w **. Arrow Ughtweigfit Shirtslib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december... · fffW'fpv %t...

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Transcript of w **. Arrow Ughtweigfit Shirtslib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december... · fffW'fpv %t...

f f fW' fpv %t

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[Receive 'Diplomas' fit St. Ann's * t sjs s ^ *\

bearing NqradiffcrtiH taimtxc &s«s#d*- «hd set&uj* ex* ft^ea&nsv received diplomas; to SMBHI!* £chool Pine Eoom.

WKh, sertifleafes; ii» hand, tftey t ^ ^ t e l y faced a, new tSaweenv. fo i$& first grade of St Ann'*

IB** s*wg jsraduates r Jwvfr «j0pj«t»d a year In. St Ana's Wndipritrtow, T h e y ° received o ptata** from this Bev^ Xaw, rense W- Gannon, pastor nf St, Ajsn'a gkurcb), ^tet, casnmejvcejnerifc exercises,

jaasasfcer* <tf the class* were Je*. tureff In »v»inal sections, and •j*eitatfons. $ » pyogsam £*»«?;-lifted, the ptoses* o£ education •mbeditd Irr kindergarten train-tog* *»hfc& are: religion, safety, s^awey social studies* courtesy, reading wssdlnesw anS-health- *

! The program bpeased wi th a welcome iong fcyjhe?- «nth«- class and eoridnuetj with a , song, "Jesus, Maty and Joseph", class; poeKn, "Sear . M a r y Mother,'* p a n e l s , and Philips- Prunoske; sbae, "IJear AiigeI'3Ever a t My S i d e ^ a a s s ; 'TLook totheXfcfr,"

iMarjpwsSjMurphy, Kcwbert MSpretti aLndPatrickPeoble?; *Jime:Bug,rt

class; *lncy T^Iney Spider,'* class With, Barbara, THube^- and Sam­u e l VanFalkenwrjg:, soloists;. *The Right Santeboofv to £*ove," c3*ss; "Daddy's SAce*h>art, d a Jtevensj a dance toy

1 abeth Kimw "Naughty Ham Patricia fiogan; "ABC" a n d Sleepy Fingers," class; "Cante* loupe f o r Breakfast," class; "Clean Hands," Mary A n g e l a Bellanca; "Now T i r e d and Sleepy," class; "Tap, Tap, Tap," class with Phyllis Gongol and Hdwar&_Brown as soloists; "I'm a Little Tea Pat,"-class; "testis, Jesus Come t o Me," class.

Father Gannon congratulated the young graduates at the dose of the exercises. SL Ann's kinder-

Lln-1 garten Js taught by Sister Mary Biz-iNoel.

y^s'iilu'Q1'/""**'''" * Ill^ill. iJliiJB'.fiiMIJjIIWIHjlii

' B"i,->'«jSf. j^'g'-'fw".'

Southam Tiee Edlt}««'

w Stop smokin


JKuKMlf-IhenwIia ComSiur — 31i$a Barbara A.

TAemalis, daughter o£ Mr- and Mw.'John Themalis, 3 7 7 W. Pirst ^ , , became t b e bride of Cpl. ISTranWin L. Russ?lt Saturday, ISx/M, i n a ceremony pcrXonned ^ ^ M a n - ' t .Church "fey the 3to>

assistant pastor.

WeMingilfi Corning held a K the American Legion Home,

Mrs. GerattMne Dandrea served a s matron of Honor and the sis* ters of the bride, tJ» Misses Pa­tricia and Martha witeox, were Ixidesmaids. Harry M. eaputo o f York. P a . was best m a n and William H. Farrell of WoodMcle. I^ong Island, and Otto FohJ of. cowple were _ _ . , L . __

toallsj, sister of **«* &***y ?*% « h e » - ^ wood Russell, twWe» nleccK Kittle M. Travis,

crborjo. W^iam| ,was *°W*P 8^1 *°d her nephew, as us feer [Gary h. Kapral, was rtagbearer. The tiride, «*o afetende«f St.

Mary* School and Caxninjr^ee 4«ademyv U employed « t the lin?

te &>eliester Trust Compsany. JL Rtbsell a graduate of St

PaWds'* School, alK* attended doralngr 1*» Academy- At p*es< eact he Is serving in the U . S. Aip force and:" ,HTat»tionB* at Beale Air Force Basse, Marys-

A graduate of Painted Post High School, the bride has been employed at the Pressware plant <a Cotnteg Glass Works. Mr. Tra-

a graduate of Northslde Baglv School and Villanova Col­lege, ESsemployed by the LeVal-Iey*McLeo4 Company of Elntlra.

Cerotojt --- .t ie' pani'age M mat J«»e.Mi. Wlleoxw dattgjater pf 3fa; Jtary |W WHeaax &m Bwewster vStf* and the". late 0»rjes, HfV Hcv an4 Antkoay

•ieiU, son, of )4r. and Mrs. Joaeph Ttranelll, la Lavckawanna ^ " t o ^ ^ l ^ ^ t w ^ y / i f a w e 7, ife-JSfe Ifitebent tie PauKi- Chianch. Ibe.Tlev. Daniel Eorao3,'*siadat-ai^paittor^perfarmed.- the cert-inoaatyj, ' ".'

JTolloi*^ the^remotiy a din­ner ink **W»4 •*! -S>te- -liojaa* -of the- brio jtrobta'ac- partata.' Lsttar |a >e«pticm fotr 35Q ttaeatt vral

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' NWt 27* — QOAJtTS 54c

Nitache MorMholx Corning:—Miss Frances E. Mor-

sachofe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Morscholz, 198 W. Fourth St , and Joaeph E. Nitstiie. son of Mr. and Mat. Ernest Nitsche. 84 W. Sixth St, were waited in marriage Saturday* June 7, at St . Maryl Gfcurch oy the Hev. John A. Smith, pastor.

iiits Clara Morscholz. sister of tiie'bride, was maid of honor and Mil* Jtary HQt and Mrs. John Croft, slater of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. Ernest Nitsche w*» best man for his brother and John Hultxman and Victor Kxpecki \»ere ushers.

Follow&r the ceremony a wedding* feteakfast was served at the Crystal Grill after which receptfam was held at the Im­perial due , Xater the coupJe left a t t .motor Mew tnt*»ad stlUt. Upon' -thtir

.CfitACK mm.com'ASr ef Monro? ^ Chapter, ,011c Wu iretcrans lineup pefore trip to

BaJunwre for xwtlonal 'convention parade and corapetitten on June 20. The outfit will also appear itt\§t. Andrew's Memorial Post Flasr Day Parade na June 14. In Photo <tr«m left froat row>; arfe^S. Lesneakl, (JSeorge Bartl, J.

Kvanlefx, l^sw SSmUh, - #l«wsMiers Jlarold adunmucker, Al Green, tt. Johnsfeif; Back raw, * Schadt, WlWani Cronin, Fred BeMrarse, T. Brennan and T, Darant. ABSBK* whesn photo was taken were} Michael Merrill, Paul Duettt-mel, Fred Herman and Cordon Vogt. {Floyd

Maaon Pts«to).

Elmira Priest Heard At First Saturday LuncJi

Th. aette, a gr«4aate of St. E*«V* »e**ratn C*rnb« Trte

la' topjp*** Iby the Br«fcCrt«tlfniwotConi-

aagT Gaa« Works. Mr. Nitsche,' also a CteafejtE Free. Academy gradaalei J* am Array veteraa. is*ka«r*dua«aolti«lJaivn:-a ^ o f 10ch%«ak ana Ss aroiiloyed iatlthe Cacsiz^t C la ic Works Lab-


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^ A l M N U l A s s s V f l t r • ^^^p^Plsr ^BT^K^^aj B^^B^ssaips* ss'ss^


Warerly -r- About 30 w o n W , of the valley attended tiggionrth; of a series of first Saturday luncheons held a t the Keystone Inn Saturday, June 7. Hev. Vlre cent Collins, assistant pastor at St. Patrick's Cb>urch in Elmira,

was the guest speaker. -.- J B s talk was o n Confession anU.he pointed out the necessary steps for a good Confession and the things that should be avoided.

Grace was, said by Rev. James McCarthy, assistant pastor at St .

I. T. Kline Heads Elmira Knights

Irving T : \ K l t a e w a s elected Grand Knight of Etaira Couqcil, Knights of Colurntms a t a meet­ing held i n the 43uWooms last week. He will tatke ofltee July 1 succeeding. Joseph H. Berrigan who was elected a Council tee.

Other officers elected were: Fran*: A. Beligotti. deputy grand Knight; Richard T. Grace, re-

itiqpV thefcordingr secretarar; Bernard J. Xochern, treasurea*i Joseph U n v oneelli. chancellor: Daniel R Burns, warden; John D. Frawley, advocate; Prank: Baoasignore, Paul Wills and Joseph Bevilac. qua, jtuards. Installation of the B t * l y elected ofBcers wi l l take place next xnontix under^he d t i»etkm of 2HKat(e*'S)in1ity iTanls JCHhode. ^

.Kiajfe Payne s grand regent of ..JjBio*.;«fAr«v its: of America,

3,lkj&\-3iuim.itoaL . . Florence Henneasy of Bing-hamton, «S*trict deputy, pteaidedL .WH.matm••&'•:m<# *mz Mrs, Ernraa Mahoney, vice re-geat; Mits Veronica • Hoitn, proyhetts.; lira,. Elizabeth Bsr-den, >t&atm$. 3*rs» Ann: "* "" haatorim; Mlm Clair

^ % S ^ *^MrS_-4lr«.-Marie GriBn, sentfoel; -Him Marr *aai«^Ke»fet". »r»--: »ey«-«r«eA»^gaBist and HJs*} Mssy $m&-mt& 'lis* mm

pfcnie supper in charge of

&mtt fitogajfe pastor nf. '&J 3*mm. jOterelv .«MI rfprt^wi,. ^• . . f i iQg^i2n#c«t , Johniite

Ote»^ Nursing Scholarships

Washlnrton — (NO — The Catholic University o£ America has announced at limited nun> bee of scholarships available In-its School o f Nuirsine Education. , The scholarships; are^belng of­fered to help nejjfcve the cuiK rent abortajBejifrnariea; hypro. nttttef nuralojf srtudyi^awards wm %«f haaed on ^student** lteeu^ JiiidiKra^ehiijc^mst'd; Ifwar announced. StuiSents. will per-forni .ttefi^ellnucal work at pr^v*iej^ bicipital, for which

is now oh for funds A a naodliaf pVbea struc-



'.-. M$ 'ffclitfil'Jslfc 'ME*

sjitttss Sor the year: C^rlty; MicS.. •mmm* ^ahiney, lirst

m*^:%^*3m,. mam cm gasfc :.pr* :C*le:',fetigh^:

&4tyj Xssl^lW JEIMIW/V '- -A«s|MBiSli»^4ites|».4tlsV d«r.summerytaTw* m* Sbwhan -mi Jteav-^ftria-««««' aa ««hairmm •Wt*;a|l»*!n*r|ti«.' .-': wmm$- 'mm; to suspetMi IHMte» ."Jir, % summer atxl ,*a>- i^kM^'.ttst' lWl'|}us&«i'

7 tsTafilshsirr ~W—-*piSPSiSBpr^BTr<BP'

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••• tt-OV/ERS


5Jf 1^01^41; / . ^ • - . , . . , » » r a.|f„ flt ||t| n-inBiinnimi^j


Meeting Postponed By Auburn DCCW Unit

Auburn—The June meeting o | Auburn Deanery Council, Dio­cesan Counctt of Catholic Wod­en, originally scheduled for Tues­day, June 17 has been postponed until a later date. This was an announcemment made b y the Deanery President, Mrs. C Eu-ttene Carpenter,

James C&urch, 'VteverJy* Rev. G. Stuart Hogan, pastor at S t James, introduced t h e guest speaker. Rev . Paul Cattone, as­sistant passtor at -the Church of the Epiphany saad the closing prayer. Group sinking w a s under the dlrecrion, off Miss Mary Lynch.

Mass Frances Seldel, acting toastmistress, announced that would conclude tlie aeries of luncheons | or t h e summer but would start again Jn October and pastor At Holy liosarjr Churchy In Rochester wouW be the" gdest speaker. % Father Marvin w a s assistant pastor a * Waverly un­til a year a g o and is well known in the , valley.

CrJossmaaa, Molly VVaHin, Carol Ann DanieK, N a n c y Griffin and Linda Stierman.

Kathleen Danahe'r was the "pa. tient" l a the program number, "Convalescent E^ys", .which feat­ured Llllis and Evelyn McLean at thepfano.

I n the* Boy Scout skit, • Ray.


W0&M& *•& T^mxi-lefafatfltim iiHwe life of an oydin-•pfMM0^^$mp,mh m* -sixth grade

'$mm£_ in the Pine; toom mt ihe^ sshjij), •-i^fertAvetttsjltCJte. ^ _ yoiwflster were <!m$m by the young inuslcians. The %program included "Convalesping from an Illness"; ."doing to Bed"; "A Birtiidaj? Par f"; "A Boy Scdut Mfeetlrjg>* tod "An Evening at JS jne wrfth the -Xm^"-feitfarity^i Smith »wis nawatoK

Ttocf. prQsram opened with a tab-leau, "aolpg'to Be4", featuring %arl Smith playing therwelk kaown jBrahms/ "Lullaby", , '

pr T K B BieaSiiiATr pa/ty skit were several young?, piano solo-I s t a - Mary Ann'Sallicclo, Heir en* Moremdo, 5Saureen O'<36)?hor; Mary CMttjerlrie L«ahyi' Mary Aan Mcwrls, Barbara FUhnore, Joyce Sloetun, Mary' Frances

inpnd McDejanott wos "acout-lo^AlffiaSte**'. Instruntental and piano

selections were played by Fran­cis Hart, Philip Pattl, Anthony Parlave, Terry Mtooney, Philip Logan, Robert* Boyce, Thomas Hoffman, joJhn McGrath, Gerard Smith. Charles Booth, Caesar Gallcawo, Jolui Gigllp, Donald POWSTQ,. Iloger A cgehtteri and Peter Buonk . <ifviernbers of a musical "Family at Home" were Ann .Lfsl. Ifath-reen; ISIcLmtgrluin, AnnjRleason, Margsaret Congelli, Donna Colli, Carol Marino, Mary Margaret FoHhyger, R o s e m a r y Grimm, Mar/ Zapraski and Margaret Dec$urs.

Accompanists for the vocal and -^e-lnstrumental numbers were Peggy Dldas anrj Margaret Dee-«an.

Airs. Shaddock flamed By Club

Corals*-At the final-meeting for the season, of tee Catholic Womcns -Club of Painted Post held at Qae Town Hall, Mrs. Ken­neth Shaddock was elected pres­ident of the organization.

Elected to sservet wi\h Mrs. Shaddock; were Mrs: A. J. Wai-bel. vice president; oMrs. A. Ed­ward Baasney, secretary; Mrs. Joseph Kane, treasurer; Mrs. Manning. Mrs, Clarence Bonnejl and Miss Shirley Frost, dlrectets.

A dinner was; served onder the direction of Mrs. Robert Melkle and Mrs. Thomas O'Malla, co-chalrmsru Later-the members en­joyed a-^toiiature Midway" i

featurlrSr children's games.

DiipiMlmt Qptitim


B y a Esasmuiasicms by


Ywr Ey« I t s i m TIM Ut\

CfsttHlt Us for Y M F 0|lfICtl Kttat


Dial 6720 EZmirm

Let aDlJlvi-!at help you iredt "YM Royal Hig|ines$" to a Coot Comfortable Summer!

' « t t * * « ( f i n * * ; » 4 , , . . , «•<»«» w **. •xsrt 3rSx

Arrow Ughtweigfit Shirts

wtsv ttim Maw- f^rtivilgiif »Wr$ -



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