Plastica Alfa - Certificati 2010



Plastica Alfa - Certificati 2010

Transcript of Plastica Alfa - Certificati 2010

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il consr'lcr on prod ucrs {srats Gazene 1062006 ) il has been srated th al lhe conslruct on prcd ucrs li

il rrrrrrues aND AccEssoRrEs MADE oF poLypRopyLENE pp.B ili!: FOR MECHANICAL CONNECTION OF POLYETHYLENE PIPES i:ii d$ qned b, consmcior oi dirk ns ddler supp y p pinq sFteas ouBde build nos and ora. c+ q o brlo 10) ri

il wilh oprralns pressure and dimensioN as siven in supplemenlN! i tolhis cedrcare


l.i pLAcED oN THE MARKET BY i:i : 'ENBM BULGARTA-EooD iirl S0F|A,142 Evropa blvd. rilii d NI831732604 i:

il MANUFACTUREDBY i{rl PlasUca Alfa S. r.l.. Zona induslriale4.da Balchino-P.0.Box 375195041 t'l

fi calasirone (cr), ITALY *ii *" r*,0r,*,r*, fie condidons oi inroouced bv he manulacrdg s6lem ror Dbdrcrion 6t. -0, . l:i

I'l $omired by f" traiuracrue'ro ongoing test T or Gsl sperneas h a(,;rdsre q ap?!roea."otan lll,i Ih. Cortor y Asssrert D KloBIe ar B gatunmlaSa has pe/ored in I al rypetsl19. r.{ at Npecr!1 ,itl or fe pooucl on corl! and pefoms colrin Dus sLNe ane. asssmelr and appbva o, he prcodct on corl o al,,r 1 s Gn.icac arids ls rhar a . obvis ons con.en m te cor lomill asressmen I of lne @n s lru( uon orcdud rJ

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ii cc deCed ar ruriled d d rha.he pbdlcr.ol,orr ro aI o€scibed roJtrere*

iifi This cedilcale was f |st ssued on 221 1/2007 and rcmans valid as lono as Ihe condilions lalddown in the r',1

iir bchnical specilEalion ae tulfilled and lhe prcdultid_conoirom o tre ioarcr m conrror are-notnooitieo lll

I.l sona rr.Ly"S$'uu' jl lliii ruLcARhoNTRoLAsA sd6 *.h idenrir €don rumbe. o o \ ". +7 iiir Pem t\&07o9 05 2005. $fd br VRRB --_ it

Page 10: Plastica Alfa - Certificati 2010


MSlLpplenent Nh 1

ir ceii'icaie of Confomrit Ns 0l0 - Hcl4coccn - 784

IYPE OF PRODUCT OIAiIETERDF|TT|NGS D = 16+63 nm PN = 16 bar' c:3: D = 75+125 mm PN = 10 bar, c:2

i 620 25 32 ,40 50 ,63 ,75 90 i ro ,12516 20 25, t2, 40 50, 63, 7s 90 r 10

i620 n 32 ,40 50 63 ,75 ,90 r1016 20 25, 12, 40 50 63, 75, 90, | 1016n/2 J6xr{ :Ix1/2 2013/4 ;25r3d:25r1 3434 3}l',;32i1 1/4;4011 i40r1 1/4 r0r1 1t?tfiA 1A 50x1 112;ln'2:63x1.112",6&2i63r2.1/2', 7512" 7512 1/2 75x3 ,90r' 90r

16x,,2"t6x3l{t1oxl 12 2]x3ll:25x1tt :25x34'i2sr1 lz(?4 32xf a0r1'lon 1r';,r0/ il4 50, rd, {hr't ;504 63"2.754 -5, 11 90, .ri0n !:q116x1E J6x3t{:x\1t2 20x31t 25\125x3A' 25x1';32}31t 32r1 32x1 114" 4u11"110rl .1/2:40n t4 10r2:50n t450r1. r t2:!4r2 6311 112',$3n',;6tr2 1t2:7sQ 7512.']7,7',r,'63,9S4 1',0.{16x1t!t6ri{:n{l2t2tt3lr'2rx1ff 25:3/4 2511 !2v31 3211' 40n r,l0x1 t4;50{l t s0{2 61L /'J t5\2'?:901220*3/{:25,34"3r1 4011 1/4',:50n.1/2 63i2:75r2.rr1i901320n6 2510: J225, 40132, 5{M2, 50d0 6r/50 75163, 90r5, 11019016x18.16rJ14 2A{Efit3A 2tti4 2ltl',:32x3l4 r32n 40rfJ0:1 1/4 i $n 1A5n,l.1l2t50gt 6xt2:63'21tr) 75x2',tr5n 11? 75y3 : 9013 9014 110x3 ll{t4:13x1ltt16x34 2Ai1Z1204A', 25x1t2',;2t*3!4;25n' 3r'32x1'l0n l0r1 1/4;40r1.1l2 sAA.1ttt5ux11l? 63x2t75'2 75'112:75:3 S0*3 S0r4 rr0r

20k6 25r16:25aA; P'A; Pns; &r32 5d32 50x10: 63x3t 63x4{, 6}50 7t40?5o0 /u6J 906190,75:',t0\75 i',0(30

,2 3/4,f, i rr4, I r/1 1,?rr2 I 4',50!i l12 6lr'75n t? 75n",9013 9014, 1l$4

CLAIIIP SAoDLES sith l€hale ihrcad, dBiqned lor polwthylene plpq!

CLAMP SADDLES witr lmle thrcad, design.d tot zinc.@are! plp!!

22111n001 DiEcror ol Conlomlq A$slmenl DiE lo

SULGARKoNTRoLA S A Sofa lith iddlficalon numbq 010Pemit ih0ru9.05 2005, issed bY MRRB

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