
Post on 15-May-2015

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Transcript of Czocha





Zamek Czocha

Niedaleko Leśnej, ok. 105 km na zachód od Wrocławia, na granitowym cyplu górującym nad Jeziorem Leśniańskim, wznosi się obronny zamek Czocha.

Warownia powstała w latach 1241-1247 z inicjatywy króla czeskiego Wacława II i stanowiła warownię graniczną na pograniczu śląsko-łużyckim.

Romuald M. Łuczyński: Zamki sudeckie. Jelenia Góra 1993.

Czocha Castle - Lower Silesia The defensive castle, built in the

middle of 13th century, is located on the Lake Leśnia, near the Kwisa river.

It was featured in several movies. Nowadays there is a hotel and a

conference center there. Each year, in the second half of

August, there is a knight's tournament organised in the castle.

Czocha Castle

According to the legend, any wife that was unfaithful to her husband was thrown to her death into the well called "the well of the disloyal woman" which is outside the castle.

Some people say that the castle is haunted. Sometimes at night you can see the white lady in the bailey. It is the ghost of the wife who was falsely accused.