St. John Cantius ·...

Post on 28-Feb-2019

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Transcript of St. John Cantius ·...

St . John Cant ius Par i sh T h e C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y o f B r i d e s b u r g

Our Gospel today continues Jesus Sermon on the Plain, in which we heard Luke s version of the Beatitudes. This week, Jesus gives us new commandments, telling us how to live and act in the world as his disciples, rooted in the radical love of God for humanity. It reminds us of his later speech about loving one another as he loves us, in other words with a God-like love, the kind we see in today s psalm about God s mercy. How else could we do as Jesus tells us by loving our enemies, which seems impossible, until we remember that God gave us the example of Jesus, who is like God but also like us? David understands this merciful love when he spares the life of his enemy in the first reading. Finally, Paul tells us that we will become like Jesus if we act as he did, as God does. RADICAL LOVE Have you ever read or heard anything about Jesus being called a radical ? What such a statement ignores is that God has been a radical all through salvation history. What kind of superior being forgives the kind of unloving actions humankind has committed through the centuries? Answer: a God of radical mercy, kindness, love. In today s Gospel, Jesus teaches that, like himself, like God, we must love with God-like radical compassion, even those who are our enemies. Didn t Jesus give us an extreme example, forgiving those who put him to death? How difficult it is to be like God, like Jesus, forgiving, even loving, the very people who have treated us badly! The first reading gives another example. David was under a death sentence by King Saul, who had become David s enemy through jealousy. Given an opportunity to murder Saul in his sleep, David chose to let him live, out of respect for God s will toward Saul. David recognized that the only way for him to do God s will was to love Saul, his enemy, enough to refrain from being judge, jury, and executioner.

4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137

Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email Parish Website Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed

REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar DR. JOANNE H. WALLS Director of Religious Education EMAIL MR. DAVID ZAGORSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary MS. MICHALINA GORAL Media Coordinator EMAIL

BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski, Principal 215-338-9797

MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY MASSES 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES 8:00 A.M. Mon. thru Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M. Sat. (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M.



February 24, 2019 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

MONDAY – FEBRUARY 25th 8AM(E) For the people of St. John Can us TUESDAY – FEBRUARY 26th 8AM(E) Walter & Mary Kopacz req. Be y & Bob Koper & Jean McNally WEDNESDAY – FEBRUARY 27th 8AM(E) For Those Enrolled in the Memorial Fund THURSDAY – FEBRUARY 28th

8AM(E)Mario Franco req. Joanne & James Walls FRIDAY - MARCH 1st World Day of Prayer; First Friday 8AM(E) Ann Barth req. Theresa Dandalski 7PM(P) Krystyna of Patrick z Rodzina SATURDAY—MARCH 2nd

8AM(P) W Intencji Kazimiery 5PM(E) Bill Hays req. Tom & Kathy Crouthers SUNDAY – MARCH 3rd

8AM(E) Jane & Stanley Wojnarowicz req. Rita & Family 10AM(E) Wladyslawa Lipski req. Lore a Sucharski 11:30AM(P) Wojciech Dabrowski by Synowie

LECTORS MARCH 3 5PM Stephen Dombkoski 8AM Maria Sucharski 10AM Barbara Plocharski


Our Ordinary Time banners in Church and Chapel were donated by John & Kash Augustine, Regina Filipczak (Chalice & Bread Banner) & The Polish Parishioners. If you are interested in donating a banner, please call the rectory office. Thank you.

The Second Collec on today is for Fuel Offering 2/24. Next week’s collec on is for St. Vincent de Paul 3/3. There is no envelope for this collection.

Please pray for our recently deceased Benjamin Ronald Kapuscinski Jr. May God grant him eternal peace in His Presence.

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 24, 2019 Merciful and gracious is the LORD, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. — Psalm 103:8


Letter From Pastor We would like to reiterate the policy for receiving letters of eligibility to be Godparents for the Sacrament of Baptism and Sponsors for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We have listed the requirements to receive this document several times. If there is someone in your family who is being asked to serve in one of the above mentioned capacities, please make them aware of what they must be. First of all, they must be a registered member of the parish who is practicing their faith by attending Mass on Sundays and receiving the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist regularly. If they are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church. We cannot issue a letter of eligibility to anyone who is not a member of the parish or is not practicing their faith. The privilege of being a Godparent or Sponsor presumes that the faith will be passed on and that the role of being a faithful Godparent or Sponsor will be lived out by example. In the vestibule of the Church, we have boxes for you to place your blessed palm from last year. We will burn the palm to create ashes for distribution on Ash Wednesday, which will be on March 6th, just a few weeks away. Would you be interested in going to see and listen to Matthew Kelly? He is the author and founder of Dynamic Catholic who is the author of the books that I have been giving you at Christmas. He is a very dynamic speaker who will make a presentation at St. Ephrem Parish on Saturday evening, June 29th, beginning at 7:00 PM. With his signature combination of the profound and the practical---and witty sense of humor---Matthew Kelly introduces you to new habits that will re-energize every area of your life, and inspire you to start living with passion and purpose. If you are interested in going, please call the rectory. Tickets are $39.00. If we get enough people, we will get a bus. If not, we will carpool. May you all have a beautiful week! OUR DYNAMIC CATHOLIC THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Prayer helps us identify what matters most and strengthens our hearts and minds to give priority to those things in our daily lives.” A SECOND DYNAMIC CATHOLIC THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Even though God has the power to renew the face of the earth with mighty winds and powerful forces, he does not do so. He chooses to use you and me—he wants to bring renewal in his people through his people.”

Remember the Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic:




List od Proboszcza

Chcielibyśmy powtórzyć regulamin dla otrzymania zaświadczenia bycia Chrzestnym lub sponsorem Bierzmowania. Już kilka razy wymieniliśmy wymogi do otrzymania tego dokumentu. Jeśli jest ktoś w twojej rodzinie, który został poproszony na sponsora tych sakramentów, musi zapoznać się z wymogami. Przede wszystkim muszą być zarejestrowanym członkami parafii, którzy praktykują swoją wiarę przez udział w Niedzielnej Mszy Świętej i regularnie przyjmowanie Sakramentów Pokuty i Eucharystii. Jeśli są małżeństwem, muszą mieć ślub w Kościele katolickim. Nie możemy wydać listów kwalifikacyjnych dla kogoś, kto nie jest członkiem parafii albo nie praktykuje naszej Katolickiej wiary. Przywilej bycia Chrzestnym lub Sponsorem zakłada, że wiara zostanie przekazana i że rola bycia Chrzestnym lub Sponsorem będzie przekazywana przez te osoby. Przy wejściach do Kościoła mamy pudełka, w których można umieścić święcone palmy z zeszłego roku. Spalimy palmy, by zrobić prochy do dystrybucji w Środę Popielcową, która odbędzie się 6 marca. Czy chcielibyście zobaczyć Matthew Kelly'ego? Jest autorem i założycielem Dynamic Catholic, który napisał książki, które dawałem wam na Boże Narodzenie. Jest bardzo dynamicznym mówcą, który poprowadzi prezentację w parafii Św. Ephrem w Bensalem w sobotę wieczorem, 29 czerwca, o godzinie 19:00. Dzięki jego charakterystycznemu połączeniu głębokiego, praktycznego - i dowcipnego poczucia humoru - Matthew Kelly wprowadza nas w nowe nawyki, które na nowo pobudzą każdy obszar naszego życia i zainspirują nas do życia z pasją i celem. Jeśli jesteście zainteresowani wyjazdem, zadzwoń na plebanię. Bilety są $39.00 od osoby. Jeśli zdobędziemy wystarczającą liczbę ludzi, dostaniemy autobus. Jeśli nie, pojedziemy autami. Życzę pięknego tygodnia! NASZE DYNAMICZNE MYŚLI KATOLICKIE NA TYDZIEŃ: Modlitwa pomaga nam rozpoznać, co jest najważniejsze, i umacnia nasze serca i umysły, aby nadać priorytet tym rzeczom w naszym codziennym życiu. Chociaż Bóg ma moc odnawiania oblicza ziemi potężnymi wiatrami i siłami, nie czyni tego. Postanawia wykorzystać ciebie i mnie - chce przynieść odnowienie w swoim ludu poprzez swój lud.

Pamiętaj Cztery oznaki Dynamicznego Katolika: MODLITWA - NAUKA - HOJNOŚĆ - EWANGELIZACJA

*************************************************************************************** Rekolekcje wielkopostne w języku polskim w naszej Parafii rozpoczną się w Środę Popielcowa/6 marzec/i będą trwały do Pierwszej Niedzieli Postu włącznie. Spotkania rekolekcyjne w tygodniu będą o godzinie 19:00, natomiast w sobotę/9 marca/będzie Msza św. o godz. 11:00, na którą zapraszamy wszystkich Chorych i tu zostanie udzielony Sakrament Chorych. W niedziele nastąpi zakończenie naszych polskich rekolekcji. Tegoroczne rekolekcje prowadzić będzie O. Zbigniew Bruzi CSSR –Redemptorysta, który jako kapłan pracuje w Polsce w Elblągu. Zapraszam nasza Polonię uczestniczenia w Rekolekcjach i proszę was wszystkich o modlitwę w intencji naszych Duchowych Ćwiczeń i jak najowocniejszych darów od Boga nam.


CONTINUED FROM COVER PAGE BEARING A GOD-LIKE IMAGE Today s psalm praises God for showing mercy toward us, even though we are weak-willed and consistently in need of forgiveness. God is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked, too, and calls us to show this God-like mercy to all. In Paul s letter to the Corinthians, he tells us that by living and loving as Jesus did, as new creatures, we will bear his image as well. That being the case, and knowing that we are all children of a merciful God, made in God s image and likeness, we take on the image of Jesus through God-like kindness and compassion. That word radical comes from the Latin word for root (radix)--we hear this truth every year during the season of Advent. One of the names of the Promised One, Jesus, is Root of Jesse--indeed, a radical from before his birth.


Monday: Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Sir 4:11-19; Ps 119:165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Sir 17:1-15; Ps 103:13-18; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Sir:27:4-7; Ps 92:2-3, 13-16; 1 Cor 15:54-58; Lk 6:39-45


The SJC Ac vi es Commi ee is looking for dona ons for our Irish-themed Cash Bingo basket raffle on Sunday, March 10, 2019 in our auditorium. We have received many compliments on how

our parish has the most beau ful baskets, and we have our parishioners and friends to thank for dona ng these gi s, their

me and talent! If you can donate a basket to be raffled off at the Cash Bingo, call 215-535-6667. The basket does not need to be Irish themed. Please drop off all baskets to the Rectory by Friday, March 8. Thank you for your ongoing support!

DO NO HARM We listen quite a while before we get to the “punch line” of the first reading today: even though it would be an easy thing to do, David will not harm the anointed one of the Lord. We, of course, know that Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed one of God, but the Bible uses this term for many different people. It is scripture’s way of indica ng who has been chosen by God for a special place and mission in salva on history. In today’s Gospel, Jesus presents a greatly enlarged list of those who, as children of God, we should not harm, but love instead: our enemies, those who curse us or do us harm, those who owe us money, the ungrateful, the wicked. The point of Jesus’ teaching is not to encourage these kinds of behaviors in others, but rather to form us in the image of our heavenly Father by increasing our opportuni es to love uncondi onally, expec ng no return; to be merciful and forgiving, even when it would be easier not to.


Collec on Count for Feb. 17, 2019

A n Env Cash Checks Total 5pm 90 67 $581 $1,020 $1,601 8am 74 48 $409 $485 $894 10am 159 72 $779 $773 $1,552 11:30 139 60 $807 $117 $924 Total 462 247 $2,576 $2,395 $4,971 Mailed Env. 18 $55 $533 $588 Aging Priests 172 $781 $477 $1,258 Rel. Ed 14 $43 $33 $76 Parish Repairs 18 $61 $535 $596 Grand Total $3,516 $3,973 $7,489 Total Deposit $7,489


Feb. 24 Connie Perrault & Maryann Marszalek Mar. 3 Joan Reed, Michelle Skalski & Terri Pacan Mar. 10 Terry Casey & Joe Foster Mar. 17 Connie Perrault & Maryann Marszalek Mar. 24 Joan Reed, Michelle Skalski & Terri Pacan


Lottery tickets will be sold in the back of the Chapel or Church. Calendars are now available for distribution. The cost of each calendar for the month is $5.00. The winning number is based on the evening drawing of the Pennsylvania Lottery. Daily prizes of $50.00 a day and Sundays are $100.00. Plus each month a bonus day! Sellers are needed. Tickets will be sold before and after each Mass. This will be an on going fundraiser. We ask for you help and support to make this an ongoing success. Thank you for your support of our Parish.

DATE NUMBER PRIZE WINNER SELLER Feb 13 291 $50 Unsold Feb 14 029 $50 Kathleen Feb 15 453 $50 Unsold Feb 16 791 $50 Unsold Feb 17 049 $100 Unsold Feb 18 368 $50 Unsold

Rosary Society News

Please note that the Rosary will be prayed on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 12:30pm in the current Chapel which is the Baby/Crying Room off the Main Altar in the Big Church. Entrance will be through the Side Door (in the old school yard) adjacent to the said Chapel. This will continue until further notice. We hope you can attend (weather permitting).


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