Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdulla Bin Masud, building 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwait (+965) 9727 3047 [email protected] PORTFOLIO AND EXECUTED PROJECT INDICE 01 _ COMERCIAL + RETAIL + HEALTHCARE Private Clinic building Al Wazzan Schools KISR investigation & research Centre Sports Centre & wellness Countryside hotel Retirement housing center 02 _ HOUSING + RESIDENTIAL 8 villas in Medina Sidonia 2 Seaside luxury villas 8 villas in Conil 23 apartment for profesional surfers Residential building with 25. Baeza Residential building with 9. San Fernando Residential building with 8. Bujalance 03 _ URBAN DESIGN Urban plan update according to new code L.O.U.A. Urban plan and construction development Urban redesign of the old beer Factory ‘Cruzcampo’. Sevilla Urban design of new development area, Huerto la Reina. Sevilla 04 _ DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE of the U.S. GOVERMENT Fire station enlargement and renovation Aircraft and space shuttle hangar Fitness centre and running track Argis Enlargement & renovation of medical Centre Flammable and explosive storages 05 _ Renovation and enlargement projects of residential buildings Neighborhood Ciudad Blanca, Dos hermanas. Neighborhood Rochelambert, Sevilla. Neighborhood Fátima, Córdoba. Neighborhood La Prusiana, Mairena del Aljarafe. 06 _ Proyectos realizado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla Master degree final Project. High Performance Sailing Center Urban design development Public transport transfer


Professional Portfolio of the Architect Rafael C. Alonso

Transcript of Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

Page 1: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com



01 _ COMERCIAL + RETAIL + HEALTHCARE • Pr iva te C l in ic bu i l d ing

• Al Wazzan Schoo ls

• KISR inves t i ga t ion & research Cent re • Spor t s Cen t re & we l lness

• Count r ys ide ho te l

• Ret i remen t hous ing cen ter


• 8 v i l las i n Med ina Sidon ia

• 2 Seas ide luxury v i l las

• 8 v i l las i n Con i l • 23 apar tmen t f o r p ro fes iona l sur fe rs

• Resident ia l bu i ld ing w i t h 25 . Baeza

• Resident ia l bu i ld ing w i t h 9 . San Fernando • Resident ia l bu i ld ing w i t h 8 . Bu ja lance


• Urban p lan upda te accord ing to new code L .O.U.A. • Urban p lan and const ruc t i on deve lopment

• Urban redes ign o f the o ld beer Fac tor y ‘Cruzcampo’ . Sev i l la

• Urban des ign o f new deve lopment a rea , Hue r to la Re ina . Sev i l l a


• Fi re s ta t i on en la rgement and renovat ion

• Ai rc ra f t and space shu t t le hangar • Fi tness cen t re and runn ing t rack

• Arg is

• En largement & renovat ion o f med ica l Cent re • Flammab le and exp los ive s to rages

05 _ Renova t ion and en la rgement p ro jec ts o f res iden t ia l bu i ld ings

• Ne ighborhood C iudad Blanca , Dos hermanas . • Ne ighborhood Roche lamber t , Sev i l la .

• Ne ighborhood Fá t ima, Có rdoba .

• Ne ighborhood La Prus iana, Ma i rena de l A l ja ra fe .

06 _ Proyec tos rea l izado en la Escue la Técn ica Super io r de Arqu i t ec tu ra de Sev i l l a

• Master degree f i na l Pro jec t . H igh Pe r fo rmance Sa i l i ng Center

• Urban des ign deve lopment

• Publ ic t ranspor t t rans fer

Page 2: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Huda Clinic Building. Healthcare building in Salmiya, Kuwait. DATE: August 2014 – Ju l y 2015

CLIENT: A lWazzan Educat iona l

BUDGET: 7 .000.000 $


TEAM: PACE Kuwai t

Team L ider Des igner & Pro jec t Manager

– Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: A 10 f loor c l in ic bu i l d ing w i th 3 basemen ts . Th is p ro jec t has been deve loped has two boxes, one above the o the r , wh ich move to emphas ize t he 2 boxes fee l ing . The e f fo r t o f the s imp l i c i ty and c lean des ign o f the concept des ign has been main ta ined dur ing the work ing draw ings and tender documents w i t h a b ig e f fo r t o f p ro jec t manag ing con t ro l l i ng t he deve lopments o f t he SMEP.

Page 3: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Al Wazzan Schools. An school complex for 10.000 student

DATE: Oc tober 2014 -

CLIENT: A l Wazzan Educa t iona l

BUDGET: 45 .000 .000 $


TEAM: PACE Kuwai t

Team L ider Des igner & Pro jec t Manager

– Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: A p lo t o f 28 .000 sqm to deve lop 3 schoo ls w i th gender segregat ion . The p rogram proposed fo r th i s p ro jec t represen ts a h igh leve l complex i ty fo r the number o f schoo ls , t he gender segrega t ion and a spec ia l const ruc t ion phas ing . The p ro jec t des ign i dea was ´Learn ing houses ’ as an open program w i th bu i ld ings wi th ab i l i t y o f ho ld any l eve l o r purpose o f educat i on

Page 4: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Investigation & research building. KISR

DATE: August 2014 – Sep tember 2015

CLIENT: kuwai t Gove rmen t

BUDGET: 20 .000 .000 $

LOCATION: Sa lmiya , Kuwai t


3D Graph ic coord ina tor & de ta i l des igne r

– Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: The p ro jec t deve lops a b ig landscape and bu i ld ing wh ich a l low invest iga t ing the v iab i l i t y o f the d i f fe ren t spec ies o f t ree and p lan t g rown in Kuwa i t env i ronmen t . The p ro jec t con ta ins in to ta l 10 bu i ld ing wi th d i f fe ren t uses ; educat iona l , research , g reen house, mu l t ipurpose,…

Page 5: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Sport centre and Spa Xerez Plaza. Jerez de la Frontera

DATE: Enero de 2011

CLIENT: Xerez We l lness , SLU

BUDGET: 520 .000 €

LOCATION: Jerez . Spa in

TEAM: Arch i tec t , SMEP and Pro jec t

manager & su rvey – Rafae l C. A lonso

KEY FEATURES Des ign and const ruc t i on o f spor t s cen ter and Spa o f over 1 ,000 m² . Mu l t ipurpose bu i l d ing des ign in a managed and promo ted bu i ld ing o f I kea Southern Europe. Des ign o f f ac i l i t ies and areas fo r an average o f 650 da i ly users . Crea t i ng brand s tandard o f spor t s cen ters 'P laza ' by recogn izab le a rch i tec tu ra l e lements in t he f o l lowing spor ts center s bu i ld ings .

Page 6: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Countryside hotel . Vi l lafranca de los Barros (Badajoz)

DATE: Agos to de 2009

CLIENT: Pub l i c au thor i t i es

BUDGET: 3 .700.000 €

LOCATION: V i l la f ranca (Bada joz)

TEAM: R | M Arqu i t ec tu ra

Arqu i tec tu ra – Ra fae l C. A lonso

KEY FEATURES: The des ign c r i t e r i a o f t he proposa l a re based in the cons t ruc t ive r a t i ona l i za t ion and op t im iza t i on o f the env i ronmenta l cond i t ions in o rder t o improve the c l imate per fo rmance o f t he bu i l t complex . The p ro jec t des igns es tab l ish a p r i vacy grad ien t f r om south to the nor th o f the p lo t . The tour is t a reas a re deve loped on the south access wh i le the guest rooms are loca ted on the nor th a rea . Th i s g rad ien t c rea tes a sound a t tenua t i on d is tance be tween the urban no is ie r a rea and res t a reas. The proposa l i s o rgan ized around a la rge open space tha t hos t s t he ou tdoo r recrea t ion areas . The ex tens ion o f one ex t r eme o f the bu i ld ings in to t he urban edge a recept ion area and access to t he who le ho te l i s c rea ted .

Page 7: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Retirement housing. La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz)

DATE: February de 2010

CLIENT: Ayto . La L ínea

BUDGET: 2 .420.000 €

LOCATION: La L ínea (Cád iz ) . Spa in

TEAM: R | M Arqu i t ec tu ra

Ar ch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: The topograph ic s lopes are used to re in fo r ce the des ign wh ich gen t l y suppor t s two cent ra l bu i l d ings tha t a re o rgan ized in the p lo t acco rd ing to t he i r p r ivacy . The supp lemen tar y hea l thcare prov i s ion is so lved by jo in ts o f the modu lar un i t s tha t genera te a la rge landscaped cour tya rd tha t l ook and a l l ows l igh t and ven t i la t ion .

Page 8: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Proposal of restaurant area and Zaha Hadid mosque relocation

DATE: Oc tober 2014

CLIENT: A l - shaya + Mabanee

BUDGET: 12 .000 .000 €

LOCATION: The avenues. Kuwa i t

TEAM: PACE Kuwai t

Pro jec t Manager – Ju l i an Clay ton

Arch i tec t & TLD – Rafae l A lonso

KEY FEATURES: Proposa l fo r t he des ign o f a new commerc ia l a rea en la rgement in the Kuwa i t Ma l l ‘The avenues ’ . The proposa ls i nc lude 15 .000 sqm o f res tauran ts and sea t i ng areas under an ETFE mater ia l cover ing . The proposa l inc ludes a reorgan iza t ion o f t he sur round car t ra f f i c t o so l ve the ac tua l p rob lems . A l so , a p roposa l fo r t he op t ima l loca t ion o f t he Zaha Had id des ign was i nc luded.

Page 9: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


8 vi l las and garage. C/ Arrieros 8, Medina Sidonia (Cádiz)

DATE: 2010 - 2015

Schematic design: November 2010 Tender documents: January 2011 Construction: Nov iember 2013

CLIENT: As ido inver , SL

BUDGET: 655 .714,85 €

LOCATION: Med ina S idon ia . Spa in

TEAM: Arquam Arqu i tec tu ra

Ar ch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: Renovat i on and cons t ruc t i on o f 8 v i l las i n a p lo t w i th an impor tan t d i f fe rence o f leve l . Reuse o f the ex i s t ing s t ruc tu ra l g r i d in the f ron t a rea , p ro tec ted by cu l tu ra l and h is to r ic codes. Des ign o f t he hous ing around the ma in t rad i t i ona l ‘pa t i o ’ , wh ich a l low the access and crea te a shared area fo r the houses.

Page 10: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


2 luxury vi l las on the seaside. El Puerto de Santa María, Cadiz.

DATES: 2011 - 2015

CLIENT: Fam i l y Gómez G iménez

BUDGET: 600 .000 €

LOCATION: E l Puer to (Cád iz ) . Spa in

TEAM: Es tud io GH

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: Des ign and const ruc t i on survey o f 2 luxury v i l las w i t h basemen ts , g round f loor and 3 f loors Open facade to the sea v iew w i th d i f fe rence pos i t i ons t o ma in ta in the pr ivacy fo r cer ta in a reas. L iv ing areas on the basement w i th access basements cour t ya rds Poo l des ign on the 1 s t f l oo r .

Page 11: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


8 vi l las with garages. Conil de la Frontera

DATE: December 2013

CLIENT: Grupo h i spano invers .

BUDGET: 1 .000.000 €

LOCATION: Con i l . Spa in

TEAM: Arch i tec t – Rafae l C. A lonso

KEY FEATURES: Des ign o f a res iden t ia l bu i ld ing fo r 8 fami l i es . Pro jec t deve loped on ground and f i r s t f l oor , w i t h a ca r park basement . The p lo t has to ma in ta in t he expected th ree ne ighbors to deve lop the i r bu i l d ing . That s i tua t i on genera tes t he program f rom the pub l ic a reas fac ing t o t he S t ree t to t he pr i va te a reas connected wi t h in te r io r cour tyards .

Page 12: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


23 temporary apartments for profesional sufers. Conil de la Fra. DATE: December 2013

CLIENT: Grupo h i spano invers .

BUDGET: 1 .850.000 €

LOCATION: Con i l . Spa in

TEAM: Arch i tec t – Rafae l C. A lonso

KEY FEATURES: Des ign o f 23 apar tmen ts w i th common areas o f use . Spec i f i ca l l y des igned and adap ted fo r seasona l h i r ing fo r sur fe r s and k i tesur fe rs . Spec ia l des ign areas fo r t he main tenance and c lean ing o f water spor ts equ ipment . Repeat ing t he l i v i ng modu le c rea ted ‘ room + bed room’ apar tments . B igger apar tmen t a re loca ted on the edges o f the bu i ld ing , to fu l f i l l the r equ i rement o f the c l ien t . Common serv ices such as laundry , s to rage , repa i r and c lean ing o f spor ts equ ipment a re loca ted i n t he basement .

Page 13: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Residential building with comercial area. Baeza, Andalucia

DATE: July 2009

CLIENT: Empresa Púb l i ca de l Sue lo de

Anda luc ía (EPSA)

BUDGET: 1 .850.000 €

LOCATION: Baeza (Jaén) . Spa in

TEAM: R | M Arqu i t ec tu ra

Arqu i tec tu ra – Ra fae l C. A lonso

KEY FEATURES: The p roposa l r a i sed f rom the idea o f ma in ta in ing an a t t i t ude o f pos i t ion ing wi thout fan fare i n t he urban l ayout . Re in fo rce o f t he urban va lues brough t t o the pro jec t and the e f fo r t o f t r y i ng to respond to the boundary cond i t i ons s tab l ish the main c i r cu la t i on . The t ype o f hous ing des igned preserves the user p r ivacy as oppos i te t han the qua l i t y o f the common areas in wh ich they i n tend to c rea te op t ima l cond i t i ons fo r human re la t i onsh ips .

Page 14: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Residential building, Concurso J5. Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz)

DATE: August 2009

CLIENT: Empresa Púb l i ca de l Sue lo de

Anda luc ía (EPSA)

BUDGET: 1 .100.000 €

LOCATION: San lúcar de Bda. (Cád iz )

TEAM: R | M Arqu i t ec tu ra

Ar ch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: The p lo t has a ver y i r regu la r geome t ry , w i th l i t t l e f acade . Be ing i nc luded i n a b ig b lock in wh ich the res iden t ia l uses and winemakers a re a l te rna ted as a f ragmented b lock , w i thout c lear l y recogn izab le t ypes cha rac ter i z i ng s t ruc tu res . In t he r eorgan iza t i on o f the p lo t th rough our p roposa l we t r y t o concen t ra te gaps wi th in t he p lo t and t r y t o r ecover t rad i t i ona l spa t i a l concepts such as t he ves t i bu le , the passage, the cour t yard . . . .

Page 15: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


8 Vil las with parking. Bujalance, Córdoba

DATE: August 2009

CLIENT: Prov i cosa

BUDGET: 1 .250.000 €

LOCATION: Bu ja lance (Có rdoba )

TEAM: R | M Arqu i t ec tu ra

Ar ch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURES: Des ign o f 8 v i l las w i t h garage on ground f loor . The vo lume pos i t ion o f each room def ines t he façade compos i t ion . P lo t w i th t rapezo ida l shape w i th t he comp lex i ty o f a r epe t i t ion request by t he c l ien t .

Page 16: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Urban plan update according to new code L.O.U.A.

DATE: September 2010

CLIENT: Ayto . Tor rea lháqu ime


LOCATION: Tor rea lháqu ime (Cád iz )

TEAM: Arquam Arqu i tec tu ra

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

KEY FEATURE: Accord ing wi th the 2007 o f new reg iona l p lann ing regu la t i ons o f Anda luc ía a l l mun ic ipa l i t ies had to upda te t he parameter s o f i t s Urban Des ign Code to the updated leg is la t ion . As coord ina tor o f the deve lopment team I deve loped the t echn ica l des ign , da ta co l lec t ion and the ob ta in ing o f the a l l the approva ls (more than 10 reg iona l admin i s t r a t i ons i nvo l ved i n the process) . F ina l approva ls pub l ish in the Of f i c ia l Government Gaze t te o f t he prov ince o f Cad iz on Ju l y 12 , 2011.

P lano de s is temas genera les u rbanos Ca l i f i cac ión y c las i f i cac ión de usos de l sue lo

Clas i f i cac ión y ca tegor izac ión de sue lo de uso No Urban izab le

Page 17: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Urban plan and construction development

DATE: Jun io de 2010

CLIENT: Ayto . Tor rea lháqu ime


LOCATION: Tor rea lháqu ime (Cád iz )

TEAM: Arquam Arqu i tec tu ra

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso


Des ign o f a spec i f i c mod i f i ca t ion o f Genera l U rban Des ign Code to ob ta in ing new land proposed as res ident ia l , commerc ia l and indus t r i a l . Th i s new area was needed on the Sou th urban edges o f the town. The deve lopment o f the pro jec t takes p lace in two phases. The exposed deve lopment o f phase two was deve loped en t i re l y by me.

Page 18: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Urban redesign of the the old beer Factory ‘Cruzcampo’. Sevil la

DATE: 2006/07

TEACHER: Ánge l Díaz de l R io

LOCATION: Cruzcampo (Sev i l l a ) . Spa in

TEAM: Rafae l C. A lonso Tap ia

Car los Á l varez Díaz

Rafae l Vera Esp ine l

KEY FEATURES: Fo l l ow ing the new loca t ion o f the o ld Cruzcampo fac to ry on the ou ts ide o f Sev i l l e c i t y , the occup ied p lo t i s des ign as a new urban area w i th r es idence , commerc ia l , educa t iona l and hea l thcare . The p roposa l r a i ses t he urban in tegra t ion f lows based on the env i ronmen t , bu t deve lop ing a sec tor w i th i t s own ident i t y w i th the se lec t ion o f bu i l d ing t ype and the i r p lo t se tbacks .

Page 19: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Urban design of new development area, Huerto la Reina. Sevil la

DATE: Curso 2007/08

TEACHER: Tr ibuna l - c lass F

LOCATION: Sev i l la . Spa in

TEAM: Rafae l C. A lonso Tap ia

Car los Á l varez Díaz


P lo t loca ted in the urban edge o f Sev i l le . The in i t i a l a rea s t i l l express the h is to r i c fa rm ing deve lopmen t . The area , now par t o f t he c i ty , requ i res an update o f the func t i ons and c i r cu la t ion The des ign deve lops a moda l t ranspor t in te rchanger on the nor th a rea as a c los ing e lement fo r the to ta l expans ion . To i ncrease o f a f f luence to the new cen ter po in t hea l t hcare center , commerc ia l and cu l tu ra l bu i l d ings are des ign as par t o f the t r anspor t in te rchanger .

Page 20: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Urban regenerat ion of San Fernando´s riverside. Cádiz

DATE: Year 2008

LOCATION: San Fernando. Spa in

TEAM: 10 ar ch i tec t workshop


In i t ia l l y th i s a rea was used as a dump fo r the c i ty o f San Fernando. The res ident i a l a reas i ncrease has deve loped the c i t y un t i l th is new edge to a r i ver . The des ign i dea i s t o c rea te a f lex ib le space tha t a l l ows mix ing o f d i f f e ren t uses depend ing on the t ime o f day and the season o f year . The p rogram schedu le i nc ludes a var ie ty o f f unc t i ons ; par k , spo r ts a rea fo r sa i l i ng , i ns ta l la t ion o f t he spr ing fa i r , ska te park . . . The water t ide leve l change near l y 3 meter s in the area . Those leve l s change are used on the des igned pro jec t i n o rder to c rea te a game in wh ich the edge is de f ined by t ime o f day . Th is p ro jec t was ca l l ed pragma t i c pontoons, by i t s s im i la r i t y w i th access to boats f loa t ing in nearby a reas .

Page 21: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Fire station enlargement and renovation

DATE: February 2012

BUDGET: 1 .600.000 $

LOCATION: Moron mi l i ta ry base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: 40 % o f new area deve loped. New res iden t i a l a rea fo r 25 f i remen ’s w i th qu i ck response des igns . To ta l renewa l o f M .E .P.

Aircraft and space shuttle hangar complete renovation

DATE: February 2013

BUDGET: 1 .400.000 $

LOCATION: Moron mi l i ta ry base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: Renovat i on o f the 90 % o f t he MEP and new area Schedu le deve loped

Enlargement of f i tness center and renovation of running track

DATE: October 2012

BUDGET: 1 .100.000 $

LOCATION: Rota mi l i ta r y base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: En la rgement o f the f i tness area and spec i f i c spor t rooms . Renova t ion o f MEP. Renovat i on o f the runn ing t rack accord ing w i t h IAAF s tandard .

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

Page 22: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


ARgis. Software representat ion of graphic information and data

DATE: March 2011

BUDGET: 900 .000 $

LOCATION: Moron mi l i ta ry base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: GPS coord ina te sur vey o f a l l the bu i ld ing on the mi l i ta ry base and the a l l oca t i on o f a l l the persona l . GIS deve lop o f the in fo rma t ion . Spec ia l ment ion f rom the DoD wor ld w ide to t he work deve loped.

Complete renovation of medical centre

DATE: March 2011

BUDGET: 700 .000 $

LOCATION: Moron mi l i ta ry base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: Tota l renovat ion o f the in te r io r des ign and M. E . P.

Refurbishment and renovation of hangar storages area

DATE: July 2012

BUDGET: 390 .000 $

LOCATION: Rota mi l i ta r y base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: Renovat i on o f a l l t he M.E.P. and re -fu rn ish ing a l l the in te r i o rs and new par t i t i ons .

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

Page 23: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Renovation of steri l ization medical Centre

DATE: January 2013

BUDGET: 300 .000 $

LOCATION: Rota mi l i ta r y base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: Ster i l i za t ion areas comp le te renovat ion , inc lud ing the code update need . Renovat i on o f the mechan ica l sys tem

Schematic design of f lammable and explosive storages

DATE: May 2012

BUDGET: 600 .000 $

LOCATION: Rota mi l i ta r y base

TEAM: Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C. A lonso

Eng ineer ing – Caye tano Gómez

CLIENT: Depar tment o f De fense o f the

U.S government

KEY FEATURES: New hangar des ign fo r s to rage o f f lammab le and exp los i ve componen ts

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

This Project has been developed for the Department of Defense of the United

States in a military base shared between Spain and U.S.

The confidentiality agreed before starting this design doesn´t allows including any

design image for security reasons.

In case more information it´s needed about this project please contact by mail.

Page 24: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Residential buildings neighborhood renovation Ciudad Blanca. DATE: 2006 - 2008

CLIENT: Empresa Púb l i ca de l Sue lo de

Anda luc ía . (EPSA)

BUDGET: 1 .536.875 €

LOCATION: Dos Hermanas, Spa in .

BUILDINGS RENOVATED: 10 bu i ld ings

TEAM: Es tud io R | M

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

Arch i tec tu re – Car los Á lva rez

KEY FEATURES: Fu l l renovat ion o f the res ident ia l bu i ld ings in ne ighborhood wi th m inor econom ica l r esources . Renovat i on inc lude adapt ing t o d isab le codes, e leva to r i ns ta l la t ion , renovat ions o f t he MEP, leak ing repa i r s i n f acades and roo f ,…

Page 25: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Residential buildings neighborhood renovation Rochelambert.

DATE: 2007 - 2009

CLIENT: Empresa Púb l i ca de l Sue lo de

Anda luc ía . (EPSA)

BUDGET: 1 .322.315 €

LOCATION: Sev i l le . Spa in

BUILDINGS RENOVATED: 17 bu i ld ings

TEAM: Es tud io R | M

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

Arch i tec tu re – Car los Á lva rez

KEY FEATURES: Fu l l renovat ion o f the res ident ia l bu i ld ings in ne ighborhood wi th m inor econom ica l r esources . Renovat i on inc lude adapt ing t o d isab le codes, e leva to r i ns ta l la t ion , renovat ions o f t he MEP, leak ing repa i r s i n f acades and roo f ,…

Page 26: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Residential buildings neighborhood renovation Fátima, Córdoba

DATE: 2007 - 2008

CLIENT: Empresa Púb l i ca de l Sue lo de Anda luc ía . (EPSA) BUDGET: 2 .480.209 €

LOCATION: Córdoba. Spa in

BUILDINGS RENOVATED: 21 bu i ld ings

TEAM: Es tud io R | M

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

Arch i tec tu re – Car los Á lva rez

KEY FEATURES: Fu l l renovat ion o f the res ident ia l bu i ld ings in ne ighborhood wi th m inor econom ica l r esources . Renovat i on inc lude adapt ing t o d isab le codes, e leva to r i ns ta l la t ion , renovat ions o f t he MEP, leak ing repa i r s i n f acades and roo f ,…

Page 27: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Residential buildings neighborhood renovation La prusiana

DATE: 2006 - 2008

CLIENT: Empresa Púb l i ca de l Sue lo de

Anda luc ía . (EPSA)

BUDGET: 629 .180 €

LOCATION: Ma i rena. Spa in

BUILDINGS RENOVATED: 21 bu i ld ings

TEAM: Es tud io R | M

Arch i tec tu re – Rafae l C . A lonso

Arch i tec tu re – Car los Á lva rez

KEY FEATURES: Fu l l renovat ion o f the res ident ia l bu i ld ings in ne ighborhood wi th m inor econom ica l r esources . Renovat i on inc lude adapt ing t o d isab le codes, e leva to r i ns ta l la t ion , renovat ions o f t he MEP, leak ing repa i r s i n f acades and roo f ,…

Page 28: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Master degree final project. High Performance Sail ing Center

DATE: Year 2009

TEACHERS: T r ibuna l B71

LOCATION: E l Puer to (Cád iz )

TEAM: Rafae l C. A lonso Tap ia


Se lec t i on o f p ro jec t , p rogram def i n i t i on and requ i remen ts spec i f i ca t i on o f a H igh Per fo rmance Sa i l ing Cen ter (Cearn) . Group o f bu i ld ings con ta in ing areas o f teach ing , o f f i ce , res iden t i a l and e lements fo r common uses as a sa i l ing spor t cen ter fo r the ‘ d inghy sa i l i ng ' ca tegor ies in the O lympic Games. Des ign o f two ma in modu les ; one tha t opens on to t he sea and another tha t opens on to t he r iver . Sepa ra ted programs to avo id unnecessary c i r cu la t ion . Bo th bu i ld ings and the space be tween are t hem sur rounded by a b rea thab le sk in . The midd le a rea on l y covered by t h i s sk in c rea tes a space tha t a l l ows some o f t he nav iga t iona l needs . Crea t i ng a s tandard modu le i n wh ich a l l the func t ions tha t a mar iner needs pr io r to sh ipp ing are done Comple te Pro jec t here :

Page 29: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Urban design development, Los Remedios. Sevil le

DATE: Year 2006/07

TEACHER: Ánge l Díaz de l R io

LOCATION: Los remed ios (Sev i l l a )

TEAM: Rafae l C. A lonso Tap ia

Car los Á l varez Díaz

Rafae l Vera Esp ine l


Based on the ac tua l da ta o f t he ‘u rban deve lopment ’ o f t he PGOU of Sev i l le ne ighborhood wh ich occupat ion was per fo rmed pr imary w i th hous ing , bu t inc lud ing a pe rcentage o f commerc ia l use . Th is sub jec t showed the versa t i l i t y p rov ided by the ‘ u rban deve lopmen t ’ over the pre fo rmed s t ruc tu res o f l eg i s la t ion . For t he same area , two d i f fe ren t so lu t ions were requ i red and bo th accomp l i sh w i th a l l regu la to ry requ i rements tha t es tab l ished the urban codes o f Sev i l le . C losed p lo t des ign : a p ro jec t w i th res iden t i a l bu i l d ing t ypo logy o f c losed p lo t was es tab l ished to so l ve the uses requ i red . Open p lo t des ign : a p ro jec t w i t h res iden t i a l bu i l d ing t ypo logy o f open p lo t was es tab l ished to so l ve t he uses requ i red . Bo th so lu t ions have been made tak ing in to accoun t t he ac tua l pa rameters se t by the Genera l u rban des ign code o f Sev i l l e , such as : max imum he igh t , a l i gnments and grad ien ts , max imum bu i ld ing , uses sur face , d is tance be tween bu i ld ings , e t c .

Manzana cer rada Manzana ab ie r ta

Page 30: Portfolio Rafael C Alonso (en)

RAFAEL C. ALONSO TAPIA ST. Abdul la Bin Masud, bui ld ing 1B-79. Apt 11, Salmiya. Kuwai t

(+965) 9727 3047 ra fael .a lonso. tap ia@gmai l .com


Public transport transfer with comercial and assistencial area.

DATE: Year 2007/08

TEACHER: Tr ibuna l - C lass F

LOCATION: Sev i l le . Spa in

TEAM: Rafae l C. A lonso Tap ia

Car los Á l varez Díaz


Des ign o f a t r anspor t moda l in te rchange, landscap ing , commerc ia l a rea , cu l tu ra l bu i ld ings and hea l t hcare bu i l d ings i n t he Nor th o f Sev i l l e ( nursery , hea l th cente r , l ib ra ry , c inemas, e t c ) . The t ranspor t moda l in te rchange is d iv ided by leve ls connected i n d i f f e ren t po in ts to a l low the exchange o f passenger f l ows wi thout b lock ing po in ts . A la rge cen t ra l space w i th mu l t i purpose capab i l i t i es genera tes the na tura l d is t r i bu t ion o f t he 3 main vo lumes, wh ich are d iv ided accord ing to use : t ranspor t , commerc ia l , commerc ia l and hea l thcare . Comple te Pro jec t here :