Projektowanie UI - Hubert Rutkowski



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Transcript of Projektowanie UI - Hubert Rutkowski

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Moje UI

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Dlaczego UI jest ważnyInterfejs jest elementem który decyduje o tym jak aplikacja jest doświadczana, użytkowana i oceniana.

Interfejs wpływa na uczucia i emocje twoich użytkowników.

Może uczynić korzystanie z aplikacji przyjemnością lub koszmarem.

Może przyciągać lub odstraszać użytkowników, wpływając na sprzedaż i zyski.

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Jest wszędzie,nie ma od niego ucieczki

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Również poza światemmaszyn cyfrowych

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Meet the User


Design for


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„A user interface is well-designed when the program behaves exactly how the user thought it would”

Joel Spolsky

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affordancesaffordance – visual clue to the function of object

When simple things need pictures, labels or instructions, the design has failed.

Donald Norman

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Zeldathe Ocarina of Time


affordancesin games

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• systemy miar• format czasu • strony jezdni• języki narodowe

NIEspójność• częstotliwość prądu w gniazdku• formaty plików• dzień początku tygodnia• ...

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spójność zewnętrzna

‘’Users spend most of their time on other websites”

Jakob Nielsen ‘’The good thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from”

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Apple Human Interface Guidelines

GNOME Human Interface Guidelines

Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines


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spójność wewnętrzna :(

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spójność wewnętrzna :)

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konwencje w grach

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metafora• pulpit, katalog, pliki

• kosz • list, koperta, skrzynka pocztowa, znaczek

• kamera / aparat fotograficzny, album ze zdjęciami, fotografia• lupa

• wózek z zakupami• …

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metafora :(

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metafora ;)

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metafory w grach


diegetic UI

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hard quasispring loaded

Modes are a significant source of errors, confusion, unnecessary restrictions, and complexity in interfaces

Jeff Raskin

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ładny != dobry

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kiedys vs teraz

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„The mind may be the most important graphic design tool. Aside from technology, graphic design requires judgment and creativity.

Critical, observational, quantitative and analytic thinking are required for design layouts and rendering.”

(Wikipedia EN, Graphic design)

sztuka vs rzemiosło

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koder vs artysta

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„Visual design is not just about making your application look pretty.Good visual design is about communication.

A well-designed application will make it easy for the user to understand the information that is being presented, and show them clearly how they can interact with that information.

If you can achieve all that, your application will look good to the user, even if it doesn't have any fancy graphics or spinning logos! ”

(GNOME Human Interface Guidelines)

Co z tego, nie trzeba być grafikiem by tworzyć dobre (NIE: ładne) UI

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“Juice” was our wet little term for constant and bountiful user feedback. A juicy game element will bounce and wiggle and squirt and make a little noise when you touch it.

A juicy game feels alive and responds to everything you do – tons of cascading action and response for minimal user input.

It makes the player feel powerful and in control of the world, and it coaches them through the rules of the game by constantly letting them know on a per-interaction basis how they are doing.

Kyle Gabler

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monitor telewizor

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„The keyboard and mouse give you near instant response and near exact control. The controller is a far less precise, far more...well...leisurely input device.”

Warren Spector

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Grube tłuste


e duże


(jeżeli jeste

ś w sta

nie to prze

czytać to znaczy że

przemęczasz o



duże literyDUŻE LITERY


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We must do what the pointer says…

kontekstowyanimacjetooltipsyon-hover feedback

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one mile highbutton

Prawo Fitts’amagic cornersand borders

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pie menuokrągłe menu kontekstowe

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• Acknowledge all button clicks by visual or aural feedback within 50 milliseconds.

• Display an hourglass for any action that will take from 1/2 to 2 seconds. Animate the hourglass so they know the system hasn't died.

• Make the client system beep and give a large visual indication upon return from lengthy (>10 seconds) processes, so that users know when to return to using the system.

Reduce the user’s experience of latency (1)

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Feedback• Offer engaging text messages to users informed and entertained

while they are waiting for long processes, such as server saves, to be completed.

• Display a message indicating the potential length of the wait for any action that will take longer than 2 seconds. Communicate the actual length through an animated progress indicator.


Bruce Tognazzini

Reduce the user’s experience of latency (2)

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1. Analiza użytkowników

2. Analiza zadań

3. Scenariusze użycia 4. Projekt UI

5. Prototypowanie 6. User testing

7. Uwzględnienie wyników, poprawki

8. If (masz kasę, czas, jest sens) goto 5

9. Implementacja właściwego UI

outline ofUI/UX design

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• webowe np. Balsamiq, Pencil, Flairbuilder, OmniGraffle

• Flex/Flash

• Powerpoint, Word, Dreamweaver/HTML itd


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Immediate mode GUI

if (Button(10, 10, 100, 20), ”Start”){

// handle clicking buttongame_started = true;


• Video introduction to the concept and discussion• Tutorial

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MotywacjaUser Centered Design




Estetyka i customizacja

Proces tworzenia: testy, prototypowanie

Konkretne porady:feedbackczytelność

kursor myszki prawo Fittsa pie menu juicyness podsumowanie

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Mój referat ;] na końcu jest też spora bibliografia

Don’t Make Me Think, Steve Krug

User Interface Design For Programmers, Joel Spolsky

Designing Interfaces, Jenifer Tidwel

Design of everyday things, Donald Norman ,

prezentacja i referat do ściągnięcia


ended reading

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