan d,to a number of French priso ners

o f war at York .

The fol lowin g account o f this Lodge appears in the

Reco rds

No . 1 . Anno Secundo . Brother D rake, G .M .

On the 10 th . day of J une 1762 a con st itutio n or war

ran t wa s granted unto the fo l lowing Brethren,French

Priso ners o f War on thei r Parol (viz . ) Du Fresne ,Le Pett ier, J u l ian Vilfo r t , Pierre Le Vi l la ine , Louis

Brus le, and Francis Le Grand , Ther eby enabl ing them

and others to open and cont inue to hold a Lodge a t

the sign of the Punch Bowl in Ston egate i n th e City

o f Yo rk and to make New Brethren as from time to

time occas ion might requ i re,

neverthe less

them and thei r successo rs from making anyo ne a

Bro ther who shal l be a subject of Great Britain or

I reland,wi nk/z sa id L odg e was accord ingly opened

and held on the said l o th . day of J une and to be

continued regu larly on the second Thursday in every

month or oftener i f occasion shal l requi re .


de Gou ld ’s

“ H istory of Freem ason ry , C hap. XVI I I . , p . 418.

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gger ftn .

Qe ta gsibe ti fé.

(gam m a )

1758 .

th e year 1758 th e Grand Lodg e o f the Three

Globes (z u den drei Wel tkugeln ) in Berl in , granted a

Warran t fo r a French Lo dge to meet in that c ity

witho ut th e right o f i n it iat ing— to Gabrie l de L e r n a is,a Frenc h pri so ner resid ing there o n paro le .


This Lo dge,wh i ch was d ist inguish ed by th e name

of Fidel ity,

”m ost probably consisted exc lusive ly of

French priso ners. I’

t is not kn own h0w lo ng it co n

t in ued to ho l d its Meetings,but i t n o doubt died out

a t the term in at io n of th e Seven Years’ War in 1763,

i f n o t earl ier.

This Lodge, and the one at Magdeburg, part i cu lars

of which fo l low,are the on ly ones i n Germany, o f

which any t race h a s been d iscovered , but i n a l l pro

bab ility many more were establ ished by th e French

priso ners in that coun try, the ex istence o f which un fo r

tun a te ly can not be ascertained at the present t ime ,a lthough in fo rmat io n m ay po ssib ly st i l l be obta ined

by renewed search and enqui ry .

Vide Gould '

s“ H isto ry o f Freem ason ry , C hap . XXVI I . , p . 243 .

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Q’a r fa i t e glu t i o n .

(g’e r fect gi rd

176 1

N UM BE R of French pr iso ners o f war were confin ed

in this Prussian fo rtress from th e year 1757 onwards,

and many of them became m embers o f the local Lodge

de la Fel i-ci té,

” establ ished there in the year

I n the same year the priso ners fo rmed“

a Lodge ther-e

am ong themselves,which the y n am ed Parfaite Un ion ,

but no in format io n beyond th e bare fact of i ts ex ist

ence can now be obtai ne‘d .1'

Vide“ Abbi ldungen Fre im aure r ischer D enkm unz en und M eda i l len ,

Vol . I ., p. 141 .

‘I' Via/e Gould'

s H isto ry of Freemasonry , C h ap. XXX p . 406.

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Page 30: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

AB ERGAVEN NY.— In te r i o r o f Lodge

- R oom .

(Via/e page

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ZRBer ga v en n n . (ano n -r

a a n i s be gaa r s et be y ep tu n e .

(t t‘

br en o f gaa r s a n b y ep tu n e . )

18 13 18 14 .

I N the seco nd decade o f the present centu ry,a num

ber of French prisoners of war,at one t ime upwards

of two hundred , were lo cated at Abergavenny in

Monmouthshi re ; they co nsisted of sold iers and sai lors,a few of them being offi cers.

The “ rank and fi le are bel ieved to have been

lodged in a room in the o ld Cast le,and in severa l

large barns, whi ls t the officers, who were on paro le,

o ccupied private rooms in d ifferent parts of the town .

Amongst these prisoners were sufficient Freemasons

to establ ish and work a Lodge, under the appropriate

name of Enfants de Mars e t de Neptune .

” Trad it ion

poin ts to a large room in Monk Street,about one

hundred yards from the old Priory Church of St . Mary,

as the place where the Lodge was held ; the room

has a very handsome arched cei l ing, and also served

as a mess—room for the French ofii ce r ssj' I t i s n ow

used as a so l i c i tor’ s office .

I t i s qu i te impossible to fix the year when this

Lodge was establ ished,but i ts ex istence i n 1813 and

Som e o f th e d e ta i ls o f th is L odge h ave been kind ly suppl ied byB ro . F . Ga rdner, th e worthy Secretary of th e “ Philan thm pic

Lodge , N o . 818 Abergaven ny .

‘I‘ Vz'

de P la te I I .

Page 32: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


1814 is proved by the date o f four Cert ificates , issued

by the Lo dge to its members, which together wi th

other Maso n ic re l i cs belo nging to the same Brethren ,

have come down to th e presen t t ime .

These Cert ificates are sp lend id spec imens of pen

manship , th e designs, which in three cases are very

e labo rate,being mo st beau t i fu l ly d rawn by hand .

Th ey are as fo l lows

1 . Craft Cert ificate to Benj . Plumm er, dated Ju ly 2 0,

18 13 .

2 . Ro se C ro ix Cert ificate to G . Landy , dated N o v .

2 3, 181 3 .

3 . Craft Cert ificate to Tho s. Richards , dated Dec .

4. R o se C ro ix Cert ificate to Thos. Richards, datedApri l 20 ,


They are a l l i n an ex ce l len t state o f preservat io n ,th e Seals i n th ree cases being in tact , and are most

in terest i ng a s wel l a s cu rio us do cumen ts. Al l bear,

amo ngst o th er signatures,that o f De Grasse Ti l ly


very no ted Maso n , wh o brought from America , and

establ ish ed in France in th e year 180 4, th e Ancien t

and Accepted Ri te o f th e 33rd Degree . A sho rt

accoun t o f th is famo us man may pro ve in terest in g .

Alexandre Francois Auguste de Grasse T i l ly wa s

bo rn a t Versai l les in th e year 1766. H i s father

was th e ce lebrated Admiral de Grasse,

* who wa s

defeated and taken priso ner by the Engl ish Admi ra l

Rodney, i n a naval engagement off the I sl and o f

Domin ica ' in th e West I nd ies, on Ap ri l 1 2 th ,1782 .

Vide Gou ld ’

s H isto ry of Freem aso n ry , C hap. XX IV.

, pp . 1 24-


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2 9

He was i n i t iated early in l ife in the Scots Mother

Lodge o f the Socia l Contract (du Contrat Social) , Paris,*

and resided for some years in North America and

the West I nd ies, being a t one time a landed p roprietor

i n the I sland of St . D om ingo jWhile residen t in America he received the high de

grees of F reem ason ry, I and as early as 179 1 wa s Grand

I nspector of the rite of Perfect ion i n St . Domingo .§On February 2 1st , 180 2

, the Supreme Co unci l at

Charleston granted h im “ a paten t cert i fying that he

possessed the degrees up to Sovereign Grand I n spec

tor General ; that he wa s a member of the Supreme

Co unc i l of the 33rd degree, and Grand Commander

for l i fe of the Supreme Counci l in the French West

I nd ia I s lands, giving h im power to con st i tute, estab

l ish , d i rect, and inspect a l l Lo dges, Chapters, Co unci l s,Col leges, and Cons isto ries o f the Roya l and Mi l i tary

Order o f Ancien t and Modern Freemason ry over the

su rface of two

H e pro ceeded to St . Domingo and organ ised there

a Supreme Counci l of the 33rd degree for St . Domingo

and the French West I nd ia Is lands . This Sup reme

Counc i l had on ly a brief ex istence,for i n th e latter

part of 180 2 ,the negroes revo l ted for the seco nd time

against th e French dom in io n,and by the close o f 180 3

they were masters of the island . De Grasse T i l ly and

other prominen t members o f th e Supreme Co unci l fled

to France,and on September 2 2 nd , 1804, establ ished in

Vide Go u ld '

s“ H istory o f Freem asonry , C h ap. XX IV. , p . 1 25.

'I' load , p . 1 24 .

I p . 1 2 4.


a’e R ebo ld


s“ H istoire des Tro is Gra ndes Loges, p. 96.

II Ve’

de C arson ’

s“ H istory o f th e A. a n d A. Sco tt ish Ri te , I n the

Am erican Append ix to Gou ld ’

s H istory o f Freem aso n ry , p. 641 .

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3 1

Abergavenny Certificates are evidence that he was

i n terned in that town from Ju ly 2 0 th,181 3, unti l

Apri l 2 0 th , 1814. The three earl iest in date are signed“ De Grasse Ti l ly

, 33m ” and the latest Le C i e De


al l the s ignatu res being,witho ut do ubt


i n the same hand - wri t i ng.


Towards the end of the year 1814+ o r beginn ing of

1815 De Grasse T i l ly returned to France,and fo und

h is whole system in con fusio n . He immed iately se t

about i ts reo rgan isat ion,

“ but befo re he co u ld arrange

matters to h is satisfaction,he wa s compel led to leave

Paris i n 1816, it i s said , to avoid being arrested fo r

deb t,

i and d id n o t return unti l early i n 1818.

During h is absence mat ters had not impro ved , but he

st i l l hoped to heal a l l the d ifferences and p lace affai rs

upo n a satisfacto ry footing. H is effo rts were,however


al l i n vain,there was a divisio n in th e Supreme Co unci l ,

part of the members under Co unt Lal lemand ret i ri ng,

and establ ish ing a new Supreme Co unci l i n opposit io n .

De Grasse Ti l ly find ing h is autho ri ty go ne,resigned

his o ffice of Sovereign Grand Commander for the

seco nd t ime, Co unt D eca z e s being elected to that

o ffice in September,So on after this “ he d isappeared from publ ic v iew

and was heard of no mo re ; when and where he

d ied is not known .

C e r t i fica tes of the A . and A . Ri te in the L e iceste r C o l lectio n , da ted

June 3rd , 1816, a nd D ecem ber 2 2 n d, 1818, a re a lso sign ed byhim as

“ L e C IS8 D e Grasse .


1' Vide Gou ld ’

s H istory o f Freem aso n ry , C h ap . XXV. , p . 171 .

1 l l ud , C hap. XX IV . , p . 130 .

Vide R ebo ld’

s“ H isto ire des Tro is Grandes Loges, pp. 474- 5.


de C a rson’

s“ H istory o f the A. an d A. Sco ttish Ri te , p. 650 .

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The earl iest in date of the four Abergavenny Cer

t ifica tes was gran ted to Bro ther Benjamin P lummer,

a Join ing Member o f the Lodge . I t is a parchment

document,16 in ches by 14 i n ches, and was exhibi ted

by Bro . W . J . H ugh a n a t th e Sh ank l in Mason ic Ex

h ibition in the year 1886. I t subsequen t ly came i nto

the possess ion of th e writer,and wa s presen ted by

him to the VVo rsh ipfu l Master and Brethren of the

Phi lanthropic ” Lo dge,N o . 818 Abergavenny . I t now

hangs,a treasured re l ic

,upo n th e wal l s of thei r Lodge

room .

The design of this Cert ificate i s a copy of one of

the ord inary engraved French types of a century ago .

I t is very sim i lar to th at o f Richards (r ide Plate IV . )but much in ferior to it i n ex ecutio n . French C e r t ifi

cates of that period , although much more varied i n

design than tho se issued by th e Grand Lodge of

England,have however certain characterist ics which

are common to most . At the head is general ly de

picted a c louded canopy, co n tai n ing represen tat ion s

of the Sun,Moon and Stars, together with an i rrad iated

Triangle . On either side of the Certificate is a lofty

Pi l lar,with capital , that on the sin ister side bearing

the letter “B ” and that o n the dex ter side the letter “

J .

At the foot, ascended by three, five or seven steps,

i s a platform of squares, upon which are spread the

Working Tools and o ther Mason ic emblems . Figures

of M inerva, J ust ice, Truth , a s we l l as Faith,H ope

and Chari ty, are also frequently represented . There

are, of course, very many except ions to th is genera l

ru le.

The fol lowing is a transcript o f th e documen t

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I n the forego i ng transcript the o riginal spel l ing is

retained,and it is a matter for surprise that there

sho u ld be so few errors . The reference to St . John

o f Scot land is i n teresting, and it wi l l be no t iced that

the Engl ish po rt io n is n o t an ex act translat ion of the

French . There are some o ther pecu l iarit ies to which

atten t ion shou ld also be d i rected,a s they are n o t

genera l ly seen o n Engl ish Ce rtificates. Thus,the date

and p lace of bi rth , together w ith th e pro fessio n o f the

rec ip ien t , are given — the French Maso n ic date is used,

2 0 th day o f the sth month ,” correspo nding to J u ly

20 th ,the year with th e French Masons commencing

wi th th e mo nth o f March — and the Cert ificate is

signed, as wa s customary i n France a t that t ime , by

al l th e Officers and by some,i f not al l

,o f the o rd i nary

members o f th e Lodge . Some o f the Offi cers, such as

th e Orato r,Ex pert

,Keeper o f the Seals, Archivist and

Ho sp i ta l ler, bear names qu ite unknown in Engl ish

Mason ry,but it is very po ssib le that th e wo rk o f

these Brethren,is carried out under the En gl ish C o n

st itu t io n by the Chap l ain , Deaco ns, Sec retary and

Almo ner.

Bro ther P lummer appears to h ave been th e twenty

six th member registered in th e Lo dge, that number

be ing used by th e“ Garde des Sceaux .

Benjamin P lummer,to whom this Cert ificate was

granted,wa s a very d ist i nguished Maso n , h is Mason ic

career being a s fo l lows

H e wa s i n it i ated i n th e“ Royal Athelstan Lodge ,

N o . 10 (n ow 19 )“Antients


” Lo ndo n , on June 4th ,1798.

P a r t ly taken from a com m un i ca tio n by B ro . H . Sad ler to “ The

Freem ason ,1 886. p . 51 1 .

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He presided over the Lodge a s Master, resign ing his

membership in 180 5. He re - jo i ned in 180 9 , and paid

to December,1818.

He was appointed Grand Swo rd Bearer of the

Ant ien ts ” Grand Lo dge in 1804,J un io r Grand War

den in 180 5, and Senio r Grand Warden in 1806.

At the Union in 1814 he was appoin ted Past Sen ior

Grand Warden of the United Grand Lodge of Eng

land,and was present at th e Meet i ng of the Grand

Lodge held March 8th , 1815.

He joined th e French Priso ners’ Lodge Paix

Désirée ” at Wincanton,h is Certificate be ing dated

November 2 2 nd , 1810 .

H e also joined th e R oya l Naval Lodge , No . 57

(now 59 ) Moderns, Lo ndo n , i n 181 1 , and the French

Prisoners ’ Lodge “ Enfants de Mars e t de Neptune

at Abergavenny,his Cert ificate o f Membership i n the

latter Lodge being dated Ju ly 2 0 th , 181 3.

On October 2 n d,1799 ,

h e wa s exalted to the Roya l

Arch Degree under the An t ien ts,” and in 181 2 j oined

the same Order under the Modem s .

He he ld the o ffice o f Superin tenden t Grand Com

mander of Kn ights Temp lar fo r Wales i n 1813,

occupied the po st o f Grand Ex pert of England under

H .R .H . the Duke o f Kent in 1814, and was a

member of the “ Baldwyn ” Encampment at Bristo l,

his Cert ificate, dated 1816, being in the wri te r’ s

col lect ion .

On two of his Certificates B ro . Plummer is described

as “ Commercia l Agent ,”

and hi s membership of so

many Lodges and Chapters may be accounted for by

the fact , that he was either an agent for, or a deale r

i n , Mason ic c lothing and paraphernal ia . I n the a c

counts o f the fi r st Ph i lan thro p ic Lodge,No . 658

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Gasp ard L a udy Commissai re des Guerres, né le

8 J ui l let 1768 a Lunevi l le, départemen t de la Meurthe ,

Reco nnu inst ru it dans l es t ro is h auts Grades prece

den ts, apr‘

es avo i r j ugé en o ut re de sa capaci té pa r

une scrupu leuse in format io n de sa co ndu ite Macon que

e t de ses moeurs,no us avo ns déclaré e t déclaro ns le

F . . Gaspard L a udy et re é levé a u Grade de

C h ?r de L ’

Aigle Parfai t e t S".11 M . so us lo

Tit re de d’

h e redo n , pari r, pa r l u i , jo u i r

de to utes les Prérogat ives at tachées a ce grade

respectable su r tou te la Surface de la Terre .

“ A ce s causes,nous l u i avo ns dél ivré le p résent Bref

auquel fo i do i t etre ajou tée po u r lu i servi r e t valo i r‘ en tan t que de beso i n ; e t po ur éviter to u te surprise

no us l ’avo ns fait accepter e t signer pa r lu i T3 .

e t Gaspard L a udy.

BE N I so it celu i qu i le R e co n n a it ra ,l'

ho n o re ra e t

le sou lagera dans ses beso ins e t qu ’e l le fé l ic ité po ur

no us a co prix si dési rable,de po uvo i r so uven t nous

acqu ite r d’

o b liga t io n s auss i sacrées e t auss i fla t te use s

pour un M


O t d’

Abe rga ve n ny (M on tm outhsh ire

Angle te r re ) le 30 du Mois nommé Tisri 5574 co r

respo nda n t au 2 3 No vembre 181 3.

D e G r a sse T2717 . D ubou rg .


Le G 8 I n q? Subu e

E . P ri sm ! de S t . j zzer r . L a mpo .

3 1m e

3 19

I n left margin : Accepté le Présen t Bref.

G . L awdy . )

Page 44: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...



We Alex and re Fran co is Auguste De Grasse Ti l ly

H o norary So vereign Grand Commander a d v z’

ta m

fo r France 81C . 81 C . 81C . Deputy Grand Maste r o f th e

Grand Orien t o f France, 81C . &c . &c .


On account o f th e zea l and eagerness to pro ceed

to the perfect po i n t o f Maso n ry shewn by ou r Very

Wo rshipfu l and Perfect Bro ther Gaspard L a udy,war

co m m issary,born Ju ly 8th ,

1768 at Lunevi l le depart

men t o f th e Meurthe , al ready wel l versed in th e th ree

preced ing h ig h degrees, and after having fu l ly tested

h is su i tabi l i ty by a tho rough enqu i ry in to h is Mason ic

co ndu ct and genera l behavio ur,we h ereby declare

th e Very Dear Bro ther Gaspard Lan dy ex alted to th e

degree o f Kn ight o f th e Eagle,Perfec t and So vereign

P rin ce Freemaso n,under the t it le o f Ro se Cro ix of

H e r edom,in o rder that he may enjoy al l th e p re roga

t ive s be lo nging to this wo rshipfu l degree througho ut

the world .

F o r this purpose , we have g ran ted him the p resen t

Cert ifi cate,which must be faith fu l ly recogn ised so a s

to be of service to him in case o f need,and to pre

vent any misuse thereo f, we have caused this Cert ificate

to be signed by o u r Very Dear and Perfect Bro ther

Gaspard L audy .

B lessed be he who shal l rece ive,honor a n d assist

h im in case o f need , and what p leasure fo r us,i n

retu rn,to repay frequent ly an. obl igatio n so sacred

and flat tering fo r a Prin ce Mason .

“ Given at th e Orien t o f Abergavenny, (Mo nmo uth

shi re England) th e 3o th day of th e 9 th mo nth cal led

T isri 5574, co rrespond ing to No vember 2 3rd ,

Page 45: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


The Brother— Gaspard Landy— to whom this Cert i

fica te wa s gran ted , returned to France at the conc lusio n

o f the war , and subsequen t ly jo i ned the Paris Lodge“ D es Phi lonomes


" the fo l lowing endorsement appear

ing o n th e back of the Cert ificate

Le hu it iem e jour du o nz ieme mois 5827, l a

des Phi lo nomes a a ffi lié a ses travaux le L audy

(Gaspard ) .

A . L ouver.

par Mand .

t de Secret ‘.a g?‘

R a ssie . P a ila . B ompa r d .

M . R x Vdu de 2

m e

B a z ot .

Vign a l .




e R + .

(The Lodge“ des Phi lo nomes has accepted a s a

Join ing Member Bro. Gaspard L audy, on the 8th day

of th e l 1 th month

From this endorsement it i s qu ite evident , that the

French Mason ic authorit ies recogn ised the val idity of

these Prisoners ’ Lodge Cert ificates.

Th e pai r of Cert ificates, Craft and Ro se C ro ix .

granted to Thomas Rich ards are very cu rio us and

in terest ing ; they are bo th beaut i fu l ly executed by

hand,and exceed ingly we l l p reserved . This Brother


who is described as a Merchan t, and a native o f Aber

gave n ny, was on ly a Jo in ing Member of the Fren ch

Lodge . He was in it iated in Lodge No . 144 Antien ts ,

E . F. Ba zo t was a d istinguished Fr ench author, an d was m ade a n

Ofli ce r o f the G ra nd Or ie n t o f Fra nce in 1826.

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4 1

Merthyr Tydvil, (now the“ Loyal Cambrian Lodge


No . on August 3rd ,181 3, tak ing his subsequent

degrees i n September and November of the same year ;he was therefore a Master Maso n before he jo ined the

French Lodge, the 10 th month of his Cert ificate

co rrespond ing with the mo nth of December.

The Craft Certifi cate , which shews that Richards

was N O . 45 on the Lodge Register, is very sim i lar in

design to P lummer ’ s,previo usly described

,but much

superior to i t in exce l len ce of penmanship . I t is a

parchment document , who l ly ex ecuted by hand , 17%i n ches by 14 in ches i n s i ze

,and has the Seal i n tact


enc lo sed i n a tin box . I t is s igned by fourteen mem ~

bers,amongst whom are th e fo l lowing Offi cers

,i n

add it io n to those whose signatures are affixed to

P lummer’ s Cert ificate , viz . : Master of the Ceremo n ies,

I nner Guard (Le garde des portes) , and Tyler (Le

p réparateu r) . The fol lowing is a t ranscript o f the

do cument

P O S T T E N E B R A S L U X .

D th e o f th e o f th e

A Répan dus To a ll wh om it m ay con ce rn .

sur la surface de la terre .


, UN ION .

Nous Vén érab le e t officiers de W e M aster a nd officers o f our Lodge of

la R E : S f Jean sous le free and accepted M a so n s,d ed ica ted

t itre d ist in c t i f des E n fan ts dc to St . Joh n , under th e t it le o f C h ildrenM ars e t de N eptun e a D O ?" of M a rs and N eptun e , regu la rl y as

d ’Abe rgaven n y(C om téde M on tm outh ) sem b led in th e Town of Aberga ven n yen Angle te r r e , ce r tifion s e t a tteston s M on tm outhsire in E n g la n d ; do h e rebyque le Th om as R icha rds ce r tifytha t B ro th erThom asR icha rdsM er


de P la te IV. The origina l be lo ngs to the pr iva te co l lect io n of the wri ter.

Page 49: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

n égocian t age de 39 an s n a ti fd’Abe rgaven n y, possede lo 3?

grade sym bo l ique , que son zelee t la pur e te

d e ses m oeurs l ’on tfa i ts ch érir de ses en fo i

de quo i n ous lui a von s dél ivré loprésen t C e r tifica t e t po ur qu

’ i ln e puisse servir qu’

au dit

R ichards n o us lui a von s fa itappose r sa sign a ture en m a rgen e va r ietu r

, afin qu’ i l r eco ive

jo ie sa t isfac t ion e t secours s’ il

se trouva it da n s le beso in , ofi'

ran t

le m em e re tour a chaque qui

se présen te ra d e vo tre pa rt .Fa it e t d él ivré dan s un l ieu

éc la iré ou r egn en t la P a ix, lo

S i len ce e t la C harité le 2 2 ?

jour du m o is de l ’an de

la 5813.

Le I f ? Sur f.

E . D epr z'

n c/ze .

Le Vén érab le .


ch an t is a Regu lar M aste r M a so n and

th a t during h is stay w ith us h as Be

h a ved in eve ry re spe c t a s a truea n d fa ith ful bro th er. I n

wh ereo f, we h ave de l ive red h im the

presen t C ert ifica te a n d tha t it

m igh t n o t B e m ade an im proper use

o f, have caused our sa id B ro ther

to write h is n am e in th e m a rgin ,A


e v a r i'


B e g g i n g y o u t o

g ive h im Joy, sa tisfa c t ion and

a ssistan ce a n d prom isin g to do

th e sam e to every lawfu l B ro

th e r who m ay com e from yourpart.

G i v e n u n d e r o u r h a n dan d sea l th is 2 2?h day of the

m on th 5813 .

Le 2 em e Sur t

R .

L e E xpe rt .

Pa squ ier .



e '

Le M fre des C érém ies

L ’h ospita lie r . de B a r r ed .

A zjg n er ot. R .

R Le ga rde des po rtes. Le P réparate ur.L ’Arch f I/z


r la u t.

E . P a sca l de S t .j uerjy.


In righ t m arg in : P a r M an dem en t de laSB ” Le Secréta ire . M en a r d.

I n le ft m arg in : Sce l lé e t t im bré pa r n ous ga rde des Sceauxe t Arch ives. (N 0 . G . L a udy .

N e Varie tur.l om as R ic/ta r dy.

Page 51: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

L ’U

Si ." des E n fa n s de M a rs de N eptun e a PO ? d’Abe rgaven ny

(M on tm outhsire , Angle ter re ) réguliérem e n t co n st i tué sous les Auspices du S .

e t du grand d irec to ire des rite s réussis e t a ccepte’

s de Fran ce a

con n us sur la surfa ce du G lobe .



Nous M M .

con voqués e t assem b les dan s un l ieuo ii regn en t la F o i, l’E spéran ce e t la

C harité ; vu le zele e t l’em pressem en t

pour pa rven ir au grade e t po in t pa rfa it de la M ffi du e t E


Thom as R ich ard Négocian t N é a

Abergaven n y ( M on tm outh sire ) R e

con nu in struit dan s les tro ish auts Grades précéden ts, apresavo ir jugé en outre de sa capac i té

par une scrupu leuse In fo rm a t ionde sa condui te M acon e t de

ses m aeurs tan t qu’a u dehors ;n ous d

’un com m un accord soussign és

a vons déc la ré e t déc la ron s le TR ich ard etre m em bre de n o tre

STE} e t C h e.r de l’Aig le P a rfa it

e t SIS} M . . sous le t itre de Rd ’H e redon ; pour lui jouir de tou te s

les preroga tive s a t tach ées a cc graderespectab le sur toute 1a surfa cede la Te rre .

A ces ca uses n ous lui a von sdé l ivré le présen t Bre f, auque l fo i

do it étr e ajoutée pour lui servire t va lo ir en tan t que de b eso ine t pour éviter toute surprisenous l ’avon s fa it accepte r e t sign er

par lui T e t P R ich ard .

W e Free P' M M

Sum m on ed and assem b ledin a p lace Whe re in re ign Fa ith , Hopea n d C h a rity ; see ing th e Zea l and

eage rn e ss th a t our m ost D " and

P B Th om as R ich a rd M e rch and

bo rn a t Abe rgaven n y (M on tm outhsh ir e )h a s to a tta in th e degree an d pe rfect

po in t o f m ason ry h e be ing ackn owledged by us to be in struc ted in th e

th re e preceden t degrees, hav ing be

side s judged of h is ab i l it ies by a

scrut in ised en quiry of h is m ason iccon duc t a nd m ora l parts both

w ith in an d w ith out th e C } W e whosen am es a re h ereun der writ ten h a ve dec la r ed a n d do h ereby un an im ousl y dec lareour M D B Thom as R ica rd to be a

m em be r o four S'F‘C h J .Kn igh t o fth e P erfectE ag le an d Free S‘j:P underth e Tit le of R . o f H e redon , th a t h em ay

e njo y a ll the preroga t ives a t tached to tha tre spe c tab le degre e a ll over th e wor ld.

With regard to th e said causes, weh ave de l ivered un to h is own h and the

pre sen t certifica te to wh ich Fa ith m ust

be added so as to be of serv ice an d va

lidity to h im in al l n eed fu l cases, and

to avo id a ll k ind of surprise or tha t

a n im proper use m ay be m ade

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Bén it so it ce lui qui le re

con n a it ra , l’hOn oxe ra e t le sou la

gera dan'

s ses beso in s e t que l le f'él icité p our n ous a ce prix si désirab le d e pouvoir souven t n ous ac

quite r d’obliga t ion s aussi sacrées

e t aussi fla tteuses pour un M

D On né a l ’ O t. d

’ Abe rga ven

n y le 2 0"Jour du 2

e M o is M “8 °

l’An de la 5814.

.e n E x erc ice. Le le Sur v i

320 10 M 1. G .

3 1"gd S R .

le G d. Sur v i‘

G“. Ora teur. des 2? E xp


318: I", Sa m son . 3 1

6. R

3 Iem e G ” I I

G 8


P a r m an dem en t du S‘.

u C h ap .

Sce l lé e t t im bré pa r L e Se ct.e G il

n ous (N o . 39 )B al a z‘fl z

n .R .

le ft mar g in Accepté le pre sen t B re f.

of it ; we ha ve caused th is cert ifica teto be a ccepted a n d sign ed by o ur



B‘ Th oma s R ich ard .

B lessed be h e l wh o sh a l l accepthon our an d assist h im in h is Wa n ts

an d Wha t a fe l ic ity for us a t so“


sir ab le a price to be offe n ab le of

a cqu itt in g ourse l ves in ob l iga tionsso sacred a nd fla ttering fo r a free. P M

G iven un de r our h an d a n d sea l a t th eO ?

ofAbe rgaven ny th is 2 0 ‘.h day of th eM on th 5814.

L e rep résen ta n t . pa r‘t icu lie r

du (34 M e. an 0 5 de G? Tres .

Fran ce dans son G ‘i C h apf


e t S i.“ G ‘l C om m a ndeurhono ra ire ad vita '

m .

L e C {5 D e G r a sse.

Page 55: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


The Seal* on this Cert ificate is of red wax , co n

ta in ed i n an oval t i n box 2% by 2 in ches, and

suspended by six narrow ribbo ns of the fol lowing

colours,viz . : white

,l ight blue

,black , scarlet , dark

green and crimson . I n the cent re are a cross, com

passes and sector, surro unded by the words“ Chapitre

des E n fans de Mars e t de Neptune.”

Du ring the years 181 2 - 1814 there was no Lo dge

on the Engl ish Register i n the town of Abergavenny,

but some of th e residen ts had al ready been i n it iated

i n Lo dges establ ished i n th e adjo in ing towns of Po n ty

poo l and Merthyr Tydv il. Many of these Brethren

seem to have joined the French Prisoners' Lodge , whi le

i t is confident ly asserted that o thers were in i t iated in

that Lodge .

At the conclus ion of peace in May , 1814, the French

priso ners were at l iberty to return home , of which

privi lege no doubt the majo rity avai led themselves.

The Engl ish members of th e Lo dge,e leven i n number,

immed iately formed themselves in to a Lodge of I n

struct ion , to meet week ly at“ The King’ s Head I nn


unt i l,as thei r m inutes o f Ju ly 2 2 nd

,1814, state,

“ a d is

pe n sa t ion or a Dorman t Warran t cou ld be procu red .

A Petit ion to the Un ited Grand Lodge of Eng

land was accord ingly prepared , being signed by ten

Abergavenny Brethren , recommended by Lo dges

175 Merthyr Tydv il and 195 Pontypool , and sup

po rted by the Provincial Grand Master o f Monmo uth

shire,Col . Harnage . The Pet i t ioners nominated the

Rev . J ames Ashe G abb ,a s the fi rst Master



de Fr on t ispiece .

Page 56: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


Jones, Gentleman , as the fi rst Sen ior Warden,and

Thomas Richards,Gent leman

,a s the fi rst J un io r

Warden . The Pet it ion wa s endo rsed “ The part ies

are al l known to B ro . P lummer,who wi l l vouch for

thei r respectabi l i ty.

On December 27th ,1814, a Dispensat ion to meet

fo r twe lve months wa s granted to th e Peti t io ners,and

under this they met for about s ix months,the M inutes

o f thei r Meetings being st i l l preserved . I n these

M inutes, under date o f J une 9th , 1815, the fo l lowing

ent ry o ccu rs

The Rev‘.i Charles Powel l wa s t ransferred from a

Modern Maso n in the French Lo dge to an Ancient

i n th is,and regu larly in it iated in the fi rst seco nd and

thi rd Degrees o f Maso n ry,and admitted a Mem ber

o f this Lodge .”

I t would seem from this extract,that the Reverend

Bro ther had been i ni t iated i n the French Lodge ao

co rding to the French system,but that Lodge not

bei ng recognised by the Grand Lodge o f England,

i t wa s necessary that h e sho u ld take his deg rees again

o n jo in ing th e Eng l ish Lodge . The reaso n fo r the

seco nd batch o f degrees being “An t ien t,may be fo und

in th e fact, that a ll th e o ther Brethren had been

made in Antien ts Lodges . N o fees seem to have

bee n ch arged fo r the re - i n it iat io n .

The Lodge was du ly consecrated on June 1 2 th

1815, a s the “ Phi lan thropic ” Lo dge , No . 658, by

Bro s. Benj . P lummer, P .G .W . of England , and F. C .

H usen be th,D ep . Pro v . G M . o f Bristo l . The Vicar of

the town,Rev . Wil l iam Powel l ,* was instal led as the

Th is B r o th er was st i l l l iving in th e yea r 1862 , be ing then n early a

cen tury o ld . (Vz'


“ Freem aso n s’

M aga zin e ,”August , 1862 , p.

Page 57: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


fi rst Master,B ro . Thomas Richards being appo in ted

Sen io r Deaco n,and n o t Jun io r a s nomina ted

i n the Pet it io n . The Lodge h ad o n ly a brief ex istence ,

having been erased in 182 8.

Down to th e year 1860 ,two Brethren were st i l l

l iv ing in Abergavenny,wh o claimed to h ave been

in it iated in th e French Prisoners’ Lo dge, so that i f

i t were a ru le with these French Masons n o t to in i t iate

Engl ishmen in thei r Lodges, th e ru le wa s certain ly

broken in th e case o f Abergavenny . This in fo rmat ion

is o btained from an o ld resident Maso n o f th e town ,who had frequen t co n versat io n with th e two Brethren

referred to ,o n th e subject o f the o ld French Lodge .

Th e p r esen t Phi lan th rop i c Lodge , N o . 818 Aber

gave n ny ,h a s st i l l in its po ssessio n some o ld co l lars*

blue,w ith bro ad si lver lace— wh ich were wo rn by

the Officers i n the French Priso ners ’ Lodge,also a

number o f swo rds,

* used in thei r Rose C ro ix ceremo ny .

Besides these , there h angs upo n th e wal l o f th e p re

sent Lodge - room,an emblemat ical wo o d — carv ing ,


mean ing o f which is n o t quite c lear. These are a l l

undo ubted ly re l ics l eft beh ind by th e French p riso ners ,abou t who se l i fe i n Abergavenny a great many in terest

ing detai ls are st i l l t rad it ional ly repo rted . The Rev .

Wil l iam Powe l l , previously referred to,wa s a sincere

friend to the priso ners, who were indebted to him fo r

very many acts of k indness and co nsiderat ion .


de P la te VI .

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fi s fibu r fon (Qeo on )

Qe s (

am iss Qfie'

u n is .

(g i em n iteb fi r ien bs . )

18 10 48 14 . (12)

A CERTIFICATE granted to an in it iate o f th is Lo dge,

15 th e on ly record of its ex istence th at h a s been

d isco vered up to the present t ime . Un fo rtunate ly,

altho ugh th e do cumen t is signed and sealed,it is n o t

dated,but i t was

,i n al l probabi l i ty

,i ssued between

th e years 1810 and 1814.

This interesting documen t , the design o f which is

ro ughly drawn by hand on parchm en t, is 17 in ches

by I 4 i n ches in s ize , and is en t i re ly in the French

language . As a genera l ru le,these Priso ners’ Lodge

Cert ificates were who l ly written in Fre nch when,as

i n th is case,they were issued to a French Bro ther


shewing c learly that they were in tended to be used

i n French Lodges o n ly . Bu t whenever they were

granted to an Engl ishman , a s i n the case o f P lumm er

and Richards o f the Abergavenny Lodge , they were

m ade out bo th in French and Engl ish , that they might

serve as recommen datio ns in both French and Engl ish

Lodges . An exception , i n the case of the Wincan to n

Lo dge , wi l l be referred to later.

Although unfo rtunate ly somewhat faded , the Cer

t ificate is i n an ex cel len t state of preservatio n , the

Page 61: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


large red wax Sea1,

* in an o val t in bo x 2% i nc hes

by 2 in ches,at tached to th e documen t by a nar row

ligh t blue ribbo n , being part icu larly fine .

The rec ip ien t , Pau l Carcenac , appears to have take n

the two fi rst degrees o n ly,whi le the let ter “ C ap

pended to four of th e signatures,deno tes that these

Brethren also had only attained th e s imi lar rank o f

Fel low - Craft (Compagno n ) .

I t wi l l be no t i ced,th at i n this Certificate the rec ip ient

i s obl igated to affi l iate himse l f to some regu l arly war

ranted French Lodge,immed iate ly o n h is retu rn to

h is nat ive land,thus recogn ising the L odge at Ash

burton as an i rregu lar o r tem porary o n e. o n ly .

A t ranscript and ro ugh trans latio n o f th e do cument

A LA G 3 . DU . D E

J . so us le t it re d ist in ct i f de

la D e s amis réun is séante a d’

Ashbur to n

en Angle te r re 21 Tous le s M ago n s régu l iers répandus

sur la surface de la Terre .

F . .

Nous ve’ nerable , Offic ie rs d ign itai re s e t m ‘embres

de la J. . so us le t i t re d ist i nct i f de

la D e s am is réun is séan te a d’

Ashbur to n

en An gle te r re , ce r t ifio n s attesto ns a to utes le s


a’e Fron tispiece .

1 Vz'

de P late V I I . Th e or igin a l be longs to th e pr ivate co l lect ion ofth e wr i te r .

Page 62: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...
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régu lieres e t a tous les M ago n s régu l iers

e t répand'

u s su r la su rface de la terre, que le F

P au l Carcenac , aide com missaire , est membre de no tre

a t te lie r, qu

’ i l possede le s deux premiers grades

de la m agon n e r ie App re n t if e t' Compagno n e t qu’ il

a t ravai l lé parm i nous a l’

e n t iere satisfact io n de to us

l es mai tres ; C’est pourquo i n ous prions to us les

81 toute s les de l ’un ive -

r s de le recon

n a it re e t l’

adm e’

t t re comme tel , apres les épreuves“d

usage , l u i p ro cu rer to us le s secours do nt il po urrait

avo i r beso i n , o ffran t le réciproque en pareill e c i rc-on

stance,en l ’oblige a n t de se faire a ffi lie r a ussito t so n

ar rivée en France a une reg u l iere reco nnue du

de F ‘rance . En foy de quoi lui avons dél ivré

le p résen t ce r t ifica t signé de no us, co ntresigné de no tre

secrétai re sce l l é des sceaux de no t re afin

qu ’ i l n e pu isse et re d’

a ucun usage a d ’

aut re qu ’au d it

Pau l Carce nac,, no us lu i avons fait appo ser sa signa

ture en ma rge Ne varietur. Dél i vré en regu l iere

men t assem blée le 2 91!19 J o ur du Mois de l

’an de

la vraie Lum iere .


a de Cord‘

ova .



n e

Sce l lé t imbré pa r nous L . M a tké. B r a n d s.

garde de s sceaux e t t imbre

A uber t .

(I n le ft margin : Ne Varietu r, C a r ce na c

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The very wo rshipfu l Lodge o f St . John , under th e

distinct ive name o f Un ited Friends, a t th e Orien t of

Ashbu rto n,Eng land , to al l regu lar Maso ns spread

o ver th e surface o f th e earth .


We Master,O fficers and members o f th e very

wo rsh ipfu l Lodge o f St . John,under th e d ist i n ct ive

t i t le o f th e Lodge o f Un ited Friends, a t th e Orient

of Ashburto n , England , cert i fy and at test to al l

regu lar Lodges and to al l regular Maso ns spread

o ver th e su rface o f th e earth,that ou r very dear

Bro ther Pau l Carcenac , assistan t commissary, i s a

member o f ou r wo rsh ipfu l Lo dge, that he h a s received

th e two fi rst degrees of Maso nry, Appren t ice and

Fel lowcraft , and h a s wo rked amo ngst us to the enti re

sat isfact io n o f al l th e Master—Maso ns. We therefo re

pray al l Breth ren and al l Wo rshipfu l Lo dges i n the

Un i verse to receive and admit him a s such after

the usual proo f, and obtai n fo r him such assistance

a s h e needs, o ffering to recip ro cate in sim i lar c i rcum

stances, and ob tain ing a promise from him that he

wi l l affi l iate himsel f a s soo n a s po ssib le after h is

retu rn to France , to a regu lar Lo dge , du ly recognised

by th e Grand Orient of France . I n witness whereo f,

we have del ivered to him the presen t cert ificate ,signed by us, co u n tersigned by o u r Secretary


sealed with the Seal o f our wo rship fu l L o dge— and

in o rder that it may n o t be used by any other

Page 67: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


gli s fifi n z b e z f a z éii o u cfj .

gfir a is Clll rn is be I’

Qr ér e .

(g r u e E r ien bs o f we Queer . )

18 10 : 18 11.

A NUM BE R of French priso ners of war resided in

this Leicestershi re town from the year 1804 unt i l the

peace o f 1814. The fi rst detachment , consist ing of

fo rty - two officers,arrived o n September 26th ,


others so o n fo l lowed , unti l they reached a to tal of

two hundred . Most o f them were officers o f th e

Army o r Navy,but there were also amongst them

abou t th irty civi l ian s,probably “ merchants sei zed by

the au th o ri t ies,i n retal iatio n for simi lar sei zu res in

France by Napoleon . The o ffi cers were a l lowed ten

shi l l i ngs and S ix pence , and th e civi l ians seven shi l l ings

and S ix pence a week fo r their main tenance, which was

paid to them by a Mr. Farnel l on behal f o f the B ri t ish

Go vernment They were, a s usual i n such cases,

“ on paro le, and were al lowed to wa lk a m i le in any

d irect io n outside the town , thei r favourite walk being

what is now cal led “ the Moun t Walk .

” During the

ten years these prisoners were i n Ashby,some of them

escaped , others were exchanged for Engl i sh officers

impriso ned in France, but the p laces of those who

Page 68: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


left were a lways soon fi l led,and the fu l l n umber of

two hundred kept up . They lodged in private houses

i n the town,and accord ing to the registers o f Ashby

Parish Church,ten wedd ings took p lace between

French officers and residents in Ashby from 1806 to

June I st , 1814. Some of th e prisoners d ied , a nd were

buried i n the Parish Church - yard, e.g .

,Et ienne Lenon

on November 2 nd,1806, Francois Rabin on Apri l

15th, 180 7, and Xavier M a nde lie r on October 19th ,

180 8. At least two due ls with fata l resu lts are a lso

recorded as hav ing been fought amongst them ,the

vict ims be ing Capt . Colvin and Mons . D e n egres, the

latter being ki l led on December 6th ,

Two Lo dges , to one o f which a Rose C ro ix Chap

ter was at tached , were opened and wo rked during the

res idence o f the prisoners at Ashby,but whether they

were work ing contemporaneo usly,i t i s impossib le now

to ascertain .

The earl ier of these two Lodges,“Vrais Amis de


O rdre ,”

(True Friends of th e Order) wa s wo rk ing in

the year 1810,but when it was started

,and when

d iscon t inued , i s not now known . There is a trad ition

i n Ashby, that the French o fficers celebrated its con

st itut ion by a Bal l , to which a number o f th e in

habitan ts were i nvi ted , the ho sts present ing to each

of thei r fa ir guests, two pai rs of white k id gloves ,one pai r lo ng and the other short .

Two Cert ificates, i ssued by the members of this

Lodge,are st i l l i n ex i stence

,o n e for the Craft degrees


the other fo r the degree o f Kn ight o f the East

M a ny of th ese de ta i ls are taken from an Artic le by R e v . C an o n D cn ton ,in Andrews’ “ Bygo n e L e icestersh ire

Page 69: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


(Cheval ier d’

O r ie n t ) con ferred i n a Ro se Croix Chap

ter at tached to the same Lodge. These do cuments

are in ex cel len t preservation , bo th having oval Seals*

i n t in bo x es st i l l attached to them . They are ent ir e ly

i n manuscript , and a s usual with French Lodge Cer

t ifica te s,are signed by th e Officers and members o f

the Lo dge . One pecu l iarity abo ut these two Cert i

fica te s,is the fact

,that th ey declare the Lodge to

be under th e pro tect ion o f Lo rd Mo i ra, the Acting

Grand Master o f the Grand Lo dge of E n gla ndj‘

who se seat of Do n ington Park wa s i n th e immediate

neighbo urho od o f Ashby. I t may fai rly be assumed,

that th e pro tect io n o f Lo rd Mo i ra wo u ld o n ly be

granted ,o n th e understand ing that no ne but French

men shou ld be admit ted members o f the Lodge,and

a s far a s is known , n o Engl ishman wa s ever received

into its ranks.

The Craft Cert ificate is as fol lows :

A 3 .

Au N om e t‘

sous les Auspices du G 3 . de

France .

E t so us la pro tect io n im m ed ia t e de sa seigneurie

le e t F. Lo rd Mo i ra,agissan t

comme Mait re de toutes le s R égu liere s du

Royaume de la Grande Bretagne .

No us Venn. e t Membres de la

R égu lierem en t Const ituée pa r le s francais prisonn iers


d e Fro n t ispiece .

1 N o t“o f Grea t Br ita in , as sta ted in th e docum e n ts.

1 Vz'

de P la te V111

Page 70: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

P L AT E V I I I .

AS H BY- D E- LA- ZOUC H .— J e a n

’s Lodge C e r t ifi cate .


a’e page

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de Guerre sur paro le a lo“

. D'

Ashby de la Zouch

C om te de Leicester en Angle te r re sous le

des Vrais Amis de L’

O rd r e . A Tous les M ago n s

Répandus su r la Globe .


APRES avo i r ép rouvé qu’ i l en était d igne No us

avo ns adm is aux Grades Mags. Comps. e t

Mait re le F . . Louis J ean nat i f de Rouen,

Département de la Seine I n férieure, age de Trente

neuf an s, so us Lieutenant 31 la 1 l‘331.l e demi Brigade

“ d’

in fa n te r ie legere , e t a fin de le mettre a meme de

fai re de p lus grands prog rés dans les Vertus en lu i

fac i l i tan t l’

en t rée des ou el les se prat iquen t

no us l ’avo ns mun i de cette p lanche signée de nous

e t co nt resignée pa r lu i Ne Varietur pa r laquel le nous

prio n s tous le s F F . . MM . 21 qu i il la présentera de

seco uri r ce F . dans le besoin e t de lu i fai re l ’a ccue il

fraterne l que no us rese r vo n s a ceux qui no us vien

d ro u t de leu r part , lu i enjo ignan t de la fai re e n

“ registrer en s’

a ffi lia n t a une Regu l iere de L ’

o .

il choisi ra so n dom ici le , ce a quo i i l s’est engagé

sur sa parole Macs.

Dél ivré a d’

Ashby de la Zouch en la Sea n ce

du 19°!n e Jou r du Mois de l’An n e

e M aco n x . 58 10 .

Le Vénérable. D e M a r com zay :

du de Jean du Désert , de

Valen cien nes .

Le If “ Sue Ad r ien ,

B ouvam’

; de la Loge de s Vrais“ amis de l ’o rd re .

“ L ? P z

ta cke ; ch

fi aum z

er ; O ra x. ch x.

Suf m ;

Page 73: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


B a n dz'

a n ;

M erry ; M“

F on ta z'

n e ,

“ ch “ D'

o r

de E .

D . P ier r e , E .

S apam’


G a rdz'

n ; E .

F r . de Ca ste] ; E . .

j ul z'

a r a'e ;

Cog n et ; C ‘l ’ du 2 79; P sse du

G 2?de France . M em bs. fonds.

de la de la Régulari té de Lyon .

Memo “

. fonds. e t O r a ts. de la LesE leves de Them is O r r . d

An ve rs.

B a il/en ] ;

D z'

er ,

F er a ssz'



ns ; M .

L epag e ; d ’or

R on et ; M .

R ayer s ;

Pour le B u r det . Ch ? P“ ;M . de la de Taren te du rg

f d’

I n ff‘?Legere ;D ig


a de la de l ’Un io n du rgfi Polonais ;

M . de du de Naples ;Vén".le de la de la Bonne Un ion de

Northampto n , en Angle te r re ; dela des Vrais Amis de l ’Ord re , d


by de la Zouch , en Angle te r re . D e M a r con nay .

(I n left margin :“ Scel lé e t t imbré par nous garde

“ des sceau e t t imbre e t An toin e.

(I n left margin :“ Ne Varietu r. A f ea n .

(I n right margin ;“E n rég

isous le N?

14 par nous“ Secret “

. P z'

ca r a’.

Page 75: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


give him th at fraternal welcome which we accord

to al l those who come to us from them ,enjo in ing

him to have it registered on a ffi lia t ing himse l f to a

regu lar Lodge in the Dist rict where he may cho ose

h is domici le, and to which he has bou nd himself by

h is Mason ic wo rd .

“ Given a t the Orient O f Ashby- de - la - Zouch,at the

Meeting held o n the l gth day of the 9th mo nth of

the Mason ic year 5810 .

The Rose Croix Certificate is i n favour of the same

Bro ther,and is as fo l lows

Au Nom e t sous le s Auspices du de

France . E t sous la p ro tect ion imméd iate de sa

Seigneurie le e t Lo rd

Mo i ra agissant comme Maitre de toutes les

régu lieres du Royaume de la Grande Bretagne.

“ A Tous les Macons R e’

gulie rs Répandus su r le

Globe .



NOUS soussignés en vertu des

pouvoirs attachés aux subl imes grades que nous pos

sédo ns, e t assistés des e t FF .

soussignés également é levés a des grades eminens,dési ran t récompenser le zele , l

a ctivité, le s ta len s e t les

vertus Macon “

. dép loyés pa r le Lou is Jean

nati f de Rouen , département de la Seine I n férieu re


de P la te IX .

Page 76: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...

P L AT E I X .

ASHBY- D E - LA- ZOUC H .— J e a n

’s C h a pte r C e r t ifi c a te .


de page 60 )

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Page 78: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


age de Trente neuf a n s,sous Lieutenan t a l a H

em e

d em i Brigade d ’

in fa n te r ie legere,dans le s t ravaux de

la R . de s Vrais Amis de l’O rd re,régu lierem en t

const ituée pa r les Macons fran cais prisonn iers de

guerre a PO“

. d’

Ashby de la Zo uch en Ang le te r re , e t

dans les vues de co ntribuer de tout no t re po uvo i r a

do r mer chaque jo ur un no uveau lust re a l’o rd re auguste

no us avo ns l a faveur d ’

appa r te n ir , avons en raison de“ l

im po ssibilité de commun iquer, so i t avec le Grand

so it avec aucun autre Chap i tre Régu l ier de

France,co n féré au sus d it Jean le grade de


in v ita n t pa r t icu lierem e n t a se faire regulariseren cette qual ité aussito t que possible, apres sa rentrée

en Fran ce,cc a quo i il s ’est engagé su r sa fo i Maco n .

Prio ns en co n seque n ce cel u i de s Chaps. O iI il sera

dans le c a s de se présenter po ur fai re légal iser le grade“ at l u i pa r nous co n féré, de vo u lo i r bien approuver e t

con fi rm e r cette promo t io n , e t de fai re a u d it“ l

accue il favo rable e t d ist i ngué que nous réservons a

tous les vrais qu i,comme lu i , posséde n t le s p lus

rares qual ités e t le s p lus ém inentes vertus. En fo i de

quo i nous lu i avons dél ivré le p résen t auquel nous

avo ns po ur plus d ’

au th e n t ic ité fait appo ser les sceau e t

t imbre de la de s Vrais Amis de l ’O rd re,e t

pou r éviter tou te surprise , avo ns a u d it F . . Jean fait,

en notre présence apposer sa signature en marge Ne

Varietu r,supp l io n s le de l ’avoir

toujours en sa sainte garde .

Fait a d’

Ashby de la Zo uch en An gle te r re le

z 3em e Jo ur du 1 2 Mo is de l ’an de la V “

. 58 10 (Style

Vulgaire le 2 3 Février

D e M a r eon n ay ; M . du

“ de Jean du Désert, de Valencienn es ;

Page 79: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


Vemb l e de la des Vrais Amis de l’

O rd r e,


Ashby- de - l a - Zouch en Angle te r r e.

“ L ? P ita aée

F on ta in e ;

S ig'

fier t ,

“ D’

o r .

H owa r d :

2e de la Lo ge de s Vrais

Amis de l’o rd re .

f on r n z’

er ;

L epag e ,D ’or

Cog n et ; du P S=e M ‘E; du

G a? de France. Memo “

. fo nd “

. de la

de la Régu larité de Lyo n . M em -b .

e t de la de s Eleves deTh em is d

An ve rs.

B a udia u G IL".

B ier ; d’


Adr ien 19 ? Su rv . de la D de s vrais

“ am is de l’O rd re, d

Ash by de la Zo uch e n

An gle te r re .

P z'

m r a’

; d’

o r

Po ur le N . B a r ds! C h r P D “

M r . de la de Tarente du 19 ?

rgt. d

I n fi_e lg‘fe ;

de la d-e l’

Un io n du I f ? rg'?Polo nais ;

de p lus“

. du de Nap les ;Ve

nb le de la de la Bo nne Un io n de

N o rthampto n en Angle te r r e ; M de la

des Vrais Amis de l ’O rd r e, d


de la Zouch “en Angle te r re . D e .ll a r rom m i'.

V “

(I n left margin : Scel lé e t t imbr é pa r no us garde

des Sceau t imbre e t Arch “

. A fr/“a im :

(I n left margin : Ne Varietu r. L . j a m .

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I n the name and under the auspices Of the Grand

Orien t of France .

And under the immed iate protect ion of his Lord

ship, the very powerful , very i l l ustrious and very

worship fu l B rother Lo rd Moira, Acting Grand Master

of al l the regular Lodges of the Kingdom Of Great

Bri tain .

“ To al l Regu lar Maso n s spread over the Globe .


WE th e unders igned So vereign Princes Rose Croix,

by vi rtue Of the powers belonging to the subl ime

degrees which we possess,and ass isted by the very

clear and very worshipfu l Bro thers undersigned equal ly

exalted to the h igh degrees, wishing to reward the

zeal,activi ty

,talents and Maso n ic vi rtues d isp layed by

the very dear Brother Lo u is Jean , nat ive o f Ro uen,

Department of the Seine I n ferieure, age thi rty - n ine

years,Sub - Lieutenant in the l 1 th ha lf~b r igade of

Light I nfantry,in the wo rk of the Lodge o f ‘True

Friends of the Order,’ regu larly con sti tuted by Fren ch

Masons, p risoners of war, at the Orient of Ashby- de

la - Zouch,England

,and with a desi re to co ntribute


to the utmost of our power, to shed each day new

lustre upo n the august Order to which we have the

privi lege to belong,h ave , i n con sequence o f the

impo ssibi l i ty of commun icat ing ei ther with the Grand

Orien t,or with any regu lar Chapter of France, con

ferred upo n the said Bro ther Jean the rank of

Page 81: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


Ch eval ier d ’

o r ie n t,request ing h im part i cu larly to

have himse l f p roperly reg istered in th is degree a s

soo n a s possible after h is retu rn to France , to which

he h as bo und him sel f by h is Maso n ic o ath .

therefo re p ray those So vereign Chapters where he

may presen t him sel f, to have th e rank which we

have co n ferred upo n him legal ised , to approve and

co nfi rm this promo t io n , and to acco rd to th e said

Bro ther a favo rab l e and ho no rab l e recept io n , such as

w e acco rd to al l t rue Breth ren , wh o ,l i ke him

, po ssess

th e rarest qual i t ies and m ost em i nen t vi rtues. I n

to ken O f wh ich we h ave del ivered these presen ts, to

which fo r greater secu rity we have added th e Seal and

S tamp o f th e Lo dge ‘True Friends o f th e


’ and to prevent its misuse , we h ave requ ired th e

said B ro ther J ean to p lace h is signatu re Varietu r ’

in o u r presence in th e margin , supp l i cat ing th e Great

Architect O f th e Un iverse to have h im a lwa v s i n H is

ho ly keep i ng .

Done a t the Orien t o f Ashby - de - la - Zo uch,England


th e 2 3rd dav O f the 1 2 th mo n th o f the vear O f th e

True Ligh t 5810 . (Commo n stv le,February 2 3rd ,

181 1 )

Severa l o f th e Brethren who se signatures appear o n

these Cert ificates , were M asons O f high rank,notably

Bro . B urde t , an Ho no rary M ember,Cognet who signs

as Past Master, and De M a rcon n ay th e

Master ; it i s n o t surprisi ng, therefo re , that they sho u ld

seek to begui le th e weary ho urs Of thei r capt ivity, by

asso ciat ing together and wo rk ing tho se ceremo n ies in

which they had been in terested in happ ie r t imes.

I t is probable that the Lodge had n o t been long

establ ished , when B ro . Jean wa s adm itted,i nasmuch a s

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on the sale o f wh i ch , i n Lo ndo n , he had to make a

heavy sacrifi ce . They resided at Ashby for some

years,Louis Jean being great ly esteemed , and there a

daughter wa s born . Later on , they returned to Ro uen ,

where,after twen ty—two years, Lo u is Jean d ied , leaving

h is w idow and daughter in great ly reduced circum

stances,ow ing to h is mo ther

,du ring h is absence i n

England,bel ieving him to be dead , having left th e

who le o f th e fami ly property to her daugh ter, wh o

dying yo ung,bequeathed it to her a ffia n ced lo ver.

Lo u is Jean ’s daugh ter, n o t lo ng befo re her father


death,had married a yo ung man named H an

Engl ishman by bi rth , bu t brought up i n France , who

so o n died,leavi ng h is widow wi th th ree vo ung ch i ld ren .

The two widows and th e chi ld ren left France , and

to o k up thei r abode in England , where M rs. H

d id h e r best to pro v ide for thei r wan ts by teaching

French and by fine need lewo rk . M rs. Jean d ied in

1867, h av ing been ch i ld ish and help less fo r seven

years, ye t so sensit ive and ret i ri ng wa s h e r daugh ter


that sh e never so ugh t fo r assistance i n h e r sad con

d i t ion,bu t st ruggled o n

,to i l i ng day by day

,to maintain

h e r fami ly . M rs . H wh o is O ver eigh ty v e a rs o f

age,is n ow an inmate o f a Hosp i tal in a M id land town ,

wh ere it is to be h oped sh e w i l l h ave a peaceful end ing

to a t roubled l i fe .


P a r t ly take n from a n Ar tic le by th e la te B ro . W . K e l ly,in the

Freem a son , 1886, p . 62 7.

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.ZRs fiBwOe i ou clj .

3 k Ca gu s t t ce et be f’

gltn ion .

(gu s tice a in o gl n i tn . )

18 14 .

LATE i n th e year 181 3, o r early in 1814, severa l French

Officers arrived i n Ash by,who had been taken pr isoners

at Pampe luna i n the no rth Of Spain , which fo rtress ,after a siege o f three mo n ths

,had surrendered to

Wel l ingto n’

s t ro ops i n October, 181 3 . They brought

much money with them , part o f the vast t reasu re

carried away in their retreat to Pampeluna , after the

d isastro us defeat at Vi t to ria i n th e previou s J une.

Th is m o ney wa s co ncealed i n th e so les o f the i r boots

and in th e co l lars and cuffs O f thei r coats,and wa s

n o doubt very usefu l i n eke ing o u t the week ly al low

an ce m ade to the m by the Bri t ish Go vernmen t . One

o f them also brough t a dog wi th him ,which was said

to be th e o n ly o n e wh i ch had survived th e siege .


The o n ly evidence o f th e ex istence O f th e Lodge

De la Just ice et de l’

Un ion ,

is co nt ained i n an

endo rsemen t o n th e ba ck o f a French Certificate,

issued in 181 2 to one of the abo ve - mentioned Pam

pe lun a p risoners, by the m embe rs O f a Fr ench Mi l i tary

Pa r tly taken from Andrews’ “ Bygo n e L e ic estersh ire . p . 2 33 .

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L odge held in the town o f Vit to ria .

* This Cert ificate

is a parchment do cument , who l ly i n French , 17% in ches

by 14% i nches, a n d is prin ted from an engraved plate ,the design be ing Of an o rd inary French type . The

text o f the Cert ificate is a s fo l lows


A Tous le s Maco ns régu l iers répandus su r la

surface de la Terre .


No us Ve'

nerable e t Offic ie rs de la D de s Am is

Réun is de S t . Jo seph , a l’

O r ie n t de Vi to ria (Espagne) ,régu lier em en t const ituée en 58 1 1 , ce r t ifio n s e t at tes

to ns que le F “ G r iz/a n t (A n toin e) est Membre

de no t re qu ’ i l po ssede les tr ois grades maco n

n iques,e t qu ’ i l a t ravai l lé parm i no us avec zel e e t

assidu ité : c ’est pourquo i nous p rio ns tous ceu x qu i

so n t a p rier de le re co n n a it re co m m e bo n e t l ég it im e

Maco n,e t de l ’adm e t t re comme te l a l eurs t ravaux


de lu i preter aide e t assistance en ca s de beso i n,

comme nous no us y som mes ob liges no us - m emes ; e t

po u r que le p rese n t C e r t ifica t n e pu isse servi r qu’ au d it

F r . G r iv a n z‘

(A n l oin e) , nous l u i avo ns fai t appo ser sa

signature en marge n e varietu r. Dél ivré en loge ,“régu lierem en t assemblée, d

’un l ieu t res—éc lairé,on

regn e n t la paix ,l ’un io n e t la charité

,le 9

" j o ur du“ 6g” mo is de l ’an de la 581 2 ,

répondan t a u

9 Aon t 1 81 2 .

L es Am is Réun is de . Sa in t -Joseph , estab l ish ed in Vi tto r ia in 1 81 1 .

(Vide R ebo ld’

s H isto ire des Tro is G rand es Loges,”

p . Th e

C e r tifica te be lo ngs to the L e icester Fr eem ason s’ Ha l l C o l lec tion .

Page 86: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


Col . D'

Or a’a n . L . H er m a n . M en on .

S . . R . . 26 T l et

S cel lé e t Timbré par no us Par mand i de la L

Gardes des Sceaux e t Timbre B efg e r on .

de la Secrétai re .

(Signed in dex ter m argin : Ne Varietu r. G r iva u t .

The Seal— u n fo rtunately damaged— is Of red wax,

and is con tained i n a c ircu lar t in box two inches in

d iameter,attach ed to the do cument by l ight blue

nbbo n .



TO al l regu lar Maso ns thro ugho ut th e Wo rld .


We Master and O ffi cers o f th e Wo rshipfu l Lodge

U n ited Friends o f St . J o seph ,’ regu larly co nst i tu ted

a t Vit to ria (Spai n ) in 581 1 , cert i fy a nd declare th at our

very dear Bro ther Anto ine G r iva ut is a member o f o u r

Worship fu l Lodge , that he ha s taken th e fi rst th ree

degrees o f Maso n ry,and ha s wo rked amongst us wi th

zea l and assidu i ty : we therefore pray al l those whom

it may co ncern , to receive him a s a true and regu lar

Maso n,to admi t him a s such to the i r cerem o n ies


to aid and assist him in case of need,a s we o n o ur

part engag e to do ; and in order that the presen t

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Certificate may alo ne be of service to the said Brother

Antoine G r iv aut , we h ave caused him to sign hi s

name in th e margin— n e varietur. Del ivered in

Lodge,regu larly assembled

,i n an en l ightened p lace,

where peace,un ity and charity reign

,the 9th day Of

the 6th month of th e year o f th e True Light 581 2 ,corresponding to August 9th ,

181 2 .

Within ten month s o f th e grant i ng of this C e rt ifi

cate,the French t ro ops were d isast rous ly beaten by

the Brit ish under a t th e batt le of Vi t toria

(J une 2 15t , The town was stormed w ith great

slaughter,whi le many p riso ners and much material of

war fel l in to the hands o f th e victors . Some of those

who escaped too k refuge in th e fo rtresses Of Pampeluna

and San Sebast ian,bo th O f which were subsequen t lv

captured by the Brit ish t ro ops.


Among those who escaped to Pampeluna and after

wards surrendered,wa s this Bro ther Antoine G r ivau t ,

who was sen t, probably with m a n v others , as prisoner

of wa r to England,and in Apri l , 1814. was res id ing

on parole in Ashby - de - la—Zo uch . This i n format ion

is Obtained from an endo rsemen t o n the back of the

Cert ificate j ust described , and is a s fo l lows

Am o ngst the spo i ls ta ken a fter o n e o f the ba t t les of th is cam pa ign ,was th e M ason ic D iplom a o f M a rsh a l So u l t. Th is docum en t waspresen ted in the yea r 152 3 to

“S t . N a th a lan

s"L odge , Tu l l ich

ia - M a r,Abe rdeensh ire . ve ry possibly by som e H igh la nd ve tera n

re turned from th e wa rs . I t r em a in ed in th e possession o f theLodge un ti l th e year 1850 , wh e n by th e m ed ia tion o f the GrandL odge o f Sco t land . it was re tur n ed to th e M arsha l through th eh an ds o f the M arquis o f N orm a n by , Brit ish Am bassador a t Paris.

The M arsha l's le tter o f a ckn owledgm en t , when rece ived , was

ordered to be se n t to the “S t . N a tha lan

s"Lodge , and the

preserva tion of tha t docum e n t shou ld prove a fa r m or e va luab lem em oria l of a d ist ingu ish ed B r o ther , tha n th e unwarran ted possession of A plundered pa r chm en t . M a r sh a l Sou l t d ied a few daysafter th e D iplom a was re tur ned to h im . (

" Freem asons’

Quarte r lyReview .

"1851 » P~ 183, a n d Freem ason s


M aga z in e ,"

1861 ,Vo l . I . , p .

l' Vida P la te X .

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P L AT E X .


E n d o r s e m e n t o n G r ivaUt’

s C e r t ifi ca te .

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Seen by us,Officers o f the ‘En l ightened Men ,

’ at

th e Orient of St . Servan,th e 3o th day Of th e 8th

mo nth O f the year O f the True Light 58 16.

From this second endo rsement it wi l l be seen that

B ro . G r ivau t arrived safely in h is native land and

visi ted a Lodge at St . Servan , near S t . Malo , i n th e

year 1816,after which no thing fu rther is known O f

h is Mason ic career .

Befo re leaving Ashby - de - la - Zouch fo r thei r belo ved

France,th e French Masons wh o had been located

there,d isposed o f thei r Lodge furn iture to some Eng

l ish Bre thren,wh o co n temp lated establ ishing a Lo dge

a t Repto n i n Derbyshi re. Bro . G . M uglisto n— a n

Ashby m a n — o n e of the pet it io ners fo r th e Repto n

Lodge , and subsequen t ly its fi rst Wo rsh ip fu l Master,i n fo rward ing th e pet it io n to the Grand Lo dge on

Ju ly 1 3th ,1815, wro te a s fo l lows : “We have also

Furn iture fo r th e Lodge n ow ready a t Ashby - de

la - Zouch,the same which the F rench priso ners had


Th e Warran t fo r the Rep to n Lodge— the Royal


N O . 690 (n ow N o . 353)— wa s n o t gran ted

u nt i l September, 1817, from which date un t i l the year

1869 , the Lodge contin ued to meet regu larly i n that

town . I n the lat ter year i t wa s remo ved from Repto n

to Winshi l l , a suburb Of Burton - o n - Tren t,where it

sti l l meets.

M in u tes o f “ Roya l Sussex ” Lodge , Septem ber 2 4th , 1817.

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The furn i tu re O f th e O ld Priso ners ’ Lo dge,which is

stil l i n use,co nsists o f three Pedestals (for the Master

and Wardens) and a Canopy for the Master’

s Chai r .

The Canopy, which is dome - l i ke,is suppo rted by two

p i l lars, on e on each side “ it is part ly enclo sed by

cur tain s , a nd the Sun,Moon and Stars are pain ted

at the back . The Pedestals are O f p lain deal , orna

m e n ted respect ively with the Square and Compasses,

Leve l and P lumb - ru le . There is also a painted Tracing

clo th,dated 181 2 , about five feet by three feet

,rep re

senti ng o n one side the emblems o f th e E A . and E C .

degrees, and on the o ther side those o f the M .M . degree .

This Tracing - c lo th i s a lso a re l ic o f the French

P riso ners’ Lodge . The old furn iture is very much

prized by the Brethren o f the Royal Sussex Lodge,

o n acco un t o f its very in te rest ing associat io ns ; i t ha s

been recen t ly reno vated,espec ial care , h owever, being

taken that it shou ld st i l l retain i ts anc ient pecu l iari t ies.

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Gtsets e .

I N common with many o ther of the border towns,

Kelso received its complement of French prisoners of

war,amongst whom were several Masons .

The fol lowing ex t ract is taken from Bro . W. F

Vernon ’s “ H istory o f Freemaso n ry in the Province

of Roxburgh,Peebles and Sel ki rkshi res

, &c . , (p. 13 1 )under the head ing of th e Kelso Lodge, N o . 58

On the Ann iversary of St . Andrew, 1810 , the Lodge

was favoured with a visit from several French Officers

(prisoners of war) at presen t res iden t in Kelso.

The Rt . Wor. i n addressing them,expressed the

wishes of himse lf and th e Brethren to do everything

i n thei r power to promote thei r comfo rt and happi

ness,after which he propo sed the healths Of the

Brethren,who were st rangers in a fo reign land


which was drank with en thusiast i c applause. These

prisoners resided in Kelso o n paro le from the month

Of November, 1810 , ti l l J une, 1814,when

,upon the

conclus ion of the genera l peace, they were l iberated .

As many as 2 30 were at one t ime lo cated in Kelso,and there is frequent mentio n o f their appearance

at the meeti ngs,when the harmo ny was great ly in

creased by the pol ite manners and the vocal powers

of ou r French B rethren — I n 181 1,on the z and Of

J une, on e of the offi cers, by name Jean Lauren t

Bogue,was entered an Apprentice .”

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I t wo uld seem from t h e fo rego i ng extract , that the

French Brethren d id n o t establish and wo rk a Lodge

in Kelso,but were co n ten t with visi t ing the local

Lodge from t ime to t im e,— evidence O f which appears

i n a cu rious parchmen t document , st i l l preserved in

th e archives O f th e Kelso Lodge.

This 2 2 in ches by 18 i n ches,co ntains a De

c la ra t ion ,wh ich by o rder O f th e Grand L odge o f

Sco t land,wa s requ i red to be signed by every visi to r

to th e Lodge . This Declarat io n o ccup ies fo ur l i nes

a lo ng th e who le length o f th e parchmen t , and is as

fo l lows

I So l em n ly Swear by God,and as I shal l answer

to G od a t th e Great Day o f Judgement,that I was

du ly en tered an App ren t i ce Maso n within the Lodge

adh ibited to my Subscript ion ; and I fu rther so lemn ly

swear,by the Oath I now take and th e Oath that

I took,when I was so made a Mason

,that I shal l

never reveal any of the Secrets Of Maso n ry which I

may see o r hear in con sequence o f being admitted

a visit ing B ro ther in this Lodge of Kelso, except

to a true Bro ther. SO help me G od .

Below this Declarat io n are three columns o f signa

tu res,many o f them being dated and witnessed by

o n e or more members Of the Lodge , the earl iest date

bei ng No vember 2 0 th ,1804. Th e fi rst column con

ta ins the signatu res Of twenty - s ix visi tors,the second

n ineteen,and th e thi rd twen ty - fo ur. On the back o f

the parchment are mo re signatures, the last being

dated December 27th , 1830 .

Via’e P la te X I .

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The foregoing l ist of signatures co ntain s references

to two Lodges establ ished and wo rked by th e French

prisoners of war in England,v iz .

C ce urs Unis a t Wantage, and

En fan ts de Mars ” at T iverton .

Referen ce is made to bo th these Lodges on subse

quent pages .

Seven of the Brethren whose names are inc l uded

in the l ist— Daguet , Val l in , B o r t in o t , L a rm in a t , An

glade,Fabre and Ro cho n— visited the Lodge of

Economy ”

N O . 88 (n ow 76) Winchester, on November

17th , 1810 ,whi lst passing through that town

, pro

bably from \Van tage , en r ou te to Po rtsmouth, to be

embarked for Scot lan d .


Not on lv at Kel so and but wherever

the French prisoners visited Lodges o f Engl ish Masons,

they were un iversa l ly received with fraterna l affect ion,

and hosp itably en terta ined . Many references to such

visits may be found in th e reco rds of O ld Lodges in

d ifferent parts Of th e co un t ry .

Vida “ E x tracts from the M in ute Boo ks of {th e Lodge ofEconom y , T. S toph er, p. 4.

Page 100: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


31e 6 It .

Qe c’

gam i t ié

(fi r ien bs fyipj

1 8 1 0 .

A LOD GE and Chapter seem to have been working con

tempo raneo us ly in Leek , amo ng the French priso ners

resid ing in that town in th e early part of the p resen t

cen tury .

Beyo nd the bare fact o f some prisoners having been

there “o n parole


” nothing n ow seems to be known

as to thei r number,the date Of their arriva l or the

length o f thei r stay .

I n th e fine col lect ion o f Cert ificates belonging to

B ro . F . J W . Crowe o f Torquay,is one issued by

the Chapter“ De l ’Am it ié ”

(Friendship) , which was

wo rki ng among the French prisoners in Leek in the

year 1810 . This documen t was granted to an o fficer

of the 84th Regiment on h is receiving the degree Of

Cheva l ie r d ’

Or ien t (Knight o f the East) , the last but

one o f the seven degrees recogn ised at that t ime by

the Grand Orien t Of France .


The document is a mo st in terest ing one . The de

sign , which is rather uncommon , being ex cel len t ly

The seve n degrees were — 1 . Appre n t ice . 2 . Fe l low C ra ft . 3. M a sterM aso n . 4. E lec t . 5. Sco tch M aster. 6. Kn igh t o f the E ast .

7. Rose C ro ix

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drawn by hand on parchment , 19% in ches by 15 i n ches

i n s ize . I t is in very go od cond it ion,the Seal* o f red

wax in a t in box being also i n tact .

As in the case of the Ashby - de - la - Zouch Lo dge,

already referred to, th e Leek Brethren claimed that

thei r Lodge was held under the especia l sanct io n o f

Lord Moira, at that t ime the Act i ng Grand Master

of the Grand Lodge o f England .

The claim is, no do ubt , a just on e , but it is mo re

than probable that h is lo rdsh ip would st ipulate befo re

hand , that none but French prisoners shou ld be received

as members of the L odge .

The fo l lowing are transcript and rough translat ion

of the Cert ificate - 1

A tous les Macons régu l iers répandus su r la sur

face de la Terre .


Nous e t de la L E S . Chaps .

Francaise de St. Jean so us le Titre distinct if de L’amit ie’

a L’

O r ien t de Leek en Angle te r re duem e n t const ituée

sous les auspices du rit francais , e t régu lierem e n t

l egal ise par l ’am e’

n ité magona en Ang le te r re ,en

vertu des pleins pouvo i rs nous dé légués par sa Seig

n eur ie le I l l . “

e t F . Le lord Mo i ra

Vide Fron tispiece . The Sea ] is a ttached to the docum en t by e igh tn arrow r ibbons, two ea ch b lack , b lue , green and red .

“I“ Vida P la te X I I . Th e orig in a l be longs to B ro . F. J. W. C rowe'sco l lection .

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représen tant du en Angle ter re , Cert i

fio n s e t attestons que nous avons con fere au t res

C . F Simon Charles Victo r P in guet age de 41 ans,

nati f de M o n tague , Dept

. de L’

Orne Chef de E°u

au 84? R eg. Le grade S .

“ de Pour le

récompen ser du zel e de la co nstance qu ’ i l n ’a

cessé de man i fester en no us aidant dan s les Travaux

de cette L S “

. Prian t tous les des L"T “

auxquel les il se présentera de l’

a ccue illir avec les

honneurs du grade do nt il est re vetu . Fait e t dé l ivré

dans un l ieu tres éc lai ré le Jou r du 10? mois

de l’An de la Vraie Lumiere 5810 .

Le Vénérable .

Chev . d’

o r .

T/za r et .

Cna r les L ecZer c. Chev .

“ d ’o . a?

Ch .

“ S .

“D apny .

S .

Scel lé e t Timbré par D ie/eer in s .

nous Garde de Sceauxe t Timbre .

“A ign ier .

“ Chev .

(I n dex ter margin : Ne


We Master and Officers Of the Worshipfu l French

Lodge and Chap ter o f St . John held at Leek in

Eng land under th e d ist inct i ve t it le of ‘ Friendship,’

du ly con st i tu ted under the autho rity of the French

H a r a’

onzn .

Ch d ’or .

t Or “

Par Mandemen tde la R L E .

M on n er et .

C hev d ’o

Page 105: Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Ashburton Ashby-De ...


rite, regularly legal ised by the k indness of the E ngl ish Masons

,and by vi rtue o f the fu l l power de legated

to us by his Lordship the Very I l lust rious and Very

Worshipfu l B rother Lo rd Mo i ra represent ing the

Grand Lodge of England,cert i fy and attest that we

have conferred upon our very dear Brother S imon

Charles Victor P ingue t , age 4 1 years, nat ive of Mon

tagne,Dept . de l

O r n e,Majo r in the 84th Regt .,

the degree of Kn ight o f th e East a s a reward for

the zeal and constancy wh ich he has always ex

h ibited i n conduct ing th e wo rk of this Worshipfu l

Lodge,request i ng th e Master o f every Lodge at

which he shal l presen t himse l f, to receive him with

al l the honours due to the rank to which he has

attained . Done and del ivered in a place o f l ight

the l o th day of the l o th mo n th of the year of the

True Light 5810 .

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I t is qu ite clear that these two Mason ic bo d ies were

d ist inct and separate,inasmuch as they had d ifferen t

Brethren a s Master and Secretary. I t i s a lso evident

that th e Brethren belonging to each were o n very

good terms,for the endo rsement records th e visi t of

a member of the Chap ter o f Friendship”

to the

Lodge o f Desi red Reu n io n .

" This pract i ce o f e n

do rsin g on their Cert ificates part icu la rs of v isits paid

by Breth ren to S ister - Lo dges, was very common

amongst French Masons a t that t ime, and tends to

make O ld French Cert ificates ex ceedi ngly in terest ing.

Many very valuable and curious specimens are the

Leicester Col lect ion .

The endorsement is as fo l lows

Vu a la L

d e l a Re’

u n i o n D é s i r é e

a de Leek le j our du

89. Mois de l ’an Macque 581 1 .

Le Y h.

l e

B r un et .

Par Mand :

“ B eig n iny . S

(“ Seen at the W. Lodge of ‘Desi red Reunio n ’ at

Leek o n the 7th day o f the 8th month o f th e vear

of Masonry

No thing further is known o f this Lodge .

Vide P la te X I I I .

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Four parchment Cert ificates o f this Lodge , most

no tewo rthy specimens of Maso n ic designs and e legant

cal igraphy, were in ex istence as late as th e year 1880 ,

and are pro bably st i l l p reserved in th e arch ives of

one o f th e Malta Lodges.

The fi rst i s dated October 2 5th , 181 2 , and is en t i re ly

i n th e French language . Th e Lodge is described a s

“ The Lodge o f St . John , under th e d istin c

t ive name o f L es Am is en Capt iv i té,” and wa s held at

C it ta Vecchia,th e fo rmer cap ital o f the island , a smal l

town abo u t six mi les from Val let ta . This do cum en t

at tests that B ro . Ignat ius Vidal had d u ly taken th e

Thi rd Deg ree . I t i s signed by six teen Brethren , two of

th e signa tures being fo l lowed by Maso n ic marks,and a

wa x Seal is at tached to it by a blue ribbon . At th e

t ime th is Cert ificate wa s issued,B ro . H . Aubin was

H o n . B r o . Va rd ie r , B ro . D a n e sm il,

and B ro . L ombard,

On th e reverse o f th is do cu

men t is an endo rsemen t,dated December 2 0 th

,181 2 ,

declaring th at th e “ So vere ign Princes of the Va lley o f

To u lo n had co n ferred o n th e same Bro ther th e 18th

degree o f th e A . and A . Sco t t ish Ri te,th e endo rsement

being signed by Bro s. P . Pensa and H . Aubin .

The seco nd do cument is dated M arch 16th,18 14,


is also in French . I t at tests t h at B ro . N i cho las A tag lio t i

had been perfected a S P . Ro se C ro ix and Kn ight o f

S t . Andrew in th e Lodge Parfaite Un ion (Perfect

Un i ty) . I t bears a beaut i fu l o val Seal,about th ree

inch es lo ng by two i n ch es broad , attached to it by a red

ribbo n bo rdered with black . Around th e edge o f th e

Seal are th e words Sco z z e z e del la Perfet ta Unio ne


O . d i Malta , whi le upon an elabo rate shield in th e

cen tre are dep i cted th e Square and Compasses and other

Maso n ic work ing - too ls. The body from which this

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documen t emanated , was probably a Chapter attached

to the Lodge Les Amis en Capt i vité,”

th e M .W .S . at

the t ime being Pietro Pensa , whose name appears on the

Certificate al ready described .

The thi rd Cert ificate is dated May 1 1 th,1816


attests i n the French language th e po ssession o f th e

Third Degree by th e same N icho l as Atag lio t i. I t wa s

issued by the Lodge L e s Amis en Capt iv ité , and th e

design is an e labo rate d rawing in water—co lours o f the

co lumns o f the Temple,surmo un ted by the sun

,mo o n

and stars. The Seal is c i rcu lar,at tached to the docu

men t by a blue ribbon,and is i nscribed Am is en

C apt ivite’ Or. I le de Malthe

, 36 Deg : de L a t "’ I n

th e cen t re o f th e Sea l is a Triang le , h aving the Ark o f

the Co venant in the midd le surmoun ted by th e Al l

seeing Eye,with a Square and Com passes ex tended

a t its base ; the Trian gle is su rro unded by a C ircle,

from which seven points , form ing a Star, ex tend towards

the c ircumference of the Seal , between each o f which

points is a five -

po in ted S tar. The do cument is signed

by L . Nan i , W .M .,Jean And ré Roed iger

, S .W . , and

j . A . H o chko fte r, J.W .

The fo urth Cert ificate wa s issued a s late a s Sep

tember 2 5th , 182 0 ,and cert ifies that B ro . Ignat ius

And re Vidal had fi l led,with h onour to himsel f


offices o f D . of C . and J.W . i n th e Lo dge “ L es Am is

en I t is o f smal l d imensio ns and very

beauti fu l ly ex ecuted . The do cumen t is surro unded

by a border of acacia,having in th e cen t re o f th e

upper po rt io n an Al l - seeing Eye , with a branch o f

l i l ies on one side and o f acacia o n th e o ther. The

Seal,which is sim i lar to th e o n e belo nging to th e third

Cert ificate,is attached to the do cumen t by a red ribbon

edged with green,and co vered with green stars. The

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Certificate is s igned by R . Stevens and twelve other

members o f the Lodge,fo ur o f whom ,

i n c lud ing th e

W .M .

, describe themselves a s Knights of th e Temp l e

and Mal ta .

” I t is quite c lear,by the \V.M . be i ng an

Engl ishman,that this do cum en t was issued after the

French prisoners had returned to thei r nat i ve land ,and the Lodge wa s being carried on by perm anen t

residen ts.

H ow long, and with what success , the Lodge“ Les

Amis en Capt ivi té” con t i nued to work is n o t kn o u n

bu t a s al ready stated, it erased from the Grand

Lodge L ist i n 182 3.

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round the Cross,where they fo rmed a ci rc le ro und

the fo undat io n o f th e wel l ; th e fi rst sto ne wa s then

laid with the accustomed cerem o n ies, and th e Master

addressed a few wo rds o f cong ratu lat io n to the

Brethren , upo n the o ccasio n of t h ei r Mee t i ng. Th e

Breth ren then returned to the Lodge a n d spen t th e

afterno o n and even ing with th e ha rm o ny and co n

v iv ia lity that characterise th e Craft , and wh ich were

so su itable to th e occasio n .

Befo re depart i ng to thei r homes at the co nclusio n of

the war, th e French Brethren drew up a Mem o rial ,wh i ch wa s signed by upwards o f twenty o f th em ,

ex pressive o f thei r g rat itude , fo r the fraternal m anner

in wh ich they h ad un ifo rm lv been t reated by th e

Breth ren o f th e Lodge o f Melro se. This do cumen t is

said to be carefu l ly preserved am o ngst the man y o thers

o f i n terest belo nging to th is go o d o ld Lo dge.

M a n v at temp ts h ave been made to o btai n th e lo an,o r

a copy , of this do cumen t , bu t witho ut success . Th is is

very un fo rtunate , i nasmuch a s part icu lars o f o ther

Priso ners'

L odges m ight po ssiblv be o btai ned there

from— a s i n th e case o f th e Ke lso M S .

— fo r it wa s

a custo m wi th Breth ren to append to thei r signatures

th e name a nd lo cat io n o f their Mo ther— lodge . I t is to

be feared that th e do cumen t is no lo n ger i n th e arch i ves

of th e M e lro se Lodge,a s there can be n o reaso n wh y

its co n ten ts sh ou ld n o t be publ ished fo r the i n fo rmat io n

o f th e Maso n ic fratern ity .

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9 1

Qto r ttja m p to n .

cfla gfio n n e gtn i o rt .

TH E ex istence o f this Lodge is on ly known from the

fact,that th e Master o f th e Lodge , i n 1810 , wa s

Hono rary Member o f th e Ashby - de - la - Zo uch Lodge

Vrais amis de L ’

o rd re, and h isname , i n that capacity,

appears o n the two Cert ificat es o f B ro . Lo u is Jean

described under the. head ing o f that Lodge .

The Master of th e No rthampton Lodge , B ro . F . N .

Burde t,seems to have been a Maso n o f co nsiderable

ex perien ce and high rank , being described a s“So vereign

"Prince Ro se Cro ix — Prussian Knight— Member o f

Lodge ‘ de Taren te ’ in the I st Regt . o f Light

I nfan t ry— O ffice r o f the Lodge‘ de l’Un io n

’ i n the

I st Po l ish Regiment— Member o f severa l Lodges

under th e Grand Orien t o f Nap les— Master o f the

W . Lodge ‘de la Bonne Un ion ,’ Orien t o f N o r th am p

to n in England— Ho no rary Member o f th e W . Lodge

des Vrais Am is de l ’O rd re,

’ Orient of Ashby - de - la

Zouch in England .

There are no trad it io ns i n Nor thampto n of a French

Priso ners’ Lodge,but the father - in - law o f the late

Bro . Butler Wi lki ns,D . Pro v . G .M .

,is said to have been

i n it iated in a Lodge of Po l ish refugees, which was

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working in Nor thampton in the early part of the

presen t cen tury, a n d the apron . h e wo re i n that Lodge,a curious engraved F ine-h specimen is stil l i n

ex isten ce .

I t is j ust poss ible that this was th e French Prisoners ’

Lodge,as Bro . Burde t al luded to abo ve was an Offi cer

i n a Lodge at tached to a Po l i sh regiment , and a great

m a nv Poles who joi ned th e French ar my amo ngst

the prisoners of W a r i n Eng land .

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This Cert ificate is a parchment document , 1 3 i n ches

by 10 i nches,who l ly writ ten in French ; it i s i n

ex cel len t p reservat io n , but th e Seal is wan t i ng .

As below is a copy of this i n terest ing C e r t ifica te* °


A la Glo i re du Grand Architecte de

So us le s Ausp i ces du Sérén issime Grand Mait res.

D ’ un Lieu e’

c la iré oru R egn en t L’

Un io n, Le Si lence ,

La Ch arité,L ’an de la Vraie Lumiere 5797, e t le

z 7af?e j our du 10


l e Mo is L a S f

j ea n

dej er usa/em R égu lie r em e n t Co nst i tuée a du Port

a u Prince, Isl e S". Domingo ,sous le Tit re d ist in ct if de la

Réun ion De’

si rée .

A To utes R e’

gu liere s, répandues

sur la surface du Globes.


No us Vénérable, 2d

. Survei l lan ts, DD

Macons de to us grades, déco rés de tous le s ho nneurs 8:

R égu lierem e n t 81 Fraternel lement a ssem bles so us le

poin t géomé t rique co nnus des seu ls Vrais Macons,

C e r t ifii o n s 81 At testons que le C'

. F . . Francois

L escam e la,habitan t de S t. Domingue a été recu

Apprent i Compagnon Mait re ; qu’ i l a deplus été

nommé Garde de s Sceau , Timbre Archives de no t re

pour l’

a n née suivante . Vu l es preuves qu’ i l no us

a co nstammen t donné de la pureté de se s Mo eurs,de

sa Charité envers le prochain , de son amit ié po ur ses

Th is C ertifica te be longs to th e pr iva te co l lec t ion o f th e w r iter.

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F reres sa persevera n ce a n os. Mysteres ; N ous lu-i

avons dé l ivré le presen t C er tifi-cat, revetu des Timbre

Sceau de n otre Architectu re, sous leque l il a signé

en notre présence pour éviter toutes surprises, afin

qu’ i l R eco ive de tous les Vrais Macons, Joie, Sa t is

fact io n bon accuei l , offrant meme retour a chaque

F . . qu i se présen tera so us meme caution meme


Fait e t dé l ivré a l ’orient de Por t - au - Pri nce,Signé de

rrOus contresi'gné de not re F . . Secrétaire pour avoir

p l ein e t en tier Effet apres co n fro ntation de la signatu re

du d it Frere

Scel lé Timbré par nousGarde des Sceau T imbre Archives M tF e en Ts. P g , 5

de la rid - kw . H ub. Par Mandement de la1 . P a rk. la Reun io n Désirée .

Scel lé pa r no us S ala dz'

n ff

,M a m/a nds. Col/45m m .

M . . des

G? de M or ea u de L isle. C a r r e’

. Va uckez .

hospi tal ier. M s.

M . . en grade . G er z'

n ett .

trésorier. G? de Tr ?

M . . 1? E x p


M e. En tout Grade . L abor z


ez .

(I n dexter margin : n e varietur“ L escam ela .

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Under the auspices o f the Mo st I l lust rio us Grand“ Master.

From an en l ightened p lace, where reign Un ity ,Si lence and Charity

,i n th e year o f th e True Light

5797, and th e 27th . day o f th e l oth . Maso n ic Mo n th .

Th e \V. Lo dge o f St . Jo h n of Jerusalem,regularly

const itu ted a t Po rt a u Pri nce,Island of S t . Do m i ngo ,

under th e d ist inct ive t it le of ‘Desi red R e —u n io n .

To Al l Regu lar \Vo rsh ipfu l Lodges th rough o u t th e


“7e Master, Wardens, Officers and Masons o f every

degree,ado rned with al l ou r honors , regu la r lv and

fraternal ly assembled o n th e geomet rica l po i n t known

o n ly to True Maso ns,cert i fy and dec lare th at o u r

very dear Bro ther Franco is L e scam e la,a residen t in

St . Dom ingo,h as received the degrees o f App ren t i ce ,

Compan io n and Master ; that he h a s also been

appo in ted Keeper o f th e Seal , Stamp and Archives

o f o ur W . Lodge for the ensu ing year. On account

of the co nstan t pro o fs that he h a s given o f the

purity of h is l i fe , h is charity to h is neighbour,his

friendship for the Brethren , and h is perseverance in

o u r mysteries, we have de l ivered to him th e present

Certificate,sealed with th e Seal and S tamp o f our

Lodge,under which he has signed h is name in o u r

presence to p revent any m isuse of i t,i n order that

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Vu Par La De La Parfaite Egal ité Sce auté“ a du Port de Paix De L ’

E re vu lgai re le 1619 3

frimaire an 72 ‘ de .l a q e fl “ une incl . 8: le 62 3 du

9111e m s. m s. V3 . 5798.

Par mandemen t

M . E 13 . de 15.


I nspected by the W'

. Lodge of ‘ Perfect Equal ity ’

establ ished at Port de Paix,i n the vu lgar era th e 16th .

o f Frimaire o f the 7th . year o f the French Republ ic

o n e and ind ivisib le,and th e 6th . of the 9 th . Maso n ic

“ mo n th of the year of th e True Light 5798.

Po rt de Paix is a smal l town on the North - west coast

of the Island of St. Domingo.


Vu pa r la francaise La Candeu r en instance

po ur ses co nsti tut io ns a up res du G 3 . de P e n silva n ie“ a de la Nouvel le Orleans le Jour du M

M 9 “? 580 1 .

Olssen .



I nspected by the \V. French Lodge Of ‘Cando ur,

working by const itut io n from the Grand Orient of

Pennsylvan ia at N ew Orleans th e 9 th . day of th e 6th .

Mason ic month 580 1 .

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authentic in formation where they were held , but i n

this case there is no doubt o f the fact, and it is a

matter for surprise,that under th e stri ct ru les of prison

l i fe— probably much mo re strict than usua l i n the

case of prisoners of war— th e authorit ies a l lowed a

Lodge to be held among th e men commi t ted to thei r

charge .

I t wou ld be h igh ly in terest ing to know if th e

go vernor or warders o f th e pri son were members of

th e Craft , and in such ca se,i f an v o f them were

members of the Lodge or at tended its Meetings as

visi to rs . I n spite,however

,o f numerous enqu i ries

o n the spot , no in fo rmat io n whatever h as been ob ;

ta in ed ,nor is a n v th ing further known o f B ro .

Francois Lescam e la .

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10 1

cm gt a ix Qés i r ée .

(Qes ir eb gflea ce . )

F this Lodge very l i tt le is known beyond the bare

fact o f its ex isten ce , which is pro ve d by th e fol lowi ng

two i tems i n a Sale Catalogue of Fre n ch Maso n ic

Books, &c issued in 1863, and which were stated

to ha ve belo n ged to the library o f one o f the principal

Lo dges in Paris.

The l ist is en t itled

“ Cata logue d ’une‘

préc ieuse co l lectio n de l ivres

anciens, manuscrits e t imp rimés, de do cumen ts o r i

gin aux , etc . su r L e s Francs - Maco ns do n t

la ve nte se fe ra Vend red i 27 m ars 1863, e t jo urs

su ivant s Paris. Libr airi e Tross 1863

As below are t ranscript and translat io n o f the i tems

referred to

N o . 43.

— M érn o ire histo rique de la format io n de la

R E . . La paix dési rée , a de Sangubar,en

E cosse , pa r de s Offic ie rs francais, prisonn iers de guerre ,e t p ro cés

— verbaux de s deliberatio n s,depu is le 1 3 j u in

181 2 jusqu’

a u 14 Oc tvo b re 181 3. I n —fo l. , cart — Man u

scri t impo rtan t,rempl i de t imbres e t de signat ures.

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10 2


H istori ca l accoun t o f the fo rmat ion of th e W .

Lodge o f‘Desi red Peace ’

a t Sanquhar i n Scot land ,

by French officers, priso ners o f war, and part icu lars

of the Meetings from J une 1 3th ,181 2 . to October

14th ,181 3. Fo l io . Bo ards. An important manu

script , fu l l of stamps and signatures.

No. 104 1 .

— Reglements de la S de S . Jean ,

sous le t i t re d ist inct i f de la Paix - Des i ree , a de

Sa nguha r , en Eco sse . I n - fo l. , b r .— Manuscript daté

de 181 °


Regu lat ions of the W . Lo dge of St . John , under

the d ist inct ive t it le o f‘Desi red Peace ’ at Sanquhar,

Scot land . Fol io . Bro chu re . The manusc ript is

dated 181 2 .

I t appears from these two i tems that the Lodge

was establ ished i n J une, 1 81 2 , and held i ts last

Meeting on October 14th . o f th e fol lowing year. The

cause of th e d isco n t i n uance is n o t known , but i t was

probably due to th e rem o val o f some of its members

to another t own,a s th e au tho rit ies seldom al lowed the

French officers to remain in o n e p lace for any length

of t ime. The object o f these frequen t removals , was

doubt less to preven t them co ncerti ng measures for

escap i ng to thei r own cou n t ry . I t is i ndeed qu ite

possible,that the Sanquhar Lo dge it se l f was founded

by some members o f ano th er Lo dge of the same name,

which was held a t W in can to n in 1810,of wh ich par

t icula rs a re given o n a subsequent page .

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I O4

g e f fi i r fi .

BETWEEN the years 181 1 and 1814 n in ety- three French

prisoners of wa r were lo cated i n this border town , al l of

wh om had been officers o r surgeo ns in Napoleon ’ s army .

They lodged with h o useho lders i n th e town , and being“ on parole were a l lowed to walk in the country one

m i le in any d irect ion , m easured from the mi lestone near

the cen tre of the town . They usual ly walked eastwards

towards Bridgelands,a tal l bush i n the hedge by the

way mark ing the l im it o f thei r wa lk . Th e Government

al lowance for thei r suppo rt wa s admin istered by a

Mr. Scott, an officer o f th e I n land Revenue who l ived

i n the K irkwynd ,and was rather a notable man i n h is

day. Much of thei r t ime wa s spen t i n fishing and

arranging dramat ic entertainments, some of the plays of

Cornei l le and Mol iere being acted with much spi rit .

A few of them were emp loyed by th e better class of

townspeople , in giving i nst ruct ion in French to thei r

chi ld ren,whi lst tho se who had been mi l i ta ry surgeons

were always ready to show thei r ski l l i n their own l ine,

and were gratified by being asked to be presen t at any

surgica l operat ion .

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10 5

Amo ngst these prisoners there were many Free

masons , who from t ime to t ime visi ted St . John’

s Lodge,

No. 32 Selk i rk,no less than thirty - five names of

French Masons bei ng recorded as visi to rs i n the books

of the Lodge .

On March 9th ,181 2

,i t was reso lved by the Brethren

of the Selk i rk Lodge,that o n accoun t of the favo ur

done by some of the French Brethren,they should be

en rol led a s Ho norary Members of the Lo dge,the

names of twenty - three o f the French priso ners being

thus added to th e Lodge Rol l .

As was th e case at the neighbouring town o f Melrose,

the French Masons at Se lk i rk formed themselves into

a Lodge,and co nducted the Maso n ic ceremon ies in

thei r own language, the Brethren Of th e lo cal S t . John ’s

Lodge al lowing them the use of thei r room and fur n i

tu re , and being presen t as visi to rs at the Meetings.

U n fo rtunately the name adopted by the French Brethren

for their Lo dge cannot be ascertained .

The Minu tes of St . John ’s Lodge,N o . 32 Selk irk ,

reco rd as fol lows

January 1 3th ,181 3. The Lo dge being co n st i tuted

by the French brethren,they adm it ted Mat thew

G r e ive an apprent ice Freemaso n .

February 2 n d,1814. The Lodge met

,and the

French brethren admitted N icholas C ha rdan e l an

apprentice mason to assist John Currie in the o ffice r

ship (Tyler) at the meetings o f the French brethren .

The fol lowing names o f French priso ners are reco rded

o n d i fferen t dates as visi tors to the Sco tch Lodge at

Sel k irk,many of whom would n o doubt be Officers

or members of the French Lodge

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Lieu t . Wilhe lm von Tieman (fH'

anove r ia n Cava l ry) .

Fred . Barran . de Lyh ir-s r- f.

El ie M aufras.

Bernard Dubose.

Pierre Et ien ne La uren t .

J oseph Mangan .

Joseph C lement d e Vi l leneuve.

Louis Arnaud .

Charle s Antoine L e fo rson n ez .

Hen ri C a ta laa

Vincen t S imo net .

Je an E ts P assem o n t .

Jean Fran cois Verr‘on .

Jacques Man ciet .

Lieu t . Fro issar t .

Lieut . B'

e lleva l.

Lieut. G u itaud .

M . Salm i-e r .

Lieu -t . N icolas Citro n .

Lieut . Jean Bapt iste Joseph L egray.

Amand G illaev .

Jean Bertrand St . Lary’


Charles de C o rbee .

Richard H ar lant .

Pierre le Coq .

An to in e St . Miche l .

Charles B reton .

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10 8


(liftiv er to n .

a a n i s b e Qti a t s .

(Qfiifbr en o f gian ts . )

A NU M BE R of French prisoners of war, most of whom

were offi cers in the Navy, were b ille t ted i n the smal l

Devonshi re town of Tive rto n in th e early part of the

present century. It is n o t known in what year they

fi rst arrived i n the town, bu t some of them were

certai n ly detained there un t i l th e Peace of 1814.

Being “ on parole,

" they were lo dged i n private houses

in d ifferen t parts o f the town,but subject to the usual

restrict ions,being prohibited from walking more than

one m i le in any d i rect ion from th e cen t re o f the town,

and havi ng to repo rt themselves dai ly to the loca l

authori ties . Many of them were men of rank and

educat ion,and were t reated with much considerat ion

and kindness by the inhabitan ts.

That a Lodge “ Enfan ts de Mars wa s opened and

worked at Tiverton,by the Freemasons amongst the

prisoners located there i n the year 181 1 or earl ier,i s

eviden ced by the signatures o n the Kelso MS . pre

v iously referred to,*

o f three B rethren who had been

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10 9

made in the former town,and who

, on December

2 7th , 181 1 , paid a fratern al v is i t to the Kelso Lodge .

The three B rethren were

René de L ausiere . M . les E n fa n s de Mars 21

de T iverton .

Pie rre Eu lal ie Pasquereau . M s. les en fa n s de Mars

21 de T iverton .

J u l ien M a r tev ille . Les E n fans de Mars 31 L ’orien t

de Tiverton .

These three Masons, the last of whom had on ly

attai ned the ran k o f Fel low Craft (C . Compagnon ) ,were no do ubt in it iated i n the Lodge at Tiverto n

,as it

was a genera l custom to append the name of thei r

Mother— lo dge when sign ing the Register,on the

o ccas ion of a visi t to anoth er Lodge.

I n what year the Lodge was fi rst o pened at Tiverto n

is not known , but there is l i tt le doubt that i t ex isted

for some years . The fi rst and on ly Master is sa id to

have been Alexander De la Motte, whose characte r

and great l i ngu ist ic knowledge pro cu red for h im,whi lst

st i l l a prisoner, th e appo in tmen t o f Teacher of Lan

guages a t B lun de ll’

s Schoo l . He con t inued to ho ld the

appoin tment after the conclusion of peace,set t led

permanen t ly in Tiverton,bu i l t h imse lf a house there


and d ied at a good o ld age, much esteemed and

respected by al l the inhabitants of the town . He left

two sons,both o f whom took good posi tions, but have

long since left the neighbourhood .

The Lodge i s be l ieved to have co nsisted of ten or a

dozen Mason s, who met week ly in a room in Cast le

street (then ca l led Frog- street) , unt i l two of the prisoners

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escap ing, the Meetings were proh ibited by th e town

autho rit ies and more stringent ru les rigid ly en forced .

The Tyler of the Lodg e, Rivron by n ame, who ca me

as a se rvan t with one of th e officers, also remained in

T ive rton after the conclusio n of the war, and ea rned

a l iving at his o ld trade of s l ipper - maker, ren t ing

a smal l cottage in a co urt o ff Barrington - street .

Many interest ing part i cu lars of th is Lodge wi l l be

fo und in Bro. Sha r la nd’

s‘ Freemasonry in Tiverto n ,

publ ished in 1899 , from which some of detai l s

here given were obta ined .

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[ 1 2

they gave the sign ifi cant name of M isfo rtune , a

Certificate issued in the year 1813 to a member of

the Lo dge being sti l l i n ex istence .

This document is of parchment, 14 i n ches by 1 2%in ches in s ize

,and is in an excel lent state of preserva

tio n . The design is of an o rd inary French type, with

the figu re of M inerva at th e foot. I t i s ent i re ly d rawn

by hand in ink and sep ia, and bears witness to the sk i l l

and patience of some French mi l i tary Mason , wh o se

name even is not known . Unfortunately th e Sea]

is missing.

A transcript and ro ugh translat ion of this Cert ificate

fo l low

A Tous Les Macon s Régu l iers Répandus Su r La Surface Du Globe .


Nous vénérable o ffic ie rs e t membres de l a R ble

L D . . de St. Jean so us le t itre d istinct i f de l’

in fo rt un e ,

régu lierem e n t constituée a de Val ley - fei ld en

écosse e t assemblée pa r les M . connus des seu ls

M . . déc larons ce r t ifio n s e t attestons que le

F. Martin Meric , Sergent au qua t r iem e

regim en t d’

in fan te r ie legere, membre de la l égion“ d

hon n eur , age de trente sept ans, nati f de Castanet

département de la haute - garonne, est membre de

no t re au tro isi‘

eme grade symbol ique. Que

la régulari té de sa condu i te, ses bonn es moeurs aux

travaux nous l ’ont rendu cher et recommandable .

Prions tous les maco ns régu l iers,tan t de s de

Vide P late XV. The or igina l be longs to th e fin e co l lect ion of B ro . Fred .

J. W. C rowe , of Torquay .

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1 14


We,Worshipfu l Master

,Officers and Members of

the W. Lodge of St . John regu larly con st itu ted under

the name of ‘Misfo rtune ’

a t Va lleyfie ld , Scotland ,

and assembled by the Mason ic Numbers known on ly

to true Masons,declare

,cert i fy and attest, that the

very dear Brother Martin Meric, serj eant i n the 4th .

regiment o f l ight i n fan try,a member of the legion of

honour,age thi rty- seven years, nat ive of Castanet

i n the Dept . of th e Haute Garonne, is a member of

our W . Lodge in th e thi rd degree of symbol ic

Mason ry . That the regu larity o f h is conduct and

h is good manners du ring our labo urs have made him

dear to us and wo rthy o f recommendation . We

therefore pray a l l regu lar Maso ns,both of French

and foreign Lodges,to receive th e said Brother Meric

in the said degrees,to give h im al l the considerat ion

that is due to him,and to render h im al l the assist

ance which he may need,as we shou ld be pleased

to do for them .

“ Done and del ivered i n o ur Lodge at Va lleyfie ld ,

Scot land , the second day o f the n inth month of the

year o f the True Light 581 3 . S igned by us, counter

signed and comp leted with the Seal and Stamp of

our Lodge,to take due and fu l l effe ct after the com

parison o f the s ignature o f th e said Martin Meric

which he has S igned in our presence ,‘Ne Varietur


th is second day o f October, one thousand eight

hundred and thi rteen .

The French p riso ners remained at Va lleyfie ld unti l

the term ination o f th e war i n 1814, the revers ion of

the mi l ls from thei r warl ike o ccupancy to the manu

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1 15

facture of paper being hai led with joy by the in

hab i tan ts , a nd celebrated by a gen eral i l lumination .

On a spot in the grounds of Va lleyfie-ld where

upwards of th ree hundred o f the prisoners were

in terred , stands a neat chaste monument from a design

by Hami l ton,with the fo l lowing inscript ions




BETWE EN 2 I ST. M ARC H ,181 1 , AN D 26TH . JULY, 1814,











So m e o f the forego ing de ta i ls a r e taken from the “ Ga ze t teer o f

Sco t lan d .


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1 16

gli i ttor ia .

Qes gn fo r tu n és .


g t’ye”

glin fo r tu n a te Qn es . )

1 8 1 3 .

TH IS Lodge, although n o t belonging to the French

Priso ners’ Lo dges i n Great Bri tain , i s in c luded because

the town of Vittoria was at the t ime held by the

Bri t ish army, and to p lace o n record a descript io n of

the very in teresting Mason ic Cert ificate,issued by the

Lodge .

By the Batt le of Vittoria, a town s ituated in the

no rth—east corner of Spain , the French cause in that

country received a very severe blow from which i t

never recovered . This town had been o n e o f the

principa l depots of th e French army from th e year

1808 and thei r d isastro us defeat there on J une 2 15t,

181 3, by the Duke of Wel l i ngton , gave to the Brit i sh

army an immense number o f prisoners, as wel l as a

large quantity of war materia l . The so ld iers and

others attached to the French army were fo rwarded

in batches to England from t ime to t ime a s priso ners

Of war, but a great many sti l l remained in Vi t to ria

up to the end of the year 1 81 3.

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P L AT E X V I .

VITTOR IA.— Pa | is

’s C e r t ifi c a te .


a’e page

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1 17

Some of these p riso ners who were Mason s , appear

to have establ ished a Lodge there i n the month of

November, 181 3, under the app ropriate t it le of“ Des

I n fortunés (the Unfortunate Ones ) , and to have issued

Certifi cates to the founders to rep lace those which , with

al l other documen ts,had n o do ubt been taken from

them by the Bri t ish mi l itary authorit ies . The Master

of th is Lodge wa s Lamarque,a name famous in French

mi l itary annals.

One of these Cert ificates h a s recen t ly come to l ight .

I t is an exceed ing ly in terest ing documen t of thick

white paper,17% i nches by 1 1% i nches

,the design


which is qui te a simp le o n e,being who l ly d rawn by

hand . The Stamp at the bo ttom dexter corner is a lso

d rawn by hand,and th e who l e documen t bears evi

de n ces of its pro visio na l character. I t has been wel l

preserved , every wo rd be i ng st i l l d i st in ct ly legible .

As below are transcript and t rans lat ion of the Cer

t ifica te .



“ A To us les Maco ns régu l ie rs . Un ion , Force, Salut !

Nous M“? R . . M . soussignés

faits prisonn iers de Guerre pa r l’

a rm ée Angla ise,apres

nous etre reco nnus p réalablem en t , par les P3 . e t

a ttouch em e n s con nus d e s seu ls nous et re re

spe ct ive rn en tassu rés d e n o s d ivers Grades

,tant par les


de P la te XVI . Th e o r ig in a l be lon gs to the pr iva te co l lection ofth e w r i te r .

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1 18

E x am e in s d’

usage entre to us le s que pour no us

avo i r vu mu tue l lemen t t ravai l ler 1a Pierre Brute dans

d i fférentes “ 1 que le dési r de propager sa V . . L.

no us a réun is po ur const ru i re a L’

o . . de Vito ria, un

No uveau Temp le a u G . A . de L ’

U . so us le t i t re d is

t in c t if de s I n fo rtu nés,at tendu que pa r l

E ffe t des

“ c i rco nstances n o s Dip lomes 81 t it res so n t tombés

a u pouvo i r de l’

E t ra nge r nous avo ns dé l ibéré en

régu lierem e n t assem b l é e t so us l’

app roba t io n du

de France, aup res duquel no us sommes en

I nstances de Co nst itu t io n,qu ’ i l y serait supp l ier pa r

u n e at testat io n so lem n e lle,signé de no us, e t n e Varie

tu r du auque l e l le sera dé l i v rée .

“ En C o n seque n ce no us déc laro ns e t at testo ns sur

no t re paro le a tous n o s Respect : m s. régul iers

de s deu x hemispheres e t pa r t icu liérem e n t a not re SS .

e t a ux 111 membres du G “

. de France

que le I Pal is,Jean Jo seph , age de 52 a n s

Domici l ié a Paris Directeu r de s hop itau x mi l itai res Est

véri tablemen t po ssédan t le Grade

e t l a d ign ité de Vénérable de la S f Jea n so us le

t i t re d ist in c t i f de Franco I be r ie n e de Zamo ra,

a in sy que no us l’avo ns reco nnu e t qu ’ i l no us en 31 paru

d igne pa r ses moeurs e t pa r se s Vertus ; déclaro ns en

o u t re que le v dénommé e st um de s fo ndateurs de

cet te R . . L qu 11 a m é rité pa r se s qual ités e t so n

Zéle d ’y et re é levé a la Dign ité de M“? des Cere

mo n ies.

“ Le P rese n t dél ivré au Pal is po ur remp lacer le s

Diplomes e t t it res M . . qu ’ i l a perdus e t l u i mérite r

a up res des M . . régul iers de to ute la Terre,l’

accue il,


a ssista n ce e t la fratern ité que no us nous devo ns en t re


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1 20




To al l Regular M aso ns. Un ity, St rengt h ,Greet ing .

\Vo r sh ipfu l Master So vereign Princes Ro se

Cro i x and Master M aso ns,who se nam es are sub

scribed be low ,taken priso ners o f wa r by th e Engl ish

a rm v . having pre v iouslv acknowledged o n e ano ther

bv the Signs,

and Grips known o n lv to

M aso ns , and wh o se degrees have been several ly

pro ved bo th by the usual ex aminat io n , and by

mu tual wo rking o n th e Ro ugh Ash lar in di fferen t

Lodges , having a desi re to p ropagate the True Ligh t ,have un i ted to erect a new Temp le a t Vi tto ria


the Great Arch i tec t o f th e Un iverse , under the

name of ‘Th e Un fo rtunate Ones.

’ Because by fo rce

o f c ircumstances our Dip lom as and M aso n ic Vouch ers

h ave fal len in to the h ands o f st rangers, we have

determ ined in regu lar Lodge assembled , and with

th e approbat io n o f th e Grand Orien t o f France,

who m we have pet i t io ned fo r a Co nst itu t io n , th at a

Cert ificate shal l be supp l ied , dul y s igned bv us,

and th e N e


Va r ie tur o f th e Master M aso n to whom

it m a y be de l ivered .

th erefo re declare upo n o ur wo rd a s Maso ns,

to a l l regu lar Breth ren th roughout th e two hem i

spheres, and e spe c ia llv to o u r Supreme Grand Master

and Ve ry I l lust rio us Brethren o f th e Grand Orien t‘

o f France , th at o u r very dear Bro th er Jo hn Jo seph

Pal is, age 52 years, domici led in Paris, Supe r in

tenden t o f Mil i tary Hosp i ta ls, is a Master M ason ,

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1 2 1

having taken th e degree of Sovereign Prince Rose

C roix , and attain ed to th e d ign ity o f M aster of the

Lo dge of St . Jo hn,known by the name o f Franco

I be r ie n e, Orien t of Zamora, also that we have a c

knowledged him as such,as he seemed to be a

wo rthy Mason bo th in manners and vi rtues,and

dec lare further, that the said Brother is one o f the

fo unders of this worsh ipful Lodge , and has earned

by h is g ood qual i t ie s and Maso n ic zeal , the honor

o f being appo i n ted Master o f the Ceremon ies therein .

The p resen t Cert ifi cate is del ivered to Bro . Pa l is

to rep lace th e Dip lomas and Maso n ic Vouchers that

he has lost , and deserves from al l regu lar Maso ns

thro ughout the world , recogn it ion , assistance and

fraterna l welcome a s is customary amongst us.

“ Signed in Genera l Assembly, especia l ly co nvened

fo r the purpose, a t Vittoria,the 15th ,

Day o f the

9 th ,Month of the True Light 581 3.

H ow long this Lodge continued to ho ld its Meet

i ngs at Vittoria , o r o f how many mem bers it co nsisted ,are detai ls abo u t wh i ch it is n ow qui te impo ssib le to

obtain any in fo rmat io n . The Peace o f May, 1814,

however, wo u ld certain ly d isso lve th e Lodge , and e n

able the members to return to thei r respect i ve homes.

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1 2 2

gfi a n ta ge . (gBer fis )

g o e u r s gtn i s .

(gln iteb fi e a r ts . )

ABOUT the year 18 10 a Lodge of this name was

open and working in this Smal l Berkshi re town,among

the French priso ners o f war lo cated there. They were

quartered in some large barns which have long sin ce

been pu l led down,and th e o n ly traces left i n the

d istrict of thei r so journ,are some si lver forks


were made by them,and are now in the possess ion

of a Berkshire Maso n . There are a lso one or two

old paupers in the wo rkhouse, who pro ud ly boast of

being descendants o f th e Frenchies .

The ex istence of th e Lo dge held by the p risoners

at W'

antage,is ascertained from three signatu res i n

the Kel so MS .


Anglade, de \Vantage,Coeurs Un is .

A . Fabre, de Wantage, Cm urs un i s

Fran cois, M . . de Wantage,coeurs Un is

On November 17th , 1810 ,seven Freemasons


sone rs of war, visited the Lodge o f Economy,No . 88


e p. 77.

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1 24

gsin ca n ton . (g om er s et )

cfla gi’a ix yés i r ée .

(Qes i r eb g ea ce . )

1 8 1 0 .

I N March,1806, a large n umber o f French prisoners

of war arrived i n th is town . There were about two

hundred in al l,Genera l Ro chambeau being amongst

them .

This General was a so n o f Marshal Rochambeau,

who commanded the French under Lafayet te i n th e

American War of I ndependence . I n th e year 180 2

he was sent with an army o f men to St . Do

mingo in the West I nd ies, to assist in putt i ng down

a rebel l ion against th e French domin ion i n that I s land .

He landed on No vember 2 n d, and withi n a mon th

was compel led to su rrender to the black genera l

Dessal i nes, being al lowed however to re turn with h is

troops to France . War having in th e meant ime broken

out between Great Britain and France,Rochambeau

and al l h is vessels were captu red and carried as

prisoners to England .


Via'e C asse l l's “ I l lustra ted H isto ry o f England , Vol . VI . , p. 2 07.

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1 2 5

Of the Lodge “ La Paix Dési rée,two Cert ificates

are st i l l in ex isten ce,both of which are prin ted on

parchment from an engraved p late by C lewitt , pri n ter,Wincanton .

This i s the o n ly P risoners’ Lo dge, as far a s is

known,i n which an eng raved p late was used fo r Cer

t ifica tes. I n every o ther case these do cuments were

en ti re ly wri tten and drawn by hand,some of the

designs,especia l ly those represen ted o n Plates IV .


X I I . and XV .,being sp lend id specimens o f pe nm a n sh i-p .

I t may be assumed therefo re,either that th e mem

bers ex pected to requ i re a large number o f these

fo rms,o r that they had no Mason amo ngst them ,

who wa s competent to execute these do cuments to

thei r sat isfaction .

The two Cert ificates are 15% i n ches by 15 in ches

in S i ze,and were gran ted to Engl ishmen , one being

a Join ing Member,and the o ther an I n itiate . The

same fo rms,i n which bo th French and Engl ish are

used,served no do ubt fo r th e French members also ,

which is qu ite an except io n , al l o ther Cert ificates

hitherto t raced,being made o u t i n th e French language

on ly,when in tended fo r French Maso ns.

The earl ier of the two do cumen ts wa s gran ted to

B ro . Benj am in P lummer,* wh o wa s a d ist ingu ished

Officer of the “Athol l ” Grand Lodge o f England .

I t is dated No vember 2 2 nd ,1810 , and a s usual with

al l French Cert ificates,is signed by a l l the Offi cers

and members of th e Lodge , i n this case fi fteen in


As below is a transcript of this C e r t ifica te

” L l-r

Particulars o f P lum m e r’

s M ason ic caree r given on pages 35- 6.

1“ Vz'

de P la te XVI I . The o r igina l is in the C o l lec tion be longing to the

G ra nd L odge o f E ngland .

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AUSPRm s D U G 3 0 3


A tous laM acon s d ispe rses sur

surfa ce du G lobe ,


,U N ION .


C IE RS de la de S t. Jean ,

sous le t itre d istin c tif de L a pa ix

désirée,réguliér em en t e n in sta n ce a

d e Win can ton,en Ang le te r r e ,

e t assem b les pa r le s N N M con nus

d es V C E RTI F ION S , que le

F . . B enja m in P lum m er,ag en t

com m er cia l, (ex -pr em ier g r a n d Sumx i

da age du 3 9

an s, n a tif a’e Skep ton - m a llet C om /é de

Som er set,est m em bre de n o tre

au Tr oz'


ém e Grade sym bo l ique ,

que la Régu larité de sa con duite,se s

bo n n es mm urs, e t son ex act itude aux

Travaux , n ous l ’on t ren du ch er e t

lesPrion s tousrecomm an dab le

M acon s régu l iers, tan t des de

Fra n ce , que'

de ceux étra n ge rs, de

r econ n a itre ledit F . P lum m er dan s

la dite qua l ité, de lui acco rder la con

sidera t ion qui lui est due e t d e lui

porter tous les secours don t il pourra it

avo ir beso in , com m e n ous aurion s la

1 26






M en th e

surface of th e E a rth ,

To a ll en l igh ten ed o n



M E M BE RS of th eWo rsh ip fu l Lodge

La P a ix D ésirée regu larl y a ssem b led

in th e E a st of Win can ton in E ng lan d

D O HE RE BY C E RT I FY th a t ou r

Worth y Bro th er B enjam in P lum m er,

com m er cia l ag en t, (P a st Sen ior g r a nd

wa r den of tlze g r a n d lodg e of E ng

la nd) aged 3 9 Yea rs, bo rn a t Sh epton

M a l let C oun ty of Som er set wh o h as

Sign ed h is N am e in th e M a rgin h e reo f,is a M a ster M ason in th is our Lodge ,

of a good Report , b e loved and es

teem ed am on gst us a s such we

earn est l y recom m en d h im to th e

bro th e rl y B en e vo len ce of a ll Free

an d Accepted M ason s,


th em to pro tec t an d adm it our sa id

Bro th e r P la m m er in to a ll Regu la r

L odge s th rough out th e wh o le Un i

verse , p ledg in g a gra te fu l re turn for

th e k in dn ess sh e wn to h im .

I N TE ST IM ONY wh e re o f we have

h ere un to subscribed our N am e s and

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sat isfact ion de le fa ire pour eux :

m em es

EN F OI de quoi n'o us lui a von s

a Cco'

rdé le présen t C e r ti’


FAIT e t D EL IVRE en Loge , le

2 29 71 “ du 9971 18 de Pa n de la

n emor e 181 0 ) signé de nuns , con‘

tre -v

signé de no tre Secr éta ire,e t r evetu

des Sceau er Tim br e de n o tre Arch i

tecture , pour avo i r Son p lem Et en t ier


e t,-apres

la con fron ta t ion de la Sig

n a ture (In , dit qu’ il a apposée

devant n ous.

1 27

a ffix ed th e Sea l of our Lodge, th is

z e n d D ay o f th e gtlz M on th,

C h . d’or .

E w'

n .

n Ou s G'

ard e des scea u e t

(Co un tersign ed on de x te r side :

L G 19?

M . 1 6}

“N e va rie tur . B . P /n m m er .

(C o un ters igned on sin ister side :“ Vu pa r Ls


,[rema nd elz.

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1 28

The Seal of red wax is placed on three narrow


,red and l ight blue

,the last - named at the

top. No device can n ow be seen on the Sea] , in con

sequence o i i ts damaged cond it io n .

An Apron , wo rn i n this Lodge in 1810 by Bro .

Duchemin , whose signature appears on the above

Cert ificate,i s sti l l preserved by his son

,who resides

i n the No rth of England . He visited Wincan ton a few

years ago , and the Apron was then photographed . I t

is a very handsome Apron of si lk, with the usual

devices painted thereon .


The seco nd exist ing Certificate issued by this Lodge

is prec ise ly the same as the one of P lummer’ s a lready

transcribed . I t is dated December 2 0 th,1810 , and was

gran ted to Harry Cooper, age 2 3 years , bo rn at Win

canton , and described as a cabinet—maker and joiner

(Marchand Eben iste) . The presen t owner of the Cert ifica te , Bro . R . R . Hutchings

,of Wincan to n

,has always

understo o d that Cooper was in i t iated in the Lo dge .

The do cument is not s igned by th e recip ien t, but bears

the s ign atures o f the fo l lowing n i ne members o f the

Lodge a t the foo t“Le Vs. Tocquev ille . C he .

r d’

o r

Le R oug et .

Le Su rvx . F leu r} .

Le secrétai re. M A . G z’

r a ud . E ccx.

Garde des Sceau e t Timbre . F r z'

a n essn on .


Ora teur . E . H ug uet . EL“


R a ca udy . MViolet. e l

R em lz'

ner . M .


de P la te XVI I I .

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1 29

There is a very fin e circu lar red wax Seal* “

0 11 blue

r ibbo n enclosed in a tin box two inches i n d iame ter

attached to this documen t . The device consists o f two

bran ches of o l ive enclosing a triang le, in which is an

a l l - se eing eye i rr adiated , the words La Paix D ési tée”

being pla ced along two sid es o f the triangle .

I t i s qu ite impo ss ible to ascer tain of how many

members this Lodge con s isted , or how long it cont inued

t o work , but when the French Bret hren we re sud den ly

ca l l-cd awa y from Wincan ton , they left ow1ng a goo

many hund red pounds to the tradesme n o

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1 30

gfir itis t} g r is on er s of gila r

in fi r a n ce .

AFTER deal ing, as fu l ly a s c i rcumstances permit , with

th e Lo dges establ ished by French Prisoners o f War

i n Great Britai n and elsewhere,i t wi l l perhaps not be

co nsidered out of place to refer very briefly to th e

number and treatmen t of th e British Prisoners o f War

in France at the same period .

I t might natu ra l ly be expected that, considering

the eno rmous number o f French prisoners i n Great

Britain,there must have been a very large number

o f Brit i sh prisoners i n France . The exact number

o f th ese is however not known , or at any rate canno t

be ascertained now,bu t i t is bel ieved they d id not

exceed a total of many of whom were non

combatants,having been travel lers and temporary resi

dents in France , who were most unjustifiably arrested

and detained by the express orders of Napo leon .


Some Of them were adm it ted to parole, as with the

French prisoners in Great Britain , but a l l were located

i n fo rt ified towns , to reduce to a min imum their chances

of escape . A fund was raised in England by publ ic

subscript ion for the benefi t of these Bri tish p riso ners,

F o r part icula rs o f th is h Igh - handed proceed ing, m’

de Al ison ’

s“ H istory of Europe , 1854 ed it . , Vo l. V., pp. 277-8.

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1 32

Many prominen t Maso n s o f high rank were, at one

t ime or another, prisoners i n th e hands of the French ;

two may be ment ioned here,altho ugh a long l ist cou ld

be compi led . Lord Rawdo n , afterwards Earl of Moi ra

and Marquess of Hast ings, Act ing Grand Master of

th e Grand Lodge of England from 1790 to 1813, was

captured by the French man - o f—war G lor z'

euse when

return ing i nval ided from America in the year 1782 , and

co nveyed as a pri soner o f war to the fo rtress of Brest ,bu t wa s soo n exchanged .

* Lt . Gen . S ir Chas . J .


when Majo r o f the so th Regiment of

Foot,was wounded and taken priso ner at the Batt le of

Corunna,in 1806 he wa s subsequent ly al lowed to go to

England on parole , where h e fo und h is friends actua l ly

m o urn ing him as dead and admin istering h is effects

F o r the rel ief of th e po o rer Brethren amongst th e

Bri t ish prisoners, a co nsiderable sum of money wa s

co l lected by the Freem aso ns o f Eng land . The Treas

urers ’ accounts and Minute—boo ks of many o ld Lodges

ind icate the generous suppo rt accorded to this fund by

members of the Craft general ly,and at the Annual

Fest ivals of Provincia l Grand Lodges,as wel l a s

private Lodges,the Tyler’s To ast To al l poor and

d ist ressed Masons,

” doubt less often st imu lated the

chari ty of the Brethren . I n th e year 180 8, at a Meet

ing of the Provin cial Grand Lodge of Northumberland,

the Brethren went i n pro cessio n to church , when a

col lect ion was made “ fo r tho se poor brethren confined


de Gou ld'

s“M i l i tary L odges, p. 172 .

“I“ Vz'

de Kn igh t’s C yc lopaed ia , 2 nd Sup. , 1858, p . 445.

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in French A d i l igen t search amo ngst o ld

Lodge records wou ld bring to l ight many sim i lar

in stances of support .

Numero us cases are a lso o n record where p riso ners,who had the good fortune to be Freemasons


re l ieved and ass is ted by thei r French Brethren,whi le

i n many other cases thei r treatment was rendered

less harsh by the represen tat ions or by the d i rect influe nce o f Fren ch Masons.

From a perusa l of the fo rego ing pages it wi l l be seen,

how in many ways the influence of Freemaso n ry was

exerted fo r the benefi t of the prisoners of war,and how

the establ i shmen t of Lodges amongst them tended to

rel ieve th e ted ious mono to ny of thei r l i ves .

Al ike i n England , Scot land , I re land , Wales and

Fran ce , the best efforts of the Fratern ity seem to have

been co nstan t ly d i rected , to al leviat ing the hardships

and p rivat ion s in c iden t to a p ro longed capt iv ity ; and

there is l i tt le doubt th at many a prisoner had good

cause to rejoi ce over h is membership of the Craft .

I ndeed the h istory o f every war of modern t imes,is fu l l o f i n stances of help and assistance rendered

to o n e another by Brethren in the opposi ng fo rces,

and every true Mason must rejoice to know that the

tenets, principles and lesso ns i n cu lcated in the Lodges

have been exempl ified in dai ly l i fe, that the Craft has

been able,on so many o ccasio ns

,to soften some o f the


de Strachan’s

“ No r thum br ian M asonry, p. 10 6.

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M ay this benign influe nce of F reema sornry grow an d