Metodyka wykład

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  • 7/30/2019 Metodyka wykad


    Metodyka Wyk. 1. ( 2006r)

    Reasons( for learning English ) school curriculum, advancement, need to survive in the community,

    job perspective, etc.

    English International language for communication.

    Target Language Community TLC - where inhabitants speak the ( their ) language which the

    student is learning.English forSpecific Purposes /ESP/:

    - English forOccupational Purposes /EOP/-( waiter etc. )

    - English forAcademic Purposes/EAP- ( At University students may need English just to function

    only during one semester ).

    - English forScience and Technology/EST/- ( In scientific field, disciplines, when one needs to be

    able to read articles and textbooks about specific topic ).

    Another reason for learning foreign language: culture ( attraction base study of English, need to

    learn history, etc. ). We need to consider all the reasons as well as some other factors which decide

    about failure or success in learning English.

    MOTIVATION is the biggest factor affecting success.

    What is motivation? it is a kind of internal drive which encourages somebody to pursue a course of

    action. If we perceive goal we will be strongly motivated to achieve that goal.

    Language students perceive goals of various kinds:

    Long term goals better job, etc.

    Short term goals need to pass an exam, write class work, etc.

    Students with long term goal are easier to teach.

    Factors outside the Is concerned with

    classroom ( adults what takes place

    have this kind of in the classroom. ( People with no motivation what happens in the classrom

    motivation ). will be of vital importance ).

    How can we increase intrinsic motivation?

    - Physical conditions - they can alter students motivation positively or negatively ( colours,

    patterns, not overcrowded, nice view, light, etc. ). Making classroom as nice as possible improves

    atmosphere where students are supposed to work.- Method for ex. Communicative approach, Grammar translation approach.





    motivation Intrinsic



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    in an exciting activity, they will not take notes, need to be appreciated for their activity.

    Almost everything which happens in the classroom depends on the behaviour and attitude of the


    Teacher needs to be lively and enthusiastic about subject matter, because his energy will be picked


    Sense of humour is important learning in a positive atmosphere will help maintain attention andbeing focus.

    Children are focused on HERE and NOW functional purposes of language. They have little

    appreciation for correctness it is difficult for them to grasp linguistic concepts.

    Rules, explanations, other abstract talk about language must be approached with caution.

    Children need to have all senses stimulated.

    Physical activity, role-play, games will be useful. Projects and other hands on activities will help

    them to internalize language.

    Sensory aids will help to internalize concepts. Smell, touch, taste, all the visual aids videos,pictures, tapes, music- are very important elements in English teaching.

    They are very sensitive to peers affected by inhibitions, to be laughed at, their egos are still being

    shaped, more fragile than adults.

    What can we do about inhibitions?

    - help them overcome their fears by helping them to laugh with each other at various mistakes they


    - be patient, supportive,

    - elicit as much oral participation from students, esp. quiet ones to give them a chance to try things

    out- children need to be exposed to authentic language, it needs to be presented in context

    - various skills that we teach need to be interrelated to make our students see connections.

    Adolescent student

    - some say most interesting group, but they present teacher with more problems than other groups

    - you are no longer authority for them, peer approval is more important for them,

    - teacher may not be leader for them but potential enemy

    - the teacher should never forget that student needs to be seen in a good light by their peers, and

    teenagers are very sensitive, prone to humiliation if teacher is careless with criticism

    - the teen are in age of transition, confusion, grooving and changing bodies and minds

    - they have longer attention span, are more mature, complex problems can be solved with logical

    thinking, sophisticated, intellectual processes are possible

    - highly intelligent if stimulated very dedicated if involved

    - at this age getting the level of challenge right is vital. When the level is too low they will switch

    off. When is too high they will feel discouraged.

    - avoid embarrassment of student at all costs

    - affirm each person talents and skills

    - allow mistakes and other errors to be accepted

    - encourage group work where risks are more easily made


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    Easy group intrinsic motivation, they have purpose, advancement, easier because are mature

    - intellectual motivation they are more able to handle abstract rules and concepts

    - too much generalization, explanation can be deadly for adults too

    - longest attention span for material that may not be interesting to them, but it doesnt meanour classes should be boring

    - adult beginners they will be satisfied soon because they will achieve success quickly

    = what is motivating since everything is new little progress is success

    - intermediate student may not perceive progress, can be overwhelmed by the completely

    new language ( vocabulary )

    - INTERMEDIATE PLATEAU stage in learning when student can become easily demotivated

    or frustrated because he/she doesnt see the progress because that level allows to function,

    the same applies to advanced students the job of the teacher is to show the student that there

    is still a lot to learn, setting realistic goals for our students to achieve.

    Major factor getting the accurate level of challenge for our students.
