Justin falowski

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Justin falowski

Meet Team DTV Video: Justin Falowski

See the video: https://youtu.be/-SMkbr75FVo

So who are you and what do you do here?

I am Justin Fallowski I am the CFO of Downtown Vapes.

And how long did you smoke cigarettes before you started vaping?

Well, I stopped smoking at 25, started smoking at 12, so 13 years.

And How long have you lived in West Palm Beach?

West Palm Beach I’ve lived in for 8 years, Florida my whole life.

And how long have you been vaping?

Coming up on four years.

What device are you currently using?

I am using the Sigelei 150, tested and true that thing’s a Tank, and currently I’m getting back

into the RBA (rebuildable atomizer so I’m rocking the Goliath.

What’s your favorite part of vaping?

My favorite part of vaping is being able to breathe. And when I am inhaling something it

doesn’t taste like ass.

What’s the first device you used?

Well, uh barring the cigalikes, cus I think we’ve all tried the cigalikes for 6 hours, I was using

the light bulb, which would be the Vivi NOVA with the regular standard voltage. And they had

the hanging down wicks and everything like that, but it was amazing at the time.

What’s your favorite flavor?

My favorite flavor is Potion #9, I lean towards the dessert flavors so I also like our smurfberry

cupcake, pretty much anything that taste like dessert.

And why did you wanna work in the vaping industry?

I wanted to work in the vaping industry after it became very easy for me to quit. I realized that

for someone who smoked as much as I did, for me to be able to quit I knew that it was

something of the future, and I definitely wanted to jump in and be a part of it.

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