Program koncerta Program of concertfId/2009111622570568/$fName/Program... · Program koncerta...

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Transcript of Program koncerta Program of concertfId/2009111622570568/$fName/Program... · Program koncerta...

Program koncertaProgram of concert

Program zbora / Choir program

1. Gdy się Chrystus rodzi2. Gdy Śliczna Panna3. O Gwiazdo Betlejemska4. Przybieżeli do Betlejem5. Triumfy6. Dzisiaj w Betlejem7. Lulajże Jezuniu8. Jakieś światło nad Betlejem9. Jasna Kolęda10. Cicha noc11. Przekażmy sobie znak pokoju12. Uciekali – z musicalu “Metro”13. Pada śnieg

Program solistov / Soloist program

1. G.F. Händel: Lascia ch’io pianga2. G.F. Händel: O mio Signor3. W. A. Mozart: Laudate dominum4. Johann Sebastian Bach:

Aria v d-dur – orgle solo / organ solo5. Karl Jenkins: In Paradisum6. Karl Jenkins: Agnus Dei7. Karl Jenkins: Pie Jesu8. F. Schubert: Ave Marija

Bazilika na Sveti Gori / Sveta Gora Basil3. 12. 2009

Mladinski pevski zbor “Batuta”Mladinski pevski zbor “Batuta” iz Szemuda (severna Poljska), pod vodstvom zborovodkinje ga. Beata Geffroy, je bil ustanovljen

leta 2002. Decembra lani je prejel srebrno medaljo na državnem tek­mo vanju šolskih pevskih zborov. Sestavljajo ga otroci med 13.­15. letom starosti.

Youth choir “Batuta”The youth choir “Batuta” from Szemuda (northern Poland), under direction of conductor Mrs. Beata Geffroy, was founded in 2002. In

December last year it got the silver medal at the state competition of school choirs. It’s composed of 13.­15. years old children.

Sopranistka Katarina PergerSopranistka Katarina Perger je leta 2006 končala študij petja na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost v Gradcu, v razredu prof. Annemarie Zeller. Nastopala je: Novomeški glasbeni festival, Pomurski glasbeni dnevi, Bozični koncerti z orkestrom “Pro musica” (2001), operni koncerti: v Ajdovščini in v portoroškem avditoriju z madžarskim Simfoničnim orkestrom Pecs (2002), Mednarodni primorski glasbeni festival, s komornim orkestrom Gaudeamus (2003), novoletni koncerti z orkestrom Camerata Labacensis iz Ljubljane (2004, 2005,2007), z orkestrom Tehnične Univerze – Dunaj (2006) in s simfoničnim orkestrom Filarmonia Veneta iz Trevisa( 2008). V mariborski Operi je pela: Papageno v Mozartovi Čarobni piščali (2004), Paquetto v musicalu Candide L. Bernsteina (2004), Kati v musicalu Ognjemet P. Burkharda (2005) in vlogo Prve vešče v operi Dido in Enej H. Purcella (2005), L. Lebič: Iz veka vekov. Uspešno se je predstavila v komični operi Skopuh v vlogi Ljubime s Slovenskim komornim glasbenim gledališčem iz Ljubljane in z glasbenim gledališčem Figaro nastopala v vlogi Norine v Donizzettijevi operi Don Pasquale širom po Sloveniji 2008. Letos je nastopila v Pliberku (Avstrija) v vlogi Minke v Gorenjskem slavčku A. Foersterja. Nastopala je tudi ob obiskih tujih državnikov v Sloveniji (Švedski kraljevi par, Monaški Princ Albert, italijanski premier Prodi in francoski zunanji minister Kouchner.) Gostovala je v Avstriji, Italiji, Nemčiji in na Hrvaškem.

Soprano singer Katarina PergerSoprano singer Katarina Perger ended singing studies in 2006 at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz, in the classroom of prof. Annemarie Zeller. She appeared on: Novomeški Music Festival, Pomurski Music Days, Christmas Concert with the Pro Musica Orchestra (2001), opera concerts: in Ajdovščina and in the

Auditorium of Portorož with Pecs Hungarian Symphony Orchestra (2002), International Primorski Music Festival, with the chamber orchestra Gaudeamus (2003), New Year’s concerts with the orchestra Camerata Labacensis from Ljubljana (2004, 2005, 2007), with orchestra of the Technical University ­ Vienna (2006) and with the symphonic orchestra Filarmonia Veneta from Treviso (2008). In Maribor Opera she sang: Papageno in Mozart’s The Magic Whistle (2004), Paquetto in the musical Candide of L. Bernstein (2004), Kati in the musical Fireworks of P. Burkhard (2005) and the role of the First snout moth in the opera Dido and Aeneas H. Purcell (2005), L. Lebič: From century of centuries. Successfully introduced in the comic opera

Miser in the role of Ljubime with the Slovenian chamber musical theater from Ljubljana and with the musical theater Figaro acts as Norina in Donizzetti’s opera Don Pasquale around Slovenia 2008th. This year she performed in Bleiburg (Austria) in the role of Minka in the Gorenjski slavček of A. Foerster. She has performed during the visits of foreign statesmen in Slovenia (the Swedish Royal Couple, Prince Albert of Monaco, Italian Premier Prodi and French Foreign Minister Kouchner.) Hosted also in Austria, Italy, Germany and Croatia.

Pianist Tadej HorvatPianist Tadej Horvat (1982) je svoje glasbeno izobraževanje začel na GŠ Franca Šturma v Ljubljani, kjer se je začel učiti harmoniko pri prof. Nevi Štamcar in pol leta kasneje še klavir pri prof. Milici Rener Poljanec. Šolanje je nadaljeval na ljubljanski Srednji glasbeni in baletni šoli v razredu prof. Majde Martinc in po maturi na Akademiji za glasbo v razredu red. prof. Dubravke Tomšič Srebotnjak, kjer je z odliko diplomiral. Junija 2007 je Tadej zaključil svoj magistrski študij pri prof. Aleksandru Madžarju v Bernu. V času šolanja je obiskoval tudi pouk orgel in petja ter sodeloval v komornih zasedbah, od katerih je posebej omeniti klavirski duo s pianistom Miho Haasom in komorni trio Ataka, skupaj s klarinetistom Jakom Bobkom in violončelistko Katjo Beguš. Kot solist je ogromno nastopal doma in v tujini in zelo uspešno sodeloval na državnih tekmovanjih, kjer je v letih 1998 in 2001 dosegel dve 1. nagradi in zlati plaketi, v letu 2004 pa 2. nagrado; v letu 2005 sta v klavirskem duu z Miho Haasom prejela 1. nagrado in najvišjo možno oceno – 100 točk. Uspešno je tekmoval tudi na mednarodnem tekmovanju Sparkasse v Avstriji ter na tekmovanju v Zagrebu in prejel posebni nagradi za najboljši izvedbi etude hrvaškega skladatelja in skladbe J. S. Bacha v vseh kategorijah. Velikokrat je uspešno nastopil kot solist z različnimi slovenskimi in tujimi orkestri in med drugimi koncerti (Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Liszt, Rahmaninov, Beethoven) izvedel tudi slovensko noviteto – Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 2 Janeza Osredkarja. Za dosežene uspehe je prejel Škerjančevo nagrado na SGBŠ in Prešernovi nagradi na Akademiji za glasbo (2005) ter ljubljanski Univerzi (2006). Pet let je bil zborovodja študentsko­ mladinskega pevskega zbora župnije Ljubljana ­ Dravlje, za katerega je pisal priredbe in avtorska dela. Februarja leta 2003 je izšla njegova prva

knjiga z naslovom “Mladinska maša” ter dvojna zgoščenka z naslovom “Njegov oltar” in “Emanuel, pridi med nas”. Tadej Horvat je sedaj zaposlen na Srednji glasbeni in baletni šoli Ljubljana kot korepetitor in profesor klavirja, postal pa je tudi asistent oz. višji strokovni sodelavec na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Lani je postal dirigent Revijskega orkestra Divertimento, kateri poustvarja plesno, filmsko in popularno glasbo!

Pianist Tadej Horvat Pianist Tadej Horvat (1982) has started his musical education at the Music School Franc Šturm in Ljubljana, where he started studying accordion with prof. Neva Štamcar and a half year later more the piano by prof. Milica Rener Poljanec. Education continued in Ljubljana, at the Music and Ballet School in the class of prof. Majda Martinc and after graduating at the Academy of Music in the class order. prof. Dubravka Tomsič Srebotnjak,

where he graduated excellently. In June 2007 Tadej completed his master study by prof. Alexander Madžar in Bern. During the schooling he attended also on organ and singing lessons, and participated in chamber ensembles, of which it’s special to mention the piano duo with the pianist Miha Haas and chamber trio Atak, along with clarinetist Jak Bob and the violoncellist Katja Beguš.As a soloist has performed a lot at home and abroad and participated very successfully on national competitions, where reached in

1998 and 2001 two 1st prizes and gold medals, but in 2004 the 2nd award; in 2005 with the Piano duo of Miha Haas received 1st award and the highest possible estimate – 100 points. He has also successfully competed in international competition Sparkasse in Austria and in a competition in Zagreb and received special awards for best executions etude of Croatian composer and music J. S. Bach in all categories. He often successfully performed as a soloist with various Slovenian and foreign orchestras and during other concerts (Mendelssohn, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven), he also carried out a Slovenian novelty – Concert for Piano and Orchestra Nr. 2 of Janez Osredkar.For his achievements he received the Škerjančeva prize at the SGBŠ and two Prešerenova prizes at the Academy of Music (2005) and Ljubljana University (2006). Five years was a conductor of the Student­Youth Choir of the Ljubljana­Dravlje parish, for which he wrote adaptations and works. In February 2003, published his first book titled “Mladinska maša” and the double CD entitled “Njegov oltar” and “Emanuel, pridi med nas”.Tadej Horvat is currently employed at the Music and Ballet School Ljubljana as a piano accompanist and piano teacher, now became also the assistant resp. Higher Expert Collaborator at the Music Academy in Ljubljana. Last year, he became conductor of the Divertimento Orchestra, which reproduce dance, film and pop music!