I HE r-1P ...

Post on 23-Oct-2021

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Transcript of I HE r-1P ...


I 1 HE r-1<.ENCH REvOLllTIO ~ I 1·1 · FRENCH SOCJET'f DUAINC\ THE Pe?ple too1k/ng

o-~ •J. k-- t' ,n c>wrch a:--ll-Ll\TE- EIC.HfE'ENTH Ctt--1rUR'( f".>P!JLPTl0,..i £STATE: :i ~,t...--~• Nt)bi/if1.1 : king,~ueen,

I · i,l>/•v I ( ~11ight,Ouke,Ct1lJnki ~ r.-'\l-c:; I At,11 rHE. .SlAT€] ~- [STATE: v,:s courrls t2fc. ~ •

fj,I · 1 - t\::9 /2 g~,· '3 11"" Businet:Smen,

\:_);::; MARIE: [STATE /,1etchants, LOUIS 2SVI ltN1'C>l1-1£rTE r"--:-=-:-----:---:---~ Law{/&f.S,

. We\toYYl~~ V)OS. t~' pet1san-l5,t1rltwYJ6 Jetv{Jlff 1'et:td1ers, BewMe k\n9 ,n IT7Li +hrDU¼. M,t--t f,Md(e{5 Ltlbomers ,

1(ctu w~'rl<e($ .

@ ~o years. of Age ,,- , lvlairiPd Au~h1cJll Pr,()c~s

Landless labourers Small setfitJfJ

a Her par~ Lt •

I· · [cDHOMIC [RISI$ ol feudal /~1ds /"on/,oll~d 1110;orif1 ,,f /a~c/ _ _.,,. He\ped AMedrn.n Cc\Mle.; 1r) -H1e1v UJc'.I'< ¢_ tt

ot lndepend{)t1ce • Wag a,e ceis.+11-, · 'Y BF\D HARY£Sf nrs g-~9 - Food 1nna\ior1 PoM Coono\-affo,d b(fQa- fuod t'10\-s - l0ea\<.bccf1es - [p\c\emkS lnoea~e& numioe, oF dea~l-1-s-

MAIN CA~E OF S0FFfRINy \)n~m\")\OyMen~ 1 ma\n-t-a\r1ance of- pa\etcec; ,u:iox.s,

AN DI eKtlllVCJ~an-za , popuiaHoo ,nc<ecK-ec\ /\?" .

D SCONi(NT -nrHES A tax \ev1ec\ b~

AMONq THIRD ~ONLY THIRD tSTAtES < Church, 1/ic,+n ot \-he

ESTATES A9y'1(uHuro.\ prndule · PAID TH£ TJtXE S ., . . 1A\ Ll( i A t1AX te> be paicl

Ari exhQme Situation where +he cH ,ec+ly to +he. S\-ate · bask mean~ at \·,vef,hoo~ 6emains \·e· D,rel~ -\-o.x 60 Lo.no· Uncla1Y3P(ed · fcoNDMIC: Leads~ '?o\.l'ncAL ...,. ooc.,AL

1·3 tND OF PR1v1LECtES CRIS\S +o CRIS\~ C, A\S \S

t ..... .;: =---

Cl0Ru£0\ klc\le c\ ·," Fwn

Nirmala Kadam
Nirmala Kadam
Nirmala Kadam

[-< 0 Ou~REAK OF THE

I< I Ny lDL\I 5 XVI INCREAs.~D TAXES,..We lem nee\ i ri las.r

l essori -

17 ~1ee s\av~

REVOLUTION L':-:-,. . ( ~J;I

2:!3Ro1<:£t4 ( \-\Pll~

f""°BTATES In F"ic.inc~ ' under o\d '(<?9ime., GENERAL lt>9islaHve bodl{ V ,

• .:) ' I 1 hYee , estates sent-- tne,-. ·11ep1<2S<?nk1t1ve~ in [s\-at@s Oene(a\ ; \as~ +ime :, t-- wco.s 1

done in \E>llt • ( ~R~~-;;~~)l;_; i

111'-t Louis xv, becomes kin9 oF t:'<ance. . Q ,--·---. ·-6 ~0 ·1 r I ' • Cl Co 1 00 0 1 . races emph-, -r6easur~ and d, scor1 fl?n1 . ,

8. , o o O , o 0 o , /.

So he inc'6e~sPd -l-axe.s. ·1 1

• 1 000 ', /'.

l,~9 Convoca+·,oo or ~s\a-h2s Genera\ +o , .. : ~~i' ,· g ;{ : / ooO, ODO ' poss ptop~al.s fo~ new +a..><e s, kinq , ' i . '. ~-

reJede~ one mel'Ylber one.,vo~ep~opo~a\, · F11~sr· -SEcoND !i. . fsTATf' : t'5fATE•

G 1ennis Court Oath i q104h.)une 17 * f"a~h- h~·d _ .. & 4 1hhd [stdtes fo,meJ natlona\ As.re~!D\lf one vo+e -:;J · Ba&~i\Je .s-1-ormecf -~ deshoy,9d ; 7;fne_~ Membe{.s o+ fhi,c) c;,s~e1te ' EYt"' KNoWl.€PC.& _\ t1bol11hf4 d cl c\ r b

/<AY= l0no'(ofll~ illor101 , Cha+eaux a Hack ea , Nob\e5 1' eman e vo ,ng e will von,~1') tied +heir hcll~e. Abolis~1og feudal £'yst-~tt1 CClonclucte~ by t-h e

1 , .sserriblLf CtS o. WY>o e 110/: (ons~1tuHoY) ttomec\ ,limi~ the peiwe,s wnele -each member l.jJ f o~ the klng and 3uarcu1tee.5 r~ _s to woL1\~ ha.\/e onevote .

• ~f! the ,::eop)e./ - ) ~Gsoc,,,,L jtJ - - - , fvAT16NA L (?Lt', , CC>NiRACf

I v ( A~~£MBLY Merni,eu1 71 ~MCJfah'c j "' 'N4 ve,o (6NtRCL t / J>dflci/Jle

\ /M 1NIS1£e.s\ ( VOTE-<' \ ..c-.-- _ ELEcro12.s::J / RoussEAlJ ©

0 1 voTE Jo111 i1J 11tJbTe "':- r. 8 UND LE l ----:--:::;-:--:::-:;:::-;-~--;=:~-;--;--;---:-7 / /ar.,,IILf, f)TD~/Jtt/ ::: 6{ ROD s ~)1 AlTIVE {IT/ZENS _fnfifled /6 vote /f{ld~rrhip 1J'l

~~,, ~~l: Men above~~ ta,d-/o,tR~ > 3 f'tt~ll( .sla1.rt'~ ,fa11RAB[AO Y~ _./ da.4s ol aht>lthM wc.uge I dt>liVt(et: .[peechR~. ~\1!~0~0

( F,isswe C,rf2£N$ No Voting rights r µa:erlul A yor;M,/JJoMen and{hifdrl?I') hel/J/1) :,e; + ~-,·/J,,,,W,..,..fre - .-j-; l 'l MillitJn rnerJ -----=---- r' ~.:::,T ,...,

,,... ,,....._,.= ;>aMphlef / I or, '

OfCLARA,ICJN rall()d wna~ OF RluH Ts ) i~ fhird eslat€,SIE'<f s OF M BN .1

'-/ Rights I Llbe,fc/ 1

0 SNA/1-f Bm1-1c,1A1L syn1rol /Jl~etJf)ved~-kn-llvlJ o f ffel,nil-v , S'ecurt'+'f , Spee.cl}

NO " n esl-a~ 1 11d~ _O()

CriMEf\U ( CJ £He o t-- no PHYRlJIAN (Af Free~w1

Nirmala Kadam
Nirmala Kadam
Nirmala Kadam

1111 \ ~




Louis XVI warHed l-\is \cs+ 2>eputatiol) bac.x WAR. Bf1WEEN j N~i9hoou 1\n9 adstoc1cul~s q(rciic.\ +hat ievolu-fiDr) PtoPLf AND will iea.ch he,e t'.ln4 overthu'.Hi~ t.o LA'S k1NuS, ARISTOLRCll;~ -) Louis xvi and k\().9 of Pt uss10. in sec.(e-\-

ne90VioH6n i plat) to 80 ppress ievolu+-1on

x,, NaHonal As.semlolL.f oleclaY-ec\ wai o.ga, ns+ ;v;arseilluise PolriofiL p u • A I SSICl ctr)d us+ ria. . FJ7'J"'

S'on..9 UMptJsed hlj poe+ (lo3e+ de L' Isle ,. 06f fatnou{, Revolution - tconomJc diff;culfie6 -rs n6tb fhe l1afiDlla/ O/JIJ'JeJ11 · lnt/J /)31Jfi119 t:11 fl1t> !,onf - Women ~foLJnC AL ·~ uf /he (,ol!ce . fokin.9 aue of /cimilies - PoliHud s '!Ila

~' Clubs bec.ame. oetllyin9 p6,nt . ---~ MMe 'rMPDttcmt Lbct6 Jarnb\on Club . "~

YE:JCJN OFTERRoe. .JAcos1AN CLug ·-12oB€~PIERR-f- ,c}._ L(;Js5 proc;pernus s , , fl , ,

M,. , .

1, c-h ecr•DY'i 01 SC>c.1etl{ {shopkeepe \.S 1a1+1s.c.1r1s 1

'-1x,M1 ,an v oeMake,~ Cooke. ,.K f d · t •' R08[SPIE/2R.E merobefs ' "': il>'.Jfl ,e C11ly Wl'.10e wMke-< we11~ po< ~..,...

j{ DECRE.f_~ 01d~r · hAvi/l'j +Ae Force D f


LlJ ?t Jac6b10Y) club· leader was f(DBESPlcRRE \ . o<e Strq,pec) tHll\5;e'6" S,m',wr +o c\oc\c woi)<elfs •



r?ob~spiet1e and Jacob\ons ·w\ed as- cBc+atD!S unde«-- ff -fh-e }H le of +he (DMt-1 lffEE Of PUBLll 0AF£TY ·

Jacol0'ins held k\f\9 hostogt's -La+er NatlOY1e1l A~<;.efYl~l~ votec\ f6r +he )Mp/1to"-l~r~ of +he YD~ll\ rQW)'ily . [odier onl~ men Who pllld taxe.s (Clllld vote; frnm Ol)lD - * onwards MNl above~ 1, ,~9wd le.s~ o~ +he wealth 9ot +he right to v<.)+e • -i;:

q J ittl0EPT£t--lBE~ 179~ · Fwnce beCDtv1es Re~b)il(No hetedlatm~ HIie¥) l'Rw\~ elec~ed a.,seM \,\ (lll lee! +tie ( onven~i on ,+MK o vn • ;;,,P,~ et,c1-

K, / .,.

J0t RE:1Cil--l OF TfRRolc_ Petloc\ t\6f() l1l33- \7:')lt · · ... :_.:_::_______ .. .,. t J G ,Q1Sf JAN 119 kin9 Lou i,; )(V I pu bll cl~ <" x ec utec\ 1 oed- was \\m', Q -,

! 1-======= G w·1tn1Y) Cl weeK RobQsp1e1ie k'1\\e~ 660() p<?e>p\e 'm ~of\ce ,, , ?§ <;_ 4 E)(- Nob\es 1d~(9~ 1 VV1er<) bQrs of o-\~e..~, pt\1\\w\ ~i:n+,es , ,

.:,c'\/ Ci rres+ed , ·, "'pn~ored ,:, fo~ nc:l g il!1 behe~<\ e <I at ~~1~"'-N"" . l::, WD~e ~ d<?dqec\ 1 eN\l'.:ltlQ~1~ 6 rl (c/ Yl f()t;1rJ1~r0 .,

Ci uiLLcnNE G A bcil ,~on eif S\t\\1en.t, ,~E'c.1.\- and b·wad ~a+lbnEd 1 (hurrhfs, ~~ut ,; des19 0ecl fo cut tile natcl 4 WoMtY/15 dqnf- supprc:>~5'ec/ t .St1ppo,fer~deme1¼!~rnfl?iJ

Nirmala Kadam







In Jul~ o F /794, RDbespieHe derltHP4 -f<-trOY'Jr ancJ 9uillofinec;/

Fall ol )arobian Covt1fJMel)f., UJealfllier IYJr'cJdle clasr;.es Se,,zed powe"' 1 /lell..J t?J/Js:filufion Diter/01'1 {exe{Uf-}ve bodlf) oJ /iV.f> memhe7rs

f)ltecfor lf 6/fef') cfar;,hecJ wifh Legislafure .;J IN5TABllfT'(

NAP()lf6N /1oNf>IPARTE UNrR_1BorJON g ltleci/6 of Liberfly, g6ahhed £1ualtf<t "f law and ficller11if '1 6ppolfuni+y /IJspired fJtJlifim/ 111oveMe/Jf ,,., RotJre and hf'roMe and ft,e res I-of- Fu,-ofJe . Dicfaf6 r @ BoNAPA12•E

[D 1p

ID l;JO/v1[N HAVE A i?£VOLUTION Wornens rxulicipafed ill I~ ReiQ,I"\ of -\-enc-<, -Revolufion dernancl~ol 4 &_hoolirig Made. C\os.uve o~ woM~t"IS ~uol p<>litkal ~j9nts a5 (6Mpo,5o1lf fci< t'.'.1\\~itls j:>D\1tico..\ club was l'rWO b1.-1t 17:Jl (lmSHtuti6n 4~Jofo,ce Mo.nia~e.s C\MOlll'\c.eJ aYld (educed women+o Passive 41)lvo1le Ma<l~\e~a\ loc.1nniV19 ~\i\icc.u Citizens Worneccu1& train fuy 0£!·,v,ties ·

Jobs I y utv $'Ml.II\ bu~\l\e s~s A l9Y_ 6 Womel') '1 n frnnce (.)

won ~i3nt to Vote + bb c,,H6!::ed +ne (of1Sr1h.lt\D() Oflc\ ~ec\cna-t-,on cJ ,,9 h-ts

cl mo VJ and Citiien i lA5 +nel_.\ exc\uded WoMer\

In 1111, She wrnte o DeclmotiM of- +~e R\~ht~ ot-Worvion c:tYI~ Citizen 1adch'e~s.ec\ +o quQen d

+~<? Naf10J\a\ Asse~b"-'1 . ~e. C1itic1~ec\ JacObln OL'<l'1Pt ~E ) gov\- to, ~Mted c\01u1e o~ woMerl'S cli..th; ia\ei Ql u 4 E LS he too s c11cn 9ed l!l ith +1ecisM a ni\ e xecu kcl ,. 9

AEbLITION o F' 0LAvEl2Y ( -l<EvoiunaN /N [veQ'(Dft'< LIFE (

ocob11') govt a bolishe~ Slave,v, ½ J\oo\1\1on or (enso'<Sh1P

i-\- was agd,o ~e·mhoducec/ brio~~ i news pa~(<;: 1P\a4~ " enn1e( ('ou~ \r)Ot be ?L1'o\l~Ylf>L1 by Napoleon one) +1na)\~ befote ctppwve~ bt-{ \<\()g i was ti bo\ ishe ,\ tl:J ci, !) in 1g%' G (lf\er smu,1,NJ Eodille,, ore\

aeclc-Hat\00 Ot thf> R19~~s r~ ol t f{)OC10F1c 1der1s, \,bert~ / l')eW~1PctM{)Yl\c\\es t\6odect tqu~\11~ , r•c:rfc?1r\t-f £piettd -th~ Mctv¼ets ;& Abol i+iov1 o~ MoV1a rthY 1 ,eputo1 le TTeecbM' I f<{g ~t-s $Uch \o~{f!S (Y)1()1fe4 , . - - -- ?

Nirmala Kadam
Nirmala Kadam