Pecha kucha

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Pecha kucha

Coral Depledge P12194264

Pecha Kucha

Visual Media and the Quantified Self -

The online tools in terms of quantified self that I use are within the visual media category of the web. Such as – Last.Fm, Trakt.tvOther online tools that I use are in the category of tracking my interests within lists and used as inspiration boards.Such as – Listography, Pintrest, Goodreads

Social Media usage and the Quantified Self -

Then there are the social media websites that I use often, they aren’t scrapbooking ideas, inspirations and tracking what I watch day-t0-day and the music I am listening to right at that very second. They do allow me to express and if need be, track my feelings and thoughts.

Social Media used – TUMBLR, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook


It is a useful online music scrobbler, with timeframes, album art, information

for upcoming gigs and about your favourite artists biographies all in one.

Users type in a music genre or a band/artist name and can listen to what

is related to what is typed in within a radio format.

Why do I use Last.FM?

I’ve used it for years, it allows me to see my music trends – what I listen to a lot of the time, my favourite bands/artists

of the week/month.

To look for upcoming gigs.

So I can discover new bands/artists similar to my own taste.

My Instagram


InstagramA photo application that allows users to edit their own taken photos with different filters,

frames and blur motion to give that out-of-focus effect.

Users can also share these with other Instagram users and comment and like their


On the next slide you can see the time frame of when I’ve uploaded photos during each month.

Why Instagram?

It’s only something I’ve started using recently – I like the sharing factor of the

application – The fact I can follow celebrities that I admire or just other

people’s photos in general.

So I can share with friends and users my experiences weekly – What I’m up to

To get to know more people as I go along in the online world.