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Pilska Międzynarodowa Konferencja Filologiczna


Piła, 23-24 października 2018

The Piła International Philological Conference


Piła, 23-24 October 2018

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Komitet naukowy

Scientific Committee

Prof. UKW dr hab. Anna Bączkowska, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Prof nadzw. dr hab. Wojciech Maliszewski, Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Prof. dr. Senad Bećirović, International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. dr. Alcina Sousa, University of Madeira, Portugal

Prof. dr. Jozsef Szakos, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Prof. dr. Marjana Vaneva, University American College Skopje, Macedonia

Prof. dr. Anamaria Kurtz de Souza Welp, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Komitet organizacyjny

Organising committee

dr Marlena Iwona Bielak – chair ([email protected])

dr Marcin Krawczak

dr Maciej Laskowski

dr Zofia Moros-Pałys

dr Tomasz Róg

dr Aleksandra Wróbel

dr Michał Bania

mgr Zofia Jeżewska-Bania

mgr Marta Ksiażek-Róg

mgr inż. Jerzy Sadowski

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Wykłady plenarne Plenary lectures

prof. dr Jozsef Szakos

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Just retired), China

Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan

Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Babel to Pentecost (and return): Medium of Instruction policies and their intercultural implications in South-East Asian universities

Just as the EU countries make efforts to put into practice all noble principles of respecting individual languages and develop common language interfaces for all, similar phenomena take place in Asia, where additional factors of societies in postcolonial situations paint a different picture. In the higher education field, most influenced by striving for excellence, fame and ranking, the competition for international recognition may conflict with localizing tendencies. The powerful symbol of Babel lends itself easily to describe what drives universities in the skyscraper forests of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, etc. There have been individual studies of these areas conducted recently, and on the bases of these systematic surveys, I intend to compare the linguistic interface problems in higher education of these areas to help us understand the solutions South-East Asia pursues, so that we apply these lessons into the language planning, language use in our education and internationalization.

Pentecost did not make the differences and individualities disappear, but there, an example of understanding was shining up, exemplifying that a meaningful communication is still possible, challenged and enriched by the long periods of language clashes. In a similar way, I try to give examples of the use of English and Putonghua tasked to serve as potential future lingua franca, and how they are loaded with their colonial and imperial past, in educational systems which are again governed by the ideas of enlightenment in countries which only borrowed it.

My own experience in Taiwanese and Hong Kong universities is that of seeing a pendulum swinging between putting local first or emphasizing the common, the universal interface. Even if English or Putonghua is seen as universal, but they are still very much localized with the colonial history. English has contributed to the educational success in Asia but the local cultural values are still inseparable from the local languages. By seeing, how these policies worked out for China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan well, we might learn from the success stories and avoid some of the failures.

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prof. dr Senad Bećirović

International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The role of higher education in the promotion of intercultural competencies among Bosnian students

Enhancing intercultural effectiveness through the development of intercultural skills and competencies contributes substantially to establishing a more peaceful and tolerant society, which explains a considerable research interest it arouses. The present study aimed at investigating the way in which the higher education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina affects intercultural competencies of Bosnian students. The research sample was composed of 184 students studying at the Department of English Language and Literature and the Department of Psychology at three different universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The empirical data showed that intercultural competencies were affected by the study field, GPA, nationality and gender, whereas the grade level and university status did not exert influence on the intercultural competencies of our participants. These findings might motivate policy makers, curricula designers, textbooks authors and instructors to bring content contributing to the development of the intercultural competencies of university level students into sharper focus. Since Bosnia and Herzegovina is recognized as a largely diverse country with different ethical and religious groups, such studies can contribute to the establishment of democratic and peaceful society in which all citizens, regardless of their differences, feel safe and respected.

prof. dr Anamaria Welp, Álvaro Rutkoski Didio

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Language teacher education in the context of internationalization of universities in Brazil: the Languages without Borders model

In the last few years, the Brazilian Federal Government has invested in actions to boost the internationalization of its free-tuition universities. In 2012 the Languages without Borders Program (LwB) was created with the aim to internationalize academic communities throughout Brazil by providing, and in some cases expanding, opportunities for access to knowledge produced in additional languages. In this perspective, the program caters Brazilian university communities, which, in turn, are compelled by the challenges that arise rapidly as international dimensions not only impact education but also become a force of change (KNIGHT, 2008). To meet such demands, the actions of the LwB include the provision of distance learning and classroom courses, as well as language proficiency testing. One of the major benefits the program brought in its tail was the investment in language teacher education, given that the LwB works as a residence in which pre-service teachers have the opportunity to articulate pedagogical practice and theories studied in their undergraduate and graduate programs. The LwB is a vast setting to Applied Linguistics since it offers numerous possibilities for research on the uses of language. In this context, the objectives of this paper are 1) to introduce the structure and the operation of the LwB as locus of research; and b) to report on an investigation conducted in the LwB Language Center at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which consisted of analyzing the narratives produced by three English pre-service teachers who provided accounts of what most contributed to their professional development within the program. The narratives point to the importance of programs such as LwB, which put pre-service teachers in the classroom during their undergraduate years so that their professional development be based on concrete case discussions that aim at articulating theory and practice.

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dr hab. prof. nadzw. Wojciech Maliszewski

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Komunikacja społeczna w szkole. Perspektywa postrzegania szkoły jako organizacji

Nieporozumienie zakłócające komunikowanie pedagogiczne jest tolerowane jedynie tak długo, jak długo SZKOŁA (podkr. autora) jest zdolna eliminować tych, którzy nie spełniają jej UKRYTYCH wymogów i jak długo udaje się jej uzyskać u innych wsparcie niezbędne do jej funkcjonowania (Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Passeron, Reprodukcja, Warszawa 2006, s. 187). Nazwa „szkoła” ma liczne swoje desygnaty i symbolizuje wielość zakresów. Szkoła jako budynek, szkoła jako miejsce pracy, instytucja, organizacja a nade wszystko z perspektywy edukacyjnej, szkoła współcześnie jest postrzegana, jako instytucja powołana w celu planowego oraz systematycznego kształcenia i wychowania ludzi w różnym wieku, zgodnie z przyjętymi (jednak nie zawsze akceptowanymi społecznie) planami i programami nauczania. Czymże będzie realizacja owych zadań edukacyjnych bez efektywnego i skutecznego komunikowania się? U podstaw doskonalenia umiejętności komunikowania się wszystkich osób związanych z edukacją szkolną jest uświadomienie sobie tego, że współczesna polska szkoła (w większości publiczna) nijak ma się do tego, co można nazwać wynikami badań odnoszącymi się do dyscypliny naukowej zwanej komunikologią lub nauką o komunikowaniu społecznym. Budowa molochów szkolnych, antykomunikacyjne organizowanie przestrzeni edukacyjnej, kształcenie nauczycieli bez podstawowych umiejętności komunikowania się, a posiadających tylko kwalifikacje a nie kompetencje, zarządzanie szkołą i edukacją bez porozumiewania się podmiotów tejże przestrzeni, to tylko nieliczne cechy polskiej „złej” szkoły. Te właśnie zagadnienia staną się przedmiotem rozważań w moim wystąpieniu.

dr hab. prof. nadzw. Anna Bączkowska

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

The perception of the capital of Kazakhstan in Central Asia: a corpus-assisted analysis of media discourse

Kazakhstan is a country located on the border of Europe and Asia (with the border leaning on the river Ural). It fosters the traditional Asian values and at the same time tries to keep close ties with Europe and aspires to follow the European standards. The country is landlocked, with a vast steppe running across the country, which causes huge amplitudes of temperatures, oscillating between minus forty in winter to plus forty in summer. Recently, the capital of Kazakhstan has celebrated its 20th anniversary. On the 6th of July Astana celebrated its foundation, which resulted from moving the capital from Almaty and building a new city on the foundations of a small town known previously as Tseliningrad and Aqmola. The building of the new, ultra modern capital of an oil-rich country has evoked a great deal of interest in the foreign press.

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether and how the capital of Kazakhstan is perceived by the foreign press, in particular by other countries of Central Asia, i.e. Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. The language of the media, including the online press reporting articles, represents a form of institutional discourse. The paper studies some discourse-related aspects typical of communication via the new media. The methodology used in the study is anchored in Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies and the Framing Theory used in media studies. The data are based on a monitor corpus of online news reporting websites. Specifically, the material has been gleaned from the JSI Timestamped corpus, which is a large newsfeed web-crawled corpus. Only texts published between 2014 and the end of 2018 have been under investigation, which makes a corpus of ca. 6 mln tokens. The statistical analysis of the data, the examination of collocations, keyness and some grammatical constructions

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has allowed us to notice that there are three main frames used in the news reporting press: Astana seen as the capital of a country with close allies with Europe, Astana seen as the capital of a country that is a part of Asia, and Astana seen as the key player and the hub of political, cultural and business events in Central Asia. The other findings show that the press published in Kirkistan is much more Europe-oriented than articles published by the other countries in Central Asia.

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Wystąpienia Presentations

dr Andrey Agratin

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

Institutional communication in Chekhov’s prose: challenges and threats

Researchers (A. Stepanov, A. Jędrzejkiewicz) have repeatedly stressed that communication is one of the main problems of Chekhov's prose. In particular, the writer focuses on so-called institutional communication. Characters in his stories are in the captivity of regulating discourse, so they get into funny or, conversely, tragic situations. Chekhov's works portray a number of institutions, such as the court (“Sleepy Daze”, “The Intruder”), the university (“A Boring Story”), the chancery (“The Liberal”), the hospital (“The Nuisance”). Representatives of socially significant organizations are required to comply with strict standards of interaction with other people. The central element of Chekhov’s narrative is the contradiction between these norms and conventions, on the one hand, and the person, his real motives and desires, on the other. Often, the laws of institutional communication go far beyond the institutions themselves and are so firmly entrenched in the mind of the individual that they become a threat to his personal life, dignity, independence, self-awareness (“The Death of an Official”, “The Man in the Case”).

dr Viktoriya Atamanchuk

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

The problem of interaction between Ukrainians and Canadians in a play "The pathways" by Dmytro Gunkevych

Dmytro Gunkevych’s play “The Pathways” is determined by the melodramatic basis, which is formed through the love conflicts of four heroes. With the development of action there is a movement from opposite to similarity. In the process of interaction, heroes with high moral needs are freed from misconduct and self-deception and become aware of real facts. At first, they idealize their morally invincible partners, who are endowed with their own projections. After a climax, when they learn about the essence of their partners, there are changes. The playwright emphasizes the ideological similarity of representatives of different nationalities (Ukrainians and the British in Canada), and irreconcilable personal differences between representatives of one nationality. Dmytro Gunkevych depicts complicated relationships of four persons: Osyp, Katrya, who are immigrants from Ukraine in Canada, Vikta and Yakiv, who are the British.

The melodrama presents a triple complication of love conflicts. As a result of the vicissitudes, two couples break up. Then on the basis of internal harmonic correspondences, but due to overcoming external obstacles, a couple of Vikta and Osyp is formed. In the end, a disharmonious couple of Yakov with Katrya is formed. They tried to deceive and use each other, such attitude become the cause of Katrya’s suffering, but under the influence of external factors the relationship in this couple was balanced.

dr Marlena Iwona Bielak

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Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Institutional space, the translator and ethics The paper characterises the working environment of the translator as institutional space that influences the way the translator performs a given commission. Under the influence of the social and cultural factors characteristic of a given environment, the translator’s decisions regarding the mode of translating may diverge (sometimes even considerably). The above fact seems to contradict the basic assumption included in codes for translators that postulate that each translation should be faithful and render precisely what is provided in the original, which definitely limits the choice a translator can make or even excludes the possibility of presenting a wide variety of translating solutions. The paper, therefore, makes an attempt to elaborate on the notion of ethics in translation and their status in the translation ego of each translator.

dr Celina Czech-Włodarczyk

Adama Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland

Polityka językowa w komunikacji pomiędzy instytucjami Unii Europejskiej a państwami członkowskimi

Wystąpienie to ma na celu zaprezentowanie założeń polityki językowej Unii Europejskiej, którą można ulokować pomiędzy dwoma przeciwstawnymi hasłami: z jednej strony wspieranie różnorodności językowej, a z drugiej dominacja języka angielskiego w warstwie politycznej, kulturowej i edukacyjnej. Powstało wiele dokumentów prawnych UE, które podkreślają konieczność wspierania istnienia i użycia języków narodowych, mniejszościowych, a zwłaszcza regionalnych, a z drugiej praktyka życia społecznego pokazuje, że współcześnie dominującym, wręcz jedynym językiem, w kontaktach międzyludzkich i instytucjonalnych jest język angielski. Dobrym przykładem na prezentację wcześniej wspomnianej dychotomii jest sposób w jaki instytucje Unii Europejskiej prowadzą komunikację z państwami członkowskimi.

dr Amna Brdarević Čeljo

International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

EFL learners’ use of different variations of real conditional clauses

With an intricate tense-aspect system along with various modal verbs producing a bewildering array of over 300 possible tense-aspect combinations, conditional clauses are deemed a rather problematic area in the English grammar in particular to EFL learners. Due to such syntactic as well as semantic complexity, conditional clauses are commonly reduced to three basic patterns in EFL textbooks and basic reference grammars, namely conditional clauses type 1 (C1), conditional clauses type 2 (C2) and conditional clauses type 3 (C3), which only represent subsets of real conditional clauses (i.e. C1), present/future hypothetical/counterfactual conditional clauses (i.e. C2) and past counterfactual conditional clauses (i.e. C3). Thus, learners’ focus is directed only towards the three basic patterns and conditional clauses with tense combinations different from the ones specified in textbooks are commonly neglected and not explicitly taught. This is rather problematic for real conditional clauses, as the number of possible tenses to be used for present and future real conditional clauses is rather large. Thus, the present study aims to conduct an in-depth corpus analysis to estimate the approximate number of possible tense combinations used in real conditional clauses and to measure how much conditional clauses type 1 (C1) are represented in the overall number of conditional clauses. To strengthen the findings, the current study also aims to measure the English language department students’ ability to recognize and use real conditional clauses with tense combinations different from those represented in the textbooks commonly used in the Bosnian EFL context. The findings are expected to point to some flaws in teaching conditionals in EFL classrooms and their representation in textbooks used in the

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EFL context, as well as to the discrepancy between the actual language use and the language taught in the EFL classroom.

dr Vildana Dubravac

International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The corpus analysis of the Present Perfect Tense in English The current paper focuses on the topic of the Present Perfect Tense, which appears to be one of the most frequently discussed English tenses, but still without a uniform analysis achieved. Moreover, it is deemed a quite challenging grammatical feature to acquire for numerous English language learners, in particular those in whose mother tongue no equivalent notion exists. This study investigates the use of the Present Perfect Tense in COCA, the Corpus of Contemporary American English, and compares it to the way this tense is presented in pedagogical grammar books. Moreover, a special focus is given to the common assumption that the Present Perfect Tense is more regularly used in British than in the American variety of English, instead of which in certain contexts other structures are given primacy. The findings are expected to contribute to the overall understanding of the tense, and to enlighten its actual use as compared to the way it tends to be represented to students.

dr Iwona Grodź

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Komunikacja w przestrzeniach instytucjonalnych na przykładzie ostatniego filmu Andrzej Wajdy Powidoki (2016).

Tematem wystąpienia będzie analiza i interpretacja przebiegu komunikacji werbalnej i wizualnej w przestrzeniach instytucjonalnych (np. uczelnia wyższa, muzeum, urzędy administracji publicznej itp.), przedstawionej przez Andrzeja Wajdę w jego ostatnim filmie o malarzu W. Strzemińskim Powidoki (2016). Celem referatu będzie zamysł nad istotą komunikacji w tym filmie w aspekcie: politycznym, społecznym i artystycznym, w kontekście możliwości i wyzwań. Zastosowaną metodologią będę badania porównawcze i semiotyczne nad przestrzenią w dziele sztuki ruchomych obrazów.

mgr Adam Jankiewicz

Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Wizerunek komunikatorów politycznych w przestrzeni publicznej Medialny wizerunek komunikatora politycznego ma kluczowe znaczenie dla odniesienia przez niego wyborczego sukcesu. Obecnie w czasach mediów masowych i przestrzeni internetowej w postaci portali informacyjnych oraz mediów społecznościowych, tworzenie pozytywnego wizerunku wymaga wielu zabiegów, gdyż popełnienie błędu może pociągnąć za sobą notowania w dół. Sukces komunikatora politycznego zależy od pozytywnego odbioru przez jego odbiorców tworzonego wizerunku. Na wizerunek komunikatora politycznego składa się szereg elementów werbalnych jak i niewerbalnych, sposób w jaki jest on przedstawiany przez przychylne oraz nieprzychylne dla niego media, a także czas ‘antenowy’, czy też częstotliwość pojawiania się w mediach. Komunikator polityczny musi tworzyć wizerunek odpowiadający jego adresatom w celu osiągnięcia politycznego sukcesu. Aby to osiągnąć komunikatorzy polityczni korzystają z szeregu fachowców od wizerunku politycznego takich jak: psychologowie, socjologowie, specjaliści od PR, a także tak zwanych ‘spin doktorów’. Nierzadko dla czołowych światowych polityków zatrudnia

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się całe sztaby ludzi odpowiedzialnych za tworzenie jak i utrzymanie pozytywnego wizerunku w przestrzeni publicznej. Tworzenie wizerunku komunikatora politycznego jest więc złożoną sprawą wymagającą wnikliwej analizy w celu jej opisu.

dr Jerzy Kaus

School of Management and Banking in Poznań, Poland

Dlaczego doświadczamy niepowodzenia w nauce nierodzimego języka specjalistycznego?

We współczesnym świecie znajomość języka nierodzimego ułatwia komunikację w podróży, w życiu towarzyskim oraz podczas rozmowy przez telefon. Umiejętność posługiwania się językiem specjalistycznym jest bardzo doceniana przez pracodawców. Dlatego wiele osób w różnym wieku podejmuje naukę na kursach językowych. Niestety bardzo często wysiłek słuchaczy kończy się porażką. Celem prezentacji jest odpowiedź na pytania: czym jest niepowodzenie w przyswajaniu języka nierodzimego? Jakie są źródła niepowodzenia w nauce języka oraz jak je pokonać?

dr Monika Kaźmierczak

University of Łódź, Poland

(Samo)ocena mowy ucznia dorosłego w przestrzeni uniwersytetu W referacie zostanie zwrócona uwaga na znaczenie samooceny zachowań i działań językowo-komunikacyjnych studenta w okresie uczenia się zawodu, z odniesieniem do specyfiki oceniania systemowego w przestrzeni edukacyjnej. Przedstawiony zostanie autorski kwestionariusz do samooceny mowy, wykorzystywany w pracy z uczniami dorosłymi, przygotowującymi się do tzw. zawodów pomocowych (nauczyciela, terapeuty), w których podstawowym narzędziem pracy jest mowa.

dr Marcin Krawczak

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Prestige versus influence in institutions: a brief comparison of the Church and the university

The article concentrates on the institutions of the Church of Roman Catholic denomination and the university. It undertakes a brief elucidation on the core institutional motivation for their existence, organizational structures and selected aspects of their functioning in the public space. The aim of the article is to compare the institutions in question in terms of their prestige in the public space and the influence they exert on the public space. Subsequently, the analysis demonstrates the correlations between the two notions and most importantly the fashion in which these two are recognised by its inner- and outer-communicators.

mgr Marta Książek-Róg

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Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Problematyka formy i znaczenia w nauce gramatyki języka obcego

Glottodydaktyka dysponuje znaczącą liczbą badań empirycznych i teoretycznych opracowań dotyczących miejsca, roli i sposobów nauczania gramatyki języków nierodzimych. Wyniki tych badań pozwoliły na lepszy wgląd w mechanizmy związane z przyswajaniem gramatyki przez uczniów, ale ujawniły również złożoność i trudności związane z nauczaniem i uczeniem się gramatyki w warunkach klasy językowej i poza nią. Nauczanie gramatyki, którą rozumiemy w tradycyjny sposób, jako zbiór reguł, których należy się nauczyć i praktycznie zastosować w sytuacjach komunikacyjnych jest trudnością większości nauczycieli języków obcych.

Anna Kulak, Agnieszka Siodłowska, Bartosz Skobel

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Glosariusz jako narzędzie identyfikacji tożsamości tłumacza w kontekście ITW

Glosariusz jako narzędzie często używane przez tłumacza pozwala na zidentyfikowanie oraz dogłębną analizę tożsamości tłumacza przyjmowanej w procesie przekładu. Tożsamość tłumacza jest częstym obiektem badań, lecz jest ciężka w równomiernej analizie. Dzięki przygotowaniu glosariusza, który na celu będzie miał uporządkowanie fraz oraz haseł ze względu na poszczególne tożsamości według Imperialnego Tetragonu Wcielenia będziemy w stanie zweryfikować, która tożsamość tłumacza najczęściej występuje u poszczególnych tłumaczy. Wspomniany glosariusz będzie także świetnym uzupełnieniem zawsze rosnącego zaplecza tłumacza oraz będzie miał na celu zaznajomienie tłumaczy z pojęciem Imperialnego Tetragonu Wcielenia.

dr Maciej Laskowski

An outline of Poles’ travels to Renaissance England from the literary perspective

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

The cardinal goal of the following work is a contribution to the Anglo-Polish cultural links. More concretely, the paper constitutes a chronological sketch of Polish authors of literature in its broad sense who travelled to England during its Renaissance, at which time culturally Poland influenced England more than the other way round. Within this scope there is also room for less known and less conspicuous Polish journeyers, whose literary oeuvre is or seems to be merely episodic, anecdotal, or obscure, and thus hidden from the eyes of the reading public. Furthermore, the work concentrates on the travellers’ opinions and impressions on issues connected with England and its nationals. In addition, particular parts of the timeframe do not get equal attention, due to the fact that at times such foreign visits were sporadic (specially at the beginning of the period in question) and at times on a more noticeable scale.

mgr Piotr Jerzy Malinowski

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University of Białystok, Poland

Zastosowanie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych na lekcjach języka angielskiego po reformie

Celem wystąpienia jest przedstawienie analizy integracji informatyki i technologii informatycznych (TIK) z aktualnymi podręcznikami do nauczania języka angielskiego (ELT) w siódmej klasie nowej szkoły podstawowej (zgodnie z nową podstawą programową). Po przedstawieniu teoretycznych podstaw zastosowania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w nauce języków, przeprowadzono badanie, aby dowiedzieć się, które narzędzia TIK są zintegrowane lub zignorowane w aktualnych podręcznikach ELT używanych obecnie w Białymstoku. Kryteriami wyboru były dane statystyczne dostarczone przez głównych wydawców ELT. Badanie przybrało formę analizy jakościowej proponowanych w podręcznikach odwołań do wykorzystania TIK zestawionej z wynikami wywiadów z nauczycielami na ten sam temat. Istotą badań było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytania, które z technologii są promowane przez podręczniki i jak oceniają je nauczyciele. Wnioski płynące z badania posłużyły do zaproponowania zmian w podejściu instytucjonalnym do nauczania języka angielskiego z wykorzystaniem najnowszych technologii w białostockich szkołach podstawowych oraz wprowadzenia niezbędnych ulepszeń w przyszłych podręcznikach.

dr Zofia Moros-Pałys

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Film wspomnieniowy w Niemczech po 1990 roku – krótka charakterystyka W referacie pt.: Film wspomnieniowy w Niemczech po 1990 roku – krótka charakterystyka zostanie krótko wyjaśnione pojęcie „film wspomnieniowy” (Erinnerungsfilm) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jego roli i funkcji w procesie współtworzenia oraz propagowania różnych form przedstawiania pamięci zbiorowej i indywidualnej w Niemczech. Wywód teoretyczny zostanie uzupełniony częścią praktyczną – charakterystyką wybranych (przykładowych) „filmów wspomnieniowych” z lat 1999-2017 - dotyczących swoistego rozliczenia Niemców z przeszłością w NRD.

dr Katarzyna Papaja, mgr Kamil Mielnik

Tischner European University in Krakow, Poland

Enhancing deep learning among university students – a preliminary study Deep learning is characterized by the focus on the learner who has the intention to gain a thorough understanding of the learning process (Entwistle, 2000). According to Simms (2006), a learner who is engaged in deep learning is autonomous, collaborative with high metacognitive control and the generic skills of learning, gained through engaging educational experiences with enriched opportunities and challenges supported by various people, materials and ICT.

As an aspiration, this model of learning and the learner is familiar internationally across a wide range of disciplines and levels of education. Different terms may be used to describe this pedagogic concept – ‘reflective practice’ and ‘critical engagement’ are two such – but some recognisable generic approaches have evolved which aim to foster this model of learning.

mgr Mateusz Pazdej

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English connects the world

English is the world language. People who do not speak English will not get far in many fields, be it international politics, science or business. The tool has helped in so many ways more than we could even imagine. It has made countless nations prosper. It has brought humanity to great peaks of accomplishment. Through this language we have done life-changing things that have surpassed the expectations of our ancestors. English is a golden string that binds us all.In this modern world that aims for globalization, being able to speak English is as important as the fuel is to a vehicle. Without that “fuel” progress would be hindered.

dr Klaudia Pietrań

Universitet i Sørost, Larvik, Norway

Klasa szkolna jako przestrzeń komunikacyjna. Przykład norweski

Artykuł podejmuje problematykę komunikacji w norweskiej szkole. We wstępie autorki zapoznają czytelnika z obowiązującym systemem szkolnym, by następnie przejść do krótkiej charakterystyki podstawowych umiejętności, które uznawane są za priorytetowe dla osiągnięć edukacyjnych ucznia. Należą do nich: umiejętność mówienia, pisania, czytania, liczenia i korzystania z narzędzi elektronicznych. W artykule główny nacisk położony został na komunikację werbalną. Wskazano tu obszary i poziomy umiejętności, a także cele, jakie zawarte są w planach kształcenia dla szkoły podstawowej. Ostatnia część tekstu poświęcona została wynikom badań nad komunikacją w klasie szkolnej w jednej z norweskich szkół podstawowych. Artykuł zamyka część dotycząca wniosków wypływających z przeprowadzonych badań.

dr Ewa Półtorak

University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Interakcje w klasie językowej

Komunikacja między nauczycielem a uczniem jest ważnym elementem procesu kształcenia językowego. Co więcej, jej przebieg oraz jakość mają bezpośredni wpływ na efektywność działań podejmowanych przez poszczególnych uczestników procesu glottodydaktycznego. Analiza czynników warunkujących skuteczność interakcji na lekcji języka obcego stanowi zatem ważny element badań glottodydaktycznych. Celem referatu będzie refleksja nad rodzajem interakcji, jakie spotkać można na lekcji języka obcego oraz nad czynnikami warunkującymi ich skuteczność. Punktem odniesienia dla podjętych rozważań będzie proces kształcenia komunikacyjnych kompetencji językowych na poziomie początkującym.

dr Tomasz Róg

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Approach to instructed L2 acquisition with recourse to creativity

The notion of creativity slowly but surely enters the context of foreign language teaching as researchers turn their efforts towards investigating how creativity can aid language learning. The scant yet extensive research in the field has already shown that creative thinking brings positive effects to developing foreign language proficiency and therefore teaching for creativity in a language classroom can become an engaging process yielding the desired linguistic outcomes. The model postulated in the presentation is based on two main assumptions: firstly, learners’ creativity should be stimulated through different mental operations; and secondly, learners

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should be disinhibited from various psychological barriers which suppress their communicative competence.

prof. Alcina Sousa

University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal

Revisiting stylistics in language and communication studies

Following the motto “Stylistics without borders” set out by the Poetics and Linguistics Association for 2019, it is the main objective of this talk to give an overview on the way the academic community in the Humanities understands rhetoric and applies it in Portuguese and international scenarios. It thus entails a brief overview on North-American rhetoric / grammar studies, on the "new rhetoric" / Anglo-Saxon stylistics and French stylistics, particularly to the extent that they shape, value, teach and interweave the recent rise of popular culture with literary canon, rhetorical studies, critical theory, cultural theory, pedagogy, and other fields related to the study of language and communication. This principled eclectic study of language in use takes in important contributions of pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, media studies and social semiotics.

dr Artur Świątek, dr Katarzyna Papaja, mgr Kamil Mielnik

Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland

Enhancing deep learning among university students - a preliminary study

Deep learning is characterized by the focus on the learner who has the intention to gain a thorough understanding of the learning process (Entwistle, 2000). According to Simms (2006) a learner who is engaged in deep learning is autonomous, collaborative with high metacognitive control and the generic skills of learning, gained through engaging educational experiences with enriched opportunities and challenges supported by various people, materials and ICT. As an aspiration this model of learning and the learner is familiar internationally across a wide range of disciplines and levels of education. Different terms may be used to describe this pedagogic concept – ‘reflective practice’ and ‘critical engagement’ are two such – but some recognisable generic approaches have evolved which aim to foster this model of learning. The current research aims to determine the needs of the University students concerning modern language activities, resources, tools and technologies in the 21st century. Therefore, a special needs analysis was designed and distributed among the English Philology students. The data was collected with the intention to provide practical and replicable illustrations of approaches to supporting deep learning across the lifespan that is driven by current and future technological opportunities for enhancing learning in ways that are personally and professionally meaningful. In our presentation we are going to present the results of the research and discuss sound, evidence-informed pedagogic frameworks to support deep learning activities.

dr Artur Urbaniak

Poznań University of Technology

Kompetencje komunikacyjne a konkurencyjność na rynku pracy w dobie czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej

Rozwój nowych technologii w przemyśle, takich jak robotyzacja czy informatyzacja przedsiębiorstw, a także zmiany w strukturze organizacyjnej firm, a przez to również w zarządzaniu zespołami ludzkimi, znajdują odzwierciedlenie w sposobach komunikowania się między pracownikami. Obserwowane zmiany komunikacyjne, zwłaszcza językowe, to tworzenie

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skrótów, złożeń, procesy uniwerbizacji, a także liczne zapożyczenia, kalki językowe, neologizmy czy neosemantyzmy, którymi posługują się na co dzień w pracy absolwenci kierunków technicznych. Środowisko pracy, ujęte instytucjonalnie, jako jedna z nisz komunikacyjnych w obrębie których porusza się absolwent studiów inżynierskich, wymaga od komunikatorów wykształcenia konkretnych umiejętności komunikacyjnych – interpersonalnych, które przekładają się na jakość komunikacji w firmie. Artykuł nie tylko definiuje potrzeby rynku pracy pod kątem rozwoju kompetencji komunikacyjnych u przyszłego pracownika, lecz także podejmuje próbę stworzenia profilu komunikacyjnego współczesnego absolwenta studiów inżynierskich.

dr Marjana Vaneva, Marija Dzonova

University American College Skopje, Macedonia

Dyslexia-Friendly English Classroom “Inclusion, not integration!” should be set as a priority in the lesson objectives for teachers who teach mixed-ability classes, including dyslexic children. To achieve this objective, we must create a dyslexia-friendly atmosphere, safe teaching and learning environment that can stimulate sound inclusion, not mere integration of these students. This paper explores the different approaches, techniques and strategies that ought to be used when intending to create a friendly English language classroom, which also includes dyslexic students next to the regular ones. Different reading carpet activities, cartoons, illustrations, podcasts, audios and videos, mind mapping, different learning styles, and a specially designed dyslexic font are only some that would motivate the dyslexic students, catch their attention and make them feel comfortable in class and motivated to learn. The approach teachers take towards them and the way they engross these students contributes enormously to creating friendly classroom where dyslexic students would feel appreciated and helped in the education system, thus stimulated and motivated to learn.

dr Marjana Vaneva,

University American College Skopje, Macedonia

Connecting the Different Lexical Category Domains: Cognition in Zero Deriving

Adjectives from Nouns in Macedonian

Zero-derivation is a process whereby, from a lexeme that belongs to one lexical category or subcategory with a certain meaning, by using a zero-derivational affix, a lexeme with derivationally the same form is derived, which can have inflectional modifications, definitely has a similar, expanded meaning, and is certainly a member of a different lexical category or subcategory compared to the first lexeme. The analysis exemplifies lexemes taken from Macedonian dictionaries and Macedonian grammar books when from a noun by following the cognitive path in the semantic expansion, we are taken to the same-form lexeme, but this time an adjective which is a result of the zero-derivational process, since it has the same form as the first lexeme, from which the process starts; has a similar meaning to the first lexeme - similarity at which we arrive by applying cognition and by transferring the meaning from the noun to the adjective domain, thus being taken from the object, thing (the noun) to the modifier (the adjective). The conclusion of the paper notes that the morphological identity (in derivational aspect) and the semantic similarity (through cognition), between the two lexemes in Macedonian, can be accompanied by inflectional suffixes for number, definiteness and gender - modifications that can be made to both lexemes. As a result, the natural-class noun from the left is zero-derived into an adjective on the right, when, in most cases of this kind of zero-derivation, it appears in,

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what is originally, a two-noun phrase, in which the second remains to be a noun, while the first becomes a zero-derived adjective.

dr Marjana Vaneva, mgr Marija Ivanovska

University American College Skopje, Macedonia

Reconsidering English speech acts and their use by Macedonian learners of English

This study investigates the pragmatic competence of the Macedonian learners of English, or more precisely, Macedonian high school English learners’ views on and perceptions of pragmatics, their pragmatic competence in selected speech acts and the language learning strategies employed in the process of acquiring pragmatic knowledge. Despite all efforts made to improve English language education, greater emphasis should be put on students’ pragmatic competence in the English teaching and learning process. This is the focus of the current study that reconsiders English speech acts and their use by Macedonian learners of English. It centers on the speech acts since the lack of pragmatic competence i.e. the inadequate application of the forms and functions of speech acts in the interaction of the speakers who speak different mother tongue and who belong to different cultures could cause problems in communication.

Therefore, taking into account that pragmatic competence is sometimes neglected in the classroom, as well as the need of significant pragmatics research and more thorough analysis of the principles that are the basis of communication in the society, the arguments presented here may serve as a foundation for foreign language teachers in the process of helping learners develop pragmatic skills in English.

dr Marjana Vaneva - University American College Skopje, Macedonia

mgr Tatjana Jovcheska, Primary School Prilep

Understanding and promoting EFL vocabulary instruction – a case study of Macedonian primary schools

This presentation looks into an L2 vocabulary teaching environment through a collection of vocabulary teaching strategies, while it gives a general overview of the most exploited vocabulary teaching techniques in the primary classroom. More specifically, it evaluates the relationship between the theoretical principles and the practical applications of the selected teaching strategies in Macedonian public primary schools, since the paper portrays the findings of a research conducted in the Macedonian setting. The research shows that Macedonian teachers need to gain a better insight into the teaching strategies in order to transform their practice in favour of students' acquisition. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to suggest vocabulary teaching strategies that would best boost teacher’s creativity in class, hoping to provide basis for their successful implementation, which would result in students’ bigger motivation and involvement in class and, consequently, in their achieving better results in the language learning process.

dr Radek Vogel

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Modes of persuasion in corporate annual reports: interplay of ethos, logos and pathos

Annual reports of companies and institutions represent a specific type of persuasive institutional discourse, characterized by its emphasis on conveying credible, reliable, well-structured,

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objective and accurate information to an organization´s stakeholders. It is obvious that such inherently persuasive texts employ the Aristotelian rhetorical appeals of ethos and logos, whereas the third classical mode of persuasion, pathos, is not deemed to play an important role in professional discourse. This contribution claims that some genres of corporate annual reports, namely the relatively short letters from executives (Letter from a CEO, Chair´s Message, Chairman´s Statement, Letter from the President, Letter to Shareholders, etc.) contain an implicit or explicit emotional appeal, expression of beliefs and an attempt to arouse sympathy, which are constitutive components of pathos. Moreover, the use of pathos is not limited to the genre of letters from executives; annual reports also include success stories, vision statements, interviews with executives, employees, customers and clients, positive and optimistic headings, quotes and slogans, as well as attractive pictures and graphic layout. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that effective persuasion in this specialized discourse is based on achieving balance between provision of reliable and systematically organized facts, communicating credentials, achievements and trustworthiness, and appeal to readers´ emotions. It looks into the characteristic linguistic correlates of all three modes of persuasion and their persuasive potential. The research was carried out on the subcorpus of English business documents, incorporated in the Corpus of English and Czech Specialized Discourses (CECSD) compiled at Masaryk University in 2017.

dr Janina Wiertlewska

Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Will the new American paradigm of medical English teaching conform to

European and Polish standards? Currently practised methods of medical English instruction at a tertiary education level often focus on medical terminology embedded in the English language classes. These strategies which comprise medical terminology and simple dialogues do not meet the needs of highly qualified medical health care workers (doctors, nurses, paramedics and many others). The new paradigm claims that medical English should be taught from the perspective of medicine and health care first and reinforced by the vocabulary acquisition; first - teach the students standards of medical practice (anatomy, pharmacology, physiology, medical sciences and behavioural/ethical procedures). The paper concentrates on both; the student’s and the teacher’s motivation. Further, language acquisition as well as language learning is discussed. The new paradigm is defined as a combination of academic preparation which comprises cognitive and behavioural approaches that appear to be secondary to the context of the given class. Students are encouraged to search for synonyms, abbreviations and alternative ways of expressing meaning to communicate with each other. They also prepare their own multimedia presentations in the group and deliver speeches on subjects contained in curriculum. Concluding, the author of this paper expresses her opinion that foundational underpinnings of the curriculum of the Medical English course should be linked to the parameters for the health care professions. The context of the classes needs to be relevant to the work of the health professionals (according to Pratt, D. and others, 2002). Over the last 10 years the paradigm for medical English teaching has changed enormously which is presented briefly in this paper and hopefully will follow to develop according to the newly occurring phenomena.

dr Aleksandra Wróbel

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland

Komunikacja w środowisku sportowym

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Umiejętność dobrej komunikacji jest jednym z najważniejszych elementów dobrego przygotowania sportowego, a zarazem osiągania zamierzonych osiągnięć sportowych. Przedmiotem analizy jest wybrana leksyka sportowa (zwroty, komendy) z zakresu gimnastyki w XVIII I XIX wieku. Celem badania jest scharakteryzowanie języka gimnastyki (język nauczycieli oraz uczniów uprawiających dyscypliny gimnastyczne), jego znaczenia oraz ukazanie jaki wpływ miały aspekty kulturowe, społeczne, polityczne na komunikację w środowisku sportowym.

Uczestnicy Seminarium/ Seminar participants

Andrey Agratin, [email protected]

Viktoriya Atamanchuk, [email protected]

Anna Bączkowska, [email protected]

Senad Bećirović, [email protected]

Marlena Iwona Bielak, [email protected]

Amna Brdarević Čeljo, [email protected]

Celina Czech-Włodarczyk, [email protected]

Álvaro Rutkoski Didio,

Vildana Dubravac, [email protected]

Marija Dzonova, [email protected]

Iwona Grodź, [email protected]

Marija Ivanovska, [email protected]

Adam Jankiewicz, [email protected]

Tatjana Jovcheska, [email protected]

Jerzy Kaus, [email protected]

Monika Kaźmierczak, [email protected]

Marcin Krawczak, [email protected]

Marta Książek-Róg, [email protected]

Anna Kulak, [email protected]

Maciej Laskowski, [email protected]

Piotr Jerzy Malinowski, [email protected]

Wojciech Maliszewski, [email protected]

Kamil Mielnik, [email protected]

Zofia Moros-Pałys, [email protected]

Katarzyna Papaja, [email protected]

Mateusz Pazdej, [email protected]

Klaudia Pietrań, [email protected]