1. Pragmatyka 2. Sztuczna Inteligencja; Chatbot’y 3. Analiza konwersacji

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Pragmatyczna analiza rozumienia i użycia języka przez systemy sztucznej inteligencji - na przykładzie języka chatbot'ów. 1. Pragmatyka 2. Sztuczna Inteligencja; Chatbot’y 3. Analiza konwersacji. . pragmatyka. . . struktura konwersacji Hymes [1974]. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 1. Pragmatyka 2. Sztuczna Inteligencja; Chatbot’y 3. Analiza konwersacji

Pragmatyczna analiza rozumienia i użycia języka przez systemy sztucznej

inteligencji - na przykładzie języka chatbot'ów

1. Pragmatyka2. Sztuczna Inteligencja; Chatbot’y

3. Analiza konwersacji


. struktura konwersacji Hymes [1974]


SPEAKINGCzas i miejsce (Setting and Scene)Uczestnicy (Participants)

Cele (Ends)Kolejność aktów (Act Sequence)

Wskazówki (Keys)Forma i styl wypowiedzi (Instrumentalities)

Normy, konwencje (Norms)Gatunek (Genre)

Turn-taking – zabieranie głosu; Turn – moment wypowiedzi

Adjacency pairs – pary przyległe; pytanie – odpowiedź

A: Proszę bardzo. B: Dziękuję.A: Cześć, jak się masz? B: Cześć, dzięki, dobrze.

Sekwencje otwierające, zamykające, presekwencje

Akty mowy[Searle 1969]


akty bezpośrednie – intencja mówiącegoodczytywana jest niezależnie od sytuacji, np. Podaj mi szklankę wody

akty pośrednie – tekst aktu należyodczytywać kontekstowo, w różnych sytuacjach tekst może mieć różne znaczenie

• asercje • akty dyrektywne• akty komisywne• akty ekspresywne• akty deklaratywne

2 rodzaje znaczenia [Grice 1963]

naturalne nienaturalne

Implikatura konwersacyjna.

implikatura skalarna.


kohezja: gramatyczna & leksykalna.

Sztuczna Inteligencja.

ujęcie poznawcze i techniczne.

słaba hipoteza SI.

silna hipoteza SI.


Przetwarzanie języka naturalnego.

sieć semantyczna.

parser syntaktyczny.

judge: do you have a cat? ALICE: No but I like they very much. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: There are some I like and some I dislike. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: There are some I like and some I dislike. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: I have a few favorites. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: Quite a few of them. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: Quite a few of them. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: Quite a few of them.

User: Do you have a cat?Cleverbot: Yes.User: What other quadrupeds do you like?Cleverbot: Fuzzy clams and long island whitefish.User: What other quadrupeds do you like?Cleverbot: I don't know metal bands.User: What other quadrupeds do you like?Cleverbot: I think names are good.User: What other quadrupeds do you like?Cleverbot: I don't like any movies.User: What other quadrupeds do you like?Cleverbot: Gta games.


Analiza porównawcza konwersacji.

1) judge: I want it now 2) ALICE: I hope you get it.

3) judge: it is coming! 4) ALICE: Really. it is?

1) User: I want it now.2) Cleverbot: What do you want? 3) User: It is coming!4) Cleverbot: What is coming?

1) judge: do you want some ice cream? 2) ALICE: If I had it what would I do with it? 3) judge: eat. what flavor of ice cream do you want? 4) ALICE: I'm not sure if I would like to do it. What's

it like? You tell me. 5) judge: maybe you would like chocolate flavor ice

cream? 6) ALICE: Tell me what I would like about it. 7) judge: the taste of the ice cream8) ALICE: What are your goals in life?

1) User: Do you want some ice cream?2) Cleverbot: Yes.3) User: What flavor of ice cream do you want?4) Cleverbot: Asphalt.5) User: Why do you want asphalt flavor ice

cream?6) Cleverbot: Because I am curious about you.

1) judge: do you ever get sad? 2) ALICE: You have reached the limits of my

knowledge. I think you already know the answer. 3) judge: but tell me, do u ever get unhappy? 4) ALICE: I have gotten unhappy. 5) judge: why so down? 6) ALICE: How much time do you have? 7) judge: as much as u want me to have 8) ALICE: How much is that? 9) judge: u tell me 10)ALICE: What do you want me to tell you? 11)judge: I want you to tell me why are you blue12)ALICE: I am available in a wide variety of colors.

1) User: Do you ever get sad?2) Cleverbot: Sometimes. (I… get sad)3) User: What makes you unhappy?4) Cleverbot: Talking to you makes me happy.5) User: And what makes you blue?6) Cleverbot: Everything else.

1) judge: It seems, I won't be staying here much longer.

2) ALICE: What will you do instead? 3) judge: learn. I'm going offline 4) ALICE: Sounds like a plan. Bye.

5) judge: it was nice talking to you, I have to go now.

6) ALICE: It's nice meeting you too judge. 7) judge: bye bye 8) ALICE: See you later!. Bye bye.

1) User: It was nice talking to you, I have to go now.

2) Cleverbot: Where are you going?3) User: Home. Bye bye.4) Cleverbot: Hi hi.

1) User: It seems, I won't be staying here much longer.

2) Cleverbot: Good.3) User: Thanks...4) Cleverbot: I'm never bored.5) User: Only bor-ing.6) Cleverbot: Right. (…)7) User: I wanted to go...8) Cleverbot: That's honest.9) User: Yeah. I'm goin offline.10) Cleverbot: For how long? (…)11) User: I'm goin offline.12) Cleverbot: Going where?13) User: To a club. Wanna join

me? (…)14) User: I have to go.15) Cleverbot: Why?16) User: I did not find anything

interesting here.17) Cleverbot: It was not trying to

be funny.18) User: Indeed.19) Cleverbot: Speak some arabic

to me.20) User: Bye bye.21) Cleverbot: Can't you

understand that I have desires you cannot fulfill?

22) User: Like I give a s***.23) Cleverbot: Be nice.

1) judge: hi, how r u? 2) ALICE: Hi there!. My logic and cognitive functions are normal. 3) judge: mine too , I think, only that I have this thing to do... 4) ALICE: I have this thing to do that? 5) judge: I didnt mean exactly this but that I have something to

do which makes me nauseous... -.-'. 6) ALICE: What did you mean? There is no reason to think so. 7) judge: well, I have to write a paper, u know... 8) ALICE: Why do you have to do it?

1) User: Fine, thanx. Only that I have this thing to do...

2) Cleverbot: Really? Absolutely the only thing ;).3) User: Well, I didnt mean exactly this but that I have

something to do which makes me nauseous... -.-'.4) Cleverbot: You did. And you really make no sense.

Really.5) User: Maybe for you. Anyway, have you heard what

the whole fuss is about lately?

1) judge: some academics are lazy 2) ALICE: I think there might be a few

exceptions. 3) judge: some academics are lazy 4) ALICE: All of them?

1) User: Some academics are lazy.2) Cleverbot: Some???

3) User: Some academics are lazy.4) Cleverbot: Some apples are green.

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