Download - The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-08-28 [p ]. · Kss a.UnttonrGalloway t Co., AyaH bad all CiO. MEMPfftS APPEAL. SATURDAY. AUGUST 2S, 185S. KIESIBSIFPI HKWB. A Fahe Rcfokt.

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-08-28 [p ]. · Kss a.UnttonrGalloway t Co., AyaH bad all CiO. MEMPfftS APPEAL. SATURDAY. AUGUST 2S, 185S. KIESIBSIFPI HKWB. A Fahe Rcfokt.






sziuabub r. bill,. j tdeb mmu sn cr



E1UCE OF SEKSCtUFXIOX ..1CCD ,V., tt advance,'!SB"" " z oa

Ur .iiinssr idiemk win c --xmero.

SCAert7 - .--n.rrV rates FOR ADTBRTISIQ

w ... , iiuiarM. n insestloa 00

ro each uuiwu

a ? --I- f i ? - ?B : f : : : . ?

1 - j: f mmr Too B 1 4 8 51 H 00j '8W W

J" T&o Tj T9 Te tqts a o xi to

Too Tic looo s 09 u w aa oops oo ta 00 w 00

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r Too KoonootsooMoow oon to is ooj 7oIOoWsW n efoi opjaa coUs wjw Tpfe mi a? to

13 oe y jxfeo Q9(m ooa op-- , P"!80 ""j58 so :w CT

ii sons ocm wh? wtw toUs CM "t116 00 to oo' 40 C0M 00" Si Ofl 08 .56

r- - Oaa aoasxe, cnM wi U. I-- , ""i.,(c twin sweet,. twice a e k, " l

rt-- All a4virttr eaw r tired to be kept

asi, cnanexiV" raw "ea pat, oa third

onec watrKt. u4 who lame Tvpr 1. tt--iir4 to"b f 4 rtJ9ent fpi oo Bmt or

ritt for TftcU. Reals, KutU, OepirtE ihlji -t c . To Censtt&Mt,

JJtzbtui!i arrrr be taid ro

Cr Xi TirtUoa-- a t w to tie WBy PPt

By, or tAMie-w- rie

r ABBoiiQanjt-- otpoJOa, la droc

, i. r 'CkutUM Icfttt less,rtrTcopaU. -- nl. To, I tkor PbHc KUni,

0lrtr,TroU. I Repoct txA roMrt 1sttU3im

O-- AH 4 5tlat AJTtrUeenU Till becaintetvrt-etciertl- nt. .

T3T MrtcrUl Jfotiooi ta lool Mniaa-wi- bo etr eSo cento erJIbo. .

J-- Ko iolcctlaa cr nrUttes w oe ntJe rre lae

"t"BrlSi XAKAK. "iOgHPALT PtlJ.

DK. T. A. 5IHAXS,ore- - El r Biat. ec er Kiln An4 soa

0TTI0K xtronoe c Moaiaa inS-l- j

H. H. & H. Xj BEDFORD,Attornoya ."t !.HKXPDIS, ToKXK-SE-

oMe Coart fir. el, rt am wejlefOmGBooath will profile Ii !! OieCeoxUefKemptlt. the TnIn Circuit oad tte Soar o ab4re4er- -l Oo to at Jockooa. rept a tentten at a tothe c cUlmi la- -t ! oixl JortaKlMtwl I

Drs. Brock & Spiegelt itHreo fo' tbe parpeoe of

HAT-i--y1- -rIn H CHRONIC Cfcem-- e

vocM ca the ittentt cf IotxH- - to the aaQeroaiKiwtUn , aid e ntltnt In Xempati, amona

vblca wHl be fsand Cxnee r. J cared wttaoetthe ooo of CACI c or amn :, 0 Soreo. Be fata,

hMo8we,8T? BU.Or OraTel, Bie oatUm,Djiprpili, u r. Loan, X , --d ererj Tarlety of tied eo of tbe Wtmb rflcHy-c- s red.

DK. S. S. BKXXkasd oUdar scb ttoe andcx-te- B celKtlSKaHtheTalaaWo tardKa! ex rteoce aal i pt that exlitedwtththeXorthaaaSoatb AajerKaa Wnm, taefodinf

tberA-ICAort- be To-h- ao, of Jtihn- -, and the ItaUyef Ihe Rara , of Saraeaja. with the

practical nodical wr -- to tkaaad Bstaa-tc- al

riaata, Barki, lb-- la aad Herb.loaewUclettoaraU tem" of the aet cf

Or. Eroct, are tnferated teat til ttar la KnnptU vcHoltrd.tothliBebic acs.nalated with all Koderc ar afea, oar

aa later eter.EJOOoe corner of K ala and Ual-- a atreeU.


' n. ESTES,AT LAW, Men hla. Tea neriee 0ee la

ATT0KSET ScOdl r, eorntr of Vailtcn I Vilaatreeta. .titra n oo MaeHon otreet, iaS--a

DR. JOKES ft-- 3IARARLEto Ko. 1X3 at tMeof Mala ti t,

over tbe tclMlnj oraerlr occccied ai anaaco trDr. Ssanka. aa-t-

JOH.V S. RAX.STOX,ET OK lor SatlhT Ooaalr, Attora at Law and

StTKTlral CellKtlEX ard Land Aect. Kalrti. TenaIS sleepronipt atUstSoa to lb ce'JecIL a of Great

Olalait ta a Tartar Sbettr, Tajeo or Tlrton oBeing csa Bleat to the recorda of Sbrftr cccnlr,

atHaldib, bewlR ctrettrlct atUntlentothercTntlaatloa ortasd ttt- -, nd betec a p etlra" or rer andletaHy appolalad Deputy Sarreyortor Stefty cocsty.borrm attend to the ta lax of laada. D sire partlcnlarattentlan to raaaiac dtcpated of land ta

Refer to H. Lake. Jaia T Trei act, at. D. L. Stew-art m K. L. Sailth. Kara acc-t- m

DR. K. T. WEBB,hla prerraaloaal Mrticea ta tbe dttsent ofOFFERS and Ttanlty. OXco on Uala atnet la

Orees'aw'a BbMUi, UtweeB Eaten and Gayaso ttreeta,Jyll-dt- m

DR. A. iT. WRIGHT,iTSIOlAX-OJd- re ta Stewart 4.

Fr tae'a BaBflax. Mala atreet, bet w Cola Re-

sidence Mix. 8. K. BIdcxi, Seossd below Kadiaoo atreet.Jrl-J- s.

DR. R. XY. 911TCHEL.L.,corsor Jfala and JfadKea atreeta, over theOrriGX .Bi. JnaSi-S- a

JfEiT Li AW PARTAERSHIP- -n FOIX, and Solth F. Bankbeal, taTtngWK. id partnert tip, win hereafter practice law

to aier la the erly of KemaMa n

HA21 acoiT L. "r"- - XtX0B


OXRT, Knsphli. Term., will practice their prefrt-ral- a

aa theOmr Maeldta thecityof ale sail, and theae and Federal Coarts at Jactos. Frompt alteo-V- a

wW be xleea ta aBclahsaf or eolftcIlea entraated toaea. OSee in STew Bank BaOHnx, comer of Hals and

mtdljcs UecU,oaXiiarlnk, Xatrao-e- os VadlaenJtrrrt. . i -- tf .


GARLAND & RANDOLPH,ITS AT LAW Little Bock. Arkanaai. Tbe

ATTOBJf bsalseta f Fike, rike ft. Cnnualsa,Caaintma andCesslas a. Qarlasd, la In car handa to boattasned to. JataSat

DR. ORTILLE R. EARLiT(Lata ef Vlailaatppl 1

rnaaenHy taMempal, oStrs hlaHATHra.locate4 elcea talis c tlxeoa aod peraoaa tathe srrosadlnx eonat Special attcstloawBl be rt ato otxtetrlcal eases and aU dlseaaes at wot a and ctB-dre- n.

J- jSeMdcaceioa th comtr of Heraasdo strr- -t aada wn'aA ana, pace. Mjfadlaoa atreet. vrft ly

1. X2V0X VXLKZK..W.. V. L. JS'COXFICO.tL M'COKSIOO, Lawyers, VenphU.

WXIXJ&K Oflce, Xo. 27 Seath side Court Square.aplS

I. at. TEBOE...rxO. C rAUKISOTf IS.. .0. TEXSXB.

Xerrfer. rarrington. & Ycrger,ATTORXXTS AT Lt , XIKPHIS, TEXK.


WM, R-- ARICK..Bolliar 083tyXiauwi9l .General Land

PXXKTIS3, Arkaaras ard KlMtattpst.Brrrac rni Oor ."H 3. Foot. Itearphtat Brooke

A. tpSl-d- ta

THEODORE C. CO.VE,AT HIT, VemphH Teen Oara oa

ATTOBJtBT et m Or aay'a BclMInx.lxtireeB'VBlaaaad Oayo so streets norX-il-y

,JOH KAr-XTJM-,A TTORXET AT IAW, aad G al CoeVxtor foH

XX. eat Tea Bosaee OSce oa Jetfrtson street, FastOSeeBarldtrr "7

WIIETAM KES5EDI, Jr.,TTORXET AT UW--OS' e over Oareao Bant BnBd- -.

A tnx, fctadnoietrei ?t. It- - eirtjia, Teaa. rcTl2-l- y

.pa. UlL,lt ttlUJ'3OFFICX U0UR3

Tor attending Disoasss of theJGYB AND iiUNGSr

rroa s to it a. ass i u s r. at.ARB i balance of his time win bo devotedUsorarpraetScr'.

w w Paraooa wistunc Sr. Oreixhton'saorT loea oast consult this arrant lent. letlS-t- f

"T F. PEYTOSi.the com of Jefferson a48eB4 streets,Omcfvi I'Brtldlnx. JsaU-l- y

lilt. THUS. TATE.--4FFKRS til aerTioei to toe rt! tins or ICenptls aad

J TldBity. OSce oa comer ex Secoad aad WaHtftea streets. ciarzi-i- r

Hue Iff. IT TI r v- - T- - K0aau-- a. miuu..OortaftoaeM. 'Xeophis, TeaaJ BXraipkls, Ttoael


ATT0KXXT5, will practice In tbe Coarts of West Tea-eaa-

OaceiA$D-it.-. lker's Block. Xo.i, Sod

boot. Special attention pall to tbe eoHectlcn of ctaiEis.octl-l- y

SCHEDULEor,the -

lniTl anfLDcpartarc oX the Jlalls- - ior Tiir


FhUadetphla,at Mi eloses

''xorlSwSVe Xatl-r- River, Cairo, St. Loots, Cht-ca- ta

aad Cindacatl, da dally at 7 A. If .I closes at itAi!ctlernXsn River, doeCally at7A. tt i oSosts

atrtbejaIiJtH Xlsrifslrp1 CenWa' Railroad forXewOrleaas. Vlcksbarraad Matches, arrt-e- a daU att doses at 9 A. at- -

XaF suVlsHiw1 Central aad Tea are tee RsflKad,arrtTfS at 6K I etoaes at 5 A. H., for Scaiervflle, Fe'lrar aad Jacaaan Tens.

Mali via JtespXls and Ohio Bailrcaa 2 wniritw,arrlv s aOtV Jt i doseaatSK r .

ksU aad TnraesseeRallroaa tar Fsno1. . .,. inu . w : riMn al 1 r. sc.

Wall for OtiTO Brancbe, Brhsits, Red Basks andj

f M r. Bt4closrat X r. of.trlt. H. CARROLL, T K.

la rrTrenton Independent Journal.

coop eiloa ot lb X MJe-ao- i Ohio and theTHK aad Ohio RaUroadds it the next fill, winmen the raejatteea Veda with M'Biphls to a large of

W'StTeOoeaee. which It hss to hitherto enjoyed.

It Is Important then thst 'tbe tmiitefs see of XrnipMs,who wl.WaecsrettUtraia lo tt ufiTM.aliOCM taat

their tnsreess tn a3nnee tbreach tbe eoantrytrHaaswtlaa th. city papers. Tat " Trent Inde-Zcv'-

Josrta!" has aa tenslee drctfatkn U tieuaUra, aad at a pemaaenUyta tbe Cf th yar of Its PJillcaUOT,. coi-U- e med'Tjm throoih

adrTrilso- - an nKBleattaES iddreed to the "Rdltori Mrt Jiaraal, TreoUB, TeaMtrae," wU bep t y.aucsoia u.

wrrxauiCEs;VsralxtCianah.B trooiSa e D 0, Arpt al Odes.Kss a.UnttonrGalloway t Co., AyaH

bad all CiO.



A Fahe Rcfokt. Some knare ttarttdreport day before yeeterdav, tbtt A case ofTtlltrw fever bad occurred at lb WatbinstonHotel. Tbe proprietors desire to ty lht itis utterly false, and to far is it from beinctrue, taat toere is not a rataoi a)ctn 01any kind in tie boose. Rfefcitarr SonJkrtit,

' ' " 'Jg. 22.TbesamepaperhasthefeHowiog aatice of

tbe health of Vickebarg :

Health or Ticrjaosc. Alier weekhas rolled twav. and at of it is ourErateful privilege to annouBce tbe contmaedabsence of yellow ftrer not a eoiltary chaving originated here nor is there one in theeltr. In this declaration we wish to be under.stood as embracisg the City Hospital, luringour authority from headquarters, me tioepitaiP2ysl:Ian himseir.

The Mails. We wonder if DistributionPostuiastrrs and Hute Aeeots hare anybowels of romrxesioo. If they bare, we wishthey weald take something te make thera meretowards or mi(ti-rofsa- eemoiunuy.withsUndlre- re have four mail foaches pissmg tnrcwKn mu place daily, we senium eetour mail rsatter ostil thrM er for days afterIt is deje. " "

Wont somebody et aftr eonieKelr 'with athsrnstKk?f OffrtvtUt httH'genctr.E. W. UrjHAtr. Thta cootlemam in obe- -

diesce to a ptjilier cH made ttfoa him, announces bis wniingsjess to berosa a casdiJltefor Probate Jadge ef Marshall county, andif elected, promises zeal aad f aitbrnlaess in tbediscbarge f Ws official dujies. Col. UrsiiAwts a worthy eetlemaa, and fully competentfor the bih Ut te wMeh he sapires.

A Rathe Singolar THtr r. Oa last San- -day Dibt,- - about 11 o'elo- - k as Mr. JamesHogue vrae rtdi"c alor.t; tbe Panola road totown from the Black Jack Ciaw Meetiiir.hesoUced a man ahead en horeeluck. He effort to otvrtatt bim, bat the man eviMedsigns that be did not cite about bis company ;but be did overtake him, however. After nd-tn- ir

toc-tbr-r a short distance, tbe man said hemuet get down nd askH Mr. Hague t0 hoMbis boree. He walked off a few yards, bat immediately returned, and after taking a pair ofsaeMiebag nfl" bis horse, broke and ran throughthe woods as fast as be could leavioz Mr. H.boldine; tbe horse be was riding, which hekrougUt to town. The horoe beloo d te Jacktiale, and uad been stolen at the Black Jackcamp ereund. The bbf, faawever, bad exchanged an inferior siddle for aeood one. Ox- -

feri UercuTv.

Health or Yicxmbosg. The sexton's weekly report, which ts eiticHl, ie.1 which appearsin our columns to-a- y, is highly gratifjirSj;sbowins, as it does, but iiei dtttkt far oa entire lettk as clean a bill of mortality, we v entire to say, as any city in the Uwmi of equalpopulation, can present at this season of tbeyear one beloj; an infant. ncfciere;Seii- -

RtviTAr. at RirLET. The revival meetingthat was in nrosress at tbe C P. Church inibis place, of which we made brief mention inoar last iesue, arter continuing about twoweeks, closed on Thursday evening int. It re-

sulted in tbe conversion of some twenty-si- x

souls a few ef whom joined tbe Church, anilat its close there were some eight or tec mourn-ers at the altar, anxioaly inquiring what theymust do to be saved. Riplty Jdctrtittr.

The Alabama Besctn.ot the 20th mt , hasreceived most unfavorable reports of tbe cot-ton crepea both the Mack and sandy landscomplaints of boll-wor- oa the former, and ofrust oo the latter.

Tbe Mobile Triinn; says, a dispatch fromJudge Brows, President ef the Mobile anduaio iiallroad, now in i.urope, anaoBces inat

e Has closed a contract for fcutncleet Iron tocomplete the read.

A correspondent of the Eofaula Aaticn, whobas been traveling through Barbour county,says be is satiffied tbe cotton crop will fallshort of last year's, on account of the red rest,which set in early, progressed slowly till the1st of July, and then rapidly, destroy-ing both leaf and form.

Ite Mobile Board of Health, oe the HIDInst., reported the city unusually healthy, without a single case of yellow fever originatingthere or imported.

lne iroy JiaiUti says that bov. Moorehas pardoned Wm. ii. Tempting, convicted atthe last Circuit Court of 1 en y and sent tothe penitentiary ttt three years. The grounder pardon was'newly discovered testimony.

UntDe 17th insL, toward Marcy, an esteemed citizen of Perry cocnty, was assisting aneighbor to raise a cotton screw, and the leverfell on him killing bim iestantly.

The Autauga Herald says the "blacktongue" has appeared among the horses in thatcounty.

me boclety or AlGianioI the University orAlabama has selected Hon. James 1). Webb, ofGreene county, for its next anniversary orator,and Hon. Tbos Herndon, of Mobile, alternate.

Ua toe 15iti inst., James A. lioroam, a Dtgfi--ly esteemed citizen of Ruosell county, (saysthe Southern Era,") was murdered by Abneraad James Nance, cousins. Gorbam was over-seer of a road, and returned them for failureto work on it. A dispute arose, Abner Nancegave Gotham the lie ; be tried to resent, andboth young men assaulted him with knives,s tabins' him three times, and in an hoar and ahalf be died. He leaves a widow and eizbtchildren. The mother ef the Nances, widows

of unexampled piety," are almost frantic,and, it is though, will become insane or die i

grief. How awful tbe consequences ef bngov- -erned passions ! Jne Aances escaped, but efforts were made to secure thera.

Oa the 221 ult. a S1.000 bill, mailed by Mr.BoHman, of Tuscaloosa, was abstracted byJohn Cash, the stage driver between Greenes- -boro" and Clinton, and eel 1 to a banclng uoujeinfickebuTg, Miss. Mr. Blair, mail agent,pursued, arrested and lodged Cash in jail inMobile, for trial in tae l. b. ltetnct Court inDecember next.

During the railroad convention at Decatur,last week, the horses ran away with th car-riage of Rev. F. P. ScruEgs, very much injur-ing bis Iitle daughter, and break!n? tbe carriage. Mr. Read Crow e, of Oakvilie. withdisinterested courage and nobleseized the oa horse by tbe sit, as he rushed by,and the carriage-pol- e struck him in the face.breaking one of hiscbeek bones ami severelyinturing one eye. We learn from the DecaturUimr$, taat tee nttis gtri and Mr. urowe areboth out of danger. UunlivUlc .Utmocrtt.

Quiet Restored. Oar town has recoveredfrom the alarm caused by the burglars, and oarpeople now sleep in securi'y. Most, if not allof the stolen goods have been discovered byrevelations made by a free negro called Samolcciuog. He was cmmiued to tne calabooseas an accomplice of Henry Donohu, now injail. But oo Thursday night last, Sim, aedanegro belonging to ben. Mostly Din Wallace

escaped, and have not since been taken. Anextensive police for Huetsville is still em-ployed. Zfunftrtfic jtdnetle.

M. Dduas' Receipt roa Chicken Roastinc.4 Can you roast a chicken ?" Yes," Ihear you say, " every body can roast a chicken

especially with our patent orens. Pat thechickens in a dish, fill the dish with butter,place me citn in ice oven, im baste iDechickens frequently, and it will goon be wellrosstrd." PousW i" I really cannot talk withcich a bore as you; k will be time lest. Aroast, basted in tbe oven Wby, that is fi onlyfor Esquimaux, Hottentots, aud Arabs ! "Verywetl. thee, roast it oo the siut." "Ah that'sbetter; bat you know that, Is the infancy ofthe culinary art." " The infancy of the theart" "Tea, my reed friend. Just tell mebo many boles do you make in your chicken,wben roasted in tnis way?" "ioar, ir l amnot mistaken two horizontally and two ver-tically." Well, there is three too many I Forthe more holes the cbickeu has, tbe more juiceti loses : and the tueie of cBleseas, ween it Dasonce fallen into the gravy bowl, is fit for Both- -ing-u- ut la pour on sptnaco anst, m you winbelieve me, apinaeb is better stilt with the fatof quails. Uss no spit, ray dear child use noekewers; try a simple twine string. Takeyour chicken, thrust its bead in between its twocollar bones, so ai to maice ine tieaa enter mecavDy of the trunk, (this is tbe Belgian man-ner,) then sew the suia of the neck, so as torlote hermetically the wounds of tbe breast.Turn the chicken and thrust iBto it the lifer, asmall eoion, a piece of butter roiled In pepperana salt, and before a prigot wood brs Dangjpar rbickeo by tbe legs to a twine string, andtorn the aktng with jourfuigera. Then pour

a pirca of butter tbe aixe of an egg t baatethe chicken with this butter and cream mixedtogether, and introduce as much of it as youcan." ,

A Mail Bey Made or a Doc Mr. Wm.Cannon, a citizen of this dace, who ha ),nior same time ettgaged in basinets at Bjhslia,ana uis wiie reraaiuiug in nouy springs, Dasa dog that carries a letter from Mrs. Cannonto her boftband. Tbe dog bad been stayingwith bis master at Byhtlia, and thought, nodoubt, he would vifit home to see how allwere getting alOBg, wnen Airs. u. toot: a let-ter, tied it around, the dog's neck, and drovehim from the vari. He immediately startedfor his master, and arrived at Bthalia withtbe letter. He went into trie House and dellvered the letter, and Mrs. C. received an ansrrer the next day from her husband, who saidhe had received her letter by tbe dog, Dennis.We have often heard of smart dogs, but wemust acknowlege thU beats them all. floWy

fjrnn Democrat.

The Sabiath h Loxdok. Tbe AmericanPresbyterian contains a letter from London,

which closes with the following notice of the

good order that pervades London on Sandsy:

" Tbe Sabbath is observed better in London Iregret to say than in Philadelphia or New York.Newspapers are not cried, and scarcely any-

thing else Is cried or roid in the atreeta here onSunday. There are railroad and steamboat ex-

cursions, it is true, and many shops are open inthe morning, bnt closd at noon, and a bandplays at Regent's Park in the evening. But nomilitary companies parade the streets, andwith their music In full blast, pass tbechnrehes,in defiance of decency and order. Tbe policeare about everywhere, enforcing most strin-gent laws, and especially protecting religiousworship from disturbance. Vehicles patschurches on the walk, aad a movement of apoliceman's hand reminds every driver ot hisdutjf. Tbli London, not Philadelphia."

STEELE, MORGAN & axJciKfc,W"'vui ""l",P"n Je tea eop er cream








'hoIT-ww- . boyce.r.oiu the ABdartta Ofi-lt-

At Ebeneier and in Yorkvllle, Mr Bayce far HttTfna-wit-h an exnose ef his polit

ir al nnfnloa'a on leadlnc iohtcs, and his cottfiedurine the last Conress, At our request notes

ro taken of bis remarks, from wnicn we

publish the followinj compendium, for the ben

efit of these, ef our readers- - who were notortuaate enooKQ to be at lue aoaimg ;

At the ontiet. Mr. Borce snoke at considerable 'Itnstb nnon-th- Kansas.que'stlon," He saidIhitifi.r nalboun'jdecisbsa.ffisicrstheljeflslature to the Abolitionists, it was evident theSmith had nothlnr practical to gain by tbe adtatoetofl of Ktnsss. It waB no Denent to iuiSouth to admit an Abolition State, merely hecause the had a constitution ; forft constitution that is not sustained by publicopinion u worth nothing. ThecoMtiteitioa have been Immediately al-

tered, and our enemiea would bavederivedallthe benefits froo the ji"3nilsiion.'rjfKtiaas.The only "qieation, then, was how we shoulddispose of Kscsas. It would cot have done toleave it as an unsettled question with which tocreate a revolution, tor Kansas to nave oeeua good revolutionary Issue, It would have beenactually and really what it merely seemed tobe a slave State ; and not what It actuallywas as intense AboliUoa State. It shouldhaveannlleJ for admission under nnexceptlonable circumstances. Instead of having proceed-ed without' any enabling aetaothoriziiisihe for-

mation of a State Government, and with a popand it should haveulation utterly....insufficient,.. Ineen rejtctea ny trie bibck nrpuoi.caus ;

whereas, in their profound duplicity, even tbey,ulin Seward at Weir Head, uau, iq votuig torthe Cfitttbdea bill, authorized the admission ofKansas even as a slave Stale, if tbe people sodesired on a popular rote Under all the elreum-stances-

tbe case, Kansas rejected as a revo-

lutionary issue, was a dead " cork in tbe pit"If we bad Dn t weaic as ioaavecreaieuu.isitmt. the result would bare been the utter 01s

comfiture of tbe Southern Rights party in ai.most every Southern State, aod the cause ortbe South would have been put back iBdennite- -Iv. We did not cboose to commit tnis siupen- -

dsusfoily ; we did not intend to originate Jctestine contests at the Sooth, which ere, ob.lieei to end disastrously. There were only' twoprinciples Involved in the adeveston of Kaa- -

rst, toat a State suouia not oe irjecieabecause its constitution was ry ; second, that Congress should not intervene to Biyby wbat process tbe constitution should beformed. We despaired of the question seen".ise. unimpaired, both cf these principles. Wesaid to Kansas, "we accept everything younave done, an J consent to your aumission, onthe single co&dititva that jou agree not to seizeuoon more of the public land than we harehitherto granted to new States j if you refutethis, then you must stay cut until ypu have 92,-40- 0

population."The South cannot object to this. The BlacK

Republicans complain lustily on this pdlnt 'ofpopulation X they say it discriminates agalnsflreedom. Kansas Has voted upon mis unaproposition, and refuses to accept tbe termsoffered, and therefore remains oat ot tbe Union.This' conclusively establishes the fact thatKansas is ultra This being thecase, the best thing for us is for her to etayout ot tbe Union. Her coming in would onlygive an accession of strength to our enemies,if she should stay out forever, all the better.TVe rejection by Ernsts of the condition pro-

posed for her acceptance befcre admission,evinces the extraordinary prejudice- - she bastowards tbe South. Rather than come in un-

der the Leeompton Constitution, a Constitu-tion which she would speedily have altered,the prefers the disadvantage of a territorialeoaoition. Tbe loss of Kansas was deprecated, principally because of Ibe entrance itmight furnish tbe Abolitionists into the In-

dian Territory weet of Arkansas, and the prejudicial influence upon MiseourL Bat Mr.iioyce thought there could be no douat matueSouth can. by tbe exercise ot proper energy,obtain possession of tbe Indian Territory weetof Arkansas, because the climate of the Ter-ritory is well adapted to slave labor; the Indians cow settled mere are eonsideraoiy civil-ized and slaveholders, and the territory Is ac-

cessible to the South. As regards Missouri,slavery will not be abolished there, in Mr.Boyce'a opinion, if the adjacent SouthernSlates prevent tbe introduction ot the slavesof Missouri into their limits. There are eightythousand elaves in Missouri a number toogreat to be set free, whether we regard thesacrifice of property involved in the emancipation, or toe irjury to me state ny so largelyincreasing the class of free negroes. TbeSouthern States, therefore, taus' observe tbecourse of events in Missouri with great vig-ilante, and if there be any tendency to emanci-pation, it must be made a tiling to bff done bytbe people of Missouri at their own expense. -

Seme persons are inclined to take great alarmat the immense. increase of new free .States;'anticipated as designed io grow op in tbe heartot the continent between the Missouri riverand tbe Pacific. This region of country is in-

deed formidable in extent, but fortunately itbas been so ordered in ihe Providence of God,that it is almost entirely barren, and in a greatdegree destitute cf wood and water, and

to sustain a compact, civilized society.The army of civilization must soon pause inits western cowse. if, tbererore, we can main-tai- n

as a settled poMcy, the principle embodiedin the Kaneas bill, that the people of a Terri-tory should sot be permitted to form a StateGavrromeot until they have a population equalto tbe ratio of representation a ratio increas-ing every census we will not be overrun withnew free S ates. Same additional free Stateswill doubtless grow up on tbe Pacific coast;but Mr. Boyce does not apprehend our enemieswill be much strengthened by the admission otthese States. California, though admittedagainst the wishes ot the South, has almostuniformly acted with the Suth. The same re-sult may be anticipated from tbe artion of thefuture Pacific States. The negro-msn-la doesnot exist on the Pacific const, California basrecently legislated to rid herself of her freenegro popenatioo. Oregon had a strong ten-

dency to adopt African slavery by her consti-tution. She did not do this, however, thoughthere was a considerable p pular vote for it.But she excludes free negroes.


This conservative tendency qf ibe PacificState could readily be explained on obviousprinciples, bat Mr. B. was content with merely tnoticing the fact ; arriving at tbe result, on thispiiit, that there is no likelihood of the freeMates becoml ng sufficiently numerous to cb a nethe federal ConjtiCattou to the detriment ofthe South.

But this oaly removes one form of dangerwith wbich we may be tttrealened. Tbe freeStates, though they may not have sufficientpower to change the Constitution, yet mayhave a majority in every branch of the Gov-ernment, and can, if they unite in a sectionalparty, take paeeeteioo of the Government.Are they hkely to do tbis? Tbe sectionalmovement North, hostile to the South,. is caus-ed by three leading ideas: 1. Love of the ne-

gro ; 2. Love for themselves; 3 Hatred for tbeSouth The Abolitionists, who constitute tbefirst claw, are in a minority in every NorthernStale, but tbey have influence beyoad. theirnumbers, caused by their ealbusiasai ami tbenecessity ether parties are ut.der of courtingthem. Tbe form of moral education North,the influence ef the press and lbe pulpit wouldtend, It would seem, gradually to strengthenthis party. Oa the other hand, tbe failure of I

we emancipation experiment in me west in-

dies and elsewhere, has had a powerful influ-ence on the enlightened public opinion of tbecivilized world. This effect mutt have beenexperienced at tbe North likewise, aod must Insome degree have counteracted the moral ma-

nia raovemi,t there.Under tbe term "love for themselves," Mr.

E. included not merely the desire for politicalpower, with its mahlfold -- advantages,--bt- (hedesire for tbe material, advantages to be ob-

tained from settling up a&ch ortions of tbenew territory as are adapted to free labor.Tbe remaining idea alluded to, "hatred of tbesootn7 requires no explanation. It Is a factbeyobd dispute, that a large, portion .of theNorthern people absolutely bate us. No betterproof of this could be desired tban their line ofpolitical action, and tbe tone of their pre andof some of their public speakers.

idis nosuie sectional movement iNortn, liasattained its most formidable proportions uponterritorial questions, where tbe territory in dis-pute was adapted to free labor. Missouri,California and Kmss, were the isatarres. Ithas alway, hitherto, reqHred a practical question, involving an or tnese tore classes orideas alluded to as tbe cause ot Northern

to give it its fullest developmentLouisiana, Florida and Trxas, with her four

oeeective slave States, were acqaircd by tbeaid of Northern rotes. The North slid shewould gain great material advantage by theacquisition or mese territories mereioie, enecontented to it, inooga taey -- were eiavs terri-tories. .

Judging of lbe future by the past, it wouldseem that there is no question of a practicalnature likelv to come op immediately, whichwould combiBS me wnaie trta Dostueirattltoue to tlic hutu. l ricujun uuu-iui- i

practical issue cf Kassss, aggravated, is itswas by accidental circumstances, raited to car-

ry the North on a heatile programme 'againstus, it would seem that there would be lesslikelihood of such a result being now attained.Kanstshas lost its magnitude as a politicalquestion. It is a free Territory, and win notne anyttung else but tt tree state; tnereiorc,there rannbt be any great degree ot agitationfurther oo that account.

Tbe three treat occasions, as already indicated, en which' tbe North-an- d South camsnear a collision, were In regard to Missouri,California and Kansas. After Ihe two firstwere disposed of, tbe tstagonism between thewo sections was for a while much mitigated.

Political parties were Immediately formed ona National basis. It would seem, therefore,according to the laws of parties, the same re-

sult should follow now, and the Black Repub-lican party, as a distinct political organiza-tion, should die out; and InMead of ose gene-ral party extendisg over both sections, and onesectional party limited to only one section,there should be two general parties If thisdoes not take place ; if the effort to form aNational sectional party Is continued, it willIndicate a more direct and embittered state ofthe public mind North, than has hitherto beenImagined. It would seem that the North, hav-ing gained Kansas, should be satisfied. If not,and the Black Republican organization Is con-tinued, then we must understand that, a largeportion of ibs Northern people are determinedto wage a perpetual war against as.

Then, the most interesting question for us Is,wbat should be our policy ? 'In Mr. Boyce'aonioion. we should to act as to prevent, it possible, the concentration ct the entire power ofthe North against us,nd secure, as much asnotalhle. tbe union ef'tbe South. Fortunately,the same Untof policy both ot

theas results a wise moderation. Let u r'ourselves upon the Constitution, and ask fornothing but what Let uefor

SllUUrten issues, like tbe revivalot the African Slave Trade, tbe only effect ofwhich Is to t ttengiben tbe bands of our enemies North. While we are circumspect in regard to public scatimeDt North, let us endeavorto steadily build up a sound punlie sentimentSouth a sentiment that will ak for nothingbut what isVigbtandJie conteoVwith no less.

When we. Ipol: Worth forfa political p'arty toact with, we find that the Democratic party Isthe only possible party Tbe principles professed by tbis patty on the subject ct jlarerjrare io strict atcgrdince ritb the Constitution.)!To rrfuieycojtorreratfaq with 4bJs; partythen,!would be absurd. 2)ut tee .abould not bUmMyattach s of' the Soufb to anvtSollfNcal party ; only as long as the Democratic par-ty stands up to tbe principles they profess,should we.tand up to tbe rn. t There are twoshades o'f opinion in tbe Democratic pirty ; one,me Mates ingots Democrats, meotner, latiludinarians. Tbe State Rights wing, so far astbe Democratic party Seuth are concerned, areimbued with tbe ideas of Mr. Calhoun. ThisIs tbe political sthool we should encourage.In thus acting with tbe Democratic party, weinaugurate jio new policy r we only follow theexample of Mr. Calboun. But It may be, after$11, in spite oCioar utmost wlsdom,tliat the erwemies of tbe South may attain possession ofme uovernment In mfa case, Mr. linyce Diano hesitation in saying that we ought instantlyto withdraw from the confederacy. Tbe elec-

tion of an Abolitionist to tbe Presidency, orone pledged to carry out that policy, upon aprogramme at principles hostile to tbe South,would indicate surh a settled purpose to de-

stroy us, that it 'ould bs madness Innrtoawait the final blowi Resistance Would necessarily involve all tbe South, nerurriog as itwonld in tbe midst of extreme exasperation.The'result would be a new confederacy, or aqamendment of tbe Constitution disposing of theslavery question forever. Mr. Boyce'a policy,therefore, while It contemplates the ntmoatprndence. in advance loots to me alleviationot tbe most desperate measures upon certaincontingencies, lie would do every thing pos-sible, consistent with our honor and safety, toavoid revolution. He did not style himself anamateur revolutionist, but when no other alle-viation remains, he would adopt revolutionwithout hesitation.

Mr. Boyce referred to our late difficultieswith Gre3t Britain, and said there was at notime any serious danger ot war. England wasin no condition to go to war wun us. tier im-

mense national debt, her revolution In India,ber coinplieat'ons in China, Russia offended,France brooding over unavenged wrong), allforbade fbe idea of her hunting up a war with

Jt was our interest, also, to avoid awith ber. To tbe South it would have

been an unfavorable measure, ending as it musthave done, in the conquest of the Canadas andother adiacent British possessions, thos addingdangerously to me powers or me rree Mates.Mr. Boyre, therefore, said he was utterly op-posed to a war with England, if it could behonorably avoided.

Mr. Boyce also referred to the Mormon diff-iculties, and was gratified at their peaceful settlement He bad advocated a conciliatorycourse towards tbe Mormons, and tbe resultjustified bis recommendations. By the exercise or common sense we naa escapea an im-

mensely expensive war, the cruel necessity ofcivil war, and many oilier dangers.


The people of Tennessee will be called uponto vote on tbe first Thursday in September next.upon tbe question ot calling a Convention "torevise, alter, or amend tbe Constitution of tbeState ot Tennessee." For the purpose ofbringing tbe subject early before tbe public, inorder that it raajbe deliberately considered,we publish tbe following Act ot Assembly au-

thorizing tbe people to vote:AK AOT to aathtrU: tba pmple to call a Oecveatioa to

rerise, alter, or aateed, the OocsUtnlssa of tae stateet Tennessee.Section. 1. Be it enacted by the General Jit--

tcmbly of Ike Slate of Tenneuee, That the citi-

zens of this State, entitled to vote for membersof the General Assembly, are hereby author-ized to assemble at the several places of holding elections in their respective counties, andvote for or against calling a CopJiUon toameud, revise, or form and maVre a new Constitution for me Mate.

Sec 2 The election provided for In the firstsection, shall be held on the first Thursday inSeptember next

Sec. 3. The sheriffs of tbe several countiesin the State shall, after giving sixty days' no-

tice in writing in each civil district in tbeirrespective counties, and in some newspapernrinted in the county, (if there be one) and ifnone, in some newspaper printed in Knoxvi Be,Nashville, Jackson, and fliempnis, open andhold an election, at the several places of hold-

ing elections in tbeir counties, on the firstThursday in September next, as preacrlbe-fj- t

this acttzc 4. The elections authorized by this act

shall be held and conducted under the samerules and regulations that elections are formembers of tbe General Assembly, and tbe re-

turns of such elections shall be made in thesame-manne- that returns are made of electionfor members of the General Assembly.

Szc 5. Each voter shall write on his ticketConvention, or no Cenrcniion, and the returnsof each election baying been made, tbe Gover-nor and Secretary ot State shall compare allthe vo'es cast for, or against the Convention,and if it shall appear.that tbe votes in favor ofa Convention amount to a majority of thewhole number of votes polled for Governor atthe election next preceding the day of electionfor or against said constitution, Provided, thata majority of tbe entire vote so polled shall bein favor of the Convention, then, the Governorshall Issue bis proclamation, declaring that amajority of the votes polled, are In favor ot aConvention. He shall also issue writs of elec-

tion, directed to the Sheriffs in every county inthis State authorizing and requiring tbe Sher-iffs thereof, to open and hold election fordelegates to the Convention, at tbe severalplaces of holding election in their respectivecounties, on Ihe first Thursday in Novembernext.

Sec 6. Each r' mty ejecting one represent- -ative to the Gen 1 Assembly, shall elect onedelegsteto Ihe Convention, and each repre-sentative district composed of more tban onecounty, shall elect one delegate to the Conven-tion. Counties that elect more than one repre-sentative, shall elect the tbe Bime number ofdelegates, as they are entitled to elect repre-sentatives.

Sec 7tlettJ.on.sJo; delegates to the Con-

vection shall be bebr,ytKjrr tbe same, rules andregulatiortsrs ot tbe General Assem-bly, and returns cf such elections shall be madeIn the sam,e manger, as returns are made formembers of the General Assembly. Tbe per-sons bavin; tbe highest number of votes shallbe declared eletfedsdelegate.tosald Contention.

Sec 8. The delegates elect shall assemble atthe capitol in the city of Nashville, on tbe firstMonday in December thereafter, and proceed tothe discharge of their duty. They shall re-

ceive tbe eame compensation for tbeir traveland services, aa members ot the General As-sembly are entitled to receive under the exist-ing laws of tbe State.

Passed March 19, 1853.DAKIKLS. SOXELSOK,

freaker of the noo of Representatives,JOHNS. BOftOU.

Sneaker of tbe Senate.


Trimming Btoie,,o. 271" Haiti street,; .


Strasseri' fir JLinlcJstt cpeaed at tbe above stand, wo InviteHATIKO ot the pMIc. aad tbe Ladles rartlc-aisrl-y,

to oar assorlaeat of- H I MM I HQS,ef aH kinds, and o a'l Itch roods as are kent In a firstdast TAR! ET T 631 B.

aato-J- y STEAS3BRI , UKJ-C-

Green's Xnrsery and lease for SilesIX coBFeaneoce of the dtath of t ao rro-Ijf- fl

leter. the Nnrserr. fonae ly belong- -tfjje tax to treats of Par.i Greet), fnd. the?

leu: or ibt troaniUtwdbsllaaES. are, of.ieren iwr sale- - The Xarsery to sltasteoa Mala street, teaminute.' walk sooth of ibecea tttof the city. Jtccca-plr- s

Mar acr-- a of xrotmJ, under A iease, which his th'eyears from October next to rsa, and contains a rife andrateable collet tloa ot ) ssj shtnbs, ptiati, fbwtrt, k.:.OB tke premises sre a trams dwelling hsruaacd a hot heasa

ltiaarareopport lty for a practical Knrser aan aadFiorlit. Tbe property will be told low and tHlut ofpsyment made easy to a rood parehsser.

sl&n a .n . aettea Oartlner wasted.For f artbT Information inquire of JZ mzvuCXR.


New Hat EstablishmentSTRANCERS INQUIRE.

the pleasero U an- - o ice to the cltlferwIHATR and tnrrjnBdinr enctry. that Ihave taken the career Store. Xo. i.o; ttst Sotbtock o bniUias sow Jacoirae rf erection on Mala street,called BrlBktrr's Row. IrereedltV-i- in tbo tear otMeetrs Ixwnes, OrtlH fc Oo uarowsro store,' next, A FIRSTCLASS BAT AXD CAP SSTABM-UMSX- andlateodkreptn(cns:a-tlyoahan- a MAOairictHT lM)m.hctt of Ooeda la my line, embraetnx e sthof


Bavtee cxeladliy djtsg basiness, vllh mtayyears cxi rience, and hartnt made arrange tttuU withho bet and mat Usiy naasfactcrerS, I shall at all

times b enabhd t Seep op a sail and c ipltta ilae ofGoads.

Byderotei attentlan, and sjrne aad correct moda oftrnractlog bmlnsst. I hepe to seopte tte coadlence andml-ou- 1 tae ctt'xeas ef UempSlt and the stirronnd-?n- s

eotatry. Par lit r paiilcalar tn Intare adve rtlse-mec- ts.

R-- W. HARRirOX.Jy dtf f rmerly ot Pstersbirt. Vs

Common Furniture.A LL kinds ol Goaawn Bnreant, WashsUnda, Tablea,Z. Bedheads, Chairs, ox., sic. ror run crjilS McKIXKBT h CO.

l?ler Cllasscs.n BVKItAr. oalra Pier Glasses French Piste withO Martle Brackets and Composition Base Bates! tboGlasses vary In fbe from l incurs ta IOJ Irenes inlenxtb, and tor ssla at Xew Terr prices br


MacUonald's Wctriserators.IT1BI3 article received the Srsl premium el the WoiU'ai ratr sstnuHuorras newxoTE; at tne lata Fair or

tbeTJnlted StsteaA lent al Society heM at LsnlsvITle;and at aU tbo Pairs where tt has been exhibited. Forsale by tho ond rlxned, (sols arents,) at mannf sctnrer'sprices. MCSIWHsr bl lt.TUST receive 1 fromBt. Louis a lot tt frrth baked BwAas crackers iu crtcxaou sucilts.. j to j a. ixouairoT.

. iiiaskm ,Z. It. EITEX.



ffo. 12iTront Rnw,M E M P H- r 8 , T E NN E S S E E.Tn .i i itanllrate any Kertbern or Ssste M'l wttiVYr ts same, or trsn4s eqaally as xood, freoj 1 box toloco "-- ""

M. GENSBURGEft,Trunka, Valises & Carpet Bags,


1ITT aodOuaat Htrehaala aod thew pontes era .

.trv. whlen. in oasniy aohaaposss. lseijasl to any ananofactnro

wr.ine ta ordsr tally xaarantlad. Alt kinds of Xn.i,mr asm wlta neatness and dispatch. BMla aadrrs dg Itisru ro AM Jorut M. STimunLT.


Tib. 0 1?ront Stroot, How Orleans,pay atrlct attention w. ana rom era wiin enWILL all roods IMrnsted to ear care.

BxrEK TO KKesrs. uoieman a uo., nrmvrs. w tux aXessrs. W A. yiolett & Co-- , xersrs. Fatba a


SAM. r D T If A Mla tbe airnt of tbe above hocse la tbis city, and

orenareJ to make contracts for fore ardln?. and to attend to all settlement aad other bastaesa ot the firm.

ay21-t- y


Carriage ManufacturersAmi BcalciTS, eSER

A'os. 3, 4 & 5 Exchange Buildings,MEMPHIS, TENN.

TT AT aaw on hand oaeof the larxttt and best teiee- t-

LX ed stocks otCarriages anil Buggies,

Ever offered la tbtt mar kit. narlnr bad a leoc experience la the bsilerts we know the wants of the coon imi-alt- y,

and feel warranted ta ttrlni. that onr facilitiesfor obtaining food work are ansnrpassod by any hoase Inthe Sooth. of every deierlptlcn bnllt to orderand work xntraatle-- All klala ot repairing done withaeataeas aad dlipatch.

JaoW ilasi J. fc A. WOOPHPFF tc CO.

A. J. WALT & CO.,



Bagging, Rope and Twine,PLANTATION SUPPLIES, &c,



GROCERIES,Foreign and Domestic Liquors,

WINES, CIGARS, FfiUITS, &C,No. 208 Main Stroot,

datJSJ-- tf MBUPHI3, TKXX.

J. C. GRIEEIN& & BKO.,Commission Merchants,

MEMPHIS, TE.'STV.aenSa-t- e

Yf Uolesale and RetailD KALES, IX


Ludlow's Self-Scali- and Wiachell's .Wax

FRl3lT CAN!Also Harrison's Patent Kitchen Stove,





Boarding Houses,And Family Use.

Bucket CoTers, Ears, Tea Kettle Breast,


Country Tinners!ALL OP vrniCH I OFFER





ac ine Shop.B. E, NORRIS & CO.,

MANUFACTURERS 0' S ean Enelses, Saw XUls,Honie Woik sb as Froals,

Window Capi, &c. Husmtost palrinc aol fob binework of every description attended t promptly. Personssending thru wurk to rs csa rely a cett.BC it at thetime promised. We are pr--p ared to cxeco'e orders t rSteam Kncines aad 8tw Kills ca very tber. notlca, andsslow a, thay .an be bronxbt rroa EL Lonla or Cincla-aatl- of

tb" saeieqnalltyof work. JrS dsvly

NEW MUSIC STORENo. 6 Prorlne k Stewart's Block.

JAMES A. McCLURE,ancsnncas to tba citizens of Memphis

aalpabjloKeneraltytbatbolsepealnxa frit riasPIASO AKD XDltIC STORK nts stock ot PIAXOS,JfKLODEOXS, TIOLIXS, GUITARS, FLOT B3, AC-CORD RONS, aad tn fact ery thine belosrlnx to tbebaslaeas.wil be lsrxo and of the beat qnslity.

Uts stock otsaKRTXrsiO and MUSIC BOOKS wincaprlse a)' cf tbe standard andpoptilar pieces of theday. coBtistlnxefSoau, Po'k-- s, Wallses, Scbotllsches,Ttrttabsis, Faauistes.aaitsr Mnilc. tec, he.

Bis Plaaos will be from the celebrtted make.-s-, Steoa-ws- y

fa Sons and A. H Gale Co .JfeW Toik.'Plsau rented and real sppll-- d os sale.X S. All kinds of Ma leal Instrnm eets repaired Is the

dest meaner Xemcmber Provln &. Stewart's Block,


respect rally Inform tbe dtlrrns of MemphixW.ULD that they have opened a Shop on Jef-ferson street, below Tn'rd, where ta are prepared tobetid r repair boases, tit op offleea and stores. In fsctaaylhlaxln their Itneof bselarss, on short notice. Bav-

ins; ranch cxp-- ri ce m Dense mortar, we will Attend toMevlax. Lereltnx sn t 81ralgbtnlri( BnlMlngs, tltber taMemphis or a short distance la Ibe errantry.

F. 0. 3. CRAWFORD,jyll-ltawt-ei J H CRAWFORD.




COMMISSION MERCHANTS.No. lil Front Row. aienapliis.


iron Railing Manufactory,iw the yxrr yard,

jvrjoxxtioAiirai Tomaoasoo.s. M'KENNA & CO.,

B ot Wroxbt and Caat I rsa Fereo

i Balcocies; Tcrandahs of snr s red pattern;troa Doors and Win tow Snntters I C irocxti Iron Gir-

ders for Fire Proef BntMlon, Bridtei, i. Also, IroaRatllax rsmiie ceaKury us 01 tne mostvaried and beam Ifan altera). Patterns deelcaed, andOalliBcmadeto Tdsr All work warrai.Ud .anal to anyKortbT0 or Kll.eTU worx ana zo ai wo aame pneea.

InuTS-dxr- n

abobew sitnrrro....... abcus bojocx.IilERETO fc ROJOUX,

Watch-lSaker- s and Jewelers,CORK KB. OF ADAMS AXD HAIX S7REKTS,


VirSsM bow in receipt or t splendid stock ofWrWATOHK, CLOCXJ. aaa Jswiur,

aadwin keep oonstsotly on haada fmlsnpjly,-- ht,), .ir., . Lr..auiable arleee. Wa areprirrtUdojepiilrtstaal dealing at all tlmrsanilwarrant tOKtvo ssilracutn us an bk. bunnan- -arame onr stock. . my tf



ttss the Dlsaaare to araotraeo ta hla frieads and theeUterensraUr.thatkehstta appolntod by MeMrs.

StodartoLXoms,oxiwaois, 6oii xor sco salvorSTODARr PIAXOS.

Be Is now opening st their store on Uadlsoa street, atew doors fmm the Union Bask, a lares slock which willt ntl r Nt J tees. mrs-aw- ly

P. A. Park & Co.,Plumbers, Gas and Etcira fitter!, &c.t

Xo. lOO Main street, Memphis.pBSbicrtberstitvix permaaently located la Mem-- A

phis, and re ally pat cp a new store ajaj shop forAelrtniUeasparposes, box tn can tue attention ( thepbb? to their 1st srock or Gocda Is their line, ronslit-in- c

of ere ry description ot PCMPJ, LaI, Iron, Zac.and Block TIK; PIPE), eheel Lrad, Zl&c bnptr andIroa t Garden aid Too Saglnea, Watei rums. Fonnttlm,Baths, Refrlxetors, Ofresr-- , Graies. Cotnlllers andeveryihlsx relative to IhePItmkiBXor Gal Fittiaz basi-- o

aa Jcn27 Sm


C aol fie "i WaTc e rsUNDERTAKERS,

Main-St- ., Old Stand, below Monroe,( K oltett per an I sfsd in Me city,)

cooataatly oa hand ali sniet Xetallle,HATE wlit k tbey lice and pet Bp xlr-tix-

In tae peas msnncr gtw ium n sdbuouir ered Oifflss. which tb y sell at a fair price."Orders from the constry prompt attended to, and Far-Blis-re

made and .rrnalred, sad. UpSolstertBf. execsted.sss -twrs-l-y

ottoit factors.JIILIS OWES, IICSBEBSOa 011.

Xenphis, Tt i. Lata ( Soma title. Teas.

Given fir OtceusCotton Factors,

n v. nv. t V l Ti fi .

ForRardlBS and General Commission

MERCHANTS,UNTo, 33 "713 JVTfvtTT I JQtx-ooT- ,

MEMPHIS, TENN.WR are prepared to rtrs oar vadi-- i

y&ggi'iaoi attasiM to tao toriac, Soma-2an-

Ships tat of fatten. Tobacco, anc;oiocrproaecB co txaea to oar oare.

Also to the HeetlTtBX asd For srdiac of Oor-d- AnCeatlxaauatt by Beats will bi ovrared by onr epoa policies er lasorsoce. acawaue in -- ure cor rue polleref Iterance, aalees oth.rwlta lostracted Alt last --

ttoas protopUy obeyed sad a'l erders fnrBaxtiar, Rope,ani oiner riaauiion Doppiseo Bites at tao wesi c

s.wo shall always be pr are-- to sett's an Gotten aad

other balances. In accordaro wlh the i ofear patrons.



Ootton FactorsABD

Commission Merchants,No. 4 Front Row,

XaXoxaaxIxlat, Tonnoaffloo.13' Bsxilsg sad Be and Plaatatios Sup piles forn--

tsneii. aoxrawsm

r. UASOE rABBItSTOS KASOS,Holly Sprtaxs, Miss. Late of Mas.n, ei Booae.

JUL&SOW fi" CO.,Commission aiere nanls,

So. 3S3 Main Street,lcucrais, TEKK.

EJ-r- or the present at III Jlsla stnet op stairs.


COMMISSION MERCHANT,Oa Bsnk Avenas, brlwea Vailsea aad Munice, (Ibe old

sianaor uon(Beriy s. Ayaiett.)MempUis, Tenuessi e.I AK asw la receipt of alas- strck

rf Owns, and ceastsatly recelilofllib i. cosiistlcf In part tfllaeblot,and TJaad Rope, ateatnekr Birzlnr.

Bacon, Lard, Brandies WhKky, and Wines, toretberwith eveiy varietyof Groceries, ta whxh I am cssttaat-l- y

addlnx. 1 bsvo aico tba test brtnd of rentacarJs n. sal laerys, srabarxs, Qitton Tarns, rar--ticslar sttrntn girer to storinx and sell ax Cotton lathis market or for .hlrment lasnrsaee xoTerced brthe p4rtl-- s lslarested. Orders rromoUr atteaded toconsignments solicited from my frleols

aau-t- r g c. wiNTgrtaMlTH.1 TESICB .................... JAMES it smux.

atsatpnu. utia ot uarbaaviiie, Tena.



COiHItllSSIOIV illERCHAIVTSUp Stairs Mosby & Hunt's New Block,

Jfo. IT 1- -2 Front Row,sXozxx.i3la.lbSo Toxmossoo.

WE win par psrtlcalar atteatlea to Slllrurr-- CV

for Groceries. Bsjitnr, Bope, tLC ,faDat the lowest market prices. rsir



Commission Merchants,FOR.


AIiABAHA PEODTJCB,JTo. 23 Front Row, .Memphis.

will ttke notMb bat SOLD AND 31LVEiorltsWSeqaivilenl for aeythtsx waaterer sold iy tblafirm.




Forwarding Merchants,No. 4 Rank Avenue,

TURKS DOORS BSLOW THK BULLRTIX OrFICS.i S. V, V WILL Sir. tbeir b st at'entl-- to 'hHz.'mr of t ion sad other prodoc Crm- -

Cni sl forworl r HelliBzd wnrb.lax 75 et per b.le.

AH Catti-- la store re tin oliorwl e lastraded.CoastSBfy ca band a so d aely of B.r:lue aod Rtpeaxai TJW?EPtU Ot WHITKUISE.



Coinniisslo.) & Forwarding-IVr. ZD JEL. C Z3C A.UT,

Corner of Mailisoa Street and Front Row,Over tbe Bankrae Hoate kf O. W. Ckerrr fa Oo ,

nieniphis, Tenn.m

T. B. KOBXCXT.. SAMPEL A. WIUOS.Mimphls. Lat of Asae, WUsen Si Oo.


Cotton FactorsinCommission Merchants,No. 3 3IatIisou Street,


Bope, aad Ptsalatfc SaMes fnralshedat the lowest Market aat-dar- la




Madison St , brt. Front Row & illain,MEMPHIS, TENN.

A LL Cotton shipped to rae, or stored by mII. slter lt arrival ID U oareted by an;sVjOpenPotlcyof iBsaraaee, aalesa etaerwlso rf,-- .' . Jstracted.

3 A good (ipplr ot Satftag aad always onbtad. i -


Cotton Fact or 85,COMMISSIO.V, RECEIT1XO



MEMPHIS, TENN.ASCPPLT of best Baxsleg aad Bvpe always In store.

snpp'les OLed at Iks lowest cash prices.aal-- d wiy

W. J. WEBB. .wm ncrris, jb.WEBB & RDTPINj

Jfliolesale Grocers,Ni. 316 Main Street.

Ecrp constantly on band a cboiceTet of

GROCERIES & PRODUCE.Alas tke flnett brsads I

Bagging anil W O

All of wblth th prepese to sell

O hi I IA.'P 'OH. 0fV19lJjC2 dawSa

E. 2t atpebsox.. c rruicri ..r w. ArrEsxoir.



COMmSSION MERCHANTS,No. 63 Front Row aad 6 Jefferson street,

Memphis, Tenn.IITK aren-- w In nc-lp- t of a targe state at Goods, coa--

V sic lax In part f KentsckT Baiim. bf it mschmoand Bpe, Bao n Lard. Br.Bdte , WhhkyandWises, wl.h a (eaeral and well selected slotkof Ofjceries to wbl axtuax dtliy.

AgaU 'or tl,, celeoai. vl pe Atr Pratt fjln, andfar several isctsrles wbJorp as la" oaBstant' sctsty ofEeatatk) jMaaacd Llateys, OtBabnrgs, Cotton Tarns,a;c 4c.

Wehara a Flre-P-n- o! Ctttan Waithscss,other 1m Parllcolar atteotlon

firta ta stortag asd seDUs C4ten In this msrket or forsahtpmrct Fersteruw s. is cnu; and stcr--

bx and shipping bc cents p. r caAe.Te keen sn open Pell insvanco. bnt win tasxre

as Cotun ta store agslast & bbIoss tnstrocted or advanced on.

AU Cotteaeonslxaed to ns by tteambeatwm be lBnr-e- dsales! speeiaed la tbe bill of tails r. Xo lnssrsnce

srlasnred eMewhera. 8. 3t. APFSRSOX &.CO.tyiS dawXm




MERCHANTS,ffo. 46 Front Row,

3S--023 tajoXxljEJ, Tonnoarsoo.

ALL COTTOX caaslgnej U na forla t. by river, wl I bo covered by oatiptn policy of Insurance ; e'jn, rift cf Plra while Id sfcore nnle.a

injtracted to the cooArary w tharo FlFTT.CBKTSper bale tStorlngaMBernas Cotton. OrderslrorlBAG--i.IX- G

and ROPE, and other aappitr-- , will bo promptlyattended to i aid sH Inaira ctwus fsitbfany obrjed.

Cornier men ts or Oottea tad other produce . respect-fsl- ly

solicits lylS-daw- -

Dlsolntion ef3. W TKRXdX JtCo.,U tbis daydls

THXartnoImntoa' coasrBt. S W. Teresa only b

lar aalbarlted U e the same of the Arm in liantdation.the bkl and so-e- s will b ootd at tba old etaad, Xo.'roat Bow, where S W Vernon, win coutlnne Us bnt IneesaodsittIailaSal:spertsmlsr,lo tke'firm ot 8.W Yeroon fcOo.jaodlheold flna ef Te on. EryinCo S. W. VERKO.

ismphis, Jans St, 1845. D O. WILLIAMS.Janeas-dswla- a


C03DUSSI05 A 5 D FORTfARDRG4er . o r n a, n- - rrM A--i it v it ja 11 a. ,

No. 6roatRwrtrvtrIeaeriam ft. Qalbrajth's,as.cuiyuii) icuii,

t J taJi-ds- w ji oast rr I


GRAHAIfl & 115 LIv,

COTTON FACTORS,commission, sssa


MEMPHIS, TENN.Biggin", Hops & Plantation Supplies on Haftd.TTTILbiteothftr best atteaVloa to OoHoa sadII u mraisskta i far s lllof Oseloa from aadlieriKBspeeeaoerxv rosnt. Tor ReeMrlsx ai rot-

wajawsa ww ou ceais per mia. aall-dao- tf

For Sale.300 nrcx.1 Best Brsats Kostaeky BaMtas by


For Sale.Q n A COILS feat Brands H afbaR-p- , by0JJ aa7-l- aRAnAHA. niiL.

For Sale.on nnn lbi- - tMessetyOUjUUU o a SAEX fc HILL.

For Sale.WTTKAT Satts by2S500 aa7-l- a 8KAHAV & HTLL.

For Sale.FB Bsiet Utsry Keatacky J(ao sad Lieseys by

sm-li- n OB An AM ft HILL

For Sale.40 BALKS X Otnabetxs by


For Sale.4,000 LB. KitraOtBT sssed Hsss by

sm-l--n SB AH A X h. HILLs. rowLarj... T. J. rOWLXEl T r. ADAMS.



Commission Merchants,Post Office Building, JelTerbon sf.

KIUPH1S, TXNNB33BH,Areata far Ibe sal of tbe fr ilora Cottes eta, made by

Cvsghma. Brown a. Co.. Ot mbos. OaAlso for the ss sf the Ocoaltee Osaaberxs, Gs., tke

heaviest aad beet ail We to be bad.

Yi?rzrtZ:- - asoran ua we are tserenxbly (rxsalzod and loQjprepared fsr tba trsmsctl of alt tasteess eeasdsdto as.

WeronUaao the storars of Co! tan and other odnea taoar Fire rroot War Haase.

Insarance effected naleis atfcerwtse lslrated. Oaropen roHcy of lssnr.nce corrrs sR Cotton ceeel ed ioas per steamboat, aaless ottrirwtse expressed btUfl otladlnc.

M of Gotten mate for sp-e- ts or etgniralsnts. yehsve a lar stock of power Find Lneea Batay, also lbt ksraouai aaciuooKope wsrraaiea AMeMetsrork,Baroalldee.Lard.&e.

oreirs fUiod with care aad dlspatck.FOWIXX5 & CO.

ar. L. STEWABT..

STEWART & KING,Cotton Factors




e5n Tt-lsi- . rT"-- .irxo-di-si '




Men ipuis, Tcnu.Bsirlsx, Rape and FlsaUtl.a SspsUeo rarslsbnl ta

order. Irix-i-m

Ijons x. Atac... .anxr-PAB- m. asbe. Re




Jr dawlsJ. n. OBOVES. .J. S. OBOVES. -- .J- T. SIMUS

JT, JR. Groves fir Co.,Cotton Factors

AXD oa

Commission Merchants.44 Union stroot. A

jonl-daw- NEW ORLEANS. tl

Memphis, July 8th, 1858.

Jones. Brown & Co.,TTTOrrLD e to their fileoda aad tke psbllc, thatr v in enierieg npoa 'en, loeir CLXTH busishj n

aRAcON Ib Memphis, lb feel tt tsce msest bdob tsim,to retnrn BafeisBed acknowlrdfmieats for Iko aa. Inparalleled patronage so kladly bestowed, aad ta praaerrenewea or taeir aaweartea 'Bdeavora te ooserve a oanttnoinee aid iBcresse ef tbe asms

Oar stock of Battlni. Rope. Twtee. 8aar. Cofiea. Molasses. Bscoa. Csadies, Sa t, T. bacco. Floar Wbuky aadnaniaiioa scomi resersDT toretber with all artiasaIn oer Ho. 1. fresh ard la e, aad as lew can - tyr..A,ta tnis market fur USB, or apea the Baaal trnus to panetal dealers.

We bay at headeasriers for CASH ALOKR. aad werecetre weekly aeaatartkns to oar stock; so thai oor pa-trons seed set fear aa iaferssr article, or eoinerwiao isso r sb.

WeooBtUcetoSteresBlSeilOttoaatoarssd arte,so cents per bale Ostloa stored aa kertrere tn oarUrge aad cosbkoubs Brkk Ware-boo- s e, .Ustreet.

Liberal Caib Advaaees made e Ooiton ta sto-- e whickalways lasared, solee. etBerwisel sirected

ic. ,JOSB6, BROWX a CO

BArOLEOX HILL. CRAS H. DOBIOS. JRShelby osanty Lata of BeHvar, Teaa.




Offlce, Ko. 18 Front Row,On Floor of Mosby &. Hani's New BaHrHtig:,

Memphis, Tonn.WILL A3 all order! carefally aad r ve

to aay beelBeM eatrasted to te s.j.29ilawm

s. r. aimrr oeo. w. tbott rxa.


HcNTJTT & TROTTER,Hare tbis day forsaed a partnership far tke pa ose oC



0F'CK :

Mosby & Hunt's liiock, Up Stairs,FRONT ROW, MBMPRW , TKKK.

TTT1LX, giro oar but sttentl to the Stortag, etlroVV and ahlppisa of OaHoo. Al , Reos trior asd

Forwardinx Oouds. Bssatar. R re aad other sbpolltsramisnea at tae lowest rates. AJ1 catloaas, lBrttred. aaress otherwise Instrrcted.

Jaly 1st. !. JylKlawIm


Office, No 17 Mosby Jr. Haet's Block,Front Row, toe

tToxxxrT 1 fa, Toraa.CT-- Csnslrameats of every kind so.lcted BAQOIXS

and ROPB, aad aH other snppbes, tarBlshed at lawettrates J.i7-f-m

B, r. atoBSAir. w. b. cttBisp.ITIORGAIV & CHRIsPy

Cotton FactorsS

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,No. 47 Fbost Row, Up Staibs,

Memphis, Tenn.ITT AH Cotton consigned to s win bs corer4 br lr- -

aaraaee, Bakssstherwlwitastracted.

J. X WXBB. .. J i aiLinss.WEBB & EAWLlNGS ot

Cotton Factors J3 ws

abd ,gr pj

Commission Merchants,One door from corner cf Main asd Union ets.,

lUp Stairs ) ME31PUI5, TZSX. .

sUratlen paid te Keceivtag aad inPARTICULAR aeMag Grain, Ba a, and aH kinds ofProdnce and Mannractnred Good. We also keep a coedutocx- - of BAGGING, R'iPH, TWINB, BACOM, MBSPORT; (sc., which we wHI faratih onr eastesers at tkemarket valne. All orders promptly attended to.

ranlS-daw- ta a

-- ". olfl. MEI, we(Late of B. Retd & Sro.)




NO. 34 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS.TTTHBRBhe wI bo pleased to wait apon aay ektpa.VY troas, meads, and the poMte rea erally. Ho wa

XI partlcalar attention to the Surtax acd Seassg ,fCott and Prodnce. AB Cotton or Prodoof eosslcaod to KJklm will be tarnred, aaless otheTwtM trur cted.

usiPsrtlcatsr attention gives to oroers tor BsrgiBS aaRose, and other supplies. Stores aad seHs Oottea forcenta per bale



COTTOff FACTORS,Grocers and Commission Merchants,Asd Arm' fsr Oriswafcl's Ceiebrated ImfroTed Ottos


WILL give tkeir best attention ta the st!e o' Oottasother prodeee. Com nisstoas for stuinr. xra.

inr d welgMnr, 75 cents per bale.All onttoa m sure tsenred an less atherv lie bvt ractedWonld l&vlte atteatti ts 'heir lance stock orBai.

tr'ar. Hrp and PlaatatloB Saaylles JyBS-t-

ProclamationTT ISHAM O, DARUs, Governor ot tbfAl BtAte of Ts essee:

To the Sheriffs of fhs se ral eeneiiee or lb.State ne Taun.... Tort .,- - . , K

ed to open and hold ac election, at all tbe places ot tnMing election, tn your resprctir. cosntits, en lntTHSDAT. tie second day of Septets er next ior the pornoee

electtrg a Snpremt iadze In the Western Grand of Ui Stale, to 311 the vacan created, br the

SJS?" n4m, acs "tarn "- -

latesUmoarw&erecMha be to setBEAI. 1 7 uou awi.cao a mo urras seal of the

U J&l, ico.the Governor: I33AH O. HAREIJ,

. J.B4 R. SAT, Sscrctsxy st States I . 'iy7-4s- wt ,

XS5S. XSS8Great Eastern Eoute,



St. Louia, Alton ana Chicagogas 3B xegmRAILROAD.

Tbe Sbertest astl most Direct RoateTo all ike Eastern Cities and Principal Ports

07 CANADA.r IHE oaly Boole by wtleh Pas sera can orecm.rtX TUkele U tk Xaet, TUSa-p- i art BrMre aad iTI-o-

xara rau.. Fasseesers tram St Losia reachlas; VaTwkBitSbonr., asd BoHrttatS beers. Tbe eW, peptv- -i.r in xcfOH re peswsen bs. wat aaa too aortaad East rawesxers, 'J 12 a.ors ride, srrtre wl;ha

SBobagBre of theooel air ef the Orest Lakes iltUss Ortl-- s ib Us est, view Misxsra Faa wHt--texiracrsv lay over sad naauo tkeir Joarney atrlr asmsteeco. Title a rood fsr 1X3 ar Bsxxsro

i ar a, w as ey say etaer Secte.Tasao aaqelek otber Recto.

Tloketa tara4hed dLreei fr a WarnaSa 1a .It 4X e..,.era IMIis. KieMlef (rati OmarSni TKfcets at St. Loay.Tk.BAvlt.s bat ss3rM ta tk least from Ibo bitBMMaad paswaxers caa retj oa maklst difeet aadpeaty oeeaectloas. Th a roate carries frsra St. Ioili,Ml AatlXIOAX AXD BKfTID STATES XITXIES,


lasermaHon rexarjiaa: tt. Hmvu, n k.any ttaw fnTH08. H ILLIAstS Si CO.. AiraU,

H ard'aRow. KemphU,rer tae St Leah, Altoa aad CascatB Railroad.)ya-a- iy

For Baltimore, Washington, iVewlora, riiiiaaeipma, OLC.

Direct Throngh Lino for the Baat!

Baltimore and OhioTkWttMM ljJjJJlS

It A I LR OA D .THIS Road fobs from heeBsx to BaHlawre, (IT

acd ta WsiMnrlrm MOOisSea.l aad -Iko faflest 1eaatates both as a fright sad rnwipiMae. It M throagk wtjd aad romantic rerloat of theAsVxb tea ; aad stag solsdey ceastraeted, eompletett

tpped aad er ftay auaae I, ts oaeof the most altrarttvo aad ealeet Railroads In the Belted SUtes. Theraj tins isaBroaa, rrom UMasuias sad XaBesTttte ts

WheettBx, bbHoo this rsd wtta aH port I s of the Wearaw aontawesi.

TBE OSLT TBBOTsa TICBXTS 7TIOM Xurittl,Looiiviixe aad St. Loois to the Xa obal Me- -

teroLit, are sold by this road, which roas tirect teWasktBrtoa wttkoat tke delay of paasiag throagk BaMt.move. It is ium tae only lln. by whlcli sexxxxe can bohecked to Waskiart rroa tba Okio rt r.

E)By tka KAii. BO TE from Memphis, take the maxsf liners, reaatag dally for I liTDe. coaaecttag thenwith atfl steamers ov JeSersoBvtne Railroad fer OtactB-aat- l.

wkere tbey arrtro so aa to connect with the cars ofLittle Miami Raflroad Ior Coiambss. coaaeotmx therewltb Cea tral Oeto Railroad, threa xk Xewark asdZases-W- e.

to bent . By the eress tram of tats ate,itee tnaa Otoclnnstl to Bltl;nor sxd to WtihlErlo-- itsjeastkaa hoars.

ClBo nre to ask fsr tickets by UialsMlaore sad Ofck.Raliread Beat..

7PaseBrs from Memphis goag Bast tarsagh atLoew, aaa bey Tkromh Ttctot, by th--! EalUmore sad OiloRsllroad. Tkl rente lays throat hTlncenmte, Terra Haate,ladlaaapolH, etc., to Wheeime, over tke new Ohio aadMississippi aad eoBBaecMsg Saais. These connection,are aH OA, aad tba Ume from St, I la to BaMtmore

Waiktagtom Is bA aboat U hoars. Throaxh Ticketsbythlsroaio maybe had sf the Area the Pun-ter's Hoase, at the fefkt rate. : From St. Loala tcBaMlmc tSS; to Washlsgtoa S.At bosssBg tbo pass grr takes the saperlov cars arthe BoSMbh aBd Ohio Raiirosd, which learo threa timetdaRy 1st Baltimore, Weshlnrtec. Philadelshla aad XswTorfc. Tareurh la 1 or 17 beers , taetadm; sleepaxes.For safety, speed, i alartty, beauty of ike coaairy, andxeaen costlwt, this rsad If sweat to Bono tn the Cmoa.

FRHrSHTS. This corspaay posaesaea the larxeatssjasiNuiat ot aay RaHroad ta tke ratted Stales, aad laprepared to da aa ran ua baseaees ts tras ortatlen.

read mate Bamedtate omaretiea at the whorres aadta streets ot BallUaore with tie Hiikoad to PbtladOU

Bhta aad Nrw Tort steamers ef Xrteasoa aad BALT itSfOBE STKAnsRtr Lisee, by Canal and Sea to XTork. sad kg new Merehaata' aad Miners' Line to Bastes,steamers to Xorfotk. Ct tries ton, SavaaBah, &c. FespartrSBIars. sx freight tariff; cepiea of which may be hadf tke Ferwardteg Hsntes in the West, or of J. B, FsBD,

ivtag aad rorwardtag Ar t at Wbeelina-- .

WM. S. WOODSIDB,Matter of Traarportaticn , Baltimore.

TR&OCGH TICZE , alio win-t- he holders to atop alsay point, aad remo their seats at pleasare, may be eparchJ at tbe Com parly's Office. No. IS, Jefferson estr-e-t, 1 doors Bast cf tke Commercial Hotel, Memphis

J eM-l-y b. B, XOTXS, Agtet.

Mississippi Central

RAILROAD.NOW op-- a to Water Tstly. T2 miles soitkof th.

with tke Menu.. . aadChart-ato-a RaUroadtke XorUurn i Drrl-io- miles tea. stagiBg from

Sresada, Miss., to Memphis, tkaa by aay other roateMall aad Paswarer trala Water Va lei at 8:15

M., am .at tke jBBCtaea 3:a9 p. sf Retnralsg,leans Jaaetloa at p. Jt.; arrives at Wal-- r VsHey at

:J8 p. m. ooBBeetmc with Sims It Go 's fine fonr horsepost oaaeJie. for CofeViBe, Greaada Carreiltea.I tng-t-

aad PickesV Stalwa oa the Soatkera Dlvteteaef tbeMt .tsrirptOeatr-t RaHroad. At Oiferd Mies , tee mailtrans coaaecti with V-,- in Jamleaoa i Co.'s stares forPoatoSec,Akerdeea,OolBmkB9,oa Moaday. WtdsesdayaadFrMay.

s sor aay potat oa the MtHtsslpft CentralRaRmad will please 'ake tke x Aeeommodatlsnosithe Memphis aad Ceirteoien Babroad ta aroid

aetkat Is tke es.y tram wo coBaect withMemahls.

Paseeaae rs rotec to MemskU ceeaect with the MaHTram oo tke Memphis aBd Caertestea Railroad asd ar-rive a. X tools at S p. a..

f"r piat. Sostk if Water TaBey, to avoidMay aad deteattoa, win please take tke ACCOMMO- -hai iu.--i T Haiti oataeMemrkts aad Chariest BaH- -

leas an Mtmfkts at 10.90 A M.B. O. WALL.

febtS'Iiw 8npernteBdent M. 0. R. R.


tfifortliern Texas,STASBS tears Games Lsadfaz (MttslsstpBi rlver,i

at t A. M , paasiag throw Ibe BeerUMcsany of Camdes te WaaklB-- s , Ark. Throats, ba Mbe s. BBLDIMO A. STOXS, Ac ts,

epg-H- ly Games' LaBdmx.

PoliceTBS SBtecTRs have tkl. day formed a

tke perpese ot oonOB-tl- a get si ry reodekeatoess sder tko stale aaat firm ef TAYLOR SiMaitWBX, to take street .n tko 1st Septtmber aext.


sn xiu street,T B. MeKWXf,

Late with Pepe Si Bros.MEAtrait, Tx r., Joly 13. tbtS. ij IS dawaw

CAlTl.rpKWDIRIXn m. Haeere Ikaaks to my friiads sad UeA ene rer sao istersl patseaa kiittaSuieextesdrd

mo, I woaM reepecMslty solssK a noari snot eg thesame so lee aeove arm.

Ib c4c U. Mdece rsr itoex ai tMiftla. br litSepeemorr, I am ttsposed to eaer tedBwunats te cash orpaaeiaM nme bay era. JOHX L. TATXOR.

Ivst-imw- Malaatr , near Wwnlum Hoaae.

TT. ATBLiTf woakt mferm hU rneBoo sad casto- -tka h - has tak-- n tke store is aste oossiued

Messra Pope 3t

No. 335 ainin Street,Oaaosl'eOsait tqaare.To kta saBwr a. avy stook at staple aad Farcy Prytests, he if maliag rexalar addftssaa la Ikewav of

Soakrlor Ksalata, TwHts sad uearglapuis. aadTwHIa.

Ss Tier Ala. rtakt asdTwPM Osaaba s.AI--ol a Itno lot ot checked aad ota-- siaaa fsr trav--

drerf s, with a very sap. Vr kit f Boap StlrU.T. T. ATBLbTT,

aS SXVMsia street, opposite Ooart Se;Bare.

Dissolution, k

THB ana ef MsrrHS a. Ward, B W Marrt-- s aadD. 0.u this day dttselvtd bv motsal csasest.

Tae sM betas wfl be settled b? D. C. Ward, aad i boeoBdiSlel t' taH firm will take BetMe taey mast pay

taatr ladektesaoss or tkey will be roil cted by law.B W. xneRISS,

ly-sHk 1868. B. C. WARD.

Jcw Firm, BTT7- - H. HORTOX 4 D. C WARD, have tkis dy --

VV socuted themsrivea teoetkeT. at tkooad st.BdofMorrlsa i Ward, aader the stylo ,f Rot tan A. Ward, for

parpese ot data a genera! Whet-sa-le aad R UltrRTG-iOD- basiceas, wken th wiB be glad to seaifcetrnamtisas rrteade aad Iko pakdc ff assar-le- g

tk i tkat tbey shskt bo peSMely waited spoa, aadjkta a Gwda aa the beat te ms.

JjeS-t- f HORTOX av WARD.

WM AND ROPE!We have on hand a large iayply otz "W A- - H D


FolGX,EE.2GGI3VGTwo of the best brands cf Hesp Sagging.

Also, a Urge .tack ot th. best

HI A C II I ft E ROPE,bush of wklck we offer vry low to tke trido. CountryMercksals and Planters ,kilting the city for 'he purpose

faMlsc l tkeir er.ppy, wonM do wen to call oa as, attklBk we can make It Io tkeir talemrttodo so.


LINKHATJER & BRO.most rupee tin ly Inrlte the aUWOCLD or tkeir eutimers sa--t tke pabHc,

xeaeral to tbeir rtock ef Kortkers mtdeGealtsmea's, Misses', Bays' aad OhtJ-dre-a'.

ROOTS AKD SHOES.Selected with great care, br oarsehre a la Xew Tork, aadmade of the Bft Materials-aa- Wefkma&ship, tn coa.

HoBwtih.nrMaBBfsctand Work. sB ot which wowai sell cheap for eesh From oor fearteea years' ex-

perience tn tMettBeof basieess In Memphis, wt bettrreknew ih. wsnisof lb. commaaKy

AB rips n work boeght ef cs repaired WHhoat extrachar . Pleas-- glee as a call at onr Xew Stsnd, Xa. XJS,

.111. r,-- , NOV, GQSRl Aoairre SBU ii OS .ast-l- a LrXKTJA CR Si BRO.


IXotary Vubllc.--10MUI3.IOKKR. of Dee-Is- . Comml.akjn.rTif chart..

aaira. OalfdStas CemmlssleBer.Meraabu. T n.n opea rr j o a. at. i r. st. Atteatkrn gi a taae ot ueeasasa otber toaismrn's of

wrtttrK, la sad oat, ot toco i te thepeevatrir sf Deedsat an of key Bssuament s ot writing; te the Ukioi ofijotiuo o. aseii us toe several stales ss-- Tcrrl-lort- ra

; Io Pmtesaar Xotra aad Draft. 1 ha Aon .m tmmedlste connection, aad person ran enter bystlo .loot wHh.Bt tha ifiterrclUa ot tka frost

OSCB.Acooaats aad notes for coriectlea or soil left at tbi.

ease will tr, ptteed ta tha hands et reliable oacers.iria--

VWIIO IS YO3lBoot-Make- r ?


all orders at Xew T.rk prices. Workwarranted.

Prmca Calf Loag Boots, sewed to order, $1 00French OaU Long Boots, pegged, ( 00Lome Boots, (footed) sewed. 6 09Long Boots, (footed) peg ged 09Lac. Shoes, a MLong Boots, (salf-Mle- d aad heeled) I 00Lee rBoCs (half-ooie- rt) perged, "SS

11S niatnst.TbetwBpoplsraat Exeka i st.deeia-i-r

OKA SXGROBS from iJ loSS peer, old, for.,.111 .urtiwa.eli.iiir tha aixaeai prnWsre!e Ml seKoa.Oj aio r iucieror wnr asxi ---any In th state. FORREST at jokxs;

;yxa-la- XsL ST Adas It.

fciisprtatioite.iufiy 10th, 185.




90He-aph- is, Tenn.,


Tuscninbia, Ala,,By SHe- - heel aad Sere to

CHARLESTON A5D SATASSAHlTltc felletTlBsr Ratesae Wtal cm! ear. ts.asa.lsG,TK freiaAta, Bray,aad Wkasaxo at cbaiUaUa aad SaeaBalfe. andKaBa4karxe from Hew Teak

oaC KrSatl ,First CU'l. per M lbs... .(t'tk? asSecoa-- ' Cuts, ' - ........ I U I soThlrdGtaes, " .. 1 7 I aBoxes, Bast, " ........ 3 S3 ISOSpecial Rates, " " ........ X 75 t M

Clastiflcatlon ea tbe above Rentes tS3T 0US3 Dry Oools la boxes aad bales I FtsBoFocus, Books, aad SUUoce , Boots. Saota, aars.Oils, k--s , ta bofje. j Caaipkoae aad Spbrtts Tarp-BSta- e.

Ubsntit Carpetlrs;, Cbtaa ass sad wlsssvarel eases ; Ctecks, Oor fre-i- rtes, Gettss Sasaas Csjsjsry,laeaMs. cask- -, aadaaasa. Dr ftwm. vma&d SbroMerr. r. Sr d,. LuyM ru.UNSB4 Loot las SUas tat miri rim I t.ui toa"aJ ars; Saddle iia aad Britaaata Ware, Teaa.

ssniKB nriu b... , . , .. .

lTXLJrtsu ocaery sHitoB wa-- e, tm eratea aad casks t BdosISsmsi Fisstr.ftleitS,. ssdOf.loi'uti --aw, Moteis, Spsoee, Std-t- sa.Ztae and Tie. la pm, Tim pto-e- ABTtse. Tim, utixstCkama aad Bees, Kaal ta ad CM tea Ooadaie. floato.Heavy cast Ms. Jf HI Searfar. GarrUte 8vt Sere tMAxles, Railmao Wkteia a&a lib. nfe.t--. b ...Rosm la ba rer. '

SPBClALRATIS-Far- Bl ara aast CsrHsges, koxed.and otker lUkt arlstlea n..t eBtmerated ilregirtari orA? T. Oaemwats. wtM be elmrged ky sesaatwrlbt,atdokMFtritC.aaaiu

CJ"An stata .oa Mempfcis aad Ckarwsts road ke.twtta Turn abla aad Memphis. sed same as toMesepkl. i an sutAe oast f TaasamHa, same sa taTbs a Ma.

KJ" Sktpm eals via. gsvaaab. akoakl k coaatssed taAgeet Orotral RaUroad. Se,aaah, GkiUi.Cf- -: b meM. rto oeirt sos, .b M be ce lted.Aceat Somh Caretaa Ratinad, ekatorstoa, 8. 8.Ageaa tl Xew Tork HEXKT TIHfer,

Agent, ChsrtestoB Leso, las Braadwar.j. a. s. nmix,Agent SavaoBak Lib, i Braadwsy.Who will oheerfaBy reader Mrrakaat. every asetatasca.aad fcrolsh all mcesssrv ski oar itrma.tsan r.,.Bat's As.

CT" Roods wEl sot be rleie for damage, a-a

"A-n- ..tuut wdeltTeitog Reads.

Tl BBieretxned win trace oa v niiMu riuK,r Is'', " tf Brt foB-- d la thKty days srter aoHee,win say far them.CT It i deairsbro ta all eases f d.l.w nii u..iBl be Kteea te tbe Sa rruUBdeat of tke dels rtns;

road. or the BBdersKBed, m order that iko eaaso ot de-tenu may be Brre ngaf aad rendteduuAiujso w. ASDMRSOX. Seal Ageat,

K V r - Addres., XaskvBle, isna.A.s.nebe eeor

Fare Reduced.Cabin Passage to Ne Tork - $29Steerage 6Na 'TORK AXD CMABLwTOX Stao

Wkeel tl 3. Mail Steaaaokopt tkfoaihForty-Eic- ht Honrs.

BTBAMSfllPSCOLUMBIA ISfW tjS.. ....If Be, . IXASHVILLE. MOauaa.. , v. llura. BO.

MARIOX. reeo teas ....w 1. FsaS . .Lsave Ad i's Wharfs eve WBavmaat-- a.,-- .

DRDAT at Higt. Water.These SteaBukip, were stl bK exp Mtr far rkas Bme.

sad for sslety. speed acd cot, fuit. era isimsu Iooast. Tsbt s soMlod wttk e aaxo ur.u ..a

arteoaa GemBtsaden, wB r sare Ira ier. by as bbwry peasikie oomfert , havisx; oatgaat Mate-Me- aeeots -iawtt.a,Ma.. m or I ens .r lln 12,. SOBIT te

HEXTtT MlrJSROOX a; OS..X,,t Br a ie"' Sowtt WTsarr.Jylt-t- r


TnauLiiU trots,o. j MitsiMippi tjXowin L ive hoar, aad a half. By-

way of the Soothe rn and tie New Orl aas, Taekioa aadGreat Xertke Railroads. ThecVspest aad moot ex-peditions roate from Ttckskarc te Xew Orteaa

From aad after Bxrasu PasseboebTbauVwih raiiB the SoatberB RaBroao. tskssk save

Tscksbsrx dairy at C a m. Cuta cti al Tstkosawith tk" 'rain from Castes for Xew OrleasM at Stta a.M. Passeacers by Ibis train at arrtveBtXtsr DefeatsalS:X9 p. si.

RstarBlBg, wflt leave JackMB, Bsancttsg weSk thetrim from Xew Orteaa. for Caaata at SrSf p 2f , aadwill arrive at Ttekebarg at T S3 r. n

Tke trip- by tkm tsaca W aad r a Xew frrtrans taTlekskarg. win be audo Ike irulrr para of the year aadartlsae.

Tkroaak ticket, sold at tke ofjest ta Ttskaka aadXew Otleaae.

RATBS OP PARK.From Vkkscsrg to Xw OtieeaM A3 OS

t klMrea three year, old aaat aad , free a r taw-y- ears

aad np to twehre years rf aao, kaM Bra; set oetwelve . fall a o.

The regular paswager trsta wttt coa Ma to saa aao,ai. m dm icaioarr aa! e .t s AO . vat B tea's B t wUk the Baymomt saaferRsymoad aadOwpee's WeH, atgtH p. m. rewvaoeHows wee aaa amvrag at aeksoa aasl aaBBeeaBBgwith iko trala from Xew Otm.m tor Ousts a at IN ; lea-l- ag Jacks at &S r X ,wma ive aiMtatoaBeset at S f. n , eaaeaetasg wtek tke esBy aBaf stagesfor MsasgoBW . Ala.

Beta mc. will ka Meet Seao at f:Sa a- -Jaekaoa aad eoaaecttag with She Seaoates

Caat for Xew OrlsatM at StM a M., ossav atavg wtitae Ka id csr-- st fJelteerS Bret at S 56 a. m., aadarrt atTtekekaeg atltM a K.

C. WILLIAMS,Genera 3ap.ilBteuU.Bt SoBtaera RaBsJkd.'


Shortest, Cheapest,ASD




RAILROAD.THK recent complete .4 the last Teaa a aast Tl

Railroad forms oae rea; net lalisiatoai aaMOXand coatlBBoa railway roate .'rom XearBkM !



AND INTERMEDIATE CITJKS.300 Biles E&srter Uaa asr other Be4a.

rr-- Thrmtk fo H oMeBelefl Crer fa raw at oasTalaWeen&r Uoaseovasa. atsaaia sad aodsl a.

Tae aweantag s aad sa: erloi uy of tats aJiaeherroate. bar beea appro lated by Ib


Great Soathern Ciitetl States DlaU.Xatirly. ihruagk sa terrilu . X sinoyince or

rilk sBbeiag aecosrpaaied by serr aat.suneay Boat Iroas the BoatsweK to ta.

yrXA-tG-XICX- SJL-jtjnNre-

aod te ll Ik cefckrated met.stfal waters of TeaBesseaad treersia, is kv sa HemsaVs aadgarwstsaiBaBMoad,

tUytfokf tfcrgk a aM bealtkr osaaalT aadmijeatic hm lain rae, asawrpasaed ta tae woatd.

T6 ireatk letru, it reroce is tea, aoM vNEW YORK,








aM the VIRGINIA fiINs3S.'

Ticket fBcshsve beea mi1u.i. ,X.lcb.j. YlcXseVir. MBiu n.. y"Z YVXB,ltion. ' " mssa- -

Bayjoje cAetAfcf (ArffoeAaorfTUai RI?RKa M AI lTtHAIX lAvSTSfir3aV'ats r al., stersjesg at ait stattjas.THR A000MM0DATIOK TSAIX w leapk DAILT (escept SaBdaTel at low . I!!nn

errSo aed Grand Jmyrfe. eiatroa.GRBAT SOCTBBRK MAIL SAIN TaJ!2i!oeatral Baiiread to B.Dlj OaaL - --

Caste-, Jsctsoa asd Xew o'eane. Tkroaak kTS-Orfra-na

la J9 hears Case s ttu at Oreadwith t'llBj t MRU, JarksoB, s.At a daily Ho, of reer-ks-

tkrengh Abeneea, Colamaa, eSc . u tk rsartkmrsZ.minus ot the Mobile ami Ohio RaUroad

TSroujk Hekett joocfunfri vsetf-Ar- Mti thestopping at any pctat ofefe-o- Sew .1 ,57 aSZZ,COTmreit: aadWoram Iref, aad ,. y,npal,

Bsca paseesgeT wm be lowed oae handred poaadaefbaggsgo; aaarlrele win a earrbd .. tBetdeBt to the person ot he sasseag . iTeas a1 op y woi Does taemseive s far sasmeaat Bet exceeding $100

Xegrees. wken traveling atoee, mset kavo a Beaasat.BamoBg tk poiat to wale tk Bts c. tiri jsxwlsmithat tbey sre to trare! by ral tkey wSaotbecarried. X ticket, a HI be said them. aorwM taey berecetved oa the cars sales ibrtr owner er exeat be or known to then cket Ae t, Crnsaeter, , itta. " t w we t 01 perasn.

B S V Samffiiii.itnla.ilMil r-- . , . .--r." " n nr., j .

Irrn 15



OK and after WEDXxaBAT. Fsbnia , MSI, Ikon this read will rsa a feOew. IBAs

excepted:)The Mall asd Paseen r wffi lea Paaota daBy at

7a. a., aad arrlv at Mescphh. at 10 a. v.RetnnHax, leave. Memakss ai x p. x., asd arrives at

Panola at r ts.Th Freigkt aad AccommodaUoa Tram leaves Xempllis

telly at 5:30 a .. sad arete at Panola at 11 a. ar.Ber nBur, leaves Panola at IX a. sr., asd arrivet at.

Mempll- - at S P IfPersona trsvellBg ea the Mall Train eaa snend 9r

hoar. Ib Memphis and rrtarn on m game day.Pass rer Train makes direct eaaseetiea at Memphis1th tke Memphis aad Ohsrlestea RaHroad rater za

and tha Memphis and Ohio Railroad gatagXerta.Tbe Freight and AccomBMrUtlen mas tn ooeetleawtthStagea to and from the foUowtng plasos : Oaklaad.

Preston and Grenada, there makinr coaaocta westiStags threng h Carrotl bra and Lexlnrt ; tkeaeo to kkDortbern termini ot the MLs!ssJpa! Central Xaaread farCanton. Jackson and Xew Orleans.

Throngh Tleists for Grenada cart be obtained at taeXemphla Depot.

This ts mack tb shortest roots, and passengers leav-t-Mcmohlsby thmo mc trala arrrreatOr art. tL.

sam eve ning, havtxg daylight tko whole waysJt. W. HI- U,

lall-t- f General SvperteieBderit,

xxaar-txsi- s b. u.aaca, loriaiobyiOU - sacs n. r. JASjrswBUTH on

